Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1926, p. 2

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in nli uu hi yuuesssssetsaassjsisesssssssssmssss jgfo alton jffmjtoba thulsrair january 38 193 a poem fob every 8choolb0y ir tho poet a interpret our ditfuaod thoughts poo try crystallises our vaeruo emotions jowhero ahall youl lind a more thorough trlbuto paid by loarncxu to teachers than in kiplings a school sung tho old pupil comes to regard hla teachers as nothing less than famous men think of them not us grudges or as dull raechanl- c g bu eta m w havo moulded character these lines listen to lot uh now prl3e fairious men men of little snowing for their wot k contlnueth and their work contlnueth greater uiatv their knowing there we met with famous men sot in offlco oer us and thoy beat on us with rods faithfully witu many rods dally bout ub on with rods for tiio love thoy bora ua and wo all prajao famous men ancients of the college y for they taught us common sense tried to teach us common sense truth and gods own common sense which is moro than knowledge this wo learned from famoua men knowing not its uses when thoy showed in daily work man must flnlsn offbis work right or wronsv ms daily work and without excuses this we learned from famous moo knowing not we learned it j only as the years went ty lonely as tho years went by far from help as years went by r plainer wo discerned it wherefore praise we famous men from whose bays we borrow they thatjpvt aside today all thejoys of their today and with toll of their today bought for us to morrow bead it over and over if you under stand those six stanzas you will be a sympathetic pupil wqtmxtt prrea drt tarjj his handicap by gkace s richmond w ell goodby old manl wld tom thorpe gently ill bo around again tomorrow if you care to havo mo tho big young follow in tho hospital bed stored back for a moment into the eyes of the other big young follow who stood looking down at him then ho put om one hand the left one and ovldently tried to say something in reply which did not hawevei bo- coae audible hut his friend understood he srasped tho thin loft hand with his own said cheerily all right theres no tiling rd rather do and ho hurriod away when he had dosed the door o the mens ourgicalwar d lioavetibrdad shoulders a shake and shut his lips x0werimqeectc0st8 food costs ore not determined who ly by tho amount of the different food materials conumed the initial cost of such material is probably oc equal importance in endeavors to lower the cost of feeding one source of saving too fre quently last fllgftt of is the wise use of annual hay crops 8uch crops are not for seasons when the regular meadows promlsfe to yield abundantly but can bo used with considerable fi nancial adyantoke wttere either hay or grain crops fail below the mark in the spring or early summer months during the past five years- a large number of grasses and clovers suit able for annual nays have been plant ed both alone and in combination at the central experimental farm at ot tawa some valuable data have been secured as to the possibility of using such crops to safeguard against winter shortage of feed- on the wnole mixtures of grasses and legumes have been more satis factory than either seeded alone the largest average amount of feed per acre has been secured from a mixture of the japanese foxtail millet and cither white or yellow blossomed swoet clover the rate of seeding for this mixture was 15 pounds of sweet l clover and 20 ppunds of the millet seed per acre three and a half tons of cured hay per acre has been the low- eat yield secured and six andd- half tons the highest yield v t t the sweet w- wsk wh in aent p us own resources f v goquentlv nfi living he fair ttm mmcuity or curing this crop is not ex perienced the quality of bay secured is also qnltevoodl tab lowering of feeding costs by feeding hoy produced at the rate of three and one hilf to six and one half tons per aero instead of often poorer quality a of nay produced at the rate of one half to three quarters of a tonj to the acre ln poor hoy years shouun bo quite apparent the experiment is worth a thorough trial onthejaruo any feeder threatened with feed short age o ps mcltootie domlnionagto- slql0gist ft mil y together for a moment as he wjjnt down the corridor ho tyassay- iruj to himself oh that a tougrh tough i don t blame tho poor fellow for soing blue like that t believe nod get well faster if he could have a felt of hope put