Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1926, p. 4

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f- the home ob member canadian weekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies jofontario the acton free press is publiahedvcry thursday morning nt the free press building mill street acton ontario the subscription price ia 3 do per year in advance postage is charged additional to offices in the united states the da to p- which subscription arc paid is indicated on the aildresa label advertising katestransicnt advertise- ments 10 cents per line aftate measure or first insertion and 5 cents per line for each subae- queii t insertion contract display advertise- merits for 50 inches or more per annum 18 cents per inch each insertion advertisem yrith- oui specific directions will e inserted till forbid and charged accordingly h p moore president and editor 0 a pills manager and assistant editor telephones editorial arid business office nw residence of president nj ijcsidence of manager 131 the rising generation afainst twoparty politics the young folks of toronto university evidently do not share the opinions of many of their seniors in the matter of the twoparty system in politics a toronto paper says hart house resounded to cheers last evening when the motion that it is in the interest of good government that canada should return to the twoparty system was rejected by a vote of 218 against 03 in one of the best hart house debates that have hitherto been- held e al reid of trinity gollege and j jv1 godfrey k c sup ported the motion and j p armstrong of the faculty of medicine and the hon e c drury op posed it neighborhood pfewar town and country milton canadas resources and possibilities the amount of arable land in canada capable of raising wheat is about 400000000 acres of this over 300000000 h as neveryet been cultivated the wheat crop last year was about 450000000 bushels grown on about onefifth of the arable land if all had been used the crop would have been over two billion bushels the new garnet wheat which has beerl developed will add tens of millions of acres of good wheat- lands to our effective wheat area this together with out great mineral resources will in tho not distant future place canada right up in the front rvw among the productive and commercial nations thursday morning january 28 1926 editorial ofjhe world our countrys development will en sure progress and prosperity a blot upon social conditions the kitchener record makes this significant com- men tupoiva very regrettablecondition of affairs which is all too prevalent a largejdnis being given this evening in st thomas a warning jias been issued in the local- paper to the effect that the moment anyone produces a pocket ftask the producer will be put out of the doorirrespecting of sex it is a sad reflection upon our day and generation when it is found necessary to warn young men and women and old ones too against what a few years ago wouidhave been regarded as a glaring example of bad taste and execrable manners the amusement tax anyone who is at all familiar with the vexatious methods employed in connection with the collec tion of the ontario amusement tax will heartily en dorse the following comments made by several on tario town papers the provincial amusement tax as administered by the provincial government is about the smallest and most depsicable form of taxa tion any government ever devised evpn the little functions for the children ofthtrhiirclies are being taxed we surely have reached a strange financial p when su pgftrvexpilentsvjjejecessary ja raise the required revenue if members of the leg islature were alive to the sentiments of- their con stituents they would take steps to have the most ob jectionable features of this tax nuisance removed tho womons auxiliary of graco church wilt hold u rummage ualo in tlio sunday school room on friday january 20th mra w h stewart went to buffalo last suturduy to attend tho funeral or her brotherinlaw mr wfltlam wcttlc dr ob tclfor v s was taken to st michaels hospltul toronto oh tiicndiiy whero ho will undergo un operation for bo mo internal trouble thomas mcjunnot la maklh good recovery from tho bloodpoisoning which on dun gored hie life und which at ono time it was thought would necessitate ono arm being amputated in ftn effort to save his life mr and mra john conway of noblcford alberta have been visiting friends in town mr conwuy la a na tive of milton born and bred and is a son of tho into mr and mra stephen conwuy ho la manager of tho noble- ford brunch of tho bank of montreal acton 1ms