Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 11, 1926, p. 2

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y r l ffle jcimi jtrgrrgjgg thubsbay february 11 132g neighbors somebody near you 1b atrufirsllns alone ovor lifes deserted sand faith hopo and courage together ore gone reach hltn a helping hand turn on hia darkness a bam of your light kindle to rulde him u beacon flro bright cheer ills discouragement soothe his affright help him to stand jp 3vst prwh jynrt targ the armor of curtius by heien ward banks somebody near you is hungry and cold send him some aid today somebody near you is feeble and old loft without human stay undcrtiio bur den putbands klndand strong speak to him tenderly sinff hhn a song- haato to do something to help htm along 7 over his weary way bear one be busy for time flleth fast oon it will all be gone soon our season of service be past soon will our day be done somebody near you nes now a kind 1 word some one needs help such as you can afford haato to assist in the name of the m there may be a soul to bo won lime a8 an aid to successful clover growth fife- 4iv changes jn the acidity or alkalinity of the medium in which they live and lime because it creates a suitable medium- for the nltrogenflytng bac terla is particularly valuable in pro mating clover growth these nltro genhxing bacteria may readily be found in nolle supplied with lira but may bo entirely lacking in soils de flclent in lime which woum indicate that the nodule bacteria whether within the jplant root or living in the soil ltioif are influenced in their de velopment by the limein the soil s has on influence upon the bac teria ytfilair prdcessca of decay and nitrification and plays a significant part in aumulatlng all soil orgaiaitmas that have to- do with the liberation of plant food in the soil clover la generally spoken of soil bulkier this in part is due to its collecting- of nltrocen and in part to its physical effect in respect to tho later itds well known that no crop so thoroughly fills the soil wkh roots to as great a depth as does this plant on decaying hot only are air passages provided but the decaying roots aid in the liberation of insoluble mineral jruuerlme tvnd the humus left from this decay provents tho leaching of ebluble plant food and the excessive drying out of the soil in a held test at the dominion eu- perlmintal farxo kentville on one- hou aoro- areas the average of four suhh plots- where no ltfno was used was 2480- pounds of hay per scrd and on adjoining t plots of similar sis ilmed 4bb0 pounds of hay per acre the arooa not limed had inferior clover r growth wih grasses predom- lnmlng the limed area was proctl coliy all clover w s blair super intendent experimental porm kent- vllle w s- through the use of lime and the clover plant tt it possible to utilise atmospheric nitrogen for crop produc tion t has been found that clover has the power through the aid of bac teria which live in the nodules in ithe silbver roots to extracts nitrogen from the soil air tests conducted by- dr f t ehutt dominion chemist e urlmontal farm ottawa are conclu sive on thb point showing gein of 308 pounds of- nitrogen per acre to a depth of 4 inches in ave years whero clover w grown turned under and tho lanclreaeded for this crop 3aoterlaoaamoly ith d smile dr brooks laid down the note that was nice of the townaoritu letty youll go id love to daddy it will bo hcups jcf fuhr but youll have to spare me about fifty dollars for clothes tho smile faded- from the doctors kindly fnce i cant spore ycjhtve dollars this quarter letty m sorry bjevcr mind dad i dont need to go i shouldnt uko to have mr towna- endt think you alighted his invitation it is a compliment to bo askedto the townsends i know it daddy but x cant go to a party like that without proper clothes iypo you ouppose among so many- your clothes would w noticed im pretty sure they would dad theyd be in the paper next day i bavent a reg i aimply havent and your mothers away too its too bad even mother couldnt make shoes noid stockings and gloves out of noth ing do you really care whether i go daddy dr brooks rubbed the back of his head thoughtfully id horto to do anything now that might offend mr townsenft hes getting up an inter est again in our orthopedic country home you know once he almost gave us a piece of land andrsomo money for the building but farley rubbed him the wrong fray and he backed down t remember soldi letty is t night 7 yea farleys off the hospital ooord now ahd mr towniend seems wlu ing to talk about the homer i think other than fox breeding the growths of the fur industry in canada la continuous nor