Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1926, p. 5

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t jflu artott fflrrr prggfi tiiuksday january 28 1926 the nations hope ho mo tho men- of tle morrow fcxok yc tho boys of today i oliaw tho plough and tho harraw look whcio they rnke tho hay wilk with the cows from tho pasture seek mid the tusaoled corn try whxero you heat tho thrcahei humming in early morn who aro uio men of the morrow look t your sturdy arm a nation b hope for tho future lives with lho boy on the farm twenty years ago z fiom tho isuo of the free press of thursday february 1 1906 pro lino springlike weathci has vol ted toi u couptt of weeks t tlio skating h is bctn very good on corporation pond the p ist week it was rather unique on saturday afteimoon to witness a baseball match in tho park and a hockey gamo on tho corporation pond mr george dron who hup been n resident of acton for some time has purchased a livery business in jcin cardinc mr it b scott of the buoy store hns decided to duioae of his business here in order that to m iy take ono of several ittrnctive positions that havo been offered to him ho has been in business lfore for four years trie first baseball match of the ben- son wi3 plajed on the diamond in tho i park on siturday afternoon the con- i testants wei nlnts selected from tho juniors and the seniors tho grounds were in good condition and a con siderable n umber of spectators en- joyed watching- tho game in tho warm bright sunshine which prevailed this is thp arllest op on ins of the base ball seaaon on record the bachelors tea iven by the men of st albans church was grand success the town hall was filled from 7 to 8 30 the profframme was elyen by bachelors and th who vere ao o timetimdrco rials ted of mule quartettes by messrs mcolure jeans hayward and smith rev matthevr wilson the rector solos mr a davis banjo selections reading by mr stark mr lnnman comic sonffs mr -a- swindells solos mr west solos violin trio by messrs robinson matthews and- kcnnoy mr hender son m i wiade a speoch and trot leo was the accompanist of the oven- ing born kj3nby in acton on tuesday jan 23 to mr and mrsjohn kennoy jr bower avenue a son the sunday school lesson for sunday january 31 where king carnival holds sway- why people i olxow jesus general lesson title jesus feeds rive thousand mon scrjptuie lesson john g 171 golden text jesus said unto them am the bread of llfo he that cometh to me shall not hunger and ho that bclloveth on mo shall never thirst john 6 35 devotional reading enh 6 10 18 the temt explained 1 tho sea of j all lee which is the sea of tiberias the explanation is added for the benefit of readers of the gospel not famlljar with ftno older n imc in a timo whon tlio name given in honor of the honiitik cmperor ti berius had wholly superseded the former at least among- jioopo outside of palestine followed him ma ft how adds on foot out of the oitlca the signs which he did on them which were sick doubtless many of those ore not recorded in the gosnols 6 philip riom bethanidirfirgahleo nlso the home of andrew and peter philip was the first whom jesus call ed directly to follow him john 1 43 after tho ascension philip labored chiefly in asia minor and according to polycrates was ono of the great lights of asia 7 shilling a coin worth approxlm ately sixteen and two thirds cents al though 1n purchasing power the amount was three times this sum 9 loaves round or obi one cakes about as large as a plate and as thick as a mans thumb 10 about n e thousand men bo- aides women und children matt 14 21 ll having given tbanhtf the usual grace before meat a familiar prayer used by the head of a house was blessed art thou jehovah king of the world who causeat bread to come forth from tho earth f 12 the broken pieces which re mained over not crumbs or frag ments left by those who bad eaten but undisturbed pieces ieft jin the died graham at his residence willow street on friday morning january 26 robert dauiel graham in bis 42nd year a farmers account book the domlnjpir experimental farms system has published an extremely simple farmers account book design ed to last a complete year to keep it needs no special knowledge of ac counting simply the ability to write and add and a record of all trans actions might be made in an hour a week a few plain directions as to makine entries some aids to taking inventories a table of eflo capacities and a gestation table aro given on the jnaldes of the cover in tho book itself are pages for the entry of receipts and expenditures both of which may be seen at a glance on the same page relat to crops and labor and there is also lots of apace for miscellaneous ltms in it there is a dtuw for amounts owed to jtndbyjho farm and forma on wjilch may be made inventories of land and buildings of live v stock of feed and supplies and of machinery follow ing lii a page on which may jjo filled out a summary of the years business