Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1926, p. 6

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d imhi n birthi uurliffei ftnd deaths are now charged lor the following rates births si marriages so deaths soc memorial s soc ioc per lino extra for poems f f born guaiiam at tho genol il hospital winnipeg on monday 1 jbruary 1 1926 to ml and mrs prqil b qra- bara a son robert daniel married mblholuandwright on wocl- neaday mornlnc january 27 1320 at st josephs church acton by rov vither r j mcueavy josopn mulholland to allco mabel wright both or georgetown atdore ross at the taoino of the brides father 3182 dcloumler ave montreal on wednesday february 3 192g by rev alexander motag- eart b a john s moore of dun das to miss lillian ross of mon treal died kilgour at ouolph on tuesday january 26 1926 sophia ollphant widow of john w kllsour in her 83rd year cordinoiiey on sunday january 24 1926 at tho hamilton general hospital david coralnbley of tra fahjor n hjs 70th year kennedy at edmonton alta on wednesday january 27 1926 eu- phemla mctavlflh wife of paul kennedy in her 82nd year murray in quelpll general hos pltal on thursday january 28 1926 laura cathylene daughter of mr and mra g w murray in her 17th year gorman at st josephs hospital guclph on sunday january 31 1926 rev thomas gorman s- j assis tant at tho- church of our lady guclph onu in his 61th year wilson at the home of her daugh ter mrs r r itadd lot 2 con 1i sramosa on saturday january 30 1926 jane taylor widow of the late thomas wilson in her 83rd year an arfam 3frw nh0 thdrsday february 4 1916 brief local items friday was a real tltard day valentino aoclala aro being an nounced st valentines day falls on sun day this year tho buyers here axe still getting in turnips tor shipment good morning have you renewed your ftum press subscription the snowfalla continue with somewhat increasing regularity the snow bylaw is being very well observed cenerally by our cltl- xens perth county commences the year with a surplus of 47722 cash in the treasury the slippery side of the ice seems to be on top these days aa a good many people painfully aver a road sign on one of tho high ways reads keep your hands on the wheel let your girl hufi herself january said a very cool good bye the last few days the rarcury hovered over 10 below on thursday night tho village of stoney creek with a population of approximately 700 is about to recelvethe atatui of a police village at a church social in trafalgar one night last week tho admission fee was computed at bo much per inch waist measure have you secured your motor license yet tho month of grace has expired the officers are now on the lookout for delinquents february to some called winduary but january put up a rather strenuous sample of wind- uary rt lauba c murray one of tho luuiicot homes of this community was uudly bereft laat thursday w hen laura tho oldoi daughter of mi and mi a wesley murray passed away in guclph genei al hospitat after nn operation for ap penolcitis this dear daughter of 17 years had been tho joy of tho house hold and was in splendid health untlj n few days before v her death her mother had been in the hospital for treatment a week or o and returned homo on saturday evening on sun day morning laura was seized with pains and a dlagnols found the ail ment to bo inflammation of the ap pendix her father had her taken to the hoapltal at once and an operation was performed on wednesday the dear girl failed to rally from tho shock her heart failed and aho passed away on thursday night her sudden death was a torrlble 8lioclt to the weakened mother and tho father and slater and in fact tho community felt stricken at tho sad event liaura was the eld er of the two daughters of the home she was a girl of very lovable die- poultlon and was not only greatly be loved in tho homo hut was held i highest esteem by all who knew her in tho united church of which alio was a member the sunday school and tho young peoples league she was active and regular in attendance and took an interest in the activities of each it was at the high school per haps where sno was for several years a continuous student that sho was best beloved outside tho home circle her sweet disposition and kindly con sideration for others rendered her a general favorite wflth students and teachers and tho tidings of her death on friday morning rendered it difficult for ny lectures to proceed that day her grandparents mr and mrs john mann who reside in the homo with mr and mrs murray ore also grief stricken over the sudden death of their beloved granddaughter the funeral on sunday afternoon