Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 14, 1926, p. 5

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i- j irirtun3teirfia thursday january 14 1926 a winter forest far off jimtinut yon btretoh of woodloaj hill ukti moving pictures thrown on u acrten of snow wit oho forms funtastlc over come anil weirilwnilthh 1 horizon fill of mint the wide hoio aumbre nlno trecsund the y in fronted arcljwaym hpan the nar row nihlch wlillo untlulatutl drifts run on for miles with not a sound the voiceless itypths to ktlr yet unto lilni who feels what gifts abound of imaco all potent brooding every- where wo tlncl a houci tnde that calls to li a iliice of sllonpq holy as profound 11 up hurroughs strong the sunday school lesson for sunday january 17 tub new birth general ipsaon title jchuh ani twenty years ago from the isguo of tho froe praia of thursday january 18 1906 mr john aicmurehy is teacher of tho pubhc school at munno corners in this county do alvas college glrln at the town hall tonight see tho big parade today at ls oclock- notwithstanding the previous mild weather the january thaw hua been on dock aa usual musses beardmpre co aro re ceiving about 120 cars of hemlock bark and coal iter week now miha b m perry man has opened a fashloiuitula dressmaking room at the family residence mill street hoove swackhumer has quite an olnborate scheme for the enlargement of- the xown hull it will be made public nhortly an excursion to the torroy-alex- antler meetings will bo run from guelph trilaafternoon calllngat acton at 43b returning it will leavo torontolji30 earn yiio kicodemus scripture leason john 3 117 7 1552 19 3841 golden text god so loved tho world tlrnt ho gave his only begotten soji that whosoever belleveth on him should not perish but have oternul life john 3 16 devotional reading 1 peter 3 12 i 810 the txt explained it will be well to reuu chuptcrs 2 7 and 19 to understand the several pasj ages included in the- lesson each in us setting other parts of this longer section will bo studied in later les sons john 3 17 nlcodcmus u pharisee and member of the g body ot the jewish british columbias 67th birthday the lirintors of the guelph mercucy and herald wont out on strike on saturday afternoon -because- they were naked to work a half hour later on saturchiys tho presldenofthe inter nation 1 typographical union ordered them tuuck to work on tuesday mr w- p matthews has purchased trio- harness business of g b mprrls hardware merchant guelph and jb about to remove to the royal city cortlfru good wishes will go with mr and mm matthews to their new home the board of health met on tues day evening for organization jfyr jas mclntobli was elected chairman and thomas t moor secretary on wow years evening lloyd smith and harold nlcklln a couple of members of the merchants bank staff were having a little sport on m the porch at oxreeve nlckllns residence when 140yd slipped and in falling caught hla left foot in thoporch rail ing the ankle was severely sprained and one of the small hones broken a bachelors tea in connection with st albana church will be held in the town hojl on january 30 entire tea and programme under tho manage ment ot the men of st ai bans r- born henxerson in acton on wednes day december 27 1905 to mr and mrs d m henderson a son clutyered up some people seem always to bo living in the midst ofwhat they call a clutter just as others seem to have an almost magical faculty for prevent- stahliohl v itself on their premises glut tor era pjofc all dagroe4 ulora-ahtha-clut- terors merely of desk or of tables- or of bureau drawers there aro the clut- t oxers of closets there are tho elut- torers of rooms there aro oven clut- terera of houses lyom ithe to tlmo every clutterer has a day t of what ho calls- setting things 10 rights and at the end of such an experience fatigued by his lubura mid iiluuuud by the r he roholvea never to clutter more idle hopes and vain resolve onco a clut terer always a olutterer- seems to be a rule- of life you- cannot always know a clutterer wtfoh you see one cluttercrs aro like- ly to be just as neat in their personal appearance as other people you can- hat often recognize a clutterer by his manner ajt talking cluttercrs seem to have just as good minds as other people indeed you may be astonish- edbomotlmes to discover thrft persons with exceptionally good minds are cluttevers they are not persons- of intensely practical minds people whd are in terested not because they have to bo but becatise they like to be in the practical details ot the home or the offlee from day to day who ore al ways studying as if it were a game hotrfto mako the machinery run with tho leant possible friction and to pro duce the best practical results with tho greatest economy of means aro not ctatterorj the efficient business majii iri noi a cluttetrer on the other handj people who are absorbed- in ideas- boyond those of practical do mestic economy are likely to be in a greater or jess degree clutterers jhen of course there are tho people who ore clutterers because they have not time to be anything else people with larjre families living in amall houses have to clutter every healthy small child is a clutterer