together whh a few directions necea sary to filling it out intelligently at the end of the year furthervfor the formers information there is a table in which to enter acreage and yield of crops jntorono inwhich keep allve stock service re ttildren33xrioe ontt doctors recom mend it because of its high per- cenjtage of dextrose the energy pro ducing element in food i it is delicious in flavor find is so easily digested give the chil dren as much a they want cbj2 upper tho tozler pariy at kent hoofer snowball fight uppor loft skiers at battlefields park quebec t lower loft 8kijoring with motor cycle send for one now and rcconl your transactions for 1928 it ia obtainable froni tho publications branch of the department of agriculture ottawa at a nominal cbrgv of ten cents no postage need bo placed on letters of application man food animals inspected ia8t year a great amount of work was done during the last fiscal year by the in spectors of uio dominion health of animals branch in inspecting toad animals moats and their products the report f the veterinary director gen eral shows that in the year ending march 31 1926 tho inspection service examined 4386 009 carcasses of slaughtered meat animals of wfelch only fcsuf of ono per cent were con demned as unfit for human food the hogr la the predominant meat animal from tho standpoint of num bers tlio total slaughter of hogs in the acklng establishments being 2- 969js8 as compared with 917405 cat tle and 498906 sheep tho veterinary inspectors who car ry on this work are stationed at the large paoldng- plants throughout the country they make rigid onto and post mortem examinations of animals ly supervise- manufacturing anovsanluiry conditions and are therefore in a position to guarantee tho wholesomenesa and freedom from disease of all meats and meat food producta emanating from the lupeitised establishments in this urn sp rcdu of tho canadian meat foods has been fully maintained and the demand for our inspected foods is undoubtedly in creasing both at home and abroad j0kinq8 with king8 kings jre 111 to 1oh wf wi once observed numerous examples might be quot ed howover of amusing retorts and allies at the examples of monarch j among the neatest perhaps was tjiat mado to the prince of wnlos after wards king william iv by the sec- rstaryt rtf the nrtntlralty the prince had been bantering the secretary for some time when i am king said he you will not be secre tary of the admiralty what do yon say to that aoorjiaooio klng rejoined the witty secretary whon charles n was inspeulne a warahlpat chatham he asked kiw- rew dont you think x should have made a good shipwright 1 have always thought that your majesty would ji hon your own dp be at any trade 7repied kllligrew he who would have frllends hs who would have friends mtjst show hhnself frleddly and it mal- ters little where ones lot be cos i sincere friendship will win friendship there on too many who are like the i miller at moristleld who cared for t t nobodyjh not he because nobody cared for him no otte either in business nodal or ohorch lifer or hosns life- oan aifofd to neglect the snrisll courloslei of life 1 fttdrads master and ols disciples 13 twelve baakotft 3mail wicker baskets in which travellers carried food nnd other things needful on a journey doubtless tbese belonged to the twelve disciples 14 the prophet that cotoeth into the world referring to tho prophecy of deutr 18 1619 which was com monly understood at tho time of christ to refer to the messiah verses 1621 the incident of feed ing the multitude is followed- by that of rescuing his disciples from ttra bad storm on the lake in tixe first jesus is describedasjmjijrtlng disclplsf tomeevap emergency with a multi tude due to his presence in the other efo rescues them from tho dangers due to his absence first he helps them to help others then to help them- selves verses 2271 even mora important than the feeding of the multitude is the discourse of jesus on tho bread of life the incident and its results are the occasion of the discourse here recorded the words of jeans fall na turally into three connected conver sations in each of which he answers on important question it will be helpful to read the entire passage with this division and these auestionfl in mind 1 what is the source of life eter nal and how it is sustained christ himself gives and sustains that life 2640 2 how can chrtat grlvo eter nal life by giving hjrraelf 4162 3 how can a person portko of christ and receive eternal llfef by- spiritual fellowship wkh him 5hs9 aa on pui uucaulmm the words of jesus caused a division among jeils hearers some believing others rejecting his message 6071 tmon thame conserving the fragments jesus dqslred that nothing bo lost not evm tho broken pieces this admonition is often disregarded in otjier matters be sides food america is colled the most wasteful nation on earth the great- er waste for which we as a people ate responsible la the waste