Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1926, p. 5

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y w wf 7ftv i livrtatt 3frrllrb0 tiiuhsday 1bruaky 4 fr the printer it may boaad but still ub triio theres ono thing all us humans do and thut is blamo tho printer lib doeii his beat without our- help for all wo do la stand and yelp then jush and bliuno fho printer we write our manuscript by itfi to readlt is beyond our ken jtet wo expect tho jointer tadoiio jil out and getltrisht rwe think not of hia time or night if wrong woblamo the printer- wo hold our bluff until the last then try to rush it through so fast tho printer gets snowed under but still wo cump upon his trail and prod him on with woeful talo or rant and roar like thunder he whoots it through tho proof wo get nells bolls the job is not rlehl yet wo chop hut proof to splinters it takes two days before ho knows just what each helroglyphlc shows a dumb lot are thoao prlntera the jobs delivered some relief to know wero through with rush and grief we ought to thank the printer butno the poor ginks out of time he overcharged u ono whole dime onco more avq cuss the printer edson s dunbar the sunday school lesson for sunday february 7 hebrideans canadian west twenty years ago tf from tho issue of the fretf press of thursday februarys 1906 fine bracing winter weather ice harvesting is in full swing it is 14 or 15 inches in thickness a few days of zero weather during the week kept us jn remembrance that winter has not sdld a flnal adieu yet mr john gibbons late of erin has gone into the droving bualneas with acton as headquarters he will re move here shortly wm brawley grocer who purchased the business of j agnew has decided to dispose of tho business ijeardmore co- have put on two new ldctlred wagons and will pro ceed itt once to ha eight or tbnrr others supplied with wide tires this will be of great benefit to tho new roadways mr william coleman and family intend leaving for tue north west next month their fine- brick houso on main street is offered for sale collector price husauellcbl lecting overy dollar due on last years assessment mr adam bauer is moving from church street to the edmlnston roql- denee on mount campbell whicti he recently purchased mr brant swackhamer son of roeve swackhamer has- purchased the gents furnishing business carried on the past year by mr h la sher man at the meeting of tho trustee board of the methodist church last friday evening the treasurer was instructed to pay the balance on the mortgage indebtedness on the church j526g0 and secure a discharge wednesday evening january 31was the knox church anniversary tea and entertainment a splendid program me was provided by six trained slng- era from college street presbyterian church- toronto mies e taylor so- prano jss eva hathaway contral to misa btelen taylor xriexxqsoprno mr rainsden harrison tenor and ist j hhynd jamison scottish arl tone mrgreprff grftene organ lat and chotrmasnir was accoriuiriist the receipts of the evening amounted to 108 1 married iiakeabrahamln st attnarfe church acton on thursday feb- xuury 3 by rev mattnw m a joseph b lake foreman of the free prsss to mary eldest daughter of mr james abraham all of acton childrens sayings teacher bobby what does riaxy mean bobby tjuey means always want ing your little sister to get it for you the elass had received a lesson on the eskimos and were asked to write airaccount ot it one bright young ster wrote the eskimos are ooovs frozen peopled a little mflwalkeo lad was in tears because his playmates called him a sissy why did they call you that dear hia mother asked thoy found out something about me said the sobbing youngster was it something bad they think so but i cant help it they aay im a sissy because and he gulped hard because im twins with a fir eddie othor sas it wo go near that cloaot shell punish us i bobby i guess its the santa clauset- still human the new minister was youxig and full of faith hope and charity hat he did riot always plan his speech with care let us pray that we have an at tendance of at least fifty at our next young peoples service he said very earnestly one sunday evening and remember that the prayer of faith is always answered tho next service did not bring out fifty persona or nearly that number but the minister looked down onvthe faithful tewv well friends ho said briskly a flfry aif no knf jhrja p sixteen find thats une or two more than i counted on jesus curi3t the light op the world general lesson tit icr jesus heata and saves a blind man scripture lesson john 0 141 golden text i am tho aight of the world he thut followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life john 8 12 devotional reading isa 4g 1112 64 8 r j tho text explained as in the preceding- lesson jesus tises nrderd of helrp fulness ttis the bvisls for a discourse on spiritual re alitles v verse 2 the jews believed that physical buffering was in