Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 21, 1926, p. 5

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nisjs h srtf m wv7wvtcw ftgartfltt3fcgg fir thursday jajjuafty 21 12 singin long de road he was den do happiest creetur dat do roun woit over knowod singin long dti rud olnkln long do remd drenmtn in do flight or ii iniiwnlii swot en bright filnpin wide do hhuttcra for tor let in nil delight huppy in do reapin of de harvest what he sowed singin long do road nlngln long do road orost field tj whur birds wlngln dey heord his voice nringiu kn de tollers stojiped ter listen en ter bless him for iiib alngln the sunday school lbssom- for sunday januarv24 1926 shopping at the madeira islands tea red hikllf tctphed de sunshlno en lightened up do load diit slngin long de rand dat sfngln loner de road i3n if work fth work tor do 0 whilst do light shine down on you ieared luk de birds dey hoerd him en dey full ter slngin too oh dea do happiest creetur dat do renin worl ever knowed slnghi long de road slngln long de road en de darkest day wuz bright en trouble say good night ker he des thowed wldede abutters en let in all dc light twenty years ago from the issue of the free press of thursday january 25 1906 now there is talk of an ice famlno last wednesdays sjiqw storm made excellent sleighing for a couple of days jurit fancy a temperature out floors bit january 2i of 57 degrees- canada may surely bo characterized the land of balmy breezes a zxieeeting of tho members of acton pornet band and those interested was held in tho council chamber on tues day evening for tho purpose of elect ing oflicers for 1906 the secretarys report showed a balance in the fronds or jthe treasurer of 1 8642 the fol ljl lowiitgofflccrsweto elected president i francis how jesus deals avrth sinnehs general lesson title jesus and the samaritan woman scripture lesson john 4 lr2 golden text with joy hhall ye draw water out of the veils of salva tion is 12 3 devotional reading phil 3 s14 the text explained having begun his public ministry and finding that he was attracting more people than john the baptist jesus loaves judca to john and pro cecils north into galliot tho nearest and customary routo lod through samaria p acmljowiah province and community of mixed race whose members pureblooded jow tor the most part refused to associate sychur the modern aaonr 40 miles north by auto road- from jeru salem and a few miles goutheaat of samaria 6 jacobs well still well pre served within a roman church built on the site referred to by the na- tlyea as the well of tho samaritan woman bjr bmarlyeh because of the incident related in our lesson 9 jews have no dealings with the saznorltaris the religion of tho sam aritans seems to have ctjjnbined the jewish ritual with the worship of graven images 2 kings 17 2541 the strictly orthodox jews of post- exilic times refused to have anything to do with the a emiridolatrous sam aritans this attitude of hostility to ward their northorn neighbors dating back to the time of ezra and ne- hemlah efera4 724 j neli 4 4l3 toljving water tho samaritans rejected all of the old testament ex cept tho pentateuch had this wo man been familiar with the writings of the prophets she would have more readily understood jesus metaphori cal use of water and living water ljajrob drank thereof hip bonsnavxt ufa cavoe the immediate vicinity of tho well lshe alto of events connected with jacobs lute in palestine gen 33 1820 jos 2k 32 20 this mountain jflear mount gcrlglm bandmaster c v iviason treasurer win johnstone secretary jos b lake- committee 1 bootb a swindells i l jean3 w turton bert smith 1 veraea22 23 in any religious dis- the annual meeting of knox churchj pute between samaritans an jews congregation- was hold lasfweok rev j c wilson b a pastor occupied the clialr tho reports received were encouraging tho receipts from all sources amounted to 2900 tho bal ance on hand was 8800 the pros eht membership is 314 the managers elected for the usual term are messrs john arthursvvv rcenneyra7ex7 boll kyfe some ry 111 o and w s chbj- holm the springlike weather- which pre wailed from friday until tuesday re moved every vestige of snow and started into life nature generally wttj a temperature of flftynine de- flrrees on monday such unusual hap- ponlngs as have been reported are not to bo wondered at mrs robert agnowof park avenue brought in a branch of a wlfite lilac bush fully bud ded air- j a carnochan reported t fr h if it v was autnmer in the spring near his house the jews obviously are- oh surer ground but the hour conietj and now la when the claims of both shajl bo txansconded and set aside 24 god is a spirit better cod- is spirit his worship must rest on a true conception of his- nature it is njjtprinuieilya- matter of