Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1926, p. 4

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i i the home op member canadian weekly nevripaper association mcrabtr selected town weeklies o onuno the acton free press i pubuihed every thursday morning- at the tree preai building mill street acton ontario the subscription price 15 aoo jr year in advance postage la charged additional to offices in the united states the date- to which aubicxipuons are paid is indicate on the address label advertising ratestranstcnt advertise ments 10 cents per line agate meaaurc for first insertion and s cents per line for each aobse quent insertion contract display advertise ments for so inches or more per annum 18 cents per inch each amertion advertisements with out apeclgc directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly ii p moore president and editor 6 a dills manager and assistant editor telephones editorial and business office nw residence of president itj residence of manager r 131 p the oakville record changes ownership an important change in ownership of a halton county newspaper took place last week when w j taylor of woodstock purchased the oakvillo record for nearly three years the record has been conducted by mr r l taylor who now goes to niagara falls to establish the niagara falls herald he published a newsy sheet itt oakville and proved himself to be a newspaper man of initiative and abil ity mr w j taylor is the largest owner of daily and weekly newspapers in ontario he has had wide experience has occupied the position of presi dent of the canadian press association and is well equipped to give the constituency of the record very satisfactory service the free press has pleasuie in welcoming a newspaper man of mr taylors standing ability and and enterprise to the newspaper field of this good county busy thursday morning february 4 1926 emtoriat reducing the armies of europe reducing thearmies in europe is now becoming j a real enterprise the new parliament of denmark took steps looking to the practical abolition of the danish armyand navy later on sweden decided to reduce her army to about onethird some regi ments with a history going back for three centuries being wiped out in the process now norway is pro posing to follow the load of her sister scandinavian nations norways land fortresses are to be abolish- 1 ed regimental exercises will be suspended and one- third of the ordinary number of recruits for the army wilt not he called to the colors this is quite in keeping with the spirit evidenced at locarno in the multitude of counsel there is wisdom it is refreshing to see the municipal council and the chamber of commerce coordinating in matters of interest to the cqmmunity the members of the present council freely admit that they are not poss essed of all the wisdom of the town and willingly invite the cooperation and counsel of the business men and citizens who have organized for the specific purpose of promoting the economic and civil wel fare of acton and vicinity under the nameof acton chamber of commerce they do not assume the attitude of hands off all matters of the town com ing before them for administration but have ad dressed the chamber of commerce officially inviting conference and co operation this is at is should be and this spirit will undoubtedly redown in advant ages and advancement for our town our citizens are just as anxious to see progress and prosperity as are thenlen who are honored with election to ad- ministerofficially ouraffairstheprbspects are en couraging that acton will have a year of satisfactory municipal administration and that the cooperation referred to will result in economical management no increase in the rate of taxation but an honest effort aimed at to secure a lower rate than has been the case for several years tho importance of encounters for the- championship woh fully borno in upou tho travelling man of business who thuh rclutco hlo experience in tho riihadotphla timou when i arrived at black rock i inr lllrod at tho villago tavern for a nmn of tho name of wharton who had somo land to soli i3o you mean old bill wharton os got land down on bass river itcs woll ho lives about three miles out of town can i get a horse itcb but it wont do you any good is ho lit i not that i know of but bo would not soo the president of tho united states bctoro next wednesday if you can wait seven or olght days you can get to talk about that land with him tlion ho has somo speolal business on hand special buslnoss well x should say so and no mistake today him and old pete davis sat flown to a ganie of checkers for the champion shin of tho county brief item8 from overseas tho wookls news from