Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1926, p. 2

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u arhmlto fltoa th0r8iay kttbituattt 4t92r the man who fails tho man who fulls la tho sort of chap who la always looking around for a snap who novot mlhhla a chanco to knock wjio neglects hfu work to watch tho clock ho u giouchy ami slow when work begins when it a timo to quit ho jokea and grins ho is always as busy aa busy can bo when ho thinks tho boss us around to sco ho bouoves that a pull ia tho only way by which ho can evei draw big iay and ho aulkh and giowls when bo aoea his plan upset- by tho push of tho other man hois on tho job when ho draws hla pay that done ho soldiors his timo away while tho men who taoklo their jobs with vim keop pushing ana climbing- ahead of him ror tho man who fails has himself to blamo if ho pastes hla chances and misses his aim hod win if hod uso hla- hand and his wits i tho man who fails ia the man who quits clipped from t p a 3h ute iprefib jm tanj the third hand by constance waiutkn our bill for luxuries it is reported of the father of david livingstone tho great missionary and explorer that having filled his plpo one day he was about to light it when lie heard david remarked that he had just heard at the more that the tax on tobacpo had been raised a penny a pound without a word tho father took tho unlighteo pipe from his mouth and set it on the mantel ho never smoked again the family of livings tone was poor even a bawheo counted and there were both intelli gence and honesty enough to keep the luxuries separate from the necessaries a man cannot help wondering what the stern old scotchman would have uald of the little bill of particulars that secretary houston of the treas ury department of the united states has offered in the case of the ameri can people versus tho nigh cost of liv ing since the figures were collected by treasury experts from tax returns and other reports requl red by the government they can be regarded as at least conservative and probably as understating the facts kor candy the people of the united states are spending in a year 1000 000000 for chewing gum 150 000 000 j for cigarettes 800000000 for soft drinks including soda- and ice cream 350000000 for perfumery and cosmetics 760 000000 for cigars 510000000 for tobacco and snuff 800000000 for furs 300000000 for carpets and luxurious clothing 1- 600000000 for automobiles 12000- 000000 and for pianos organs and phonographs 250000 000 there will of course be a difference of opinion whether all of the items mentioned should be classed as luxur ies butthere is no question that some of them belong wholly in that class and others in part kor does the chargo of extravagance that the fig ures bring rest wholly on the rlcb7 or even on the moderately welltodo it la an indictment of all of ua as a people in spite of burkes aphorism there is anothor aspect qf the matter not so conspicuous but quite as important it is not only the money that we spend for luxuries that is lost to thrift and national strength and usefulness it is the great number ot men and women whom the business of making luxuries withdraws fro more x work people who ore emr ployed in making things that do not contribute either to tho mental or to the moral or to the iihyalcalweifare of the race are aa much a burden on the real producers as tx standing army is we shall have cheaper living when more of us go to doing useful work bph walked across the kitchen floor with clumsy skill leav lng not it spot on its immucu late uuifaco in spite of hla dirty siaboots well mild he wore in a flat walters has got to quit come down again with tho iheumutlz wo cant find a third hand high or low every ono s gone and i hear tell the flshlns line hi isle who was mixing a calcfl in a yellow dies by the aldo table stonpod short with her wooden spoon raised o pa she cried take mel woll i novor heaid such an idea exclaimed her mother turning frona tho sink and stopping the furiously running faucet in order to make her- aolf heard if father cant make his crow up here ho can send ovor to barnardtown theres plenty of folks there would be glad of the job zeph who had been rendered about speechless by the immersion of his bead in a basin ot water now further reddened his sunburnt countennnco by a vigorous application of the roller towel and with a glance toward hia wife that commanded submission re joined dunno but what youd do first rate elsie thero aint any ono who knows better how to steer a boat than you do thats all i want a third hand for this trip andtwouldn t be tho jlrst time you and your pa bast gone on cruises together in the salllo what d i send her to new bedford for schooljn for tho mother made a last feoble protest it wont make leas of a lady of me mother said elstio laughing and its truth there aint a real man to be had zeph urged theres never ben seen a season for sword- fish sen co i was a boy whos the other fellow aaked elsie whose eyes were gleaming with anticipation and who loved tho sea worth ajboyish enthusiasm in spite pf three years culture eben snow a tho other man lucky to