is this manifeit tanly in the increase of thfrf number of fox farms in his latest re port the federal minister of agricul- tnre states that there was a decided increase in the number of farms rais- log other kinds of furbeorlnr anj- mals beaver are being bred on at least nine ranches fisher on- seven marten on nineteen mink on thirty- two lynx- oa twoblue foxes on four e uii j mufu one coyotes on four rounkratson six ty and rsibbhs on at least twenty inquiries ore being constantly received by the department regarding the rais ing of varl6us kinds of furbearing anlmohn and especially relative to muskrataf- mink am chinchilla rab bits v s y canada la particularly strong on muskrata aim oat rivalling russia and even siberia exceptionally large tnuakrat ranches exist- bear sydney cape breton and at itadlson bask on the loiter there are ao fewer than two thousanir breeding rats it is claimed for this country that the muskrat skunn produced here ar6 the best in the world they return be tween thneeland a half and- four mil lion dollsrai per annum mnskrats muldplylind thrive well in 4japtivlty hence there is plenty of opportunity for tut ther development mirik also thrive in captivity the skins are in good demand and com mand fair rrlcm young mink find ready sale jtor breeding purposes chlnobllln rabbits although origin ated in yratice as late as twelve years ago hayo already become extremely popuuu they have been known in canada for only two or threeyears b tho derruitid already exeeeds the supply however large hnportaupns ari being made and abtjejcbcema nctrear of thifr decrease in popularity further development of chinchilla broedlng may bq looked for the utile animals multiply rapidly and tholr skins ore worth from two to six dol lars apiece four litters a year aver lgntnsacnareffiel usual thing your doughnuts cheered him up the other night he aked to see tho plans after you brought them in and went into oil the items of expense hes generous but yoii never know which way hes going to jump you mean that if mr townsend asuted me as a compliment and i re fused tie might be mad at you and shtit up on the plans again v rthtght hes a queer man- and hes quicktempered he was greatly taken with you the other night it aittmkiimm young curtlus leaped into the gap to spare tho town of rome and letty brooks to a party goes to save a country home isnllthat nlce poetry dad the only trouble is curtius had his armor fur- niflhedfor him and navent oven rag to make mine out of i have no money and mower la away and the party u elday cant you wear some of the dress- you wear in the afternoon the doctor asked j jtty laughed ob you men run on daddy theres your horse and yon are late when her father- nod gone letty sat down on the porcbx atep its a proposition ehe said to her belt wherb x0 i cant tell the townsend prettily that id lovo to come hilt ive no clotbes and i cant go in a blueandwhue striped lawn ffoce ana cotton stockings and nice tout serviceable shoes she crossed her arnaa on her knees and put her bead on them she was quiet for three minutes and then she jumped to her feet well ive decided one thing til go im not going to shoulder any respon sibility for making mr townsend mad he weed me in a blue cotton dress b7wblsctth stockings but i auv mrs vtownseiid and mary townacnd wouldnt bo much compli mented by a guest luce that i dont know any of them this is tuesday rv got three days to invent and tonf my armor she went up to her room and one by one laid her frocks out on the bed ahajttttgrher head sadly na each ap mnrait tiln w a w n look woll in anything- ill drive you oyer tomorrow night lot ty laid her drosu carefully dovn bofore she dropped into a heap on the aofa o dad i never- thought or getting there ill- have torhavo an evening cloak cant you wear your maohlntosh o dad sho crlod if you knew as much about gtr3 as you do about cripples youd know i have to have a party cloak isnt my dress pretty against that bluegray portiere dad thats what it is theres a pair of curtains just like them in tho play room und theyre not needed theyll rap me up to go to the town sen da party it will mean sewing all to morrow when i wanted to rest but it- can be done letty plumped in o bed early that nlgntrfocahowna very- tired but im mediately after breakfast friday morning she had the bluegray port- lerea out on the veranda and was hard at work wlrh much planning aomo piecing and slashing here and there and a snatch out of trie sides for the sleeves she had jn an hour or two a cloak that rippled round her in long soft folds it really is atunnlngf ahe said and theres that old blue skirt that i think will line it