Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1926, p. 3

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mv v iv c wkt irtou 3frgr iprggje thursday podbruary 4 192 6 80 littld it takes so little tomako uh sad just a alighting tyororitt doubting shoer just a scornful snailo on somo lips hold dear ana our footatops las though the gout is near and wq jose the courage and hopo wo had so llttlo it takos to make ua sad ivu r i it takes so little to make us glad just a cheering clasp of a frlondly hand just a word from one who can under- stand and wo liniali cno task wo long had planned and we lose the doubt said the four tve had so ltlo it takes to make us glad always something new the lover of hafuro goes attain and again to feast his eyes on his familiar landscape ho has looked upon it a thousand times and he thinks he knows it by heart ho has seen it in all ite moods and he can scarcely ex pect anything new over and over again he has resolved every clump of trees contour of lawlying hills graz ing flocks winding- streams fringed with willows valleys ailed with sun light or darkened here and there with shadows into one complete and per fected picture ot blended loveliness but this morning either because ho approaches to see it from an entirely different point of view or because there is somehow a different disposi tion of the grajtlng flocks on the landscape or the face of the hills are in a different shadow or because there is a different llgtft reflected troth- tho sky upon the landscape or a deepen ing of the haxo on the trim ot the hills which form the background to the picture before him orbecause he has caught a broader gleam of the waters which glint through the opening in the trees whether it be any one or all of these together- or sbmetmnjjnpro niim ho sees his favorite picture as he never saw it before it wears a new face he sees in it new beauties he reads another meaning there la a glory there he has missed and suggestions of loveliness of which he never dreamed though the picture is old it la yet hew his pulse quickens under its new reveal- jnabjrutndhetejolcmthatabl he bad seen before had not exhausted on flhe loveliness of his favorite landscape so the devout believer comes to gods word he has his favorite paa- flagcsuponrvhlch htnaoul has feasted a thousand times he thinks he knows and has felt- ibi meaning has exhausted ah its beauty has gathered alk its sweetness into his soul but now as he reads it has a strange new meaning be sees something there he never saw before a fulness and a depth he never before conceived ho is surprised and joyed at the tender ness and the sweetness of a revela tion he knows no reason why this should be so but tho secret may be found in one of many things pos sibly he has approached the contem plation of gods word nv a different framer of mind from his accustomed one perhaps his soul has been mode more sensitive by some lecuhar ex perience it may he the holy spirit has flashed a new- revealing light no matter what the cause oods fam iliar word does thus indeed light up with an illumination which both sur prises and repolcei and how precious and gladdening teae newer meanings which reveal troah applications of his love the sweetneas of his peace doem the ojus vav yf vnjv wmmt iwkw a wi8h id like to run away today off yonder where the willows away and loaf beside a little stream where long ago i used to dream barefooted i would like tobe a pole cut from a convenient tree a line of knotted string and bate i dug bealde the garden gate id like to take along the way i did in goltfon yestetrday but thats a wish ill never get its burled in the past and yet somehow my rod of split bamboo expensive reel and tackle new and artificial bait thats a no the splendid silk and linen line set me to wishing i could know once more the joys of long ago the charms of that old- ashing hole when i had but a freshcut pole im starting out once more to flab ho n r accompliah with costly tackle ahlntn bright but i shall miss the old delight and i shall wish that i could be that youngster underneath the tree that frecklefaced bareheaded lad who only homemade tackle had and live my yesterdays again because i used to catch em then er depths of his tenderness new- dis coveries of his will- happy la gods saint who often does find- unexpectedly these lifegiving and life ailing rovela- tio nf pods wnrilf rim tn study or gods word in another point of view will often flash upon the mind a meonlnff of gods word which years of study cannot give qughtwe not then always to read gods word hope fully oipectantly or fresher view and clearer light selected by ix r what the3 old boys saw and 7 h this winter as usual numbers of the old boys of long ago aro making prolonged visits to the old home i always enjoy meeting them for invar iably theytajk of the- good old- days of tbelr bjfthopd in the old home here the men wfcid were boys