get him no boy on the island can beat him for grit and muscle well sard elsie her expression changing at mention ot his name i ona not so keen as i was he doesn t take to girls one bit he makes it plain enough that he cant abide thorn and he told tom pierce once that they werent good for anything but chatter t thoy say hes worse since he went to college last winter there never were such manners that doesn t hurt any ono but him self said zeph hell keep the lid on his sentiments while im cap n i guess you como along and dont toko any notice im going to turn mright away report at 0vo a m tomorrow mate his eyes twinkled with fondness for tho daughter who had been his good companion slnco she was a little tod dler and saying good night he stomped up the short stairs to his room tha next morning the salllo b stood yague and ghostly in the early mists hardly a breath stirred and as sho jay at tho great steamboat pier where eben had brought tier the h ropo o he painter ruuttsd hlackuhd her rona suddenly as it became taut tho ash felt tho imll of the barb and it durcd away again the boat springing in its wake utut tho ireaturo a vl tullty seemed noarli gone in a mo ment the liho again slicked i guiss ivo vo pretty mar got him a ill soph in exultation ho pulled ailn on tho rope all of a budden theie was u furioua wlili i in tho water right before them iho boat seemed to bo diawn down in a vortox and then a blow a wrench a ciash tho bottom of the skiff split like kindlingwood and the hideous great sword came stabbing through 1 ben muttered a piercing shriek tho boat turned over on its side and the water poured in zeph clung to even this brilliant headland and wuc ll aa wero plunged into tho sea closo upon tho fishing grounds i caught tho boys arm und grasped now as they left the protection of h vm t t yf the shore and felt the full brunt of vni th l0 u r tho ocean seua zjh ordeed ebon toj th sa a o vi i n they floated along a tangled mass hoist tho sails agnin and stopped tho engine although tlieit cats continued for sonra timo totluob with its pulsa tions tho sloop lay down rail under be neath the snappy brcexo that a ing through its rigging up and forward they plunged over great waves while spray dashed over them and trickled down their tarpaulins no mans land lay a level brown streak off tho port beam growing fainter and fainter as thoy coursod along tho sea was now dotted with craft- of all kinds schooners slowly gliding ajong before the wind or continually tacking against it making little p o- gress either way while black deter mined little tugboats towing stimgs of barges plowed straight past them and liners sped by rapidly and here and there scattered about to the verge of tho wide horizon were small fish ingvessels of their own kind leaning at acute angles under the southwester this is about where we ought to atrlko em i guess said zeph ho held his hand as a shade and looked windward while his eyes wat ered tho sun was almost dead ahead and above as they pointed and the seas glittered blindingly eben was standing by tho mast grasping the bhrouds suddenly his face- lighted up with excitoment ho threw his arm forward pointing ovor the star board bow there she ib there sho is ho ahoutod elsie had just timo to catch a glimpse of n great black fin standing out of the water when zeph swung the boat off the nminsheet screamed through the block and the sail cut oft her view til make the strike eb zeph shouted tn an instant the boy was oft and took the wheel zeph grasped the long twelvefoot spear with the iron barb to which wero attached many feet of strong light rope and at the end of that a flftecninch keg with wonderful agility considering his years and the slippery leathersoled boots that fishermen persist in wear ing- he scrambled out to the cage on the end of tho bowsprit that contlnu- allylashed tho sea and sprang up again almost like vl whip hang onto tho keg elslo he cried and cast it over when i yell the fin had now disappeared but in a few moments it rose again only a short hundred yards distance tljey were coming down upon it with the sheet almost free the swordflsh was feeding lazily alone the surface after the habit of its ponderous race and uspected danger get to leoward and then luff zeph shouted they sped through tho soaking seas at a great rate and then suddenly with perfect judgment eben shot hor up into tho wind sho seemed to stagger and trenable while tho sail crashed up and down with a sound wjo a carpet being beaten und all the cordage twanged the legitimate laughing stock laughter is the great dissolvent tho great lubricant without itthe world would be inconceivably hard and dry and barren it relieves the social strain offers a charming flower- strewn path to close acquaintance turns aside anger mellows greed and care and ambition throws quarrels into dust heap and gives friendship new and pleasant seat and perman ence laughter s tho sunshine of life a but even laughter has its rough lin ing those who most abouhdwith it and whojuo most gifted in its various charms are likely to be thoughtless in the uso of it it is such a treasure in itself