a time tho length of the working day has been decreased until almost every one jiaa leisure for reading study or some pro fitable- employment af do fr tliu atrlke and 1 cutnutrnhd resrir given to the earning of a living the social wprkers of many large cities arc studying carefully the problem of providing means by which aeoplo may spend their lelaure june pr6fttably in wholesome recreation or in some really worthwhile task upon christian people however it should no te ne cessary to urge the use of the leisure hours bind these hours together by the cord of a definite purpose plan to accomplish something eacb year that will be an asset to yourknow7edge and efficiency philip of macedon was one day feasting with some of his courtiers when the conversation turn ed to the odes and tragedies of the elder blonysius philip disputed the likelihood of bis having found leisure to write themy hut the son of the de ceased poet exclaimed they were written in the time which you and i and other happy fellows spent over the bowl not money buf service -wben- ever an emergency arises in the work of christs disciples money is not a consideration of the first importance if jesasujo in the company- philip apparently did not understand this modern disciples frequently show a similar lack of intelligence ser vice is really the consideration of first importance a roan ready to act and service has no financial equivalent when the salary of the president of the united states was doubled some years ago it was not with the expec tation of getting twice a much work out of him aahact heretofore been exacted his value to the country de pends not upon nia actual income but upon his personal qualities we often place too mgh an esti mate upon the purchaelnr pow o money lrmiottraytlatilfiese7nror health nor wlodnrn flrtri 1 cannotgecurodivi approval or hu- man history have been achieved with out money jesus had no likcome but hiii output was enormolse hardly anybody nazareth was poorer than he was but caesar on his throne was not more mognlflcant in gifts bjch- wian studies in the oostiol of john for study and diicujiion what induced the crowds to follow jesus what feelings werft wrought in the heart of jesus byjna spectacle of their need can we through de finite planning use the fragments of our time to better advantage have you placed jesus at the head of your iabre have you spent as much labor for food that endures unto everlast ing life as for food for the body 1 dally rssdthas for next week j mondayrjph tuesday john 9 1bj5 wednesday oohn r 4541 thursday i john 1 ho friday i cor c 16 saturday john 8 1110 sunday jsa j7 qrave danger the skipper of a tramp steamer miys trtbha had lost his bearings oft a stormy night- and warn anxiously studying an old chart well he said if thatll cardiff bill were oci right but if its a fly- sptfok eaven f usl special holiday festivities it clrt iflt- mas including superb fireworks dis play at the chateau rrontenic open ed tho two months winter sjiorta sea son programme of the trontenac club- at quebec city those continued nil christmas week and ufrjc followed on december 30 by the liueuiitionul m tercolleglutc ski competition m v inch two entries from y lie and ontriea fron mcgill ioyola nnd univeislty of montreal ottawa college at that cit and xaval university of quebec com peted in a five mllo crosscountry ski tftcotmjtrkrjulmflhc tlir form er wraa won byjmcqul apd the latter by loyola while loyola also won the frontenac winter sports club trophy for tho best aggregate of points in the competition the opening of the new year wab featured by hockey games in one of which princeton university played a quebec team sons of ireland nnd were defeated there were also bob sled races and skijoring continuance of fine weather and favorable snow conditions havo brought the winter sports welli into their btplde and aftor tho fiist amor i oan invasion hy fhe dr tozler party of about 270 people fiom boston there camo a further descent of many tour- j bridge over tho t liawronce to the lsts from various states in he union inland of orleans to partake in tho keen invigorating air and exhilarating- sport ottered in such abundance both the first and all succeeding pari le put u nf ihn ireland to- full u the same atcou trontenac individual groups from ucrosa the line are also sweljlns the list of guests and it say be men tioned that two shea tourfl aro- now scheduled to airlvo utl quebec next month tho combination of tho lost word in luxury at the chateau trontennc wth every variety of winter sports iltht at the door of that continentknown iiostol accounts for tho iwe influx of visitors skiing can lie indulged iij with no delay or discomfort aa ski a may be put on in tho hotel and then one steps right on tho crisp oven snow i una and jam pa skating la cufetccl to by a rink that islocatcd right on tho famous duffer in terraco onto which the hotel opens a halfmile toboggan run brilliantly illuminated