if i turn and piece and oh aunt mlneys old fur collar that we take out of the camphor trunk every year and wonder what ve can do with ltand put it back again now it will live and add the last touch of elegante to nay cloak as i leap into tbe- chasm she wont upstairs for the collar and the old sukdrebs when shecome dowtragain a motor carj rhygg lafront of the house anda tall young fellow stood on tho piaaao miss brooks se naked her with smile xtes letty repli i am miss hrpoks mrs littles cook is sick and she would like to see dr brooks is- he here 7 i can take him right back with me j ho isnt letty answered ill telephone the ptannlnga he was go- ing there on his way lipmohe- may be there now v she went to the telephpne and camti back hes leffnnd is on hie wayj home ill tell hhn instant he conies in if you dont mind ill wait here the young man said it will save ume i shant bother you shall i you look busy- i have to have afullfjedged coat before tonlgbt out of this and this and thin i cant wast a minute do you mind if i keep on sowing if you dont mind nay watching i like to see a girl who can do some thing i v you always can if you have to letty- answered busily ripping the silk seams i suppose youre going to the townsenda i suppose i am he said and then he laughed just then hannah appeared in tho doorway your dross is ironed miea letty he said holding the creamy shimmering betead out at arms length letty turned to survey it ivb pretty isnh it she asked naively she stepped into tho phaeton im afraid the cloak looks uko a curtain did you have a pleasant bvonlng dr brooks naked jin ho started his horse 1 had a beautiful time duddy but you didnt i know by your voice una something happened mr townsend hns definitely re fused to have anything to do with tho homo i o daddy why i dont know he gave no real rea son hes a hard man to deal with ho acts so much on impulse as near ne i could flguro out ho doesnt seem to think ave have a cajablo board to manage a place like that then it wasnt on account of me said lotty ob daddy i do wish i tould help you never mind dear the doctor an swered cheerily its bound to come somotlme s and- all thattheatrlcai arrnorforj nothing thought letty as they drove home in silence hannah had the lights burning jn the living ropm and letty drdipedher cloak off and stood waiting for her father to put away the horse as he camo tip the steps a motor ran up the hill and stopped mri townsend and roger got out pardon such a late call said mr townsend but i made a mistake that i didnt want to leave overnight dr brooks i want to tell you that tho first thing tomorrow morning i am going to make a trust deed for that ten acreaolland that i spoko about and here oh the spot ht a chock to start the orthopedic home ive worked hard for iny moheyand- wheli r give it away i want to be sure not only thai the purpose is good but that the mohey wilt be properly handled i hover liked die farley he was ex travagant in his ideas from my talks with you i- made up my mind that you knew the value of money and could administer it to the beat ad vantage i liked your home and the simplicity of miss lotltla tonight i was disappointed ive paid my daughters bills and i know what clothes cost such a cloak especially im a blunt man dr brooks it seemed to me that you couldnt afford to dress your daughter like that letty looked at him with wi ey pjjqtojd cu ruusl 1 iknow young lady mr towns end said it sounds fuhny but how was i to tell that you were clever borne school lorno schoql report of cxamlnntlonh for january in as fouowsc sr iv oorgo ofaff leslie swack- hanior lacuna waller jr iv vcrna murray teddy har row clirlshle swnckhamor sr in cdrlnno macdoniild iluby murray harry murray jr atetta swaokhumer douglas guthrie grace gruff prlsner beatrice gruff ross swack- hnmer is i wood johnston isabel anderson teacher school section no 10 erin iailloiyjng is the report of s s no 10 erin for tho month of january v edward- duggan hon jv david swdckhamor jcau croe 8 il farcy hon foster kdlth russeil jr xi louise swuckhamer ilon mildred foster jr 1l to sri ii jkathleeu jjurey hon stewart russell jack cole sr t vera mceachern hon frank wackhamer hon roy foster absent prlnaflrtruth colo bessie spiers absent miasod examinations lj a w macmillan teacher trra cotta the january examinations enough to moke all those pretty things out of your own fingers instead of dmiatrbli until- roger t m twei master fred flachettmet with serious accident on sunday evening when bo tc off the back door atep at home arid cut a deep gash in his head a number- of stitches were re- qulred 4o clone the wound beg your pardon here