Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 14, 1926, p. 6

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e r birthi uarrlasei and death b are now chanted for at the following rateat blrthi si marriages 50 dcathi 50c memorial rda 50c 16c per line extra for pocma born khntn13r in acton on friday jan- untry 8th 192g to mr unci mrs jtowunl kontner of georgetown a duufcbter murjorio alota married longstui3etadolpii at the homo f u16 bridegrooms father krlii township on wednesday the 30 th of december 1025 by rov n wmklohv bd james ijo tkhb- utrcot to kllzabcth adolph of gray son saskatchewan ahmsthongcollinq at the ttnltod church parsonage low- villo on wednesday january 6th 102b by rov w allen ma nor- miiii clark armstrong of guelph township to alma georgina daugh ter of mr and mrs j o colling of nelson ti died owiins in georgetown on tuesday january 12 1923 james alfred owons in his aixtysovonth year scott in esquesiner township on saturday january 9 192g charles h scott in his fiftysecond year shannon in eden mills on batw- day january 9 1925 mary widow of th lata david shannon in hor 85ti year binhib in eilu township on tuea day january 12 1926 mary blnnle daughter of the lato mr and mrs thoa blnnlo moohe suddenly at oakville on january 9 1926 tho rov canon it j moore ma rector of st georgroe church toronto in hla sixtyeighth year satxnders at her residence 32 yorkshire street guelph on sun door january 10th 1926 jamma catharine widow of thomas will cocks saunders of guelph police magistrate in her 91st year in memoriam riiij in loving memory of our dar mother mrs daniel reijl who paasi od away at glenwllliams in january llth1021 as long- as llfedothlaat v wfintever lands we view death of iiobert fowlie for years tho bolovod miniator of erin and oaprtnao presbyterian churches hobort lowllo a pioneer minis tor died at colllngwood on monday morn- inffin his elkhtyfourth xear ho was minister of the proabyterian churches at erin and ohprlngo- for many years befdro gojnif to gollingwood abtfut fifteen years iuo rov mr fovvlio was greatly be loved by tho pooplo of the comrnunl- tles in which lie labored his long lias torn to at erin and osprlngo brought him into closo contact with tho homes and tho people he had gone in and out in times of joy and sorrow and ho was always ready to join in fellowship and aympathy united church of canada presents loyal d dresses whenever joys or grief bo ours we will remember you daughters tjhttim3ftte taj8 thursday january 14 1920 2 brief local items fairly good slefghthg again six or seven inches of snow fell oil monday secured your motor have you llconso yet its real oldfashioned wintei weaklier were getting tho thermometer has been indulge ins in its low instincts guolphs cemetery perpetual care fund now amounts to 9471901 as the days lengthen the cold strengthens rruns tho old adage wholesale prices of all rubbers udmuc abuul 2b per cunt oil jan uary a good morning have you re newod your frke pnuss subscripltlon for 1925 tjtho world is filled with silence of the snow the whiapery silence of its fairy spell it lant the roosters early xlalnn tha trudge him unpopular its hla ottawa jan 7 nbyuitynrtlio kinp and to canada is expressed in two addresses brptight to government houso today by a delegation rep resenting the united churchof can ada the addresses are to his ma jesty tho king and his excellency tho governor- general i respectively they convey the expressions ofvioyalty and goodwill mado at tho first gener al council of the united church in toronto tho delegation lncludod rev j c pidgeon d d moderator rov t albert moore d d secretary rev s d chown x d former gen eral superintendent of tho methodist church in canada all of toronto rev w a warrlner montreal rev w t g brown kingston and t number of ottawa clergy and lay men news of local import making tragedies of trifle8 some one has given the counsol do not make tragedies of trifles and it is good advlco tho world is full of whining embittered peoplo who are jnaklrig ufo gloomy for themselves and others and yet their lot lsno harder thanjh of h thnii-i- anas wlio are amtilng and sunny- hearted tho touble is that they make a tragedy of every little event that goos wrong a young woman a teacher once said to a friend every day for week i have missed my street car by half a block her tone suggested that eho waa announcing tho direst of tragedies and her expression em phasized that idea the cars on tho line she patronized ranovoxy five minutes and yet she seemed to feel and indeed said