at night sends the devotees of this form of sport whlxzlns at a gomlle an hour clip straight up to the main entrinco of the hotel these are only a few of the winter pleasures so lavishly furnished tor thoso wbo prefer to take their outings more seriously and with a greater expenditure of energy excui slona on snowshoes or akls have been arranged which will cai ry tho cnthub- last to places famous in history such as sto anno de eoaupro the mont morency falls and across tho ice high lights in tho winter sports pro gramme take in international hockey matches of which princeton son o quebec team will uibo meet n team fiom dartmouth university the big noiae3 are however two pebruary 8 and 7 seed tho holding of the inter national snowahoo union during which world and canadian champion ship anowshoe iaceu will be run it is expected that noiiily oooo uniformed snowshowerh will bl present from ox ovei canada and the united states all aoits of oldworld trenchcan adlan customs and unique features will distinguish this event following the mardl oraa festival nnd carniyqjonirebruary 1c the in- lernutlnal dog derby will bo hold on february 1819 20 it will cover 133 miles in all and will be over a distance of 45 miles a day many teams from eastern and western canada from tho new england states and even as far as chicago aro scheduled to take part tho curling bonsplol week and the open championship bob sled races will bring the season to a conclusion on i ebruary 27 6no of the most popu- 1 ir features of recent years la the team of iiusky dogs under the guidance of arthur beau vain tlio wellknown in dian guide and led by the redoubtable mountio which takes passengers for long mushes across country and which aro sometimes used to pull skiers edtrdsburg kuwi brand icornsyrupi hearing restored by radio railway time tables at acton armdian n the uses of adversity the morning after tho btrlko of tho street railway mori began says the kansas city star wo overtook a trjnahtetaeiritilego s d the boulevard with his chest out and his head thrown back rotten business this strike we said finest thing that ever happened ho eod strikes saved my life made a man of me union man we asked natw office slave two yean ago i was an anaemic dyspeptic neuras thonlc hypochondriac sla o of the desk tor two yeais i had bepn trlnfj to cut out the heavy middny lunches and to start walking down in tho mornlnga couldnt nrake up my mind to do it then came along that walt- aurant brought a coilple of sand wlches down and fletcherlzed them a noon then tho streotcar boys struck and i had to walk i haven t ridden in a streetcar since ive era nod twenty pounds never have boon sick a day since havo a clear head foi my work and have never feltfaptter in my life theres just ono more strike id like to see wnate that pie makers im still a httlo -over- fond of pie corns cause much suffering but hollo ways corn remover offers a speedy suro and sailsfaclory relief when asthma comes do hot des pair turn at onco to the help effect ive dr j ix kelloggs xsthma kenn edy this wonderful remedy wjll elvo you the odd you need so sprely chock j ing ceases breathing becomes nvtuvj al nnd without effort o thorn thou a ands jt them have suffered as you suffer but have wisely tu to this famous remedy and ceased to suffer get a package this very day the vedding buffon the spirit which makes a wedding an occasion for rude practical joking and boisterous horseplay has long ceased use judicious oven thoso wno for action to grieve why should a man and woman who have just taken upon themselyes a relationship momentous in fhe eye of the law and sacred in that of religion be regarded ns flt- subjects for annoyance and pei socu tl tbehnlnds of their friend unu neighbors and why above all should it be thought funny to annoy and i er secuto them not infrequently serious injury has resulted front the rough antics of the wddlngolowns who ar of-course- foo illbred to consider anything bo intangible as the dignity and hap pj liens uf tntllr unfortunate victims running on its reputation chnrly ts wonderful excinlnod young mrs torklns i never dream odthat anyorfe could run a motor car th w what has happened we took a rldo yealjprdny arwl we went along beautifully in spito of tbo fact that he had forgotten some of tnu machinery yofti were running without tnnchin eryr v03 we had gorto at reasjt eleven miles before charly discovered that his engine was missing sifeple1lixprellapsj stomach feel fine simple buehthdrm bnrk glycerine etc as mixed in ad lor i km often jinlns stomach trouble in tin minuteli ay removing gafi brings out a uurprls ing amount of old waste matter you never thought was in your system 8t0is that fail bloated feeling and makes you happy and cjjeerfql ex cellent for chrohto c6nbllpail on adlerika works quick and delight full ey a t brown pruggist his instructions one of the foremon at tbo baldwin locomotive works had to discharge an argumentative irishman