Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1926, p. 3

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x mo f hr acton 3te ffrggg thursday january 2 ldqft my work lot mo do my work from day to day ii in field or forcat at desk or loom in roaring marketplace or tranquil room lot mo find it in my heart to aay when vagrant wlnhca beckon mo astray- tliis i3 my work my blessing not my doom oc all who llvo i am the one by whom this work can best be dono in my own way j to suil my spirit and to provo my powers then shall i cheerfully greet tho laboring hours and cheerfully turn when the long shadows full at evontldo to play and love and rest because i know for mo mywjark is beat henry van dyko a fathers sacrifice in former days it was the ambition of a scotch peasant poor aa ho might bo to see ono of hls sons in the pulpit sir walter scott relates a pathetic instance of the lntonslty of this am billon 0 scott wfaflo attending lectuceaat tho university or edinburgh made acquaintance with a youth who so in- tereated him that ho frequently invit ed tho lad to atroll into the country ono day they met a vonerableblue gownj a beggar clean dnordurry whoso traditional outaido garment whence the namo of the mendicant claas was worn as though it was tho toga of a roman senoor scott gave tho beggar alms biit his companion exhibited restless con- union do you know anything to tho dis- honor of tho old beggar asked spott seeing the nervousness of his fellow- student god forbid said the youth ho is my own father ho stands bleach ing in the wind that he may set means to pay for my education scott kept tho lads secret and held on al days the youths seat was vacant nd onscptt again meet off the blue m kottrn tho old man said towilue he haa often spoken of 4 you come to my rofand see him f fbrhehas been siclr v t scott went to tho beggars cottage and found wilue ettfpg on tho bench before the door enjojng the sunshine tho voluntary beggar welcomed him and they eat down to a dnher of mut- ton and potatoes during the con- 1 veraation tho old man exclaimed with much emotion please god i may live to see my bairn was his head in a jiulplt yet i bcott told his mother about willie and the- old blue grown and through r her influence thoehdleastspoh was appointed to a tutorship in the north of scotland time out for lunch old timers yoii can tell them tho old timers wp yon meet them on the street perhaps it is the hat they wear or the way way your coze they greet what eer it ta they have a way those old timers with their class they will charm you by the way they give the ladles room to pass they seem to know they dont belong they quietly drop behind they wore real men they prlxd the most and youre poor without a name theyd givo and take youd toe the mark but they always playd the gamc tho oldglrle too j canc forget even though time haa had its way their eyea retain their former charm though their locks bo thin and gray old timers too they had a way and theyd make you toe the scratch there are no girls now would have a cha their charming smiles to match t- all townnlijp council for mnny yoans about forty of tho leading reuldontd attendee and jiendcraqilujidjli tiilcklnsv of acton were guests the aupper waa held at stlnglos hotel at urookvillo s it lister esq f of camjibellvillo occupied tho chair ilc announces at tho opening that al though- the demonstration was being conducted on strictly teetotal princi ples that klhg alcohol was strictly prohibited from entering the- room during the evening think of this fifty years ago tho people stood for tlio principles they believed in thonu duys aa they do today tho chair man jiaida very high compliment to tho sterling integrity and excellent duties of tho guest or tho evening ho had known mr eastcrbrqok for the nast twentytwo years and felt proud of tho universal esteem in which ho had been held the lato john romany was ono of tho principal aiwkera of the evening ho con trasted tho municipal institutions of that day with what thoy wore a num- ber of years ago and noted tho vast improvement which hadf taken place not many years beforoa person wjuld require to have a largo library ho said and dovotonauch of his time to study ing- tho munlaipal law to enable him to understand- tho dutios of a coun cillor but now the numerous statutes wore consolidated and it was an easy matter to keep pasted v mr james ilcnzles was thcro and commended tho new ballot act