Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 14, 1926, p. 4

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k5lp s5pp r- w 1 ir it if- 1 5 the home of jr arhm sto 0fl member canadian weekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies o ontario the acton free pressis published evcxy thursday morning at the free press build irag mill street acton ontario tjie subscription price is 300 per rear in advance postage ii charged additional to offices in the unitd states the date jo which subscript iotii arc paid is indicated on the address label- advertising rates- transient advert- ments io cents per line agate measure for first insertion and s cents per line tor each xubs- querit insertion contract display adrertise- ments for 50 inches or more per annum 18 cenxi per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions- will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly h p moore president and editor r c a diws manager and assistant editor v relemiones- editorial and business office residence of president residence of manager j j collingwoods new collegiate institute the itev collegiate institute at collingwood wos officially opened by licutgovernbr h cockshutt last week w ith prime jlinisterfcrgusofipmiitister of jdufatioii also present the collingwood bulletin gives a- highly interesting detailed and illustrated re port of the historic event a report admirably writ ten and repletewith desirable informatibn it is very creditable to editor williams to thus prepare in convenient form this chapter of local history cov- erirlg a period ofthreequartersof a century it is very fitting also because his esteemed father ttiu late william williams became principal of the col lingwood grammar school which wo the nucleus of the fine collingwood collegiate institute which has earned so wide a prestige in ontario int873 and on may 15 1925 officially laid the corner stone of the building destroyed by fire in december 1923 the cost of the new building was 140000 counting the cost thursday moving january 14 1926 editorial the unitedstetwirnhtliefcraeu despatches from the united states predicting thnt that country will accept tlie invitation othe league of nations to participate in its preliminary disarmament studies and that the senate is ready to approve united states adherence to the perma nent court of internationa justice are causing much interest in league of nations circles there they are interpreted as indications of increased united states cooperation with the nations which consult together at geneva the situation at ottawa the present situation in the house of commons is unparalled in canadas history neither of the old parties has a majority in the house consequently the progressives and independents hold the balance of power for weeks the readers of the conservative pilfers have been- told that the liberals are aiming to iretain office although the conservative repre sentdtion in the house outnumber them by fifteen as a matter of fact thef conservative party is out numbered by thirteen either party is dependent upolhfhe progressives for power to carry on the mail and empire says the king government is en deavoring to carry on for the pake of the fruitsof office and pray why is mr meighens supportes- so anxious to get into office butf for the same ob jective this is not saying much for the priniary ob ject of either party but unfortunately it appears to be very near the truth in both cases a week or so will prove which party is the better able to command a majority sufficient to properly administer the sf- uliull it profit ii miui fairs of our couriyjmjlhje h own mul7 true success constats uonie- timemlnrijllnqulblilng nit in nchiev- inff the dinner table wan flet and mother and father vera valtlng th llttlo hon hail ijiiiiw mornfnjr rihddenfy they hoiird him coming lon the walk in i three jumps ho waif u i the atcph and bu rutins through the open door ho eagerly ran to jiih mother holding ui for inspection i- hhlnlng hah mother see what i have caught ho cried imit it u ilne one yea i nee the jihii and it la very fine aaltl the nmtticr- i am hui you inunt 1m proud to have caught it hut i wee uomethlng larger and niore important than the flub- i 1ee a pair at kuoi ahooa covered with slimy mud from hole to top a inilr of atocklngri torn in heeral pliice ault of clothe ho holled that it willhave to be clon ed liefore it ih fit to- be worn again and i nee a boy who disobeyed hlh mother and went to the stream alone do you think the fish vus worth ft do you think i can be well pleaed with even mo fine a iihii after you paid huch a price