so profltablo and so delightful that is is welcomed from any source and wo turn too easily not only tor ilmple natural wholesome laughter but to laughter that is harsh bitter and even cruel when wo got our laughter from tho doings of others and everyones doings supply enough of it to thoso who know how to look we are liable to wound and injure not with the least intention of doing so but merely because we are t mak ing more about our laughter than their jives more about laughter than about love sut there is one legitimate laugh injgstock one at which we may laugh nil day and most of tho night and do no harm one on which we can ex ercise all the cruelty wo please and not bo cruel th is ourse we can nu tliu uuutivest hurs licet things on that topic fcut wo know that we shall not say them or if wo do shall say thorn in such a way as to get the maximum of amusement with the minimum of damage we can laugh at our mistakes and tthat a field it is plenty of kind fi lends will laugh at them for us if wo do not and often by thcvciy fact of laughing nt them we reniedy them jio fros- thoy can be- remedied we can laugh at our sufferings even irhnn th w s mid t square cut slab of sail fell inert against the equally colorless fog the boy wh fltoodjiijjhcqckpjtot th chubby little sloop was leaning down cohing ropesrhvls backr turned he did not change his position as h heard them come aboard but called without turning did you get anothor hand capn 7es sir said zeph winking back at elslo as they shuffled along tho slippery deck a firstrater too i guess you never sailed with a better ono ebon seemed to suspect something from his tone for he looked up sharp ly over his shoulder his face did not change he finished tho job at hand but when it was done ho straightened himself to his full fine height vou don t mean to say youre going to brlnff a girl on this cruise capn be ojjked in a voice of protest zeph stuck his chin out so that his slight heard waggled menacingly aey daughters good enough to say shell sail with us ho replied there nln t another hand to be had oven if i wanted one and i dont its cruise with her or rest to home you can take your choice oh said tho boy with a sullen shrubt ive signed for this trip i guesa i dont value my skin more than you do yours and im willing to take the risk of sailing shorthanded thougch goodness knows theres not much ubq in trying for swordflsh with out three men aboard thats enough btoon interrupted zeph goodnaturedly tou can cast off now the boy shrugged again but leaped to the bow with surprising agility stood upon tho queei cagelike con trivance at the ond of the bowsprit known aa the pulpit whence the harpoon is hurled in swordflshing and skilfully manoeuvcred tho clumsy craft along the pier clear of the tangle of other boats into the chan- ttol- 1h slight drifting breeze caught tho heavy sail giving he little vessel an impulse and as eben hauled up the jib that also puffed yout and added some momentum zeph meanwhile hnd taken off the cover of the lllsmelllng engine that occupied the middle of the boat and after repented attempts and much sweating at last persuaded ft to start into life the water churned up under th sbern tho aharu chugvohug tho fish hud made the fatal thrust with his dying effort and the sword stuck there in tho boat wedged fast ono or two furious lashes and his life was gone in u moment xhoskjff must sink as it filled andthe tieavy body pulled it under zeph who believed the sloop to be far away thought that their lust moment had como sut in that desperate instant tho sajilo b loomed suddenly besldo him and he heard elsies volco crying pa pa look out catch this rope if you can at the same instant a line came skimming over his head and he man aged just to roach it clasping the al most helpless hoy with his legs as ho did so then he swiftly knotted it to the thwart of the skiff the dis abled mass to which they clung swung alongside the stern of the sloop zeph had juit enough strength left to draw himself aboard with the aid of the rope and elsie lying flat along the b tar board seat managed to help eben where he feebly clung until zeph could lull him into safety hardly had they left the wreckage with the bwordnsh8 body plunged out of sight although still secured to them by the line their first care was eben whose leg was badly torn zeph and elsie laid him in blankets on the long scat well out of the way of the swashing water wrapped him in dry clothing uni cared for his wounds as best they could he lay without complaint and in silence for a while us they headed about for home we ve got a lot to bo thankful for s zeph as hestarted fdrthctcabln co change his own clothes wo aint only got our own lives but thats a mighty big ash and weve sot him too theres something more weve got said eben slowly tveve got tho liveliest third hand that ever shipped on any crew otf the gulf of mexico jauerhter will win moro sympathy than walling at any rate it will help us to beat and perhaps to forget abovo an wo can laugh at our- tri umphs and successes that is the most wjll glady help us if we forestall them it wonderfully increases