Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1926, p. 1

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i fiftyfirst year no 32 thursday morning february 4 1926 acton ontario canada jjhursday morning february 4 1926 single copies five cent the acton united church of canada minister rov r e zimmorman b a parsonage willow stroet llooisucramcnt of nhe lords sup per m ij 230 it ni sabbath school session 700 p m ltev l harrington of the bible society young teoples lengue on monday at 8 oclock prayer service on thursday at 730 presbyterian kmox church acton mlnior rv a c stowrt m a manse willow stroet 11 00 a m tlio minister subject our bible and whatit me to the world 300 pm sabbath school and biblo classes 700 p m tho minister subject tho strong arm of love monday evening young peoples guild at 8 oclock strangers leaving address with tho ushers will bo called upon by tho rastor the baptist church acton james w boyd paator 1100 n m tho pastor a helpful ineahaeo or christians communion service ftfter thcrogular service 300 pm sunday school classes for all 710 p m the speaker trom tho bible society will preach llondny 800 p m toung peoples anti prayer meeting we have a place for you all welcome special notices advertliemcnts in this column txnlfr per wort auaimom charge yc per inaeruon good harpwood now la the time to buy a good load of wood john williamson is bringing in flomo lovely hardwood wanted house worlc washing and cleaning by day or half day post office box 378 property for sale conblbtlnp of 7 acres more or less in the vlllngo of aoton lying north of bower- ave convonlent for park or building property apply j bell 322 box 334 acton autoknitter yarn8 wheeling scotch fingering worst ed all wool ninety conts per pound delivered samplers free a y shops deportment a orlllln ont 24 i rva anted an energetic and reliable man to sell- trees and shrubbery liberal pay cash commission every week profit able permanent work write today b d smith sous llnmed ftnm lulled 1882 winona qnt worth coming to guelph to sec and to save 136 mens overcoats i a f winter clearance offering savings of 7 to 12 good time to provide for nextwinters need there are five groups as follows 1995 2385 2850 3250 4250 handsome big winter ulsters that will defy the coldest blasts that blow all in splendid sturdy fabrics and grace- fully easy in fashion worth takirjg a trip to guelph to secure one of these stalwart overcoats for next winters wearing savings now from 7 to 12 according to a mans choice all thcwomens goats- jur or fur trimmed i taking a quick departure now at minimum prices these are some of the small figures at which smartly befurred cloth cogts are hurrying away well worth while tothink of another seasons- weartat -the- rate regular -fair- prices are being cut to effect a quick and thorough clearance -or- other remarkable savings for final winter clearance include all the mens sweaters arid underwear all the chil drens coats all the millinery all the daytime and even ing frocks these are days of interest and opportunity at auelphfc big store macd0nalds for better values d e macdonald bros ltd daily doling 530 p m excepting wednesday at 1230 noon and saturday at 900 p m news of local import i o d e meeting tho regular meeting of the duke of devonshire chapter of tho io d e will bo held on tuesday ovenlng- feb 9 at the homo of mrs gould bower avenue occupies an honored position mr j b muckenzlo was elected vicepresident of tho ontario retail lumbermens association at their convention at toronto mr macken zie occupies a commanding position among the lumber mid coal dealers in lhla province and beyond communion service next sunday the quarterly communion service of tho united church will bo held next sunday morning at 11 oclock the new cchmiunlon traya will be putt into service on his occasion and tho newlyinducted elders will asulat the minister in distributing tho elements box social a box social under the ax alices of bannockburn womene institute will be held at the home of mr n mc- eachcrn lot 4 5th line on friday evening february 12 a good pro gramme will start promptly at 830 admission 25 cents ladies with boxes free farewoll to at al bans church rev h g l baugh b d said faro well to the con ere eat ion of st al ba na church last sunday in his closing message ho gave iatherly counsel and direction to tho members suggesting plans of service whereby the church may be built up and great ly strengthened his closing words were an earnest appeal to stand by the church and thxs cause of god hcv and mrs baugh left on tues day for their new- charge their ad- droiiswillbostoneycreek erin township officers 8a tries at the meeting of- jsrin- township council last week the municipal of ficers wero appointed as follows samuol huxley clork salary 40000 daniel gray treasurer j17go0 wm j young assessor 917500 george w berry collector 15000 wm h rowan and