forh ah the boy looked at lila soiled shocw niid ciotheh he realized with shame his dltiobedlence towurd one whom tic really loved better than anyone- else in the world he turned from his flnh thut liaiji appeared ho attractive at first and that had ueemed such a biff achievement and with downcast fiee took his place at hip uuble when the meal was over ha said alter this i am go ins to think what it mean to other ieoifle and- net just to myself when i ntnrt doing any- uiing it is far more fun o plea hi you thaltlo-itcjijihh- nfter t is over i dont like fishing no vtrclrua ftliobsht i did r and what of grownup children wh go flailing for the prirew in life ih there such a thing as kuiylng too high price for a coveted prise is 11 possible to win kuccchh and at the mime time lose that which makes suc cess worth while do wo pay too high a price for our flsh it 1m possible to sain great wealth at the price of honor advancement at the price of a good conscience tern porary reputation at the price o character popular applause at th price of truth if in jicindlble to gain worldly ease and the pleasures of sin nti the juice of eterrfal life wht neighborhood news- tdwn and country miltin ie mcjapilct hjietit niv ypnrs in wuotlntock with hm brulhuril eii jiiid jack j k llttlo hufl been- aptolntul is- huer of nutoinobtfa hccudcu uucoed inr o a hembtroet roslictietu alru i bnkcr of wiitcrdown tknl her luufihtcr mihm doiih lltiwof the sick chlmrcnh halltl tvjmnto ulont new yqnh iitm-t- the guefltiiof mrh wnvhewb tllere were only a couple of clmnech in milton town council for 192g haity london and ix 11 uulbrnlli htscceoa o smithc ami v sloxvlbon retired the two men ought to muko rued ccunciiiorh tho mild weather played jlot with the leb at the arenii and curllnsr rink insn week coniieiucntly ull iiockoy gonefl akutlnff und curling have been huapencted for the preoent wullace dlckln of owen sound an old milton hoy headed the poll for councillors at the munlcliuil election iield in qwen sound lulling 2027 votes tho next highetft pollins lt16 the annual neetlnir of the milton horticultural society will bo licit thin evening nt eight oclock in the council oinmber iteformer the factory experirwent burlington iratiort tfidhthe right thing in meeting parliament or whether it should have resigned several weeks ago and handed the situation ovetlotvlr meighen will soon be determined editorial notes universal amity engendered by the radio it was almost an uncanny feeling which crept over us as we listened in new years eveniirg to the first british concert of music broadcasted by radio as the sounds came stealing out of the air when ye sat coiu hy nnr firyginv ir jmtum the bramuptonian which was established in brampton by j erttffutrtofitn may last has ceased publication this journal pointed out when it came into the field that there vis not room for threi papers in brampton under present condition mr fullarton was wise in discontinuing when he did the brampton ion was a very creditable publication however one of the most sprightly weekly papers in east ern ontario is the carleton place canadian it is like voices from that realm beyond the veil of which our scientific friends are so learnedly debating- it was a genuine annihilation of space for it is stated the transmission took a quarter of a secondand then it was passed on down to central and south america and to the pacific coast and away over the great- western ocean to the beautiful cocal islands of the southern seas and we sat and listened while the atncticimtrana played nymns ot good will in th jnational anthems of manvnatiod3 all of whichi were distinctly heard in the various lands for which they were intended talk about your fellowship clubs radio is proving the greatest agency for universal amity which has ever been discovered or devised ttie benefittofw fjimpfnuntlrini piling up years of useful service to the community and last week celebrated its fiftyfirst birthday air t a j davis the publisher is a newspaper man b instinct andtralning and his long practical exper ience enables him to keep his paper in the front ranks the people of fergus evidently have faith in their the workmens compensation board for the province of ontario has just issued a statement showing that the board awarded 556544339 in benefits in 1925 this figure is noticeably lower- than the total for 1924 which was 612282034 while compensation awarded has been less the total num ber ofj accidents has been greater amounting in 1925 to 60012 as compared with 58675 during 1924 one notable feature of the accident statistics ho-w- ever is the decrease in