named his communication in writing the next day pat was missing but a week later the foreman was passing through the shppyonnd saw him again athjs lathe going up to the irishman he demanded didnt you get my letter yls sur oi did said pat djd you xead it sure sui oi read it inside nnd oi icad it outside en id fat nnd on the the inside yez said i was flrcd and on tho outside yez said return to the baldwin locomotive works in flvq days they knew she was a particularly specimen of kindergarten teacher and counted as a privilege her opportunity to do a little summer work in tho slums tier first lesaon oho resolved should combine the love of our dumb friends with a suggestion for the truo observing of things she began with an engaging but earnest smile now children i want you to tell me what kind of clothos the kitty wears deadtsllence why children dont you know what kind of clothes the kitty wears the enthusiastic yourigr woman had not anticipated such unresponsiveness but nothing daunted by the blank faces before her she trent back to the beginning and tried the gentle art of instilling the right answer jnto tno minds of her pupils by the method of elimination well my dears docs the kitty wear feathers then a small boy in tho front row leaned fbrwaid and inquired earnest ly but with a touch of contempt in his voice say rln never seen a eat watchman what of the night at a recent committee meeting of friends of foreign missions the leader having givan out tno hym watch man what of tho night a grand daughter of a former missionary in china told tho following incident her grandfather who was a friend of sir john bo wring then governor of hongkong took him to call one ovening upon some american friends the two daughter of the house be ing asked for some music sang quite ignorant of its uuthoruhlp watch man tell us the night as they turned from the piano they were sur prised to see tears streaming down sir johns face many years ago governor ex- i plalnjbd i wrotft 1ht h urn til thlsmomont i never heard it sung few coincidences make such an ap peal to the imagination as this scene of two american girls singing to a titled englishman- his own song in a strange land nor can the whole cycle of hymnology furnish a better ferventi expression of tho feeling of the christ ian world toward the situation in china today than sir john bowlings poem of a halfcontury ago complete in itself mother graves worm exterminator does not requlro tho assistance of any other medicine to mnko it effective it does not fall to do its work a double team a man who was bicycling in sauth- crji trance was pushlnghismachlnej up a steep- hill when bo overtook p with a uoiifieycart the ncntbeaai was making but little pro gross although it was doing its best the benevolent oyohst putting hlh left hand against the back of the cart and guiding his roaehsbio with the other hand pushed so nard that j donkey taking fresh courage p tilled his load hucceasully up to the top whon thabiimmit wi reached the- peasant burst into thanks to his bene factor it was good of you indeed mon sleur he protested i should never in the world have gut up tho hill with only one donkey mixed i a wisconsin school teacher htutj among herjmrjrtsaittlcay named jjikay- frho wastalways fate in the yriprnlng rnf qi jfy nxanpgod toygt to the- choouhouse before the bell rang whereupon he ssidto the teach er voll today i am peforo at last i always vas pehind pefore every careful and observant mother knows when hef child suffers from vmrms she also knows that if some remedy be not speedily tipplled much harm wlh result to the infant an ex eel lent preparation for tills purposo is miliern worm powders lhey drive worms from the system and set up stfmulatfng and eoothln effacts so that the ohlfds progress thereafter is painless and satisfying miss buio hayes 25yearold girl of winnipeg was induced by a friend to listen through a headset to a concert from radio station cnrw of tbo canadian national hallways at winnipeg recently though she had been totftuxdeaf and dumb since she was tliree years old as- the broad cast proceeded it became evident ono was not only hearing sounds but was able to distinguish between tho notes of tbo different musical instru ments at the conclusion of tho programmo she heard her mother ask her u she had heard the music and nodding to her in reply responded with a sound closely approximating tho word mother tho following morning on her way to work sho was able to hoar the rumble of street cars and 3he is now noticing tho music of a phonograph when played with a loud needle near her specialists m the treatment of the ear say it la quite possible that adlo vibrations may have elven her the first bound from tho outride world jven after 22 years but that such a condition would only apply where 1 senso of hearing actually remained without being used daring that rac doing weit no 25 sunday only 10 41a in no 21 n 8 09am no 31 10 45 a ni no 31 2 29 p m