back into htm as bo reached the hospital entrance he mot one of the surgeona coming in and ventured to delay him for if mo ment would you mind telling me xr stuart ho asked if you think despondency has anything to do with keeping my friend caldwell down kirkje caldwell in ward v thenurae t were seeing him noy and thiv if there la anything i can do despondency bos much to do with it agreed the surgeon promptly cheer him up all you can he has shown great courage and endurance all tnrough this selge but its told on hmm 3 aupp0flektmmkt3affihitronr are all thwarted and thats enough to make him blue get him to believe theres something left for him to do in life yes thats it mused tom thorpe as he went on his way ive got to do something for kirke something positive that will help put him on his feet ho thought about it all the way to the great manufactory where he held the post of electrical engineer it was i a fine position for a young tnan but two years out of a technical school kirke caldwell had held an equally good position in a neighboring city the two had been classmates even rivals within the bounds of a sturdy friendship three months before caldwell sup erin ten ding the installation of new electrical machinery had seen ono of hla workmen accldently shortcircuit a powerful current with a pair of pliers pulled the man away somehow but in wrenching his hand away from tho- pliers had taken the deadly cur rent himself he had been so burned that amputation ofone hand and one foot had been necessary to eavo his life tho man to whoserescuo ho had sprung died and there had been weeks during which it seemed certain that caldwell must follow the danger was past for him now ho had his life but it was a life seem ingly so handicapped that it was small wonder if the splendid courago he had shown through all had at last foied him alone in the world and dopea j a could observo everybody olso and ul himself utf noticed as tho train left tho station tom wnsrratlflod to noto that icliko look ed out of the window with more in terest in his tjombro eyes thani had been thcro in wookii rcmsen was not a long distance away but tho luncheon horn afilvod in tho middle of tho joumoy and tom oideied a luvlsh meal k rko beginning languidly vaa hooii oaunff broiled bluoflah and roast duck with his oldtime seat tom on the other side of the table talked and joked and brought to bis friends fnco a fre quent amlle at rem cajd wellfound jumaolt aldrt in evory sense but ono cagor ns a boy to prove what ho iud asset t- odr intimately lnt ft ranted in his class uself down to its individual rncmbors with whom ho showed poifoct famil iarity calling upon one and anothci to noto tho vailous stops of tho woik in connimatlon or tefutatlon of tholr peruonul notions concerning- it ho was ah inspiration to each mind with in its influonco to know glad you enjoyod it said tho young man who had brought thorn were so proud of him bote wo novor lose a chance to havo others upjno- cluto him ho novor lots up on hlm- wlt takes his cold tub nnd hla dumb news from acton overseas icirhiof general interest which 6o- urrsd the first week of 1926 there wns llttls use being wheeled raildly away through tho wide elmbordered streets of tho old university town several genera tions of thorpes had boon educated there the succession being bioken when tom had insisted on going tun more famous center o learning j still i somotlmea wish id stayed by the family tradiuona tom de- 1 dared turning from the side street which hud brought them from tho station into tho broad avenuo which led toward tho group of college build ings on tho hli whenever i como here x get a now respect for the place theres a certain atmosphere in which one seems to breathe the very spirit of learning the real thing theyve got nome of the fltiost men here i ever knew mcintosh the mathema tics instructor ana bronson in his tory and wentwortn the crackaiack in chemistry i wont to see them all andi h w be in time to get into wentwortlva cheuniatry lecture youll enjoy it i know theres no body like him hed make a long haired musician throw down his score and take to tho buna en burner and the retort ho was talking with a purpose to keep caldwell from refusing to go into the recitation rooms as ho feared he might do but caldwell although ho- was dreading to be taken before the eyes of men of his own sort had reached the point of understanding that tom had a definite purpose in all this which he did not mean to be coward