was attended by a very large concourse of friends and neighbors rev r e- zimmerman b a the pastor of the con ducted thoservico and- spoke tender and comforting words to the sorely bereft father and mother and sister favorite hymns wero t sung by mrs armstrong and mrs graham and by a t uann rudolph splelvogel alex mnnn and james smith a tribute from the high school was read by the minister a guard of honor was form ed at the grave by the students of the high school and the members of lauras class in the united sunday school rev mr stewart assisted with the service at tho grave the pall bearers were roy johnston wll- mer watklns roy wckeown charles kirkness charles bell interment was held at fairvlew cemetery tho following expresses tho feelings otf teachers and fellow- students of acton high school laura tour genial presonce has it gone from out our midst your smiling countenance like the morn has it too passed fair maid whose every look was kind whose every word was pure gentle one in you we find a heart that will endure remembrance of your words is sweet weve lost what heaven will gain and anerel choruses aro meet you have not striven in vain a beauteous character like yours remains where all things pass a fragrftnt blossom still endures and will forever last thelma s craig acton high school january 29th 1926 neighborhood news tojtvn and country mount pleasant halton county council standing committees for the year aro appointed s s no 8 jtts3ib imyu school itepoi t for jnnu n y in as follows sr iv melvln stoioy alex wal lace jr iv kenneth wallace malcolm moffat william koe jr hi wllmu storey george wal lace anna mcgregor ituj thompson marlon anderson sr i catherlneamerhon leonard brownlow charles henderson jr primer jarties wallace harold barber emily thompson g x durmlll tcachct hornby mr robert king celebrated his 80th birthday last 1 rlday mr king la halo and hearty ho hns spent all his life in this neighborhood sirs h c robinson of the cli hth line esqucsjng has been very ill dur ins the week but it now improving j airs joseph boyd of ail ton visited friends hero during tho week sars w tf cunnlnguam of port credit visited her sinter mcrs jnmea mcdowell last week mr john kitching jr or toronto visited his parents at the parsonage of the united church over tho week end the young people of bethel chinch will hold a meeting on saturday cen- lng 6th inst at 8 o clock nassagaweva the annual report- of tho nassaga- weya presbyterian church was dis tributed to tho congregation lost sun day it shows a successful year the total receipts were 2 624 00 and tho expenditures t292 18 leaving a bal ance of 232 72 in the treasury tho substantial sum of 816 6 was raised for missions by the congregation with tho further sum of 218 65 by the wo- an ens missionary society the mis sion rand also had revenues of 63 80 for missions tho sunday school is flmirinhing hns 105 membe an average attendance of 68 and financial receipts of 179 80 the membership of this church is now 245 fifteen members were added during the year and 6 wero taken from tho roll at the ripo ago of 83 years mra thomas wilson died last week tho lit st mooting of the county council for 1326 wus held on- tuesday or laat week all the nicmbets being pitstnt and tho that business was the election of tho waidcn mr ivicarthur nominated edward agnow reeve of nassagawcya and mr mclntyre nom inated jas w blain tteovo of milton air blain was elected according to an estimate received fiom the department of highways approximately 13 100 will be spent in tho county on provincial highways this year tho recommendation adopted on november 17 that 1 200 be paid to each of the hulton high schools on account of grant for a5 was rescind ed and tho amount increased to 2000 ach tho following ure tho standing com mittees for 19t5 james w blain warden finance mclntyre nicholson mor- den and mason roads and bridges morden appol- be agnew croha roster county buildings appelbo blake- lock galbralth muson mclntyre printing cross holtby mcarthur galbralth jjeslle education nicholson appelbo cross agnew special communications mason blakeloclf mcarthur leslie railways and legislation agnew leslie aicafthur galbralth blake- lock county roads foster mordon ap- pelbe agnew nicholson tho warden is an exofllclo member of nil committees esquesing fall pair ben patch elected presldont for the fourth year oakville storms in its closing days the third january thaw of the month came on saturday when the temperature rose 40 decrees higher than it was the day before mr john wheeler has resigned the office of postmaster in gtenwhllams and mr wm schenk merchant