Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 21, 1926, p. 3

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glc artmt 3fag ffrena f thubfiday january- 21 192 cocored words winter ia silver phrase silver uuslca and sllvor dtfys silver lou and nllver atreet silver javelin of alee t silvor liiuba shed ullvor luneij silver eurrjnurs on tho eavep winter ia a sliver jliruae spring synonymous with trreen green or gracious lawns between green tlclleht or willow boughs groen of woodland cloister house green of runnel rlranied with moss grcn or triliuni that tosaw sprhip j synpnynrous with gren summer ia a rainbow word rainbow bicasrt of humming bird rainbow sunaets paint the sky rainbow moth and dragonfly rainbow paxden god with all rainbow hueff is prodigal snmitifr w vi rainbow word- autumn has a golden bound golden carpel on the ground golden harvest floods the field golden nugsota orchards yield goldenrod and hills embossed coldenly by coxly front autumn boa a golden sound john hanhx to youths companion jean tot cfm- nam r w it was most annoying to miss the railroad connection and jean wonder- ed how she could pass theontr after- noqn in the utile junction city whero bhvmubt wait tir the evening train jff only papa werent so unreason ably particularly about my men friends i could phone jim turner she said to herself hea the only person i know here and even if papa doesnt like him bfca a jolly fellow ini seventeen and it seems to one thatto old enough to choose my own friends papa- spends me away to school to make me eelf reliant so tie ought to expect mo to decide thins for myseml she took down the station telephone directory and in v minute more was talking to jim what luck he said your being in town this particular afternoon when im free to take you soiling but i never go out in sailboats papa thinks them dangerous well woil dlacuss that when i see you in about live minutes after rather pioreegualve greeting the hills of home that jean expected or desired jim resumed as soon as he arrived the conversation about tho sailboat and urged her to sail across the lake no i simply cant rapa hs never allowed me to so sailing unless he is with me said jeoui firmly well at any rate come down to the shore and see what a trim littt craft i have i suppose your honored liorcnt wouldnt object to jjour look- ine at my boat 7 of course not answered jeoa pleasantly althourb she did not quite like jims manner of speaking of her father jump in sale jim when they had reached the landing where the boat was moored you cant see what a beauty she la unjeata you get in as jean sank into the cushions at the stern jim looked at her and then laughed triumphantly now orent you glad were going for a soil after all butwe oh yes we are- iont you see we are loosed from the pier please dont let the boat go any farther 1 really mustnt sou tllb are wild in your mountain peaks y i hear them wail and i scream but the breese on the little hills of borne walks softly as a dream jthe brown bees come and so and the ships of cloud sail nasu what is their haven who may know but they all reach port at-last- over your towering crags the strongest find no way rut a child on the little hills of home shall wander safe all day ami for his delight shall be rich tapestries of bloom the sound and the shine of the dis- tant sea and the hazel woods perfume tour mountains climb to the sry they are crowned like kings with enow but oh for the little hills of home the friendly hills i know green to each grassy crest flowerstarred purple and white with sunny slopes where the tired may rest and rest for the coming night count of robert fisher of 94 co for constables fees in the liquor caso of chlpnchaso vs morrow itoevo mc gurvin who was tho uctlnp magis trate explained that the case was triad before him- and dismissed for want of sufficient evidence to convict that herhad hot jakon the precaution to demand from tho complutntant i deposit of money in advnnco to cover the costs and that the complainant had left town aoon after tho case was dismissed ho said he presumed ho was legally liable under tho clr cumstanccs for the imyment of the constables fees and if- trio council insisted upon it he was prcjmired to do so mr christie roposcd that each of thej councillor pay an appropriate share of the amount tills was ob jected to to by the other immbers of the council on the score off its betmr a legitimate municipal matter and should be paid by the council mr secord finally moved and mr hamil ton seconded that the account of tho constable be paid mr chrlstlo call ed for the yeas and nays and they were recorded as follows yeas se- cord smith and hamilton nnys mr christie the reeve reported that the s2000- which had been placed in his hands for charity was exhausted a large portion having been doled out to the tramps an almost innumerable num ber of whom had called upon him for assistance