acton middlesex england pooled them a now variety of the everyday philosopher is pictured in the hereon of a man who camo racing down tho iron steim which led to the trainshed editorial notes at tiie jtoi ttrwesrern depot just as tho tralnhvns pulling out he was stout and persp ring and his arms were lined with bundles everybody got out of his y as he chasod the rear car down the long platform somo shouting- i vice and pleasant comment after him some sportively inclined people of fered bots in a loud volco on his chances of catching the train and others laughed at his gflm doternrtna- tlon but ho caught it and was hoist ed up on tho platform fry a trainman without the loss of a bundle he shook bis flat at the cheering crowd behind him and went inside the car with theblesaedjieiiaeof havlnfcwn was only when the conductor came around for his tioket that ho learned that he was on the milwaukee division train bound for evanston without a stop when he should jiave been moving toward park ridge which lies in a different direction altost men would have said some thing- ugly this man only smiled theres one comfort about it said ho tboso idiots in the depot will never know how i fooled them they think i caught tne right train tho acton express of january isth yielded tho following items to tho scissors of tho acton rtiss prkss tho oner of tho poulters trustees to lay out an open spaco in acton at a minimum cost of 306 subject to the deduction of uny sum received from the county etc has been ac cepted an interesting history is associated with the arst nonconformist church to be erected bn tho east acton hous ing estate the old oak wcsleyan hethodibt church alfred guroer a luborer of no fixed abodo was charged at acton police court ot monday with being drunk and disorderly and using abscene lan guage at parkroad north acton john j rdls a bus iriver of stud- ley granfieroad hanwell was sum moned jit acton police court on wed nesday for driving a motor omnibus dangerously at hlghroaivmcton mr j j matthowstapuary inspec tor has received the congratulations of tho acton town council on aualixy- ing as meat inspector by passing the examination of the sanitary inspect tprs examination board sir montaguo 6harpe at the middle sex sessions on saturday achuiorw- ledged girt of- 2000 from lord olendyno 10 tho middlesex victoria fund in aid of prisoners dependents sir james purvesstewart special ist on nervous diseases is the expert appointed by tho acton town council to report on tbe condition of the sown clerk the st martins players beat all financial records for parochial enter- tnlpjnento by their recent perform ance in st martlna hall weet acton on behalf of st martins special ap peal fund their gross takings being 30 3s ed fredk plexam a licensed driver of the hutment shepherds bush was charged at aoton polieecourtonsat urday with being drunk in charg of a taxi cab albert e xlnes a carman of coren- cesterstreet paddlngton was fined 30s and costs at acton police court on wodnesday for working a lame horse in hissstreet acton the completion of the purchase of gunnersbury- park eo far as acton is concerned was affected on december 29 actons shareof expenses to date living only fw th day an illustration of tho foolish stand ards of living that aro being sot up in cities and tho false estimate of values that aro being created thoroln was given to tho kurmors siin tho other day a man with a family of soven chil dren and in receipts of nn jncomo at 1200 a month was urged by tho rep resentative of a life insurance com pany to add to tho llfo insuranco of 500 then bolng carrlod tiio answoi wrts that such an incrcnbo could not bo made thero woro too many other things to lirovliio for when a short time afterwaids tho represontativo of the insurance called to ropoat his urg ing he learned that one of tho tilings that muat bo provided for in tho household was a 3360 radio a radio is an excellent thing to have in a home it is a means of both en tertainment and education but it in nothing short of a crimo wheti a 13s0 radio is put before an addition to i dve hundred dollar life insurance pal ley as a protection for a family of young children another illustration in a huge pla card on a elty street a credit clothier announces no money down in an advertisement offering dresses over coats and suits on credit s when insuranco is neglected in pr- der that expensive luxuries may be secured and when clothing is pur chased on tho weekly instalment plan instead of for cash it is no wonder there is clamor for widows pensions and that every winter in cities thero 4 still louder clamor for relief the moment sixty cents an hour vases aro stopped have the habit of thrift and of stern determination