most cases a direct punishment for sin they also believed that a babe unborn had emotions and that these might be sin ful 3 neither did this man sin nor his parents they committed no definite act of sin of which their childs blind ness was a result the work of god not alone the miracle of healing but the divine power manifest in tho mans after life we must work christ indehhlfieit himself with his disciples the night cometh if this was the close of the last day of the feascthe descending darkness doubtless suggested tho words also jesus was reminded of tho fact that his life work on earth was drawing to a close verses 6 and 7 this mode of heal ing was prohdbly used to assist the blind mans faith both saliva and clay were regarded as remedies for diseased eyes 7 wash in the pool a test of the mans faith compare eushaa com mund to naaman 2 kings 5 10 j he- is llkehlm we may lmagino that the mans appearance and man ner were greatly chanced the intervening verses 11 to 34 give tho mans report to the pharisees who immediately reply that the man who had performed the cure cannot be from god because ho keepeth not the sabbath the people asked how a sinner could- do such signs and as a division arose among them they ap pealed to the healed mqiv who prompt ly said he la a prophet a second time thoy called him and asked him to give glory to godt that the man who had wrought the cure was with out doubt a sinner but the man who had been born blind argued that such an act could not be performed if this man were not from god whercupop the pharisees became angry and cast him out from among- them verses 1034 the very interesting sequel to the healing ministration of jesus reveals the widespread attention his public ministry received and the jealousy and antagonism which his popularity aroused among the phari sees in this case it reveals the simple straightforward loyalty- bf the man who was healed toward his unrecog nized benefactor that loyalty jesus docs not permit to pass unnoticed 35 find him apparently jesus sought him out for the purpose of leading him to a fuller knowledge of the truth dost thou believe thou is emphatic in contrast with he un believing pharisecs 36 who is he lord that i may be iieve on rim the simplicity of the mans faith and his desire to be taught must have touched jesus 38 worshipped used in this gos pel and in revelation only in the sense of divine worship lesion themes self forgetful servlee how very rapidly the scones change when we endeavor to follow jesus for but a single day on this the last day of tho feast he had told tho people about the living water arid invited them to come- to urn and drink 7 37 some of his hearers had listen ed engerlytohts gracious words and the pharisees nttd asked their cynical questions later probably in the evening he had spoken to the people about the light of the world and as he spake these jthlngs many believed on him 30 then- he probably sought out the company of jews who had believed hin but whose faith now seemed to be wavering urging them to continue to follow his teachings and promising that they should know the truth and the truth should make them free but their arguments regarding matters of minor importance at last led them to a point where they were unable tacomprehend tho words of jesus and they turned against him and took up stones to cast at him passing out with his disciples his spirit unruffled by the disheartening experience he performed a deed of mercy and made it the occasion of leading the disciples to a higher con ception of god physlclal suffering and sin the physical suffering in many coses result directly from human wrongdoing such wrongdoing includes the fail ure to observe the laws of health and hygiene of ten this is due to ignor ance sometimes people know but are careless or indifferent in such cases the suffering isa natural result which can be forseeb by those who are not ignorant the notion held by the dis ciples and other jews differed from this it was rather the heathen belief that punishments were sent by the almighty in order to satisfy the de mands of justice the jews at the time of jesus had not yet risen above the old belief that god would because he had the right pronounce arbit rary judgments upon his people such ufalsoldqa of god jesus sought to correct on another occasion he men tioned that eighteen men upon whom the tower of 81 loam fell were not of fenders above all the men that dwell in jerusalem and that a- company of galileans whose blood pilate had mingled with their sacrifices were not sinners abov all the galileans be cause hey suffered hee things luke 13 15 he also shows that there is- another alternative- that wanted a little praise him self railway time tables at acton the house with the neatly curtained windows the galbraiths on tho perch lower- the red deer rapidly carving out new homes in western canada far from their native kxnd the hebrldenns have settled