Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 21, 1926, p. 6

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uc j ra a rj piaartofth mi i ntrtas marriara and dcatha arc now charsed for t the following ratea blrtba ic marriages so dealha joe memorial crda 50c ioc per lloe extra lor poems married 1iij3ili v johnstone at knox cliuich acton on tuesday january 19 13jg by the kev a c stewart ah10 mae youngest daughter of mr und mrs william johnstone to mr victor n rumlcy youngest boh of mr nnl mrs thoa rumloy botli of atton died hampshire at tho family resi dence second line ebqueslnk on sunduy january 17 1926 william hampshire in hla dint year sioonei at his lato residence lot ib concession 3 eaquesing townbhjp on thursday morning january 14 1926 ephraim moore in hla 86tll year itogers at her homo guelph st acton on sunday morning january 17 1926 edith allan alhnnxkr be loved wife of wm h rogers in nor 30th year fffrg thm3tof res thursday january at 1926 brief local items jwl rir i r monday next will be robbie burns day tho ico men aro now buay har vesting their crop su patricks day comes on wed nesday march 17th night dreams of day and winter seems in sleep to breathe of balm of may tho acton boy scouts will attend service at knox church next sunday evening numerous business change in tow are joomin up a yearns- operations proceed tho buffalo express says one auro way to insult a girl now is to tell her she needs a hair cut there is just now a certain amount of talk about having fergus incorporated as a town fresh eggs were so plentiful on guelph market on saturday that they sold for 45 cents per dozen another heavy fall of enow otu friday makes the winter more jibe an oldfashioned one than ever obituary whs ihjiam m rotseits a happy homo was sadly bereft on sunday morning when mrs willi im ii robeia outjlph stioet the de voted wife and mother was suddenly called homo uftoi a very brief illness intestlnul flu was the insidious ull- mintjwhich caused this sudden death mrs rogers wan at church the sun- duy before and her case wan not re garded as unusually serious until a few hours bef 01 e her passing away mrs roger b name was edith allan allmaik with her husband se re sided in acton for several years and enjoyed the friendship and esteem of all who knew her she was possessed of a bright helpful disposition waa i member of st albans church and for bomo time os a member of the choir her bereaved husband and two llttlo children have the sympathy of the community tho funeral was hold tuesday afternoon after service in st albans church interment was mude at fulrvicw cetootery the lenten season opens on ash wednesday 17th of february and good friday falls on april 2 threefourths of january is pass ed already the cold weather period is gradually growing shorter the merry sleigh bells have al most entirely superceded the honk of tho motor cars for too present things could bo worse if this month was february you would have cr pay a months rent for 28 days the second january thaw o 1926 came on sunday 17th inst the mer cury was between 35 andmo all day c w y e t depends somewhat on the time they turn in to the home in tho evenings x there are many citizens in acton who- would like to see the streets signs put up giving the names of the streets the usual winter scare respecting tho damage to peach buds is now he lug reported from the niagara peach orchards efhraial moore ephruim mooro pa uwuy last saturday on tlm homestead tat 15 concession 3 lsquesing whore jio was born eightysix years ago his father the late david moore waa a pioneer of the community and his son succeeded him in the ownership of oils fine old hospitable farm home mr mooqe was 111 only about 4 week but during this tlrnc was given the moat loving care and solicitude of his two daughters at homo and other members of the family 1 his devoted wife was called homo v years ago and since that time her lonely partner has felt very keenly the loss of u who had been his helpmeet and companion for half a century the family of one son and six daughters survive john j and missies alice and charlotte on tho homestead mrs donald waldle at dublin mrs burgo butts in nel- son mrs m fleniins7seattte7waso and mrs- william brown at lth- brldge sask jdr moore was a qulot godfearing man and lived in tho esteem of all who knewhlm he loved his bible and the house of god and was never absent from the public