first of all to provide for the future of ones own wholly departed from this country jn the cities at least farmers sun of two evil8 cho08e nelf her wo continually hear an objectlon- nhlo matter defended on the scoro that people rqlght better do it than some thing- worse not long ago tho sifter of sovoral young men who spend every sunday playing baseball declarod she would rather have them jhua employ ed thinn gambling in somo shuttered mom whore liquor ccnilof bo had for tho asking naturally sho would but why oj either necessary reason ing along thesamo lines picking pockets is not bo bad as murder of two evils choose tho least might bo good seiwo if there were only tjio two evils- to chooso betweon but uxst is seldom the case instead of being natlsned with doing some thing not so bad ns something else sot yoxlr heart on dolrsbmhnt which is worth whllo tho sensible thing when it coaxes lo a cholco of evils is to choose not the least but neither business directory her afternoon out wo have come across a modern ver sion of the touching littlo parody which was popular half a century ago mllly had a littlo lamp chocktul of kerosene flho wrt to light the lire with it and htab not since benzine nocdlcasr ito say the story comes from america j mrs jones rushed into her hus bands oritee oh john norah made a mistake and tried to ktart tho flro with gaso line gasoline eh said john calmly did she grot it started 3et it started why it blow her out of tjio window oh well it was he afternoon out anyways medical dr j a mcniven physician and suroaon office and residence corner eo avenue and elgin stroct phone 88 dr e j nelson frederick street acton ontario 1 legal phone no 22 p o box 111 harold nash farmer a barrister solicitor notary puollo conveyancer etc ferryman block acton ont money lent on mortgagees houre 930 ajn to g pm saturdays 12 00 oclock dental the higher heroism ht cause of serious delay in case of eire the report ofthe inspection of the municipal are preventative appliances in acton by the canadian fire underwriters association on october 14th last i h3 much information of interest in the section devoted to general remarks and deficiencies there 19 significant reference fire pressure with the elevated tank closed off and the municipal are pumps operating is not given by the engineer at the pump house on request by the chief of the fire de partment hut only on the authority of the reeve an arrangement which might cause h serious delay in oaje of fire fire pressure should be given inv mediately an alarm is sounded or on request by the chief of the fire department or his deputy since the change in reevcship the authority has been placed with the chief of the fire dej tins criticism of the fire underwriters association thereby rectified great britains adverse trade balance for the year 1925 395000000 is the greatest in the history of the country the previous record being 341800- 000 in 1924 vfhrttatmrlajjftibl isnt it about timewe were employing ourselves jftyeachingtjiib rising gerreration that loyalty jo ones pidsrttry is much more thain waving flags at election ttjmea and declaring our loyalty by word of mouth pinty a really worthy definition ijone- which des- patriotism as the desire to give ones country f khtf kind of service it needs at the time when it deeds it the patriotism of the men who went to tbe igreat war was displayed in military s because hat was the service the country most needed at that nje5 today the need is of another sort a loyalty 9 every duty which makes life and property safer audthe country strong and more secure in happiness lsna prosperity the serving on a jury the cheerful paying of just taxes without attempt to evade them jqraiiy part of themthe acceptance of responsibility fit town country or nation these are just as much 3 duties as observing the rures of the board of health tefeewb honestjnbusiness no loyahcitizen can af- lijfd to shirk them for if he does his own self-re- tspect suffers as weil as the general wellbeing of- his cjahtnunity v fj liquor sold on medical prescriptions the government dispensaries of ontario sold during 1925 liquor for which 5014000 was paid by x doctorsprescriptionb inasmuch as fnot an ounce of liquor can be legally- secured from j a without a doctors prescription on- g g coote progressive m p for macleod a berta will move in the house of commons for 1 substantial reduction in the customs tariff on auto mobiles and motor trucks that wont please the manufacturers very much an appeal to the people is practically certain to be made in june by the ontario provincial govern ment and it looks very much as if the platform will be government control of the sale of intoxicating beverages in some