Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1926, p. 1

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jt tft stmt pfitss 3f fittyhrst year no 31 thursday morning january 28 1926 acton ontario canada thursday morning january 28 19j26 single copies five cento t tee acton united church of canada miniatoi rov r e zimmorman parsonage willow street 11 00 am servlco for tho induc tion of klilcn j 2 30 p m sabbath school session 1 00 pm tho minister subject friendship younk peoples meeting on monday at 8 oclock prajer and praise service on thursday at 7 30 p m presbyterian knox church acton minuter rov a c stewart m a manse willow street 1100 a m the minister subject the dawn of a now day 3 00 p m sabbath school and bible classes 7 00 p m tho minister subject advantages and disadvantages oftho young pcoplo of to-day- monday 8pm the guild strangers leaving address with the ushers will be called upon by the pastor the baptist church acton james w boyd paator helpful 11 00 a m the pnstor message for christians 3 00 p m sunday school for all p m thehpastoiv subjcct ciasses -to- tlo redemption of alan fourth in series raith of our fathers monday s 00 p x m toung peoples meeting short bright helpful thursday 7 30 p m prayer and praise meeting alii welcome vdcr- word mln special notices neots in thla column a cents per hum charge 30c per insertion for sale x pair ladies snowshoes good as n stblia molh sr 1 wanted girls oves 10 years of age for light ivor- apply acton tanning co b v kenyon picture frarolnff upholaterlng cab inet work of 11 kinds carpentering alterations hardwood noorlng tc prompt service 803 phone 142 acton auto- knitter yarn8 wheeling scotch ringtins worst ed all wool jjinoty cents per pound delivered samples free a y shops department a orillla ont 294 agent wanted for acton and district two fast felling household specialties wrlto tor m p smart apparel at great reductions coats richly furtrimmed charming frocks of cloth and silk and a number of beautiful evening gowns are still left in our winter stock our buyers have marked them for final clearance which means to women who know how attractive values have been herejhis season at regular prices that now with deep reduction they will have the rare thrill offinding a frock oi wrap of distinctive make and charming style at a very very iow price such opportunities will prove gratifying to wmen of limited means who must plan to make their wardrobe allow ances go a long way worth taking a trip to guelph to investigate furtrimmed coats 10 15 19 25 fractional prices in every case misses and young womens sizes in the first two groups botfr wbmens and young womens in the latter two rich fabrics generously trimmed with fur many of the savings tre at the half price mark if you are likely to need a new coat for next winter or need one no to wear for achange when you take off yaur rfur coat this is a golden opportunity for a rare economy worth coming miles for news of local import bandmaster downs of brampton honored w e downs retiring bandmastor of brampton citizens hand who is leaving for a similar position in ren frew was surprised by the band on monday who met at the home of jas algie and gavo mr downs and family a handsome electrto floor lamp w- w bold read an address and e p hnrmaworth made the presentation sudden death of data taylor chatllo taylor for many years a porter on tho canadian puclflc rail way pullman servlco died veiy aud denly on the train between hamilton and toronto on monday morning chaille was the son of tho bate charles taylor of aoton he spent his boy hooua ilajs at crowsons corners and acton and was alwuys well liked here ie was a very popular porter with c p r olllclals and the public gener ally prohibitionists d acti by requiring candidates to place temperance principles before party ontario prohibiuonlstjneetlng iooq wheirwetaiuu that-ftares- andtwopieceeffecta are leading in the spring fashion campaign you will all the more appreciate january dress reductions one notable croup includes sizes 14 to 20 years in silk crepes and wens large sires in wool crepes val ues up to j695 jq ac clearing at 47ed satin and crepe dresses black and colors sizes 38 to 44 regular up to l895 and special at that clear- ijl m33s satinfaced crepe dieses 10 to 20 years and 36 to 44 black and colors reg up to 1795 cloth dresses in sizes from 16 years up to 46 bust measure charmeen arid poiret twill regular up to 24 50 in