Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 21, 1926, p. 4

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ytmsfwtfcje- tpas- 517 the howe of ip artattirtrmll0h member canadian weekly newspspcr association member selected town wcthci of ontario the acton free prss is published every thursday mornmc dt the fret prcaa building mill street acton ontario the subscription price is 200 per 7cftx in advance postage is charged additional to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label advertising itatestnnsient advertise- xnents 10 cents per luie agate measure or 6rst insertion and 5 cents per line or each subs qucnt insertion contract display advertise ments for so inches or more per smnnm is cents oer inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accorxlmcly h p moore president and editor a duxs manager and assistant editor telephones- editorial and business office nw residence ol president nj residence ol uaniger iji a perennial issue in all countries tfio tariff like the poor man is always with us it is a perennial thetne for political discussion the monitor of boston treats the matter as follows und conditions are singularly similar to those which ex neighborhood news- town and country georgetown thursday morning january 21 1926 editorial ist in canada since that day when the first p- cwefof detectives dooro qutlirle tective tariff schedule was adopted in the united states and probably long before that time the theory and practice of protection have been assailed and defended by its champions almost continuously theoretically at least there are those among party leaders and national legislators who choose to claim that they are free traders or at least that tariff schedules con only be defended when they are ap plied for the purposes of providing revenues but never when the imposition of import duties is design ed onijrto protect the manufacturer producer of v i worjeingman in he enjoyment of larger profits or higher wages equally insistent and persuasive are those champions of the declared policy- of protection who defend their positions solely upon the theory that the opportunities of the producers should be safeguarded in the interests of progress and prosper ity but it is inevitable no doubt that in the ad ministration of a law which seeks to perpetuate thlsour uureirsentauvo at ottawa protective policy gross inequalities in the distribu- 1 dr dlckie was fie speaker at tho tion of benefits and privileges should result it has been insisted that the western and southern states have been compelled for many years to pay an in direct tribute to the manufacturers and workers in the eastern states for a generation or more the east has held the balance of power in national poli tics especially in the shaping and application of tariff schedules this has been due primarily to the factthat the east has been a unit in its defense of the protective tariff theory while the opposition has been in the main scattered arid unorganized the result has been that while occasional and more or less unimportant representatives of those theoreti cally opposed to protection the direct benefits of the policy have not been felt in any appreciable degree by the people who comprise the great agricultural class of the west and south canadas importance as an agricultural country eanada- israpidlygaimngapositioir of imporfi ance as a producer of agricultural supplies of all the agricultural countries of the world we stand first as regards ratio of production in the past twentyfive years said dr j h grisdale deputy minister of agriculture wheat production in 1925 was over 600 per cent greater in forage 200 per cent hay lao per cent better yield than in 1900 oats 200 per cent beef breeding 70 per cent swine 88 per cent barley 500 per cent rye 600 per cent horse breeding 125 per cent and poultry ldo per cent of ttoronto was in town on sunday xlio council has instructed chief jackson to have the snow by-iawen- forcod division court clerk e c tbomp- eofi has been appointed a commission er for taking aftadavlts mr w a bailey spent tho week end in toronto with mrs bailey who underwent quite a serious operation lost week her many friends- will be pleased to know she la vrogressina nicely mrs p ii cotton and mlas may ionian were at port hope on monday attending the funeral or the late kdltn smith who was a member of the teaching staff of the georgetown high school a few years aso wo notice the government is baud s new post offices seme places in uie province gravennurata new of fice is about completed would it not bo wise for our council and chamber of commerce to take this matter up wills trie proper authorities through weekly fashion hint the ministers busy day nice ng of the ministerial association in gueiph on monday january 11th his paper won entitled tthc churchs problem today and so gvauy im pressed the members by it that they luased a unanimous resolution ro- questins that it would be published in order to reach a wider audience herald oakville edit0 making provision so that conunerical travellers may vote a movement is on foot to amend the election act so that iuihiiifiiriilartrbvsjiiek may tjawtjrf jsrlvllefie of voting when an election is itekjjtjn athursday iris almost impossible for a commercial traveller to vote because the advance polls will not be open on the previous saturday the act now provides that advance polls must be open on the three evenings before polling day- travellers who want to tecord their vote while they are home for the weekend must lose their vote or prolong their weekend tin- imsizray nans the council of dundee scotland has followed the