as much that her missing a car on a 1 number of days in s closo succession wa proof that everything was against her there aro real tragedles in the world and lucky aro those whoso lives aro not touched by thorn jf you aro one of the fortunate number do not try to mako up for tho lack of reui trag edy by makebohevo ones 0minou8 talking about it tfcio fifteen days of grace allowed motorists in which to secure their licenses for 1026 expires tomorrow tho second cold wave of wintex arrived from tho west on monday night the mercury hugged tho zero mark and below a dollar pa in february would tiolp ac tons eter chants to liven up materially a month which is usually very dull and quiet turnips are still belng delivered iti considerable quantities to the buy ers here the ruling price this week has been 2jcjnji per bushel if you are- the kind ofmajthat waits for tilings to- come your way you should at least try to find thu right place to wait in the village of arthur has sold its 104eo rmvement debentures of 1924 twenty years fly and a half per cent for 10466 elovcn candidates were nominated at woodstock on monday for one vacancy in th6 town council nearly all of tlienn qualified lost somewhero between nun- rise and sunset two golden hours each set with sixty diamond minutes no reward is offered for they are gona forover a rxiootlnj of tho hal ton prohibi tion association executive will be held in the united church milton on fri day 15th inet at 2 pm the busl ness wille important frederick loclcer sampson tell in my confidences of an old sea cap tain who when lio hud retired from active service lived alone under the faithful caro of an old servant named john the captain waa very methodi cal and john provided him every morning with a penny roll for break fast wh h ato on day was uh la guojph burglar very particular entering tho home of austin how ard i5 kent street guelph whilp tho family wero aliseiit on sunday a burgr lar showed extraordinary discrimina tion in sorting out a number of arti cles which 1 carried off hla svrig including a mantle cloclc a silk dress articles of silverware three pounds of crearapy butter and auantity of groceries town merchants must advortiso in- iiroportioii to iojulation tho clly papers hava no larger circulation than tho weekly pajjors that would reach the buying public in the districts that they circulate in if the amall town morchunts expects to hold his own with good roads bun lines and auto- mobllea ho must change liia methods and advortiso correspondingly to reach the public with what he has to offor colllngwood bulletin ohool children peddling seals etc peddling seals and offering tagg makes young girls bold and forward is tho opinion of j j kelso super intendent of neglected children for on tiiriol he vants to put a atop to tho lractlco- of school children peddling curhtiuas seals as lias been thftprac- tlco tor some yeans pntit ho wrote tho school management committee to that effect and suggested- that in future years any such permission bo refused 1 naming tho farm homestead the idea of distinguishing tlie farm with a distinctive name is becoming more and more popular if the pame is selected with caro- and appropriate ness it is likely to become a profit able business asset na well as some thing of satisifactory sontlmental value there is sure to bo a name that fits each place that describes it that givos it individuality that will servo to advertiao it and its pro ducts that- will malco a good label pagood letterhead agood aignb9ardf a good trade morkfarnaers try it y- must advertise it do all our readers know that it is the legal duty of anybody who finds an article of any kind to advertise tho same at once some peoplo fancy that- toy holding a thing without say ing anything about it for an indefinite period such article toetorogs their own property if for tjomo reason the law- ful owner has notadvertloed his logs that la the wrong idea it is ohly after an article huu iboen legally advertised land tho ownor falls to show up that the finder has any sem blance to tho right of possession death of rev francis swann rov krancls swann vancouver minister of tho former methodist church died at vancouver on mon day he hold many pastorates in ontario before going wreat to van couver and was well known rev mr swann preachedhis first sermon in tho old methodist church on church street acton in 1872 when his father the lato matthewvann was minis- tor of tho churches of aoton and georgetown rev francis swann was paator of the methodiat churchos of- hockwood