fatalities the total number in 1925 being 345 which is considerably less than the figures for 1924 which were set at 402 this alone is a mosl important item to the whole province it is evident from the figures issued by the board ihnt while minor accidents show an increase probably due in part to better reporting the serious and more costly types of accidents are on the down grade will lawbreakers be allowed to role there appears to be a percentage of people jn the courjtry who are easily discouraged in the matter of maintaining moral issues and giving the prestige of their influence in the enforcement of law this particularly in connection with the ontario tem perance act the q is whether a great and bene hcirt reform is to beaand0nedot lective at the bidding of a small group of desperate lawbreakers that is all that is involved in the ar gument about bootlegging it means that if- the 5ft- bo ami ihuii uumuuiers w ottiy tight the v law hard enough the people who cast enormous ma jorities for prohibition- and who are enjoying the lbeneiits ofprphibitioirrwill tneekysnrrendedrthc other course it to fight as against a foreign invader and enlist all the forces of law and order against the transgressors exploring the whole field of law canada not dependent upon united states anthracite coal the people of ontario und even farther afiiflld are getting accustomed to burning anthracite coal substitutes and are rapidly coming to the conclti- f sion that canada is not dependent upon the antlira- 4 coal mines of the united states with their rogu- lii recurring miners sftrikcg the necessary use of jmt coal boulets etc has shown that these suh- vttutes ciibe tiliedrvery satisfactorily oil barn- eriare also hieing installed in many homes also und tfuvchange from caf to oil will greatly reduce the y demand tar hard coal wherever hydrd electric current is available it also is being rapidly adopted tor cooking ranges and auxiliary heating equipment the necessary use of fuel substitutes this winter ijnfty eventually mean a blessing to canada in gly lag the people practical demonstration that harri jflhs ncttneceaasity and in inducing o cmjerta oyer a much wfder area than heretofore to adopt he consampjion of our own excellent varieties f town for they purcnased- nearly the whole issue of lpl4helli lplljhcstmefcpavjngettteiptise of last year but why did they make their purchase of these local debentures from a toronto financial house instead of buying them direct from their own town treasurer acton people have the habit of buying local debentures at home and thus saving the bond dealers commissions everywhere atonce the arjronuut print an ttnecdotc rtcelvo fiom the nuvy ynrd nt marc ihtunil callfurnln h in tvltl hy a iiiiviil olllccr wlio ut thd time of tho occurrence wjih a mltlaltlpman jut out of the acriilemy hin vemci wuh clohtroylng a lilockiulo r4jrner aiffouiid rear tho entrance of mlie ilay all t once the dltuibted craft rcturneil tlio lire and n idiot ajhtl dlaectly over the union vcsmci i wjih htatlonoil on tue forecaatie said the naval ojilcer and i give you njy vtrd i thought thait mhot wan coming htriilkht for my dead or v miy rate wuh eohisr to tpmxe it m fjrnt impulho wait to tlodej my next vkat to feel a kim mod f my cowardice and to kiii nee n round to hcc if any one had observed it a conmollnff might met my eye cuiu iraf h u hutt save an uiuktrrtted iuttlrc on floilciilturc before the horticultural society on tueudn evenlnff 5or hodleybon of mr and mrs t x hedley haetavehuojtnjlujt to the hamilton liohpfpiluittvfinfjr liiht hulterink from a fractured skull an the result of u fall while akatlnff ntt the rlrik on new years eve about 230 on saturday afternoon uwt aa mr e w smith water st wiw d living alonf tho hlghtvuy he hen a robin in a liawthorne tree on mr font youngs property on the lake afiore hide of the road rurllnsrton can truly bb citlled he hind of floweih even in the winter time ohtueaday mrs w vullance lick e1 jmnfly in full bloomjnjiei flwiffnrden7tidbl it lo the alette otllce where it in now on 11h- pir- jlr b- j corwln reports tlio ole of 1g feet off- p w taylorlot brnnt and jnmes 6treeth to mr el a met calfe mr metclafe htia already com menced the erecton of anow htore on the lot for for hlit heating and plumb ink bualrieiih a lnrsre registration of men ir ex pected to take the flrnt aid to the injured course at the vocation clasfi- eh at the hlph school tomorrow thumday evenlnjr dr a h sneer- m o h- wlllbe in chargre and the clujwefl will le cbntlnueil every thuri- day evening for six weeks a jtonian catiojlc prjcht n ji new york own lutclv