Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1926, p. 6

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birthi ifarriues and dfttsia iwnow charted lor at the following ratca births s bfarrurea 501 deaths oc memorial rdi 50c ioc per line ektr for poeina died riapiien in oakvllle on saturday january 23rd 1920 roter stephen in his 84th year taylor af toronto 011 january 24 1026 sidney j taylor- beloved hus band of annie rymond agcd 49 yeuro for driving their cars a vltli 1025 lliconso markers karl frlil and thoa bedford appeared in police court thursday morning and ua both had purclased their new pi a tea thoy were allowed to co with a warning ooorge iino huph walker sona and dr bruoy wcro each assessed 1 without costa for fulling to bring their cara to a atop before entcrlne a uiraush street guelh mercury in memonram 1avis in ever loving memory of my dear nctco violet lydia davis who departed this life january 26th 1924 days of sadness still come oer mo tears of sorrow often flow memory keeps the loved ones near me whom god called two years ago sadly missed by uncus willie ftp arfem ttt tb thursday january 28 1926 police court news brief local items february will make lior bow next monday of zero weather another spell came on friday these aro the days whon the trees oro brown and bare if wo aro all to help others what aro the others to do farmers are getting n their ico supply the quality is grood some of the high school students aro developing into real actors and actresses the snow shovels have had no opportunity for getting rusty so far thtistvlrrter the winter is passing very nicely we are already protty well through with january l butter sold oti guelpli market on saturday at 47c eggs wero 45cto 55c quelph mercury gin canada produced 2000000 worth of apples last year a alight advance on the previous year now motorists secure your 11- cejwm and markers for 1928 at once and save trouble in the courts saturday nights blizzard made it difficult for tbo motor cars to plow through tho snow drifts on the high way though winter locked to plow share spade and hoe the good earth resta and draws now strength from snow lest you forget let us asaln re mind you that this is the time to re new your subscription to tho fran tvhy buy at home because our interests are here and because the people who sell at homo help to pay the taxes erin township council has decld ed to dispense with statute labor and will build and repair roade on more eoientuqo plans in tho police court at brampton ernest smuclc of milton was convict ed by police muglstrato crawford of common assault against thomas evanb of caledon east and was fined 2 and costs of j26 the case was tho outcome of a mlacup between two cars in tho village on december 20 smado pleaded not guilty to a second charge- of being intoxicated on tho same occasion tho latter case was dismissed mrs mcarcella cremasco wife of jos cremasco of milton heights was committed to jail last wednesday for ono month and in default of payment of a line of 920000 and costs to three months additional for selling liquor on tho 20th of december the matter was referred to the aorney generals department by the magistrate with a view to clemency but no action was taken by the attorneygeneral in tho matter chief rao evidently means business when he bays tho guelph motorists must provide themselves with 1926 markers for their cars this morning two local drivers appeared and were assessed 1 and costs each for neglect ing this little matter both hod ex planations the first drlvor stated that ho had not known tho new licenses had to be purchased so soon and the second although he had had his for two weeks had not had time to put them on his car mercury stanley hodgson who was convict ed before magistrate watt at guelph on friday for being intoxicated agajn appearedtraforeilhtvorljblb satur- neighborhood news- town and country bannockburn tho monthly meeting of bannoclc- buin womens institute was held at tho home of mr d a kuhsoii hftli lino on wetlnewtluy afternoon january 20th owing to the bad loads the at tendance was not as largo ua uutial jln tho absence of tho president unci vicepresident mis a g clarrldgo took tho chair after tho uhuui routine businoss tho meeting was given over to discussion and urtangements were made for a valentino box social to he held at tho home of mr n mceacheui fifth line on friday evening fotnu- ary 12 further particulars will 1 given later at tho clpse of tho meet ing tho social committee served lunch obituary churchill mr merchant i through paper circulation you get both quality and quantity at the same tlrine tor your selling message 3ho interesting wvloe of induc tion of the new elders of tho united church will be held at the morning service next sunday t- judgingbythe annual tjportbrtho church union controversy last year did no harm to the finances anyway fereruo newsrecord bov w p mayes rector of st georges church georgetown has been appointed rector of all saints church niagara falls the members of ttaltor icanery which