ill give you the check- anyone who can make a wardrohe out of nothing can manage an asylum well call it thecetltia house how will thate v0 dad cried letty turning to her father v l never can tell you what that means to me mr townsedm dr brdoka said with shining eyes im so glad for those poor little cripples xetty added tm satisfied mr townsend an swered the only thing i specify is that miss letty shall teach the girls to sew and to make doughnuts look out father sold roger in a mock serious tone the doughnuts are all right but im go alow on he sewing class if- 1 were you it wouldnt be safe for the curtains while mr j benson of georgetown was helping mfc- foftj take the roof off mr tceiliptls mill here he slipped and fell about forty feet andsustalned some serious injuries has im mediately rushed to guelph hospital by dr marcel lo us and 1b now improv ing rapidly mr j mcbrlde has purchased mr e llttlea form for 0000 mr and mrs mcbrlde and family will he wel comed back j our midst we are srryxo lose such kind nefghbors as mr and mrs llttlo and family word has been received here of- the death of mrs rant smuhtfon of edln man deceased was one of the early settlers of terra ootta when it was known as sojmonaville deceased had just celebrated her 100th birthday m b reeifeutlit her hqrae here of the pupil of acton public 1 school for ht honor holt the following lathe roport of th rcsplts of the january examinations in each room of tho school senior fourth reta monnbb 487 ivy holmes 483 murjorle garden 477 j- f junior fourth aubrey qervals 421 arthur chimhle 412 john mcoeachle 400 total sco m z bennett principal stior third john donaldson bbs john jlollon c33 henry crlpps b28 total 700 d foist er teacher jjtmtvr third esther taylor 487 andrew buchanan 485 bessie bawllnes 482 total 700 m r moore teacher senior 8oond linn sen 370 i harvey has- mcdena prepolnl 3g5 total toddy bard 302 400 a mncdonald teacher second class wilma watson 316 biiy jones 290 vera ravtjlngs 284 total 40o i l anderson teacher junior first i margaret arnold 248 lola cripph 220 blanche smith 200 total 250 8enlr primary georgle fottltt 197 kathleen huard 184 hubert macpherson 177 total 2b0 n anderson teacher primary class a helen limb 20 frederick turner 20 burt patrick 19 wilma hansen 18 annie sagaskle 18 b vera coxe 17 joe la shy 14 billy blanch 13 c lawrence leatham is john chuholm 18 kenneth stuckoy 15 total 2j j b gardiner teacher- t young t leaves nd tip used in salada green tea mm scaled in mrtight jaltrtnlmim foil their fresh flavor is finer than any japan or gunpowdw try 8a1apa jor vou will never know fcowr good yourwdpes are and how well you can make pie calces puddings and bretd until youve usjed purity flour your dealer knows ask hlim pumty fhiimv swd roz tub wxmr flow cook book smj jocfir ik ik tsa twrlh fbmrcibi satfuhui win i irk canada noun mua co uuttid udomcetoorro draprnfi from coast to rffsst mr w el townsend has returned from toronto after taking a short course in the mining college there getting some new ideas regarding brick making milton neighborhood news- t and country erin slip ini lur hand she hesitated its the only possible thing she inedltated and its impossible- i suppose hannah could do it up if only i could manage the waust the necks cut right enough but x cant wear it just prim and plain and think of a white party dress over black cotton a to ok i ago i believe i did see eomo atoddngs once in the cousin letltia trunk f4fiw let me go and see she went up to the attic ononed the cousm lwtltia trunk and sat down before it the first jbilng that camo into her hands was a- palrvof long white gloves not much worn but with one finger split from top to bottom mendable lobty commented throwing them aside and delving j deeper into the trunkc here are stockings silk ones too theywere and if you cohld know what its made of what is it made of v the young man osk6d as hannah vanished letty laughed and looked at him doubtfully he was so young and in- texwited and comradely that shecoifid not resist his sympathy 1 had to go to tho party tonight my father wanted me to go and i hadnt 4 decent thing to wear and he couldnt give me accent of money we hac a rubbish trunk upstoirsrevery one has i suppose i got pair of long arloves out of it with one finger all split because one of the gores was made loo small i cut a piece- from the end of the arm of the gloyo and made a new goro and sewed ltlnand you would never know then i found lovely white silk stockings turned ybll9 thn instep- i embroidered dots and things instep- i embroiderod dote and things oyer the dorps and yellowed up some old charade slippers and