uhnounued -from- ht lit pulpit that he iyliel hlu men and boya to ralao tliolr iiath to a certain local minister when they mot hlin on tho btreot tlila unusual rcqueht wuh tho result not ut niticlch upon church unity but ut u iiersopul exemplifies lion of bibthcrly love tho in in inter in tho cihu la settled in a little town jii tlio eant auyh tlie church kconiinlt in which there in also a large factory hewont oncduy to tho ownern of the tannery and said you have two tiundrod men in your enjloy few of them ever enter a church some arc notoriously drunk en when wine j invit is out i want to help theni by prcajhlnfr n noriea of sormons ut every day life 1 think i can do uomethlug to make them bettor- for you and better men mean bettpr worlc y the memberh of tlie firm connultett amonjr themselves nd at length of fered to suvcanliouh timoeacli noofi for two weeks the experiment begun on monday and each duyt meeting marked some step of itrogtchs ort saturduy the hpeo-keo- jippealod to the men to take their wives and children to church tho next duy all the local pastors reported a inre attendance of working nidii with their famfles that had attended their chuucheh ou tho following bunclny at one church two men asked the clergyman to give them tho temperance nledge a sermon on bunyan the swearing tinker led to the formation of an nntlrtwearlng society ajid most of the men iti the factory joined it tho talk upon john it hough influenced forty men to tako the pdedge of abstinence tho last day of tue services the old ojdtoryof tlie cross was told aa jf for the llrst tfine und eighty nteinobc- to expresh a dclre to lead a new life as the inst hymn wus announced a member of the irni rost to iestlfythe valuo of the servloen he had already raised the wagea of a ucoro of men who were doing better work- em ployees who hud been given to in temperance who vere blasphemous foulmouthed hiiucy iyid hard to gft on with were ntukjxxoremler more industrlouh more jnlnstaking the bitter op of aljaaloon kvepoi whtcirnfhe minister incurred because his scrmojin had de the jiqpor seller pitiff la onehalf wuh perhaps no lews significant of results than the direction of the priest that his riien salute the mlnlstor on tlie street thcvpower of one main who says i will is ineatlniulble this incident of the tannerymcetlngaa true in every detail confirms it gems tff- thought cxvorvonilng tliu worhl implies over coming a state of worldly anxiety worldly men are utmost incesauntly in a fever of anxiety teat tliolr world ly hcltcmou ah ou id fall ijut the mui who geth above the world gets above thlh state of cciiticleah and corroding anxiety charges o lmnney when i choose my friend 1 will not stay till i have received a kindliest but i will choose such a unc that can do me many if i wish- them but i mean such kindncuhcm which pi a fie me wiser and whlcli make me better jeremy taylor over the future oil has cast a veil which it is not for u in our curiosity to try to ralae of thin only we may be sure that those who nought com- munlou with jesua upon earth uro enjoying still higher communion now work to my idea is not enough for any mun or woman one needs lovoas well work and love are the full complement of contentment the one helps the other to make n perfect- whoje olive gregory- its not whatyoud do with a million if riches should be your lot liut what you ore doing at present with the dollar and a half you have got the path of a good woman ik indeed strewn with lloeia but they rise be hind her stops not liefore them john kuskln the noblest deeds of heroism are done within four walls not before the public gaze jean jtiul ilitcher business directory medical dr j a mcniven phytloian and 8tnort office and roaldence cornorbosi avenue and egln street phone 88 dr e j nelson frederick strektp aoton ontario legal phone no 22 p o sox us harold nash farmer k a barrltr solicitor notary ptiblia xonvyancer etc pebrymam block acton ont money lent on mortgages hours j80 arn to sptso saturdays 1200 oclock keeping potatoes from sun- burning lany housuivlves have to use hun- burned potiituch throughout tho wintor jnul aprlntf nn the result of n little heedleskness they wonder why their iiotitoes turn durlt when they are cooked und are not more meuly nnri lialutiible too mucli light in the cel lar ih frequently the cuuse potntooh may be njured by sunflhino without dental dr j m bell d d s l d si dantlat honor oradluate of toronto ttnlvar- slty the latest anesthetic used i dealred ofllco at resldonce corner of mm and frederick streets dr p g gollop dds uojs dental 8uroon ortce over bank of nora sootla hoitrs i0 to sj0 