two clearing groups 1495 1895 happy little dance frocks georgette crepes sizes 16 to 20 years flic qc clearing- at ljmfd evening gowns in cut velvet sizes 36 to 42 regular 29 75 clear- fcfq 7c ing at 4jla7f d macdonalefs for better values d e lmacdonald bros ltd dally closltio b0 p m excepting wednesday t 1z3- noon and saturday at 9xo p m a good timo offered to towh folks j the pooplo of tho united church churchill have planned a good time tor all who desire lo enjoy nn old- fashioned teamooting at the hill on irlday evening february 5 convey ances will leave acton post odlco cor ner at 6 45 therell go a jolly sleigh- rlclo a good supper speeches vocal music orchestra all for a quarter with r j kerr as tho wideawake versatile chalrmun thrown in the unwanted friday evening wonaerluha theatre wtce chbrac- torlstlc enterprise has secured the film tho unwanted an excellent picture with a torontoborn hero for friday evening in this dim there is neither star nor stripe nor spread eagle it is a novelty from a distance there arc somo remarkable views from tho ajps and of venice in the first port and later war scenes in ffance with ihe tanks and shell explosions and so on vividly real evory canadian who has imagination and isnt ashamed of the tact wil enjoy the unwanted says the star weekly chamber of commerce moating tonjght an important meeting of the acton chamber of commerce will be held this evening at 8 oclock in the council cham as th municipal council now invites cooperation and the members have placed themselves upon rocord unanimously to that effect real accomplishments in actons interests will result secretary garden exhorts all members of the chamber of com merce to make an effort to be present and to tuke part in the proceedings there is now opportunity tor this or ganisation to be nn eirbctlve coordin ating force for actons betterment halton prohibition union president a p gibbons of nelson township presided at tho meeting of tho executive committee- of the halton county prohibition union held at mil ton last week delegates were ap pointed to tho provincial convention to bo hold in toronto on january 26 an earnest discussion took p strong in massey hall toronto this week by a largo mnjority approved a callinvfor the appointment of a comn mlttee of ten to survey the province and take aggressive action in the mat- tor of temperanco candidates in the next election tho political actions committee recommended that its policy as adopt ed during the year be continued as follows to see that in every riding a nominee pledged to temperance be placed in the nolds and thut if no imrty candidate in any riding proves to toe satisfactory to tho executive steps will be tken to place a straight prohibition candidate in the held the union requlrob all candi dates either federal or local houses to docllu o that they shall plaeo tom- liorance principles above party loyalty in all cases fljcuuso prohibition legis lation in intcrpartlsan in order to as sure victory tho committee recom mended further that provincial ridings should be divided into twelve or more districts with an organizer in each elections of ofllccis for tho ensuing year resulted as follows honorary president right hon sir george e foster president rov a j irwin of waterrtown out vicepresidents w j altchlnson hantllton mri will pugsley toronto dr f j glbborne ottawa john t james brldgeburg el lav rodd wlndsoi t j jpatlon north bay rov john bailey was reelected sec- rotary and r d warren ttreasurer twentylive naiues for tho 1926 e- ccutivo committee were approved a o hogg chairman of tho meet ing declared thut when a law was en acted it was up to every person in the country to obey that law tho battle for temperance legislation in ontario had been too ions and too mighty to be allowed to wane at the present critical moment and he op- pealed to thinking people to decide what was right and then stand by ij social andpersonal juelph was hrc barl cooper of home over the weekend mr roy brown of toronto uni versity was home for sunday miss bcrtlo smith wan home from toronto foe a weekend visit a deughtful concert ye old tyme vlllaae quartette charms a large audience v a c chapman terror soloist and director of ye olde tyme village quartette of st clair united church toronto brought a company of sing- era to acton his former home on monday evening which provided a concert which for real merit has very rarely been equalled in acton the