forms or places but of the disposition ol the worshiper v 26 i that speak unto thee ana ho thus doeajchrist ever reassure tboso who timidly but sincerely inquire of him the way of life 2742 these verses give the beau- j tlful eeauel of hiswollalded coaver- sauan both as h relatestfrthidis cipies of jesus and to the frloncls and neighbors of the woman the passage is a part of the less op for to day uuon themes wei in this mountain nor in photos show statute of zargo fun- chal and empress of scotland in ma- cleria bay of the sbxercst linen and daintiest embroidery at funchal first stop of lho can adlan paciflo jiner empress of scot land on its mediterra cj to2bjiyor nattobuyruat is- the- theretireasisenfl of shops where this quostion tls a simple question to embroidery is sold the natives also answer at the madcrhi islands where make intricately woven baskets and cruise boats usually niako their first reed furniture but furniture ib not stop hocause everyone knows the fine- ness of the embroideries which have done so much to advertise the pretty little islands where columbus chose his wife the difficulty is which pieces of the thousands displayed you should select maderia luncheon sets pillow cases tea cloths and dollies are both attractive and practical ami- if you have tiny friends or petite nieces at home you will not be able to re- easy to carry round on a cruise and even boskets are somewhat cumbers- some although there is scarcely any limit to tho amount of luggage long suffering steamship companies a41ow their passengers it is in the narrow auiti xaen i streets of funojial paved with small would be a pity to miss a ride i round topped atones laid in geometrl- cal designs that the tourist usually makes ids purchases sometimes if luck is with your you may bo able to it is not necessary to set fpoton the soil of madeira to buy tbe tempting native products for hundreds of flirtall boats with natives vociferously dis playing their wares come dajicing over the waves to meet tho cruise steamers but the prices- arenl so- reosanabio and the handwork not so fine as in the shops along tho harrow queerly raved etreets then too it s ha txie peculiar toboggan sled a jyhlch one txe chlf- moana of transportation jowri lunchals big mountain terrlere da lqcta criticising father and mother useful people jerusalom the human race hi slow on main street barrister maokln- to learn the lesson that god does not pn reported that ho had svne to dwell lh tenjples built by handg beovon sunday njghlljmlthhis-bed- 3crirfmjorusalein mecco7 jtomo rxm window open ond that sometime ii cw- open and that sometime on monday fprtfnoonhe was awakened by the singing of spring birds out side mr d m henderson saw a flock of wild geese passing- oyer town in x northerly direction on sunday njtcrnoon mr j b avtorren who came tl town with n fnfnr- nn finy day drove over on monday with his wagon through deeper iriud than a usually experienced after the spring ovens tho crocuses and daffodils on tho lawn at moorccroft had peepciv through the brown earth fully half oh indlt on monday afternoon but the globe robiaiias not appeared in this vicinity yet mr duncan robert i son was observed plowing on his farm in nnssnguweya yeisterday twarried lanesomerville at tho family residence gsqueslng near lime- house on wednesday january- 17 by rev g w barker jonathan h xane ofesquesing to jonnle friiser somervlllo daughter of tho late thob somervlue entfotreplttcenulotnaiioliir jstaft rttrnflng in them tal shan and the temple at benares still soem to men each shrine to a different group oo essential to ac ceptable worship of the moat hfeh the task of the christian evami ellst and missionary is first of all to gi people everywhere to loo past and beuiiu ah anfl sonctuary to look at tho infinite loving pathier of us all whose manifestations of him self to men are not dependent upon any sanctuary or sacred place nttat- over in seeking to iriajce this truth plain to men of other faltzis it is of the utmost importance that the christian shall not fall to add njfr in jerusalem nor rome nor in lon don nor in washington tho belf- revealing spirit of god is as indepen- can you save money some employers before they engage a man insist on knowing what per- centage of his salary he- saves this information might seem to some of you something to which they havono rhsht but they- are interested because of tlie meaning the habit of saving im plies the worker who saves shows good judgment he takes into account the fact that there are bound to bo rainy days as well as sunny ones and that he is all the time getting older rather than younger if a man does not use good judgment in his own affairs it is not likely that he will do any better with his employers business savings money ehows