form or other stray bit8 if proceedings of both federal and provincial parliaments were broadcasted the electors would have an opportunity of listening in and determining how well promises made daring an election cam paign were being kept st marys journal wish that k k k stood for coal car coming for the anthracite is bard to get the niost satisfactory substitute for cool la spring turnnces are like husbands if you dont watch them thoy go out tho lest time to buy a thermometer is now they will be higher in tho summer tho thermometer has been indulg ing in its low instincts and it would not be so hard to get up in the morn ing if the mercury would mount vesuvius has had eruptions and they dent know what to do with the crater d b it is said of some pcoplo thou they do not know what fear is but there to nothing particul creditab in thatklndofeouragel we shoutdttako our hats off to those who know the meaning of fear and are brave in spite of it if you are timid shrlnklnk if you dread to be hurt if the presence of danger makes you feel uko running away then you havo a chance to show the higher hcrlosm that courage whleh ib part ignorance and part an imal vigor may be admired as we bbh mjl admire a fine- 4hyalquo or a handsome is 469 10s 3d and that amount bns i face but is nothing for which the been paid four tenders for preparing the acton cemetery extension were re ceived and that by a new kentroad arm at 4271 7s tod was accepted this terjder was more than 1000 less than that of a local firm qeorge j cowen a laborer who gave an address in cho city was fined 10s at acton police court on iffohdy for abstrucins the footway at crown- street acton by selling goods at st moryb church aoton on possessor can take any especial credit the courage that overtimes shrink ing which masters fear and carries one into danser in spite of shaking knees and chattering teeth is real heroism pepper and salt the tillsonburg news has recently been enlarg- ed and im mfnfsxerjitivftnnrntrirn trio of enterprising men who have the newspaper instruct and wide experience tillsonburg and com munity are fortunate in having as their journalistic repre such a local pjperasjbft news although a dollar does not go so far as formerly llielifeof theqneandtwodollar bills is becoming shorter each year treasury officials say that the bills used to remain in circulation about two years and 4 half but they now last only last thirteen months everybody feels that they do go quickly the aggregate value of all field crops in canada in 1925 is 11 59361 906v as compared with 995- 235900 in 1924 the value for 1925 j9 thejargest tiince rozottwheh the total was 1455244500 and the year 1925 is the first year since 1920 and the warperiod that the field crops of canada have ex ceeded one billion dollars in value the water in the detroit river is a foojt lower than ever was knqwn before and 5cmsly ham pering the ferry service at getroft the diversion of water from lake aifhipir at chicago referred to as the chicago wter grttal ia blamed for this low water t capildian government has made a tatio must have had a very unhealthy bill of farifftfong protest during the yel against the steal ssjm year the ontario temperance act places jmpon the medical professioh of this province the the farmers un says as t the general gues- w6nu8 of the proper distribution of algofrol which fs tltps nvwtitv hir nnttftf f thftligunr trntrir in pr f m purposes onlv ontario ontario there is np room f uny m tt tbtorsraie iheipfore the ole avenueof atparoach fe to vine simnlv nf snppnn t hl f n fl plfind tfte lawjflvsjrui prescription may ho given than purely metfatb8e8 it to anfor- 7jwte indeed that a eornpamively small percentage j the doctors of ontario aw so unprincipled as to tissue prescriptions in ovation of tho clause for pure- wmejlical wjesj and jthus cast ialur upon teirtost iarabrannfess10tiwhtcfthey belong aprom- pjejlt medical man in practice in ontario writing to oof of the tdronto dailies fastweek in speaking ttt this matter said the writer knows that wny prescriptions are is cd when it would require 4rcry p imagination to defeat a really medf- t reasonifor their issue this fact the government fmjjst be well aware of the public generally certainly says 7 jfiyudging fyom what the writer ias heard when dis erasing this mattergwith brother doctors it is by no ejssuilpieasin or popular position for onr pro- sjionto be placed in surely it is time some ac- jptn was taken to remed this unfair and undesirable position of our medical men can any one ghe a bu and tenable reason why the government 0 tho province should maintain liquor digpenswfea with jhjr millions of dollars stock or alcoholic liquors of hon charles mccrea said