example of glasgow and aberdeen in the mat ter of banning the use of intoxicants at civic func tions and henceforth this city will be dry so far as the municipal government is concerned twelve counties representing the western on tario prohibition union last week at stratford pass ed resolutions advocating the stoppage of the manu facture of intoxicating liquors in the province and the inculcation of temperance sentiraentin the sun day schools less election day falls on monday tuesday or wed nesday thursday or friday therefore may be avoid- ed hereafter as a day onwhich to appeal to the people canadas revival in basimbs conditions the financial report ot one- of our leading banks for the week says reports received during the past month indicate that the underlying conditions are sound and that the gradual improvement in business noted during the past few months is be ing sustained collections are reported to be good there has been a steady movement of merchandise to country points and retail storekeepers have exper ienced an active christmas trade in the textile in dustries it has been considered necessary to work on an overtime schedule and further improvement is looked for during 1926 there i a revival in the interest in farm lands particularly in western can ada and sales are hecopnirtg more numerous many properties being purchased for cash the demand or mortgage loans is negligible optirnisticj expectations are freely expressed is canada just now in whatever direction you may look for it proof awaits you that this country has entered upon a prosperous era which may become the greatest in her history not only are the bankers in their annual statements more optimistic than they have been for years but they have evidence to ad duce in support of their anticipations ft canada wants real toverrunent not party pallues x notwithstanding that the government was autv tained on the vote of hon mr meighens want of confidence resolution the following exerflw from an editorial in fridays globe written before the vote was taken voices rather accurately the real feelings of the people of canada if we do not mis take the public temper the vast majority of can- suhms irrespective of pahyof gqlgfne rhave had enough of the dyg of political jockeying k wirepulling buttonholing gumshoeing pussy foot- ing sidestepping manipulating and intriguing and r t representatives of the two historic parties crowding one another at the counter eager to pawn theirpro- fcmcdprinciplesandpolitiga forarticehassickenerjf iaif the public the cynical way in which the supposedly p unsophisticated group that finds itself possessed of power to make or break hatstrotted from camp to camp inviting overtures if not soliciting considera tions has disgusted the people the orgy of bgrer i and bargain the doherrvs peddlin t the corridors the guthries offering their bribes in tho house nas startled a shocked tho electorate snowreale holtio platform promises and jsi professions of policy matter to politicians with per- sonil preferment at stake it has become evident here is a new item in statistics and gives a unique leading place to canada in a marketing re- port just issued by the british department of agri- r z sl keep in theulwm in th consumption of eggs canada holds country -will- benefit as little and suffer a ra the premier position with 313 per capita per year g lft built on th nf t united states 180 french hjm been going on at ottawa during the opening mweek- if may be a progressiveliberal government trvogrcfveonservitlve government ft does hot matter there is no difference except in name cl itj sxhsvent the progressive party must domin- ate and dictate and come first four years of the sort of thing canadians have been witnessing for six days is untbifikable as soon as the necessary rout zj incithe voting of l supply and the transaction of p2t imperative business is concluded the peopleare pre- c pared tqaee the inconvenience and cost ofanother general election in the hope ol securing stable j jfcovamtnt ndf a house of commons whifitl ipre- pared w devote its energies to thv tervloo of ihe pountrv ij with gratifying progress the population of can- auas pemtentaries is yearly growing less un ue- cember 31 1925 the federal jails had 2217 inmates on the same date the previous year the number was 2373 and for 1923 the list showed 2583 this is a reduction of- 17 per cent in two years arbigniarrs advice dont be hipflasked boys dont smoke dont swear dont chew be clean and hw yourself s ag t c and-you- will amount to something charles g dawes -vice- president of the united states once more lias spoken in his inimitable way this time to the youthful pages of congress the receipts of oakvule horucul- tural society last year were t2stil and the expenditure 2190 editor- a s forster has been ap pointed a member of the board of education to nil the vacancy caused by the resignation of john camnbell mr- w s davis left oakvlllo last week on his annual winter visit to florltln mrs davis will join her hug- bund at lakelands it is reported that there are three cases of scarlet fever and one of diph theria among the public school chil dren- all- oases convalescent in recognition of faithful and ener getic service in the ladles aid of knox clturcb the members of the or- sanucatlon presented their president mrs w a inslehart with a silver candelabra on tuesday afternoon tbe hon james lyons minister of lands and forests delivered aii inter eetlosr address on the natural sources of ontario before the lions club at a luncheon at the gibson house on friday evening tho sympathy of the entire com munity is extended to mlaa edith oweius