circuit in 188i 1886 and 1887 forty yearn npo kind and quantity what lie wished to eat the next one morning the breakfastbell rang loudly and when johrt appeared his master groaned and eaid in an agi tated voice john im very iil od for doctor dobson this is probably tho beginning of my last illness ob no sir said john i hope not what is- it sir what does it feel like tvgten tifely lost my appetite said tho captain it never happened be fore- i cant get through my penny roll bless you air is that all cried john relieved why when tho baker came this morning all the penny rolls were gono sir so i brave you a tup penny one neighborhood news- town and country leslie 8ch0ol hcliool report for december for s s wo 8 erin fc 1 iv loyola forehtell kathleen mclteown and ilda oipps equal viola allan hector mcarthur jr iv lulu mccu ttiliton joseph foretlteh calvin aitken and willie johnston equal thyra stone pordon leslie sr ul mary mccraig tommy 5oolo annie aitken e cable forcstoll sr ii evelyn pcaren james mc craig lqls forcstoll eveline lambert lloyd mckobwn elsie nelson jr i orvul stone marjorio mc craig john forestall nubble allan primer jean burt marion leslie lovbon mccutcheon jean mann elslo maude marion mactjopald archie macdonald m mcdougall teacher everton nassagaweva when his night clothing caught flra while he was playing with match e a httlb charlie dennis twoyearold son of mr and mrs c dennis who resides nboxrt three mil 6a from moffat was aoverei burned obout tho body on tmonday the childsccurea tho matches in his fathers coat and lighting ono on tho door of tho kitchen where he was playing touch ed it to the hem of his nightgown which was ablaze almost immediately hifi screams attracted his parents who succeeded in tearing tho burning garment off him before the flames had reached the upper part of his body mr e k cutts who resides with his aoninlaw mr c jt vaiy goozon on the mcgregor farm on tho seventh concession underwent nji operation at guelph general hospital on monday terra cotta a n umb of o r dt wore kindly entertained to a birthday party at the home of mr and mrs e simp kins tho event belne- to celebrato tho 21st birthday of their daughter edith the afternoon was very enjoyably spent miss smipklns was the re cipient of many valuable and use ful presents mrs- john lyons met with a pain ful accident last week when she was knocketl down by a truck her in juria however are not as serious as was reported and flre la now on a fair way to recovery mias haines of toronto spent new years with her parents here mra f c thompson is visiting her daughter in washington mr john mccauley of toronto spent the weekend with his parents here v wedding bells are ringing loudly in our hamlet again churchill a thrifty book lover there arc some singular discounts allowed in tho book trade says the minneapolis tribune that on one oc casion wero happily illustrated by mark twain ono day while the hum orist was connected with a publishing house ho wont to a bookcase and picking up a volume hoked tho price ho then suggested that as a publisher he wns entitled to fifty per cont dls count to this the clerk assented as i am also the author of tho book bald mark twain it would ap pear that i am again entitled to fifty p4pr cent discount the clerk bowed he could not deny it and as i am a personal friend of the proprietor mark modestly con tinued i presume you will allow me the usual twentyflvo per cent dis count if so i think i may as well tako the book whats the tax the clork took out his pencil and figured industriously thn he said with great obscqulousnoss as near as i can calculate we owo you the book and about thirtyseven and one- half cents prettjt soon both the dominion and ontario houses will bo in full swing the frosty weather contains no menaco wjtb regard to this speech crop brant ford expositor eating address on the league of na tions ouid miss loraine wilson sang a solo at the mooting of tho wo men institute on friday afternoon ntnrrjage icnprn wnh wffi iaat week in toronto to a 17yearold boy and a 14yearoid girl the parentb of both contracting parents having given their c strhngo parents in- rtbutn p for the flrst time in almost half a century the shipping season on tho great llces has closed without tho loss of a single life or the total loss of a canadian vessel excursion or freight j rthe mechantilo business of tho year is off to a good start the pur chasing public 1a on the lookout for bhrgalns tell them about it mr mferechant in the columns of the local paper in tho prosence of a