sewed ruffles on the skirt of an old mult slip and made a waist but of owe old liberty scarfs and dipped them all in tea to match them up to the slippers and you aaw the result ripping he exclaimed it isnt its slavcd tlgnt letty answered and then they ooth laugh ed and were better friends than ever and after all that j remembered i had io havo a cloak to go in so i took a pair of cur ip ins you wouldnt guess it and after i get it lsniand this old fur collar put on thfe coat wllj look as if it cost a hundred dollars voa aro clever yoi know- he said if letty flushed it was pleasant to be appreciated its been terribly hard mr w james currle of seattle waahlnffton visited his cousin mrs dave ma it was his first visit to erin jn fortyfive years reports are in circulation to the ef fect that various parties have had their rooes whips etc stolen from their putter in the sheds in- the vil lage on saturday evening a- couple of young men nearly caught a certain party in the actj but he was an expert runner tho hclllshurg hockey is tn played the return game wkh the fergus tteam in sloiavlast tuesday night when they were again victors by the oneaided score of 131 and are now chaihptons of the southern- division th debate of last thursday was postponed on account of the weather tho debate will now be held on thurs- dult february 11th h the town hall hillaburg when mimosa va bills- briig wu debate the affirmative of the debate which is entitled itesolv- ed that canada does not need a senate or uboer house w be taken by the mlmosar debaters while the negative rov canon naftel of milton has been elected secretarytreasurer of hal ton deanery in place of bev per- cival mayes of qeorgotlwn resigned the womens auxiliary of grace church will hold a pancake supper in the school room- on the evenlnfir of shrove tuesday february 16 mrs jruth betts formerly of milton i passed away at the home of a daugh ter at manchester near kingston on january- 21 aged 89 years her hus band j h bettsr conducted a bajccry herewr20 years ago tho annual fruit jam and pickle shower mas held in tho sophia by- man wing of the gordon home yes terday from 3- to 6 oclock miss edith galbralth on the public school teaching staff at the sob and daughter of r s galbralth milton was just recently operated upon for appendicitis and is making good pro gress- towards recovery clements co have purchased the hardware business of j w kennedy son georgetown chris graham of gfoderich formerly an emplpyeeof clements hardware here will be in charge of the georgetown braifch t j bdbjannet who has been paasr ing through a critical illness from blood poisoning in his arm is now making satisfactory progress toward recovery- if was thought at one tlkrio that he would lose his- arm in order- to stop the progress of the dlsaffse but all danger of that is happily pouur- j ed and he will retain his arm tho j loss of whlch would have been a great j handicap to him reformer promoted from senior primary to junior first kathleen huard harveymccutch- oon marlam nlcal elva corry george footltt m niven macpheyfeon charlotte jmarshall herble woods fred hnrfood promoted to jr second frapk jones herbert price frank lsagaskl hector lambert beta withers nell mcnabb bill withers henry fordkllen dunn victor el liott normal scarrow mono mcc- geachle ida slorello gordon mann cayell davis fred wylds a macdonald teacher liwehou8e on saturday evening february 13 mr douglas gowdy will give an illus trated travelogue on his various ex- perlences abroad this summer views will include england scotland and the chief points of interest in france and switzerland the programme will he supplemented with violin selections hy mr- alfred thornton of toronto the ladles will serveilght refreshments at the close i the annual meeting of the congre gation of the presbyterian church was held on the 27th of january the fi nancial report for 1925 shows a balance on hand ofl6 the budget report showed that 245 had been sent- to the treasurer of the church the womens missionary society raised 10x07 mr angus lawson and dr james lindsay were elected to the managing board and the congregation begins the new year full of enthus iasm look mbneys take notice that we will handle your troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basts no collection no charge ya place 31 years experience at your disposal and assume all your cblloction troubles send us your list wowlll dc the rest no note or account la considered too small too large too old or too tar away we will tackle any hontjbt debt kelly aiken collectors oranoeville owen sound j m aiken manager jos j kellt mhuim reference sterllnsr