teacher of brantwood school in her recent bereavement in the death or her father alfred owens j p of georgetown at his homo in bothwell dr a tealcy oeed 78 years passed away the 12th fast he was a brother of the lovte dr luke te of oakvuie an rmuutu umv unc 01 xlr colin ml j snxjth ot miami florida and dr luke e smith of iow record proargtjments of junior modes here are two eloquent arguments in favor of the new fashions fok children without question the little frock to the left upholds the duns that nothing is smarter for its devel- cu than ch gingham or vouev if also may be fashioned of taffeta or crepe de chine the neck may be finished in v or round catlmc and the sleeves extended to full length if de sired medium size r lji yard 36inck material the cares of dollnursuut are easily offset by the charming little apron to the right carried out in printed cot ton the twopiece gathered- skirt i attached to a yoke that is cut- in i our sertiom crossing in surplice effect front and back medium sixe re quires ijyard 36jnch material burlington milton w atndall caretaker at the post office lias been appointed deputy post master- succeeding the late miss ell xabetn c fitewart recently deceased at tlie hockey match at the arena here- mon n o during the debate on hon mr meighens mo tion of want of confidence in the house of commons last thursday night the following significant con trast was pointed out by j j denis m p for joliette the conservatives were committed to at tempt to defeat the overnment while the progres sives were committed to act in the interests of the country at large the senate of canada on friday afternoon unanimously adopted the address in reply to the speech from the throne there was practically no discussion the senate adjourned until february 16 cats see what are the functions of the senate any how if they can adjourn and go home for a month when the house of commons is in session why not adjourn and go home permanently all records for production weresurpassed in the mining industry of ontario during the year 1925 according to a review byhbn charles mccrea the minister of mines including both metals and non- metals the aggregate value amounted to about 85- 000000 of this 60800000 was for the metals advance of about 9000000 over 1924 erin russell grundy has rebuilt and re decorated his bakery which was re cently destroyed by are and reopen ed lost week the mlnrlm or the villa has been fixed as follows clerk 1100 m assessor and collector sm0o ii treasury 1jgo0 medical health of ficer 260q auditors each 1so0 inadanationaldebt is-thirty-aix- millionsiessl jifc soott win act as constable this year than last according to a statement just eo issued by the department af finance the total netjphr p- mcian hu r5turmdt debt at december 31 was 2382735b27 compared with 2417745930 at december 31 1924 during tho month of december there wfes a decrease of 881- ile jn t co last year there was an increase of nearly six millions 133 germans 117 and the british despite their traditional love for bacon and eggs consume only 1 10 eggs eacli annually country one of the most interesting developments of mired farming in manitoba during the past five years has been the unusually rapid growth of the poultry industry whereas a few years ago it was customary for this province to import poultry pro duce to supply it own needs manitoba is now ex porting nd during tip early part of december the province shipped tp ontario alone a large quantity of turkeys to meet the demands of that market mixed farming means much- to the future success of the western province of the milton players accidentally severed with bis own skate an artery in hl left leg- above the knee which will piwent him from playing for awhile at meeting weld in the milton inn last week tho milton checker club vraa reorganlxed for 132 with thoj followixr officers president p i robertson vicepresident j irvtnar secretary- treajnirer a i hemstreet m f panton manager of the loc branch of the bank of toronto at tended the annual meeting held at the head office toronto last week and also the dinner in the evening the tork club given by the general monobper and directors iaat monday night the fire alarm waa turned in chimney on b s galbraltha residence on queen street being on tire the brigade responded quickly hut no water- was turned on they simply watched event until mil danger was past- mr george- langtry who haa been 111 and who with mrs xuigtry joat celebrated their golden wedding is getting better we were rather sur prised the- other day to be told that mr lojintry was in his ssth year as judging by ms quick movements when on the etneet we judged he would be about seven tyove thos- mcjannett cose of blood poisoning has proved to be extremely serious a few dayavigo it wasrfear- ed that amputation or nl lnfeecedttrnl would nthnecessary and that as he is very weak he might not uxvlvfj the operation wednesday one of tor onto beading specialists was here in consultation with mr mcjaimetta physician the decision waa against amputation if there should be no change lor the worst we are happy to report that mr mcjanet is better and there is hotfe that his life and hia arm will be saved champion month quebec city after spending with mr aisd mrs j p bush mr samuel maclean of mooaejaw bask in visiting with his parenta mr and mrs tk maclean here mr r m had his house and farm buildings at hlusburg wired foy electricity last week mr melrose barden baa taken jiver mwniliioordon hafnem busk nesa at hhlsburg tho death occurred on sunday jan- nary 10ti or ijluha taylor who lived on a laxro just below hlusburg the deceased had been 111 but