largo gatttcr ing of cltizons mayorelect r si robson nnd the members of guolpli 1026 city council were lnauguraod with du ceremony on monday thrco sessions woro held during ihe day the odlco of village trustee does riot seem to hav a very groat attrac tion for the men of tho police villaffoa of blmvole and jcookatown in each of those villages a second nomination had tobe held in un effort to fill tho offices warnlng in sent ouf from ottawa that people should accept any kind of coal portsitlo to secure as mle fuel sit- 1 uatlon in hpcorolng more serious every day particularly in western ontario duo to tjie cojittnuod strike in tho pennsylvania field good reason when mr ephralm maxwell wns takento see hla sons new house la the centre of lortonvllle ho found much- to admire but nothing to make him discontented with the old farm houses in which he had lived for sixty nlneveorflj jjojyiftther- nn 1dylilbihhwlfer laying an affectlonte hand on his arm and speaking most persuasively dont you see how nice these win dows are woujdnt you like to have hose little old panes taken out of the l 1 1 do wju d o wn sta irs big at olear any ratennd have this glass put in instead mr maxwell looked thoug sm nf tho w itt- wh fl6 apd ids daughterinlaw wore standing- bedrurhmod on the s1h for a mo ment watching the peoplo pass up and down tho busy town street o mary ho saltl at last with a whimlscal smile this kind of wln- lowiano is all right for your house where theres constant passing but u there on tho farm whore some times only one man and p cow goos by in a day its better to have tho oldfashioned glass that makes one nrnn look like a general muster injuries sustained seven weeks rtffo when a motor car in which she mm- riding turned turiio mto tho ditch on the ham 11 ton guelph highway provedatnl to mrs george w millar of guelph her death taking place at st josephs hoflpttal on monday merqiiry i among the accoants and remind ers received just boforo tho new year there may have been one for your sub scription to the tyuot fitibsb ilowevery we would ask you to glance nt your label if you liavo not renewed even though it may appear a very small hnnttcr kindly lotus hoar from you a peculiar incident recently an esteemed citlaen of tor onto removed to vancouver b c in partnership with another member of tho farolly they had a safety deposit box in a leading toronto llank en grossed with tho details of moving he overlookodleavlng tho key of the box last week he sent it back to the bank and the parcel was- sealed with a ttiuaopsssa gummed tape such as bur oillco uses iii doing up jiarcels mis3 bertie smith who is in chargo of sec tion of the banks deposit boxes re ferred ahowed tho frkb poesb gum med tape which had travellod 6000 miles what chamber of commerce- can do mrr c manning deimirt merit of highways engineer fo this district ih i u in of the roads of this dis trier today at the request of tho chamber of commerce with a view to keeping provincial highways to fereus and kitchener open during i tho winter the chamber of com- i merco 1ms ajsa mado arrangements j with tho department to have tho guelph to hospeler road kept clear for motor truffle during tho winter months at the expense of several lo- cap companies tbp snowtiow is al ready stationed on the guelph-ham- dlton highway and little trouble ja anticipated in keoping thin highway clear all winter giiolphmeroury oakvillo councils inaugural meeting tho town council t oaltville gave unusual dignity and ceremony to their opening proceedings thlh year tho inaugural meeting was opened mon- day morning at 11 oclock when th rev j if mcbain b a conducted brief devotional exercises following tho inaugural address of tho reelect ed members the entire council ad journed to the gibson houso to a luncheon given by his worship mayor w n jtobinson no little satisfac tion lata been expressed by tho rate payers in the action of tho council in reducing- the tax rate from 62 mills to- 49 as the result of rigid economy praotloed during the year tho pastorate ofthenew united minister of the church here commenc ed last- sunday under very interesting uusplcea there was agood congre gation and a keen interest rev len nox douglas the now paator preached a very helpful sermon inviting the co operation of the congregation in tho effort to build up thij rhiiroh tfinfl made all present feel that tho spirit of unity and individual effort was most deslrublc mr marry gibbons who has been one of the pillars 6t the church for years waa present and showed by his presence an interest