which had juat been introduced he paid a high compli ment lo tho worthy guest mr george norribhnvas one or tho speakers ha sjiolce of the improvement of roads in nassagawoyn and also referred to tile new ballot act for this ho hadnt much use he was afraid it would cultivate a bad principle ho preferr ed to see men vote openly and fear- lcaalyv mr robert aklns responded to a toast on temperance he said it might appear strange to talk tem perance- in a tavern but tho temper ance causo had a good bottom and a substantial structure was being raised upon it it had got its head above the attire and was making great pro gress through the land george ram- show upheld tho manufacturing inter- eats in a few romarka mr i hen derson spoke of the commercial in terests of the country in the absence of any member of the legal fraternity to respond to the toast of that pro- f fissicnwmroodimayor -of-knateli- i can tell them and i love them r i the girls and fellows too l3pd bless you youve-towm-kind- holdtlmwatrtththelrmannerflrfor for as most people inow there aro 1 number of small rooms or compart rnents in the english itellway coaches in which pasflonerora are isolated sometimes indeed they are looked in thoir only means of communication wlth the brokeman is an electric bell that must never be rumj exdept in an emorcency or crisis thls bell al ways stops the train and creates great confusion and alarm t one day an old lady very near sighted gotintq a carriage in which a boy sat she and the boy bad the compartment to themselves the train started and thtf old lady looked they seem so good and true they mayhave had thejr stories too but i never heard one tell then heres to the old timers all for thoy ghord their secret well i can tell them and i- love them for we have an album full v the old timers passing on their way my heart they always pull tho old ladles look so stately and they always are so neat when 1 seo them dn tlto albumor rnqet them on the street j f ryan andthese- old timers are always welcome in the old home or those who never n the old homo aro here reody to welcome tho other old timers when they come bjick to- visit th haunts of their earlier years mr ryan in his poem expresses tho feel ings of all is old folks when he says i can tell them and i love them all the girls and fellows- too the old timers with their manners for thoy seem so good and true speaking of old timers i wonder if you remember tho day that fine old pioneer john 6harp for many years an esteemed resident of tho seco line received injuries at the main bl radlway crossing which xeautled in mb death ab ho approached the cross ing a train came along apd frightened tils horse mr sharp attempted to 1m by h but t bull ivas called upon and he mado a humorous speech mr stlngle tho landlord and a german friend favored thoconapdhy pitji tnusio from a fluto and a oerman mouth organ of all who attended this happy historic gathering not one of te company survivob john ramsey exwarden of tfao county and george ramshuw blacjkamlth wore tho last to pass away weekly fashion hint evening itodes feature smart details in designing the frock to the left fashion skilfully employes allover lace which may be run with gold pr silver threads if desired or the model may be reproduced in geor gette crepe chiffon etc the tlrcss has an oval neck front and back at the back is also a cape bf selfmate rial to be omitted it preferred in medium size the dress requires 4j yirds36rinrh material lace is combined with chiffon vel vet- in the development of the second model the lacct iorminp the circular panels at the sides and thecapeat the back developed in plain crepe de chine with long sleeves added this model also makes a lovely after noon frock the neck may be cut in vshapcd or oval outline medium size requires 2 yards 36inch velvet and zvi yards 33ineh allover fecc of no consequence i wonder how many of my readers can remember the accident which be- fel ransom adams fifty years ago this winter the old timers wiil always rodall that ho was in those days character in the community a son of ono- of the founders- of the place yot ho lived a life in great contrast to his progenitors they were preachers the useful- old typo of saddleback preachers who went about everywhere proclaiming tho gospel ransom ap peared to have but ono object in life the desire to amass wealth he sue coeded very wel too for a man of hja day and opportunity and he appear