bvenlnsa by appointment hows this iii ftrill iioutenunt aft on the ikmi drck wrero just stmlkhtenlnk ui and 1 liear1 tlie enp- tnln tuiy in tone of relief ily george that was ji clop hlynvc the confounded thing mut hiive iiuuiied jut over our ueadh wcvndered how that could be uee- tne hadt gone directly over mine and nt that inntunt i heard the voice of an irlahman who had mcuded a ikjsiuon midway between me and the ofll begorry byen wild he i could imve caught it in me hat riddles the provincial legislature is announced to- open on wednesday february 10th it is anticipated that the session will lie a lengthy one hut it will be pro lific of much interest for those who believe in pro hibition as a feature of social uplift which ontario should not discard it js pretty generally conceded that the next provincial election whenever it comes will be fought on this issue itwill be well for the people of ontario to be ready for such an issue a dispatch from winnipeg says bootleggers have made such inroads into the profits of the mani toba liquor commission that the authorities have offered a reward for the apprehension of violators or information that will lead to the seizure of illicit stills it is estimated that the commissions profits decreased 100000 in 1925 lets see isnt mani toba under government control and didnt the opponents of the ontario temperance acl clamor in the plebiscite election of 1924 for the repeal of that act so that bootleggirfg might be entirely wiped out the forest free press has commenced its forty eight volume with a vigor and an experience which is admirab for neqrly jialfacenturjl4hft alniwil duiinroownihe me hole politsiwutpuifiry wotthilytheinterests ofl- vaa forest and of xambton county generally the editor of the free press mr h j pettypiece ex- m p p has been the e and publisher for fortythree years he has seen forest make sub- stantial progress ana has himself influenced in a large degree the adoption improvements and utili- tiesrwhici tendtiiiakethetowfr the place it is tliedrjbttliorso dejgiumjmvii- reputation and repu table pnlic mrth ui of bp and strongest in the world this is found is partly because the belgians stuck to their stand ards during the war and refined to breed lighter horses for cavalry and artillery they went qn rais- n largeframed energetic work horses which stand so high in the estimation of canadian and united states farmers and draft-horse- users during the visit of the editor to belgium no stock of arfy kind was niore admired an these jne heayydraft bel gian hprsestwith their great strength and fine ap pearance there ft iwcalfaaa today 125000000 njiorc money available for general business purposes than usual at this rime of year says sir josh aird this president of the canadian bank of commerce there is plenty of money available to finance new undertakings needed for the development of canada the dominion is in splendid shape to go ahead manufacturers m practically all linos and commer- dtal hpusey jnaerfl n wdunsja theirjndebted- ness to an xtept iinppssible 7praydrl year paat ai the ban its show the saroithlna great xedupr tion in fofiweiatcnim itilpcailgiilit itsttmmjsiiiikiiiaiiisiissaijlivfisiifc alhhff banks 7 uemy i why ih an old maith sheep farm thnt jb run by hit non like the tocuh of a burningsjaafl uecauhe it ik a plnce where tho nona ralkd nieut sunu rayii meet wlmt ia ua d b soldier and a clock a aoldler markw time with hi feet nnl a clock markn time wlu its hands why 1 a hnake up a tree like a boy dolus hlu ums uecauae he la and adder wp what h it that nil the eojie in th world are doing at thin very tfno- mentt oolnff ground with the world when fa the aun sroncroua when it tlph the cloudk with sold where waii tho flmt htoto grown in the earth what la the aaddest nlfht nt a wed- ting feat xlie tke ih uuaily in team ter erin wt j wilhon reeve of calctlori won hit election by a majority ot 443 votcn over iiih oiiionent thomas qulnn miw w v young- and famfly of the 10th line were presented wltb handsome upholstered rockera on new venr eve prior to their removail to om rv- a l piatt of the local church of chrlht preached iiih fn re well ner- niori on sunday lajtt he intends re- nuhng in hillabure indefinttely liow- ever tho annual meeting of hrin horti cultural society will be lield in the town hnll this evening tlie annual meeting of the town- shit of erin- aijr cultural society will be held n tho town hall on wednewv jhiy jinimvy 2ft- nt fwtrtvlnnk mia c x shaw leather ln the secon room of tho local public achool wiiiihble return to her dirties after the vacatpn being iii at her home at iakcnhuim