at kingston last week there is no possibility of an election at the con clusion of the next session of the provincial legis lature i see no need to go to the country at the present time there is no issue which would cause such a course of action on the part of the premier alway8 in 8eas0n when hiram basset went down on the cape to pay a visit his friends provided him with every sort of floh they could muster and for five days he was treated to mackerel halibut oysters clams scallops and many other varieties in the best possible condition well hiram said his host on the day of mr basaetrst return to bis homo id like to sco what youll get hgnnahji cook for you 1 when you reach homo i reckon you have had enough fish to last you for one while pooh said mr bossetl i guess you dont know anything about it you havent mved in massachjjbettn iongomjiighu honnahll get me some thing she always does when rve been away from home for a spell a real good- meafl o codfish on potato hash thats wjhat hannahu get me how he lost his job an exchange tells the story of an old colored xnaxt who asked a white man if he could give him work the white man asked the negro if he had a boat when tho negro replied tes boss the white man responded woh you see alt that driftwood floating down the rlverf yes sail was the reply well then continued the white man you row out in the river and catch that driftwood and ill give you half you get saturday tho marriage took place of mr douglas blackwell son of mr and mrs h blackvell of burwell combs and miss- doris borton daughter of mr and mrs h a bortop of acton it is proposed to provide addiuonal slipper baths at tho acton baths for which 600 has been included in tbe estimates thomas l webb mayfleldrood acton was qncd 4 at aoton police court on wednesday for exceeding the motorcar speed limit- sir harry brlttaln who arrived at victoria at 6 p in on sunday from australia was met by lady brlttaln and their children mr fred j read acton conservative agent mr tom mann who visited acton last week to attend the funeral of hus old friend and coadjutor in theilpv movement the late mr t j cham bers seems to know a good deal about acton and the biographies and doings or its leading politicians recognized that great and toeautlful thoughts and clearness in expresslnar them are ih onl in a hultnbter environment the acton town council has decided to redecorate the some what dingy wanu or its council cham ber which are not in keeping with it luxurious cornet and recently im proved rostrum colonel watklns asked an old negro to get him a good thanksgiving tur key and mind you sam i dont want a whd turkey deed boss ill bring you a tame turkey said sambo v the turkey arrived and sam receiv ed his money but when tho colenel began to carve tbe fowl on thajiks- glvlng day the knife struck something nard which on investigation proved to be a pocket or ftlrd shot the old colonel was wrathful the next day he found sam and began to road the riot act to htm didnt i tell you not to bring me a whd turkey oat was a tame turkey boss but i found the shot in lilm with which- you klllecl hun doan worry colonel dem shots s tended tor me wall street journal i roberts i afthirtctofcoflarslkm for coughs colds s and bronchitis jj dr j m bell d d s l d sw psntlat honor graduatsof toronto unlr- alty the lateat anesthetic used tt aealreo office at residence corner of 1uu and frederick streets dr f g gollop d d s lds dental surgeon office over bank of nova bootltv hours 9 pt96 80 1 eveninm by appointment notmqe to creditors miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account booksofim kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefiflly bound ruling neatly jifl promptly done wyndhaxa street ovrtfwniltmf guelph ont store his match in a country town in kentucky thero a store whero they aeh alrrftobt everything the young man who doei uie melunc considers himself a trll- ilnnt hand-at- reimpteer ihe practises his skill on his patrons la general with a preference for color ed ones an old auntfe came in an a market day and enquired you aint got no ends o satin cut saulntin is yoiit the creditors of sarah ann mac- dougall lotto of the village of acton in the county of halton spinster who died at acton on tho third day of january 1325 ore required to send by post prcpold or otherwise deliver to tho undersigned solicitor their full names addresses and descriptions full particulars of their claims and the nature of th securities if any held by them and this notice being given in pur suance of section 56 of the trustees act rso chap 121 and omendlnar acts notice la hereby further given that on and after the 22nd day of february 1s2s the executors will pro ceed to distribute