and the a noisy army the rank and file of the chinese apmy cufi outbutflu miy a in the world lr nathaniel peffner in the home sector says that there are al ways two buglers to every squad of soldi era in tho chinese army there is one thing that thp cjuneo soldier doos do he bugles tho ono gpeatf 4 of th of china is bugling i am sure that one out or every thirty men has a bugle that one- out of every two hours he blows it and that not ono tlmo in three thousand does he blow any rec ognized call or tune it jbeglns fit half past three in tho mrnlngt7ho being now used collect ively hco plays the same note he now being used individually and each ho ilaylng a different note until six alclttck in the morning- then ho byitches to another he stops for meals and for a few hours of sleep thats nil when a regiment moves into a town foreigners living in it resign them- selven to insomnia tho chinese do not tfoisb to them is one of ia nor mai niia pleasurable phenomena of existence the more deafening the more- iloaaurablo all he wa8 fit for tho american says that in an irish court- recentty an old man was called into tlief wltneeabox and being old and a lltuo blind he went too far in more honsos than one and instead of going up the stairs that led to the box mounted those that led to the bench the judge took the miotake good- numoredly is it a judge you want ta be rtry good man he asked ah stuo yoiif honor was the reply im ain old man how and rmabbe jtij nil vm flt for kr community the sanhedrjn recognises in jesus asivino tonchcr and secretly seeks jintervlew jesus addresses hjbjjajrtlr imrnedllately to tho deeper spiritual need of his visitor 3 bxcgpl- one be born anew or fromieove to be a jew or a ruler of he even is not enough spnmtiatme that comes from qod is necessary for membership in his iam- lly and kingdom 5 of water and tho spirit tho outward symbol and the inward grace aro both important the symbol without the experience for which it stands is of no avail 8 heurest but knowest not forces which produce spiritual life are dllllcult to explain but may be recog nized by their effects verse 10 many old testament passages emphasize the spiritual na ture of religion and a teacher in israel should not have been ignorant of these a 11 wo speak jesus spoke in the- plural perhaps ho associates with him lntliought john the baptist and also thed leeldles- verse 13 perhaps jesus meant that since no one has gone up to heaven there is no other way by which men may receive knowledge of heavenly things except through himself who came from heaven but whose homo la nevertheless there 14 as moses lifted up the serpent compare num 21 8 3 so must the son of man be lifted upset be fore the people where all may see and know hiin the immediate ref erence to the cross does not exhaust the meaning of this statement christ must be proclaimed his life and his teachings muut be interpreted to the world both d precept and by ex ample 16 whosoever belleveth whoso ever accepts christ as the way tho truth and as the supreme revelation of god tho father 16 the only begotten son there is none other like unto him 17 god sent not the son to judge tho world why then should his children judge each other john 7 4562 on the occaalon of the feast of the tabernacles jesus teaches at jerusa lem the multitude js divided regard- lng him tee- fhorlaeea fali in aft e a big man the ceremony of the unveiling of the cairn was impressive as befitted a public demonstration of gratitude to pioneer geographers and explorer stepping forwnfd proudly captain robert e barkloy greatgrandson ot the intrepid explorer drew asldo tb draped flags of britain and castuo emblems of the glamour of pictur esque clays of another era revealing the cairn with its modest bronze tali- let tho head of a largo now york arm recently proved himself a roally big mah according to a writer who des cribes in the now york evening sun how he publicly apologized to his of fice boy for n mistake ho had order ed somo hcotb of statistics prepared and placed on his desk and when he needed thorn he could ilot fuld thorn he called for tho boy whose business it was tolnolc after such things and gave him a cruel tonguethrashing before those in the outer bfllco final ly ho dismissed him publicly with the remark that lie was a stupid blunderer and returned to bin private omco the boy walked quietly to the bencn where the ofllco boye roaj and waited hie had bpon given no opportunity to admit himself wrong or to declare himself faithful to tho small but im portant duty that had been left to his care those within hearing of the out- hurst had hardly resumcjd tftolr work when the inner otilce door opened onco more ancuoujcarnq the big maji will all those within the sound of my voice qome this way a moment- ho began then ho called to the boy come jfre lad a few minutes ago i talk- i ot severely to thla boy he went on am i talking as loud now as i did before he asked looking round at the group some ono had the temerity to mur mur yes i want to acknowledge before you all that i was wrong and- that this lad was right my boy i ask your pardon that is all i was wrong and i am dconry sorry then he turned while a score of faces gazed