has been appointed to the position a wise old owl lived in an oak the more ho heard the less he spoke the less he spoke the more he heard why cant we be like that ojd bird monday nfornlngs storm was the flr whlchha aer th news of local import m trains this winter the morning mail from toronto was over an hour late mr r tuyfor sang the twenty- fourth psalm as a boss solo in his native tongue swedish at the even ing service of knox church on sun day old bruin was quite able to de tect his shadow when he came out of his- hibernating quarters on tuesday six weeks more of winter is there fore assured put pep and push into your feb ruary advs mr merchant well give you real publicity between us there will bo the cohesion which means busy business the turnip buyers xeport that there aro still jarge quantities of tur nips in the hands of tho farmers s the is vour address label correct rum press mailing lists aro correct ed up to tuesday of each week ah subscription payments changes of ad dresses et should be correctly stat ed overy time the label appears sub scrlbera are requested to glance over tho label appearing on their paper or the wrapper today to ascertain if they have been given proper credit if any errors appear kindly advise this office all subscription dates should read to a date in 1926 or 1927 any er rors will be cheerfully corrected and all renewals of subscriptions will be appreciated at a meeting of the council the salary of town clerk ryan was in creased from 1500 to 1 800 by unan imous vote roy smith town engineer has been reengaged at a salary of 100 a month mir and mrs r- j mahoney are leaving this week on tho mediterran ean trip and will be away for three months the ladies aid of knox church will hold a valentine tea and sale of home pooklng on saturday afternoon tebruary 13 from threo to six oclock tho mayor reports that no further word had been received from the gar den city press who wero considering locating here the knox kirk club in an im- promptue debate on monday evening decided that women have the right to propose so there will be no escape for tho bachelors after this a kitchen shower was held on tues day evening at the home of mra w inglehart dundas street for miss l hewson the gifts wero very numer ous and useful and a delightful so cial time was enjyed in the sunday school of st johns united church on sunday afternoon tho semper fidelia clabs save a mis sionary pageant which made an in teresting programme for tho monthly mission sunday there was a good attendance at the annual meeting of esqucslng agri culture society held in tho town hall georgetown on wednesday afternoon list the reports of the secretary and treasurer were most encouraging and allowed that another successful year- had been added to tho already long list at the beginning of 1925 there was a balance of 372 21 and tho report as read at the meeting showed a balance of 588 05 now on hand mr ben petch was again honored with the presidency a position he has filled for the past three years to the entire satlsfactdon of tho board and tho community generally mr petchs splendid efforts on behalf of the so ciety are sincerely appreciated and all arc looking forward to 1926 being the best show ever held in georgetown other olllcers elected were us fol lows 1st vice presldont g h cook 2nd vice president j elliott treasurei percy cleave secretary wm h wilson directors ed mcwhlrter r b foulls wm grant d herbert mar tin near jos watson r b hume w fiddler v tinaloy jas mcciure n devereaux alex joo christopher moffat geo cleave dr henth police cout news a chargo was preferred in police court here on tuesday by licensor in spector retvqly ugainst john caffo no 11 bcardnioro crescent of unlaw fully having liquor at the request of tho defendant the hearing of tho caso wus icmandcd until next monday to enablo him t sccuie a lawyer foi his defence a norrlfj a nlghtwntchmun at the tannery was charged by superinten dent garden at pollco coart last wed nesday with taking certain leather and wcltlngs from tho tannery without permission tho defendant admitted taking the leathei mr gaiden ap pealed to the court to be as lenient as possible with him as he was a good employee the company felt that ac tion must bo taken to stop retty thiev ing as they were often missing leather electric lamps tools etc j conviction w is registered but magis tr vte moore liberated norrla on huh pended bentence william stahlabaum guclph wa fined 0 and cos in pollco court on saturday when ho pleaded guilty through bis counsel nicol jeffrey k c to a charge of having liquor in a place other than a private dwelling mr joffroy