danled a- robinson auditors to receive 1200 each tho selectors of jurors will bo paid 1400 members of the council will bo re- numerated for their services at 350 per day while in session and 10c per mile one way the council is adver tising for applications for tlio posi tion of road superintendent for 1926 the mulhollandwriaht wadding oh wednesday morning january 27 st josephs church was the scone of a quiet but very pretty wedding when josoph mulholland of georgetown was united in marriage to miss alice mabel wright also of georgetown the ceremony was performed by rev f j mcreavy the bride waif baulfully attired in blue canton crepo with hat to match mr george mulholland and his sister irene who wore a rust crepe and black satin hat attended the happy couple the grooms to tho bride and the bridesmaid were a rope of pearls each and to the grooms- iiian a tiu pin a tho ceremony the- newly married couple was ten dered a much enjoyed wedding break fast at the home of the grooms mother church street acton mr and mrs mulholland left on tht morn ing train fpr points west and on their return will reside in georgetown rev mr howard removed to forest rev w h howard who wmffhed tho pastorale of the baptist church hero in 1024 and has spent tho in terim in lake field has been called to the baptist church at forest- he completed his pastorate at uake field last week and preached his first ser- mons in tho new churge on8iinday forest is a selfsustaining churge re ceiving no grant from tho hoard of missions as was the case in mr howards last two pastorates in rev mr howurd the forest people will and an earnest shardworking minister a good preucherund always on- tho alert to advance the masters kingdom he has a flno commuhlty splritand in all iiis christian activities mrs howard 13 a worthy helpmeet rev mr how ard spent saturday yislin actqri friends and mrs hqward aitd miss phyllis have been spending tho week hore the guests of mj and mrs w p colesy church street induotjon of the elders tho induction of the new elders of the united church at tho morn ins ser- vlcelast sunday was very impressive serious obligations were laid upon tho elders and also upon the congregation a brief but very appropriate and ef fective sermon by rev it e zimmer man the minister preceded tho in duction service it was based upon phllipplana 1 27 only let your lifo be as it becometh the gospel of christ earnest words of counsel and exhortation were spoken and the dig nity and- responsibilities of the high office were forcefully set forth the f 1 fteen elde we al r iiresjun t and subscribed to tho vows of the elder ship another interesting feature of tho service was the reception and dedication of a beautiful new untlque oak communion table the generous gift of a family in the conrosatlon who- desire that the name should not be divulged and a new bet of com munion trays in oak provided by the trusteo board of the churcli both are much appreciated by tho congre gatloht and v 00 used for the finst time al the quarterly com rn union aer- p the governments majority is ten by 125 o 115 the conservative leaders amendment was defeated monday ottawa ont feb 2 pn tho second test vote late lust night tho govern ment was suhtalnocl by a majority of ten by a vote of r25 to 115 the meighen amendment to the uddress calling for tariff protection for canadian coal und agricultural iiroducui was defeated every progreasive member voted bo hind tho government against tho amendment as- did a a heaps and j s woods worth laborites and also henri bpurahtiri independent tt was apparent from tho beginning of the debate the progressives intend ed to throw their lot in with the lib erals although tho anticipated conserva tive amendment did not make immed iate appearance the way for the in troduction of one was paved by don ald sutherland conservative member of south oxford in view of tho rather protracted discussion from the government benches mr sutherland said after the announcement of tho vote totals i desire to make a few observations on tho address i have a motion to put to tho house und in view of the lateness of tho hour i beg to move the adjournment of the debate parliament and gallarles awaited during one tense moment in lntima- tlon from the government leader hon ernest lupolnte which would either give aciuiesence in the adjournment or precipitate an allnight debate mr lapointc however nodded to mri speaker the governments agreement to the postponement of further hos tilities before adjournment for the nigh t7 however illslit hon arthur meighen elicited from mr lapolnto the infor mation that the government intended proceeding tuesday with discussions on the governments notice of motion to adjourn parliament for eix weeks this means that mr fiuthcrtands pending amendment and the debate thereon will occupy secondary posi tion on the order paper successful insurance year halton fire insurance