Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 21, 1926, p. 1

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v i i fiftyfirst year no 30 thursday moaning january 21 1926 acton ontario canada thursday morning january 21 1926 single copiesfive cents the acton united church ok canada minister rov ft e zimmerman b a parsonage willow strflot 1100 n m the minis mtvkliibjoct if a man di shall ho llvo again zso p m sabbath school session 70o pm tho minlsur subject other llttlo bwpn 01lc tjmo vlllaeo quartette con cert at 815 p m on monday evening prayer and praise service on thurs- dny evwilns at- 730 pm presbyterian knox church acton minieto rev a c stewart ftfl a manse wijlow street 1100 a m tho minlstor subject vsolil thirst 300 pm sabbath school and bible classen 700 p m tho minister subject discipline 1st acton troop boy scouts in attendance monday 730 p- m young peoples guild musical programme strangers leaving address with the ushers will be called upon by the pastor r aimouricino guelphs annual the baptist chtjrcb acton jams w bovd ptpr llioo a m tho pastor subjoct tho character ol the christians itoyg j 3h w m school classes for all 700 pjn tho pastor subject the klsir ana jf-nl- -of- man third in series faith of our -tallier- monday 800 p m youny pooplos meeting thursday 70o p m meeting for prayer and praise i all welcomef special notices advertisement in- thi column j cents per wrd minimum charge oc per inurlon for 8ale 1 pair ladles srwwshoos good as stella molam b v kenyon plcturo framing unholatorlne cab inet work of all kinds carpentorinff alterations hardwood flooring eto prompt aervico 302 phone 142 acton autoknitter yarns wheeling scotch flngorlng worst ed all wool ninety cents por pound delivered samplos free a y shoj s p un 294 ta olillla out card of thanks mr and mrs w k oraham v to thank all those who so kindly canio to tholr assistance with their mnny deeds of thpusrhtfulneas during- their recent illness also for beautiful flowers sent them- those kind acta will always no rcmombercd by thorn m and mr w k rra card ofthank8 for tho very sincere wordb of nyrn- hathy and acts of kindness durinjr tho aad bereavement of tho homo of mr w nosers in tie loss of the wifa and mother of tho homo mr rogers do- aires to express tho appreciation of himself and daughter these words membered a real qpportun1ty a toronto bqnd and srpkerage gupo renulros a represontatlvc top- actopftjnd district at once m po jive wre yylip can folloyf un onautrios rpgardlne eloyenment and municipal bondm and unlisted securltlen every form of support iyill bo given in- alufllnp it t the minute quotations oh- every olaas of security write thp acton free pnesjs ppxa to be held on two days this year in order that the throngs of p thrift shop may be s die more satisfactorily january 22 and 23 1 1 king government was sustained by a majority of three votes the resolution of nonconfidence v was lost your memory of annual dollar day events in the past will tell you just whatextraoutoftheordinary economy op portunities you may expect savings altogether too good to miss if you carr possibly get to town the special timetable friday store3 open from 830 a m to 600 p m saturday stores open from 830 a m to 930 p m if saying is counted a virtue in your home it will pay and piiy richly n saturday trip to uueipn this rriday and d e micdonald bros ltd raelpkv leading and largest stare notice to creditors tho creditors of sarah ann mac- dougall lateof the village of acton in the county of hal ton spinnter who died it acton on the third day of january 3026 are required to bond by port prepaid dr otherwise douver to tho undersigned solicitor their full nameo addresses and descriptions full particulars of their claims and tho nature of tho securities if any held by them and this notice being given in pur suance of section 66 of the trustees act r so chap 121 and amending acts notice ia- hereby further given that on and after the 22nd day of february 1920 tho executors will pro- deed to distribute the assets of the old deceased among the parties legal ly- entitled thereto j and theywlll not be responsible for any claims of which they- have not recnived notice at the frm qfsuchtiibrrifiutipn patefl af acton his twenty- rat flay pf- january a p 1020 -ert- maououall srut httberl mann executor by ilk farmbr acton ont their olicitor 293 woinueklaind friday january 22 the family secret starring baby poggy com- edy croatlon curses kino- krams satjrpay janwany kenincky pride slarcne acjnjude astor and jlenry n walthall ana neven thorouklibre o war morvlck and others com edy baihful jim fox nows tuesday january 26 her market value stnrrlnar apnes ayea chap ter j of thevflbhtlng rannev comedy huster he good cominq the unwanted a brmjh picture with a tor onto born hero vs r u gkbgpby son fr organ recital and entertainment auspices of knox church choir to be held in knox church acton on