during tho paat two months mr smith moved ahd mr christie seconded that 10 be placed in the hands of the reeve to be used for charitable purposes as rcquired two accounts were passed at this meeting 60 to david golloway for bread for d minot darkev dave and 190 to ft r moon clerk- for registering- births marriages and deaths and so it went just as today just as busy just as nerve racking arid parrying with the transaction of busi ness just as great responsibility as today the hat that came back v teach obedience nearly every hoy who onurii busi ness life iv 1 thou t tho ndvajitukc of i- goo education regards tho position of olflcc boy an the mom natural if not only tho door uiulin uiumainthi 1s true there must always be olllce boyn no mutter liow many new busi ness appliances arc invented but the supply ultlluukh ciiuiii to tho demand in quantity lauiiautlsfactory in qual ity an office boy with the ldeu of obed- lenco firmly fixed is already pretty well equipped for his duties in i western city a hov lately entered the office of a bualnesa house from a good home one day tnln employer t3ld him to do a certain thing- and having found it undone luter in tho day ask ed the fioy why ho had neglected it oh i didnt reel like doing it was the at3wervniadonaturally and with out any thought of bernrr- impudent but the employer promptly knocked tho boy down the interesting aequcl to the story is that when the boy went home it was not to conrplain of the employer but to upbraid his parents for never having tauehthr to obey his complaint was not unjust to whonvjjhbuid a boy look for tho great lesson of obedience if not to his par ents a generation ago he might have got somo jjnowledeo of the vuiuq of discipline from the schools but the abolition- of corporal punishment anil the changed public attitude toward punishment of any kind iiavo robbed the schools of most of the disciplin ary value they once had only tho other day tho old teacher died who was credited by tho late roscoe conk- hng with having made him a united states senator by a thrashing ho once gave him in school the responsibility of parents in in culcating obedlenco is greater how than ever before not even a school for office hoys can do all tho work the councils work of fifty years ago i suppose you are wondering what the councils of half a century had to do when they had no cement pave ments no electric street lights no hydro system to pass over to a com mission no waterworks no are by laws to administer and no silent policeman to have reepeoted well i dare say that the council lors of 1876 had just as busy a time as those of 1926 will have and x am quite sure they looked after their duties just as conscientiously as will our chosen councillors of this year tney had plank sidewalks to build and to repair they had roads and bridges to build tjbey had coal oil street lamps to have attended to and cows pas turhur on the streets to send to the pound they had the taverns to super vise and the liquor stores to license and inspect and there was the namo- flftnplnlwt nf h fljpp- pvpn i hy radical measures sometinne3 ac complish surprising things the wo man in the following story may have v 1to cna value to adventurous milliners have i seen tht hat before nak ed the visitor do you hkke it replied tho hyde gently sarcastic motive8 pilgrim stan ctnlilciu of utiwearled journeys tolling years to do and ilaro the earths uljeetlonuntl to what purpose motivesare anliuiils or human often both they determine quality of life rovers tf la ml a nd sea to despoil rovers of land aim soil tc- lespoil hordes of old tiiiie plunderers or new timo tricksters type ox highest eeo ktainn tpyo of niisguitd cruadurs to rescue an- empty tomb or seeking proselytes to an outworn creed typo of highest discoverers lp pqrs creators for tliern selves arid pos terity building p material structures under spiritual ideals homemakers aro they rearers of families contri butors to tho common wtfal these aro sons of god and brothers of men inheritors of the earthy righteous motives aro prophetic f hpkndld deeds in a redeemed world pilgrims and progress architectural jokes the builders of tho old churches in england were not so serious but that they now and then perpetrated joke in stone on more than one of their creations they carved in relief a scene representing a monk preaching very solemnly to a flock of wild geese tho same humorous spirit is sometimes to be detected in the domestic architec ture of the early times mr hiasey klves an example what is an education for all tho vust hunis spent on edu cation a good many peophv tlll do not know the true niouujut of the word memory phiys a niuch more niodest purt in it than is generally t jppobed sorno people say an eiu- cated nmn knows bow to go about getting tlie information ho nccd tiio general consensus of opinion howevur is that education is a matter of train ing