the assets of the gnld deceased among tho parties legal ly entltod thereto and they will not be responsible tor any claims pt which they have not received notice at the time of suet distribution dated at axiton this twenty first day of january a 1926 margaret ilooro macdougall and hubert mann executors by h n farmer acton ontthelr solicitor 93 r t kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 years sxporlonce ust tour property with me acton ot ario sidney hooeris stanlergordens acton was charged at waldatone petty sessions lost week with hawk ing without bdlnuk registered as a ped lar at wembley on december 81 w a pole of s essex parkmews aoton was similarly charged the sudden death ot mr william saint allowance postman at cblswlck of 8 antrobusroad acton green was the cause of much regret last week to ms comrades at the chiowlck and acton sortlngofbees with whom ho was extremely popular the members ot the 14 aoton dio cesan scouts and the wolf cuba were taken by scoutmaster e loarthart assistantscoutmaster j neal and cubmistress miss h hanook to see he pantomlmo at tho kings theatre hammersmith on saturday it is with regret that many bast the colored man worked hard for a acton residents are noting the dls- while when all of a sudden he stopped inppearance of the greater number of and pulled tor the shore i beautiful elm trees which have on being asked the reason for his i been for so long the glory of crown return he replied dat wood is jest lane thoso trees are being foiled to tdldnx say 1 hadnt auuntle well vu neednt bo so srtutrt mis ter i aint orst you isnt you i erst you aint you is yon unappreciated us much mine as tis his i aint gwlno to gib him a and so im o of work again rqpst be either provincewide prohibition or pro vlnctswldo legalized sale vfltb distance annihilated by the motor car a bar within twentyfive miles of a prohibited area would be as easily accessible and as great a menace as was one within three miles twentyfive years ago tllft branch department of the interior has placed a tablet on the front wall of the office the daily whig at kingston ontario this building stands on the site of the old st georges anglican church within which on july 1792 governor simcoe held his first meeting of the ex ecutive council of the province of upper canada the inscription on the tablet indicates the historic importance o jhesjtej changes in the administration- of the canadian penitentiaries are proposed by m8 agnes wcphail jtlp in a motion jilaged on tho order paper of the house of obimorts amw mophail suggests that these f lunge should provide firs sufficient pro- dutye wotrd tq tteep the inmates employed and eaond that a ahare of the proceeds go to depen dents and in case of no dependents such share to international courte8y the want ot cardial feeling betweon france nntt germany makes itself ap parent on all occasions a german periodical describes a little scene at tho dinneftablo of a swiss hotel whore a frenchman and a german sat opposite each other you are ti frenchman i suppose sold tho oermon when the meal was half over yes was the reply but how did you find it out because you oat so- much bread said the german then there was silence till dinner was nearly over when the frenchman said ynu are n oerm i p i am so but what made you think becauso you ate so much of every- thing wa 1hjnjl rrt 8inftle indeed it seems at it the acme of frugality had been reached by a french officer who exniainea wrth many appropriate gestured his system of sustaining life on a pension ot ave franca a week ltls simple veree veree simple ho said to the friend who had express ed amazement at his feat sunday i go to xe bouse of a good friend and zere i dine ao extraordinaire and eat so veree much sat i need no more till vedrtesday i on satday i haye at my restaur ant one iarr veree large dish ot tripe and some onions i abhor xe tripe yes and so onions also and to gether they me me so seek as i have ho more any appetite till sunday you see it is vbtelniple i the nearsighted man the country gentleman tells this story about an absentminded profes sor ho had ono to- the barbers for a shave and atter the operation ha still stayer in the chair the barber respectfully asked him if ha had fall en asloep no my goeil man he said i am not asleen tlier fact is i am fear fully nearsighted when i took my glasses oft i was no longer ane to see be held in trust until release these suggestions m jn rr ppositet natw- i j i i ally i supposed i had already gone have some ntferit worthy of eootideration i home make room for the large block of flats which is to be constructed by tho qolsmlths company tjnder the auspices of the acton wesley guild a shakespearean re cital