friday evening january 29 at eight oclock the following artists have beon secured and will render a versa tile programme mi88 nellie m- hamfl fau bag fgniut t bhts jiurch hamiuon mr harvey marshall tfnnr hnlnl hnm mr jack kawnawin vlqiuihftfhpininon miss c wylie blocutlonlat hamilton evcrytxk w coux u e a real trfeat freewill offering ottawa january 18 1926 in tho early hours of friday morning parlia ment by a majority of three votes unstained the liberal governmont de- feateltheamendmenttfcensutoati3 nonconfldenco intronuceil by the con- jiervatlvo leader ht hop arthur mefghon oh opening day and endbrsed the position taken by the pjirnc mln- ihtor jit hon w l mackenzie king fol lowing the general election of oc tober 23th the government wis supported by nlnetcrn progresalveb tle two inde- 1 tend en t members a wneill and mr henri bourassu and the twi iabor members from winnipeg j s wooda- worth and a h heaps the vote proclaimed in efcct that mr mackenzie king ami his udvisers hud interpreted correctly tho opinion on policy of the electorate when under the exiting clrcunistancesw decision wua made to retain ofllco linthmt wng possible to call parliament together and rocelve the verdict of the elected representatives of the people briefly reviewed the circumstances were theao owing- to the situation arising through representation by several groups in the house of commons no ono group had a majority over all with which to carry on tho conservative group wuh thfr iftr 1 mfin sut lacked the necessary seven to bo even one morehhan half in a parlia ment of 245 tnombers progressive and labor members hati been elected on platforms akin to that of the lrber- ili party and strenuously opposed to conservative policies neither liberal nor conaervattvo party could carry on without coroperatlbn of the indepen dent groups apd between these and the conservatives a gulf was fixed pojiowing he vote the liberal mem bors and scores of other friends call ed on mr mackenzie iclng td extend him their congratulations mr charles macdonald m i prince a1 bort saskatchewan promptly claimed tho f honor of resigning his seat to jnnkji way for tho prime minister the official nomination will take place on february 1 and tho voting tn feb ruary leth if this is madft necessary sustaining a motion of hon ernest lanolnte acting leader of the qovern- nxont in the house adjournment wns made until monday when the debate on the spa eon from the thropei which embodies the liberal programme of legislation was commenced news of local import ptor of boston church resigns rev robert mcdercienti m a tho pastor of boston presbyterian church eaquehlnef has resigned to accept the unanimous call to the presbyterian congregations of bowmnnvihe and newtonvllle o c russell sells qrcoery butins mr j w jones who lum been man- years first programme at the meetina of acton high school litwrry sftriy the first regular meeting after the now year of the acton high school literary society was hold last friday afternoon and the relaxation and plea sure it provided was enjoyod by all george mason the president skil fully conducted the mefetlnff- the programme was an excellent one the school song was the first number and it was sung with en t lasm and fervour which has grown with its familiarity then margaret brown favored us with a iilano solo of no bniall proflclpncy thla was fol lowed with an inrtrumonlal duel by gladys scarrow and maljorie swltzcr which was very creditable after wards a talk by helen llttloy on a conndlan poet pauline johnson was well given and showed that much time had been spent in careful prepara tion phyllia tylpr rectjed one r of pntdllrre jdhnson poems entitled ngerof ac voii cboi6r ail vo store for tho past few years nurchaned the grocery business of mr d c russell last week i mr jones ussumea the ownership on februor 1 preaofited 44949 to georgetown fire brigado last week the original georgetown mlnntrolr handed the georgetown fire brigade i cheque for j44940 tho sur plus from several entertainments given by the mlnatrels the money la to bo devoted toward the purchase of an automatic fire alarm system postponed play to txt presented to- morrow evnina the hh school play hurry hurry hurry which was prepared to bo presented in december but had o bo postponed will be presented to morrow friday oyeoing in theown hall the cast of characters and a synopsis of tho play appear in an- ptherr column sthe koopor of trii baes thijipjw jidjastlybgene stratton porter which has been dramatized and filmed was presented at wonderland on it-idajt- nighty to crowded houses the gregory man agement continues to- ho cure the best and nesvest ictures and la this sus stains the good reputation which for years they have been engaged in building up two woeksl before the iron horse which- has been so pop u lar everywhere was presented leilio gregory recovering leslie gregory son cf mr r l gregory of the wonderland