the mind people forgot fiuuiy les- aons that thoy learn in scliool and college but that does noj matter mi that the mind bus recolved tho neces sary training students are often asked what good a certain auily is going to do them after they finish school not all sub jects aro useful in the same way that a knowledge of bookkeeping and sten ography arc a knowledge of greek roots may not help al young man to get a position lna business office but the training ho received in mastering these roots may help hltn to make the most of that position when he gets it a bank president said in a recent address that tho young men who had received a classical train ing brought to business hotter trained minds thim others many of our young people are de voting anywhero from eight to six teen of the most precious years of their lives o getting an education and thoy really oeght to know what itla that they aro working for thoy aro not educated becauhe you have completed a certain number of years in school or because you havo acquired a great llko muny admirable jgrruspondent wrilis oui very careful at half past eleven mr stone re tired in a few minutes the telephone rang and ho hurried downstairs to find that there was no one on tho line he had just smftifglcd into his warm bed when tho telephone rang again and he answered it a second time it proved to be a man who wished to interest him in a new automobile when the conversation was ended tho were under 12 mills on the dollar with aitch a programme werent they a busy lot and besides all this the reeve was the acting magistrate for the i community and tried all cases arising and it is auchu fine breese wehl of arguments in the barroom across the lake in no time said neighbors quarrelling over each others ho across the lake in no time said jim laughingly ignoring her prote3t as the sails filled with wlnd and they begahscuddlhg rapidly across the water you know you really want to go and what your father has said about sailing ought not to bother you because i under b hn i ni things about me and you didnt let that fact interfere with your letting me kave the pleasure of your com pany this afternoon jean stared at falnx in angry ment how couldi any one be so un- gentlemanlyt her father had sold jim could hot be trusted and be cer tainly could not but she asked her self had she not proved herself equal ly untrustworthy a flush of shame well steer toward shore tin not surprised that you think im in the habit of disobeying papa but 1 am not arid 1 ana very sorry that i did not respect hus wishes today if i had i should not have been soiling across this water agsuasjt my will if you are the least tht kind or manly youll take me in oh well if youre going tobe sore and not moke a lark of it i may as well steer toward abort silently the boat was turned and in silence jim helped jean out when they were once more at the pier and there was no con vernation until jim bade her goodbye at the station then he said almost shryly ii suppose i was a brute i hope youll try to forgive m yea i forgive you its harder to forgive myself eager for duty canon hammond in his recent book a cornish parish relates an incident of a- comlah fireman of a small town whom the sudden clang of the fire bell summoned from his dally labor to the scene of the fire close by he viewed the flames for a momen or two with a critical eye and then turning to a neighbor in the crowd remarked placidly tls a proper fire sure nough i must go home and put on my uni form not less leisurely was the be- havloornf a fi ofa certain smoit new england town whicbhjtd but re gently become the proud possessor of d fireengine there had been several needless alarms since the advent of the gorgeous and gilitentng new ma- china and won n back fence and the children and thq drunkrand dlsoierlycases which were then so frequent on the streets just to give you an idea as to whether or not reeve mcgarvin and councillors christfe sece rlptih p the haste with which they hadyheen run in in part to a- willingness on the part of the general population to ae the flreenglne turn- out so when the sound of the roella aroused him at- ndrnlght this hero thrust his head out of the window and hailed n boy running by hallo- there is u anybodys hay cock- rjjo the boy called back- over his shoulder as he turned the corner tehk said the fl reman thought fully clicking his tongue against his teeth just thena man raced down tho street hi there you he called o him ash dashed astrwifcaheri codpt 1 no the man shouted hack m a house then marra sold the fireman to his wife resignedly oa hie began krop- lng tor his boots i kinder guess i mights well be atartin along romlltonthe members of tho coun cil of fifty years ago were as busily encaged at reeve mason and council ors holmes thetford atkinson and parker are likely to be this year i have gleaned the following items of their doings from this