although ho has moved to acton the old home church on the hill possesses hihearts af fection unltcil c wa a present and ijnten ciiurch was also present ami jio and mr gibbons favored tho con grogatlon wuh a wellrendered duet messrs a- e nicklin and it j kerr of tho oiflcial board of acton united church were also present tho first communion service under the new nrrangemont will he held next sunday when itev w el douglas of noryal the fatherofithepastorrwill bo present to administer tho sacra- juenx- tho people of the jlill church are pleased nndencburagccj with tho hew order of things mrs mary hickman o evorton 80 years of ago ih confined to tho gorioral hospital jsiielijh aiiuerlng wlthavqry badly mctured log which oho sufi- stalnod oh saturday during tho toin- poiary abenco of miss itcod with whom alio reside mrs iuckman loft hei room uiid utepjilng outside fell in some unknown manner doubling her leg bonoatlx her and breaking it at tho knee joint shu was removed to thu hospital at uurelph shortly afterwards and is today getting along as well aa could hts bxpoctod takjngclnto con sideration clio serious fracture and her advanced aje l- crewsonti corners this community is honored with another 1rldo and groom tho happy ovont which gave us this now couplo took place at tho united church par- aonage iovvvlllo on wcdnosday after hnoon last cth inst when alma goorgina daughter of mr and mrs jacob 0 colling nelson tonwahip becamo the bride of mr norman clork armatrong of- nasaagatyoya township nan of mr and mrs john armstrong who reaido noar guelph the young couilo wero unattended but mr oorald colling of fergus and miss ivlabel e colling sister bf the brldo acted as witnesses rov w k allen conducted the wedding cere mony in tho prcsonco of a few im mediate relatives and friends of the contracting parties tho brldo was becomingly gowned in powder blue satin with sold luce trimmings alter their marriage tho happy couple and their friends motored to the homo of tho bride where a wedding dinner was enjoyed fir and mrs armstrong will reside on tho late e j kingsbury form which was recently purchased from the estate rock wood mr and mra james oakes for many years readouts of eramosa township wero presented with an electric iron and aflaor lamp by the stone ohureh peoploju fr evenin a largo number it peopte were present ax tho old homestead to say goodbye to thorn mr jvjn gamble was chairman mrs james loreo read tho address and mrs vm gamble and mr adred croft presented tho gifts the woelc of prayer services of last week came to a closo on friday even- tng in tho friends church the ser vices of the first two evenings were held in the united church when ilev mr little of barria hill addressed tho flrat eatherlng and bev mr donaldson the next evening thurs day ovenine service was held jn st- johns church by tho rov mr baugh of acton with rov mr donaldson as sisting tho edifice was well filled friday evening rev a c stewart of acton conducting the meeting and was assisted by rev mr baugh hev mr littlo aid rev mr donaldson loading in prayer rev mr stewart took for his subject the church and tho homo dealing largely with the wolf aro of tho young peoplo in their relationship there the anntfiil meeting of the rock- wood horticultural society took place monday evening when the usual routine of bxjfllness was gone through tho society had a favorable year and a small balance left over the elec tion of olllcers took place when wm harris president fred smith 1st vice preside at and m p barry 2nd limehouse so verity years an orangeman members of tho orange qrder mhpuljimdwl u ialajutflafucna f errcdrupoji johna macdonald of toronto last evening by his fellow members a banquet in honor of- hlsk seventy years of nc- tlvo and continuous membership in the loynl orange qrder was given nder tfw nutpimh erf ttro lulllut western pioneor l ol no 479 mr mac donald is a toronto resident who iflfrfiloa hearty at aoyoayn of age sncl bull uvea to be tho oldest orangeman in ciuiadii from the standpoint of membershl ho is- a paflttnaster of lodge no 473 and has participated in every 12th of july cele bration he is considered a hrllllaht speaker tha tnyoarow sop of mr m erspif anderson clurch s tree t who wa injured while playimr at sohqol some weexcfl ngohan h very lame leg tlonorn iqj it looks nu if hospital treatmcntwjli on the st be riecbhsary beforo tho little- fellow cuahoinv will rocovor the useof tho limb erln numerous acton citlaons attend ed tho hockey match at the arena in guelph last thursday evening the