enough to defeat so ho set a grip on himself easy enough in the old days harder than could be believed now and acquiesced pleasantly when tom wheeled him udown a long corridor of the science hall and pausing at a- certain door whispered somewhat nervously bells just tho same and trumps miles with ono or another of us every day wo count it a tteumq ffo you know tom thorpe kept caldwell until tho class had nearly gono and tho pro- fcssoi was left with hlu assistants making ready to go to the next duty tu on ho wheeled his friend up to tho blind man and made a blunt dnttu- ductlon which camo from u heart ftctfoeaoi wont wot th this lu my friend kirko caldwell an olectilcal engineer who wub in my class ho cant give you his right hand boqauso ho tried to savo the life of one of his men last february and lost a hand and foot and some othet things i want tho strong loft hand of maurice avont worth had found klrkos long heforo tomhadtatrugglod thus ar kla face had lighted instantly ut toms description with a peoullat tenderness of sympathy which as long as he lived kirke novei tor sot a handicap ho said hla tine lips anillmg ah then we shall see what you nro really mado of iqtectricat engineering and your uiatns are left ou let the othor men put on the rubber gloves its you who can solve their problems for them all the way home cnldwoll bat stai- iny out of tho car window with eyes which took no note of tho april land scape just budding into beauty tom thorpe sat and read a newspaper up side down and hardly darod so muoh as stance at him in tho paler- faco ffrew and grow the thing tom had longed to see there courage safety success en kvctory canada- cement company- banquets workers who broke all sifety records the port colborne citlrcn gives particulars of a banquet in that town held tost week to commerrwrate a great jsafety feat in a manufactory there when no employee lost time thiough accident during the year the great safety feat of the local plant xf the canada cement company says tho citizen of oper atinff tho full yoar of 1026 without a lost- time accident was fittingly cele brated by a hugobanquct in rosary hail last thursday night the ban quet was tendered by tho general manager and offlclals of tho company to the employees of the local plant and was a mammoth affair 2s0 sltttngj down to dinner including all the em ployees of the plant the president of i the company and other officials the you wont mind nay taking youlc 0 port colborno and humber- the doors at the back of the room and wentworth wont see you anyhow caldwells shabeh spirit winced for an instant ns he wojs drawn into the lecture room and a hundred pairs of eyes looked curiously round at the unusual noise of a wheelchair bump ing through the doorway tom wan too much wrought up to steer straight but when the boys saw the pale facfr lb the chair a faco which still showed strength and charm- and took noto of the feebleness of the tail figure rest ing in inert llnea agatn tho plainly needed support they turned away again and only a few fellows near tho door gave attention to the new tho aqton quutto and kxproaa of acton mlddlcfiox england yields tho following gleanings foi our edification in its ihjbuo of january 8 thoxo who flvo funoi al sorvlcoa at tho aclon parish chuich this wo ok ml john puxbuiy tho wellknown elocutionist will visit aoton dupllat chuich next monday to leclta iflnocti aid6n ihe death ocumred on nov years isvo af james uludos chat worth gardens aoton hill at thonge of bo ho was a totlied bimlstci utlaw among tho hist to oongiatulute ad sli w a port iff m 1 on his knight hood was mr w t davenport presi dent of tho aoton chamber of com- meico jumch jovcr of enfield road aoton wus lined jcg ut acton pulluo court on wednesday foi oxcoodlng the motor cm speed limit on monday evening ut tho houd- quuitors of tho luth company a largo number of old boys of ealing aoton uml hiinwall companion spent a jolly uvenlns togothei mis leopold do rothschild sending her unmuil cheque of xd3 for tho all saints tiouth acton church funds mentioutf 4hat us she is leaving thej dltitrlct it may bo her last glff to tho parish tho local salvation army band played oppropilnto tunes around the district on now ylai s bvo and uftcr waidu u watch nlghtsorvlco was con- duoted by ensign brncoy in tho cita del actonlane robert a chapman a bakor of pilncos road nottlng dule wus l charged ut acton pollco court on i monday with bganously mauylng edith ironside bit harry jurlttuip