down with a determination to succeed la their adopted country at evarts near red deer alberta it is evident that the women take groat pride in their culinary accomplishments mrs ntell maclean one of the hebrides n matrons told how she set a book and learned how to mulco cakes a wo man she said one of my neighbors taught me how to make bread and i t i bake twice a week i never saw bread a vei w 2 mone next before till i came to canada but wo following a dlsaatcroua lire in a western city many men ami women gathered to look m the ruiim soinui of the men seeing that a wall near which they were standing was toppllnjf made haste to cot out of tlio way and nar- rowly escaped bclntr crushed johnny brabison u good irlnh citi zen was ho near tho wall that he could not escape with the others bo whirling about ho made for ct door in tho wall burnt through it anil came out safe on the other aide and evi dently very proud of his exploit wo men who had shut their oych and shreiked when they saw bis mincer now gathered round him in great joy and cried but praise hea johnny urabison do wjp on your- kneen and heaven yis yls sajti he and i will wasnt it injaneyous in me now anadian wationaiififlllwaysi 1011am 01 a m 1042 a m 229 pm 509 p m all like it better than hannock now i mrs macleuns husband was n sallj or and fisherman in the hebrides and was always away mrs maclean now of the eight mnclean- children attend to buy farms school in the district of their farm and another couple from the hebrides mrs maclean says that they arc all mr and mrs galbraith huv a pleas very fond of their studies the proud ant little collage with fluffy muslin mother explained that ut home they curtains at the windows this year did not like the master and would cry they had a very fine crop and they feels that dt is good to have him ati i made them go to school here have quite a number of good horses home on tho farm as they fool so they holler if they have to stay at the hebrlclcnnn about evarts are as- jnjimqmiexuedlonihejsj sisted anil advised by experienced had a small croft of twentyfive acres i jbw 0eyelga7gatdenbq that- there farmers- and given kindly exiilnnallqna and kept two cows mrs maclean httle need to buy from the store when tho ways of this new land seem did the work while her husband was thrifty housewife canned peas strange and inhospitable at se the whole family worked heans carrots beets and peaches and 1 a short distance from red deer in from dawn till late every night and plums all of which she exhibited i the vicinity of the former industrial yet they could not feed themselves so cidetl to come to canada would have a turkey for christmas society for the purpose of giving tern her face lighted- up oh yes she porary accommodation to tho hcbrl cnf iheirnewfarnt- of 160 acres iiear haald jje will have a turkey and we dejnfi while they are endeavoring to evarts mr and mrs maclcan with hud one last year and i sent one to become located on farms these their eight children have been settled granny in red deer thatta more houses are at present occupied by for over two years this year they than i was over able to do at home j widows and their families and work threshed 100- acres of grain ono of and we are gaining all the time i j is secured for the children who are the girls who had some cxerlcnce have brought out two brothers aincc old enough to go out to service the in service in tho oldl country is em- i wo came they are out working at younger children attend school in one ployed at red deer aa a housekeeper i threshing now and they expect to of the industrial buildings s33s the most digestible of sweets out pure corn syrup is raished by adults and thildrra because of its delicious flavor it is alaorjichiiifood value and so easily digested dootora recommend tf kdwapdsburg crown every iiikii iiiiii i make enough to there waq a fiock of promising tur- j school are a group of twelve cottages they onally de- keys in the yard when asked if she erected by the scottish immigration wriere great women grow if you want with all your heart to succeed put very little stock in fret ting complaining about your hard luck and wondering when it is going to turn will not put yoxr an inch far ther ahead grumbling and fault finding uses nervous energy as well as breath and to and an instance in which they have ever helhed is hard i y t s i of fretting strip off your coat roll up your sleeves and wade in a thous and successful men if interviewed would name one factor and another that contributed to their success but on one point all would agree every one would emphasise the importance of hard work in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread god told adam and ever since all necessities and all blessings have been dependent on some ones work no one deserves any good thing who is not willing to bweat for it sometimes as in this case the works of god may be manifest through of- fllutum we imi