mr duncan ilcconuol hna sold iiih resldcnco on main street to mr win ha tea ford of the villi tee he moved jildcrly knffllh lady to her husband to the lower purtot the village wrhere he will reside with mr james faulk ner mrs mcconnemav father for the lirfwffrtt making it worth while there vvoh a measure of jiltllosbphy in the conduct of a certain irlsnmon of whom a story is printed in current literature in walking over a plunk hldewalk vvhllo counting rionie mnnoy he dro- let a nickel which rolletl into a crack uetveen two of the plankn he was much put out und continued on his way irrumhllnk audibly early the nvxt mornlrur n friend while walking the spot dlhcnvered the irishman in the act of deliberately and desiring to jehrn why tat should throw away money inquired his ren- bonh and received the following fix plniiatlon it was this wa said lt its yesterdiny i was imimdn wny when htn nickel dowfithiit hole now- i rhoned that it wasnt vorth me while to jkiii uii that j ultfewalk far a nickel but- last flight aachexnotruck- ma nnd i nm drojtpiqg dawn the dot- laioto make it worth me while m mr cllffoid crcelnin pent new yeafh with his wife and family who are vlidtlrig at toiieka kansati mr w a bailey wlto underwent an obligation at welleel hospltnl toioiito on tuesday is progressing favorably mr robert l- leslie of norvnl wa the reclfilent of many hearty congrnt- uiatlonv on saturday last january 2- when he celebrated his eightieth birth day mr leslie ih still hate and hearty the annual meeting of esquealny agricultural society will be held ln hhe council chamber georgetown on vednenday january 20th at 2 pm qn thursday evening december tho royal arch masons of george town held their annual installation hlght excellent com i is h corlee j- t cameron h q mel r ami j b wal lace with ex comnlt cotton and plnd- lay of ouelph performed the cere- mon jiljudj x- jcumiv is g arnold wus h with iwolflrtirctihii orttce on tucsdiiy evenlngdecembor t9 1326 the general lofllcec commnndlng military district no 2 prlgadler gn- enil a h itell c m g o s o and 4tl sta o li it p they were oiscu8ing the m the ilrooklyn chlxen tellw about a farmer who said to bin negro ser vant jim have you fed the hoires yaslr wlint did you feed m ttys ditl you feed the cowsf vamlr what did you feed emv old you feed tho dueltnr yflflslr what did you feed em v kay v did tliey eatut vnmwlr dry didnt siiotly eat it so far as i saw but doy wa talking nlhartwfien iler z this is a great aqe never in air history did men have so much to live for as they liaye now never did they have so much to live in never did they have do much to live with and yet never dhl they seem to imve i little to live by ve live in a world toijny where the very air l iulvei with human nimech wliere the rtkles reftctunliy withlhuiitc and voiig where every tlmuiit wr- think ocfl uhlvtirlng to hnir- oome when meep oallwth unto deep and when day onto dnv uttereli speech and night untd night the following are the new officers of loyiu no 112 erin for the ea- buink year e wright master j balrdt deputy master t c foster chavlitln j e austin recordlnit secretary j h scott financial sec retary is scott treasurer jas ir win lecturer commlfteo h itabln- on g jackson a mcleod g ht scott and g h walker advocate georgetown ah extensive owner- of city real estate was called upon- at hbj office one morning by u stranger who asked him ih this mr 1liilpot yea sir ho replied fi you own tho property at 575 uumhlethofpo avenue dppt you- yes i am told that you are trying to sell it i am i should like to buy it if your price ih reasonable enough mny t nnlf whn vn nr ctuauymliowingninburnqii the sur face often you am detect the blight greenish tinge just beneath the skin vhen there are no outward signs of it it nuiy be keen at times as a dis tinct layer of green cells immediately below the outer skin i n t he ordinary cellar potatoes are jtept in too much light the house wife unoti those from tlie top of the lille and ih us exposes those beneath which la turn are subjected to the un favorable light rays in that way it is easy to be using sunburned pota toe constantly without reaitzlhg it i that have been in ii light nmmor in lint with tho sunlight khlnink through a cellar window for only a few days are nerloualy injured they aif heavy and floggy dark color- el and not- uniform in texture when cooked it is alwiiys advisjtble to keep the rotato pile coverel with gunny sack cipvuh or some such material if the cellar is at all light it ih still easier to tack gunny sacks over the win dows i nm professor ooodklnd of the university i have untight the