hopes to be back in london agatn this weekend after being absent for uovoial months on a worldwide tour in connection with the irnjpci lal press conferonco tho rev q b elliott of all salnu south at ton will not leavo the parish until september as tho bishop of cal cutta does not thlnk it wise for him to face tho indian cllmato at easter thomas w monger a groun of pttcfyroatr xofon gfeon was fined lcs at acton pollco court on navlntr established and maintained a tradition af good example to it num erous imitators about nfty of tho children of out patients of tho acton general hos pital in attendance during tho last nix months werej entertained at tho institution thjursduy attar noon tiny enjoyed a good tea and games and ltcol 1 c v sword secre tary was a popular figure m knlhr chrlstmns mr w d uowboer has u eroded mi a praser as w m of tho horouifh of acton lodge of kroomanuiih tlio interesting point is that mr vratrn predecessor was mr jfl j llowboer and we thus have two brothor in the position of master of the numfl lodffi aftor an interval of only a yenra very unusual coincidence co these tnade fhem welcome with friendly nods but after the flrat fle minutes in the room kirke caldwoll needed no body to divert his thoughts from him self tom thorpo breathing a little hard from mingled exertion and an xiety might lean back in his seat and let his friend alone tiirke had at lost forgotten everything in the world but what he now saw before him the lecturers face although tanned to a healthy color was scarred with irregular blanched furrows and his eyes weno hidden from 8lghlbebind j black spectacles his body was strong magnificently built tho movement of hla hands as he talked illustrating- h is words with gestures was vigorous and full of meaning his voice was deep and very rich his inflections were full of vivacity and enthusiasm but the man himself was disabled by the absolute loss of his eight as caldwell watching him thought back for an instant to ait tho blind people be had everlcnown it occurred to him that although they had al most invariably been of kindly ma lposition bearing their hard lot with ipatlence and resignation never once had ho seen among them any one like this and presently ns in the interest of the lecture itself ha forgot to spec ulate or to compare he became con- sclous that something he thought he had lost forever was returning to him or the moment at least the old keen joy in a scientific argument and demonstration presented by a master of hlasubject x the lecture concluded amid an out burst of enthusiastic applause of the sort which means not only honest ap preciation of the thing thnt has been done but hearty love and admiration ior the doer the class poured h riedly into tho laboratory where cer tain important tests were now to bo made supporting a new nnd singular theory which thelecturer had ex- pounded fjome down and bco it wont you a student urged thorpe and caldwell if youve never seen htm in the lab you ought not to miss it 1 how did ho loao his slbtht cald stone and reeves of townships mayor of wetland and managers at other lo cal industries v the hall had been tastofully decor ated by the electricians of the plant the motto safety fouowb wisdom being prominently displayed a chick en dinner had been wellprepared by the ladies of tho rosary guild of st patricks church and a flno program me of entertainment had been pro vided by tho company l the chairman paid tribute to the assistant superintendent of the plant mr john cuthbert whom he declared had been persistent energetic and persevering in his efforts to make the qafy wprlr monday for being drunk and disorder ly in oovonablroroad chlflwick an appropriate addition to tho new mortuary at tho acton general hos pital has boon mado through the ever- kindly tlioughtfulneas of the ladies linen licaeruo f when a number of lads were sned at acton bailee court on wednesday for playing ut football in parkroad north acton h was stated that thoy werg only kicking a lawn tonnlu ball about cyril t rietchor who eravo an ad dress at high wycombe was fined 40s at acton folico court oh wednesday for obstructing a tram with a motor lorry and 20s for falling to stop when called upon by a pollco officer the new yeatfa party of tho acton adult schools was hold at 43 avenue- road on new yeais day when a large number of members and friends j spent three hours of good cheer on sunday dr townley lord will occupy tho pulpit of the metropollta tabernacle famous