three days with pneumonia death coming- very suddenly their wavy into the new arena at huls- burg on saturday evening where ibey were greeted by a splendid sheet of ice a latgre truckload from osprlhge helped to swell the crowd the vnlted church congregation have decided to discontinue the use of the juall in hillsburg for woraalp they will hold service in the homes of member each sunday afternoori uotll spring- when the new church will be ready for use mr leoy bureml of kemptvtlle has been vlsritlng with his brother mr w a burcmutke past week mm s mclachbin of sedalla al berta ojtived in town last week to visit her mother mrs john mao- mlllan myi q fir cooper or toronto sjr stuckeyof plncher creek alberta are visiting with their sister mrs clayton at mr r t eltgies miss lothian of auoa scotland in visiting mr nnd mrs wm jordlne locust street mr and mrs f c virtue left on monday evening for new york where they will attend the annual auto show mr and mrs it j allen left on monday for st petersburg- florida where they will visit their son fred and f dr w a bodkin has purchased a snowmobile from the virtue motor company so that he will be able to make trips no matter how much the snow blocks the roads the business men on the east side of brant street challenged the busi ness men on the west side of brant street to a hockey match at the arena on wednesday evening the friends of town clerk sykes who haa been seriously 111 at his home for the past few days ore pleased to hear that his condition shows some improvement today the following delegates were ap pointed to attend the ontario hor ticultural society convention at tor onto in february bev o w tebhs a c mason h t foster j a lie- j arthur and a butchart word haa been received of the death of a highly respected former resident o i th p o a clergyman whose life above that of men of all other professions seems dedicated to a special work must real ly he a jack of all trades ho must be something of a literary nan in order to avoid unfavorable criticism of his style says a city clergyman writing of his experiences in the in dependent he must know somerthlng about music- in order to defend his choir from abuse he must havo politicians ability to remember names and facet a lawyers skill in judging human nature and the executive ability of the head of a department store in organising the work ojt his parish if tho minister hears that one of bis flock is 111 and hurries through his luncheon to make the invalid a- call he is not always rewarded with the bit of cheerful gratitude that would real ly help him to digest his hastily swal lowed food instead he may find the man disgruntled and hurt because jthe minister had not called before if the patient is not too 111 the clergy- man perhaps defends himself in some ntanner such na this has the doctor been here bo asks oh yes how did ho know you were hit t sent for him weh did you send for me after the call the clergyman hur ries back to his house ana finds some one soliciting help which he would ffive if he could advice on a subject of which he know nothing money for a medical dispensary in turkey or india he may have to straighten out the moral difficulty of some youth or solve a great ethical problem for blm in twenty minutes morality is his trade so to speak and people come to liim as they would go to a barber to foe eerved while you wait often the clergyman with sympathy suid humor can do much in twenty minutes a young man comes in very eager to talk over his troubles with a fellow man he begins an incoherent tory and rambles farther and carther from the point finally the pastor draws hum out with yes yes but whos the girl then the story comes out the same simple story of a wooing and a single refusal weh says the pastor roxnlnls- cently i once knew a fellow in just the same perdlcameni and did he corainltuicidex norshe has been his wute for twenty years with this piece of common sense he dismisses his caller and gets in nearly an hour of uninterrupted work on his sermon he did hi8 bear a determined- looking gentleman entered the barbers shpp and de manded a hafrcut without conversa tion excuse uie sir aald the man in the shpp but m i wont excuse another word in terrupted the gentleman ive just left my regular barber because he was so talkative and i insist on you cut ting my hair without unnecessary speech when the click of the soissors had been going on for about ten minutes the man in the chair found thathls head waa looking like a wellworn scrubbing brush what do you mean by this ho roared t its the best i can do air replied the man i havent cut anybody a hair before in my life sou see the barber has gone to lunch im tho plumber just come to look at the water pipe business directory medical dr j a mcniven physiolan and surgeon office stnd residence corner bow avenue and 3gin street phone 88 dr e j nelson frederick stitbbt acton ontario legal vrasjls the tyranny of rules ellxa jane emory who passed away on december 9 1925 at wlnfleld kansas where her husband jdr b b- emory predeceased her some years ago prof el xa hutt of g spoke at a meeting of the ldons club last week he referred to his horti cultural work oughts form ntorge town where he made a hobby of growing gladiolus iris and peonies he extended an invitation tt thn to live by rule is necessary if we are to make economical use of our time but never allow the rules you yourself have made to become your masters the former who rises at four oclock in the dead of winter or the housewife who does her washing on monday even when that means the giving up or some particular pleasure illustrates the possible tyranny of the rules