selfcontrol the young people who are putting money in the bank have learned to say no to themselves they are al- wrtys deslrablq of buying artlclos that tempt tfie youth who has money in hfii pockets and he must learn self- control enough to bo ablo to resist thsvtznute appeal now people with good judgment and selfcontrol are decidedly more desirable than those who lack these oualltiesr nnd the seoiplng curlosityotthe employer is justified 4 f can you save money james j hill said that the answer to that question determined a young mans chances to succeed up with the times twas detained in getting here eccpjainoahocallarwholiad come- to look at the flat i boarded one of tlicse iayasyouenter cars and the conductor refused to change a five dollar bill so i had to pet off hunt u chan jer car thats all right said the agent of the building ill show you the rooms now after half an hours inspection tho caller declared himself satisfied i iliaaathe aiav by he way my moving eaponsea are goiriff to pretty heavy and very jllkejy 1 shnll b short of cash for a while if jt should pay the first months rent a copplo of weeks or so after moving in i presume h would bo all right no air grimly answrrrd the agent whodld hottriiich mm his looks anyhow thts is apayasyouenter house land or people no city or building na priest or preacher has a monopoly on god or on thepresence of his- on- lightening and comforting spirit salvation is from the jews honor to whom honor is due the greatest rellgioua teacher of alt ages was a jew the one perfect human ex ample of the character of god lived his life as a jew among jewsv- his twelve disciples and his earliest con verts wire jews the new christian fellowship and way of life wan once considered only another jewish ect the fact that th religion of jesus the message of salvation which he proclaimed and for which he sufoored death wore for all races and condi tions of men ajid could not his com pressed cbn the creed or rltuau of any ono people should not detract from our respect and honor for that wonderful and oft persecuted race which save christ to the world god is a spirit the image of go in which man is made la his spiritual likeness and does not refer to the physical form or- appearance of oian man is like god in haying a spiritual nature that transcends his bodily fovm the bodily form is of the earth earthly and when it no longer serves the spirit as its dwelling place the body returns to earth as do the bodies of all created living creatures like god man is a person ho thinks and reasons choosbs for hfmolf de termines- his own destiny asa ir- aon ho rela himself to other jaerr sons and to god of whose nea and whose claim upon hfif love and obedience ho is instinctively awajo for study arid discussion howdoes this lesson illustrate the fact that an apparently small incident may provido a large opportunity for at a certaln stage in tho life of bur young people they fall into an unpleas ant habit of criticising their parents occaslqnal lapses in- english trivial errors- in scholarflhip historical lit- orary scientific or what not old- fashioned ideas in nla tiers of taste dress manners and social usages aro freely commented upon when tho daughters get to know more than their mutters ana alius begin to give points w their fathers there is friction in the family machinery which causes many an u this docs kst meanthat our young folks arbtri- tentlonally rude and illmannered such habits creep into them uncon sciously they- do not mean to bo dis loyal or ungrateful to the parents whom they really lovo devotedly they are merely careless and unthinking in tho matte on their side the parents often feephurt oy tnose criticisms to remonstrate against them thoy suf fer many indignities in silence when it would be wiser to administer the de- served rebuke i bach generation enjoys prlvilcsoa unknown tto tho one preceding better schools lwrfter opportunities for genr- eral culture and a more complicated social life the sons and daughters who profit by those good tilings have their parents to thank for theni it tho useful persons in tho world are not merefy the ones who build rail roads and run factories and make im portant scientific discoveries in fact their efforts would amount to little if it were not for the people who arc the joy makers of the world some people have the faculty of creat ing happiness wherever they go tension and strain disappear anxious faces- wear smiles troubled hearts exploits grow -rested- include la your ambition for your self this important aim of being a jpy maker resolve jhote vnrxday you hve so mob only shall feel like thank ing god that you are- here hesolvo that every day your sympathy and friendship shall make life easier for somebody a pleasant medlclna for children is arnthor