their tcnderneih to v pur p rn gli revrenmnt under- tire aspect of tmgine de mnnded no attention he was springing into the skiff swung over tho stern or jwiwhjwg ou n hiu btrnlty is certain to mafco them and tin smtly ridiculous and there is no better cure for tho dreadful plague of selfconceit i a telephone mv8tery 1- apparently of its own accord says popular mechanics n rural telephone lino in a remote district of colorado wont on strike for a ilxteenhour jvjwnglday jtho- daylight iwnirs the y4lneptrkrierf6ofjy7 hut between ino nd ten cverv hignt something wsnt wrong and the tele phones wquld not work until morning finjly tho manage and a lineman started on a nocturnal tiouble hunt early in tho morning they reached tho last houso on the line and were admitted by the aged occupant con spicuous on the top of the wan tele- phono were his metnt rimmed spec tacles that rested in electrical con- la ct across the terminals whora it was his habit to leave them evry nixrht the mystery was swlwed echoed back to them from the shore and they had o pi barked on their cruras conversation wan now impossible even had any of the crew been so in clined zeph eat up on the steering- box a leg on each side of the wheel eben found endless activity when there was a great black swirl ih the water zeph swung btck his body fecoping- perfect balance in spite of the terrific motlonrgraspedtho harpoon in both hands and casj iluown witholl bis force still plutciring tho shaft for an instant the horrible threaten ing dripping weapon of the fish a sreat bony sword nearly four feet long was thrust up at him and one could see the black snout and little ovll eyes then it darted down again while the fins and gigantic black body svrlrled through the water leaving it white with foam und tho crcaturo plunged toward iho deeps thoahafo came off in eben s hand tia was in tended but the bnrb stayed in the fish axiii the rope uncoiled from the deck where it lay with incredible swift ness wow cast the keg zeph yelled and elslo threw it out into the tvater with all her might take the wheel said ebon briefly and follow the keg she obeyed with perfect confidence her earliest lesson had been in steer ing a boat sho kept her oyo on the nrwuk that bobbed hither ojid thlthci following the frantic nlmleai trail of the wounded fish eben held tho heavy sheet and he hauled or slacked as their course de manded but for alt they could do the keg danced farther and farther from thcin while the heavy seas seemed to sla- tho prow of tho salllo b insolent ly every time she rose and threw her back- in her tracks weve got to have tho power zeph cried or well lose him bte knelt in the bottom of the leap ins boat iind tried his best to coax the engine into action but it was difficult to manipulate under the cir cumstances and tho floor was swim ins with the water they hnd shipped the pesky thing wont go he ex claimed at last in despair how s the chose jhes miles off ebon said shading his eyes but looks as if ho was gett ing kind of logy hun t been moving so inst lately were not making much headwa though said elsie nothing for it then but tho sklffi zeph cried we can row straight to him without this beating and she 11 ride the seas better when hes all tuchered out well tow him back tlieir faces streaming with exertion and txcitemontrlfe unotebeh lowered the bklff already supplied with har- j nnrt othw i to the editor of the flues press my sojourn this winter being in loss frequented part of the south than usual and amid surroundings some what out of the ordinary to the can adian winter tourist i thought that it might interest your readers to know something of this semitropical resort much more off the line of travel than either california or florida and yot whose inhabitants are predicting for it a great and popular future prices these enthusiasts tell us for property and everything ibo have nov become so exhorbltant in both california and florida that only the millionaire can afford to go there and tho overplus and the people of only moderate means are bound to seek theso nearer and just as well situ ated but much leas extravagant ro- soits along the gulf this little city of biloxi with her 15 000 people boasts tho donhlo art- tslhor list lng gear from the cabin and putting them to right through nil his n inn bio activity he did not deign to favor elslo with bo much as a sullen filajice but finally she tlied of watching 4hc changing hues of the land and sound as tho sun rose higher and dis persed tho mist and they rounded hortdlnnd after headtnndrkirting the const of the island she was tired ntso of seeing the apurkling wnjter hiss under their lee and begrgod to bo pee- full too then ebon threw her some rope cndadjid laconically bade nr splice them this was something that her agile fingers well understood and eveli lie was obliged to mutter ap proval when sho showed him the first trim result of her efforts an they got up along the- coast be yond mackonicky and the southwest brcexe began to freshen hben took in the flails and they plowed away under power alone nlthough the tide ran with them like a millrace again