nnet-at- glen will lams on mon day w entertained a d by- ir andtmrs joseph beaumont it is now prophesied that tbo new union station toronto will be put in commission for the opening of tho canadian national exhibition next fall last weeks thaw jeopardised the slolgrilnp and the snow on the hill sides became very thin but wednes day nights fall of snow restored the roads it was a day of falling feathery snow by gusty winds to and fro fleece of white the woodpile drapes and traits and fences took queer shapes the biggest puxzle about those who always think some other town la bailor says the barber shop oracle is why thoy dont go there shel bourne economist tho eed catalogues are coming in nw quite freely spring must be in the offing glowing pictures of blooming gardens are now pleasing the fancy of the embryo gardeners rev a c stewart ma preach ed a helpful sermon to the acton boy scouts at knox church on banday evening the acton troop under flro f masterferris tutcnqcd irfnl i force there la still outstanding j78000 of the- total of 9644000 of ouelphs last years taxes a nuntdeif of war- rants for the collection of taxen nave day morning to answer to a charge of perjury isjd following his statement under oath that he had consumed no liquor on the day in question mag istrate watt refused to accept his word and sent him back to tho cells with a three months term in jail hanging over him unless he came across with the truth lator he acknowledged that he had had a few drinks of home brew and chief rao promptly swore out an information charging him with perjury an aftermath of the case heard by magistrate moor on january 2nd when ken coxe was charged by chief mcpherson with having liquor in a tile behind tho town hajl on christmas eve when ho was attending a dance on willow street came up for hear ing at acton police court on mon day coxe was fined 0 and costs his comrade thomas fryer of nas- sagawoya who gave this name to chief mcpherson oh thomas stokes quelph lead the officers a wild goo so chase for nearly a month finally inspector reevely and provincial constable fewtrell ran across fryer at speyslde he pleaded guilty on monday and was fined 6000 and costs for illegal purchase of liquor in his evidence fryer swore he paid 125 to ken coxe for his shore of the bottlo in jim forbes house but ho could n6t swear whether or not forbes supplied the liquor i at a session of police court hold in georgetown on friday john douglas leroy liar icy was charged with il legal purchase of liquor the accused failed to obey the summons and did not appear evidence was given by c jmikao mr arthur swackhamer is getting j350 per bag for his certified teed potatoes micfy c b dynes of burlington visited friends at churchill over the weekend mr albert smith who has been 111 for the past week or so is now im proving rev lennox douglas the new pas tor of churchiu united church is be coming acquainted in tho neighbor hood he is giving fine discourses at tho sunday services pmesbrs c b and arthur swack hamer attended a meeting at lsmo- houso on monday evening as delegates from tho churchill church in con nection with tho arranging tho ser vices botween those congregations an oldfashioned teameeting will bo held in the united church on fri day evening february 6th features will bo addresses by revs stewart zimmerman and bpyd cton tho acton united church sunday school orchestra and instrumental music r j kerr acton will be chairman allan n bowman milton alllin n bowman pno of miltons wellknown citizens died late thurs day night after a short jlliieaa in his 7 itu year before comlngr to milton he farmed in esqueulng township he was a life long member of tho presby terian church and a liberal ho is survived by his widow and one duugh ter mrs k agnow of lllohuiund hill a year tn police court magistrate moore imposed penalties aaarooatinu 760450 in 1025 matthew hudson llstowol mr mhtthow hudson who passed away on the 14th at january was a father of editors he was the esteemed fit ther of e s hudson of the listowcl banner of george hj hudson of tho hospeler herald fproierly of tho holsteln leader deceased had form erly resided in walkxuton later he had lived with his eon and daughtor at beamsvillo and when mr edward hudson sold the bcarnsvlllo express the father lived for a time with his son in hespeler before going to lis- towel ho had boon in very poor health for many years and roqulred unremitting attention the funeral was held at walkerton tho former home the halton plowmens association wilt hold plowing match on wednes day november 3rd crewson8 corners awa provincial con- a table fewtrell that harley had made aatatomont that in company with two other georgetown men he had gone to oakvllle- on january 9th hbourht a case of liquor and ono of the other men bought a case and a half ho did not give his own name at tho domin ion wineries oakvllle but tho name of jack turner of georgetown and tho other man gave the name of j molntyrc georgetown harley broueht his liquor to georgetown and hid it behind a rigr in the rear