followed miltons example and invested in a- new fire truck a picture of which appeared in lost weeks fjtke pitesfl it looks like a srrviconble outfit although it is to be huifctt linn there will not be much oc casion for using icroformcr z3 a message of good will across the globe editorial notes the boundary question in ireland in commenting upon public events of the year in retrospect and prospect the belast whig on new years day made the following sane sensible and independent reference to ulsters position on the vexed and very important question the settle ment of the boundary question which had so long acted as a powerful irritant in both northern and southern ireland has by some commentators been held yorthy to rank with the conclusion of tho agreement between the chief belligerents in the great war as a victory for the cause of peace and recoiv ciliation there is no loyalist in ulster who does not sincerely hope that this sanguine estimate wil1 be justified but all who have studied the history of their wi will be chary u in in ul two illicit stills have been seized in the neigh borhood of napaneesand the government inspector who made the seizure makes trie fanhouncentent that he has lately seized eighteen such stills that looks like a modernday item doesnt it but it was copied from an old copy of an ontario paper dated may 17th 1877 it seems weve had them always with us the sales of the quebec liquor commission for 1925 amounted to 17887588 ascompared with 19- 812781 the year before the decrease is attributed to an increasing substitution of wine for spirits but says the gazette these are considerable sums and as they do not include the valve of a large amount of beer it is to be presumed that quebecs advance toward prohibition is remarkably slow erin krln horticultural society had re ceipts of 121226 lost year and spent 14173 major- justice waa elected president the society will observe a cleanup day on arbor day after noon tho agricultural representative says erin township farmers give every cvldcnco of being thettical post ed on potatoes this of course it not surprising- but to know that they are also tho best horse judges in tho county is not so generally known mr james tarzwell has cold hla farm lot 25 2nd line erin to mr william chcyne tho literary society of uio erin continuation school will hold lbs first meeting- of the new year at the school on fri afternoon january- mr whurd who has bebn confined with an attach of pneumonia is mak ing- splendid progress toward recovery mr albert may who has been fail ing in health for quite a time was recently removed to the weston sanl- torlum on the- occasion of the -annual- en tertainment of the belfouritalii sunday school class the adult bible class presented mr john drury the teacher of the class for several yeavs with a- beautiful electric table lamp mr r d nodwell has been confined to hla home for the post two weeks where he lias been suffering from a fall sustained when a ladder sllprpeav in tho fall his leg caught in the lad der spraining knee and ankle as well as bruising the leg considerable tie hopes to be out around again this week advocate business directory medical dr j a mcniven phyiloisn and 8urgrn offlco and realdonco corner bomr avenue and x2ialn street ehonb 88 dr e j nelson frederick street acton ontario legal nlnoty thouaand employees received otamline between the various pcoploh a now year greeting- which hummed nnd inmrem- throughout the doiriln- over the nmren and huizcd over tho ion and thus itolp to conserve tho air across twenty thouaand miles arid spirit of national wolfnre for such three continents from e w beatty president and chairman of tho can udlijnpiwiftcrailwuyir tuojneaaage was ao follows io ah omccrs and emixloyeea in bonding on behalf of tho com pany my best wishes for the now year i dcslro to congratulate both offlcera and men on the hlght standard of einclcncy they havo maintained during the year as ovldenccd by marry communlcatlona from thoso who havo used canadian pacific servlcea and as further proved by financial returns for a- year which has been fraught with conaldorablo and unexpected problems such work well done has mpod to maintain and ensure tho general proa perjty of the vcountry whose interests wo all feel it our chief privilege to serve duilnirtho coming year wo should all in our various offices when opportunity offers pay apodal con sideration to tho fostering of good feeling and t sympathetic under- duty we aro particularly well equip ped as jnomberkof au oconlzatlon airetchlni from atlantic to paciqc and in closo contact will ull