bonk ot canada georgetown lt does not require much capltay to st ii uud as women ore quite ae succssfnl as mm in rals- r i ui doe that th dreedlnr- of chlnehlud rabbtts will lieoome a factor of 9tne- moment in- the cur industry whit onoc7ut mwui rl ljh arid yellow are they whrtet no theyro holey of coarse horrid little snips vat the instep they traventt ffocoliladdcrcd thought k the holes were anywhere else i coiild mend them ob and i wpndcrl throse old white slippers iuscd to play charades hi wberearo thcyt 9 nulled tho charade box from under ufa eaves dug out tho uppers andtfli6ok her head ovier them they were rrlmy and shabby wot very hopeful fr ejarmor she bouwt prpldng up the etocklngn again these aro lovel except fdr the holes i believe that i could mend them and embroider llttlo things over them if i could match tibcolor oh lienor rimdlp the white moll in tea antttiafceltmatchrthegtocihipijb ut ill color the slippers mdwjui my ell al it wi h l if i can only and something waist- xjels deive again- r 6ocron the newspaper have been telling a 1 story of the late justice brewer which besides tains characteristic of the mari 1 alo a good definition of what is often sptua petty thieving once a man was tried before him on the charge of shorlktlng ai- w0 naldl he thought that the r kleptomania t presunie jude he added that voir klhjw what kleptomania istiehr r5tne3uager if fc a disease hot j sntbero to aura ouick wit all that she found wai two sojled white square- llbctty s soru too shall be wastied and come to the tea itty announced xou wlu toiajte a waist and that little eoldfy lace in the boudoir cap shall help sjuandio gtoty liibjbflutat skirt ana put tse petticoat jace on them and ill make a butterfly waist and when lt all tead haanith will pre it for me and 111 make little yellow rosea out of the end of my rib bon ob im oravy about hi it if noy futher hadnt tbouffht alt townaend miglit be offondoet if x re- fused it- was nicaof them 4ohsk mej you oee for i dont know them they only oalced tne becauao mr townsend knew daov oads terribly interested id getting a honte fofcrlp- plefl in the country and ho- and mrj townaejnd have tnlkieditver a little thats how dnd knows him i ec said v young man that your father tylng his horse at the rlll be uiiheldhsr hlllsburg the first carnival of the season was held- in the new arena on wednesday evening lait which was ahuco auo- ceas a crowdof over 600 waalnat- tendance tbo receipts tdtaliqs 9135 long before the doors were opened- a number were waiting jto be admitted iiall in costume appeared on the loe lna variety of costumes it was a gorgeous spoctaclo and all in all was agalahhfe avocate about 200 merobers oat down at the oddfellows banquet in connection with the joint installation of the oddtel- mwsahdt rebekah officers last week margaret mayob second daughter of rev and larsi perclval mayos bad burmngton bam livv down there and pick hfm np ho was ln his car and down the bill and lctty wont buck to her rip ping i it was a wonderful cloalc where letty hied dressed her hair in its miss ruth blesslnger on tuesday evening february sndwlth a splendid attendancer v the ho vey prise w4ilch is awarded totliebeatallroun scholar in st iukoa sunday school was preserttcd on sunday af ternoion to ulsis minnie jootos iwetuestwayylnesantsdlnfcrrtr ailk stockings rtnd yellow uppersj mr w p- depuly heeyohohby will sail from st john- if b on february 19th for ijvorpool- mr and mrs ttl xanglois spent 4 few days with relatives at rochoatcrl ny durinff tho week miss airinlo potter has secured a po sition n chief tlletltlan at 81r oliver mowat memorial hospital nt klribnton roy mr rurcottc of lynn mash conducted knox presbyterian church services jii bt lukes parish hall on sunday laslp i the february meeting of tho olarn i on imohday night and will spend b moore circle mot at the homo of i few dnys with her brother rev or pickle at theonnual meeting of vbe local oouncllaf woman- held rastweek m following offlbcm wero elected ptobi- dent mrs ii w kennedy 1st vice- president mrs h p lawson 2nd vlccprectent mrs mntthewsr treasurer mrs mimihs recordins becretnry mre j nmaokensle-qor- responding secretary miss hettte mil un i wbi last wediicsduy and break her leg the daughters of st goorgres church ivlll give a bridge aad eucbre in thesunday school room on tues- ddy fobxtiary 16 one morning last week tho 8 a m radial anid n truck collidod at tho station here a pole was smashed off near the sround noonctwas injurod- an interesting event took place at the montlily meeting of st qeorgs womens auxiliary last tuesday when tbo retiring secretary mrs roo was presented with