of henrys livery barn he later come back ana bold part of the liquor a conviction mr george hayno was in fergus one day last week mrs wm miller who has been 111 for the past few weeks is recovering and is ablet to be around again mr and mrs norman armstrong spent sunday at the latters home at lowvlllo mr william burns of rock wood spent a day last woek with his daugh ter mrs george bayne the anrrual concert of s s no 8 was held last friday ovenlng and was well attended by tho neighbors and parents of tho pupils a good pro- grammo was given by the pupils and young people of the community and tho rockwood male quartette a box social was held following tho pro gramme at which 4000 was realized from the sale of boxes which will bo used in purchasing new books for the library of tho bchool mr roy hind- ley was tho auctioneer mr frank day ably acted ne chairman much credit is due to the ontorts put forward by the teacher miss mamie masales for the training of tho scholars the people of ihl3 community re gretto hear of the illness of mr dun can mcphedron tho annual meeting of tho halton county branch of tho ontario plow mens association was held in milton last thursday and was largely at tended tho treasurers report show ed the association to be in a flourish ing condition tho following officers were elected for 1926 hon president a mcgib- bon president h wells first vlco- proaldont e harrop second vice- president g chlsholm secretary r u fleming treasurer j h will- mott auditor j irving directors jj2ovidjiqn- h hall r jarvis itrf hush jr j h wilson a lawson j coulson m sprout 0 wilson t f chlsholm w d shields m redhead m j carton l chlsholm j robin son alex lawson was appointed as delegato to the ontario plowmens as sociations annual meotlng it was decided to hold tho associa tions annual plowing match near mil ton on wednesday november 3rd notwithstanding his two months n toronto general hospital last sum mer polico mngistiato mooro had n largo aggregate of police court busi ness last your a total of 3c2 cases- wero biousrht boforo him and convictions were made in which tho largo hum of 750400 was imposed in pcnultlcs tho various clussbs of offences in which lines wero imposed wero us fol lows tho ontnrlo temperance act 6- 18500 the highway traffic act 81450 the inland revenue act 400 00 all other offences 25000 in addition to convictions where pen alties wcro imposed a considerable nunvbor of persons wero scntonced to imprisonment for various terms in the county jail and tho ontario reform atory v c n r team eeateft local hookoyiit run up laroo scoro on toronto tm countv wardens for a decade a great man called cardinal m refer primate of belgium died on saturday ar oakville george baker an esteemed rpsldent of the town passed away at toronto general hospital last wednesday in his 72nd year the agricultural society had just 72 paid members last year jts receipts including 800 from tho government 174369 from the town 100000 from trafalgar township and 5000 from brussels belglum jan 23 cardi nal mercler primate of belgium and ono of the heroic figures of the great war died at 3 oclock this afternoon at tho ago of 74 losing his long battlo against the decline that sot in afjter an operation on december 29 tho aged prelate lapsed into uncon sciousness while a mass was being snid in the sick room he began to pronounce the benediction but was too weak to conclude it during the overseas visit of the canadian weekly newspaper men and their ladles thoy wero very hospitably entertained by cardinal morcier at his palace at mallnes belgium none of tho noted characters which the can adlans mot impressed them more fav orably than did ffilsklndly and court eous leader w his church tho godly character if this great man was clearly manifest in ms countenance while his kindly disposition and courtly bearing won the hearts of all the members of tho press party editor ana costs or two months- at hard labor a warrant has been issued for bar leys arrest the proposed new tele- phone rates the county totalled 535811 tho ex penditures were 5487 less than this there wero eight raombers at the an nual meeting tho managotb elected for knox church for 102g at the annual meet ing wero alex mjacdoriold dr stead s s russell c q marlatt and- l g mcnab 3 mr george cooto m p mcleod alberta visited this week with his mothermrs c w coote the st johns church choir will hold a skating party in the rink next wednesday evening the c n r officials at toronto re tho fiist business of halton county council at its meeting on tuesday was the election of u warden the honor went to heevo blaln of milton his predecessors for tho past ten years wero us follows 191c l k fleck georgetown 1917 chailes readhead nelson 1918 a s korster oakvllle 1919j f lmttlo milton 1920 w h ihorden trafalgar 1921 j r elliott esquoslng 1922 e a harris burlington 1923 w h irving nelson 1924 geoigo barber acton 1925 d mclntyre georgetown it will he obseived that where mil ton and all the other municipalities of tho county has been honored with the