old fres pnasa file of 1876 on the 27th of january a bylaw was passed appointing stafford zimmer man as assessor at 2000 per annum and another making christopher ma- salas constablo at a salary of jo00 back in those early days the munici pal council had much to do with the supervision of the taverns and liquor stores and to properly govern them robert fisher tinsmith was appoint ed inspector for acton at the remun eration of 9200 per day when on duty at this same meeting i find there was a growing desire to provide somo kind- of fire protection it was moved by jj 0 christie and seconded by c s smith that the reeve the mover and the seconder he a committee to ascertain the cost of a suitable fire engine and also what it would cost to build a lockup the council in those days convened once a month in regular session but frequently special meetings were call ed a meeting was held on the 26th of february when bylaws were pass ed providing that not moro than two liquor licenses begranted to etores and that the license fee be 20000 for the firsts time a rider was introduced into the bylaw that shops securing these liquor licenses be restricted to the sale of liquor only and have no connection with any other line of busi ness at this meeting the tavern license bylaw was again discussed and it was finally decided that the number of barrooms in acton be lim ited to three and that the license fee be 17500 each this was not the whole of the license fee required however for the provincial eovernmenlcame nrand required 12600 moretrom each of the taverns licensed the value and convenience of hav ing the bylaws of the village in the comeatable form was a live topic with the councillors in those early iuaxfl qn coua be- park woman i do answered the visitor where did you buy it that hat has a history its the little stiff ugly blue- and black turban that i bought last year it was a very great bargain and some way or other when i tried it on it looked quite be coming i brought it home then in came mrs wjlklns m dear she gushed you know how she gashes where did you get itr do you like it i asked mrs wiikina examined it minutely lovely weather were having she said so i knew it was every whit as homely as i feared it was i really couldnt afford another hat and yet i felt that i must get rid of that one so i decided to lose it- s cold n neii bprhood theatre wasnt crowded so i put the offensive turban on tho vacant seat beside me and left it there jtfext morning the bell ransr i opened the door to find a young wo man smiling at me m my dear mrs casper she uasld rraafrsuu ybu forgot yourhntlast night next i wrapped it up in a news paper and threw it into the wasted paper barrel on the back porch the j rnnwh tt nml imw it mirk in me i tried to give it to lucy colored erirl who cleans the flat once a week sha gently suggested that she was partial to things with more red in them then mrs gustafson came to visit me you know she weights about two hundred and fifty pounds 1 told her the tale of 4hc turban she laughed bring it out and put it on this chair ill sit on it then you can sayit was an accident she sat and then stood up tho poor turban looked like a pancake ruined hopelessly ruined said mrs gustafson with a grin try it on my deor i did to my amazement the thing in its transformed shape was tremendously becoming con- 1 tinuedrthe visitor it the hat you see now said tho hyde park woman its as unique as the method that remodeled it said the visitor venlenced you not at all said mr stone i was sitting right in front of the telephone thinking that some one might call mo up boil it down if youve got a thought thats happy boll it down make it short and crisp and snappy boilu jlown make your meaning plain express it so well know not merely guess it then my friend ere you address it boil it down just upon the boundaries of bed- amount of miscellaneous information fordshiro and hertfordshire formerly education does for the mind what stood a rambling old farm house the systematic exercise does for the body living room was ions and low and on making it both strong and supple tho centre beomthat went across the ceiling was inscribed this legend if you are cold go to hertfordshire this seemingly inhospitable invita tion was explained hy the fact that onehalf of tho room was in one county and onehalf lir the other tho fireplace was in hertfordshire 771 chinese autographs after tho sefge of pekin tho lotos club of new york which has long been in the habit of entertaining dig ringuished men gave a dinner for wu tingfang the chinese minister at washington the autograph- seekers kept him buay between the courses and to enliajice the value of ilia- jaignalu rthcjfjycxfiujl anj noon s in asking mr wu to write in chinese several of them later in lhe evon- ingwere comparing his signatures- as itliey appceared on their menu cards unfamiliar as they wero with the chinese script