concert was given in the united church and a very largo audience greeted the alngora tho members of the quartette are mls daisy la rush mcadum aoprano soloist miss betty thompson mackenzie con tralto mr w h norrla basao and mr a c chapman tenor every member is a soloist and u real artist every number of their repertoire was generously applauded tho audience glvlns unmistakable evidence of pleas ure and appreciation tho program me included old time honga duct a and mi and mr q h brown spent the wekend with kitchener fi lends miss jean kennedy was home from tho university over the weekend mrs c c huerton of hamilton visited at the home of her parents dr henderson of aurora visited at his fathers homo here over tho week end mra harry mcdonald and miss corlnne visited friends in hamilton last week mr and mrs i o johnston return ed home after spending a week with toronto friends lr e j nelson was very ill during the week with a severe attack of the prevailing influenxa mclas edna and mr ralph hender son of toronto ualverslty were home over the weekend mrs- will hoyce a nd clarence of rocltwood visited at tlio home of mr g u lantz last week mr nelson garden has so far re covered as tov resume business for which his friends are much pleased r mr alrttcdonnlr was home for tttejwdayb lastrtvoek priornoleaving for detroit to take a position there mrs garden of kitchener sjent beveral weeks with her son mr nel son garden during his recent serious illness mr d c llussell mill street is patiently enduring his long illness ho has been fairly- comfortable the past few days mrs fred howes of lis towel and mrs andrew anthony of georgetown spent sunday at the home of mr and mrs hc a wilson mies bertha brown of the toronto teaching staff was a weekend visit or at the home of her mother mrs j brown church street mrs herbert- schrerteitf kitchen er spent wednesday with acton friends being the guest of mrs speight and miss bertie mr william swackhamer was very 111 fjor several days during the week but la now improving his son mi cecl 1 swackhamer of toronto was with him on sunday mr f a maclean spent from saturday ill thursday at the old home in acton being present at the marxlire of her sister miss alice johnstone on tuesday of this week chealey enterprise mrs g w murray returned from guelph hospital on saturdayvjnuch improved in health the eldest daughter of the home miss laura was token to the hospital on sunday he was arrested fo b a prominent citizen tnjten by license inspector and the provincial constable a week ago a charge was heard in police court georgetown against a man there for being intoxicated it wus ascertained that the llquor was obtained in acton and the officers de termined to follow up the information and if possible take steps to secure the conviction of the acton bootlegger to this ond inspector reevely and provincial inspector fewtrell engaged the services of tbe man whose liquor had resulted in a conviction and pen alty in the case i e for red to at george town tho officers came to acton on monday and so did the man who had previously purchased liquor here in an interview with the officers this man asserted that ho felt sure he could buy another bottlo that day the officers supplied him with a marked bank hill and ho at once proceeded to the place and rot urn cd within fifteen minutes to the ofllcecb who were in police court at iffo town hall with two bottles of moonshine labelled gooder- ham worts whiskey one a reputod quart and the other a small twoounce bottle with a corkscrew now interrogated inspector reevely who is the bootlegger from whom you purchased this jlquor we are obliged to lay an infoifrpafctlon against him for selling and perhaps for keeping oh lew atkinson is the man who sold me the liquor i went to him and asked for a bottle jlke gojaxjteekl hesaidwlil you have a large or a small bottlef oh i said to him ill take a bottle of each i paid him 5 00 for the quart bottle and 75c for the smalt one the officers went at once to police magistrate moore laid an information against lewis e atkinson liveryman and mall carrier secured a warrant for his arrest and a search warrant to his premises about live oclock at kinson was arrested when searched the marked royal bank bill he had been paid for the large bottle of whis key was found on hlm he was takon before police magistrate moore who offered to liberate him on ball of 1000 or if he preferred to proceed at once with the