firovm wman ex and it is excellent for driving worms from the sy torn a greater surprise as the oldtime phrase has it to re member their deb of gratitude rather than to look fdremlshes- the ideal relation between parents and child in that of perfect comradeship when parents keep in touchwuh their chil drens interests and children confide freely in their parents harmony reigns in the home happy the firmily whose daughters aro their mothers friends and whose sons are fathers chumal before you are twenty spiritual helpfulness from tho in cident at jacobs well what would you judge tobe tho attitude of esus to ward rjflwe prejudice what are the ssentla3bi of true worship whal part does the church building playin the rotlglous life should sacred shrines bo respectedjlwhyf are o vital rellgmn dully reading for next wtk monday john 6 114 tuesday john 6 4151 wednesday isa 44 1220 thursday psalm 12 1118 friday matthew 6 516 saluriayl cor-li3-2l- sunday psalm 34 111 it has been said that very few of na develop new habtts after wo are twenty tho old ones strengthen and become aggressive and dominat ing but in th majority of cases that is all tho young fellow who has boon lazy up to the time he reaches his majority is capablo of turning over xl new i leaf and becoming in dustrious but the chances are a hun dred to one that he will not- do so one who is careless about his appear ance orhls manners up until tho time ho is twenty may have bpafuns of reformation but the chances arc he will be a badmannered sloppy old man be careful about tho habits you aro forming for they ore not merely im portant as they concern the present but they arc habits for a lifetime tour success your happiness and your character all depend very largely- on the habits you form before you are twenty 1 the infant mind has much to learn in order to comprehend the english languago or the mysteries of etiquette it frequently puts its instructors a dlfllcult position especially 1f as in a case quoted in everybodys magyitine the instructor bo a mother dressed to go out with u waiting and impatient husband downstairs where are you going ma asked tho youngest of tho five children from his bed im gdlng to a surprise party my dcar ansivercd the mother cant wo eo too no dear toll werent invited after a few momenta of very deep thought during which the mother was bidding the others good night say mri dont you think theyd be jots more surprised if you took us all millers worm powders will drive worms from the system without- in- jury to tho child tho powdors aro so easy to tako that tho most delicate stomach can assimilate them and wel- come tjiein as a peed y casers of pain because thoy promptly remove the worms that cause the pain and thus the suffering of tho child is relieved with so starling a remedy at hand no child shpuld suffer an hour from worms the old migrations gave birtsi txt great deeds to and unseen uu subduo wildernesses build habltafcioas lured the primeval man oven if his explqits were with the flat and polished with tho pickaxe out of edens of idleness westward ho with the descending sun they journeyed swimming rivers soallag mountains nothing stayed tholr ntepw nnl with innmmnwt nf advantage creating lifesituations for postority the iilkrim spirit survives expjoltji iniendlestflauccesslontari anglo- saxon people blend of a world anls- cellany ah american republic com posite ox shifted nations jsow everywhere creative genius art of do ing hvingt oerving- amerlcan citizenship to be the world ideal requires noblest qualities llized energy contributed to the future by tho inspiration of n great herltaseuj pilgrims and progess give careful atrrntion and prompt service to banjo ing requirements of the people of this proviooe there ace 249 branches of the bank of montreal in thii province the oieccs being located at every important center in cut and new ontario behind thii provincial organization are the resources of a nationwide institution having a combined capital and re servtgun fytt fffirywy and tnral arak irratrq get our list of forms and town property before buying wo may havo just what you want- and are looking for at prices and terms to suit you agent for qonfcderatlon life association xoadon lancashire fire insurance london lanca shire guarantee and accident company ofcaaad prompt and courteous attention given your business solicited residence mill and wallace sts telephone 105 acton npt and 51ted co sts toirof montreal tibtal assets in excess oti7soooo00o headquarters for ontarkj 4 wellington stcttt east toronto 33 bondsl stocks and grain private wires to nmryarfc chicago winnipeg and toronto lit mutttgage real estate bonds t j h awn i g an mts74 quelph your home medicine chaatt among the standard household rckxe dies that should always be