wardenship in the past ton years nnssagawcyit has been passed ovtf i tho hockey match betweon tho canadian national registrars hockey team of tot onto and acton that was postponed a couplo of weeks ngo bo- causo tho toronto team failed to put in tin appearance until after tho game had boon called off materialized uat friday evening tho loculs were in lino trim and played a nlco game tho lco wiis not as good ns usual and tho boys hud a hard time making the puck behave the game started off with the acton crow playlnga rtno combination game kontncr scored tho first one on a rush that carried him from his own nets down to the toronto citadel mcdon ald was lucky to got the next one when his shot went wide and carooned in off a skate in tho second period toronto landed their only counter when taylor boat ireland from closo in then mcdon ald got hie sights fixed and ran in three gpals in a row the combina tion hockey in this period was also good in tho last period the boys were ap parently out to fatten tin their good averages they suddenly forgot all about combination hockey and tried individual efforts frank gibbons shot from closo in and when the shot was stopped noil gibbons slopped in the rebound for the first goal of tho poriod then n gibbons and mcdonald tried for a goal and after nell shot mur ray took tho rebound for an assist kentner and nell gibbons then triod a little combination this was about tho only play of the por iod thoy woro unlucky several times but finally gibbons scored the last goal of tho evening the teams all played good hockey- mcdonald looked good to tho fans and celebrated his return to tho local team by scoring 6 goals ireland in goal for the locals also turned in a good jjftmfi tlieinal8o0ro was- 81 registered optometrist by examination graduate royal college of science dr w barnard opt d r o optometrist eyesight specialist optician acton and georgetown glasses properly fitted will correct eyestrain floating specks headaches and blurred vision make your appointment at once hestons jeweoj3ry store mclean co start our february sale sharp oh time black silk dress crepe at reduced price crepes are going to be strong for the coming season this is a pure silk crepe 38 inches vide a rich shade of black good value at 225 per yard special this week t olki per yard ji wool toques double honey comb stitch colors are red and qf- white and sand special price 0c special in flannelette blankets white and gray with pink arid blue borders tf rtk large double bed size special this week pair 9uuv mens ribbed underwear at reduced price all wool shirts and drawers all sizes in stock tf f m q regular 200 for 41 mens wool pork socks special at 45c mens gray and brown sweater coats special mens fine dress shirts special 150 mens work shirts special at 100 and l25 carhartt overalls the best overall made in black and blues remnants remnants of towellings flannelettes ginghams print 1 table damask at bargain prices mclean co well street acton ont store closed wednesday afternoon waa made anil eduloy wa8-nnl-6m0- port tha onthbvoramufr ulreaay b6n placed in the tvond of the bailiff irane harrlo a little thret-ycor- old girl fell into a pa of hot water at h i jtl c gil9nn nayttminnst and was terribly scold speaking 6r the proposed new sche dule of rates for telephone servlco whtch appear in another column of thla imuo manager g h lantz of the bell telephone company sold i am very glad that the now sche dule proposes no increase in rate for residence service this will tend to encourago the development of resid ence telephones rnaklng the service of tho merchant und business man for which wo are asking an increase of growing value to him he is enabled as residence telephones increase to reach n always wider circle of house holders and customers w have delayed our request for a change in rates as long as we possibly could nobody wants starved tele phone service that would be injurl oub to the whole community t7e have no alternative but to readjust ratas if we ore to continue to provide adequate service for present subscrib ers and extena our plant to care for new ones we must do both of these things if wo ntre to fulfil our obllga- tlons to the public of course no magic wand has touched the telephone business to de fend it from the general increase in prices during recent years construc tion costs are double those of a few years ago we must c to pay tnhi ui ti 14010 men and wo- men who proviuo your service to en able them to maintain their cus tomary standard of livings the cost to us of the intricate apiinrtitim u dred auestlonoires to residents as to how tho train service botween oak vllle and toronto could be improved some ninety replies wero received n which fortyflvo different suggestions were made a delightful shower was given on tuesday night at tbo home of mrs h bzard for miss isabel hewson about thirtyfive guests were prcsont and mrs bzard was assisted by mrs cav- an of clarkson ttin ttridotobe who was completely taken by surprise was the recipient of many beautiful pres ents star