batik in the gos 70s and sos usually get around to the popular conversation in which they relate their prowess avftsheriaen and hunters by quoting tho big catches of trout and ftie huge bags of game thoy scoured in the times back when thoy were boys and they hawe something to talk about because the fish were here in abundance in the neighboring trout streams and in the mill dams right here in town and at llmehouse and olenlawson and tho bush then ail about offered shelter ariat the young people under heir care al- feed for the game which then abound edd since those days the forms have been cleared largely of their forests and swamps and the town has ex tended her borders and tho spring creek which was the home of the myriads of the lusty trout has been walled in bridged and polluted tmio hush and swamp have been replaced with grain fields nd -turnip- patches and the home of the wild pigeon tho deep the pai47ids0 andthe blxck squirrel has largely teen eliminated those were good old days mvi the tramps wo had along the acton ciysek and cordons creek and- tho o a the eeat f woman parmers succcas p l capable of riding twenty miles on horseback at any me and handling efllclently any of the multifarious du ties of a farm in the west mrs edith jones of plato saskatchewan who left kngland in bcember 1884 to come out to a farm in canada reach- ed montreal recently on her way to england to- spend tho christmas holi days there interviewed at the windsor station while waiting for the boat train mrs jones who hails from leeds york shire told the story of her experience in canada he had no knowledge of farm work when she came hero last december i made my flrat visit to canada this time last year when 1 came out v to a farm ib miles from plato sask which is about 160 miles from baska- to9n she said it was below zero when i arrived hut the air was so dry and invlgoratlnst that totally vun- used as j wis to such extremes of temnerature i scarcely notkod it and waa astonished to be told what the i oxdgreallyjvs i was engaged on a farm of 40 acros- devoted to the growing of a wheat and my erperlenoe of farm work- of any kind was nil when i ar rived today i can- ride a horse a sotnlle strqtch milk the cows do my share of stooklng nd generally ntten to the odd chore when a rush cornea t albiibt jones states last seasons crop was a bumper on her farm 9o6u bushels were harvested and at the rtces secured by the saskatchewan wheat pool tfils should realise a sum in the neighborhood or 111000 to tho farmer i am olng bnclc to england to joost canada for all 1 am worth she it good boy and wait unth i como after thee tonight many tlmoa in my llfo have i bcoli thankful that i had a father who thought onougu of lila boy to stop hlrt work and carry him to school on hlq back fathers been laid away muny n long year but ive novoi forgotten that his interest in my achoollng eo- cournged me to get all tho learn in e i cpuld when i had tho chance ho said it wasnt very much in those days but ivo been able to hold nay own in a frlondly way with most of my neighbors in our blacksmith bhop arguments in the lougo- room and in our church meetings im sorry tor tho folks who have never valued the opportunities theyve had for gottirik schooling and this romlndb mo that i wn looking over homo pld papers the other day which toll pf the dplngsof tho acton school board jway buck in 1816 and 76 at the fobrumy mcoting of itho board of acton school trustees it wa moved by edward mooro and sooond- ed by h j hall that circulars be printed to be sent to iarentb within the school division who ore not send ing their children between- tho agrea of seven and twelve to school notify ing them that according to tho on tario school act such nonattendance will not bo permitted in those days acton school accom modated tho children from all tho ter- ritory covered now by lome school even in those early days thpro was dissatisfaction reieotlng aesoaanvents and taxes at this meeting a- dciiuta- tlon consisting of samuel moore thos davidson major allan and archibald campbell desired a conference with reference to tho addition offlb per cent to the assessment of property in tho rural dletrlot in order to effect anequlllzatlon of value with tho vil lage assessment after discussion in which alexander kennedy chairman reaueated that the proceedings bo con ducted harmoniously with a view to removing the grievances complained of edward moore moved and edward nlcklin seconded a resolution that v henderson vf h storey alexander kennedy samuerl moore jund archl- bald cam be acgmiputflflto au tend at the equllixation for 1876 with a view to securing a fair and equit able adjustment a report was given- at the school board meeting in march that 19ff pupils had boon enrolled in the school 62 in the flrat department 03 in the second and tllwthe third the re- port also stated that there were 62 children of school age in