on hainul in your home medicinechest none u mftrqlmportaxit than dr thomas ec- lectrlc oil its manifold usefulness in relieving pnlnsand healing sickness un known by niiuny thousands througtieut the lunfl always use df thonatts eclectric oh for relieving rheumatic and sciatic pains treating sore throats and chests coughij burns scalds cuts bruises and sprains fidgeting ths family physician tiio good doctor is always worth his fee but it is not always possible to get a doctor just when you want him in such cases common cense nutrgebtb the use of tho rolfabla home remedies such as dr thomas eclectric oli which is wonderfully effective in easing inflammatory painsand healing cuts scratch oh bruises and sprains tiiettresenceofthi8 pemedyln the family medicine chest saves many a fee j scntenge8ermon0 couldnt foou him a family having a fnlae groite in one of tho rooms of the house placed aome red paper behind it to give it the effect offlre ode of tnecplaest days the dog belonging to the household come in from out of doors arid seeing the jnaimbr jntho kratejelbibrataly wailnttrap jtb itittid lay 6viwntefqrft if ctti best way to rt- celvo the flowing heat as itcamo from the lire he remained motion osa lor a few momenta feeling no warmth ha raised tils head and looked over 3ht shoulder at the grate still feeling no beat he wont across and carefully ap plied his nose to the grate and melt it if was as coldaa ice with ft look of disgust hla tall curled down between hls legs every hair on jb bodyuaying j aold the dto totud out of the room not even tolnwtmoijnfvtohnaid leav deigning to cast a look at the party in leas for tohvbatbnes the room- who hod watched his ao to spend for books than cor ban- tlons and laughed o heartily at tiij it will pay you vo treat any mans honest opinion wjth respect to give the criticisms of your eho- mie pretty careful consideration to investigate twce beforo you in vest once 1 to leavn i6 manage money before ydu k for yihe bjlg ralso xp answer your faultfinders ceurt- ieounly quots -rr- i mlsforttine your newspaper the newspaper in an- institution uf public service ono of the most povj tent of nil tho educational influences the country enjoys an historical on- tlty ana oh embodiment of tradition andprihcipiaanaotivend -wide- reaching instrument in tho social life of the day an indispensable ne cessity and in point of material fact the newspaper is the jlggerand best value that a small outlay will buy it is appreciated as such the hon mr cookshutt lleuten- aitt govern or of ontario in tho course or an uddresstio delivered at hali fax said it occurs to me as worth considering whether we glye the prt- t support to our proba that wo ought tin the nieflbliojlhi3khjiihwe stand behind our newspapers so will be their abhhy to give tho quality of service tho country needs perhaps we sometimes forget that tho press fa- a great institution serving a groat pur pose and quite often in need of our appreciation aiut encouragemontt the press will be us a rifle what the i people enable it to be and the more generous our support the better will be pur newspaper tiie lnfluenoo of a good newspaper aays the montreal gazette is beyond perad venture the source of its powor in to be found in a groat measure in the ireneral respect and confidence of h public it serves the raise- that should in terest you some young workers seem to think that the nioat inaportant thing in trio world is to tret their salary raised as a matt ft- of fact that is quite a secondary condition xfono raises bis knowledge of his work and his ef- flclcncy tho raise of salary will fol low in jduo tune ns-a- matter of course if ho has his malory raised wltliout knowing any xnore or- doing any bet ter it will not be long beforo some body discovers that ho is not worth what ho is getting and then tho dan ger is that h will lose his job on- rrrory the thlner that should inler- est the worker la not getting his salary increased so nauch as raising his own ability to do what js wanted j the knocker 13 not a 1 favorite the person who la always finding fault with ronnctfilng hi not likely to be a welcome addition to any circle censorious criticism if expressed in sufficiently trenchant terms may be rather amiktlnjfc for a fow minutes but wo uro bound to tire of it very soon there aro some very clever young peo wlio find it jjardtpl uiitleijstaritl their lack of popularity but if they stopped to think they would reallee that they- make thoni- selves dlsllkpd through their constant carping criticism of everything and everybody the knookcr la not like ly to be a favorite his criticism iny be clover- enough to compel the list eners- to admiration or amusement but- it will never compel their lking fidgetiiyj is of course a waate of energy ttw young person who