cirhicu of tho community r signed e w beatiyi in order to despatch this messago a remarkable feat of organisation was staged at canadian pacific telegraph hoadquartora in montreal the eve of new years is always a day of great pleasure and this year the amount of work over the usual heavy file of telegraph and cable wires was nearly a record tho prcsldontfl message which wna filed at ten oclock in tho morning and was going at atatlons up to midnight while it added to tho work in not the allghtest degree de layed current duties everything rail as emoothly as on any ordinary day of tho year ono cony of tho message was put on every wlro nnd was sent to every do- paclllc railway has interests in china partmont head in montreaj and wires japan and elsewhere veio sent to every ccntro in tho do minion from which it was relayed to offices within the dlalrlct f it perry now york agent received the monbngo first thing on opening hla flloo ttnddistrlbutcd it to pkhaaol- plila boston pittslurg iluftalo and other placesunilerhls iv wnll chicago handloilrrtn tile snmo way for cincinnati cleveland atlanta milwaukee kansas city and other joints tho messago was cabled to sir den mclaren brown european general manager of tho system who rolayed it across europe to all cities where can adian pacific railway has offlcei every ship on the canadian pacific fleet whether at dock or at aea was wirelessed- or wired tho mcs3ngo that day and it was prominently displayed eacli of them trains travelling acroaa tho continent also carried it as purt of their equipment a cnblp copy of tho message was sent for tho orient to allan 3ameron nt hongkong and was distributed by him to nil points where tho canadian phone no 22 p o box mf harold nash farmer m a barrlter 8olioitor notary pudllo coruayancary eto perryman block acton ont money lent on mohtqaobb hours 930 om to 6 pm saturdays 1200 ocloclc dental dr j in bell p p ft l- iv a dantiat honor graduate of toronto unlyar slty tho latest anosthetle uied it aealrad- offlco at residence corner of md and frederick streets pr f g gollop dps ida dentalurgaon ofbco over bank of nova 8ootaa hours ds0 to 510 kvenlnkb by appointment burlington norval optimistic expectations in certain quarters a much to be deprecated tendency is noticeable to speak of the signing of the agreement which decrees tho per rhanerce of the boundary delimitated in 1920 as a prelude to its abolition and all that abolition would entail the suggestion is grotesque and not less mischievous than grotesque peace and goodwill cannot be fostered by such covert assaults on the impregnable rock of ulsters loyalty to the united j kingdorn pres ent status within it the only sure way to secure the confidence which is essential to her friendly co operation is to acquiesce in her decision on the mat fere regarding which her mihdisimriiutably made up and to work with her on that basis to overtures in such a moqdshe will not be found unresponsive we trust that before the new year is ended it will be apparent that the hopes of such overtures being made is not an entirely vain one but if another course is preferred ulster will not 1e perturbed she i solicits no favors requiring only that her right to work out her destiny in the way of her own choosing shall be respected reduction in fire insurance rates when the installation of the waterworks system for acton was being jgitnted two strong arguments wero advanced as reasons why the town should sup port the bviaw necessary to provide for debentures to raise the funds required to cover the cost first there vias the safety assured against serious losses byfire and second the reduction in the fire insur ance rates prevailing when the underwriters as- j protection against fire was provided the installation of the waterworks system provided against losses from fire which would otherwise accrue but year after year passed i and the expected red in fire insurance tales failed to oe realized when interrogated as to not been complied with in certain respects among sfrt w vua um lc cfiiet of trie fire brigade was not entrusted with thp kya t- ihnlaflryjpp- ing plati ahd that other suggestionsmade had not been carried out reeve mason had not assumed office a fortnight before he commenced to investi- gite conditions and confer with the underwriters absqciation and as a result last week presented fir the council meeting a letter he had received from the underwriters association to the effect that when the reqiiests made were complied with a reduction in the key rate for fire insurance in acton will be made thisisvery gratifying to citizens