ser vices when it was possible for him to attend he was a member of knox church acton and the funeral on monday was conducted by rev a c stewart m a interment was made at greenwood cemetery georgetown news of local import eramosa council offices the rounclpal ohlcers of ernmosn township council wue appointed ut ui meeting lust week as follows j j aldons clerk salary 140 00 robt scott assessor 175 00 and 10 00 foi distributing dog igt s dunflcld and n h black auditor h 6 00 each per haltondoanery at glenwdliama rev bit john thompson ayr there passed away in toronto last tuesday one of the oldest presbyter ian ministers ln canada dr john thompson ma d d of ayr dr thompson was born at ruthergien scotland on april 18 1841 he was educated in tlfc schools of glasgow and took his degree of ma at the glasgow university he continued his studies forvsonne time at heldelber on his return to scotland he acted as city missionary at greenock on the clyde early in 1871 he came to can ado he waa assistant to dr topp at knox church toronto for six months and on november 21 of that year he was ordained and settled as minister of knom churoh ayr ftt nyr hfr nprnl a tor buyer imrelmaefl 12 worth of chickens in fergus during december in addition to what were sold to tho stores mr iwilham sprowl late or tne third line eaquesing has purchased the brick residence of mr h w hln- ton on lake avenue in hamilton a picture patron who insisted on talking to the annoyance of others was fined 20 wonder rf tkat offence la ever- committed here chicken thieves again visited the farm of a b foxjust west of bronte during monday night of lost week cleaning out the coop of about fifty birds reports from various points say robins are appearing and then i heard the redbreast say be brave my little mate well build our home anew bxreeve parkinson of port credit was refused a ballot at the re cent municipal etections because his taxes were not paid at the 31st oxtde- cemher adam browns psalm of life if any lift of mine may ease the burden of another god give me love and care and strength to help my tailing brother funny isnt it how the goal scored by the visiting hockey loom never seems as smart and satisfying a piece of work as the goal that the home team notches hunters found shooting spearing or destroying any muskrat or braver house will be fined from 920 to 200 federal game warden george s xjeach has announced on thursday evening of this week cao rt kev bishop owen will re open st patricks anglican church in guelph with service at 800 oclock tho bishop will also preach affcer having faithfully sorved on tho walkervon high school board for years mr thos dixon has re signed he surely holds the record in the matter of service on school boards his life he waa 30 years old when he went there and for 40 years he remained in the one charge he neither changed nor wished to change his place he rotired in 1911 and has ever since made ayr his home he had rare gifts of mind and heart old and young in all the countryside arc moved at his passing he lived among his people intimately and gladly he waa unwilling to be drown into the work of church committees that would take him far from home but he made one exception bis literary knowledge and his love for music gave him an honored place on the hymnal com mittee for 45 years ho was the only one who had a shore in preparing alt three books that the presbyterian church has had the hymnal of 1881 the presbyterian book of praise ol 1897 and the 3ook of praise of 1918 dr thompson vviib more than once a visitor to acton he preached in knox church and he lectured on music in tho church and at sunday school conventions here st marys grocers have organised to inaugurate a system of community buying by which a reduction in the wholesale costs will permit a corres ponding reduction in retail prices to patrons cy wither sold old man fllat his famous thermometer the ono which always rughhered 4 degrees hotter in summer and 8 degress colder in winter than any other thermometer in the whole district mail and empire mr knight was elected mayor of auiston the herald says in case some wag should rise to state that this town has an a of night mare e fatten with theassuranotttnaric is nothing worse than knight mayor t the bank of montreal fergus hns boon appointed as receiver of tax es at a enumeration of 76 provided ho bank keeps open until 9 pm thf hut day of each payment