the section who were hot onrbliedat tho echoolr the buster examinations of tho acton school fifty years ago was a public affair where parents and lead ing citizens attended the report of the examination- written by joseph h hocking then editor of the acton fobs prbss will rjo doubt be read with interest the baeter examination of acton public school was held on tuesday the forenoon was devoted to the exam ination of the junior divisions and the afternoon to the senior department the pupils nil stood the tebt very creditably both it las nina mokllrlar and miss carrie moore the leacheru in the second and third departments respectively gave evidence of good ability foj- teaching and dlaclnllning weekly fashion bint mods for mademoiselle 7hc costinnc blouse is an important item of the mode since it is almost a dress in itself it can be worn with a slip of crepe dc hine satin or vcl- i vet making a very liahdsomc en semble the model pictured to the left is developed m crepe satin and the skirt is of the same material it is tucked at tlic shoulders 5iid slashed at one side if preferred the sleeves may be extended to wristlength me dium siic requires 4 yards 36inch satin dainty and youtliful is the model to the right fashioned of crppc dc chine the model also looks cine in taffeta or it may be devolopcd in chiffon velvet using satin for the frills on the sleeves and at the lower edge of the skirt medium size re quires 4 yards 36inch crepe dcchjne pointed clergymen are supposed to have a peculiar talent for improving the occasion how one of them did this in a witty and let us hope an edlfy- ng manner is related in early life he had met with an accident which left him with a broken nose a deformity about whichin spite of his piety he was known to be a little sensitive one day a new in- qujrer propounded the old question how did you happen to break your nose the- minister answered solemnly tolljhe truth my trletio the accident was cauaed by poking osy nose into other peoples business innocence most without exception the scholars were remakabli guick arjl correct in their answers there is one thing we would like to observe however in reference to tho second department and we might also iaclude- the plratwe refer to the lack of proper intonation and expression in reading a little more training in this braneh is de sirable so that the pupils may bring out a better and more significant ex pression of tho matter read in ttie department if aa robs tt prlnck palj the chief examination was con- dieted by mrlittle county inspector and rev g w- calvert- we werre pleased to eee so many visitors pres ent- branches at crewsons corners and the qbro and the fat strings of trout we brought home the sportsman of today bos xio complaint to- make of the dlsappeolrance of game from the settled partis of tho community now replaced wlta -well- cultivated farnjj they can still have their tramps after hares and cottontails the clearing and settlement of the countryside la the natural course of events and no one regrets tliat tho offspring of tho deer whfch eldward nicklin shot where boh campbell built his flue house on the mill pond road aro now in the remote game country f north- and uie fishermen of today rqay well tajtb heart because artons pbnds aro ijelnc stoefted from time to time with such fish as the gamey bass and other varieties of game fish which taketo the warmer waters now pre vailing where brook trout could not exist our sweet fresh spring waters here which almost surround thenorth south and west sides ofthe town aro that the fathers were quite alive to the desirability of beautifying the school grounds with shade trees is amply attested by the following mr moore chairman of the property committee reported that he had em ployed stafford 21mmermn jo plant twelve- maple trees in the school grounds at therateof 7ec each tho trees to be guaranteed to grow f6r two years formula employed by- civilians autliorlxed to marry couples a real asset to acton and when tjiir a wellknown justjee of the pcace in me with the wherewithal for a long 3ihrlatnrag vn hirhitrrr it 18 juat about a year to the day when i first qrrlved la the dominion and i can truthfully say that n haa been orio of the beat years- of my life nbw i have the offer of a dozen jobs to which i can go straight on my ro- tur to can in the spring development of tho now gamo ash with which they aro being stoctcod advances ihre will again be sport for thoje who love the rod aridare willing to 10 patient la their en- deaybrs and rensonableas to the num ber taken and dropped into their creels wlih reasonable care trood re sults will yet be seen and tho old boyif who return to visit the old horno in the open eeason for fishing may ugnin eiubyrrithc8iort which capti vated them so fully in their boyhood days thbold school dats the children of today can form little idea of the hardships undergone by the first residents