generally arid will mean eventually a jarge saving jo all irojpjerty own ers in fire insucance i rtftes in factjvit nai been ea- tima ted that a reduction jnjhce will in many jwi-ambmt- an on some business properties to the annual tax rate itis expefcted a new tarijtwiuihpttly be i rtnm orrler oivpn a nlan aaxm jil c sued iprfii order given to place acton yrri new reduced chediil he council v5p4jrajiki two fmpfirit items to their crjdfli the fif eqiiipment of tirtiiimfin motor are truski and athe promise ioijpfefejmmfe declaring that general economic conditions in saskatchewan were better now than at any time since the great war premier dunning in his tentl budget speech in the legislature last week- said the government did not propose any new taxation or any increase in existing taxation the people of ontario will be exceedingly grateful if the premier of on tario is able to make a similar announcement in his budget speech next month bird sanctuaries which so greatly increases bird population should be encouraged in every suitablt locality itis sajdby thqsewxtl-hayecloselylstudied- bird habits that two birds can kill in a single day more insects than two men with a compressed air sprayer in an orchard or a farmer with a twohorse duster in a field bird sancutaries in public parks grove and in orchards should be- encouraged by farmers gardeners and fruit raisers in particular markham economist it is idle indeed to talk about the united states entertaining any serious thoutght of repealing the prohibition law the recent attempt to defeat pro hibition enforcement by subterfuge through pre venting any part of the appropriation forprohibi- tion enforcement to be used fcy federal agents to deceive ljquor criminals- was a boomerang the wets could muster only 17 votes for it to 139 against it and morethan 175 friends of prohibition enforcement were not present when the vote was taken the tghlr of brewers or distributors to maintain liquor warehouses along the line of the interna tional boundary or at the lake ports lias been denied bv a j of judge george e deroche in a decisroir handed down ivthecaisr har robinson- charged under section 44 of the ontario temperance act which provides thatno person may keep liquor in any placrtither than own dwelling it was appeal yas taken as a test case to the hastings county judge failure of fulfilment of the tacit understanding that a reduction in rates would be given the urider- y t re votelyou-like- the city press in thp rprpnf mnn nlift w the result that tho vote was very largely increased oyer rhar or previous years that is as it should be and the result of the proposition indicates that the voting public can be arduscd by a proper ex hibition of contempt for those who refuse to do their duty in this respect otwhat jse is the holdin of air election to obtain an expression of publicopinion if the public otherwise the vo-tcr- will not attend the poll the answer is obvious beaverton ex press fv v l the oakville star has completed forty years of publication and a s forstcrhfia been at the liclm through all these fgrty years he has made the paper true representative of the lakeside town and thexommunfty r has evidently won the favor of the constituency by his skilful edl- torial niangement of the star as he has been honor ed with nisiriy all the positions of trust honor and 9nvoi of the people he has in iptfijj reeve of oakville iflyiyor of the town presi- wpjutr the board of tart iv u a aj y a wife vz imfllskxbsawm tho horticultural society hud 360 members last year and receipts ag grejjating 111296 a drive will bo mude this year to reach 400 ot a mem bership roil mish itcba g olio way of tliq cleve land hoaiiltul stun has been holiday ing at her home here tho amount of 77300 j raised from nil sources by st lukea church durinr tho year- this iho hector thouglit was a record amount the friends of town clerk sykes will bo pleased to heat that hla con- rjltlon hhowfl considerable 4mprov9 merit and he is now on the fair way to recovery rev g w tobbs was inn tailed aa worahlpfu master of the lodxe of strict observancer a jr- m ham ilton on friday evening lost mrs john stephenson in yliltlrtff friends at pittsburg pa mr and mrs m c smith bpont the paat week in new york mr fred almas loft last week tor florida witerc he will spend a ebort holiday on thursday evening- mies hilda crubtrco who-is- leaving tor buffalo shortly waa tho recipient of a beautl- fjut ivory bedroom clock at a party given in her- honor by her sunday school claaa- mates at the homo of their teacher miss ruth cuttrlss threo byjaws were passed at the