theatre who was painfully injured ten days or more ago when ho ran into a pole at sunnyaide toronto is naw recover ing nicely he returned from st josephs hospital toronto to his home at oakvftjo last week the in juries sustained were mostly to his headn scalp wounda required three stitches- on ono side and two on the othor the car ho was driving was badly smashed up still prize the free press it is fifty years since alma grant of st marya left tho town of his birth ho hue read the frkb pubss all the years and still enjoys it mr grant bxtybt actons insurance rates to be lower reeve mason in an interview with the underwriters secured this concession the second session of the munici pal council on tyeiday evening was an evontful one nnd revealed some mnttrsytvhich wrjre nothcrctoforo known by tho people of the town reeve mason immediately upon as suming oflle commenced enquiries respecting the long deferred reduc tion jui actons insurance rates after installation of the waterworks system and its additions of flrenghtlng equipment from time to time he went fully into matters with the o01 gersof the fire underwriters asso ciation in their report to acton it is stated that the 6100 gasoline auxil iary pump contracted for in 1924 and installed early in 1925 was put in without their approval as a unit of actons waterworks system the fire underwriters state hat when the high pressure control of the waterworks is put into the hands of the chief of tho flro brigade with absolute auth ority and with a flro alarm system which may be heard over the town aj subutntial reduction in actons insuranco rates will be scheduled other matters of interest were dis cussed at tho meeting all the councillors were present and reeve mason presided the second report of the finance committee recommended payment of accounts- asfollowailj social and personal- mr and mrs frank splelvogel spent monday in toronto mihs gladys huffman of toronto was home over sunday mri ernest brown of toronto was home over the weekend mr angus kennedy of oaielih was homo over the weekend m ry- jordon la won- wttithomefronr torontb over tho weekend wm johnstone pre- of acton fall fair ahouigp y7at has roiiccl around and again it id renewal time we take great pleasure in again re newing our subscription and to let yiiu know that wo prize the fiikh press as much as wo ever dlil we hoar much news of our old school mates and friends through its columns that we would nover otherwise know about l 3c cry from an indian wire- which given an ipglght into indian character meryl qrindollii recitation character- izirib- indian cattle thior was well received and encore was en titled tho song my paddle sings and mcrltod a hearty applause mar- jorhj switzer concluded tho program me with- a piano solo bov mr baugh was critic and re marked favorably on the splendid ex pression of the youthful elocutionists and tho fine programme he empha sised the great advantages of a lit erary society in giving tho pupils op portunities for public bpeaklng his motto xvugfr stjind up speak up shut up tho students always welcome tho ministers of our town who bring both holpful and interesting bits of criti cism tho singing of the national anthem closed the meeting archie kerr re porter co vs bcardmoro bolting co tuesday february 2 acton tan ning- co vs bcardmoro co thursday february k lioardmore b cu vh hriwetsons the goal deer life mm at th preaenl time it a hard old life- hard coal in not to be hwd the hard cold loporators auelrnrd bolltd and win not give ground in the presont controverby to ihc doubly hnrd boiled representatives of tho mine workers and nelther reftume that the consumer may ot hanl boiled too and be darn hnrd to selfhnrd coal to after he becomes ac- customed to good substitutes the governor of pennsylvania thought ho could take the hardness out of the hflrd ccaj operntofk keart4and have accept- the de mands of the hard coal miners but aa the figured he was looking for votes in fuuro campaign thoy set him down hnrrtt the nilnern lender- is very hnrd arid ho figured if he threatened washington that ho would suspond mining of other eoai unlehs they intervened horlqrttnahltrrrr the president of tho united states was a little harder and called his bluff nnd also discontinued plans for an intended intervention summing it all up it is about time that we learn to use hamil ton coke in small furnaces heaters and ranges keep our own workmen busy and let these hard bojled hard coal operators and minora fight all they want prica f 1460 par ton off car 11500 out of bin 7 j b mackenzie norman mcueod managar phono 48 town hockey league schedule four local hockey teams havje been picked from tho townnamely hewet- sona and the town actonh tanning co beardmoro belting co and tho beardrnoro co and tho high school tho schedule was planned to tart on tuoaday january b and the follow ing remaining games are scheduled thursday january 21 