this emergency swung it about and clnnabered in you going to leave tho sloop in charge of a girl eben made a last protest as they shoved off he nodded tqiyan flslo with a thi vantage of being both a winter and summer resort for thousands of holi day makers come here in summei from fluch large cules n orleans und memphis to escape the torrid heat of thejt home centres in tho cooling breezes of the qulf of mexico we are situated on a peninsula about half way between mobile and new orleans with a uno con ere to driveway along the shore extending a score or moro of miles and dotted all along the way by elegant hotel a handsome prlvato homes with wldo lawns sloping to tho part of the qulf known as tho mississippi sound the chief glory of this gulf region is its jvcolth of great spreading moss- hung cukct with their dark small green foliage many of them eight and ten foet at tho butt theii huge hori zontal branches covered with fern and other attractive looking parasites and often extending one hundred feet and moro in width these groat primeval monnrclis diversified hero and there by a stately imlm und nn occasional magnolia sycamore fir pecan oi hickory tree lend a majestic und southing effect to tho eye especially on the visitors first arrival tho climate hero is pleasant and not hot early in the morning a nippy feeling nr evades tho air soon relieved by irtcnty of sunshine except on rainy dny8 which arc not infrequent tho feathering canning and export ing of sea foods is the chief industry here and nn extensive ono it is tho two largest items being oysters and shrimps t take it from official figures that over 9000 000 cans of oysters and nearly as many shrimps are annually shipped from- this port alone the shells of the flist named too form an important industry in themselves huge crushers grind these into tons of good material for both road build ing and soil fertiliser profitable employment la given to jnny people young and old in the gathering nnd canning of oysters and shrimps in the large canneries here boys of fifteen can make 4 00 a day shelling the formei and gdrls nearly that much leaning and packing tho latter this town is old in history and tra dition deriving its name from an in- dlin tc m meaning tho first people it boasts of once having been the capi tal of all the great louslanji ter ritory stretching from iho gulf to- canada and it jias seen five flags floating over it vl rrpnch spanish british confederate and tho stars and oil ipi ed couiplulnts of nondelivery of tho newspapctu und other mall at onos right address having no offect to day i got two pupus that bad evidont- l lain mound undellvorod alncotho that of tho year lai go orchards of pecan nuts aie soon about litre sild to bo a paying ciop 1 ho batalniu oi native orange and tho persimmon flourish loo in theso pai ta but a t etent frost cut theio lattci down is wtll as most of tho flowtrh and tropical shrubs in bloom when i urrived in tho middle of decopnbor 1 while this pot tioa of mdsrlssslppl seems for tho moat part orderly and white and black tot along without clash oi fi lotion i fear that such is not tho case in other puits of tho fotate at a recent trial near here negro was acquitted by a white jury of muuleilng a planter only to bo taken frorrt tho sheriff immediately on his discharge by a mob of tho dead man friends and l i idled with twenty six bullets tho inopetrators of this coldblooded ussabslnatlon wero well known and identified but acquitted hy a subsequent jury jn spite or the state prosecutors plea that it was clear cuso ot law on ono side and unaichy on the other but now let me touch briefly and in conclusion on tho subject most debat ed in theso pai ts and in which we aro also interested at homo viz the liquor law aifpv its violation it has been well remaiked that to bo thoroughly conversant with a contro versial subject one should actually seo its operation us much more useful to an intelligent decision and discus sion than mere reading br hearsay so my lengthened sojourn here i think enables me to speak without fear of contradiction on this troublesome question except in tho matter of price infinitesimal is the oower or influence of ihe socalled volstead act in these part to check drinking that it is hard to realize that there is such law in force at all whisky and bther liquors are openly sold despite tho prosence of many coast guard men etc and the sway of tho bootlegger seems to bo entirely above tho law my readers may have read about tho recent arrest of thirty- four high legal government officials at new orleans not for from here at whose tilal it developed that theso of ficials were in many instances them selves partners in this unlawful busi ness to the extent of 25 000 or moro apleco nothing can stop this mighty illicit flow of liquor northward frona the gulf unless it be actual bloodshed arid the presence of an overpowering standing army should tho authorities and the dry forces dare to go that furl the law itself seems quite power less to do this with many of thoso trusted to enforco it in the game themselves viewing the local situation with an impartial