last nicotine of the council one for the borrowing of 60000 to meet tho current expenses of the year until the taxes could be collected- tho second ono waa for the extension of time for ropayment of 3675 local improve ments for the year 1925 the third- was for the extension of time for re payment of 26000 borrowed for cur rent exponscs during 1925 tuesday night was a historical night at trinity united church when about 1g0 men sat down to a luncheon at 630 tho luncheon was prepared en tirely by the men and is the first of their ibod faith and fun nights h t foster reeve of kelson town- bhip made a happy master of cere monies while the inimitable joseph- smith kept the merriment going with his specially provided song sheet gazetto norval presbyterian church is preparing to welcome thefr npw pas tor rev even mcdonald of tho lind say presbytery and his wife formerly anna montfimery author oc green gables early in february a new roof has been put on tho church a new piano purchased the veustry re- flnished and tho heating plant lm proved whilo a similar series of im provements are intended tor the manae at the annual meeting last week itwahjmnouncedthat all obli gations have been met and there is a good balance on hand and plans aro laid to lnetal electric lighting at once the conerrceration of mount pleas ant united church surely went over the top in 1925 in a manner entirely satisfactory and pleasant they look back to last year begun under such saddening circumstances in tho loss ofhelr church by tire as an epoch making year in their history and will consider that in view of- the manner in which tho records of the year wero written that god was with them trom beginning to end when tho stated supply kov aloxander craw took the chair at the annual meeting just week after opening a wellattended meet ing with prayer and song it was to preside over a meeting that rang with success from the beginning to end the total aniorunt raised by t bio con gregation for the building and all pur- pofles d to yifii- tim nr how to live long 11800 and when everything was set tled tho treasurer reported a balance on hundf over 100 perhaps the most interesting of all the reports wan that given by w j nterchalrmaiil of the buildtingr committee who toicv that 9950 had been raised for the purpose of rebuilding the church and that all outstanding debts had been paid leaving a balance on hand of over 100 two disappointments georgetown thomas mcguueuddy f toronto delivered his lecture a bagful 1 of folka in tho ijaptlst church on mon day evening at the annual jnotingofstj gbotgovohurctttasl weekt tlio flnan clol reports bhbwed receipts for the yoar of over 500000 the church is free from debt the annual meeting bf tho womens auxiliary of st georges church was ehojjtiflfll wpflfr mra huaumoniyita elected president for tho 32nd year mrs c c roe who had been secre tary for 27 years retired messrs wright and harrington butchers have dissolved partnership mrrwrightfwlll contlnuethehuslnca ftifty fafflnrn nnfl iwaif golden star lodge i o o f bramp- ton vlsit qrlnn tjihgn nn uottjay- fcvening and cxcmpuqed the first de gree tho members of the united church loague paid a visit to tho young pebplo in tho norvnl uniteq tihurch on monday evening all report having a most enjoyablo meeting mrsrbeailoyr of neville saflk visited frlondh in town during the week mrs cliff on creolman and eons re turned homo from topeku kansas on saturday jboney bros havo installed a ilhe new v team heating oyotem in tholr gurngo on mi street- mrs r c nixons many friends will bo pleased to learn that she is recov ering nicely trom her tccent operation in tho toronto general hospital the mwnbtijs pf theunltey ohurch choir were entertained to a delicious luncheon collpwing practice at tho home of mrs van natter last friday evening owing to the members of council being absent at hamilton attending the cane of the taylor conn truer tin company against the corporation of georgetown there was no meeting on tuesday evening miss katie ryan in slowly recover- lag from her recent illness at st michaels hospital toronto mrs thomas scrymgeour wii underwent an operation at toronto general hospital last wk is pro- grossing favorably herald tlio ability of the experienced wo man to toko care of horselflrtraost of the emergencies of llfomay be con sidered by this umo satisfactorily es tablished but there are skeptics not to say scoffers whom no amount off testimony would convince as an ex ception which proves tho rule ttf the truly unprejudiced person thccaeo of a woman of national prominence as a newspaper correspondent