company had losses of only 1700209 in 1925 tho annual mooting of the halton union farmers mutual firo insur ance company was held in the town hall acton on monday afternoon tho president william hume es- qucslng occupied the chair the di rectors duncan campbell vicepresi dent james icirkwood wallace a lasby n f lindsay c h turner benj fetch c e wood and john wusonrwore niitnrcb0tjtra7vdqultea number of policy holders attended the unnual report showed an ex ceedingly good year for tho company the total losses were 1700209- in only three nres during the year was the loss over 75000 the greatest loss sustnincd was whon mount woaeftn w tfrw d rn- january 1925 on which there was an insurance pf 600000 a tphil loss the outbuildings of w h mchugh trafalgar were destroyed entailing a loss of 158345 whilp the barn and contents of wilbur jojmatgn nas- sagaweya burning early in tho year cost the company 170000 the loss es from lightning during the year to buildings and animals totalled 138090 the receipts for the year includ ing the 510348 for special assess ment and balance from previous years were 6582873 and tne expenditures 25130 8g leaving tho substantial bal ance of 34gs887 in tho treasury and a mortgage investment of 500000 tho assets of the company how stand at j38901732 and the liabilities rtt 74m366 there are 3297 policies in force wltn 1176378500 at risk the officers ahd directors elected for 1926 were president wm hume esquestng vicepresldentr duncan- campbell moffat directors james ktrkwood oaprlnge w a lasby and n f lindsay aotop h turner trafalgar benj- petch union c e wood freprnnn pipd john wuson erin- thlh board has the same mem bership as la at year thomas moore campbellvllle continues as sectrcas and a l montab milton and r e hall- trafalgar are tho auditors social and personal mr earl cooper of guelph was home over the weekend mr t p mchiigh visited friends at hornby during the week mr- angus kennedy of guelph was homo over the weekend miss margaret bennett was home from toronto over the weekend mr barnhard fabrlcious spent tho weekend with friends in or on to silas nellie reesor spent a few days last week with relatives in hamilton mr j c matthews postmaster spent the weekend with toronto friends mlss mary vannatter of george town spent the weekend with acton friends mrs j bell of toronto and- babe spent the weekend at her sisters mrs g w masales mrs m w macaulay and miss mary of port ma it land visited mrs e p collier last week 2tfi and mrs james mulholland of goorgetcavji attended tho mulholland- wrlght wedding last week mr e a brown of toronto spent the weekend with his mother mrs john brown church street mr david mcencry main street went to guelph last week for treat ment for an affection of tho eyes 2jrs w saunders and miss lor raine of toronto sjienf the weekend at the home of mrs g w muwiles jtfr wm j young asuessor of erin township visited his brother mr d h young main stroet on tuesday kovs a stewart and r e zim merman attended tho provincial pro hibition convention at toronto last weolcr 3rfr james symon was confined to the house for a few days through 111- nesb but- is -now- able lo -be- about again j jdr horace nelson arrived home from manitoba on monday to spend a tew weeks with his mother and other friends n mr john a moffat and misses jean and lizzie of richmond hill attend ed tho funeral of laura murray on sunday miss lottie e height who has been ill for many months at moore- croft had several rather alarrnhig weak spells tho past week mr- david roszcll loft for his home at abernethy sask on saturday after upending a s of months with his parents and other friends hero mr james mnckle who has beon confined to the house through illness for tho past six weeks is recovering nicel a en a walk ahout town again mr edward k cook had a alight stroke on saturday while engaged in his store on mill street he was taken home and has since rallied he hopes soon to be- quite himself again the underwriters and fire alarm council seeking proper course respecting vacancy in membership at the regular session of the coun ell on tuesday evening councillors thetford parker and holme wero present in tho absence of heeve ma son at county council councillor holmes was made acting reeve itecvo musoq arrived later from mil ton tho third report of the finance committee recommended paymont of the following accounts general account acton free pkess printing 4 30 bicklo fire engine co sup plies 14 18 wd talbot supplies 30 thos wafson bread charlty 78 a h bishop lubor lzlp 43 john nichol labor 70 g ing meals for prisoners 3 00 h n parmer salury etc 177 6a acton hydroelectric com xown hall lighting 8 63 w j held collecting taxes 25 00 acton hydro electric corti street lighting 170 00 441 85 waterworks account bell telephone co scrvlcos 2 26 acton hydrbelectric com h k farmer postage 06 acton hydroelectric com power at pump house 18 