a r agar will collect arrears of taxes for sner cent hov j a johnston pastor of calvary baptist church toronto formerly of acton has received a umalnhhib nail in r talbot etraflt church london rov mr johnnton addressed the young people of the baptist church acton two weelcs ago william hampshire tho scotch block of esquesing lost two stirling citlxens who had been neighbors ever since pioneer days when william hampshire of lot 10 second line and ephriam moore of the speyslde crossroad passed away dur ing the week both had reached a ripe old age and neither had suttered from any protracted illness mr hamp shire passed away on sunday morn ing he had not been very hearty for several r weeks and thursday last sat with the family at the evening meal mr hampshire was born at dowsbury yorkshire en eland and came to canada when a young man of twenty- two he settled in esquesing and during the nearly seventy years since has been one or tho esteemed resi dents of this township in 1860 he married elisabeth mcnaughton the daughter of- tho lata john mcnaugh ton for many years a member of the tnuhlp and county councils ten sons and daughters were born in the home of whom four survive john william j l ex- reeve or eaquesing and miss janet at home and joseph at new westminister b c mrs hamp shire passed away in 1897 william hampshire waa a man of sterling christian character and a very useful resident of tho otnmunlty for nine teen years he was the successful sup erintendent of boston church sunday school and many who attended that school remember with gratltudo mr hampshires interest in the spiritual gain and their study of tho word of tho quarterly mccringrof tho halton deanery will be held at glcnwilllams on mo ndayr january i5th und will he attended by members of all the angli can churches in hilton county the principal business ofthe morning sea- blon will bo to mako arrangements for the 4th annua choral festival or the anglican choirs of halton county united chgroh improvements the fnlargonicnt of the pulpit plat form of the united church cor tin better accommodation of an enlarged choir has boon about completed it gives much larger sqiace and will bo very convenient fur special occasions tho panelling and moulding havo been constructed with a view to matching tho other woodwork and iowa and the carpenters and painters succeeded in this very commondtbly expensive fun at charivari five young men from near uceton appeared beforo magistrate jeffs at a 111st on on wednesday last charged with making u disturbance on the premises of cecil corr who had been recently married after hearing the evidence the magistrate came to the conclusion that it was a cao of a charivari carried too far ho imposed a fine of 15 and costs on each of the young men making 925 each canadian club in florida canadians spending the winter at lakeland florida have organized a canadian club over bhe ffunaxeot canadians were present at the meeting held nt the tremont hotel where a banquet was served axnqng thoae present at the affair were mr and mrs w a emery misses garnet and muriel freeman 3jr j s free man and miss ghent uil of burling ton captain e a uorden of oak- vllle was elected president df the new club burlington gazette stditor eedy retires from the school board sir lome a eedy has tendered his resignation from the high school board for seven years he has been an active and keenly interested mem ber of that body in its deliberations hist judgment will be missed mr eedy has resigned owing to his intention to move to st marys to become editor and publisher of tho st- marys jour nalargus it is likely that the county council will appoint his successor at the january session walkerfon telescope miltons chriatmaa tree surplus tho mmon community christmas tree committee met last week and reported a surplus of 105 94 which will be turned oer to the relief com mittee composed of iloyor irving and me clergymen of luttlowii to uu used hume ciirrie and m- campbell assessors for esquesing townflhiplfor 1926 j l standish and h r mimxaa auditors at tho first meeting of tho enqueuing township council by laws were pass ed appointing humo currlo and m campljou aamassorj 3lsloidlahanfl ii r ulmms auditois e3 y barra- olough a mombei of tho board of health and j t smith sanitary in spector a by law wm nlso passed authorising tho rcfevo and tieasuror to borrow 20 000 from tho bank of commerce for current