place next to no 575 for n residence and to be frank i dont like the kind of tenants you rent your house to i wish to buy it und ttelect my own neighbors ny slrl answered the -rtwnei- of the property that puts a different aspect on the matter i dont care to sell tho plnce now 1 shall keep it and raise the rent oh- the grpind thnt the neighborhood is improving butcher my dear listen to tliifi and tell me what you make of it exclaimed the miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account boohs of all kinds made to order periodicals ofevery description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham street guolph oat oor wllluun store bj kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 years experience list your pboperty with mb acton ontario gso lieut col hllchle and capt ititlnl inajvected d comimny of the halton rifles at the armories georaro- towh there were 31 all ranks on tmirmlip th genero1 vcxpreaped htm- melfaj being very pleased with the way training had con carried on in spite of ithe adverse clrcumstsnceh lack of money p pj hm datlon- the reglnaent under the com- maiid of major h m kennedy ih mnklnk great progresh toward u strong and efflolent unit and d company is helalnfi to set the pucehernld his heart was won a plainsman and his horse a mountnlnccr and his dog a spinster and her cut an irlahniifn andhla put all these suggest familiar opportuni ties of reiichlpg nn owner henrt througl his it animal the ffebcnukajovrnnl bay tnat wwch colonel van wyck now or that htate wus ruphlng for congress many years ago there wan a eertainirlslv manwho steadfastly- refusr to 1w the old soldier nny encouragement tlie colonel wan greatly surprised therefiwe when pat informed him oh election day that he had concluded tovote for him dladl to hear it glad to hear it said the colonel i rather thought yon were arnlnit ihe patrick well lr fiajd patrick 1 wui and whin ye slurt by mo pigpen anil talked that dny fur twqhuraor woraip ye didnt budge me it hairs breadth sir bu t nxiuryij wus- g one a way -j- jget to thinking how ye reached yer hand overth fence and scratched the pt on the btiek till he laid oavn vrtd the pleasure ot and i mide upratnlni that whin a rate coloael was as so ciable ns that i wnnnt the mntn vjoto astln llriit killer jhtens jrree rom xcc mtum lar xto egg whte fir pratti poultry book and aivim frfttk send 10 for- 160- pa book illustrated pratt food cqof canapaumltl toronto sold in acton by w d talbot a e nicklin insurance agent lifo firo auto accident a health insuranco guarantee bonds bur0lary and plata glass insurance trust far estates collections business entrusted to my care will be carefully looked after and treated confidentially money to loan on farm property favorable rates and terms for ro- payment ox 44 bwrr aire arvrnm- the most digestible of sweets our pure com syrup ia reliahed by adults and children because of its delicious flavor iliaalso foodyajuyr aridcc easily-digested- dootor recommend it corn syrup i rjfii co mlhi m0n ajre you a lawyer u legal corretikwidetice is tlrwer more ex pensive tima long forqiritkdtiipq start on monday at guelph business college stenography and bookkeeping will capitalize your brain and your ability make them pay you dividends t au douck principal and propriotor people shame neglect their eyes nhnilt tg ftvor- ago person decides to attend to is an examination of tho oyos some folks llko to boast of their ability to do- without glasses even though they admit that they need themjpj no greater mistake could bo made you do differently if you only suh- pect that your eyes nro not ns ttroy should be have us glvo them a thorough going over a d savage optomatrist mntl mf optioln right at th poatomco 8va buildlno guelph the old and reliable granite and marble worbi we ara manafaoturers and dlrso importers ot all kinds of monmnsntsi and headatone work we sell dlraot to ourycuatoitwra t- wholoaalo priooai thua savhiff our ouatomer 40 par cent we have the beat appliances and the only mechanlcain the dominion who can operato pneumatic tools properlir we can give retarexioea from hundreds of our cuatomara ita toronto and other place where other hwe to have law suits in order to collect wo have th laraest and best axook at oranlte in the dominion or mtortf than any threat dealers in the west we aro leglu- mate dealers and employ no aentav an do not annpy or pest onstomarai by aendina out ijmorsnt asenta aollell- inat ordera- imploy only mechanleai 4n- defy- oompetluon hamdltok sons quilph ont psoslsajsmtuajaajkbw czr- fct ssmbjasasasah

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