ed to have no other pleas uro in life but nbout the accident 1 started out to tell you of on a tho first day of liobruory ransom drove 0 george town on business he had a horao and huegy there being no sleighing at tho time that winter when ho aas in tho neighborhood of barbers paper mills his horse became fright cned and ran away tho buggy was upset and air adams was thrown lo tho frozen groundand rather badly jjuuefiil he wfl lying unconnploua the neighbors of twd good new england maiden ladies twin sibtors aro often amused by bits of domestic dialogue which float through open window or door since- the two are slightly hard of hearing and tho voices nemaoeoisjjtiqnaomlbii clarissa whbliad been busy in tlio loitchen all morning but at trie mo ment was up in the attic seeking it bunch ofdjpled herbs was heard call ing downj agitated tones idolla idella im sure 1 amell smoke for mercys sake see if any tihinga afire dont lyoity clarissa it isnt in tho hjiusej miss idolla shouted back from the front- door whence sho had just watched the fireengine go tear ing past its jonas simpkins new barn is that all screamed miss clfiris- sa ive sot two pies in the oven and i thought they might be burning up an even more perverted sense of proportion in disaster was manifested in an incident related by dean ram say in his reminiscences the burn in otthec famous greyfrairs church in hdlnburgh occurred one sunday morning and the young people of house which backed upon tho church yard were among the first aa they wero preparing to start for church to obaorve tho flames it l was 1 the housemaids lsundayjput and bid kitty the cook was that day responsible for her duties hearing unwonted commotion and excited out erica upstairs sho camo panting and hobbl ing from her basement kitchen crying anxiously at each stair oh what ist what istr kitty look hece cried ono of the girls from the window grey frairs church is burning up kitty dropped limply on a aettoo la8t and first noycr tnirry rr theres a way to avoid it hitid a man to his seatmato in the car i lmd tlio habit but i was cured by a fellow of moro exper ience v when i yas younger j had to make perlpdicnl visits to a small towo now a city thut had already more bubinoss tiiun it could properly take care of on ono of theop visits i sat down in tho train bosldo a stout very comfortablelooking man whoso largo travolling bags proclaimed tho com mercial traveller wo got into conver sation and presently i found that i had tola him protty nearly all i know about our destination sackvluo a wo will call it was two miles from tho railwaystation and a single r omnibus served as the connective link between tho trains and the hotel it wasnt much of a hotel such ahit- was however there was considerable choice between its best and its worst and it was well worth while for a traveller to got to the desk before many others had preceded him as the train pulled into the sta tion it was qulto evident that moat of us who wero going to get out there wero familiar with conditions every body except my frlond the drummer was nervous and in a hurry men stood in tho aisles wrestling witir thoir overcoats and a fow blocked tho door of tho car oven before tho whlstlo an nounced our approach to the station were almost in i whispered to my now acquaintance and started to got up and put on rnyvvrcpaf v never you mind min he replied cheerfully let em hustle you just follow your undo and ho calmly fold ed his nowapaper- and put it away in his pocket the train stopped and the passon gers made a rush for tho door the drummer got li slowly settled his coat and picked up his bag together wo followed tho crowd out on tho plat form whero it made a mad rush and scrambled poljmell into tho omnibus when my friend and i reached tho carriage there was only standingroom at tho very end of it tho drummer n facf shoved his bags between my feet and stood on tho steps the omnibus rolled away through the woods aa we swayed and jolted over tho rough road 1 told tho drum mer what i thought of u plan that so farhttd onlyrtepfc ua from gettlng soats in- tho omnibus in tho dark i could seo only tho vagud outline of his bulky 1 figure but his voice sounded choerful dont you worry ho returned in a mysterious voice everything is all right and working lovely hero we are now and tholandloixl waiting aa he spoke tho omnibus drew up in front of the hotol the drummer who had been last to stop on the omnl- bus