trial tho prisoner concluded that with the strong evidence against him which had been secured by the officers that he preferred speedy trial when tho charge was read he pleaded guilty to selling liquor in contraven tion of the ontario temperance act the minimum penalty of 20000 fine and costs and one month in jail at hard labor was imposed when put upon oath as to the source of his buifply of liquor as required by the act tho defendant said i bought the liquor i sold today from a man in guelph he has a brick house on the corner of a street in st patricks ward i do not know the mans name he is a forolgncr about five feet nine inches in height v tho officers took me to guelph j could go with them and find tho jilaco where i got my liquor one of tho o flic era said to atkinson that ho had beon under suspicion of trafll cl nc in llqiicrfnr the -past-four- news of local import lady chairman of board of education history was made at tho inaugural meeting of the guelph board of ldu- cauon last week when mrs crowe was chosen chairman foi 1926 the member foi st davids ward bolng the first lady ever honored with the appointment halton game protection association halton county game and protective association re elected j a luggs as its president and urged tho appoint ment of uddltlonul game wardens for tho district around palermo und ash for the protection of game and the prevention of sunday shooting by out- tilde motorists and of the dynamiting of flsh in tile twelve mile creek a guelph collegiato student missing l weeks search having failed to pi ovlde any clue as to tho where abouts of arnold- cleghorn 17-year- old collegiato student who mysteri ously disappeared after leaving his aunts home for school on tuesday morning of last weok his parents mr and mrs james cleghorn paisley block today offered a ruwaid of 100 for information concerning tho young lad provincial officer melville niow sergeant provincial officer rrank melville of guelph formerly chief of police at georgetown has rocelved notice from commlsstonci of ontario provincial police williams at toronto of his permanent appointment to the rank of sergeant qjtho dlaullpt- s melville fills the vacancy left by the promotion of seigeant gardiner in wellington county georgetown old boys in toronto the annual dinner and reunion of the georgetown old boys association held last irlday night at tho prince george hotel was a very successful affair over 150 old boys being in at tendance the presidont r d war ren esquire prealded and tho various toasts were responded to by exmayor hiltx major j brant of gooigetown ilev swing reld of alhambra church and chief inspector of detectives geo guthrie the committee in charge of arrangements wore dr hume m prentiss george guthrie howard goodnew and r d warren an old physicians prescription the experiences of an oldtime doc tor who has practiced medicine for more than fifty years is given in one of the current magazines dr wilson gives this prescription for health health hb sald is to be gained and preserved by the one method which the present generation does not follow it is the reward of the simple life fresh ulr plain food exeiclse work a nulet mind a soul at peace with itself and wjth the world and the ob servance of the ordinary principles of hygiene if yoil- want health for fourself and for your family there is tho prescription for you to follow postmaster and editor passes away david -p- price postmaster of aylr coiibolldntcd sales book ana wax paper co ltd 800 burllneton st hamlltpn wanted two men io distribute 100 samples per weok for the fuller brush com pany steady work with good pay- wrlto at once to c l wisher 308 royal bank bldg london ont wanted a41 energetic and reliable man to sell trees and shrubbery liberal pay- cash commission every week jerofll- able permanent work wrlto today e e smith fi sons limited established 1883 winona ont 313 agents wanted wosho best soller great repeater hlkhost commission washes clotlies wltliout rubblnff makes washday a holiday beats everything sample p a lefebvre- co alexandria ont i kum kum kum to the euhjte and dance it the parish hall monday februarllfl eiohtohjloekshakp lunch 8erved h silver collection organ recital and entertainment auspices of knox church choir to be held in knox church acton friday evening january 29 at eight oclock the fpllowlng artists have been secured and wlm rnflei versa tile prpgranime mis3 nellie m hamm mu bae qrgimlat