of thl commun lty i waajtaikinjr the othor djly to one of 6urotdest residents who y re members quite distinctly the first schoolhousq of- this community it was a very primitive little school built of logs holes wore bored in tho logs fn each hides and pins driven in then wide boards fastened on for desk there wasnt good 1 ight and tho heat ing was poorly distributed v arid yet undev such conditions school was a quicklv marbreo a dealer in stuffed animals who tfhw kept a few live creatures for sale gave his shopboy who was permitted to sell the stuffed sneclnoens ordorg to call hhn when any one asked for any of the living animals one day a gentleman called and demanded a monkey any- of these asked the boy who was dh chahje he pointed to tho uuiffed specimens no i want a live monkey an swered the customer v the boy stepped to the door of the back shop and called to hla master youre wanted air mr cobb qob8 through the mhx neighborhood newtf town and cptifctry limehou8e mr william qowdy spent friday wltlivelaflvea inguelphi a pleasant event took placo in do trolt on jimurtry 9 when hazel mario scott of llmehouse became the bride of william norrle of rln tho ctro- mony was performed 4 by itey- mr cameron of knox church detroit milton dr james dent v s of wowanbaa man formerly of milton la vlsitmg friends in town and vicinity tho operation for which dr joseph tolfer went to toronto lost week was performed successfully at st michaels hospital and the patient wa a reported ua resting well n tljo following pew elders were formally inducted at tho mprning ser vice in knox church last sunday messrs w i dick w xl auian a r jewell hoger ptolemy and arch mc- gibbonr v last thursday night murray sprout was taken seriously 111 he was ruah ed o toronto by motor car and an operation was performed oneriday at st michaels hospital here he is do ing so well that it is hoped that he will be- homo within three weeks tho stores of harry carr and john conway were damaged by flro on fri day to tho extent of about 800 each both were covered by insurance- champlon georgetown mr j m moore has been reap pointed n member of tho puhlic li brary board for the years9262728 mk j aj thompson has been apr pointed secretary treasurer of the school hoard ata salary of 7500 per year dr coie addressed the council last week asking permission to instal a gasoline tank outside the el do walk on 5g grng mr albert tost has been reap pointed fire chief for the year 1820 at a salary of 7500 and angus duncan deputy fire chief at a salary of 15- mr if b mackenzie has been ap pointed a member of tho library board to fill out the term of mr a g green- removed mr iidula laird- who underwent an operation for appendicitis at the guetohqenorai hospital lsprogr eas ing favorably mr dnd mrs j b mackenzie at tended the banquet of the ontario lumbermans association at tho king edward- hotel toronto mr 1 j mccartney underwent a serious operation atsguelph general hospital last- week he i propfi- ing as well ao could bo expected mr john mason nvho has been quite seriously ill for some weeks is now recovering- his many friends hope soon- to- see him around aroln there was a large attendance at thomas mcgullllcudys lecture a bagful of folks in the baptist church on monday evening it wsu both in teresting and amusing vocal solos by mrs wilfred bessey and mr nix on colo and a piano duet by misses edna stnd alleen glass added to the pleasure of the evening herald from the farmer who grown a hold of golden corn to the housewife who buys a can of corn syrup there is a long and interesting chain of process es and events which mr cobb goes through before 4 he reaches his most palatable and digestible form in the past few years great develop- tneftlstiave be madu in the manu foeture of products from corn be cause scientists have recognised it as one of the moat nutritious foods that can be fed to the human body of t it is probable that no other import ant- ceremony has been performed in s great a variety of ways as tho mar- njago ceremony every country and every soot has itsfsovrn particular form not to mention- the widely dirfering jad- tgavtm great privilege for the yourtjonu provided me with work iloye gave and those who made- thebest otthelr opportunities became very useful and this elderly friend in continuing his very interesting reminiscences to mary rind mc he we all sat around the living room stove one of thome told dayslast week told this story or his exparlenco when a lad back about 18g0 jfo ad a western state when embarrassed is apt to stammer badly he therefore prudently carries i copy of the mar rlae service bo that ho may always have jtn hand in case of emergency on one occasion however he was unexpectedly called upon whllo spend ingthe 1n- atownr some- distance from his home adjusting hbv spec tacles he felt first in one pocket and then in another for his invaluable little book his search was