was naturally tho first to atep off and ho was polite enough to atop aside and give mo firet place at the desk as far tho man who had hustled for first place on the omnibus he slept on the billiard- table u l a il g t jtween gasps what a fright yo geed me i thlcht yo said tho parlor fire wnsout electricity cheaper than candles at first glanco womlght bo inclined to think that our welllighted homes of today would demand a greater out- lny for illumination than tho candle era this is not- the case however sperm oil nnd candle light averaged twentyfive candle hours a night or 9000 a year litayoarly cost of about twentytwo dollars now tho requirements of tho aver age homo are 460 candles or eighteen times that of a century ago the cost is only twothirds of that which jt was then or less than three per cont a lighting unit diplomatic telephone rates at this exchange f tke following table sbows the principal rates now in effect for this exchange and the new rates for which we are asking the approval of the board of rqijway commissioners business service individual line prosojrt monthly rato 205 proposed monthly ratb 250 monthly increase 45 2- party line 185 200 15 residence service 1 individual tine 205 205 00 2party line 185 185 00 above rates nro for wrall telephones it will be seen that in order to bring local telephone fates into line with our proposed new schedule nochange is necessary in the charges for residence service the tendency is thus to encourage the-develop- ment if residence service merchants and business men while asked to pay a somewhat higher rate for business telephones will benefit in the enlargement of the scope and value of their service by the development of residence tele- phones we bejieve our patrons will agree that to ma and extend a service vital to the welfareof the community far outweighs in inrportance the moderate increases a relatively small number of our citizens will ba asked to pay a h lant manager the bell telephone company of canada kh vfc viit m question is of ten asked of u if we do certain kinds a ss m ii atqut seeing the bell she said to tho hoy i hint used to railways whats tnatvboll for the youngster smiled mischievously that bell ho expiated la to rtntf when you want something to eat the road furnishes tho lunch tho old lady nodded half ah hour want by then sho leaned forward and rang the bell instantly the brakes ground down upon tho wheels tho locomotive whistled and the train stopped so suddenly that several people were thrown to tho floor there wero ahriekfl wi ndews wee-4oweredv- and bcas protruded guards ran from carriage to carriage ilnolly ono ap proached the old ladys compartment who rang that bell- ho shouted as heran along i did young man bald the old lady why did you do it she thought a moment and then replied calmly i i think you might bring mo some chicken sandwiches and bottle of orangeade ejgln burroughs v frightened animal- threw hln to the ground stepping on him witlihla rforo feet causing sovereintcrnal injuries the injured nianwaa takon to his home at the corner of church and whenpicked up shortly after by somo partiea that were pausing but soon revived and proceeded to georgfetown statipn where ho tooft the train for home he arrived home in a very john streets next to mr johncatn- jwjak ana exhausted condition and oh hi8 logic hymns up to date mn old gentleman of eightytwo whose occasionally cynical speeches aro always tinged with good humbr woa asked his opinion of- modern church music vlte oil very fine he sold dryly and i like to hear it but theres one thing ive noticed t it-may- bejust chance but ive noticed it a good many times wbjbn i was a boy the people went to two services a day and sometimes three and they sat on hard seats with straight hacks and sang with all their hearts my god thebprlngof all my joys ttow the congregation lean cdm- rortabiy back in softly cushioned pews and listen o the choir singing and messrs r tclchojl and j haggart of brampton sang a number of choice ra w lthou languid rdngsln jt ftaerlermajjiner address q dohvered by rev r xlcook rov n b cameron be v george wi calvert and mr thayer of george town acton brass band also gave excellent music the sons of temper ance were prospering in those day iniay be mistaken biit it comes home to me every now and thon that hymn ology is changing ta suit the times long names for automobiles j7what is the longest word in the t languago is