eyo and surrounded by such utter contempt of authority as pre- vails hero i felt like parodying tho lines of our gr d in theserwords i laugh at law as on i flow a great resistless river i conquer courts sedate and slow as i go on forever a good friend of mine here who is one of tho chlof coast guards men on the gulf and has already captured many prizes in the way of liquor sup plies seems to think that tho plyers of tills outlawed traffic with so many odds against them including tho hish jacking or robbing among them selves tho mutineer ing of their crows tholr inability to reallzo on their soles if their purchasers fall to cashup the forfeiture of their ships and car goes andj au their other disasters and ilsks wni lose out in the end but so far theie ia no such result in sight i am told that the captured ships sold for a mere fraction of their orlg gems of thought lnal cost by tho government are ajl bought indirectly back again for tho sumo uafflc an so the business of su the lliusty northerners goes merrily on in spite of law and everythingelae having been told you shall not have strong drink they seem to determine thoy shall h ive it no matter what tho cost oi hazard t i j rarmuit biroxl miss january 19 1926 two kinds of conte3ts there is much to be said against the beauty contests which have been so popular for several years and already a strong tide of public sentiment is setting against them tho health con tests however which are now becom ing popuiar deserve public support within a hundred yours physical delicacy in womon at least was rather aihrovcd and good health was regarded na the characteristic badge of tho lowtt classes jtfarion juarland says tiiat when sho was u httlo girl she took it foi granted that all wo men of the social class to which her mother belonged wero somlinvalids tho twentieth ntury has stamped out that heresy forever let us hope and most girls and young women now understand that health ia not only a privilege but an imperative obliga tion it is fine to have health con tests forboth boys and girls stimu lating pride in personal fness even if you live in a place where such con tests have not been inaugurated start one of your own aftor all to come out ahead of some ono else is not half na important as to excel yourself of last year many things havo been said und vcly well undoubtedly on tho oubjoe tlon in which wo should preaorvo our boil it a to the government of our un dctutandlng but enough has not been suld upon tho reutialnt which oui bodily neccssititles ought to lay on tho oxtravngant subllmltiesnnd eccentric rovlnga of our minds edmund burke if i were to pray forx taste which stand mo in stead under every variety of circumstances and be a source of happiness und cheerfulness to mo all through life and a skidd against its hi however things might go amiss and the world frown upon me it would be a taste for reading sir john hers- chel theie is such a thing ns training the mind to wlac thinking good res olutlona do it to do nnythlng worth while a man must plan it think about it and resolve to do it thousands of times without edifices or rules of trustees or any argument tho institution of the dear love of comrades walter whitman if anger arise in thy breast seal up thy lips and let it not go forth anger is like a are and angry words are like breath to fan it jeremy taylor the measure of our joys depends not on how much god is willing to give but on how much our soufl is willing and able to receive lyman abbott every he great or small is tho brink of a precipice the depth of which nothing but omniscience can fathom c- reade once bitten a proud mother took her little son aged six to the photographers much to the little chaps disgust- scarcely bad they arrived in the photographers studio than the little boy commenced to cry in loud and vibrant tones tho mother tried to comfort the child the photographer too per formed various antics which he con sidered would brighten up the childs unhappy countenance hut all their efforts were ih vain but bobbyl said his mother li la genornlly concede lreret tnat exasperation there is no need for all this fuss the man is not going to hurt you just smile and keep still for a min ute and itll be all oyer said the photographer beaming ontllio up- happy child yes i know came tho sobbing re ply thats what they told me at the dentists you cannot surpass salada green tea its luscious freshness rich strength mnlte it finer than any gunpowder jajinn or young hyson sold every where ask for salada today why puritv flour ijfakes better cakes because of their fine texture cakes made with parity flour win prize contests texture is mostly matter of the efficient blending of mat erials used purity flour made of the finest bard wheat illk hr1 lafckuard the tez ure of the tiihtd cve be cause 1 1 blcndi perfectly wilh the other ingredients utcd your dealer will tell you purity flour never dimpsxiint get t it prjrity flour cookbook stud ioc in stamps jt lb iso pti punty fumr c4 bnk stntptttptd puritv flour tbr all your baking western canada flour mills co cimtted beas office toronto branchci from coast