cxpendltureo one of tho first resolutions passod was tor 59 00 for sheep killed by dogs 40 to daviilmcencryfortwo sheep and 15 to george leslie with 2 00 each to w b shortlll and p mc- gibbon for vuluelng the sheep tho following aocounts were pass ed wm mccullough snow fenco 15 10 georgetown herald printing etc 4 acroic nifca pauss ndvertlalng e r earl culvert pipe rolling j a mccclure supplies and phono e3 v barraclough board of health w j black gravel henry may collector lefund milton pressed brick co wro fence w g- scott wire fence hume currlo wire fenco freeman robin eon wire fenco boll xolephone co scrvlco h pt mlmms treasurers bond municipal world supplies mrs bailey cleaning council chamber r h thompson supplies j a thompson lamp3uetc jfrobectdariln t ro- thomas robb d r o andrew mcclure d r 0 c mcdowell dr0 g b thompson duo james sprowl d it 0- m campbell d ko r w johnson d r o j c cook d r 0 prank murray posting bills council adjourned to meat on mon day february 1st nt 1 pm all the members of tho council were present and subscribed to tho declar ation of office as follows reeve w g anplbe deputy reeve t l leslie councillors wm gowdy m j carton george cleave for charitable purposes all orders on the fund to be signed by the mayor the fund will be open for donations at any time the tptal receipts were 210 75 expenses of tree and baskets 104 8 balance turned over to the committee 10534 plucky little wert em lads masters johnnie and jlmmlo nelson ico 01 co iff 00 20 26 20 00 6 co 10 0j 1350 3 75 3 00 0 so 1 84 40 00 13 85 3 50 1 76 13 06 1680 17 40 ib 00 16 40 11 16 18 20 16 40 14 go 13 00 6 00 neighborhood news- town and coiuitry na88agaweya thd hoard of mnnngors or jedon mills unltod church have purchased wlmt was fui mtily the methodist church and aro having it rortovutod and improved and fitted up foi pluco of worship tlio mombern m o auiiportlng the pioject with grout dublin- onthuolusm tho eden mills young peoples league wllllebato with tho ebonozei league next tuesday evening on tho quchtlon of township school boards 03pringe adam brown passes in his 100th year canadas grand qld man dies at hamilton after two days illness adam brown renowned for his life long activities for tho betterment and encouragement of others died at his home aberdeen avenue hum 11 ton on saturday morning after a two days illness mr browns final illness followed a fainting spell on thursday morn ing he rose early that morning to go to toronto to attend tho annual meeting of the canada xlfe assuranco company of which he wos a director attending this annual meeting and delivering an address to tho assembled directors had been his practice for i co or 70 years but the oxtra exertion tlgea r elevrm and e 1 ofihemtornlng brough o a fa years sons of mr and mrs john b kelson of saskatchewan travelled from their home in the west alone reaching acton a couple of weeks ago their parents are now lesiding some distance from a public school and de siring that the lads sthould have achopl privileges sent them to the old homo for the wjnter months they ore staying with their grandparents mr and mrsd mcjsnery main street and are attending lome school visiting tho old horns mr and mrs james carnahan and hiss ida of brandon man- have becj visiting friends in the old home in ontario they have been in nassa- gaweya arirf with mrs carnahans people in mono road and this week are vlslfjing acton friends before returning o brandon they will visit relatives in norfolk county the fam ily has done well in the west the four stalwart sons each of whom is now considerably over six feet are making their way very successfully miss annie who spent some tlmo m the fium press office has a lino posi tion in brandon city hall m trip to china the monthly meeting- of the wo mens missionary society of the united church on thursday afternoon had an unusually largo attendance the feature of tho afternoon was an interesting address by mrs rev il caldwell of georgetown aj trip to china mrs caldwell has two daughters missionaries in china whose descriptions of their respective journeys have afforded much interest- ins information an assortment of chinese fancy woflc costumes and other articles were exhibited mrs gardiner sang a solo with much ac ceptance and miss ailanie 2 bennett conducted the usual mission study class mrs a t llrown president conducted the meeting important real estate transfer mr george