told tho court that the liquids soized for the most part cider and wine were of homo manufacture and that tho acouscd had not appre ciated tho fact that his home was not a private dwelling house because of a previous conviction frank elward appeared in toronto police court on monday charged with kepplng a betting house in a pool room at 77 queen street west magistrate jones fined him 200 and costs or 30 days and sent him to jail without tho option of a fine for sixty diys as well the lnmatei wero fined 15 00 each premier king opposed at prince albert soldier settler wn nominated aa and independent candidate in the 20000 award stands tho buhners oak vi lie claimed 4000000 school teachers dtsvrve sympathy if any persons need and deserve your continued sympathy it is the teachers of the schools in your com munity it makes no difference where the school is located the trials of a teacher are manifold and severe the teacher is obliged to deal with delin quencies of the home respecting the children who attend school in too many cases tho indifferent disposition of tho parents is reflected in the faults of tho scholars and these all have to be contended with parents give tho teachers qf your children reasonable sympathy and encouragement a vary gtnerous act with vommendlblo kindness mr w there was o largo attendance at the jleheckah lodge when district president mrs myrtlo hardwlck of dundas and heroins tailing board wero present to instal the new officers past masters night was celebrated at the masonic lodge on tuesday nght the attendance was almost as large as when the new hall was dedicated and the new seating was used for the flrit time and proved a valuable acquisition to the furnishing of the new temple the offer of a citizens committee to carry on the oakvllle town bond was accepted by tho counall at the meet ing monday night tho committee were satisfied with a grant of 500 from tho town star last year the bulmer interests arbi trated bef oi e tho ontario railway board aa to tho damage they suffered by the construction of the new high way bridge at o ikvlllc a host of witnesses were lreard for the firm and for the highway com mission and finally tho board award ed tho bulmcrs 2 200 the bulmera claimed around fprty thousand dollars on behalf of c f bul and b l a rockwood jit mi iiiv imiiun u hid auiiuvkn iiiu vi markets now are very blow and ship- j j 7 i cheque menta intermittent f a rtuitlal sum to mr omalley t i l y man who was injured the rjudging by tho quantities of- wood being brought to town this winter there are not a few persons who be lleve that the coal strike will be kept up nil next summer the now catalogue of the years purchase of books for the free li brary has been issued every reader will desire a copy and jnay secure such from the librarian the chesley enterprise strongly recommends the halfyearly payment of taxes for small towns ten years experience in acton has proven the plan an eminently satisfactory one next week on paper curiously whivno jjorlbblers of overy sort in verses valentines yclejd to venus o a oou ant gr th all auspicious day- stv valentines alfalfa how and why to grow it is the title of an exceedingly in structive and useful little folder just issued by the dominion experimental farms and may be had free upon ap plication the new illustrated catalogue of the acton machine companys pro ducts 6f motor parts and accessories has just been issued from the presses of tho faeb press it in quite com prehensive february is a particularly good month in which to advertise in tfyj fwtjpbmsjthe othcrgooi1 months are september march june april january august may november july and december t la now the girl whp hns not her hair bobbed wno is the odd one and the one most noticed queer how soon one will become accustomed to the feminine conformities to the goddess fashion i invtcw of the outbreak of rabies hon tt godfrey provincial minister ef health has given instructions that tory dogj in kenrptvlue be tied up and that if any canines are on the street they are to bo shot i it appears to be u difficult for flomo people to discontinue putting ex cise stamps on small cheques as it wis to persuade them of the necessity when the stamp act was introduced ko stamp is necessary on cheques under 5oo night the johnstone car skidded on the ice when fred mcdowell the driver was endeavoring to avoid col llalon with mr barrys fear of rock- wood mr omalley hns not been able to work for a month while h was the johnstone car which struck the young mart the driver was no more culnablo than the driver of the other car who wan driving across the in tersection