in yajn and ntnjst with bends of perspiration standing outon his fofoheadho exclaimed no m-matter- i hereby fre- de clare you mman and wlwlfe acoord- in to the m- memorandum left in xn- niy other t- trousers ppocetl it is doubtful whether he bride aid groom consldertrtxthis fnpch of ti cere mony but they jxiaote the best of it a wedding joljttney in a 8treet car ike vavious corn products vuanufa turcd corn syrup is looked- upon as the most palatable and most import ant the nutritive value of this syrup is so high that hospitals are now em ploying it more and more in cases of dtfllcult digestion and uhdernourlsh- ment especially in children because it may he fairly called a partially di gested food i when the hpusewlfe walks into a grocery to- ask for a can bf corn syrup she does not consider she is doing anything out of the ordinary but she is she 1b getting ntdod which contains a large percentage of dex trose which is the final farm fa which all starchy foods we eat must be brought to in the process of digestion before they can be absorbed into the blood and impart energy to the body the largest manufacturers of corn syrup in canada have issued u recipe book showing the use of corn products in cooking any r reader who is lnter- cstod can procure this bdok without charge by writing the canfrda stnrch cpmpariy montreal erin the receipts from the fall fair of 1025 including the balance on band amounted to 9310826 the expendi tures were 208347 the balance on hand is 102570 the fair this year wiltbetield on octber 7 and 8 the following olncera of the fall fair for 1926 were ele aa follows president tieorge liavtst 1st vice presl don ts e- grimn 2nd vicepresident d s sinclair directors j e pearen a e curr- rle k mjcdougo n e mckinrion a j jllndgayentybel j il c varieties of corn jm08t suit able for grain varieties of corn most suitable fou grain in any district aro thoso that will just reach maturity in a normal season maturity is the first essen tial consideration in selecting it var iety for grain purposes whethorit bo grown for seed or feed it is ob viously useless to attempt to grow the same varieties of corn for grain in eastern ontario and quebec as can bo grown in southwcbrtem ontario- thus tho selection off a suitablo variety is governed largely by tho bettbonal conditions of the district in- isouthwestern ontario these conditions permit the dent varieties huch as learning wisconsin no 7 bailey golden glow and white cap yellow dent being grown successful ly as these will mature in ah average season tho later flints such as sal- xers north dakota connptons early longfellow and goldj nujtget are suit able for those parts of this district whore the season becomes a little cool er jind shorter however the mere choice pf a variety is not sufficient aa most varieties of corn are composed of a number of strains the result of crossfertilization which normally takes place in corn ia the experiments conducted with corn at tho dominion experimental station harrow ont it has been found that some strains of leamlpe- and wisconsin no 7 reoiutred from seven to ten days longrer to mature than others this shows that in the same district one strain of a particu lar variety may- be suitable while an other may prove unsuitable farm- era should secure seed from a known source each year in general for eastern ontario and the southerly portions of the province of quebec early varieties such as twlchells pride quebec mo 28 can ada yellow and early strains of north western dent are likely to be the most productive for ghxln production p dim mock forage crop dhrfslon ottawa ontario the lesser- of two evils on the first- sunday of their visit in chlcur1imertnter herald says the successful merchant escorted his parents to a fashionable church some of the hymns were familiar and in their rendition the visiting pair contributed heavily with the credit for volume in favor of the father- although not always in correct time and sometimes iirdlscordyet thejoy of the good couple leaped forth in joyoaspralse andthokjlid not see the glowering looks of nearby wor shippers or the flushed face of their devoted son father observed tho merchant that afternoon while his mother was taking her customary nap in our churches the congregation does very little singing it is left entirely to the choir i know my boy said the old man as ho lovingly placed a hand on his sons shoulder that it was vory em- bar rasing to you this morning but if i hadnt sung as loudly as i did the people would have heard your mtother 1 truth has flavor enough tho worst part about exaggeration is that it makes the truth seem tame the youns people who are lncllnod to give the imagination free play in coloring their statements are dissat isfied with the effect when thoy try to tell happenings just as they occur the people who always uae highly- seasoned sauces on their foods find bread and milk absolutely insipid