j acton hydro- electric com power at spring 48 90 70 87 tho report was adopted- mr p c clark toronto pave an outline of d plan that he had to se cure additional industries for towns andsugmyeovttiat aw proposition he had three companies who might locate here his plan call ed for axcoutlay- ot5qq00oo thopart of the town the matter was laid over when a joint meeting of the council and the executive of the- chamber of com merce will go into details with mr clark mr alex msaftc asked permission to put an air line u rider the sidewalk at his garage dn main street he also asked permission to remove tho roili ing on the sidewalk adjoining hfs property chief mcphcrson and coun cillor parker were appointed a com mittee to pass on the proposition after viewing the property the clerk was instructed to make application to f r wood to secure the amount of- a hospital bill paid by tho council chairman of finance thetford iwas instructed to secure order books to be used by the council and committee chairmen in ordering supplies a letter from the fire undcrwritera aasuclnj io d with the securing af a new fire alarm for the town the clerk was- instructed to write a list of firms securing data on the propo sition the vacancy in a seat at tho council was discussed but laid over for future information as the proper rniirsp- to h jnknn news of local import womens institute meeting tho regular meeting of acton wo mens institute will bo held on fri day afternoon at three oclock it tho homo of mrs h s wilson baptia church anniversary anniversary services are announced for tho baptist church for sunday february 14th rov andrew s imrie b a b th will preach moraine and evening special muslc will bo a feature of the services of the day centenarian at guolph dies guolphe centenarian mrs mary carruthefa 102 years old september 26 jast died at tho homo of lier daughter mtts chas robertson on thursday night -up- till within the lust day or two ijlru carruthcrs re tained all her mental faculties the county town would take them as both tho burlington and oakvllle fall fairs appear to bo in deop water x flnauclully and mutters appear to be in doubt as to the advisability of continuing them now is a good time for tho two fairs to throw in their lot with milton and make tho full exhibi tion a eroater attraction than over milton reformer annual meeting not attractive unable to muster a quorum tho meeting of the trafalgar agrlcurural society cajled for wednesday after noon has been postponed indefinitely none of the chief pincers hon presi dent a s forster president j- efla- vello 1st vice- pees ident e fqaler arid 2nd vicepresident w llarland smith wero in attendance record rev mr johnston goes to london at the close of the annual meeting of calvary church toronto last weekr tho rastorrovj ajohnston tendered his resignation to take ef fect february 28 that ho might accept lhelnwtatlonpftalbotsueethwch london mr johnstone has boon tho pastor for over four years since he left tho baptist church aoton old tymet village quirt otto com ing agairi tho young peoples society of the united church are rnaklns arrange ments to have another concert with an entire chango of programme by the old tyrae villagequartette the date has not been definitely net but it is expected that tho concert will be held the lust wcok of this month ii va social evening at st al bans a social evening was spent in st al 6ans parish hall on monday even ing to spend a farewell hour with rov and mrs baugh mr j p scar- row read a farewell address and mr w jones nrid mrs hunter presented the rector and mrs baugh with pucses of money on behalf of the con gregation knox church organ rtcitat the organ recital and entertain ment in knox church last prlday evening attracted another largo aud ience xhe organ recital by miss nel- 11 m hain mnaba of hamil 11 m was much enjoyed miss jiamm is an experienced player on the pipe or gan and she gave a flno repertoire of numbers the other artists were mr harvey marshall tenor soloist and mr jack kannawln violinist of f hamilton and miss e waylio elo cutionist of guelph they filled a very enjoyable programme rev kannawln motorod the hamilton art ists over- and they had a i to a stren uous time coming through the drifts tho annual carnival next friday evening tho acton skatlngwllink has ar ranged for tlmslr annual masked carnl- val to bo held tomorrow c friday evening an excellent list of events has beer arranged with suitable prizes for all that should make a very in teresting evening tho carnival com mences at 730 oclock acton citi zens band will give a musical pro gramme for the skaters and between events ml may skate whether in cos tume or not in the event of the weather on friday evening- being- un suitable the carnival will too held on saturday evening this annual carni val usually draws out on- excellent lot of costumeaan this ycarns uffalr will undoubtedly be up to