it is very questionable if the young man injured could have re covered damaged by law but mr johnstone did not desire to have the annoyance of a law suit and tendered acheq which was qul sntlafn to omalley cuuimuiihjn buivicbh will be held in tho united church next sunday the official board has adopted the method of dispensing the sacrament from trays instead of tho nlar tables this plan will be first used next sun day morning it lt asserted that one depart mental store in toronto spends more money in advertising its business among tho people of this county than all the merchantswof the county spend in buying advertising space in nil the papers published in halton some men who entered into a discussion the other day as to which is the better for boys the boarding- school or tho public school finally agreed that both are excellent and that there is nothing in a public school aerlpusly to damage the career jia lmuutuxcept ills own- loxln the hlshway tralflc act is be ginning to operate again a young man about noon on tuesday raced down mill street at about thirty miles per hour when he got to main street he found himself confronted by provin cial constables rcevely and fewtrell he was summoned to appear for trhu next tuesday t here 1b a quotation from a re cent advertisement of the rogers peet company tho big new york row- chants nowadays no reader is real- fy astounded by astonishing girjee reductions the prlco tells the story the public is more n mused than im pressed hy extravagant language let us stop beih silly chos kaufman who has been teller in the royal bank here is severing his connection and leaves for detroit where he hns secured a situation we aro sorry to see him go as he has been very obliging to the patrons of the bank miss rcta bolton of guelph visited relatives and friends ovor sunday miss mary hill returned home re cently from a visit in new york geo h pearcn and lien uosking were in toronto last week as delegates from tho united church yf s to tho pro lnclal prohlbtion convention thoa nightingale who was clerk in j a lilttlaa store a few years ago and now in tho west was in the vll- lngo on sunday itev mr hnssard of toronto was arecent visitor at the home of hov j little when he epoke in the interests of the british and forchm bible so ciety atbarrtehul s r peart had a new floor laid in his hardware store lately which im proves the appearance of tho place along with a coat of paint to the in terior of the premises last week some of the leading citi zens arranged for a big dan co in the town hall on the new floor a large number of people enjoyed a pleasant evening tripping the light fantastic well into the we small hours of the morn the proceeds being used to help pay for tho new flooring parent ly both buhners and the high way h commission appealed against the finding and tit was heard before tho appellate court decision was handed out on monday confirming the amount fixed by the railway board this award includes the price of 50 feet of land used to widen the high way west of the sixteen river over which tho detour was located while the bridge was under construction star prince albert sask reb 1 captain divld l burgess m c farmer of tho macdowell district near here who entered tho prince albert federal byelection contest today premier w l mackenzie king has found an obstacle to his immediatb return to tho active leadership of tho liberal party in the house of com mons i tho nomination of captain burgess as an independent candidate came as a surprise although rumors hod been broadcasted to the effect that a dark horso candidate would enter tho lists in opposition to the premier his papers were filed at tho last moment and when the independent nomination was announced there was an outburst of laughter from a group of liberals gathered in the room tho election will be held on tho 15th inst but will probably be a couple of weeks later before tho final results are received many polling places are only reached by dogtrain facts hcmomber that what you call youi strength of mind ahothor may regard mciely as tubbornnesh and bigotry there would bo i lot moro fun and ojot more woi k in tho world if pcoplo realized eailiei in lifo that work is tho bcht kind of fun iftcr all clearing auction sale karm stock and implements tho undersigned has received in atructjons from jas a s1mp80n to sell by public auction at lot j8 first lino of esqueslng half mile west of acton on tuesday february 16 1926 at one oclock sharp tho following horses 1 hay mare c years old heavy draft 1 bay goldlng 7 years old heavy draft this team is well matched 1 bay mare 9 years old agricultural 