the v has flavor enough for those who are normal if you are impress ed by the insipidity of events as they really turppen and feel it necessary i b and distortion you are only proving that your tabte is perverted thrilled fifth avenue wmy offlcepifth avenue newyork city has been an object of mna interest since its orection and it has received considerable prominence in- the columns of tho new york newspapers interested groups of people re always gathered in front of this little bit of canada in the heart of new york reading- tho legend at the foot of the pole and endeavoring to translateior themselves the story which the curiously carvedfitmres lave to tell it is an authentic replica of one of the totem poles of the halda indians of northern british colombia who are noted for thej rkn this reapec 1 l the right kind of flour itj is a mistake to attempt to make pastry with any kind- of flour pastry baked from national is naturally better than that made from inferior i brands try a sack for your next batch the way it will bo eaten will be a compliment to your baking as wok as to the flour used norval flour mills w r browne co prop- norval kings choice broad flour national partry norval blnd t bell 30 r 2 ph0nb3 s27r 8 is ira vj m thrift pew men ijavo hacl d lesselaborate and lesseocitensl vo honeymoon than mr hon x qabom tho former garv ernor of mlclilffan i save my bride a- flvecont boii from the german market yie writes in ninautoblosrftprsvr i paid tho preaoftcr two rtnilnr jloapa nei reaiaenta of p iii njia two dmiara oil tnetlb bejoua k i plan ind iimld olock the ftallor tot misundebtoop th meaning a- netro charged with stealing a watch hadbeen arraigned before the t ju wan n that he wall gull nnrt nm- one incident in my bnriy-llfa-shpw- wjnroverinipi b s it bobbed hair centuries old hose whohrofs to be horrined at the bobbed hair epldemlo may arid interest in the fact that tthas awfnt cerfhin parts of the clviriiea world in ancient anil modern hto in res- h- h t some places woman were compelled to sacrifice long and beautiful tresses o they wouldnot beaonsldersd valri of their beauty elsewhere short hair iwaa-alborserjon- and in nraoiuj girls ana women bobbed hair was adopted by omeif of the highest bocioi position in bng- land s00 years ago an nmllattig ac- of this extraordinary croze la flyen fnj a letter 7 vterday- he bishop of iondoii called idgetber all his olcrgle about this towne and tojil them he had ex- presse commandhvent from tho king jo will them to inveigh vehemently against the insolence of our wo men and therre woarlnn of brode rlmed hats pointed- duwets thoir halre cut short or shorne antsbmo ai j them- stlllettes pr poliyards and such other trtneketts of like moment d my fathern interest in the ciuofl lion of his children 1 had lust begun going to this lor school when i wokoone morning nny fliother tola mo that i could not no tobohool thnt dny as it had been snotlng during- the night and i waa tpo little to w through the enow ana miner coma not aparo the nnffj to take nte r l t began to tret and cry pecabse i wanted to tf- fathor was busy out in ssrcr i3 uzg jn the wa or many of the farmers ifithosedaysv whllo i was iltmdlhg with rny njothery to let me go my father pu1id the string raised tho doofrlatch and aid where i- alex 7my mothej replied here lie i fussing becxubo he cannot go to vohtiol fatlrer slmiily said it is tlrao for him to go vvhere is hie dlnnor when aioucr handed the dinner to im father ijnt down on the pocch and told rrio a put my nr ma round li s neck fto thon put jite handa be- tiuid him to hold- mo up carried m 6 ijalf a milo to the schoolhousd- set me aown o the doorstop and said b my wedding suit the same way tve joyously took our bridal tour on 0110 of washington beckers street cnrm drawn by riocses and spent tlto oyeing with mr ivtuoller ebaerver of the united states weather tfuresui and mra muoller if any bridegroom was because jpf his greater capdolty for emotion my swoith i add to your fun i subtract from tho hospital i multiply youndays 1 divide your troubles i k you a wnblonuntbei afrpthe grealebtljona mon multiple and the least commori rtdvlbor ovcryday happiness ohy value is hot fo be found in money i f mwnmhf- withhors inrthme what js thrift should we practise it many readers will be astonished to learn that thero is a cqntroversy over the proper answer to both duos- ilonseioti6iiarie9rdo not help ns nluch thriftmeans so many things and has so much interpretations that it is hard to determine whtch mcah- insr applies tparticulor cane frt- gallty and eebnomy care and pru dence in tho management at property even success in acquiring property all come under the head of thrift so wo find ourselves confronted by contra dlctory views of what meaning fits our own case jf thrifts means fru gality we canadians are net thrifty hut if itmeahs succeia in acquiring wealth we are f v f the essence