st johns ohurch hamilton mr harvey marshall mr jack kannawin tenor soloist htnnrilltoti violinist hamilton miss e wyli elocutionist ouelph everybody welcome come and enjoy a real treat freewill offering -fv- this h not jeomdj friday january 29 the unwanted a brjtlsh picture with a tor onto born hero filmed in venice swlticrland london and prance comedy waiting with lloyd hamilton hodge podgo mother coogo- m saturday january 30 butterfly stoy by kathleen fforris stafrlng laura la blante anil norman kerry poincdy hnrrt soiled fox news fcih i treating instrument the neurocatamteter is not an instrum bv which you arc tho question of law enforcement and he opinion was freely expressed that in somo ports of the country thli mlgrl- be more thorough- the presi dent proposed a plan of systematic in struction throughout the county on temperanco linos and will call a meet ing- later of all ministers to place tho plan before them induction of united church elder on sunday morning ihtve iyli ty a unique sorvico in tho unite ohureh when tho first induction ot alders will take place the form of servlco to o uued is tho one that has bcoi- pro- pared recently by tho commltteo of the united church council for accept ance at tho next meeting of tho coun cil tho ciders to bo inducted arc h p moore a t brown a- t mann 3 r kennedy c c henderson j h benny j h reld d mctavlsh n f lindsay a e nlcklln r x kerr e beswlck s j reld o h swluer and 11 p moore a new communion tablo tho gift of one of tho members ot the congregation has arrived and will also be dedicated at tho service next sunday morning it will be used for tho first time at the communion service on february 7 the naw fir truck the new chemical are truck with hose reel cupaclty reuchved town on monday it is a handsome addition to actons flro equipment and will prove an efficient aid in lighting and cxttngtilshlng fires 1n their incipient stages it was given a thorough try- out by chief mcdonald and otlor members of tho fire brigade and it was found quite possible to take the truck to any partjjf tho town in record time even through tho prevailing deep snow two particular advantages aro secured in the possession t the easily handled equipmont it can be gotten to the scene of a lire in a lithe of the time taken to haul the hose reels by liftnd ommtnehemftsu tnkan ilghrtor hoso are lmmiiatey available for fighting fires in ihelr early stages another advantage of this truck mounted on a ford chassis la that al most any member of tho fire br- gnde or other cltlsen can drive a ford treated for a disease it is an ex sensitiv- patented instrument used by qualified chiropractors bv whch thv detect where and hov much pressure exists along the spinal column due to one or moro of ver tebrae out of placo whereru where the larger trucks with special motors are in service only men who hose had experience with the en- erlne con drive them- acton may well bo iileased with this first item of cx- mncil 8zv in thn itiirahnnn nfltim utility lomea wgcwt2l nbubocaloweterl a chiropractor adjusts not treats tho misplaced xertebrao qnjy the nou- rocalometer is then used ogainto oheck up- on awhat- was accomplished wheth er pressure was decteaied lnmiil it rrnnnlnfcl 1 agncultura and favvno classes in these important subjects will open in the town haji ne mon day under the dlreetlgn g agricul tural representative r n flarrjlrur ot the department all arrcqlture of ontario the caursescapnrt inter esting ft highly eduoatlenal features wilt i exbarlenoed instructors and sneakeib the subjects to be present ed comprise canning and preserving fruits and vegetables grafting etc poultry testing ofjioll ithe wool in- tatjbryanit cooperative marketing poultry culling dressing and killing disease of farm ainmnia hovw to feed h community d plays und irnmeb floriculture jhieflula culling nd otuugliterlhtf sheep and their care nd management weeds and weed seeds the solo ot seeds soils and dnvinasa nitrates and commercial fertilizers the schedule for the course will be found in another col umn this school give wonderful opportunity tor the youni people of tho community to gain valuable in struction information and enter ui- mont every young person in aw way interested in tho subjects unaer instruction or discussion thould aim to attend during the present month vi ry successful classes have been hold in foasugaweya thirty young men arofinrolotnnrl tantyel8ht young women have been taklntr