1 bay mare 12 years old agricultur al 1 bay gelding aged agricultural 1 bay road horse 7 years old cxjju good driver cowb jersey cow fresh 2 weeks durham ccuf duo tlmo pf sale jer sey cow frcbb two months durham cow due in february jtcrsey cow duo in march durham cuff due in march holatein cow duo 1n march black cow duo in march white cow fresh threo months bhe cow milk ing bred in december implements frost wood binder 7 ft cut with trucks and pole trucks good as now mccormlck mower 5 ft cut mccormlck horsq rake 30 teeth masaoyhorrls culti vator 17 teeth new masaeyharris drill 13 hoes john dcero manure spreader good as new potato digger hoover good as new no 21 floury plow now no 21 tudhope ander son plow new cockshirtt scuffler new harrows 4 sections lumbei wagon and box gravel box sot of dick sleighs buggy penf old s make cutter ponfolds mako wheelbarrow v largo mall box garden seed drill pjanot jr 2 sets whiffletrees 1 long neckyoke for waggon 1 sleigh nebk- yoke 2 sets of twin ncckyokes log ging chain crowbar forks shovels hoes and other articles too numerous to mention 1 crosscut saw 1 lawn mower nearly new 2 creajn cans 1 large flour bin cream separator in good order churn no 3 daisy now tables kitchen cupboard glass doors half dozen chairs child s crib white enamel childs high chair harness1 set of heavy team harness brass mounted with twin hreecrling 2 in traces new 1 got back band harness nearly now harness for third horse 1 set slnglo harness 2 21 in open collars 1 23 in open collar 1 20 inch open collar 1 13 in open collar these collars aro all long straw hand made and in extra good condition s hay and potatoes about 3 ton no 1 timothy hoy 3 bags of empire state potatoes pigq and fowl 1 brood sow bred january 2 4 chunks 25 single comb vhlto leghorn hens 50 indian game pullets 25 barred rock hens 6 guinea fowl absolutely no reserve as the pro prietor is gjving up farming terms all sums of 10 and under cash over that amount eight months credit on approved joint notes off for cash hay fowl ana potatoes cash r j kerr auctioneer phono 36 acton chester plank clerk annoucement i have much pleasure in intimating that i have purchased the grocery bssiness carried on by mr d c russell for the past number of years and wish that his friends and customers will still continue to extend their kind patronage to us it will be our constant endeavor to give them the best attention and satisfaction at all times mr russell as is well known carried a very varied and clean stock at all times which we will add to in a few days when we will place cur prices before you warren jones mclean jco start our february sale sharp on time black silk dress crepe at reduced price crepes are going to be strong for the coming season this is a pure silk crepe 38 inches wide a rich shade of black good value at2 25 per yard special this week oa per yard wool toques double honey comb stitch colors are red and white and sand special price 80c special in flannelette blankets white and gray with pink and blue borders tfj ca large double bed size special this week pair mens rd3bed underwear at reduced price ah wool shirts and drawers all sizes in stock regular 2 00 for 1 48 special 45c 200 150 100 and l23 mens wool work socks special at mens gray and brown sweater coats mens fine dress shirts special mens work shirts special at carhartt overalls the best overall made in black and blues remnants remnants of towellings flannelettes ginghams prints table damask at bargain prices mclearrco mnirsoreet acton ont store closed wednesday afternoon pur your name here send ns this coupon and we will moil you interesting literature illustrating the pianos made by us every home should have a piano it is the source of more home comfort than any other single article ond if you eot a eooi piano it will last a lifetime henry herbert ht bwt riwns nliafactkb and fcukht tft tawxwbiw fa cwuku ymmn tfctr r folly ssaimntned bjr na mm lint isblimti f mbrwr ul hip and mw1ih rich beauty of tmk pianos moderaupnces with cow vemtnt terms of payment bnntke or agnci in ail parti of ca md coupe to lltai offtcv toronto and fw mhu oaw ypw f jtmrwrt ikowropn kr mason r1sch toronto canap retiring f rombusiness a new list of bargains at sopers be on hnd early and get these bargains while our stock lasts everything must gonot a thing reserved watch the paper every week for specials what you dont see ask for 44l mr and mrs ttotnanlel xndorson who aro engaged in mlsalon work in saakatchownn with headquarters at lauers u rents mr and tir ivm t pent 26 rob in won ave cluelph tho many frlenda of mr anderson will sympathize with him in the