tho standard in every respect quietly wedded at montreal the frak press- hua very much pleuaure in offering hearty congratu lations- to ono of the successful grad uates mr john s moore of dundas upon his marriage yesterday at mon treal to miss lillian ross late of the victorian order of nurses at dundas mr mooro is a son of tho late james moore bsc and mrs moore of acton and misa ross is a member of a highly esteemed family in montreal rev alexander mctaggart l a- of the united church of canada mon- treal officiated at the wedding mr mrm mmwfr- mill nper a bh0rv 313 for sale retail milk business and brick bun galow grooms all conveniences with dairy equipped with steamboiler tanks bottle washer bottle fillers re- frlgerator 2 horses 2 wagons 2 elelghs 2 sets of harness etc sell ing about 10 cans of milk per day in a town of over 2000 of a population the business could bo increased good jetiflfjns for selling for particulars v 4 amith special foi this week card op thanks e dcalro to express our sincere ap preciation to nil who have oeoh so kind and thoughtful toward ua in bur great bereavement in the passing awny of laura wo appreciate the many floral tributes and hymns so beautifully sung at the funeral by mrs armstxonsr and miss graham and tho quartette in the days to come we will always remember the host of frlerida who so genuinely sharo our sorrow mr and mrs wesley murray and velma would 9000 make vacations joyful 150 1 men women and children have an opportunity of trying nino thousand dollars li cash ytlll be given awny in ontario before you are six weeks older- lo 150 men wo men and children who want 0000 and know thoy want it badly enough to go and et it and yet tho fact or tho mat tor to that hundreds and thousands of men and women and children who want or need money who have dreamed of travel of buying automobiles or homes or gay new clothes or librar ies who have longed for a chance to complete an education or start in bjjfllam rjfr t whp h smoked meats smoked roll whole qt or half lb c smoked ham whole qa or half lb oipc cottage rolls whole oq or tb 4sfc side bacon by the ag piece lb wv choice pickled pork oa -per- tb r jc fresh pork cuts side pork by the oj- piece lb uvc fresh ham by the oo piece 16 uoc loin roasts tripled q per lb ouc shoulder roast 9ft per lb 4ioc beef cuts round steak roast 00 per tb ulx rotund shoulder q roast per lb ioc thick shoulder roast 7 per tb lit choice ritr roast oa i iard 3 tb pail of lord c for odc 5 tb pail of lard for 1 lb brick of lard for j bulk lard at per lb j a general meeting of the council and citizens was arranged for thurs day evening at 8 15- to discuss mat ters of interest to tho town acton wins again defeat c p r team of toronto in a fast game tuesday night u5 23c 23c j q mackenzie vlci- president ontario lumbermen aooition one of our leading business mon and a native of this community who has been signally honored by his busi ness associates dont miss tho box social at mr n mceaoherna on friday february 12 halton players at dominion checker congress w j patterson corner mill and main streets acton ont marie tesaaro charoed with pointing revolver sevcrul weeks ago mrs marie tes aaro camb to acton ylth her babe of a few months to find employment she worked for a couple of weeks in the hewctuon shoe factory and prov ed an apt learner trouble with a family where slrc boarded resulted in constable precious being called in to negotiate the constable took tho doiiendents who need greater oppor tunity will not sharo in that great preeaster gift of 9000 are you ready to enter watch for the mnnmoth announcement of the mall and empire b- word plcturo puaslegamein thhtpaper next week ifc wonderland friday february 5 starring kcklnuld- denny ad- aptol from oeorite bnrr mc- cutclieonn novo tho hurtbnndn 61 ejdltli comedy goinb n ttllx fnrtoon aat4jioay february 6 matine t 3 p p rrudew of uie purple sajfe by zone qrey stnrrlnsf tom mix pnd tony cnmcily pant conlimnyv ww 0ur onnb kqx flew tme8day pebruary i the hingor main s comedy drurrta atnrrlne adqlph menlau chapter 5 of tho fleminb ranger comedy pjliltib hot codtitifta maeterpieoe the phantom of the onera slrrlnsr lon chanoey mary phtlliln iimnormun kerry h l gregory son this is not a treating instniment the neur an instrument by which you arc tr for a diooaoo it io fln lome woc mtt neurocalomettrj extremely sensitive patented instrument used by qualified chiropractors bv vhch hv whe and how much pressure exists along tho sptnal colunin due lo otie ox mdre of y jtebcaooulf rifarf v i a chiropractor adjusts ngi triatsj the misplaced ycftepfaq niy the neu- focalonioter 1r then used again to check up on trvhat wicconipllhhetl wheth er pressure w deareased increased or it remained tlo same boeauso a ver- tebrao la moyod it is no proof thftt prchhure ims bcej5xcmoycl if lew next stlnday minimum penalty for first offence there appear tobe