aoton tan ning co vs beardrnoro bolting co xyft howetsonfl ts7rardhjorosrc6 thursday january 28 hoard more an enjoyabla social event the post nuptial reception of mrs melbourne overtoil at their pretty now homo on v tr i tr tuesday february 0 beurdmore a co vs acton tanning co thursday february llllewetaona vs boardmore belting co tho gamoh are played on tuesday and thursday evenings at 7 oclock and at the close of tho season it has boon agreed upon that the two losing teams shall banquet the winning teams the following 1h the standing of tho league p w l b belong cnjt v i 0 how and town 110 a tanning cp 2 0 1 biildmore- a co 10 1 lending scorers cqrrle 7 f aib- lionn v kalcy 5 o masales m tyler 3 j kentner p uc4d t moc- hrle 2 o huffman w huftwaan j gibbons m drone t mnaalcs t t f 1 10 8 0 6 1 1 11 0 3 14 a p 8 3 2 1 0 alliston hai no pool room the alnnton herald suld last week the disposition of the pool room fpieatlon for the year was done with ho muoh expedition at the mooting of tho gounoil that some oftheinemborff looked at eich other and smiled no doubt thinking of the long drawn and heated arguments of other yearn when this matter came up a motion was introduced by councillor wcmulkln socpndod by councillor- kerr it de creed that no billiard or pool room licensed be granted in town this year mayor knight waited i fpw second for tjw speecliea tq be cmmnceq i n unj biiid a ard flout lenvien you have heaihl thin wtlon said the mayor whats your pleasure there was a show of hands carried unani mously announced the presiding head w thursday nlfeht he dogrce team of prince arthur l ql ljq ls31 ac companied by a goodly number of members anda foyw from the sons of ulster no 2965 yialtcd the brethren of actor j- c l hqlieljiin pllfted tho blqe degree flye candt dates being advanced o that exalted station the lodge opened withw- m bro masitles in the ohalr assisted by bro q hall the guelph men taklntf charge shortly after tlio ouelph rhen had a splendid ovenlng and are look ing forward to thoh heatt visit to acton guelph mercury there waa no game tho hookey match between acton and the cn r team of the toronto senior commercial league advertised for last- friday evening did not ma terialise the toronto teem started for acton in one of tho toronto trans- po rlatlon companys big juiacs hut the big bus got stuck aoroowhero on the- road and the gamo had to bo call ed off the toronto boys arrived in town shortly after ten oclock it was too bad thajthe game had to be called off but absolutely no blame can bo laid on tho management of the local hockey team for tho disappointment the automobile and society the feature of monday evenings meeting of the young peoples league of the united church vms a debate on the subject resolved that tho automobile hasmjeen more dourlniental than beneficial lrv lt effectg op so ciety the dcbat vkerej euvln gamble and frank cook fcr thp af firmative and masses clara savage and gladys scarrow for th negative the result showed that in the opinion of the judges the negative side ad vanced the best arguments the de baters were four members of the leaguo who are high school students missmarjjoro switzer rntclbjjtcdav pjabptoujgji lrhwavtoitioyl general account acton htss press printing t 7 55 e j jhassard supplies e cole wood georgetown lumber co sup plies r james miinn wood bell telephone co services g w uasiuea milk charity watarworki account w j hold postage bell telephone co services- james proctor redf ern balance for engineering services re extensions and asollno pump 1 20 107 50 18 92 4 00 6 15 15 t9 t 161 02 7 74 05 0w 19 the report was- adopted br h a coxe requested permission to lnstal a gasoline pump at hla gar age on main street permission was granted under the usual conditions and to remain in place at pleasure of the council mr ei s holmes cequcsted a re duction or assessment on the vacant ryder mowat glove factory build ing while the building remained un occupied consideration of the prq- potlon yrft nmlajut tho johnstone co undertaking account for- the burial of tho late hugh ryder was again discussed but it had been found that the council was not liable und no further action could be taken mrra bauer requested information regarding the payment of his water works account ho hnd been charged the pen nit y by the bank of nova scotia for failure to pay before three br w g c kenney wiuj home from toronto ovor tho weeken mlflb margaret kennedy was homo from toronto over the weekend mr nicholas moloxxlo spent the past weejc with kitchener friends miss euphemla lalng of toronto apent tuesday with acton friends miss bertha brown was home from toronto for saturday and sunday mr austin reld of toronto was a weekend visitor at his home here miss margaret j macdonald was home over the weekend from toronto miss m e currlc of bronte spent tho weekend with her brother mr a c currle mr and mrs james carnohan and miss ida of kemnay