after him in astonishment and admiration and rejoined the group be hind the presidents door railway time tables at acton anadian n awong the other prominent par ticipants in the ceremony were jotin w dolby of seattle vlcocounsul for spain hon walter c nlcholl lieu tenantgovernor of british columbia his honor judge howay of new weatmljiirter president of the brithali colombia historical association mr di8heartened fanacemb- 1 ee v e i e eaentlngoaltbytty she was municipality also members inscription in the tablet tho monument on the heiflhta under a glorious shy late in novem ber an expectant group of distinguish ed canadians were gathered for the unveiling of an ornamental cairn at gongales heights ef c commemorat ing the early brltlah and spanish navigators who explored the pacific coast in tlhe eighteenth century the ceremony also marked the sixty soventh anniversary of the existence of the province of british columbia one hundred and thirty yeora have flown by since captain charles wm barcloy in command of the pictur esque british trading vessel the im perial eagle sailed up the straights of juan de fuoa eearchijbk for the mytihlcat northwest passage which would provide an alternative route from atlantic to pacific and also the greatly desired shortcut to tho indies of tiic family of air james douglas flrat governor of british columbia and of cap william henry mcneill wfco made a report to the hudsons bay co in 1s31 upon the v suitability of tho present bite of the city of victoria for the erection of a fort in his opening address hon walter nlcholl referred to the great debt we owed the poneerflwhq had willingly dared all in their voyage of discovery the speaker also reviewed the great potential resources of the new land they had taken possession of on the western rim of the world in tho course of the proceedings credit was repeatedly given the vic toria branch of the brhlsh columbia historical association- t rj8hojm through the efforts of c c peraber ton and others the amassing of so much historical detail was due compa88ion fort to arrest him whereupon nico- demus takes bis part and is taunted by bis associates john is 3842 joseph of arimathaea another sec ret dlscjple andt man of wealth with nlcodemua together anoint and bury tho body of josus an eloquent testi mony of their reverent regard of him liso thms th now birth an bnd physica birth is not the absolute beginning of thetphyslcejri but mt the g lous fruition of a preceding period of development from a tiny germ cell to the wonderful complex living human organism in like manner the spirit ual birth of the soul is not the ob- aolute beginning of the spiritual life long before the new birth takes place the hidden germ of soul life has been touched by the quickening spirit and unaer the tinrifs guidance a multi- tude of antecedent forces and in fluences have contributed to the de- velopement of the new life up to tho point when that life is prepared to start on- its independent career in the life of the hardened sinner con viction and repentance must precede regeneration in the life of a child it is sometimes simply the awakening of spiritual powers which rapidly leads to self- conscious spiritual life the now birth a beginning birth is really the beginning of independent existence the independence la hot absolute at first but grows more and more complete as the powers and the faculties develop- with the dawn of consciousness in christian experience begins the development of christian character which- only gradually be comes strong and jndependentof its immediate environment christian usefulness begins and develops with the christian consciousness a period of apprenticeship in christian service is necessary and a right training should bo sought by and provided for the newconvert sternal life- literally life of the ages to know to accept and to fol low christ means to think in his terms and to share increasingly his judg ment of relative values he though in terms of gods purpose for man kind and placed highest valuation on things of the spirit- power wealth pleasure social preferment material 4 t ond temporal things in general had a goodness loving service faith in tho unseen and in the future these he regarded as of first importance these have values that abldo because they are of the realm and of tho pmfrft tft think in these terms constantly to live and strive and suffer for the spread of the truth goodness and the welfare of others u to think and to live with christ tho thoughts and the life- of eternity eternal- llfebeglns whero faith and f with christ begin here and now for study and disouuion was nlcodomus a coward that ho came at night what later indications are there of bis courage and hla true loyalty to josus do all persons start the christian life in tke same way what varieties of christian experience have corne to your personal attention is eonversion an end or- a beginning in- christian experience must all be converted daily readinoa for next week monday john 4 1320 tuefldayrjfsalm 23 r wednesday john 7 3744 thuraday ffzek 36 2b31 friday ezok 47 1fl saturday isa 12 16 sunday ra 66 111 how jean makes hash jean tho negro chef nf htcertaln country club makes