no 35 5 09 p tf going east nor 24 sunday only m i i 7 08 p m no 26 7 21 a m no 30 11 43 a m no 34 j 35 p m no 36 0 il p m no 38 sllpm canadian national- electric railways westbound dally kicept sunday 7 4 am dally t9 43 am dally 1143 turn dally 1 43 pjn dally 3 43 p m dally g 43 pjn dally r 7 43 p jn daily s 43 p m dally 12 32 ajn eaatbound dally 7 43 ajn dolly xcept sunday h fl 43 amr dally 1143 a m dally 1 43 pn dally 3 43 pm daily 5 48 pm dajjy 7 43 pan dally 9 43 pm da 11 40 pm toronto terminal keels streot and 8t clair avenue j freight delivered by apecial express freight freight picked upat any ad dress la toronto jtrsivllth real estate and insurance got our list of tarnas and town property before buying we may have just what you want and are looking for at prices and terms to suit you agent for confederation life association london lancashire tiro insurance random lanca shire guarantee and accident company ofcanada prompt and courteous attention given yodrbu31nesb s0l1c1jed rcsiaonce mill and wallace sts telephone 105 acton bonds stocks and grain private wires to naw york chicago winnipeg and toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds r j hannigan ii quclfh ij the friend of all sufferers dr thomas ecleotrlc oil 1b a valuable remedy to au those who suffer pain jt holds out hope to everyone and real izes it by stilling suffering every where it is a llnimont that has the blessing of half a continent k is on sale everywhere and can be found wherever enquired for staying thbowed the boyhood friends of andrew jackson so the ntury goes could never quite understand jiow jackson be came so great a general not to say resident whilo the rest of them re mained simple pioneer cltlsesis at home why jim brown right down the pike ho they said -could- thro wi andy- three timesout of four and look where ho is now how did thero happen to be a fourth time nuked someone usual ly its three times and out isnt it sure it is but ahdy you see never nud hie ucnawy o know wnen ho was beat so by and by jim would get tired of throwing him- araustay throwed himself and then andy would think hod boat him there is a wh aerxnon in a nut shell in ihat almpl o anccdofe the thing i hft pg many f a but whether you are willing to stay throwed your adversary whether he be a person or a misfortune or a difficulty or just a hard job can bo tired out in tho ond by throwing you just as surely if not ns swiftly as by your throwing him it la merely a quea tlon of which of yon gives inin his mindflrht and slitya tluiowed tte- mombcr thntt u distance lias re duced cost oi tnnying now- costs us centi to buy 3 hogs wrtles a meal packer lthe telephone ts on your payroll make tt work for you t j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist wilx be at a t bjrown3 drug store acton monday feb 1st anyone suffering from bye- a train tefectle vlalon or iloadache should not eqiss the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appoint ments may be mado wltht mr a t brown druggist consultation bkkb office- hours 0m till a p m l what two men said why is it writes a woman that you never hear of th prattle in which mon lndulgepuhetreettmdabrarj aheshon87 sho thlntcs their talk is quite as lnuna na that oi uio women here is a dialogue which t remem- ber i heard it from two men though i confess ttl8iit wurlli ibuieiirj berlng etoiro old mnn hello ypurself hows things kinder soso huwst wrth your goso anything now same old 8tovy then they looked each other in tho face for a quarter of a minute and one of them nuked whore did you get i hat tie ipd tbo other said whefe did you sot that hat then they actually shook hands and separated they were men did you ever hear more meaningless twaddle than that between two women cactoria mqihebjfletchers oastotia is especially prepared to rdieve jniania ill irms and children all ages of c constipation windtjsic to sweeten stomackj flatulency diarrhea regulate bowel aidsintheassimllationof food promoting cheerfulness rttana natural sleep without opiates to told umtatknis alus look for the signature of avxt t prtmn directiona on etch mckage physiaaiu everywhere recapmnaid it typewriters ge0wine factory rebuilt underwoods built up to the same stand ards as the new machine throughout futtrgoabanteedsrhe as new but they cost less general typewriter appliance co 90 icing st wbst toronto 2 advertisers ths free press ia anxioui to srv you and mrvs you wetl ws oan give your advartimo mont battor attention and there- fors make it more attractive if tha oopy is aupplled to ue on moitdley or tuesday if oopy falls to raech us until wadnuday foranoon thars ia a forms cilose and the result ie likely to be ieaa satisfactory 8end in your ads early d get your job printing at the free press watch keep time try our repair de- jlr we getting wonder ful results and we know we can please yoxl savage co jewellers gublph ontario it i 1 i i j

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