for tho ministry of c h spurgeon in his absence tho services at acton baptist wllljoe con ducted by xr j h rushbrooke mr ht ohes formerly g w r statlonmnster at aoton now station- master at penzance travelled up to london on monday in order to be present at tho installation of mr w g bowbeer at worshipful master of the borough of acton lodge mfis audrey lldington of leaming ton park acton who has been a resi dent in the neighborhood for a num- mr haydenft strenuous hen the grittiest hen wo know of be longs to a thresher in erin her right to bo cruiod bravo has boon tested fin la not only a bravo hen but u strenuous lien she beloniffld to ono of the ha yd en brothers they also own a threshing machine which wan taken out of th shed for the first time last fall una a small field of grain was thfeshed to son that the machine was in good tim- nlng order after tho jobwsstnthed7 the ma chine was returned to the shedwhen to the am axemen t of all there jn the corner of the separator sat tho stren uous hen under her was a nest of egga that she was endeavoring to hatch she had been on the nest when tho ma chine was taken out she was thero when tho beks and pulleys began to whiz when the fan begun to sing and when the tiddlers began to shake and rattle the wind from the fan ruffled her feathers nnd almost took her breath but like the boy on the burning deck she stayed at her post what her thoughts were when the swift cylinder began to chew up tho straw cannot be guessed when found she woe unlnjured- there was dust in her mouth and a somewhat frightened look in her eye but she was on her nest of the eggs all were safe save one when e to air f ta ls its trngth and flavor salada for thai reason is never sold in bulk your grocer sells this delicious blend tiysalada quieting generosity a lady district vlaw in philadel phia became muoh interested in a very poor bud apparently respectable family named curran 4 eyery time she visited the family eaystho inquirer she was annoyed by tfrfsftarlng and the whisperings ofthe other women living in the untldlng one day she spoke to mrs curran about it your neighbors seem very curious to know who i am and the nature of my business wth you she said they do acquiesced mrs curran sdo they njtk you about ut indeed they do moam and do you tell them- faith thin i do not what do you tell them then sure i tell thlm was the calm re ply that you are me dressmaker on let it go at that delicious dumplings purity flonr makes better dumplings be cause it blends perfectly with the other ingred- lents next time yam nuke dumplingh use purity floor and voaii have the libtert fluilleit moft twtcnil dumpling yon ever made purity fcour r all your bafonfe western canada flour mills go limited head office toronto braocba fron coast to co is lomily lft tie t- r wiji- ihr op vooofid bno n ton cook janaautat aa bcoacaatai gatit mm it plods cook book fcnfj fumr sx sfi smt hnjt ii iii fix w pratt 90qtatmm 80ld in acton by w d talbot dofof yars has jubi qualified as a a little mixeq a college professor noted for strict discipline entered the classroom one day andnotlced a girl student bitting with her feet in the aisle and jhew- lng gum mary r exclaimed the indignant professor take that gum out of your mouth and put your feet in freih supplies in demandwhere over dr thomas eclectrlc oil has been introduced increased supplies have been ordered showing that wherever it goes this excellent oil im presses its powers on the people no ma n what istltndw it hinvhsfaii look money take notice that we will handle yoar troublesome notes and accounts an a strictly commission basis no collection no charge we place 34 years experience at your disposal and assume all your collection troubles send us your list we will do the- rest no note or account is considered too small too large too old or too far away we will tackle any honest debt kelly aiken collectors oranqc casualties on the lakes editor acton fxn frags dear sir- just a line coliinsf your attention to on error in the vumm fnxss of thursday january it referring to the easone hipping on the great lakes as follows far the first time in halt a century the shipping aeaaon on the great lakes bad closed without the loss of a single life or the total toss of a canadian vmsm i may say that several lire were lost on the great lake during the navigation mason of 1s2s three that i know of a deck hand j on the s 0 ixrthbrldge cslv freighter slipping and falling down- one of the holds killing himself