thoy could seo that the characters were not the same just then chow tszchl the chinese con sul came up and was acancaa8kedlf lie knew what tho writing meant sir chow hesitated a moment and then gravely read these autographs as follows what a funny rednosed mqw how short and fat youarofls an amusing baldhcaded fellow curious names people a illddy had but olio fault sin- wan tidy honest nnd obliging but she would put kero- none on tho lire her mis tress hud renfonstrated in viln uiul one morn- ing entered the ititchei in time to see lier with the oil can tilted at a danger ous angle over a irate where there were still a few sparks now illddy stop at once cried she indignantly how often havo i told you not to use a diop of oil on the fire oh sure maam said she as she reluctantly sct down the can it niver yet did anybody harm there aro accidents every day from the careless usd of kerosene all yis maam but not when bodys careful like mel but folks is that afraid of having it used why mrs vyindspr at mo last place they locked up the can for fear id get at it i remember that morning well for wed all had a bit bf a fright why what syightentu tfou well ye see maam that morning id put on a dhrop too much and it blew all the stovo covers 6ft and split the fircboard true eor ye pat a cleric in i pnst olllcu in tho west of irelaiiil told ah itinn who came- in to ntafl a loiter that tlie letter was overweight ovon what weitfhl asked pat its too heavy replied the clerk youll litve to pui another utanlp on it ycrra get nut wld your foolin said the irishman with a broad grin sure if 1 put another stamp on it wont jt bo heavier still fren a last thought a toddler was recently christened by her parents alsace ijorralno jone and a boy named lorrain nichols praise god barebones was a well- known character in the days of the commonwealth when there ore so many real good names there 1s no reason to give child a bad one a girl baby was found abandoned on the beach years ago at a seaside resort and the kind ly folk who found her adopted her and called her pearl their name was bythesea so ihe name was particularly charming and appropriate for her ltlsa curious coincidence that when she grew up sho married a man called shore so eventually she became pearl j3ytherseashore the miracle of the day the transforming power of cheer fulness is the miracle of everyday life chperfulneflfl turns drudgery into pleasure it makes the peasants faro fit for a kings table it furnishes a home more completely than persian rugs and costly fittings under the rays of cheerfulness difficulty is transformed into success and suc cess into inspiration from a western paper comos the story of an old yorkshire yeoman who was lying on his death bed after a few preliminary words the- worthy minister said that if tho vet eran hail anything on his mind ho hoped he would confide it to tho pas toral car so that he mlglu die ln peace well sir answered tho old sportsman if i- only had my lifo to live oyer again id fish more with bait and less with flies a practical inventor so your boy josh is an invontor said air green ono morning accord ing to a writer in the washington star parmer corntoasel paused a moment before answering- yes he said at last he has in vented a lot o laborsaving devices what are they v excuses for not working replied farmer corntoasel s laoivrm to couohs coum uionom cmitib when thkatkd with that wond0ullv kmectgyk moussmdu robert ade sold in acton by w qanother chance to win a piano how to tell thejtime cord and hamilton n committee was appollhed to select the standing by laws of tho municipality and have them printed in pamphlet form accounts at this mecetlrtk were pasted as follows sidney smith lumber i- 13 00 roniion adams wood for darky dave 6 25 bf p mytnr aarul h people who llko to bother over jug gling letters and figures will find something for the exercise of their in genuity in three conundrums resur rected by the cleveland lader one of thein at least is so old that it may fairly bo considered new if a father gave nineteoen ctjru to ono of his sons and six cenu to tho other what time would it be why a quarter to two of course if a postmaster went to a menstgorie nnd was eaten by one of the wild ani mals what would be thehour nothing could be easier emffht v m if a guest nt a restaurant ordered a lobster and ate it and another suest did the same whotwould be the sec ond guests telephone number absurdly simple 812 youthful- unselprshness- he la a- very good little boy nnd very thoughtful it was during long spell of dry weather and he had heaerd of the great scarcity bf watefr throughout the countryjtf he rn to and other prizes just solve this now today the opportunity of winning a beautiful piano a radio or a phonograph absolutely without cost is again offered to the musicloving public with this addition there are eight big prizes instead of three your chance