soper who has been 1 fa pi liar merchant on mill street for many years longer in fact than any other merchant in t b u either god he was one of the- early mem bers of walker lodge a f a m and always valued his membership in the masonic craft when the second line was made a county stone road mr pshiro supe the e i lmv t l and t struclloh of a section und he took a great interest in making it the best piece oroad that he could build with the specifications and materials that were furnlened he was a very like ablo man had decided opinions but was never offensive in expressing them the funeral was held oh tues day to fairvlew cemetery acton induction of ths elders the first induction of elders of the united church of canada acton will tako place at the eloven oclock sor- fvlce on sunday morning 24th lnsfr the now induction servloo aurgetited by tho commission of the general council will be assd the eldora elected nt the congregational meeting held after the consummation of tha united church in acton in the order lor the election were as follows el ft trairr demollshtd auto at gualph when a motor car in which they were riding was struck by a c n it yard engine on the edinburgh road level crossing at guolph on thurs day uc and 2urs lome matthews and harvey porter all of guelph had a res faomflerlous la- jury by leaping from the machine on instant before the crash catme mrs matthew mil unhurt while her hus band snffereq the loss of a tooth a and porter received a kht lajcerfttieroh- the face the auto was completely demolished adam bnwni advice when mr brawn who died on sat urday in his looth year at hamilton was in toronto at the canadian na tional exhibition last call as a guest of honor on young canada day he announced that tie- had flvj rules he woufd like children to learn and obey if they would enjoy hng life and keep young they wwr wprfc hard in whatever yon do 8- dont worry afur adjoining ones has sold his property and will retire from business as soon as he can dispose of his stock mr h w hint on is the purchaser he will open there with his watch and jewel lery and fancy goods business this is a fine location for mr hlntons business tho shop was built by mr soper and has always housed his grocery and provision business and the department of ladies goods and fancy work superintended by miss soper during ills long term in busi ness in acton mr soper has conduct ed a good business in his line and has enjoyed the confidence and esteem or the community of late years ho has been assisted by his son george jv who has developed into a young busi ness man of likeable qualities popu lar and obliging t wayf has mo socks oil the first lniruttor long hike in search of work george- mccauley of acton took shelter at uie notice sta tion last night- h is headed for jlovinbtofr- county to spell which prevented hla attending tho meeting he was much chagrined but re mained at homo on the advice of his physician he spent the day how ever answering letters and attend ing to much other work t his homo and this exertion is thought to havo been too much for him active and energetic though he wou as a result he was advised to spend prlday in his boa mid remained thcro nil day chatting with his relatives and fi lends his last expressed thoughts were of concern for others welfare ada111 brown affectionately known as hamiltons giand old man was born in edinburgh scotland on april 3rd 1826 no better illustration of tho ojclorn it is better to wear out than to rust out could bo found than in his busy life he had been a member of parliament for four years foi over thirty years ho held the posi tion of postmaster of hamilton and he remurlned in harness until decem ber 1 1920 when ho was nearlng his 95th birthday his miscellaneous activities were boundless tho royal humane so ciety the children aid society and tho society for the prevention of cruelty to animals all claimed a large part of his tlmo and energies it was largely through his activities that many of tho eaillcr railways of on tario wero built notably the welling ton groy and bruce of which ho was president foi a number of years after a long hfo of public serjdee and many personal generosities mr brown was thinking of others to tho last y the funeral on tuesday was largely attended rev dr renison of the church of the ancenslon conducted tho scrvlctf four bishops of the anglican church attended the funeral services these