manitoba are vlbuing relativcs in town 9 mrs g w masales and lornespept the week- end at toronto mr mcasales was with them on saturday misses bertie speight and kathleen gnlrt w j rday- with t friend miss stacey at toronto mr r b storey of toronto has been visiting at the home dr- hisr mother mrs thos storey this week mr wm james currle of washing ton is visiting friends and renewing many old acquaintances in acton and vicinity mr herbert ritchie who has been confined to lls bed- for the last two weeks is now making slow progress toward rccovory miss mccauley of chataworth- and the miasms brannlgan of toronto were quests at the homo of mr and mrs thetford on sunday mr jr sol man toronto who went to england in recember to spend the holidays with the home folk in keston kent sailed for home on the 8th insl mr stephen guest travelling audi tor for the canadfun oil co aroo home from london for a short visit before leaving thfitweek for sl johns nb miss clara ebbage of toronto spent the weekend with friends in tho old home town- she was greeted by many who were glad to sen her amid the board of directors reduced to twenty members the annual meeting of acton fall fair- waa hold in the council chamber on wednesday januury 3th- the presidents address showed tho f airof1925tohavob eenaaucces htlti tho midst of a year of unsuccessful fall fairs the auditors report showed a credit balance of 2665 for tho jmr in addition tdtho victory bonds plirjkr s chased during the war tho uss materially increased through the gift of g t beardmoro of sanitary and commodious poultry coops to tho value of 400 which the society appreciated very much as ahown by the spirit of tho meeting tho newjyelected president bopd the high standard of acton fall fair would be maintained und made a strong plea for each member to loyojtly fulfil the obligations of the committee work to which thoy are appolntcctfw the year i was realized that the board of jj1 rectors had gradually grown so that it outnumbered tho legal allotment still tho meeting was joath to leave out those who had given many years of faithful service it was however finally decidedto umt the number to twenty ten in acton and ten in tho surrounding townships mr george haviil and mr alex waldlo were uppolnted life members of the society the board of directors was then- arected as follows ociqok on thp hftoeiith of the month but had paid in the evening of that day tho council instructed super intendent reld to refund any penal ties that had been collected when pay ment had been made on tho last dis count day idut8uftl bylaw authorizing the borrowing of money from the bank up to 25000 to meet current expenditure was given tho required number of readings and passed by tho council mr b r bomfe ehi nesday afternoon was a social event very enjoyable and interesting mrs oyerholt who was attired in her wed- dlng cob tunic and her mother mrs richurd johnston who was tteaseq in black silk received mrahi atrtoinies conducted the callers to thp fining room nnd mr3 john r kpniiedy mrs a t brown ms beiitty ainojhl and mrs c bt harrison pqurir t qpd served the ices and refroshrpqnta dur- lng the afterntipp in the eyening tho younger set among the brides lady friends spent an hour or su nt tho home and they had a very jolly and onjoynbjo evening together ths rumteyjohnstont nwptiala fthe marriage took place nt knox jfchurch acton at four oclock on tuesday afternoon january 19 tho rev a c atowart pniclaline of allco mae youngest daughter of mr and mrs william johnstone acton to mr victor b kumtoy youngest sonot mr and mr thomas rumfey also of acton only members of tke immcdl- dto famllles were pr6ent tio bride was grven awray by her father and wore her travelling costume of blonde crepe meteor with brown chontlle close fitting french hat of the same shade vnd carried a colonial bouquet of american beauty roses miss leticla scott in maroon ficqrffo wtthjblack hat aud enrxyijig putter fly rosomjwaa a dainty urrtppmfllfl tho brldcgrqoin w gltendod by dr j e juhnsoo of acton during the cere mony miss l m gray b m- oflflclat- d at tho organ- following the cere mony a wedding luncheon was held at the home of the bride parents and later the happy couple left on short honeymoon tour ughtenment on whether it waa per- mlasable for him to use his barn on victoria avenue as a slaughter- house the bylaw governing this was read it is an old one and tried and was passed in 1874 and absolutely forbids tho establishing or using of any build ing or outhouse as a slaughter house a committee waa appointed to further consider the matter reeve mason brought up the matter of cooperation with the chamber of commerce and closer working with thla body v lt was moved and seconded that the clerk be instructed to write the sec rotary of the chamber of commerce offering thefr cooperation in better things for acton this motion was carried unanimously the question of paying a