royal city team defeated st marys inicrmedia team of pronto on this lcccaion to playqrjj that are wqllr v 1 oii hockoy fans jilayed ths wednesday half- holiday it wns rather unfortunate that most of tho stores in town were closed last wednesday nfternpon for tho usual half- holiday wjthout- general notico t is tliroo months earlier- than has v jtltrprrltie custom andns a result num bers of fnrmers arid either customers visited a number of business places and wore unable to have their wants supplied naturally there wns some annoyance and in some cases uhuu4 words were spokon in alt fairness with a view to tho ongondcring of the community spirit of mutual luripful ness customers of all tho stores hhniild havo been duly notifledhof- the urtentton 10 tmhnuchco ftfe wednes day lirtlf- h61idny with the new year on tho cloirs of stores wlilci wero closed people were confronted by this rather ambitious notice the mer chants iiavo ngreod to close their places of business every wednesday afternoon and vonlng durhik the moiiths of april may juno july august scptembor october and no vember two special services- in jllmohoubo united church last sunday marked the re-opening- of thp building after complete interior renovation and dec oration capacity audiences express ed their entire satisfaction with the excellent color effects and other in- novations by words of approval and also by liberal contributions the united- church malo quartette of georgetown gave much appreciat ed vocal assistance at the sunday school service in the afternoon prizes werepresonted to tho scholars for regular and faithful at tendance during the past year the number present nt this service ulso reached the high water mark appropriate sermons wero preached at 11 a m by rev dr dickie of georgetown and at 730 by rev h caldwoh rev dr dickies ioctuto on the piihsion play on tuesday evening proved a rare treat to the limehouse folk ilusic and refreshments rounded out a merhly enjoyable evening next sunday- evening a jjpecial fea tuioof the servfeo wlllbe the pres ence of fifteen young men from georgetown who will tako part in the service m douglaa g o toronto nc- vicoircsidejii were elected the secretarytreasurer h h edmond- son was undecided tho board of directors for two years are g- r martin mrs s s royce d g mitchell w a mccullough mrs r henderson and foi one year mrs w- harris mrs i s hamilton george bolton a ic thomas and mrs j- m pasmoro la jilace of the lato mrs r hewat auditors for tho year are s s and u 1 pearoh miss bessie kelson returned to the villago a few days ago to takeup her work as stenographer for l it guild sons on monday evening in the united church a social and presentation took place for mr and mrs r b richard son before their departure for their n 0 w homo 1 n v e la nd not the george who does it i ono of tho amusing stories incapt evans book iveoping tho seas ih of- an incident that uccurrod whoi tventynvo million dollars in gold was shipped ucross tho english channol tho hhlp carimed as paationgors mr lloyd george general robertson and sir maurice hankoy who occupied tho cabin in which tho gold was stored when tho gold was landed a bank of england clork complained that one bag was missing and asked anxiously if anyono had been in thocaliin oh yes said tho captalii throe men wore there who wore they well replied the captain thought fully i know that one was called george later it was discovered that the bags hud been miscounted an original canta there had novor been any spocail talent for music in tho ronsom family until tho arrival of jimniy ransom at the age of eight he was considered a musical prodigy and ut ton thoro was talk of jimmys being sent away to study with a view to becoming a professional musician it was hoped that mr franklin ran dom a bachelor undo with consider able monoy would provide a good part of tho sum needed for jimmys study years at first the old gentleman was apathotic but after a uvo days visit from jimmy ho expressed himself as won over i toll you ho said to half a dozen eager lsaw andheard that little chap out in my old shod trying to play hall columbia on a mesa of old tomato cans with an iron spoon i said to myself hes got it in him jimmy has and im ready to lend a hand to fetch it out wi8e provision a philosophical observer has mado a- discovery nndcbmmiinlcates it to tho worjd through tho columns of a fotemporarylilremarryauchhingflj it looks so simplo when once stated that one cannot herp wondering why it has nover been found out before did you ever notico when a