rmor uucloty should do all that is possible to- be done to help each individual to de velop a normal and sound physical life there are instances howover in which the spirit of god has found marvelous channels of- expression in the uvea of those who bear afflictions for study and biscusston fretting amd sweating wedding anniversaries first year cotton second year paper third year leather fifth year wooden seventh year woollen tenth year xln twelfth ycarrchlna fifteenth year crystal twentieth year linen twenty- fifth yenj silver fiftieth year golden sixtieth year diamond mothers value this oil mothers who know how quickly croup may seize their- children and how necessary prompt action is in applying relief always keep at hand a supply of dr thomas eclectric oil because exper ience has taught them that this js an excellent preparation for- the treat ment of this ullmenc and thoy are wise for its various uses render it a valuable medicine reason on guard the tongue has long been recogniz ed aa he unruly member sometimes the eyes flash signals without wait ing for the will to glve the word and flats have been known to become ac tive before the owner qulto realized what wan happening hut the indls- cretlpps of the tonguie outnumber all of these a hundred to one this does not mean that silence is more admirable than speech the pro- verb speech is silver s is gold- en is true only in exceptional cases incjinfllderato- speech is dangerous the tongue more than any other sn ember needs to bo under rigid con- tr po n i th mute atmi- growth and age as far us the practical side of life is concerned the period of middle age is a womans time of richest and niost fruitful activity the careful mother and housewife with her children growing up round her is full of deep thoughts and full of duties she has neither fingers enough nor hours enough to attend to the needs of the da h g h c sh feels that she can hardly make it ac complish all that she desires it is then too often that there comes a break the children grow up and scatter and the house seems very empty the dally activities although ijuitea3 constant and more wearisome take on the appearance of being less profitable und the woman finds that almost without knowing it she has passed from maturity to old age this is not right either to herself or to others she should not give all at once nor lot the tyrannotis perfec tion of the body so blind her to its inevitable failure and decay that she will slight the welfare of the soul recognised us a leading specific for the destruction of worms mother graves worm exterminator has proved a boon to children everywhere it seldom falls thrift what is thrift should we practise it- many readers will bo astonished to itiarn that there la a controversy over the proper answer to both ques tions tho dictionaries do not help us much thrift means so many things and has so much interpretations that it is hard to determine which mean ing applies to a particular case- fru gality and cconomv care and pru dence in the management of property even success in acquiring property all come under the head of thrift so we find ourselves confronted by contra dictory vietos of what meaning fits our own case if thrifts means fru gality wo canadians are not thrifty but if it means success in acquiring wealth we are the essence of true thrift is no waste about thut side of it there la no chance for controversy paring a corn is both risky and in effective itii much hetter to use jtiolloways corn remover and eradi cate them entirely misunderstood the meaning aniegrochatberwinitcailhg a watch had been arraigned nfore the court the judge was not convinced tha w guilt and an id concerning buttermilk things which not every one nppre elates about which there is a certain flavor of escluslveness usually com mand the eager enthusiasm of their admirers thus the devotion of the lover of buttermilk to his favorite tip ple is almost passionate he cannot help boasting of its virtues and urg ing it on tho ialates of those who do not li i a d nu wl to his very zeal often defeats ita own ends which is a pity for butter milk is a wholsesome drink and de serves to be more popular than it is there is to bo sure a legend that every brie drinks it in the country the jug is hipjosed to be filled after each churnlnpr and emptied long before the next one in hayingtime aa a thrist quenther and in the winter as a- pro moter of mild and cheerful convivial ity buttermilk is declared to be the true rural beverage unfortunately the facts are other wise kurnacrs as a rule feed their pigs and not themselves on the by product of he churn switched no doubt has moio lovers although less talkative ones and so has cider t but professor match n iff off the emi nent biologist has given a useful ad vertisement to a deserving article he discovered that intestinal microbes which he holds responsible for many maludlcs including premature old age docs not thrive