hospital bill for a bey whose father claimed he could not pay was brought up the charity calls have become so numerous that the council decided a halt must be made and the council must ignora these constant ch ex cept in eactreine cases nnfl no action could lip taken as a result af ft visit of reeve mason tq tt 9nfthnn fir under write asbo0flhn a letter was re ceived stating that a substantial re duction woirld be made in the key rate of actons insurance policies pro vided for the following changes were made the first chnge to be made was that tho chief of tho lire department should- in future be given- complete authority with regardtb ptes sures on the waterworks system in case of arcs nn4 the second that an effective flre alarm should be instal led which could be heard all over tho town familiar scenes again mr and mrs b vkenyon wallace avenue have had a houseful of sick people for several weeks past mr kenyons mother who came from blair to visit them was herself token ill they are all improving now how ever r estate sales in acton mrs kccteatoncs garage bn mum street to mr bowman nunn mr m browns stores on mlh street to mr to williams mr h w hlntons brick house oa lake avenue to mx wm sprowl of esquealng mr geo sopers store on mill street to mrs w h n turn t bales w by j a smith real estate ascat presidontwni johnstone 1st vicepresident duncan mcdou- saiir- 2nd vicepresident r j kerr- directors w jc graham l b shorey wm kenney j r kennedy c r j llama haw d lindt say e j hassard r m mcdonald sri lindsayd d tvaldie j f robertson rw dredge j 1 smith robert kerr chaa mckeown duncan campbell chun lauby win hortop n h black honorary directors c b swack hamer dr anderson m p george hllmer m p p gordon beardmoro a- b mclean nel patjeraon h p moure pm dr coxe wa lasby reeve mason a kannawln simr mo- lean arch mcnabb a- t brown v audltorsa t brown w j reld police court news found guilty of drlvinga car while in an intoxicated condition oswald branch of bowmanvllle was sentenc ed to fourteen daya at hard labor in the county jail at whitby by magis- trate hind in the oshawa nni mirt this morning tho guelph mercury on tuesday said when magistrate watt was con fronted with another blank docket in police court this morning it made uhy slxth successive day on which there hna been no session guelphs be haviour for a- week has been a hun dred per cent perfect the wayside watering trough no benefaction ever conferred in the underwriters reort was read and this report points ou that tho new gasollno unlj yhlcv w been in stalled was not lr occardftnoo wiui thft regi pnol not a this rofers to tha 1q1o0 hhuii6 pump installed last year without their con sent or approval moved by b thetford seconded by l e atkinjon that tho fire chief be given complete authority and control with regard to waterworks pressure and that any resolutions heretofore passed to the contrary be hereby re scinded carried the securing of on additional alarm may ejao- be had at a very reaa6n- able amount and it is now being ne gotiated vlth tho cooperation of the messrs beardmoro co moved by f holmes seconded by c b parker that r j mcpherson bo airpointod sanitary inspector for the municlia1lty carried the hlghschooijyaa gjytjri perpilh- nlon tuuse tno town hull for tho com mencement entertainment in the matter of delivery of the lire truck t wan decided to huyo tho blckle company make delivery and tho council pay the expenses as ogrced upon chairman of- finance thetfnrd wfl ordered toi jrarr a upeoinion order form fpp ujqa in ordering nil goods to bfl nw for hy iho counoir miived by is thetfofd seconded by f holmes that the limit of the salary to be paid ruthccford williamson a co be increased to 200 instead of 16 an provided by bylaw passed at iaai meeting it bsing understood that the- said firm shall give a thorough audit and make suggestions for im provement in keeping tho books of tho municipality where such will be for town rrom a humane standpoint has been more beneficial than the splendid animal watering trough- on main st installed some years ago by the wo mens institute the flowing water fed by the town waterworks system is relished by horses dogs and birds this year it has been kept running even through the xero weather pro bably as an experiment and it still has its daily patrons a trifling lft is seemed and yet the good could not bo measured when the year was done sarah k bolton knox guild young veepla tho programme of the knox church guild was taken by the youns wo mens auxiliary at the meeting last monday evening the musical num bers were a dellghtf ul solo by miss jessie mann and a very acceptable vocal solo by miss jessie anderson with violin obligate a missionary pageant taken from thp book entitled the clflflh of colors was presented by twclvo members of the auxiliary miss emma robinson very ably pre sided in spite of bad weather there was a very good attendance and a liberal