to coast killer whf jlvotltfaijgav write frcr rvai poultry book and ametwmwi send 104 for 160 patf book uutratd pratt food co of canada limit toronto sold in acton by w d talbqt an optimist tho story of the laziest man yet discovered comes frorn tho atlan ta constitution yoi sir lie wns the laziest man on record whnt do you leckon ho did when his house wai on firo dunno wanned his hands at the blaze and said he was thankful jie didnt havo to split wood for it of saying i told you youd bo sorry for bringing her xoullsop roiiluilshojtly tfioxrheoalllbnck to blslo nn they dlpljcd their oars iccci hor luffln as much as you can dont try to anil her just keep enough way on not to ffot into irons with more sinking at the heart than she would have liked io confess elsie wntcliod them away now almost hid den by a sea now perched as in a eoctcbheu on topof one but she was proud of hjftrtruat the keg was still visible about a halfmile off ilnd did not neem to vary mucb in its location -she- hauled in ther sheet while she pointed into ho wind then put the bent off nnd scudd ed away in snifd of her fathers nd- vicq to luff tho rail was under half the time she was thrilled with tho exoltmont of it sho determined to stand off till she could make the scene of action on the next tack und sur pilne them both with her ability to reach them zeph meanwhile had gained the keg and concluded from its serenity in i that che fish must have boon hu in a two hourn they were off menomsha i vitnt spot nnd boalmpst spent he bight oray head loomed bravajjijtj look it aboard while ebon manned i yond and soon they had cleared the- oara nr- hauled gently on the the memory of jefferson davis stilt hovers about biloxi and tho old episcopal church here is full of fine stained memorials to the great con federate lcndetttd different members f bis fujh bcanvolr the davis residence after the war lies along the const a ml la or so to tho west of where jam loca4advandlb now n flo volernnb homo another old southern family once looming large in theso parts was the howards of loulsana lottery fame the chlof fit r cot hero bears their name and thore is a church nnd othei en- downments to their ciedlt besidos a magnificent mansion and grounds the rich and costly reminders of a once commanding greatness tho better sentiment of the south is still loyal to the memory of its great lenders nnd ns i dictated this deneml troderfteteees birthday jan uary 19th was being celebcned with 6ho bank and other puittllo offices closed literature nnd its encouragement seem at a discount hero amid mioxls many attractions and its oagei ncss to interest northernora to buy its real estate there is a nice new ifurnty building but it is only open for thirtytwo hours out of the one hundred and sixtyeight in tho week nnd its shelves are badly inck ing in thoflo modern works that at tract tho man or woman of let tors the post office too seems to bear the ear marks of southern laxity repeat- getting skinnier ewrdi something must be done and done bight now quick rtawrtn cheek and neck growing deeper eaoh week tens of thousands oflhln run-down- men yes and wonien too nro getting discouraged oro giving up all hope of ever being able to take on flesh and look healthy and strong all such ieoplo can stop worrying and start to smilo and enjoy hfo right now for mccoys cod liver extract tablets which any druggist will tell ypu nil nlout are putting flesh on hosfs of skinny folks every day one woman tired weak and dis couraged gained 15 pounds in flyo weeks and npw fools fine we all kpowntnat tho livers of cod rish arc full of vitalising flesh pro ducing vitamfnes and these same vlta- mihos of tho highest olaua are found in mccoy n cod liver extract tab lets sugai coated and as easy to take as candy and this bhowu what faith the mak ers have in mccoys for they say if any thin lierson dont gain at least 5 pounds in 30 days your druggist is authorised to give you your monoy back apd only 60 cents- for 60 tablets ask any live pharmacist anywhoro in north or south america be sure to get mccoys the original and genuine this is due perhaps to the fact that printing orders are unlike goods sold from the shelf practically every piece of print ing is different each job of printing is manufactured for each individual order good printing takes a little time to pro duce and that is why it is often necessary for the free press to suggests day or two longerfor the curing of the finer lines of printing but the free press is equipped to do rush orders in record time let us remind you of some of the lines which we produce promptly and cheaply lettherheads envelopes state ments billheads ledger sheets and dup licates private checnies on safety paper circulars tags manilla or linen cards dodgers sale8illsmenusfactory femw ticke time sheets society printing blotters booklets business and visirinjc4s in- vitations sales literature books and pamphletsr-or-any- other workyouma want done embossing done when desir ed orders by mail or telephone prompt ly attended to i the acton free press phone 1 lw i v i j u

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