anljlnauiry ihat fre- aaently turns up in an editors mall in auos hoh ho would dreaolto see it the an swer woqld toko too much space thus in berlin one hcrr tholn who nflll ioftg peetl prominent ih loca ordns home after three days of in tense suffering he died on now years iay this was the jlrst week in jan uary 1876 just fifty years ago and mr sharp was in his ysnd year wonder how many readers can re member when george stoddard kept iffhat kecalioarir7mirhd6 ter bamaar jn tho front room of the house inhere no uvedtho house where miss gtabam and mrs armstrong now re side george was a cooper and work ed for john coats he served oysters as a sideline at night an old paper shows georges advertisement geo sioddard has just fitted up and open ed a firstclass fruit and oyster baxoar in the premises on the comer opposite the store of dickson mc- nab mill street whero ho will keep a gopd supply of fresh oysters lob sters sardines choice new fruit and confectionary oyeters by- tho can or served up in any style arid the best attention given to customers george was quite a- character had been a cook on a lake steamer at oho time and he cooked and served oysters himself in his front room i think he was the flrat tosorve oysters by the plate in acton remember ths wua fifty years ago oxomlnaton by dr morrow it was found that several- of his ribs were fractured his olbow joint injured be sides several scalp wounds it was thought for a time that mr adams would not survive his injuries hut his stalwart framb withstood the shock and in a week or so ho was around flfaini the hersehedrovethatrday was otic- ho had bought the day before the huffgy was smashed to pieces i know that some of my readers will remember the entertainment in the old temperance hall on new years nlght half a century ago tho hall was jammed fullv john speight who was frorthy patriarch of tho sons of tom- perance occupied tho chair a quar tette composed of the misses nlcholl perhaps next week i may be able to think up another lotofilftyyeaci eld incidents of life and doings about tho old homoitown ck appreciated education an example of how certain typed of foreign settlers who come to alberta are determined that their children shall obtain a complete canadian edu cation in order that they may enter fully into canadian life- aa properly equipped settlers of many years stand ing in the bon accord district north- ot edmonton mflweora cameaihb pro vince many years ago and took up a homestead ho has always had keen ambitions for an education for his family nnd as a result joday lie has a son nnd maughter attending high school in edmonton and another son preparing to take the course in agrlr culture thlfi- term at the vermillion school of agriculture alberta in ad dition to this he financed the sbnof an old friend of his for his schoyl and cohejgt cqurse and this noy ng a vp ftilt efther financial- aidgiyihj hjih by tho little huthenlan homeet9idr was able to complete his education and take an arts masters degree in one of tho eastern universities and b had ov 0 m the misses niehojl were frequent singers in acton in those days and were always cordially welcomed fifty yeara ago haltoh county couhoij- was ctmrpoarod of dr rt mcgnrvln acton john warren w n tun irqw mm tootwdch for the shertrt an irish widow with a quick wit otioftav reflehfed a call from a sheriff wnffinntla afclt jtofle on hbr ac- corillng to the pilot the widow savclt the clny by soma rapid flro courting a gentlemnn who stood only for few minutes at a corner where a largo building wnsln tlio process of erec tion overheard some renarks made by an irish workman who evidently farcied hlmsolf a logtcan of no men order t hqwiui-iljturdygooa-j3atureoltlqqk- ing man but evidently enjoyed lean ing on his hod and commenting on what nassod around him much batter than j10 did active work the cry of mortmort usually rang out sovoral tlmesbeforoheheeded it pat said the foreman severely coming upon the man nt one of fno moments when ho was rcslln ft bit why dont you attend- to your work and keep that man going shure now said pat shifting hifl feet and turning a broad- am do upon the foreman if i was to kapo hini goln he wouldnt have sorra a thing to eay at all an if ho didnt say any thing how would i know he was there at all an df he wasnt there for what would he be wantln of morthor sorr and pat marched off with his hod leaving the foreman not convinced but certainly onfused by