al- most instantly thrli happened while jtoamlng from port arthur to fort william another llo wu lost when one of the crew of an american freishter lost his life by falling between tho dock and the ship in fort william nnd at least one luewa lost in the welland canal when one of the crew when swinging out the landing dooms slipped and fell between the dock and boat the first two deaths happened in hasember ortlejlitofieeembrv and the last case happ duri the summer and jfti bltety tuat there has been more deaths than that on the great lalces in 1926 the last accident happened while i 1 tniro v in txjlng to get well i but tom thorpe knew better arid after tnlnklng- about his friends cose all day he went to his father to ask hla 60opcratlon iri a plan he had formed tonx thrfrpo and hlsfather livedo to- jgetherin a little flat which was as f horaetlke as a place with no wife and motlier in it can be hes a magnificent fellow tom declared to his father walking the 1 floor if we could just have him hore for a month till he got ensughi weotworlb i believe tho thins would bo doirc i dont know myself what he could do with his handicap in elec trical engineering but 1 believe s oouldtbe his ownssjvation if tie got his brain working at it you dont know whats in that boy father bos twice as olever as i am and he must be made to show h- mr thorpe smiled he had 1us own opinion of his sons cleverness he let toms modest estimate of himself pass however and agreed heartily that a month with themselves and a trip of a hundred and twenty mlleo to 1 see a certain man in a university town might be the tonic caldwell needed therefore tom went to bed and to sleep with an easier mind was sailing xirst two happened vt couple of days before i sailed into xvrt william sincerely el v dron act janua 16 1z6 mr efcon s no doubt quite correct in his statem as to the fb kirke said tom thorpe one morn ing when caldwell had been for three weeksi a member of the thorpe hpuso- jiold ttn going on a llttlo trip down r reraseivand we a mind to take you wlthv me caldwell sitting in a big- reclinlnff- cholr by the window looked round at tom with an expression of languid surprise theres no reason in the world why you shouldnt have an outing pur sued tom briskly were only a few blocks from the station i can whool you over to your chair put you into a pnunuui send the chair in the hag- h u you round hemsen as easllyasifisere a enshr carrier in a department store well hav a line time out of it n j its good of you tom said cald well srrafetully buti youre frplnir that nil bnm frm auecess 4t was thero woe no doubt many skeptics who doubted the possibility of- sucfh a feat ae a yoar without lout tlroo ac- cldcnu and ho declared that e would not lay claim to such a record unless he had certificates to back it up ho then produced certificates froro every doctor in port colborno and humber- etone who had been called to treat 12 minor accidents in the plant during 1025 but in no case had it been neces sary or advisable for the employee to lay oft this is averyhappycdnditiornror a factory of tho dimensions of the canada comont works and it le sure ly worth omllatlng by all factory managements ciiumomtea rrne tunf rf- iwj irmly i know you dont want to but you re golnr just the same the train leaves in fortyfive minutes just time for me to put on your best coat arid your handsomest cravat and get you over to the station without rnn-l- 0 running down any babycarriages the y ur well asked esxtjerly of the yoiins nl low who with a hand on kurkes choir was accompanying them down the sloping aisle tom rejoiced with in himself that it was all happentnbr bo naturally if a strocnger told the atory jt would not look to caldwell so much as if to had meant to read a tnlllilaolh4ar- guelph prbsbytert meeting c the nonconourrfng churches rop- restntativ in session lsit weak tbo presbytery of ouelph or non- ooncurring churches met in ilip nghool room of st andrewss church last tuesday rev dr frasor of halt moderator presiding twentyfive minister and elders wore present many items of interest wore dealt with one of the moat im portant being the budget several congregations it is reported are 6on- fldent that the amounts allotted will be raised a brief report was given by rev di mncgllllvray on homo missions nnt a resolution of appreciation was passed in regard to the rev h e abraham recently of st andrews church and was ordered to be for warded to him the financial statement given by the