the dress making course- quartettes folk bongs and humorous numbers vcrsatllo and fitting to the character and spirit of tho entertain- ment tho value of the quaint songs given was intensified ty tho mld- vlctorlan costumes worn by tho sing ers with the hoops and frills and furbelows such as our grandparents wore the setting of tho various num bers was mado true to lito a num ber of scottish songs were also given in costume in honor of hobble burns thoscotttshbard whobolrthday tell oo- the date of tho concort these wco also ex coedingly well rendered mrs chapman proved herself an tc- companiat of real merit in tho in strumental interpretation miss carter o brilliant elocutionist also from toronto pravtdecl a series of numbers which everybody enjoyed her selections were ot a type very well suited to tho character of the programme and her flno presence na tural deportment and true interpreta tion of the various numbers rendered really charmed the audience the sunday school orchestra of the church contributed a very lino pro gramme fceroro the programme of tho vocalists was opened and during ute internalbsion the concert throughout was so thoro shly enjoyed by the large aud ience that a return engagement is al ready being negotiated suffering from appendicitis sho was operated on yesterday letters from rev and mrs j culp indicate that they are enjoying tholr sojourn in california on a motor trip on the 14th and uth inal rev mr culp drove 539 miles in the two daya this was hts first experience at the wheel since going west- he found the- mountain grades and curves rather trying at first bub soon felt quite uthomaandejqyellt ho wrote from redlands cat the drama hurry hurry hurby a crditbo pruidnutitttv by high school students on friday and saturday evtnlng the classes now ateimlliier at tho high school have real dramatic talent as was well shown in the play hurry hurry hurry presented in the town hall laat friday and saturday even ings tho play was well crioaen and portrayed thejro8ent doings of the average canndjan aiamcrlcaiiiajql- lly la cltylethe scenes were laid in the hooker mono ion or a big am erican city the pcenery and arraiteremcnt livere exceptlomilly well put on and tho coa turn da vvere true to tho ejuence of the atopy lh 3i trotott mstjsecsiim fii officaira installed for current term on tuesday evening at the regular meeting of tho loop on tuesday evening in their hall on willow street the installation ceremony was performed by bro cleaves d d q m and his suite of georgetown a erood number of members of acton lodflre no 204 were present to see he ceremony which was well pre sented by the visitors tfee following officers were installed for tiie current term p g bro h ritchie n a bro it spiel vogel v 3k bro w beavers roc secre tary bro frank kennedy fin sec retary bro r- m mcdonald r 8 n g bro j mcarthur i- s n g bro wvhauero r b v g bro j agnow l s v 0 bro g hall chaplain bro w jt reld conductor bro f crow- son warden bro lasnew r s s bro l d forbes i s s bro n wil da i g bro c thornton o g bro j vvuds after the installation ceremony lunch was served to tho visitors and memlwra in the hall yoara ho said no ill tell you ex actly how lonjj tve been in the busi ness it is juflt about a year and half since i commenced prqvlnclal officer fewtrell conveyed the prisoner to tho county jail monday evening after tho trial inspector reevely mado a search of the premises for u further supply of liquor he discover ed about a dozen of the bot tles jna c on a sh in the pantry oftiis restcfenco on mill street this is a regrettable case but com- iainta have hcen go trrtho of ficers for months respecting the boot legging carried on by atkinson it is especially regrettable that he allowed mm ho if to engage in the illegal traf fic first on account of his wife and children and necondly because he holds two important positions to ono of which he was elected by the people and the other that of a civil servant another fine musical evening is promised those who attend the organ recital and entertainment in knox church on friday evening rector op st alba1sts leading rev h q l biuqri b d appointed to the rectorship of bartonville parish meeting of halton liberals interpreted tho choractera they repre sented to select a star as exctjllpff among the performers ouitf fee on imposlblllty us every student acted well tho pactjaslgjrcd and nuflypf ttroro puita we l tymtf- aini tor the cast of characor