hash that has no equal the fame of the dish is great but the secret of its excellence eluded everyone until one day a member ot the club complimented jean on his skill how do you do it he said i never get hash like yours anywhere else a jeans black face glowed with roal pleasure at the compliment beef is nothing he replied potatles in noth- in peppaha nothing onions is noth ing but when x frowes myself into do hash dats what makes it what it is thero is an old greek legend found ed we may well believe on fact which tells us that onco when the highest eeu ni a s pursued by a hawk flew for refuge to thebosom of a judge unmoved by its mute appeal the judgo plucked it from hisi- robe crushed it in his band and flung it to the ground the people outraged by the deed demanded his removal doclaring that no man could be jubc tohis fellows who was cruel even to n sparrow they would havo ugreed with one of bostons great preachers edward irott hh all- in the nce w a n same boat animals and mein yo ca pr whorungmtty rcadv shami insult one without benefiting the other the thing of which wo are think ing for the moment 1b compassion what is compassion it is the re sponse of the eoul xq tho- appeal of every living thing in its hour of need it is that which enters into fellow ship with other lives and makes their lot its own the fall of a sparrow would not wiuum t eumu rum una u as the cry of a human heart but to no appeal of man or bird or beast will compassion turn an unheeding ear it is born of that love more beautiful than hope more enduring than faith do we refuse to rank it with the agr greesivo forces that have driven on ward the iron wheels of progress it is not tho motive power behind tho vast machinery of- factory and mine we grant it has built no mighty navies nor crimsoned no fields with blood it stirs no bitterness between men of different lands or of different creed or of different skins it knows no manias white or black or redor yel- low its heroes are not tho alexanders the caesars the napoleons of history ono wonders even how many of our famous captains of- industry our builders of colossal fortune oould havo climbed to all their greatness had they listened to its voice but it lias broken a thousand chains that fettered the bodies and souls of men it boa iff ted unnumber ed burdens that have crushod- men and women to the earth it has al ways heard the cry of the children toiling rn the mill and freed them fronr their bondage v it has braved ridicule ond contempt darln8twlthout favor without fear to bo the friend of every friendless thing- that lives nineteen hundrod years ago it transformed a roman cross from a thing accursed into a symbol of the heart of 3od tho professor of geology had placed some specimens of rock on jils desk and was going to describe them to his students while his back was turned for a moment one of the students placed a piece of eld brick among the rocks the professor went through the specimens saying aa ho nicked up each this is a piece of sandstone this is a piece of granite ouid no on at last he came to the brick and holding it up he said and this gentlemen is a piece of impudence aqrrecommenidatlotl one of the many ways in which a mans carelessness may cause his un- doing hois lately been discovered by a young man who has a habit of mla- matlng his letters and envelopes when sendng off his corresponcence he had secured from an influential frenda letter jwhjcji recommended him for a clerkship in u wholesale dry- soods establuhmont- the pro- nrlfl wb riernnnjtl1v kiwiwn lha writer of fhe letter who advised the young man to mall it with his ap plication for the place to the merchant who lived in a suburban town and was seldom to be found in his city office x tho young man wrote his letter and attended to grarlous other correspon dence and then hastily put his sever al epistles into their respective en velopes adding to one what he sup posed to bo his friends kind recom mendation- two days later he re ceived the following letter from tho merchant 1 in reply to your communication of the tenth i will say that at present there is no vacancy in my corps of clerks i return tho recommendation to you only saying that it- is not such ns i copnidcr valuable to a young man vwitha sinking heart the young rjian glanced at the fatal enclosure and renil mr james roble tr to forbos hopkins ft co 3 fancy shirts 1600 1 dozen neckties tfl00 total iteloq third statement plense remit powerful mdioint the healing properties in six esoentlal oils are concentrated in every bottle of dr thomas rclectrlc oil forming ono of tho most benoflcal liniments over of- ferrbrl- to the use -of- man many can testify to its powers in allaying pain and many more can testify that thoy owe their health to it its wonderful power is not expressed by the- small price at which it sells flattery did it a court room anecdote of theolden times is furnished by a corrcipondent of law hotea the court room was presided nvr hy a rura ju of the peace i realize said the counsel for the defence that i stand in tho presence of a descendant of the crand old huguenot family that migrated from franco to escape from religious in tolerance many able jurists have