rev q s lloyd presbytery clerki and treasurer showed a small balance on the right elde the committee to strike the rate for presbytery and i auractlvontortalampnl obtmyirar- syood funds- for a92flwill report nttvnca by d towpley lord pastor the next meeting v i nrh miun t- tho proebytory on motion of llev dr ftaser decided by a veiy hearty and unanimous vote to jrominatb the rev dr macqllliyray of knox churoh ouelph as moderato ogthc tlett qenorai assembly which is to meet in montreal the first weolt of june the rev pr cunningham of well and and rev dr morrow of ottawa were nominated for appolntrnonts to tho start of knox college toronto in hlcontlate of the royal academy of 1 musla l r a m for pianoforte in view of building activity chiefly in north acton it would be well for our parke committee to publish a bilef statement showing uio numbor of open pacos big and little the town possesses and what prospeots it has of obtaining others tho popularity of mr j j bolger chairman of the acton priory comir- tutional club was shown in a pleas ing manner on friday nlgbt by the auccobsqia complimentary dinner rather hurriedly arrangod in his honor on tho eve of his departure ior woy- mouth tho funeral of the llev tjlardcn preston birchgrovo acton whosa death after an oporatlorrrrae record ed last wfeolc took plnce on rrlday at tho qolders green crematorium where the last rites were conducted by the rev c coverjiale sharpe xady brlttaln and tho mayoress of acton were present at tho party which the tvendy acton vale branch of the crippled childrens union gave to mombers friends and parents at st supsuins hall eaet acton on new years day the removal of a war ehrino at east acton bocause df tho advancing tide of villa residences suggests that tho mayor rnjgrht enlarge his appeal for an improved acton green war memorial by also making an improved elirlne in bast acton ono of its objects mr and mrs p o otatthews the hawthorns acton wihloavo acton next thursday tai harrowdeneroad sudbury hllf mrs matthews hopes to continue her musical interests in acton including the cpnductronlp of the junior and senior acton divis ion of the crystal palace festival choir i acton baptist auiid commenced the second halt of its winter session on monday evening with a particularly nttractlvojontortalnnipnt ontiiolyar- runged by dr towpley lorct pastor of tho churolo and dr a o kwjklne on monday afternoon doris banks osbornerpad actch was walking near her home when she was bitten on the right arm by a black and whlteg its potency is never impaired it 1 put up in tho most portable shabe in bottles and can bo carried without fear of breakage j m aiken manager jos j kbttt manager reference sterling bank of canada radio in order to supply a popular demand we have made arrangements with the publishers of radio magazine and will forward subscriptions and supply this magazine with all new subscriptions or re newals to the free press at 100 per year x s r the ph iv y mongrel do s w ac by a constable to the shop of mr owen chemist 202 bollo grldflerond whero mr owen cauterlaej the wound tho acton central sohool which will celebrate ms majority tbla month onlovw tho dlstlnctt of ha muntn enjoyh xno ttistinctiaa of a the pio eohoo4of4ib t o the regular subscription price of this popular radio journal is 20 pe annum and the half price offer holds good only ona limited number ofsubscriptions it- contains an uptodate schedule of can- ad mr i and itnire iates- sfal however was intended to show that the lives were lost through the sink ing pf a vessel on the great lakes unfortunately rarely a season passss but- ope or more yessels are lost tn storm or other contingency there editor tmr eomr tor whining l t fel the young person who is habitually whining always oompares herself with i earths sfortunate when ame atart complaining she wanders why fate is so unkind to condemn her to take tin grtreetear when some neighbor has twoautombnet bl never o herself jjhtjieoiai n wh i umnttiief tsxly rnodeitwconiotlon im whele5ievj- ysssr vherther oelfhylng moodl nuwhertswrrtrtttuiertiras istv oyflfc-tba- taotthstt eo in th city paid a thirty thousand dollar in come ta she has forgotten the fam ilies where the father has been with out work cat month mid a square meal would be pott startling uwri a odraet t the young person who has good heealtby a comloruiblo home and threo good meals a 4y has nothing tajrhjs about jiwbt wiuturrf iter attention fpr- k ynjwflew th mrtv lronfre 4t4 oobaasrs