offering was received st albana vwtry meeting the vestry rneetlngs of the angli can parish df acton and rockwood were held this week and both reported 1925 as being the best financial year of tho church both had a good bal ance oh hand and the spirit of harm ony ji ndr good wjhaji eenrt vail during the year 7 st7 johns church itockwood mr fred hamil ton was elected peoples warden and mr joseph stovell reotors warden mr j ajdono waa elected ropresont- atlve to sy for alhn- nh acton mr wm smith- was elected pooplos warden- and the rector chose mr w jonea aa his warden mr h rogers was re appointed vestry clerk a strong committee was appointed to organize social evenings in the parluli hall the first of which will be held on monday february 1 a committee waa also appointed to search fox ways and moans of securing better accom modation for the rfeatqr a good prosperous year is fully anticipated by all the advantage and protection of the municipality carried in the matter of payment on a e ciipim truck which was damaged by going through the church street bridge councillor atkinson brougrht in a full report of the councils liability it wap moved by c e parker sec onded by v holmes that the account tf 1 860 for daro ti ift fartick be paid carried considerable discussion wt passed before payment was uthorisd on this blllandt vauaeh agreed that un less prapw notification in writing as provided by statute and other require ments are compiled with no more ac counts of thla nature will be paid a letter from the fire brigade gave the information that ttt a special meeting of the brigade they were un animous in supporting the councils action in purchasing a fire truck and greatly appreciated this effort to eli minate losses to citizens from flics tho old tytne village quartette of which a cchaproan director will give a concert in the 1nued church next monday eyening 2th taut- v lay chief jackson charged f king georgetown- before police magistrate moore with being intoxi cated in a public place on monday night after returning to georgetown from a hockoy match at milton king pleaded guilty a was und custs ui- thirty days in jail at hard labor in giving judgment last week in the appeal of joe duron to against a con- vlet a a hhpuaml by m latrate watt for selling liquor judge spotton affirmed the conviction and fine of 200 which waa imposed with tho alternative of threo months in jail on nonpayment of tho amount but he reduced tho jail sentence to threo months in addition to ono montb-r- merviury v police magistrate moore held an early morning session of police court at nine oclock on monday morning in milton two cases came before him john smith a vagrant from oakville was sentenced- to three months- vincent- keenan of toronto who was arrested by chief chapman for creating a disturbance at the- palace theatre on thursday ovenlng and the chief found a bottlb of liquor in his pocket ho was charged with having liquor in an illegal place he pleaded guilty and was fined 6000 and coats when put oh oath as to tho source of his liquor tho prisoner told this story he wanted to take tho train out of milton on thursday evening ho asked a couple of men in a cutter where ho might get a taxi they told him they would drive him to tho station when en routo he said to the men that ho had a bad cold and thought a drink of liquor would cure him tho men said theyd take bin to a place where ho could get a drink thoy drovo him about and finally called at ahouao whero they went through a lane ho got sovcxai drinks and must have bought a bottle thought hoould the chief foundthebonicontnmrana when he got to jail and his mopoywas counted he found he was 1800 short he evidently paid a good prlco for the liquor 669200 for roads and bridges diooun by the provincial oovrn- iim hi l tuwmhlp u n aawyn 290 2 0 ij2 0 nuasaguwcya council mot for lta in augural seiisoh- on io 11th inst au tho members were present accounts wcro piisbod as follows colin mcphall sanitary in spector bv o h c 90i potor mcdlbbon townltae 4 25 metallic kooniik co culvert 26 mi jai w morrntnoataioaqpt r white stationery acton feiu3 prbss printing minutes byiaws and financial statcmont for for 1026 tho keovo and clerk wore authoris ed by resolution to petition r tha government for the statutory grant 6lp4930u cxpenduuro on roads and hiidgcs during 1026 a bylaw wib passed appointing township ofltcors an fpllows ab- sesihir linus mcmillan colleotor w mcphall member board of hoalth w pickett sanitary inspector colin mte- phall school attendance ofllcor w j moore auditors a j mcphedran und chas a darby sheep inspectorv david irvfnr- and colin kltchlng the clerk was instructed to order a copy of tho munloipnl world for each mombcr of tlj council and the oftlclals counclladjournod to meet on feb ruary 8 atr 1030 am john marshal clerk- the knox church choir cancan tmmhk january mu i r

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