a w4 ft j- loa jack crandutl cowbuy author clmrlen kirkncsa mr btookopi busi ness pimti arthur henderson stephen hookeu cqllege freihrmw george mason tod stone football hero rrnnk cook aloslua bartholomew col leg professor novlllo harrop floy brown vjvaclua debutante addle hurnt lett t la brown literary dilet tante marjorlo iuwboii jwr hooker modern mother meryl grlifdell rita peit housemaid mury chalmers the htudents und teach era are cer tainly to be congratulated ukn tnelr yotlupf cpnfidanc jn pramur king paaatd with enthusiasm the annual meeting of the halton lfberat association held in the prin cess theatre uton last wedoea- day ya- rarely attended e a hot mft v the following affloera wre elected for dtfil president ti h a mc- colu huton flrt vlcerpresldent mr paul ftsher bu second vlco- pp mr m for nearly five years rev h a 1 baugh b d has been the rector of st- albans church aoton and st johns church kockwood he cams to acton from grace church arthur which was destroyed by fire early this month he ham now been appointed to the rectorship of bartonville pariah few rectors shave filled a longer term in st albantu church during its history of over half a century nono have over beon moro energetic in tho effort to maintain and upbuild the opgrogatttfh in ainils efforts rev mr baugh has iwen ably seconded ty mrs bough who has been a real help er in all the activities of the parish rev mr uaush jiaa interested him self not only la matters of his it nf the rommnnlty thl month ho completed two years as tho chairman of the fyee library board he h a always boon interested in the educational matters of the town and has taken a kocrn lnterestlnibejirion services during- the week of prayer ommjijt j milton addresses on the political questions of the day were delivered by hon nelson parliament and hon duncan marsrihall both of whom stressed the necessity of better orgauilsatlon in the county of halton in preparation for future xomlnlon and provincial elec mono which they aacvaxi be within a short time a vote of confidence in premier king and w b n sinclair m p p leader of ontario liberal waactvc- rled unanimously sy a standing vote flno i ireaen taction miss craig vjio principal gajet brief talk onffie rl w atiiycn t tulnedlut the acton high school during uiq intermission between the nets the scholars gave their form yells and misses marjorie swjtxer and olive gooiev gkvweltrtidrtdynosol09 on the second evening tbe united sunday school orchestra favored the audience with several selections at the conclusion a school chorus was rendered and tho school yell with lender george mason in very vigor ous action was vociferously given by the scholars owing to the unfavorable weather on both evenings that tho play was presented thero wns not a capacity house at either porformanco but those who braved the olomonts wero cer tainly well repaid by ttio excellent progrmme given knox choir concert tomorrow rlday evening orgran recital and e ml i hu i l by h pi en old talent took a loading interest in tho cause of prohibition nnd stated openly that no thoughtful oomervant perspn could travel through quebec with its gov ernment salo of liquor aa he had done and not be convinced of the evlla of the legalised liquor traffic during their atay in acton rev and mrs baugh have made many friends i r molr ffitnovar unlto in wishing them every bucoohh and comfort in the new parish to which they are about to remove bartonville parish include thttvll- tage of btoney crook and tho rectory h situated hi the latter place barton ville has lntefy been incorporated within the limits of the cl of hm mer since 1913 and previously pub lisher of the aylmer kxpross for 23 years and an antiquarian and col lector of relics of dorainlonwlde note died suddenly on tuesday at aylmer aged 67 years mr price had been 111 only a few daju having been at his office on friday last he had spont jils entire life in tho district acquir ing the aylmefxprcss in 1890 and continuing as publisher and editor until 19 w h wae appointed hhi special hobby was and ho had postmaster collecting old firearma morethun 2000 varioti pistols he gathered a collection of indian relics which was purchased by the dominion government want to inoraasa constables duties at the last meeting of chealey town council saya tho enterprise council lor grabb of tho old council and mo- clure and acton of the new were not satisfied that the town constable was earning his pay