her lot whh that tot tho poorsipdjliahadonut feel nkhpmed maffwwm prtraeri weiiljoui llilllt overcoat this april airs a little sharp ho talked on busily giving the in valid smajf chance to- object although he saw clearly enough that cajdwcll dreaded the very idea of the trip until now he bad ventured outdoors only for short rides round the llttlo park on which the housefcqiteilanil rhemdnehoserhrneriour for these when i tho fewest people woro likely to bo there tom could not wonder at this state of mind he appreciated too well what it must mean to a fellow who had once been a giant for physical strength to lie limply hi a wheelchair it r l i ha pull t4 over me hollow ey hjatpale fo mupamtparftlsmt ti very jjut eso-ett- strrjngty v fof to take- up life asi nearly as poaelble whr he hsdleft h otr and to mimgle sritrl mm insteodoc trvhu accomowshea f0 tmjww fa tiadl brought my thv inm dwtwtapa least j jnfrlm- tosswifvth oonplo6ou oat hurt in a 16 eaploslon the hoy said freshman making carbon monoxld sulphuric and oxalic aaldli in the generator you know chump left out ike safety bottle- had the burner too hightapepex the window vvontworth came in and saw him with hie head over the retort ihame blow- lh o side injht wlnor janmiry i wind he jumped to disconnect- gave the follow a shove to one side just rftajok enough to save hint and got that awful explosion in his own dee alkali you see drawn haolc into the orolda by the generator cooling too quick in the zero wind no safety bottte between caldwell nodded his faxejfuu of in tense imprest they wore at the lab orttory dpor tine istudent went on in a whisper- i nl er now hek suffered with the bulldog all the time eyes full of glass as well as acid college the presbytery was of thi opinion that the present arrangement should he continued for another year 1 if osstlie and that in the meantime a representative committee be ap pointed to explore tho whole field 3vlih a vjqw to securing a suitable principal a letter of encouragement was sent to t m at wa and another to rockwood uj riddle8 plpolc oj a bulldog all the time blown full of glass as well as face flprrlbly burped never saw- a i a ledger like a sculptors is it dangerous to sleep in a why lej studio becalise it is full of figures whatjithedfforens6 botweonan auottpia bajeand seaslcknoss dne is the sola of effects- and tho othor is tho effsctsof asall why trafpr because the train always run over c r kmywn invr saw- a i sloepors rayof hght again ifrwivdbmtwarkea i to dfejf j oredit wentwortri made a ohuraot hftn tyell have tp hurry k never loses tt rninute4 lme hlrh- elf fn mfc any iho looo it or hlro jfiiis wayj t t thstnitjut palfhour imsswil for cald- wjelltjn i hae ot detliht atthoogh thfiativery jftssitrin h eornowliat irthorl- wtve mrtu9fvtomf jvttorths iftisrp iu the re04gnliqn 6f v sue spreadp her bhcln i and healthy suduobiuirjli pt the man crosses hie llrio and goes from relet one sklnn when does a boy resemble a four logged anlmnl whan his cold has made him n ilttlo hoarso horso what is that which is invisible yet novor out of sight tho letter b why is a wnsherwomnn like n sh ipf jbeoause she sproadp her bhcln mccoys cod liver extract tablets fine for thin underdeyeloped children love them baoauea they are sugar coated snd as esay to take as candy its yoiir duty mother to aep that the frail peaked sickly youngster grows up to be strong in body keen linmlnd and robust inhealth extract from tha livers of the lowly codfish are tho health jvoiglrt nrnt tho strength vrod v fnund in mrtloyb od -x4vr- ettraot tablets which are sold by pharmacists all over north and south amorolca doctors kncwabout themandsodoes the druggist and if your children need bulldlngr up ask for these tablets today if you want to give your loved ones a good abpetlto and put pounds of good healthy floih on tholr bonos nut be sureuto sret mccoys they mo not expensive 60 tablets so conts and if you nro not pleased with the improvement after 30 days your money loky v a vory slokly child agort 9 galnea 12 pounds in sovon months and is stromr and healthy one skinny woman gained 0 pounds j tions and each month gives the latest news in radio activities throughout the country z if you have a radio you want to be uptodate and get the most from your ma chine and the only way is by securing the best authority onthe subject v with new subscriptions pr renewals only to taerelemlejti3to a a wai f ikij t v

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