do you remember tho daya en quires a toronto daily when girls uaed to bo wooed and won with con versation lozongos ah yos talk wns choup in thoso days a follow cant talk as sweetly to a girl now- udays us ho could in bysono duyu by tho way of the lozengor rouko tho proaentday glrls wont swallow that- kind oftalk terra cotta railing from a barn ho was tearing down at terra cottar james bonson need 20 received sovcro internal in juries and hnd both arms fractured on thursday dr marcollus had him re moved to guolph hospital when housewives confefl with onch other over a baking proposition you can always roat asaurod that they have ono big thine in common and that na the desire to use our pure wheat floun experience haa taught hcnrtliutljur product brings tho highest baking results follovf their example and uso our flour it makes baking simple norval flour mills w b browne co prop norval kings choice bread flour national pastry norval blend ibpjl 90 r 2 phones municipal 387 r 3 school of agriculture and sewing at acton will commence- on monday february 1st registration at the town hall a very interesting and highly educational course for those talcing tho course following speakers have been engaged february 2 forenoon mrs alkin lecture on canning nndl preserving fruits and vegetables afternoon a lecture on poultry to j el a rockwood children toronto on wednesday miko nickoluk the austrian who lost both arms as the result of an ac cident in the beardmojre tannery at acton nbout two months ago la still confined to st josephs hospital al though he is progressing favorably oola lai yjljlorm nedbythja jllgh- w wngea now received by skilled labor the many frienda of col john mudrle his brothera- and sisters will sympathise with them in tho joss they have sustained in tho passing away of their sister mrs alex mcintosh of calgary from pneumonia she leaves an invalid husband three sons and seven daughters three of whom are at home and the others in dif ferent parts of tho west this 4a tho second bereavement fqr mr and mrs murrle in tb6 past fontinbarht mrs mu tries brother john allan of the fifth line passing away recently owing to inclement weather last ef church services wer 8 whal smaller than usual ke mc- iarry of knoxcollego toronto was with us again nnd wo appreciate his presence and helpful discourses while here he is the guest of mrs walker and daughter over tlia weekends tn flnmml frmfpffr f jrrm wanting of the ontlnulng presbyterians will take place next wednesday evening february 3rd a lunch social will no held at tho closo of 2io meeting jwnnt is a yenrt a little ftpace a footstep in old times swift race a wrinkle added to tho fnce the springs green ledvps the summers suh m 11 tvintnft frnnfri thn y dntre tes twelvemonth coame is quickly run only twice since prewar days jiavo our rates been increased 10 per cent in 1918 and 12 per cent in 1921 con trast this with the increased cast of almost everything else that enters into the cost of ring today and the need for a further readjustment of our rates is not uimcult to realise we believe our patrons will agree that th inipo of maintaining the standard of nervlce and extending it promptly to now applicants far weighs thjonora4e7tnreasovvhlcli losinff for j this exchange a missionary tilt lu to be held next saturday afternoon- arthli0meqf miss annie jollfte a freewill offer retiring from business having sold oar building we must dispose of our stock within a limited time starting thursday january 28th wft will conduct a cash sale of all staple and fancy dry goods hosiery gloves etc which will continue until everything is sold not a thing reserved everything must go here is a partial list of a very few of the bargains offered everything else reduced accordingly you wijl really have to see these bargains to appreciate them february 3 prof j a jellson fruit and vegetables grad ing etc february 4 mr c cllne b s a illustratod lecturo on ag ricultural limo eamplcti of soil will be tested 1 fbbruaky 6 mr tisdalc tho wool industry and co-opera- tlvc marketing etc february 8 mr snyder bs a- poultry department oac a lecturo on poullry culling dressing antl killing february 0 dr baker dhcnses of farm animals hour to feed horses etc february 11 a mclaren community lender for debates plays games etc february 12 m2r h j mooro illustrated lecture on flori culture february 16 and 1c dominion live stock branch shearing culling slaughtering sheep and tho care and management of sheep february 17 dominion seed branch mr palmer bs a ypejlu and scds and xaxvs of gtovernlng the sae of seeds february 18 mr b shprey b s a soils and drainage february j p lpalln enwlle an illustrated lecture oa nitrates and commerctnl fertiliser j other lectures will be announced for the last tvpok classes will commence at 10 oclock am and coninup nnfl 4 pm each day except saturday registration day monday february 1 the agricultural class will register on monday at 10 a m tho sewing clnia will register on monday february 1 at 14c and for evening clauses at bag p m nt tho town