thiare- markable exhibition of tho working ofartrfical mind eager for h is rights ive decided on a name for baby said tho young mother i shall call herjsuphrqrtyno her husband did not care for tho suggestion but being a tactful follow ho was far to vlae to say so splondldl ho said cheerfully tho first girl i evor loved was called euphronyno nna tho name will revive pleasant memorien there wan a brief silence then we will call her elizabeth after my mother snid the young wife very firmly bf priiiting 17 all in the days work a story of a plumber and a painter who wero working in tho same house hi told in everybodys magazine tho painter arrived late one morning and tho plumber looking up from his work said yburo lata this morning yes said the palpter i had to stfp and haye rny hair cut you didnt to do it n ypur em ployers time did ypp asked fho plumber why not aiild- the painter it grew on his time as little freddie had reached the mature age of throo and was nbout to- discard his petticoats for manly raiment in the form of knickerbockers his mother determined to make tho oc casion a memorable one- the breakfast table was laden with good fare as the newlybreeched in fant was led into the room ah cried th-proutr- mother- mi w- you nren jijtlg jniua hfcjpdr wa in- ecstasiebi dla- pyjrt grnientrto their full advant age t pdged nbfpsef tp his motfierahd whjfjrpd jyumiejcjh t call pa bill t wien success litchea be sura that your success is not the resnilt of a cheap ambition you may etgolhny7mtiatrtric out striving and without strain but raach it moan a little to ba sua novor gives up until every vestige of polsnis expelled from tho body rbsuma oats an somaph uvr kid neys and bladdor all at onpo and quickly brines long prayed tor cdm- t ort to dlfltrcfljeijflnffflrerg bljujiai sard and all good druggists upl it with tae guarantco of money baok it i iw atlitao rheumatic pains go swollen joints vanish twisted swollen unsightly joints are rapidly freod from pain and brought back to normal with rheuma lame people walk without aid sloop comes to those who have been unablotallo 4n bad hands that wera4 holpless because of terrible rheuma tism- are now able to do their share for tho support of tho family rheuma la a wonderful remedy for rheumatism gout neuritis lumbago and neuroglia it is a wonderworker it never fal this is due perhaps to the fact that printing orders are unhfcegoodsoldf rom the shelf practically every piece of print ing is different each job of printing u manufacturecl for each indiviaual order good printing takes a little time topro- duce and that is why it is often necessary for the free press to suggest a day or two longer for the lines ofjprinting curing of the finer ij m i- but the ibee press is equipped to do rush order in record time let us remind you of sonie of the lines which lze produce promptly afl ciieaply lettherheads envelopes stte ments billhead ledger sheets ai4 6ttp licates private cheques on gaiety paper circular tags manilla or linen gaibjbogetfeysaleiusmenusrfac forms tickets time sheets society transportation interest has- recently established a mot6rcab service the pleasing derm an iiaane for his vehicle is automobiletexameterdroschken ft is said that despite- the hfeposr terouai title the new cabs areremark- ably handsome and graceful- but if there is anything 1n a name the motor fcarrhagaa introducea4niosome ports of belgium shojhd instantly becomo f awaybockcd and tophoayy the glejnlah namo for anioroobile isv anelr i parrdelboszoondorflpoorweg petrooi- n rijulg yw v t interested in his rights some xirenta allllbellevb in the old diua that snoring tliorxl npolla the child- ai indiana paper tolls of on4 if thlnclaub who frtroitelntoitho nchool ani ontrmitiil ihq tiacliotuftir uia achoiarn bad been lbnil9fted for tho ay l ilnlorsuind you whipped rty boy tbls anornlntr he began ptnsrlly xei- fr i did tlio terrified tcaqh- er responded ibut i did not whip him severely thats what im complalnlna about rojolned tio parent you did not wallop- mm hait epoukh now iolt horel i am onnof the larecst taxpayers in thlh cliool district and my boy pi jnlltlcd tp a sood awlml- ihtfasrou rive any thor boy under- stanl that if yoo- slight wm ngalii i jiouij tibr krom me gpod afteritoon ton john r barber goprgetown john waldie burlington w h young oakvllle col clay norval w mcbriery balhnfad j clements milton dr buck and honry robinson esqucslng john ramsay and