may bo re corded she had visited and written up nearly every quarter of tho globe and was on her way to rome when she had the misfortune to jose her purse which contained her money tickets and credentials the situation wua a serious one she was among strangers thousands- of miles from homo and jn these circum stances did perhaps tho moat natural thing sho converted certain of her personal effects into money onotigkt6 take her to london which had been her european startingpoint and went at once to a fcwmk with which she had had business dealings on stating lior predicament to the cashier he said but madam it might havo beon worse you know you havo still three hundred dollars on deposit here is it possible she gasped for tho moment she said after ward in tolling her experience to a friend i waa more disappointed jn teirrrilng orthe exdatenco of that money than was when t lost my purse it flashed upon me that i could havo drawn upon that london bank for funds enough to enablo me to go on with my journey and- i hadnt done itl fifteen rule for- tho securing and kemping of good helth these fifteen rules of health are sug gested by irving fisher professor of political economy yalo university and chairman of the hygiene refer ence board of the life extension insti tute air 1 have fresh air where you live and work 2wffdr light iqose porous clothes 3 spend part of your time in the open air 4 have lots of fresh air where you sleep 5 breathe deeply food v 6 avoid eating too ftwh 7 do not eat much meat and eggs 8 eat varioiib kinds of food 0 eat slowly i habits 10 have your bowels move at east once a day 11 stand sit and walk erect 12 avoid poisonous drugs 13 keep clean and avoid catching dlseaseu activity 14 work hard too 15 be choerful worry t she deserved to a nowapnper publisher off ored a priaso to the best answer to tho con undrum why is a newspaper ilka a woman the prize warf won by a lady who sent this answer jlecauso every man should have one of his own and not run after his neighbors miscellaneous francis nunan l bookbinder account books of all kinds nxade orderr periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly watt promptly done wyndham street over williams guelpo onl store acton but play and rest and learn not 1926 canadian teachers fed eration convention growing popularity of can- aoian cammed food8 and vegetables a little mdusiopary church was be ing built in a western town says tho homo missionary and mr plumb one of the active workers had occasion to go into the blacksmiths shop to get some rods tho blacksmith was a bohemian who could not speak a word of english and another old bohemian pete by name was called in as inter preter after mr plumbs business with the blacksmith had been attended to pete entered into conversation on his own account what you coll him oh goes boom boom he asked pointing with his hand in tho direction of tho church m snict mr plumb belj bell yes yes oald the bo hemian- i like to hear thnt bellttnako irio tinki or my home my mother old heathen old elnner i am belt i got some chlldrons i want my chlldrcnsto bo soot i want to hear- that b6u rim three times overy day- morning noon night for my chll- drona t gl miliars anmjifoc- man to ring bell and tree dollars for wear and tear of the bell thopopularitjtcf -oanoxlian- canned foodw and vftgfhjbifr hnq lm much in recent years that thoy have won tllc mmp rnnflnna tt tllv consuming public and it is now no longer necessary to bring in imported products according to the latest an nual roport of the minister of agricul ture much ottflfls improvement is duo to observance by tho canners of legal standnrdn of tiunllty fixed by the health ofanimnribrnnch the cflti nlhg compnhlett aqp now receiving a great number of repent orders nndl ex pressions of commendation from t foreign customers tho continuance of thin careful liacking and obsorvance of standards vit no doiibt develop and increase thin- branch of our agri cultural activities and stnbullso tho industry a mongrel offlclnl at the paw port otnce demanded angrily my mother waa british yes yes- but she married a frenchman yea th rthly yes hut iyhorc wero you born i was born oh cat ship flying spanish color while sh was lying at anchor in honolulu harbor but my parents died in brazil when i was only four yor4 old and i waa adopted by a china man who brought me up in russia well hes began the official hes a league of notional explod ed tho official who had first spolcfcn tho above convention jm jjohcld in cnarlottetowh p el august 2nd to august cth and arrangements aro now being completed for an all expense