many people who woman to the home of her parents in guelph on saturday she appears to have promptly gotten into trouble there thoaueifh mercury on tuesday said marie tossaro appeared before magistrate watt this morning charg ed with pointing a revolver at tony oeroldl the accused pkjadojl hot guilty and to the serious chargo and as the case was not ready to bo proceeded vlth adjournment was made unulimday jtjieflouribhing ot tho i weapon 1h allpged to have taken plnco during a slight quarrel jli the dominion checker congress in toronto a milton player david dawson placed milton on tho map by outclassing all the players in his group until in the finals ho encountered fred watson of trafalgar who holds tho class b canadian championship two matches of four games each wero arrangejl betweon those two the first resulting in two wins and two drnwa and as the struggle had been long ancvbnr 16 lio was left iih broken and an equal prize awarded to each in the earlier stages of the tourney mr lawbon had scored complete wins from sinclair and tipton of toronto allan leishman of acton nnd beach of montreal whilo mr watson hod eliminated captain best of trono laurie of markham trlow of rpwen sound cameron of ottawa ftnd beatoh ofcjalgary thiaiamrdafbon first appear anco n pom in inn oheckei and pool room it wiarton condemned at tho meeting of the wiarton r mui success bespeaka tor him a promt- nont uturo one of the best- hockeygames of the season was played at the rink on tuesday evening when acton defeated tho faat c p r team of toronto there was a fairly good crowd at the game from the faceoff it was seen that tho frame was going to be a thriller the toronto team set a fabt pace dur- tho gamo acton however was also pluyiiifrfast hackoy and currle even ed up the score a- few minutes later wherr ho slipped the disc into tho visitors nets kentner then took the puck down and scored a lovely goal for tho homesters he scored otgaln in a few minutes on a lucky shot that glanced in off a toronto defense man tho work of cuvrlo and kentner stood out in this period both of tho defense pair doing some fine rushing score at the end of tho 1st period acton 3 cp a 1 r in he second period tho fans saw some oxcltlng hockey the cp bs were out to win and trlehttxd in this period tho locals however played an excellent gamo backcheck ing hard toward tho ond of the period reid took the rubber down faked a shot that completelyfooled tlio visitors defense and scored a splexdld goal it was tho best solo effort of the game trelaiid the local goaler wasr called upon to make somo hard saves- in this period ho and kentner looked best for acton in the second stanza score at the end of the 2nd period acton 4 c p r 1 in the third perlod4ho pace was fast the c plt8 got tho first goal mn a h nf mr caffery of st pats scored kentner helped himself to another one later and mccaffrey scored agon tar his teams last goal fnul boore acton 5 cpn 5 the gamfc was an jolting one the whole acor team worked well with kentner aturrlnj currle tid upland looked good ofrtevforwr olb- bons and beid wero boat whil- f gihbeph und kaley alao playdt a nice game mqchrlo and sprajeu holmes wero the capabla subs sprftgue got grmtf hini fy tbo fans ovxmtytlmo juio manager mcintosh used him qeorgo hyadh handled the- boll honeymoon n montreal and porhaps after a few days in acton thoy will make thfilr home in dundas mr mooro being associated with the star in that town alleged case of fraud ait milton on the 6th of november david an derson ot alston gavo w j shibloy of toronto a cheque for 300000 to be applied for thopurclmao of stock lo that umbuntlh tho calunic tur- nnco com the plant o which wnw are wilfully ignorant of the fact that council last week ways tho echu tlio at last session of the provlnclni ucg- islaturc among other hmenflmpnts to tho ontario tempcrancg at- there was an amendment to the penalty for tiimnruinrri vili 11 inlitrcniwd hy njacfll resident whowo boy had just been tni plicated hoforo the police muglstrate and been suspended for sentence f school of agriculture jjeluggjliiapr glylng n0tleualulun n n yonr thn gntlrmim cnmullunilkl nielson the chiropractor straight chiropractic xray newrocalometer service now tho mom complete nnd uptodate ofllce chlro- praotlcally in ontario office hours wednesday nhd saturday 2 to 5 and 7 to d p m return itadlal fare uuld to georgetown months imprfsonmenrirtaddluonrtot tho nne the clause as amended in section 40 reads no person nhnll by hlmpolf t clerk servant or agent expose or keep for sale or directly or indirectly or upon any protenso or upon any devise sell or bnrter or in consideration of tho purchase or trunnfor of any property of thing give to any jicrson any liquor eycry per son guilty of any of- the rlrovlslons of this section shall for a first of fence incur a penalty of not less than b0000norymore thnn200ao default of immediate payment