man smites his thumb with a hammer while putting down a carpet under his wifes supervision how quickly ho thrusts the bruised and throbbing member into his mouth pooplo think it is because tho application is sooth ing but the movement is purely in voluntary like winking tho gmdn can not lielp it u tho fact is that nature knows what a man is apt to say under such circumstances and so has provided him with an automatic stopper when ever ho hits his thumb hard enough b hurtjt and it doesnt take a very hard blow alrrtost to kill a man when he is doing something be doesnt like to do by a sort of interlocking sys tem his thumb files into his mouth and for the critical moment speech is cut off going upi how taxes have increased in re cent years is shown by a west gara- fraxa farmer who says that in 1913 the taxes on his farm wero 3700 whilo now ho pays 13700 tho snowfall of monday has groat ly improved the nlolghimr envying lip clio ley pla cos from the usual january thaw with tho continued moderate weather we aro gradually getting through tho winter with com parative wise on the fuel situation and those who have had to resort to the softer kinds of coal aro getting along vory well com ponied by twof rienbv messrs bruce charon and by n g spencer visited the parental home over the weekend v appleblossoms in winter wo all love the beautiful dcllclous- ly fragrant appleblossoms that charm us for a nhort season in tho spring and noto sadly tho last shower of white petals over tho emerald greon carpet beneath the trees all persons do not know however how easly these lovely flowors niuy be caused to bloom indoors in wintor if larger branches are broken from the trees and placed in a warm sun ny window in january or fobruary they will soon lower and many of tlio blossoms will bo as boautlful and frag- rnt as those that bloom on tho trees in the spring care muat bo taken to select such branches as have an abundance of plump- blooming buds and sonio of theso should bo removed as well as some of tho xnoro pointed loaf buds wild pear and wild pherry branches may ue flowered in a similar manner butnotao satlnfaotorily asnppletreo limbs no doubt many other kinds of early blooming shrubs and trees could be made to bloom in this way here is an interesting field for ex- nerlment for flow pflrjfiytlar oakville what causes the skin to chap chapping of tho ikin on the hands and face in the wintor time la due to evaporation of the natural moisture caused by ar tificial dry heat indoors nd hiak winds outofdoors 1 italian balm restores the natural moisture of the skin and prevepts evaporation all druggiita and departmental stores all it a- special sample bottle mailed on receipt of 5c campanas mclean co mill street acton j after the christmas rush we find a few odd lines to be cleared out at reduced prices 75c dress goods all wool poiret twill in a rich shade of navy reg- frt isc ular price is 225 yard to clear at vlvv line 500 circle bar hose in fine rib sand shade this line is worth 100 specal at per pair j circular pillow cciitton heavy even woven quality free from dressing 40 inches 1q wide regular price is 50c special joc mens fleecelbmed underwear at reducedprice tiger brand shirts and drawers 1 aa regula 125 special at each j1uu 7 floor oilcloths can gjve you a good range of patterns in 1 yard and 3 yards wide at 55c per yard 110 for 2 yards- linojleum yardswiderricwatternstperyardtttttv 400 mclean co mill street acton ont j store open all day wednesday italian balm ei g west a co 80 george st toronto lynvalidsrridcrrmdtc t h faction of sending to a sick neighbor or presenting to a friend a bunch of fresh npplebloiisoms in winter nmpjy repays tho trilllni labor relhrlrod to produce them mr nnd mrs jos kyrio left last week for st- petersburg florida wjicxc th w op m the win tot to- vthe forgetting ibellevoln forsottlnff injurlefl rys tpain man el y ixjrnbj thats nil rlht to forget anin- mijhjti ana flmaji of mry but dont forget that ybu hayo jforffotton itl waysldo taiey turhiner to edffemere oalivllle early in may t his frlehds were pleased inst week to have a call from rohh lusk of chicago who was in town or a holi day visit with his mother mrs dr luak the matter of the water rate for users outside tho town limit a was dis- cuaaod nt some length at inst meet ing of the council and tho rate which waa formerly fixed at double the town rate was redweed totforty cents per thousand kalians miss sura alton loft on friday for vuncouyor wliero she will make her lidmc tfrero is qui to a colony of oak villo