sprung up from that family and em bellished the bench and bar of the province thejr watchwords are honor truth and justice and tber tpokenlnevryhemei -the- butoneinoidentof thlsiedlousryet law is so plain in this case that he the intelligence of this court by re iterating a proposition so simple i need say no more no vlnt the judge taint necessary 111 give you a judgment counsel sat down while tho judge with emphasis knocked tho ashea from his cob pipe- and counsel for the plaintiff began it p th co squire what are you nxlsv to do asked the judge i havo the closinjr argument was tho reply well you jea aa well set down i don got my mind sot on the t other side judgment for defendant somewhat different no mild should be allowed to suf fer nn hour from worms when prompt relief can be got in a simple but etrong remedy mother graveo worm exter minator- v would not oo round pat mccarthy gave a dinner to which he invited three or four of his neighbors pat had allowed his wife ftoheeokronlyoneohiekfn whnaln liirrimazactteripntofljipiamigilnn nf the carvingknife and in a most hos pltal tone said to mrs dusan what part of the fowl will yes haver a logy if yei plase wag the an swer an what part will yei havetjv7ould yes lolko some av the white t pat inv quired of mxu6hooilgn an a leg will do me she answer ed eaeh ans t o th fowl desired was given what art will yx havo molke walsh pat blandly inquired of his neighbor d ol baluve ol will have a letoo said molk hi his most modest way wishing to follow in the footsteps of te rest of the company begorra said pat to mickey what does yex think om carving a spider worms however generated are found- in the digestive facts whore they bet up a disturbance detrimental to tho health of the child there can be no comfort for the little ones until the hurtful intruders have been ex pelled an excellent preparation for this purpose -ean- be had ri millers worm powders they will immediate ly destroy the worms and correct the conditions that were favorable to their existence a noted family tho wife of a lawyer in tvest vir ginia has been married three times her maiden name was partridge her first husband was robin her second husband bperrow and the third one a quail there aro two young robins one sparrow and three quails in the family one grandmother w iv swan nhd another a jay but hes dead now and a bird of paradise they live on hawk avenue eagleviue canary is- land and the fellow who wrote this is a lyre and a member of ih family deceiving his employer holm an hunt who began life as a clerk to an auctioneer and real estate agent vaa constantly drawing port- raltft whep should havo been draw- lng up leases and in his chosen pro fession he was never slow to selao the flying moment i wont buy your oranges he said to an old woman who had entered the ofllco in aearh of a customer but ill paint your portrait old hannah was delighted and thereupon she was put on paper in her habit as she lived hor basket on her head and an orange in her band ambitious period of the artists life never ce to afford him amuse ment the windows in his roomwero made of ground glass and as ho had little to do he spent much of his tlmo in drawlncc flies upon its roughened surface- a blot of ink sufficed for the body and some delicate pencil strokes for the wings and at distance the deception was perfect day by day tho number increased an one m hi o in stopped before the window and ex claimed j i cant make out howt is every day that i come into this room thero seems to be more and more flies and taking out his handkerchief he at tempted 40 brush them away excel lint for croupy childrsn- wheria child is suffering with tho croup it is a good plan to uso or thomas eclectrlc oil it reduces the inflammation and lossens the phlesm giving speedy relief to the llttlo suf ferer it la equally reliable for sore throat and chest earache rheumatic pains outs bruises and sprains tit thomas eclectrlc oh is regarded by many thousands as an indespensatole of the family medicine chest art indian philosopher scientific demonstrations in un scientific hands sometimes gives odd results a story is told ofan indian who had attended an instructive talk jat a small church on the indian reservation at onondgo one evening- when the building waa well filled with braves und their squaws the missionary described the solar syatem to the extent of saying that the earth revolves about the sun and also turns over once in twenty- four hours early the next morning tho mh- slonary was awakehed7 by fttcribfflejtt flu floor whyobaga said he is anything the matter r missionary lied grunted the in dian jjj444 wh do y mea missionary says world turns over every night injun go home set up stick put apple on stick if world turn over apple fall off this morn ing apple on stick missionary lled kuh with a parting grunt he strode away down the path no man or woman should hobble painfully about because of corns when so certain ox relief 1s at hand as houoways corn remover sentence sermons of your you aro the only one who con make the lies enemies true s vtho can lower j tho quality of your merchandise who can shut off the favor and solicitude of god who can make yourself too big for your