shall bo imprisoned for a period of not loss thnn throe nor more than six months unless tho penalty and coats are soon er paid and in addition thereto- shall in every case be imprisoned for a period of not less than one month and not more than three months- this amendment came into force last may and tho substance of it was published in every newspaper in ontario slnco tho amendment became law no person who has been convicted of selling liquor in this province has escaped imprisonment for one or more months for tho first offence a gal n s t lire li o olr 00 ytlbl its ctalme fl that instead of being a place of recre ation for the men of the town i was a don of inhruity and a standing menace to tho morals of tho youth of the community boys under uge wero allowed to frciuent the place and thero heard all kinds of profanity it was countering the influence or tho home and tho church in tho commun ity with the yutink people and as it was undt-i- tlioontrulof the council jhe pan nhouhl either lose his llcenso iruentgwruttto conduct such a place or else thotiollco should keep in very closcutouch with the plnco and seo that it was properly conducted as a place of recreation he charged this plnco with being largely responsible for hit boy going apt ray tho result ot this splen c of dqt la a men taking the foiirso tiie sjcl of agrlcilture and sow- lnaunct 1 a pjcea i fc pjui t canadas naxionajl wak juemorul to bo established at milton it is al leged that shlbley fraudulently applied the proccodtt of the cheque to another purpose a warrant was issued 00 r friday for shlbleys arrest county cnnsihiiio ohanman wont to toronto to bo ereeted at ottawa at cost of 100000 ment of agriculture opened on mon day with a splendid registration and ih growing day by day as the work of the classes progress tho registra tion yesterday had reached over sixty and mr fleming tho agricultural representative 1 hopeful that it bo very materially augmented during tho month i the jectures by professors nnd lead ers in farm activities arc much appre ciated by the young incti who are at- teiultntr- the young women who uro taking sewing and dotiteutlc hclonce are ellghted wjjth tho work which la belne undertaken in the courses the teachers and lecturers are men and women who are experienced in tho subject thoy present and they are int- cmnplalnt had been vlouerirom thel lnf rotn u i mayor being sent this week to tlyj proprietor warning him to set his house in orchrand to keep it so or he will find himself out of the pool room bufllnesu qnod lent hoi good workmanship and low prices keep foster konoy busy which the young pcoplo enrolled in various classes arc finding- of real benefit und appllcableuo their ex perlences in every day life rllomembcr tho box social at the homo of mr n mceachorns under tho ausplccaof tho bannockburn wo- thc design by vernon march of goddeiihus farnborough kent eng land has been selectod for the na tlonal war memorial of canada to bo erected in ottawa the canadian capl tul tho winning design comprises a base surmounted by a largo square arch along the lines of the wanlungj ton square arch ih now york the arch is surmounted by two femalo fig ures of heroic size bearing laurels of victory in their outstretched hands tjiruughthe arcltu largegroup of soldicrst uro marching giving the ef fect of charging through these fig ures fill the arch and boyond artillery ih seen in the group tho whole la a striking nloture and tho design is distinctly original in jta features the base is 20 feet by 24 foot and the memorial stnwnda 45 feot in height the figures will be ex ecuted hi bronse work on the erec tion of the memorial will ho begun us hoon as possible tho cost la to be 1100000 and arrested shlbley op sunday the prisoner applied topolico magistrate mooro on sunday afternoon for ball balriraagt gu 33- mens institute on february 12 satin hats on sale at mur murrays millinery shov rooms 00000 in shibleys name and two tor onto friends in 400000 cuch the case cornea up for hearings at milton on friday i young paople and minions tho missionary commltteo had j charge f monday nighls meeting ot tho united church young peoples league and their programme dollght ed thofalrslsod audience that attend ed p4lis galbroith presided the scripture lesson was read by mtbsritotn- mc3abb mi tod eiticrsou a now addition to actons municu1 talent from toronto rendered two delight ful vocml solos during tlio evening the toplo was the united churchs mlflslorrs jn western china this wus tnken by miss lorna kennedy and was aftorwarda discussed and more fully explained by mibb vida ramshaw the final number of tho vrogramnte was al luanu jdoio by mlsa uludyu scarrow tho trcauuror wascallod upon to give tho results of lust wqoka conoort and hor report suorod a abotanttul bal ance la the bank which way gautifying w ftu ooocerned

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