will be given next friday by mr j j delmago the blind composer as soloist in aid of the freater london fund for the blind the cancellation ot the agreement between acton and wlllesden counr ells the royal agricultural society and others with respect bo the drain age of park royal is proposed the sum of 670 its sd has been offered acton towards its cost jof construct ing the sewer but the offer is deemed to be very inadeciuate during the entertainment at the globe cinema acton on saturday evening a young lady living in acton at chaucerroad had an unpleasant ex whll nnrrg h aealjm6 was occupying a man held his pipe so that some of the re ssh fell on- top- of lier b which was slightly singed not he a thoroughgoing offotlat is generally devoid of the sense of humor such person to whom no name need be orlven was one time discoursing chief ly of hlmseir but incidently of others thoroa old doctor backbite aalrt he that man has trio vilest char acter of uny man i ever saw he itevor opens his mouth without speak ing ill of same one hes an ntoler- ate nuisance no one replied and the speaker went on ntow i cant understand that as for me i make it a rule never to speak ill of any one i missed the pjntt uation bven so slight a mistake as the placing of a comma instead of a dash brought sharp disappointment ta a frenchman in tvoahlnarton the other day according to a report in the path- flndenr the frenchman had tnown fond of horaeflesh it la exrlained and was greatly pleased an taking up a bill of fare in pne of the faahionabie rest aurants of the capital to read pot rdast horse radish sauce the waiter was at his elbow and the peoplo at the noxtt table heard tho frenchman say eagerly orlnc to me ejjt you please some of x roast horse wist u radish sauee kaiherlnes uncle had come to pay a visit atter the flrsrreetlngs were over and he was comxortably seated with little katharine on his knee he asked as uncles often do if she were a good little glrir yes tout nobody knows it was the prompt reply from katherino ine-xfemancl- is greater than the sspply slnco january 4 we have had two calls for- help we were un able to supply all graduates are loca t talk to the man or woman on the atreott in your town who knows about our work then actl students msy start any day at guelph business college theres a good positron for you qet tbe training come along on monday a u bouck j prlnolnal and proprietor a e nicklin insurance agent life the mutual life assurance co of canada fire waterloo mutual insurance comnnnj eagle star and british dominion insuranco co limited auto accident health burglary insurance etc employees li ability assurance corporations the dominion of canada guar antee and accidents insurance company money to iandh farm proper ty government and municipal bonds truotoe for estates col lections soo me for all kinds of insurance b05c 444 bower ave acton rariuctosrv3t t6romto canada is rood tea tea 0vu joyeaaj a jtfidaad royal college ofsetenee dr w barnard opt d r o optometrist eyesight specialiail oprtlrdan acton and georgetown gla5es properly fitted will correct eyestrain moating specks jiejjdacjicsnohmnroilgialoji t make your appointment at once hintons jewellery store look moneysy take nojtice that we will handle your troublesome note and accounts op a strictly commission basis no collection no charge ii jvspfteo 34 years experience at your disposal and your collection troubles send us your list we will do use rest no note or account is considered too small too liurga too old or too far away we will talkie any honest debt t kelly aiken codmttmfl oranqeville owkm foumd j m adcbn manager reference sterling aaaal radix qanadafi pioneor monthly iliibllcation devoted to radio subscription price 2 00 per year in advance radio la edited by allen b oxloy r c i an outstanding authority on radio operation subscribe now and learn how to get the beat out of your radio set radio alo tells you where to buy penton publications 6062 adelaide east toronto people shamefully neglect their eyes about tho last thing tho avor- ato perfnn 1 litqn tn nttantl tn la an oxaml nation of the oyos soma folks mko to boost of their ability to do without itaasos oven uioueh thoy admit that thoyneea thorn o ffroater- miatake could bo made you do differently if vo only hiih- peci uiat your oyca aro not aa they should be havo us give them a thorough going over a d savage optomatrlit and mfg optician right at tho post office savago building quelprt mi i ia ai the om and reliable granite and marble works 1m v 1 ifjis dafe u fia we are manufacturers and direct importers of all kinds ot monumental and headstone work we sell direst tp our customers at 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