beautiful winter days aro huroiy appreciated by our citizen a and il tood many of them took ad vantage of tho ideal weather on sun day to onjoy an outing our farmcrca ate busy in tho wood lot cutting their seasons supply of firewood irum prospects sovcral big land deals will bo tho feature in our com munity this wlntei a fino price has been offered for the farm of tho luto mr herbert kirk wood situated on the aecond lino also tho ryder furrn is also for sale which has boon rented for several yena by mr william vvest tho annual business meeting or our local indies aid will bo hold noxt wcdqesday afternoon in tho church and all ladles in tho community aro invited to uttend mr and mi a thojj aitkena of saskatoon are holidaying in oui midst mr james warren from the west is visiting nt tho home of mm m mccutcheon third lino mr undt airs thos mack ojt tho third line spent sunday with wr and mrs thos mack of eramosa our ospringo school was closed for a few days last week on account of tnariy school chlldtcn suffering from soro eyes and the measles rockwood mr george parkinson of eramosa township who shot und killed a large wolf some weeks ago has received a cheque of 15 through county treas- dviil fox the amount allowed by the government for bounty on wolves tho pelt was shipped to toronto where tho fact that it was a wolf waa vciifled and tho payment of tho bounty authorized tho funeral of the late john ajutn who passed away last tuesday in tho hospltnl at guelph took place from his residence on tho fifth line eramosa on thursday afternoon to johnstons cemetery tbo rev john llttlo officiating mr allan jb jsur- vlved by hla widow and ave daugh ters mrs burnett eramosa mrs e doughty guelph mrs dllbcrtflon eden illlla jean and agnes at home and three sons lorno and james in the township and john at homo ono sister mrs john m utile rockwood and two brothers samuel near by and davjd in tho west also another brother whoso whereabouts is not known tho floral offerings were num erous and expresslvo of sympathy from those who realize they have lost a good citizen in the community tho late mr allan was in his 72nd year rev j g plnnock of toronto an agent of tho blblca society occupred the pullt in tho k united church on sunday evening uo gave a very in teresting account of his thirtyfive years experience in africa which was listened to with close attention at tho close of the service rev john little president of tho society called tho secretarytreasurer go h to rem the minutes of the- ye olde tyme s quartette bert chapman and h is company of artists to give concert in acton next monday evenino hnrrantltneh wonrterfii1 organisation sarnlo where ho worked last winter wh an officer entered the cell to arouse him abcut lght oclock last owning shortly after he had been taken in to tell him that if be want ed a good hearty meal he could get it at tho peoples mission on cork street before he went to sleep for tho night bo noticed that mocaulcy pulled 411 his heavy lumberman s rubber hucii as farmers wear over his baro feet he had no socks the officer who himself had on heavy warm woollen one for pounding his beat was horrl- flfroat uty idea of walking fcom acton to ouelph in aero wenther with bare spring from very small and unpreten tious beginnings and without any set plnp tor a gieat future such is the cnie with te olde t village- quar- jltte w ai 0 m glvb o- concert in the united church on jnnuwybb this quartette was organised in the st ciair unitedchurch toronto to assist in a choir concert without any thought of its becoming a permanent organ lint ion but such a success was its first appearance tlmt this concert was repeated a number of times and each time with equal success the manager of tho canadlun na tional exhibition engaged it for music day bo aing at several stations on the ground during this day next the radio department pf the canadian na tional railways c n r t engnged it to sing exclusively tor them so great was tho applause received that hundreds of letters cnmfr from eyery province in canada and from cali fornia in the west and florida in tha southiind their coniraci has- been ro- laat meeting nnd also of tho meeting held in the fall to make preparations for the usual collections in tho dis trict over 260 was securod for the funds of the bible society one in teresting featuro was the societys certificate to tho rockwood united chuich sunday school for