of winning one of the capital prizes is that much greater nineteen pianos three radios and nineteen phono graphs have been given away free in- previous con- tests by the canadian selling agentsrwill you be jttcky this time send your answer in earjyyou have a better chance remember prizes are awarded free to the best weatest most original correct answers send your reply today ip jack gives dick one pigeon mac will have asmaky as jaoc but if dick gives jack one pigeon both wiu have- the same- how many pigeons has pick c coupon liy answers to thejpazzle is dick has j pigeons name address dickf how to solye the pu2asle th solution of the puzzle is simple firat decide how man pigeons jack has then find the answer clerk nnd other duties z a hall for benefit mr 11c- prtco 3 00 ouit8 with the bishop -v- the latent story about the bishop of r xiindon concern awkeid he pent t rtcently at a frjjndv ftpuw in the country on the monday rrloroln he aa playing tennis with tils hoata young aon with whom he had frequently played before usually- the bishop more than held his own with hi rn hut on this occasion it was not no between games he remarked to his opponent i simply cant stand your service today then were quits waa the cheeky ronly i couldnt itand yours yister- dsy i 23 26 bff plaher ljcense inspector at tended the- meetlnr and reported tyat he had inspected the three hotels in the village nnd would recommend that licenses be granted to thomas h campbell of the rossln houae and to jtdbert agaewr of the dominion hatsu that the present occupant of ra-jiotel-wsa- tdtff move from it nnd in the present state of the house he could not recommend the ffrantlng of a license to it ttiereportof tne auditors was pre- leated and read by the clerk it was an abatrset of the accounts of 187s object i oh was raised by mr christie that the report was not given in de tail na required by law oh motion the report was referred back to the auditors for the further particulars required i find- that each succeeding meeting of the council of fifty yeas ago al ways brought its budget of matters requiring attention just as the coun oillors of to day huve at the meeting on march ajrd there was considerable discussion over the liability of the council to pay thus ao his motncrand sllppedfhtn hand irtto here mnmma- be uald is it true that in borne jidaces little boy nnjl gilrls have not enough water todrink that is what tha papers say my dear mamma be presently said td like to give something for those poor little jwys and icirlb yes dear what would yoa like to giver mnmnin he said in an earn eat way us lonff as the water is so very very scarce i think i ought to give up beln waned t quick relief for rheumatics nd prize 1st prize 475 ia n o a be i tni nt in walnut finish 2ad prize radio rcceiv- in sa in c without acces sories 6 additional six phono graphs full cabinet size fine repr6ducer wal nut finish local druoplat 8ll jlhauma on momybaok plan it you offer from torturlnr rheu matic jalna swollen jolnta and suffer intensely becgiiue your ayatem full of urlcacla that lauiaibroua polaon uut makea tbouaanda holpleaa and lclll thousand years beforfe tholr time then you need rhatima luid need it now start taking it tomay nheuma act at once 9nlcidnya liver stomach aad blood and you can sincerely exotalm good riddance to bad rubolah many people the moat skeptical tt skeptics riant in this town and in ui country hereabouts bless tho day ivhn k j hoaitard and other aood drugfflsti ofterea rheuma to the afflicted at a small price and guaranteed money re funded if not satlnued if you have rheumatlim aret a bottle of rneuma to- every answer receives a reward the puzzle is not difficult its catchy and makes you think but anyone can solve it in a very few minutes as in the previous contests your answer may be sent j on the coupon or ajjy other inateoal qv in any way you- desire there is no limit to the size of thesohition it is agreed that the answers shall remain the property of the canadian selling agents and that there shall be no apoeal from thedecision of the judges thi1sgs to remember led to the best neatest most original correct should the first prize winner already own a piano- will be givn to the next best send your reply y58ffilbclfydayt dont delay figure out your answer your solution may win the first ftize a 47500 piano the second priic is a 125jxj radio in cabinet wra6ut accessories thi next sht prices are beautiful upright fullsize cabinet model phonographs i canadian selling agents 84 norfoucstreet guclpk ontario i i b t 1 i instructions write your name and address plainly on your solution to th puzzle and send it to the- canadian selling agents at th- address given b3jw every answer will receive a reward so he birp and end your reply in promptly in case of a ie the pri is arwarded to the first answer kkcjeived

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