of- true thrift la no waste aboue that sldo of it there is no chance for controversy robt kerr a a parry john wilson j c mckinney w j sutton james klrkwoodt jos thomson q t scott lady directors the officers wives auditors t c foster and c k overland conlngsby ladles aid r oyster sup per was well patronised at the home of mr and mrs- cheater burt lost week there was an attendance of 180 aplendid programmo was rend ered t mrs albert bracoy la visiting with her father mr schell at vtalkorton miss mar tha smith in visiting with friends in london and mount brydges air elijah warden guelph road has sold his farm to mlr thomas erin hortlaultural society has mad9 plans to hold a c loan- up day on arbor day when evory cltjion would be asked to cooperate and on a given day havo the whole village spick and span on tuesday evening thsoys of thq village faced the bciys of the country around the village in a ftuendly game of hockey the vil lagers had a llttlo the best f it by a score of 73 considering the handi cap under which a number of the boys from ma country wero working- they put up d vry good game advocate drawing the line i suppose doctor aaid cumso to doctor paresis that a jorge propor tion of the ills of- your patients are imaginary yes sir quite a large proportion and your treatment of tfch casern i suppoflf is by imaginary pills wei i suppose you might call it thai v ithen of courser for treating im- aginary ills with imaginary nills you rfend imaginary toills oh njy dear sir nothing of the jwnd theres nothing imaginary about tho bills i have ttt draw the line somewhere i vfti urn oqf f frl ftyn acquitted repeated sam doubt fully- whats dat mean judge r thats the sentence you are acquitted still looking somewhat confused sam said judge do- dat mean i hah tp gi oe w back christian eyarigellet gold- i am sufoty flrsu concerning butjermitk things which not every ono anpre- dates about which there is a certain flavor of excluslvenefs usually com- mnnd tho eager enthusiasm of tholr ndmirors thus ho devotion of tfio lover dthutterrrtilk to hln favorite tip- hie 1b almost yarffllonate- he cannot help hoabtlnffqf its virtues andunx- tnglt on the inalfatefl of those who 3p not like it nnd cfp ncrtwlsh to learn to his very eal 6f loii defeats iti own endij which liin pltyjfor bytter- milk in a thplsobcrne drink and de- servos to he inoropojjuldr thin it u fr oallobsdontearre a certsdnr cook in the navy was noted for his absentmindedness one day during a rush period he forgot to wash out the dlxlo that had contained tea the result was that he made tiorno soup in it whan the time came xor it to be served he noticed tea leaves floating about on the top of the soup suddenly a bright idea struck him a hur to llo meeekhe simplicity do you know said professor brwnoirgostottb understand how peopl forget the ages or ineir children huve ho truuuiu for example i was born twenty- three hundred years after soctoitea my wife eighteen hundred years after the death of tiberius caesar my son john two thousand years after ti- berlus samophntus qracchus waa clionon tribune of the people and our naught or amanda fifteen hundred ye b o f 1 shouted r boys if you nee any tea leaves floating v your soup ycntlliknow its mint wedding anniver8arie8 klrst yeax cotton second year paper third year leather flftn year wooden seynth yoarwoollen tonh yearrtln twelfth year china plftocnth yearcryntnl twontleth year llnfen twontyflfth yearflllvcr fiftieth yoaroolden eutleth yeariduudond wandering it is perfectly simple ydil see isrchange quickly drives outau rheumatic poison ho flrat day you take rlieuma the doctors remedy that is selling so rap idly yotih roallso that when kbouma goeain nrlcdeld goes out it matters hot whether you are tor- turcd wjiu pain crippled with swollen joints or distressed with occasional twlnns rheumalb guaranteed to end your rheumatic troublo or noney back rheiima is just as effective in cades o lumbftjfo sciatica arteritis and chronlo neuralgia rhou mutism is a dangeroua disease it often fiffecti the heart and caurtea death if ynu havf it lnth0 slightest degree got n bottle of rheuma from e j hussar d or ahy good drugfrlgt to day and drive h fromiyotir syetem at one jumtme in your home that you do not need v desks or other iurniture in your office which are in the way and that some one else could use arid which does not bring ytlu profits or is youx business at a standstill and are you waiting for business to come hi- tr thfen advertise advertise persistemiy ad an33lfeeqapybee press advertise and keep your business card focused before the attention of niore than 3606 reads of the treefrlhirav to purchase advertisethe sale of your home and office jjurniture also the hori-profit- able niachihery advertise and place these announce ments in the want cdhmiii which appears on the front page telephone llw sa v

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