in lactic acid which is the characteristic thing about butter milk he also learned thatthe bui- garlans a nation of sourmilk drink ers produce an astonishing number ot centenarians ergo if you would live lonff drink buttermilk it testifies for itself dr thomas eclectric oil needs no testimonlar ox its powers other than itself whoever tries it for coughs or colds for cuts or contusions for sprains or burns for pains in the limbs or body well- know how the medicine proves itself and needs no guarantee this shows why this oil is in general use the gentler sex instructions in etiquette given in a little book published nearly three hundred years ago shed an interest ing light on the table manners of that perl ol i the work is entitled th accomplished lady a rich closet of rarities ajnd on etiquette at tableto fair sex are advised as follows a gentlewoman being at table abroad or at home must ehserve to keep her body stralghtc and not lean bilnylflfranjiuii by ravenous gesturo discover a vor acious arpetltc talke not when you have meat in your mouthe and do not smackireict eat btwhwic- meat so hot that the tears stand in your eyoh it is very uncourtly to drink so large u draught that your breath is almost gone and you are forced to blow strongly to recover yourself throwing douee yur liquor as into it funnel 1h an paction nteer for a jugrler thun a gentlewoman in dally daily dally daily dally dally daily toronto terminal keelo street and st clair avcnuo freight delivered by special express freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto corn syrup tvfnda starch co limittomontreal fbio a provincial x organizatiom jor 107 yean the bank of montreal has main tained offices in the province of ontario read toacqept monies upon deposit and loan these f fundi to fanners merchants manufacturers and txuiness men generally upon terms consistent with found banking and th propel c o its depositors funds since the first office was established in 8i8 at toronto the bank faaa spread throughout the province until today it has 349 offices in ontario with headquarters attordnto ready to give prompt and rffictrny service to people of this province small accounts are welcome and are accorded the saxne service as that given to large accounts customer of the bank have all the advantages resulting from a provincial organization combined with the strength and farilirirs of a nationwide banking institution having world- wsde oafsavczions bank of montreal nbalaaseta in exeoaa of i7ffooooooo headquarters for ontario 4 wllinc1on streit em toronto jvsmith real estate and insurance got our hat of forma and toim property before buying wo may have just what you want and are looking for at prices and terms to jhtftyou agent for confederation xlfe association xondon lancashire fire insurance london lanca shire guaranteo and accident company of canada promplianol courteous attention given your business solicited residence m lit and wallaco sts- telophone t05 acton bondsl stocks and grain private wires to new york chicago winnipeg and toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds t j han nig an phwi s74 guelph i h j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist will 6w at a t browns drug store acton monday mar 1st anyone suffering from eye strain defectivo vision or headache should not mlsa the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appotnt- menta may he made with mr a t brown druggist consultation free office hour9 m jjji 4 m typewriters genuine factory rebuilt underwoods built up to the same stand ards as the new machine throughout fully guaranteed sam e as new but they cost less general typewriter appliance co 09 kinxj st west tobonto 2 advertisers thafree pre88 is anxious to servo you and serve you well we can givo your advertiss- mant better attention and there for mako it more attractive if th copy ie tupplied to us on monday of tuetaday if copy faili to reach us until wednesday forenoon there is at rush to set it up before the forms cjose end the result is likely to bo llsavaaflafaotory send in your aos early w does your watch eep time a dutchman was recently ejtatlat- lpg on the folly of giving women the vote as has been done in kn gland and canada lie declared that lniolland there wnn a greater efficiency among tho- female sex wherc thoy did not possess that doubtful privilege he pointed to the tact that the dutch altawlth one foot qjv the aplnr ning wkcisl oi the other she rocks the cradle containing the twlna with her hand she rnlta socvb for her husband while oh her knee rosin n hook from which she is inrprpvlnff her mind by study and all the while 16 aits on a cheese press ing it for market greater efficiency uiiuitulsayijaowiimanl i tontbjbtted as ideals but put the rea son on guard nt the door of the lips and make yonx speech- ubject to the dictates of the will a startled cashier the nearest way ifllb omokfd ajrspr nf r ftrft n sv soiirco of