life mem- bcishlp on tho contribution of 50 to tho society bov mr pinnock also spoke in tho tsverton dlacilplos church in tiro morning and at tho stono church 4th lino in the afternon a successful box social wnn held last friday evening in no 8 school a number from the village were pres ent and 1 pleasant evening waa spent mr and mr r b richardsen and daughter francis left monduy morn ing foi then new home in vjneland mrs hubert henderson accompanied them to assist them in getting settled and will spend some t with them mrs william brldger of slmcoo ar rived friday evening to stuy with her sister maisie while their mother in away the pi orientation on monday evening last week to mr and mrs r b richardion was a couple of beau tiful chairs the address was read by george llayne while tho miasms mao watson ind ivnthlcon dennis presented the gifts rev mi donald son waa chahmnn foi tho occasion and a 111 ogrnmmo consisting of quar tettes recitations speeches solos in- strumentals and congregational hing ing nnd a duet by misses muriel and betty rewit a pioasant tlmo was spent by all present mrs alfred watson and baby of acton were weekend visitors at tbo home of jas watson mlsa h little of heppeler is spending some time with her sistei mrs wilson gardiner of the dqrnln- ion haase mr mclariy qf knox college tor onto again conductod services for the presbyterians last sunday tho annual meeetlng of the rock- wood agricultural society and ihe eramosa plowmans association took place on wednesday nfternoon in the town hall a new floor is being put in tho town h tlio old flooring having boeti in the hi at mcclng of tho dublin womottrt iiihlitutc wan held at the lioitiootmrh j v r6bci thon on wed nesday january 13 with tho prcul dent mrs liracken in tho chair nlnotcen ludloh woio picstnt include ing a nuinbei from tho acton branch numoroib helpful suggestions wer offered by tho visiting mombcrs after cilncubhlpk tho usual buslnchu the lndlcu apent a social hour together the next meeting will bo hold at the h p- dunoon- mftdoufrtl 00- ash wednesday february 17 at 210 p m knox hlblo clnsa acton had a jolly slolghing party on tuesday evening tho memuets met at iho church then drovo up the highway to tho flrnt line and then back to tho second and dowiv to tho homo of mr and mrs willlnm biacken heio a very enjoyable even ing waa spent and the hospitality of tliih very hospitable home mad everybody fool welcome and happy thcio wis singing and gamch and 1 delightful lunch miss jessie morton president and rev a c stewart m a tho teacher of tho class direct ed tho pioccediiigahiyjtliflkill rod and gun improved still further improvement in the ap pearance and contents of tho maga zine rod and gun is shown in the february number which has just been luhued there li a very good line up of sportinf material in this ihhuc and good illustrations is also a featuro of tho number tho scries of descriptive articles ia good james friges cartoon in this imue is another man tor piece of humorous art with a flavor of the outdoors rod and gun is published monthly by w j taylor limited woodstock ontario -mu-son- and risen hoveroany nfc tractions for dollar day shoppers at guelph triday and saturday new phonographs as low as 45 double receipts on pianos any edison phonograph up to 125 for 10 records 55c sheet mubic 5c come to gutlpn for dargalns just above the pat ofllce 6 to ld per day for you if you will qualify for t position as an engineer auto me chanic electrical ignition battery or welding export also barter ing mechanical dentistry brick laying plastering ladies hair- dressing few weeks required to iearn expert instructors practi cal training big demand got started now for bigger pay and a brighter future writ or call for our special offer hemphill trade schools 153 king st west toronto winter winds will not chap carnpanas italian balm pre vents chapping of tho hands and face in winter time the cold wind evaporates thefatural mo is turo of tho akin travtlth it dry and shrunken carnpanas italian bslm replaces this natural moil turo all druggists and depart mental stores sell it a special samp le bottle mailed on receipt of 5c sale of remnants friday saturday january 22 and 23 j on the above dates you will find on krfjable in the centre of the store every remnant in the stock marked in plain figures the length and price on each end l come in and look them over you will find some good