loss lie haa huhtulned in the pnaainff away of his father recently on sunday afternoon 4ist ft lare number of people assembled at st johns church to hear rev mr baugh preach his farewell eermpn before hlo depurniro to bartonvlllo and stoney creok the main theme of kov mr baugha discourse was an earnest ap peal to his congregation to overcomo through hinr who overcomo the world and to continue steadfast in tholr pur pose in life at tho close pf the ser vice fret hamilton came forward and on behalf of the congregation pre sented the pantor and his helpmeet with a beautiful pair of silver candle sticks mr augh ropltcd briefly and jtreml hl thanks to the flock he has mlnutercd to during the past few years the friends and acquaintances wish them success in their nor sur roundlnks art sateen regular 50c for cretonne regular 50c for table damask- for table damask- for regular 1 35 regular 75c kimona cttepesregular 90c ifor krcnku crepesregular 27c for n j kerr8 list of sales tuoaovay february 16 j simpson afcton clearing sale of fttrsn stock and implements thursday february 18 htatate of the lata thomas jacjcoon four car ners fimmoijt clearing sale of farm stock and implements friday february 19 pan lawson mimosa farm stock grain and hay tuesday february 2 w j- sutton osprtnge clearing sale od farm stock implements oti sateenf black and colors regular 35c for 27c curtadx net regular 35c 40c and 75o for 28c 33c and 59c little dafsy hose black cream and sand all reduced cqrsets all lines at bnethird off regu lar prices ladies vests regular 1 40 1 35 and 75c for 115 110 6c ladies bloomers regular 1 10 75c 50c for 88c 60c 38c ladies drawers regular 1 35 1 00 for 110 78c- infants ivool bootees regit- oq- r 50c for ooc jqnfanoffwcmlvesrreguiar q l o0- for uic jnfants white silk and keguiar wootrhoss 4 curtain scrimreguur for 30c and 35c 24c and 2 canton flannel regular 23c for 36 18c 78c 245 linen huck towelling white m 16 in wide regular 05c for c 185 75c embroidery linen white jn wide regular 00 for embroidery linen white 44 wide regular 3 00 for childrens woolletf sets cap scarf mitts reg 2 25 girls hand knitted touq- 1 oc ues regular 2 00 for 1 ladies 43hamoisette gloves regu lar 1 35 10 75c tor 95c 60c 50c -boys- woollen gloves rcgu- jo lar coc for ttoc silvertwist wool regujar 30c for 24c the publics chief concern in the matter of telephone service we believe the publics chief concern ii in two points huck towels large size reg 110 for per pair ladies silk hose regular 2 00 1 50 1 25 1 00 for 160 lt9 98c 79c f all stamped linens greatly reduced mens cashmere h0seregu- lar 75c to 1 00 for 65c mens work socks regular 35c and 50c for 23c and 39c refrigerator scales show cases and tables at reasonable prices 1 people want to know that they can count upon getting a complete tele phone service cf high quality day and night now and in the future 2 people want such service at a price that is as low as sound business prac tice permits and less than the value of the service leceived these points are the essence of true publlj service and this company is just as deeply con- pernod in them asis the public at the present tune as we have explained an increase m rates is needed to assure the con tinuance of the kinrj of service our subsenbere require the reasons are 1 our earnings jper telephone have de clined due to the great development of lower rate service such as two- party line 2 large additions to plant at preaent- day prices as compared with the low price levels of a few years ago have inci eased the fixed charges to be pro vided from our earnings 8 the low rate of depreciation suggested by the board of railway commission ers as a temporary meas is now kn lu b to pro t jnvesment asopabiedji8tnntofhewdeiiffox mill street acton ont i etween prehwil telephone ratea-and-tee- cost or doing business is an obvious necessity such technical subjects as property valuation rate of return and depreciation expense havo an important part m determining- telephone rates casual discussion of such subjects iq prtenrriisleaditijjfor 1tcairdealotirybriefiy with matters that must be gone into jn great detail to be clearly understood nthese and all other factors will be presented in jl detail to be fully considered by the proper public authority the board of railway com missioners for canada tho booklet telephone service and rates states the facts of our position a copy has beonmailed to all pur subscr if your copy has nottreacheotyou we shall be glad to send yon one thb bhix telephone company of canada j j get your job printing at the free frew

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