mall r r fleming agricultural representative monarch down regular 39c for iwt wi be tiikoii un fu jiiihblun pu poaeif owing to the new flooring in tho town hall not being sufficiently dry after oiling the agricultural society meeting and that of tlia brnmosa plowmans association wero held in gladstone hall mr and mrs arthur ayles who h b spondlng wnw tlm 4- melvln olldden guelph 20 years old whllp operating a calender ma ohlno at the plant of tho northern rubber v saturday morning hnd tight hand so badly crushed in tho halton man is chief officer at tho annual nesalon of the ontario grand division of the sonb of tern unco nt toronto vat week mr sd a jwt tdiieni tllat lie had to have it amjuued ftt the wrhrfe vlt will he welcoino nows to most of us thai alberta coal or tho hlgfiest gratle is jnow on the way thw coal wilt be dld for about the hnniof mid in some plaeea for a little lend irian i the otlior fuels which are helns sold ijltead otjiard coal thja year a writer in the american xnaffa- sjne sayai dont apologise for talk- ing about the weather this united fltaiea o ours hoa more wrtreroe ohongm otvljeat and cold storm and eunshlne flood and drought than any other country on the faee or the earth tancley was roeloeteil worthy 1ntrlarch rovlewjng thn wnrlr otawaj jen m jar in hhf ndrtrens slated that tho year 12s had been orio of the most unfor tunate for the tomperanco forces in cnnndn doanite the setbacks how ever hjat hail bom received the order hod not bocome luke wapn norhad it ratraated in anyway what in now re- oulrod is to wire every posslhlo mrtri woman nnd child to the cause of torn iterance ns a law was only as atpofig as the public sentiment behind it i take a look through you offlow stationery and if your evippty is low telephone the pw pwtsa no- 11w ltterhadi bllhuads eirlon in frlonds in mount dennis- returned to their homo horo on monday ovenlng rvobrtmnttiton6ed 16st monday and thelcq iteomh to bo of n jalr thlcknoss and quality at tho guolph general hospital inst wednesday tncro passed a a form- or uramosu townshld cltlaen in tho person of henry witera whoso father the lato thomas waters roslded on tho fourth lino tha lato henry water was a hlghlyreimootod fnrmer nf tlnelph- tnnnwii tlifrn hiirvlvir hla wife four sons doughiu in alber ta ivnlter near gait robert and alvln at home onfl daughter mrs norman bruce in ouolph township nnd two sinters mrs joseph klrby ond miss mary waters ouolph aiw other brother thoms j uvea at 4iome with his parents in bramoso bla nitiien wasoiie of thetrusteas of s 8 nol rockwoqd in the 80s along with ihe lato john flt harris the funeral took place saturday after noon from hl lta reatajence-to-jqlin- tons cemetery th feifvloo wa opn- duoted by his pastor rev john mult of barti hlllf ti patereft wett jtameswelr jrohnioarfr bftbert and walter bcottjidlnwa oorton d childrens dresses and romp- 15rs regular 175 for -grnghaws-regnlffr5c- for t ginghams regular 36e for feass jxrwulunu all linen reg- lar 40c for hand towelling all linen regular 29c 98c t4c 27c 32c ladies wool gauntlets regu lar- 100 for artsyl rope regular 5c 3 for 7 rottafrpeosstregular 8c 6 for x hair nets regular 10c 4 for 35c for rx hand tow r asri for 2fc prints light anddar regu- 4j f t lar 30c and 25c for ijtc 59c iadies ribbed lisle hose regu lar 85c for ladies plain li hos regu- lar 75c for 49c ladies silk hose regular 100 for feupies silk hose black and colors regular 1 50 for iiadies silk and wool hose all colors regular 135 and 125 for 79c 119 98c imuk oil cloth regular 55c yd table qllcjjomireaibr-jftf- sr3qzr 50c ant 60b yard for ttc tog childrens s dres regular 15 for 88c stamped pillow cases regu- at lar 225 and 200 for tpjl07 stamped pillow cases regu- 1 1q lar 150 for x- jpi7 15eat5ed bags regular 150 for chilukens lisle hjse all colors9q regular 40i for r aw7c ladies wool gloves regular 75c for 59c infants wool jacketstregtf lar 150 for natural linen centres stamp ed regular 75c for t ibuffet sets stamped regular 50c for 119 119 5sc 39c table runners stamped regu lar 125 mens silk ties regular 100 for show cases scales tables refrigerator mecaskey account register and other store fixtures must be sold nowjust make us an offer geo soper i fact anything you hoed at reaipniblelviuter scott price joeoblikirby j vi ij ijimmmumrmtmfcmsumw mill street acton ont those delicious roasts these winter days are the ones when those good roasts and flije soups taste tfro best and when you want the choicest cuts of meat the tiest plape in acjtoh to go is pattersons prime rqasts of beef j choice cuts of por k splgct pieces of veal 7 fine roasts of lam8 bacon and cured meats good homemade sausage in fact there is hardly a cut of meat that you could desire that you will not and at- our counters bought right tcpt rightrcut right and sold rishtrthemearsyotrbuy frrpattprsonir are the best that you can procure w j patterson corner mhx and main streets acton ont free press job printing is always neatly done jtiifclia i4

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