people resident there includlnk severs of miss altonn family rela tives j thof hum i i ton harm ml c male choir jtjt nrty voiers win kivo a muslcnlo in st johni church the cbwilr of the st johtih united church has won prints in many competitions hefiiff ono of the boit male cholrn in canadrt oukvllle and the university of tor- onto will light it mat for tlio honors in tho local intermediate o ha ftroui itlchmond hill vna withdrawn according to official word rccolved by secretary c n hillmer over a hundred out of town ffueata woro present nt the meeting of the eastern star lodge qn thursday niffht it was the occasion of the installa tion of the newly olcctcd officers and tho ceremonies were favored by the attendance of grand ofuoern mrs worts et hamilton and mrai l xog- nn of london there was a larc representation prosont from uikovlew chapter uurjltirton and frorri torpnto and hamilton star the jap8 amendment an amcrlcaii attachejl in an acl- visory capacity to tho japaneso em bassy at v7iuriliigt i fondof tell ing about the htrict cleanllnossthat relgrifl in japanese houses japanese floors says be are vory beautifully kept thero aro houses where sovera sorvtints have no other duty than the polishing of tlio floors a young japanese student in irfn dofi lind tlio misfortuno to llvo in ai apartment liouso where tho janitor did npt keep tho hulls in very good con diflpn thk cirnuihstonco cituscd tlio jajianeno great horrovv and indigna tion on tho airproacli of winter tho janitor displayed nt tfio door tho no tire plcato wiiio 5our feet whpn be haw tills notice tho younjj japincno idiiel thehoivordairt pencil on going out the strike of hard coal miners is still far from holng nettled wo have a supply of hamilton domestic coke which we arere- talling at 1460 per ton off car 1500 out of shed tou would bo wise to set some now as cold weather and no further supply ofbard coal will create a short age j b mackenzie phono 48 n moleod mar 24 lbs wwnrvw nbrval mills na tjio wax for cakes and pastry whole wheat flour is the ijohl its lluullhlllliy vlllues urekicat- est its flavor tnstes better if you want your oven to produce light and tasty cakes uho our ttourt cakes nuido from our lour will please him you can rest uhsurrcil unit our flour rep resents purity- becauho wo mill it ourselves made specially pou kjstr vf b browne fc cob norwal ont 1 nerv flou mills w b browne co prop norval kings choice broad flour natiprjial pastry norval bland boll 00 r 2 phonbmunloipal 327 p 3 the most digestible of sweets our pure corn syrup is relished by adults and children because of its deliciona flavor itia also rich in food value and so easily digested doctors recommend it edtvpdsburg the f hinq can do better whllo it l flcnlrablo to o an 41ii- rouiwl wnrlttir it ih even more im- imituiit tolo linpnelnllnt itor the noiil qf tho day is not ho ninth for workoib who can do anything nn for thoho who ciin do something hotter than tho otlicr follow tho avcrago ompldyoi- win not lo- liitoiedted in tho luinboi of ihlnun yon enn do so much as in u10 upoolul thlnit you can do hiiiiorlntlvoly well precaution radio canadas pioneer monthly publication devoted to radio subscription prlco 20 per yoarlriiulvance radio is edited by allon 13 oxley it c l an putstundinjr authority on radio operation subscribe now and learn how to get the beat out of your radio ot radio also tells you where to buy penton publications 6062 adelaide east toronto tg7izi brand cornsyrup th- fanaua starch co limited- montreal ctlo dontlaj- to u patient who ih ojioii- in his pur no dont bother to pay mo in advance patient im iiot i was only count ing my pionpy liotoro you bivp nw gas chicago ijorald typewriters genuine factory rebuilt underwoods built up to the same stand ards as the new machine throughout fully guaranteed same as new but they cost less general typewriter appliance co 00 kino st w13bt toronto 2 those delicious roasts these winter days arc the ones when those good roasts and fine soups taste the best nnd when you want the choicest ctits of nieat the best place in acton to go is pattersons prime roasts of peef choice cuts of pqrk select pieces op veal fine roasts of lamb bacon and cured meats good homemade sausage y in fact there is hardly a cut of meat that you could desire that you will not find at our counters bought right kept rightcut right and sold right the meats you buy nt pflttorsonb arc the best thnt you can procure u w j patterson corner mill and main strees acton out w

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