ones in prints ginghams cottons flannelettes tickings shirtings towellings etc at 25 less than regular prices yarns yarns this is the time of year to do your knitting we keep the best yarn made in buffalo scotch fingering pure wool fac- tory yarns in two and three ply appolo yarns all shades when you buy yarn do as we do buy the best mclean co mnjlsrnbeet acton ont store closed wednesday afternoon campanas italian balm e q wit co 80 gcorg 8t- toronto uap of l great many yenrn knx church clio will hold an organ recltffl an1 canrcjt in the cliuic on rrlday cyenlnk jijvry 2 acton continuation school presents hurry hurry hurry a comedy in three acts towtj hall acton friday january 22nd tomorrow night cast of characters jack crandau couloy author vfit hooker businesb man stephen hooker colleero fytshman ted stone football hero alosius bartholomew collcse professor rloy brown vivacious debutante letitia brown ijtcrary dilettanto mrs hooker modern mother rita pert housemaid charles klrlrnewn arthur henderson george maaon frank cook neville harrop addle hurst marjorie luiwson mabel kenyon mary chtalmera act t uvlner room of ijooker mansion in a big american city present time late afternoon a few days before christmas act ii same aa act i evenlne act ih sural as acf ii just before midnight curtain at 8 15 sharp your patronage is solicited admraion 25c the demand is greater than the supply slnco january 4 we havo had two calls for hejowe were um able to supply an graduates are looatcd tajk to the man or woman on tho atreot in your town who knows about our work then aotl 8tudnt may start any day at guelph business college tlieres a good positron for you get tho training come nton on monday a l bouck trlncipal and proprietor dr w barnard opt dro optometrist eyesight specialist optician georgetown ont registered optometrist by examination graduate royal college of science your eyes examined by modern methods- glasses fitted when needed at reasonable prices make your appointments at hintons jewellery store mill street acton radio caniidhfi ptonser moptbly publ icstlon deyoted jo radlu subscription price f2 00 per year in advnnco radio is edited byulen is oxley r c i an ouutanding authority on radio operation subscribe now and learn how to get the best out ol your radio set radio also lolla you where to buy penton publication 60fi ftrifll et toronto newecl for another year the personnel fetju tollowa zalay lnruah mcadani soprano bettv jddu19qlmaclcqlulfi cojitraltqlw h istorria hgnao a c chapman tenor nnd dirty tor m chapman in tho efficient occompanlat thesq artists all anpear in mid victorian costumes of soft nhdea and mnke a htrlkinff plotuio in blba tuok- ern hoa and frlllh of yo tcrmntladdlcs and ye jrrnnddamcft- an monday in tuft nnnlviiuary of jia birth of kobort llurnf hie quartette will vnjy tho pro- ktamnrift tor tho oocrihlan with scutch otikb in hcottiwh curstumiyt those who are fortunate enough to fiecurotlcketb for thl concert wilt 1 pi von a k in the way of novel tltllfhtful and llftcient tnti rtnlnrrioiii adtnujfjiwi in 25 ccnth for ndullk arid 15 rantn for c hlldron the united church fhm- dny school oiclicntra will asblnt in the pregrumme tho profrrturumo will commence at 4 16 cdoch w in your oako baking use 0u flour it never jialls when uned ncioruintf to our direction our flour makfi thfe llprhtcnt whitest purest cake layeis you eve haw excellent for pound cake bltf- culth etc vt browne norvai ont norval flour mills w r browne co prop norval norval imqs choice brfljul plour national pastry ban jy r 2 honks municipal s27 r i specials for this week poue cut choice pickled pork oq- per lb macr smoked ham whole or half lb cottage rolls per tb side bacon by piece 32c 29c- 39cr isc per lb fresti hamsr whole or half lb join rojst of pork per lb otic shoulder roast of oq porfc per b uoc be3sfcuts choice rib roast per tb thick rib roast per lb blade roast per tb rib boil per lb 20c 48c- 17c 12v2c round steak roast flo- shortening 3 lb pails shortening for 49cr -5- pa gh l for 1 lb brick shortening for 18c labd 3 tb pails of lard cs 5 lb palls of lard l am lb bricks of lard for 22c fish b c salmon whole c or half fish tb idc try our pork sausage 20c and 25c lb special special 1 lb brick of shortening t joe on eyery order of 2 or oyer w j patterson cornkr boll anq main stbeets acton ont it sikjh7ikdl

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