job who can hold u position after tin influential r has recommended you who- can substitute anything for your heat effort who can do tho work god has for you in this world like grip at the throat for a disease that is not classed as fatal there is probably none which cnusfis more terrible suffering than asthma sleep is impossible the sufferer be comes exhausted and finally though the attack passes is left in unceasing dread of us- return dr j hi jcel- logg asthma remedy is a wonderful remedial agent it immediately relieves he restricted air passages as thoui- ands can testify it is sold by dealerc everywhere it wasa discouraging answer that was made to the doting pnrgnterofir- country boy who hud gone to now york under the patronage of a pros perous gorccr after ho had been away for a fort night the mother wrote to the boys employer saying that hor son wns ho anxious to know how he was getting on and do tell us where he sleeps nights she pleaded earnestly at the end of the letter to this the erocer made answer within a few days your son bleeps in the store in the daytime i dont care where he sleeps at night jiadam sansaction is part of my profit do you ever think what a task it must be for me to please everybody v with flour it is a different matter everyone is pleased with purity flouc always uniform in quality this flour makes delicious pies cakes and bread i can handle any brand of sour on the market i choosepurity for yoube- sauee it never disappoints your satisfaction is part of my profit r- vrit firtit 180 pap purity flour cock bock 1j stamps postpaid wkiitbrn canada plotm tnblfico- ufitltbd head ofllcc toronto branches from comt to coast puritl flour qolno wt no 25 no 31 no 33 no 35 ri 104 5 a m 229 p m 509 i m going east t no 21 sunday only no 20 no jo no 31 708 p m 721 a m u43am no 3g no 38 canadian national railways electric westbound 743 am 043 am dally except sunday dolly internal and external are promptly relieved by de thomas eclectric oil wtrr has been old fob nuiofiftvvemm mid is today a oreater seller than ever krone is a testimonial that bpeakb for its numerous curative qualities are you a lawyer legal correspondence is slower more ex pensive than long itanc wriiesalaaytr ialways use long distance for quick decisions dolly 1143 am dally 143 pm dally 343 p m dally s43 pm dolly 743 pm dally 43 p m dally 1282 ajn eastbound dally i 74s om dally except sunday o 94s am dally l114s am dally 14s pjn daily w 34s wax dolly i 543 pm dally 74s pm dally 043 pjn daily u40 pm toronto terminal keel stroot and 8t clslr avenue frolght delivered by special express freight frelghf picked up at any ad dress in toronto jahsmith real estate and insarance get our list off farms and town proporty before buying jyfe may have just what you wont and are looking for at prices and terms to suit you agent for confederation life association london lancashire fire insurance london sc lanca- shire guarantee and accident company of canada prompt and courteous attention given your business solicited residence mill and wallace sts s telephone 106 acton e bonds stocks and grain private wires to new york chtcacd wlnnlpas nd toronto 1st mortgage weal estate bonps t j hannigan fthssm s74- quclth j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist tol be at a t browns drug store acton monday feb 1st anyone buffering from bye- strain defective vision r headache should not m opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appoints ments may be made with mr a t brown druggist consultation kre1b1 office hours 9 a m till 4 pm eemanuf actured underwoods direct fbom factory to you guarapteed same as new but they cost you less general typewriter appliance co 99 jong st wbst toronto 2 look money take notice that we will handle your troublesome notes and accounts oh a strictly commission basis no collection no charge wo place 34 years experlonce at your disposal and assume all your collodion troubloa send us your list we will do tho rest v no note or account le considered too araalitoo largo too old or too faiaway wo will tackle any honest debc kelly aiken collectors oranqeville owen 80und j m aikbn manager jos j kb11y manager reference sterling bank of canada advertisers thai free pre88 la anxious to ssrva you and aarvs you well v oan give your advsrtls rant better attention and there for make it more attractive if th copy fe supplied to ua on monday or tuesday if copy fails to reach ui until weidnesday forenoon then is a rush to eetiti before the- jojmslclose and the rasultjs ilksly to be less aatisfaotory send in your a08 eabty ty chers castoria is es pecially prepared to re lieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation flatu lency wind colic and diarrhea allaying feveriehness arising therefrom and by regulating the stomach and bowels aids the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural sleep to avoid imitations always look for the signature of wowacw absolutely harmless n opiatci physicians everywhere recommend it does your watch keep time try our repair de- partment we are qetting wonder ful results and we know we can please you savage co jewalkn guelph ontario

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