jametp menztes nasijagawoya and henry poster and thomas alton nelson thoy- were a bunch of stalwartsrahd halton county never elected a liner lot of men to represent her w d lyohljohn r barber nnt john waldie became a members of forllamont and col cloy and henry robinson were bdth candtdateafor parliamentary honors aojiesi ng a gricuttucal society had anacton man for its president fifty years agj hod a suooessfui year under mr c l smnii cfosedt with 1 in the troasury mr smiths successor wns mr jjb besnoy of georgetown with mf greorgo tolton acton as vlce- proaldonl- and away iack there half a century ago ty frlond sandy wahlle was n director william gordon acton was also a member of the board marr hr fnij at ler house and be- gan in formal- fashion madam i halve an attachment for you f my dear sir she said blushing your attachment is reciprocated tou dont understand me you must proceed to court said ithe sherirf wcii know tin leap year btifl prefer to lit you do the courting your self ken arorau -bettor- a that than women lira- phelan this is no time fof fooling tho justlco is waiting tho jufltlce watting well then i suppose j must go but tho thing is so sudden and besides id prefer a pimesfc to do it ceaatul- be you atlbmpted someu thing so iuuy thm ll cusiyuu nu rwrt effort to accomplish it la hardly bet ter t linn failure on the other hand to fall because you aimed so high that yop could not do quite all you honed although you put into the project all the effort and all the energy you poss essed i real success strive toward b1 hard splendid achievements the there trying is worth more than 1 chenintid ensy success out of his province 1 have just come across some notes which will he of hherest toscassabfl- wpyn renders and former residents of trip towhrihiii fifty yeiirfl ago this rflonth thef peoplo t of natingawoya tebderod a complimentary oyster sup per td3oorgo bastorhraok sq had ijrtvea valued services in the v y- yhz a 30ftpmajter and a banker were at a viignor cpneert av the christian roaster- lie progiimme did not nicuttqthomarid they began to talk every than said tho banker al ways wiuits to do homothing outside of hfsiowii work j yes answered tna soapmaker i nianufncturogood noap nnd yet ive alwayh ywanted tubfi a banker ton wouldnt ii a goovl oue i am a aticeobsful hiinkor but i always tm wmrtstf frrlt a book and now hiolli man psguur tries hls hand at mil hie just lutrt f4 tp styn and yet vyo all know he hufldb pyod nnrorrfli s j riddle rhyme 3iy rnt to jn happy but not m sad mvaeconds jn joyu but- nyl inrlaa my third is in railway but not i ifftif my fourth in in pickle but not in jam- my flfth is in rldcflo but not in guess my- blxth is in ada but not in doss my levenths in youthful but- not in old my fllshtluts in uoylngbut notlntold my vjiolowa wcnl ihnt 1s dear to the boys at the thought of my coming thoy vol utitolo iovbk 1 answdrholldaysi mccoy r cod liver extract tawets fine for thin underdeveloped kids children loy them beoauae they are sugar coated and aa easy to taka aa-oandy- l how to grow sljenk 0 nil more kindly thmi tho year before prnyittlittlo oftencr tov tt httlo nioro cpjnff a ljule closer to the fathers love bo llfo below shhll llkor gmi to the llfo above 1 ri zimermanu in 24 days its vour duty mother tb seo that tho frail peaked sickly youngster grows up to bo atrong fn body keen in mind and robust in health- fwtract from tht41yers- of ths jowly ooflnsh arc the npalthrjpg- ftnil fob ntrongth producing vltamjnes tllat iw found in r cod liver kjxtrao tablets wliicllaro adldhy phar mauls ts all over north and south amerelca doqtors know about them and so does the druggist and if your children need hullding up nsk for these tablets today if you want to givo your loved ones a good appetite and pu pounds of good healthy- dosh on their bones but be suro in get mccoys they are not exiionslvcfio tablotn 60 oents and if you hro not pleased with the improvement atterso days your money baqu a very sickly child aged gained 12 pounds in novon months and is strong nnd healthy one skinny woman gained 0 pound r printing blotters booklets jbusiiiess and visiting cards wedding stationery in vitations sales literature books and pamphlets or- any otlher work you may- want done embossing done when desir ed orders by mail or telephone prompt- lv attended to an fpe press phone llw 1 fiza 1 ivviti sftif ieminiis x

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