wonder to many vlaltorg a boirton dnily paper tells of a western man who was a guest at tho tarker houaoajid wont out tor a walk he had evornl hours at hln dis posal anil wandered about lelburely but almloasly until he was ilrecl with his long walk ho supposed ho must linve walked over six mileri and he drefaded he long walk back to tho hotel htojpiff up to a policeman on a corner ho asked to be dlreciod the nwipreflt way to the parker houne well sir ald trio polfccmat very oourtcoiraly vyou migtt cut across the street to tho front door but if i were yu 7d walk over on the crossing itle was nearly opposite the hxtl jf any l th re be sin and temporal misfortune how is the same problem answered in the book of job jrom your own obser vation and study to- what extent do you believe the sins of parents are vlhlted upon tholr children how did jesus deal with the spiritually blind oaily rmci ld0 frnxt wk monday john 10 111 tuesday hibrews 13 1321 wednesday 1 peter 6 111 t lukfe 1 687 billy sys the argon iiut is a small pqy wrhose granmothier gave him ten dollars on his birthday billy tootttt to the bank and rccelyed the custom ary bank book in which the cashier made the entry by cmh 10 a day or bo later billy saw his grandmother and in thanking her mudt i wros awfully surprised when you gavemesermuchfnoierandtheman at the bank was too cnuse ho wrote in mybook py goah- lo you are acquitted sam acquitted repeated sam doubt fully whats dat mean judge 1 thats the sentence you are acquitted still looking aomcvhii confused sam said judge do dat mean i hub to gib de watch back christian evangelist jw ivlday ezeic 34 1116 saturday acta 20 2835 sunday psalm 23 water and cracker race place an ordinary tumbler filled with wafer on a table nnd at the opposite side place a plain soda cracker select two persons and seat one in front of the tumbler and the other in front of the cracker give the one who la to drink the water a teaspoon and let him- try to drink the water with the spoon one teasspoonful at a ume before the other can eat the cracker who can have nothing to drink while eating it man sleeps like log eats anything after taking adlerlku i can oat anything and sleep liko u i had gun on- the at o much mul couldnt keep food down nor sleep signed it c miller onjb spoonful of adlerlka re moves gas and often brings surpris ing relief to the ntonrweh stops that full bloating fcellne often brings out old waste matter you never thought wna in your fiystem excel- lepvt for chronic constipation a t crown millers worm powdera a tlftck tho worms in the stomach anil inteatinen nt once and no worm can como in contact with them and live they ulsn correct the unhealthy conditions in tho digestive organs that in vile and en- cou worms setting up reootlons that are must benenclal tottho growth of the child they have attested their powers in hundreds of c411es and at all times dre thoroughly truatwerthy st oarvihg nr your- own t tho bent pieoea ilrnt and it will nmrear very decent and comely to use a fork bo touch no piece of meat without it rk anything but that 3ailorb bont care a certain cook in the navy was noted for his absentmindedness one day during a rush period he forgot to vash out the duto that had contained tea the result was that ho made i some soup in it when the tlmo came for it to be served he noticed tea leaves float ins about on tho tojvpf the soup suddenly a bright idea n truck him and hurrying to the mewsdeck he rthouted boyti if you see nny tea leaves floating in your soup youll know its mint a poor taan lay dying and his good wkewaatendi njftunwlthhomtuy but nttectlonate care dont you think you could out a bit of somethlnc john now what can i get for yout with n waiv milft he artswdfed very tecbtyr vltibeemto n liinn n cooking omeherea i think i could do with u little bit of that f oh no john dear hhe answered prtmptlyou cant have thut that is for the funeral jf children cry for kv astoria try our repair de partment we are getting wonder ful results an6 we know- we can pteaseyou the man with asthma almost longn for ton th to end hl hufforing he leeh ahead only years of endless torment with intervals of rest which are them selves fraufsht ovith never ceasing fear of renewed attackh let him turn to dr i 1 keltoggs asthma remedy and know what complete relief it can give t him but use it faithfully and ho will find his asthma a thine of tho pagt vxnnscvvj mother l nanria is especially prepared relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation wind colic to sweeten stomach flatulency diarrhea- regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of fochlyromqting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates s tp avoid imitation3alway3 look for the signature ol cftajwr eatas provtn directions op each package physiciaus cruywlnerc recommend it savage co jevrcllers gue1lph ontario m sj y i 4i fm jiii

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