that are intended to be helpful it is a good idea occasionally to break one of these regulations you have made just to prove to yourself that you arc still the master ree ttuunlncash 6ivw away fbasrpnb lbs saximd pkizk wmm thid fuze saiai muss tkm p1km nw isjbi ca tm r mi sftrai t mil sim b4awr clwt mbmw wist tk ii ht ii a in a htj csak kkau ms ya awr wm 1 i na casayfv rith sfa yhat boesjmt mvourx spending of ant mohxa 8topi look listen i is this a fast train the salesman asked the conductr of course it is was the reply i thought it was would you mind my kettlnr out to see what it la fast to phone no 22 p o box sm harold nash farmer m a barrister solicitor notary public conveyancer etc perryman block acton omt money lent on mortgages hours 930 ajn to g pm saturdays 12 0o oclock dental dr j m bell d d s l d a dentist honor qraduato of xoronto unrrar alty the latest anesthetic used if desired office at residence corner of mol and frederick streets dr f a gollop dds lds dental sursaon bank ox norm scott hours 80 to 680 evenings by appolntmeat office aver miscellaneous francis nunan b6bllnder account books of all kinds made ts order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham street over wluiama guelph out store 1826 tour to alaska club and their families to visit bis farm as o party during the coming summer and it is quite likely the in vitation will be accepted gazette arrangements for an albexpensc personally conducted tour to ajaska have now been completed starting from toronto via the canadian na tional railways early in july vlsit- enroute important western canadian cities wain wrlght buffalo park jas per national park and pacific cocutt points this will be one of he finest trips anyone can possibly take from a scenic and educational point of view a folder descriptive of the tour giving complete information is now in hand nnd wilirbe available shortly on ap plication to mr martin kerr princi pal of earl kitchener school 4 beulah ave hamiltonand mr a b bryson principal of silverthorn school ft silverthorn ave toronto in- view- of the vo alaska during the short season avail able it would be well to make early reservation as demands for accommo dation are sure to be heavy r sttt adorns phlrfj home manufacturing company hi ffwti iijim aims t gained 10 pounds in 22 days thats going some but ssclnny men women and children juit cant help putting- on good healthy flesh when they lake mccdys cod liver kx tract tablets chock full of vitamlnea the kind that ore extracted from the livers of the cod the kind that are aa real help tofrallrnndown anaemic siurymeit and women try these sugar coated tasteless tablets for 30 days if they dont help greatly- you get your moneyback one woman gained ten pounds in twentytwo days sixty tabjeta sixty r j kerr auctioneer and seal estate 20 tears experience ust yodr property with me acton ontario illo tofce a a d for moco cod liver extract tablets directions and formula on each box got mccoys the original and genu ine radio in order to supply a popular demand we have made arrangements with the publishers of radio magazine and will forward subscriptions and supply this magazine with all new subscriptions or re newals to the free press at 100 per year a e nicklin insurance agent life fire auto accident health insurance guarantee bonds burglary and plata glass insurance trustee for estates- col lections business entrusted to my care will be carefully looked after and treated confidentially money to loan on farm property tavorablo rates and terms for re payment box 444 bower aahb acton mtociniortdsrvtar tforonto conaqa the regular subscription price of this popular radio journal is 200 per annum and the halfprice offer holds good only on a liniited number of subscriptions vlt contains an uptodate schedule of can adian and united states broadcasting sta tions and each month gives the latest news r activities throughout the- m country if yon have a radio you want to be uptodate and get the most from your ma chine and the only way is by securing the best authority on the subject with new subscriptions or renewals only to the free press at 300 for both papers start on monday at guelph business college stenography anp bookkeeping will capitalise your brain and your ability mako them pay you dividends a u bouck principal and proprietor pmhameftilly neglect their eyes about tho last thing tho aver age person decides to ail3no7 to la an examination of the eyes borne folks like to boost of their ability to do without glasses even though they admit that they need them no fjreater mistake could be made you do differently if you only sus pect that your eyes are not as they should be have ua give them a thorough going over a d savafir optometrist and mfg optician right at the post cibco savage building guelph the old sua reliable granite and marble works we are tiajmractutera ttim direct importers of all kinds of monumental and headstone work we sell direct tor our customers at wholesale prion thus saving our customer 4b peroanl we have the best appliances and the only mechanics lnthe dominion wlmi can operate pneumatic tools properly we can give references from hundred of our customers in toronto fluid other places where others have to have law suits in order to collect wo have the largest and best slock of granite la the dominion or more than auiy three dealers in the west- we are legiti mate dealers and employ no agents and do not annoy or pest customers by sending out ignorant agents solicit ing orders we employ only mechanic and defy competition hamilton sons quelph 0nt wm l ajsssktvste

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