can not sit down for a quiet talk without fingering something who looks around for something to play with as soon as he drops into a chair has not rt laxed if as hie sits talking or think ing he will find it impossible to sit still if ho is either twirling bonae thing or drwingplcturos on the mar gin of a newspaper or taking jt a ring and putting it on onofher finger he is using up energy tfawit ought to be saved for something worth while the fidgety person not only wastes his own nervous force but that of other people it is hard- to keep eoiuj able when aonaebody in herrbom la playing on imaginary piano solo on the arm of- his chair or balancing rila pocketknife on his palm biting bis nails or continually clearing fals throat or doing any of a thousand axid other things by which tho fidgety re lieve tholr nervousness they sure putting up the nerves of everyone near them under a strain however ol- llvlous one may be to his own fidget ing he cannot be oblivious to the iw- getyways of someone else a j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist wili be at a t abown8 drug store acton monday feb isc anyone suffering from e3ye- st nttn defective vision or headache should not miss the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appoint- oaents may be made with mr a t brown druggist onsoltation b office hours 9 a m till 4- p m look moneys take notice that we will handle your troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis no collection ndjsiurce wejuico 34 years experience at your disposal aod absumtt kil jj your collection troubles send us your list wo will do the rest no note or account is considered too small too large too old or too far away wo will tackle any honest debt kelly aiken collectors oranqeville owen sound j m aiken manager ioa j kelly manager aeferenoosterllns batik of cassda typewriters genuine factory rebuhlt ynderwopdls built up 0 the same stand ards as the new machine throughout fully guaranteed same as new v but they cost less general typewriter appliance co 09 kino st west toronto 2 corns cannot exist wnen hohowaya corn remover la applied to them b cause it goes to tlie root and kills ttio growth advertisers the free press is anxious to aerva you and serve you well we can fllva your advert eas- mant better attentlpn and there fore maka it mere attrfctiva if the copy ia supplied to ua on monday or tuesday if eopy faili to reach uauntil wednesday forenoon there fa ft rush to sot it up before tha forms oloae and the result ia likely to ba least taitiafaotory a definition of a gentle- man some one has defined a gontlcnxaui as a person 4ho never hurtsanybodys feelings- tliero uro some people wtoo nervous and restless f gas tirssuro in the abdomen causes a tcbtless nervous feeling and pre vents sleep adlerika removes gas in ten minutes nnd brings out surpris ing nmotinth of old waste matter you never thought was in your ayateni this excellent intestinal evacunnt is wonderful or constipation or allied stomach trouble dont waste time with pills or tnbleta but get heal adlerika action at brown drug gist others they like to say things that cut and sting and when their words bring tho burning color to anothers checks jhey take that ns a triburto to their amurtnoh3 more numerous uro the class who are constantly hurting litbcrs without meanings to do so they luck tho fine feelings the del lea to intultlveness of n gctn6mihr thoy are gooarialurodv hut they havo a faculty for putting their hngera on every nore spot for bringing up just the subjects which wilt make somebody feel uncomfort able it la not necessary to bo insincere or to equivocate in order to avoid hurting other uconlofeelln gentleman can disagree and even crltl cize without giving offense those of you who perhaps ho vo been- a little proud of- your nbihtj to say little s wh w in o h e ma comfortnwe ohould ponder this deflnl tlon of a gentlohian one who never hurts anyones feellngg asthma ia torture no one whohas not gasped for breath in the powerr of asthma knows what uch sufferlnai is- thousands do know however from oxiierlenc how immenaurable is the relief provided by that marvel lous preparation dr j d kellogafst asthma komofly for yeara it hoe been relieving the most severe cases if you are h a sufferer tlo notdeloy a day in seourinx htls remedy from youjr drugaist 1 1 ilfc rfytr rdjevc infants in arms and children all ages of constipation wind colic to sweeten stomach flatulency diarrhea regulate bowels aimtficabrmlaijonof food promoting cheertulness kestuul natural sleep without opiates to avoid irmtatkms always look for the signature of caaj proven direction- on each package physicians ct recommend it get your job printing at the free press rfsci r m rjijra

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