personally conducted tour via the canadian national railways from toronto to charlettotown in connec tion therewith this tour will include a trip down the st lawrence rapids the saguenay river through the beautiful oros dor lakes and the land of bvanfirltnecountry7 wilha s tpjnoyerajtq ujbcjcjlynjaatxlp- to sl anne do beaupre roturning by way of bosuon the white mountains of new hampshire and montreal a leaflet will shortly be issued giving complete information regarding the tour for particulars address mr martin kerr principal of the earl kitchener school 4 beulah ave hamilton and mr a e xryson principal of the silverthorn school 44 sllverthorn ave toronto r j kere auctioneer and real estate 20 tears experlonco just jtoiir property with mb oitario a e nicklln insurance agent llfe the mutual life assurance co of canada fir waterloo mutual insurance company eagle star and british dominion insurance co limited auto occident health burglary insurance etcempioyeca li ability assurance corporations tho dominion of canada guar antee and accident insurance company money to loan on farm proper ty government and municipal bonds trustee for eatatoa col- c m f all klnda of insurance box 444 bov7er ave acton rrcuond5tvat ttkonto ganaqi to keep it binqino 80me work require o it -o- well not tooveralptlie llna lvnn wlilrli lrf i of fnlth bo- comch boroethltigr llko nogllgonco 1 youriff colored pahtor i who was preaching u aermon on faith wo liuvont enough of it do lord yllh watch obcr our ujirlaln an our lown- bottln of only wo got faith lllco a grain ofjmimfdaood ho aint erwlno to let nb imljm come to us ho wont t all do bamo bruddah flint bpoko up the whltoliallil old patriarch upon whom roalod tho burdon of looking after tho temporal affiilra of church wore ewlno to koop 1ib yor mottinhoubo inaurod ngln tin an ifghthlnl notice to creditors the creditors of sarah ann 3uac- bougajl lute of the vhiagorf acton in tho county ot halton spinster who died at acton on the third day of january 1026 aro required to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to tho undersigned solicitor their full names addresses and descriptions ull particulars of their claims and the nature of tho securities if any held by them and this notice being given in pur suance of section 56 of tho trustees act iiso chap 121 and amending acts notice is hereby further- erlven that on and after the 22nd day of february 1926 the executors will pro ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties legal ly entitled thereto and thoy will not be responsible for any claims of which they have not received notice at the umo of buch distribution ftatod at acton tnls twenty- first day of january a d 1026 margaret moore macdougall and hub or t manii ont i their 2b3 byh n farmer aoton solicitor tneemana is greater than the supply slnco jinuary 4 wo have had two nlb t9i jveroun- able to supply all grafluutes aro 4 tn 11- ftt uio mannit-wftmrhwh- tha street in your town who knows about our work than aot j students may start any day at guelph business college ieucrbir a good position j you oct tho training com nlons on monday a l bouck principal and proprietor radio canadas pioneer monthly publication devoted to radio subscription price 200 por yoar in advance itadio is edited by allen b oxley r c i an outstanding authority on radio operation subacrlbo now and learn how to get tho best out of your radio set- radio also tells you whore to buy penton publications 5062 adelaide east toronto jrplehameiulb neglect their eyes about tlio last ithlng tho aver- la- an examlnatlon of tho oyoa some folks llko toboaat of tholr amuly to do without klassps oven though thoy admit that thoy need thok no greater mlatako could bo made you dodlrrorently ifyouonly bub- peet that your eyes aro not oa flnrj miuuia uo hiivu ub bivu thorn a thorough going ovor a- d savage optomtrlit and mfg optician rleht atto poat offlco savago building quelph kt- is add wiwqs the old and reliable granite and marble works webjo manufacturers anit dlroot unportora of all lclnrla of monumental kiis hoadatono work wa ain dlroot tofouf oustomera at trholeaala prlom thui aavlns our cnntbmer 40 par oaaat ytv havo- the boat appliances md um tmlr mbg in oct p oian- opswtilbnaumatw toot jpreperft w6ii ly htnetm trom handrail of6mouitom in xorontu and otliar wbaifiliiuiaara btjo turn lw k wtm to oouoot we nt of tbiat mot m orinlta la sjcmsntiv ur fil auwmtyr reltt smlerav r employ no aranta munqt fcanqy of neat cuatoonart i ijji uprnt arnu uow anptoy jjnly utl0u j wmm ibfe mm v w

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