of f 66 a month and expressed the opinion that other worlc besides preserving order in the town should bo added to his duties the reeve pointed out that next sum mer tho c ana tabic would bo expected to out tho grass and perform other duties at memorial park thla did not satisfy tho throo councillors and on motion of mcclure und grabb the committee on officers und salaries which consists of kirk wood dolphin and tho mayor were appointed urcom- rnltteo to look into tho matter of tho duties of the town constable and re port at next meeting chatley band given oyster 8uppar on tuesday evening last week mayor kjrug who is president of the band treated tho mombors of this or ganisation and the enterprise roportor to an oyster supper after tho tasty bivalves had been sampled and pro- jnourrtejii aa matahvlo tho fastfaigjia taste of the tooters as corned boef and cnbbageare to jlggs an improvised programmo of speeches was carried out with tho genial majcor as toast- master tbe first speaker called on was the editor for news paper men every emergency and in this instance tho speaker started oft by saying that he had never rccclvjed a musical edu cation nut ne hod all tlio qualifica tion of an exporlonced- bandsman for- itt the newspaper he had boon blowing last nloblscite eammtl i hftmfw nigh ntn as ypajfl chesloy enterprlao it is quite coincidence that the chief magistrate in both chesloy and acton is at tho head of their respective bands bonue for killing wolf earl thurston of georgetown brought the skin of tho bush wolf which hajtiicuttovcaaxweil ago in enqueuing tp tho county treasurers officer and applied for tho bonus of 15 bcfoto ho gets tho monoy the skin must go to toronto where the ears will be cut it will bo returned tothuratonfyhon ho is paid hal tons last experience with a wolf wan in the winter of 186970 when a large one of the llthmr woir variety langed through the r between hiltons kails and ftpeyslde and at least once was close toperu it killed a groat many sheep the lato samuol mc- r rep to havo lost between forty and fifty in ono night at that timo tho statu tary bonus was 4 on account of the sheep killing the county council passed a bylaw on march 1st providing for tho pay ment of 30 for oveiy wolf or lynx killed in ilalton aqucstng and nas- flujuwoya followed suit but nobody got tho wolf it wan supposed to have eaten poisoned bait which was sot out just before a hoacvy snow storm as it was never seen or hoard of afterwards onto or two men were paid tho bonus for killing lynx thosounty bylaw was repealed in isslchamplori tuesday february mjmwrf 13hfrrlib hoba faanleld chnp- nerofthefjstmln bantrer mty cupida victory t 0owinb rkictb of uip purple sage py eanij prey vfith tom ml comings materplqe fthe phantom of the opera uiq snme because a ver- tdiri la rnov proof 1ho ireaauro haa ben remofved nihlsort the chiropractob straight chiropractic 7 xbat service xray notirocalometer i oiiii r l gregorv son now the moat comiileto np uptodato ofllce chlro- practically jji ontario olllca hour wbdne8dat nnd batubday i to b nndt to 8 p m return radlali lire paid to georgetown whkk 8ocoeb8 i he70 he aur tltat your soccossr is not tlio reals o-a-heap- ambition- you may- aat ajoal that you coll reach with out atrlvln and without afrftln but to reach it mean little to bo auo- ceaarut tecaao you attompted some thine o eaay that it cibat you no real effort to accpmplsiit la hardly bet ter than fahure on tho other hand tol becjaipibe you aimed so high that you coum not do quite all you hoped altbougb you put into the project all the effort and all tho oners you poss essed ui real success strive toward blf rj splendid achievements tho mere tryins la worth mots than a ohei aund easy sueoas llton nnd is a growing section of tho city with prosn6ts of soon becoming a aelfsuhtnlntnct parish without the- nfllatanco ot stoney creek hevw- q o t ha been t rco for aeveial years lie has been ap pointed to the parish at port colbome rev mr baugh will complete hlr term at st albane church next sun day ortfr that his friends may meet him in u farewell service a special communion aervlco will beheld next stinduy myirnlnst at 11 oclock an the bishop of the diocoso sallta foi enelnnd this week it is not likely that a successor to rev afr baugh will be unpointed until his return mldaoqson hots friday and sat- urday at miss murray 1 n 4a4jic2 li msw fjss

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