an address and purse of money in recognition of 37 years of faltlitul service miss helen tale of olcncoe nstu- dent af tho llnrversity of toronto spent tho weekend wltb miss mar garet idfefclo at the united church maneo mub w a bailey was able to return homo from toronto hospital on sat urday inst her many friends- will bo pleased to know that she is recover ing ranldly from her recent operation mrsd m mckay of vancouver bc whet attended tho social sor- vlco convention as jot represenlativo for rrltlslx columbia arrived in towyi embroider ed serosa the instep looked as if they had crne ut ofa bnith avenue tlje -all- her and vent out into tlo september mopnllgbt to the doctorn chaise and oamhey trotted along the country road letty wondered whether snei should seeth6 llttlo boy tltthe3arty tho first person that letty aow after dr urookj had taken her into the house was her friend of tho mornins heirndetoricnhbteai8e jtany towns- ehd nnd kbr mother- vv- this is my sori mrs tbwnsond sold jlogor uils la miss brooks will you see that she tins a good time please s i thought that you were o little tef ty saild indignantly as they went i nevejfgo lo church said the ag- greoalve millionaire to n quiet nllnis- ter aa they sat on the deokpf the mall creatjon she slgtmsl wib genutfae steamer fwud yon like to kabw uleasur- rvv- whyt nr rai ahdton and enarade it might he tnterestlng answered faymxx ythertuerttfrw v wjmihj jiypooriterther v a3 iofrtjuitit 16 nigbt down to hard work sho got with deft ard nimble ijnrers and with u uelnnijitykwrlihberrthestxh w lag mended washed and embroider- ff y d ing the littles cat and doing their errand 1 didnt mean to fool you but qft yon got to tenirig me those cork ml tninsni aoout your dress j wal afraid id spdlltftlngsltt i qientloned rnynatne ttou donjt realty mind h you tberef isnt n dress in the room tat oan mesjmre up to yours and bow is tbcloktr y i r inel iw apo ittsyouvhen im gain hjturas wii v 5rsrtalhiy ffaa nifjroek th with yeuow -make-uar- tbe ruffled mull skirl and the jjerty waist took to the tea beautifully tho bit of vfi loco hd tne r yellow glterjind the tucked in xoe added tjtslr charm and distinction on thuusday night when letty pushed hrvitu-ly- hair out ofv her thed eyes tavitvrim nnnn un u aueplcea uf ilia- wu- mens misblonary society 7 of christs church mrand -mrs- wm page of- jree- man will celerbrate their golden wed ding bri monday february 8th a the home dt their daughtov mrs fred hlsbock 86 martha street serg harry ogg flergt i barnea and lbnee corp h wilvert of the local company of the hamon stifles left on miqnday morning for stanley arraeks toronto wtere they will take a six weeks course in tho royal school of infantry v a mooting of the members of the baptibtchutcb congregation- was held iflsljlghtjirtinn the i rev stcd dyson the considered and accepted to takeef fept nt otice the pastor did not nt- tend the meeting but lattf his resijniajj tronntlreiylrrtnrbanarofthe eontl gregntlon rotia bushy received a lettenythls week from hus brother- robert- who l jrlth the american navy in the phlllpiine islands they are leaving this weslc for china and japan re turning toy jiay of the sues csnal n september when he will huvs circled the- wbrld in isle four years service aniie ui8 patil jones the horticuituroj society be le- pureth9set vices of miss m bell bo onvoss te tosjrn and sarroandln dutrlctfov members for 1mi the ffleera eeele no enumeration yaftomnrt h rb luuei nil averdrait or 418o60l and to borrow 89000 for cur rent extenatefl were passedjat the last meeting of the council mr 611m iclrk has been appointed a momber of tbo high school board and rev icenneth molean a m of the ubllo library board i b mccnnnab will act nn assessor this year for 922500 and nb collector for 2booo r the fire brigade now lias- taib33 toward the iropo new fire alarm system herald tlon was hold 11 e e f h rheainatic cripples if se crippled vou cant use arms er lees rrieuma will help vou or rmothlnn to pay qet a bottle of rbeuma today and wear a asturfled smile on your faco to morrow v ifs a remedy that la astonishing the whole country and its lust as good for goursciatlca and lumbago as for rheumatism it drives tho poisonous waste from the joints and mueclea thats the sec ret of jlheumao success bat we ddnt uk you to utke our word font o to e jv haseand or any rood druggist and get a bottle of rheums tocuys if it doesnt do as wo sromlse get sour money bnek it wlui s mjn waluasf for yea i fu1wiitjre in your home that you do not need besjs ot other f nrriiture in your office which are in the way and that some one else could use machinery in your plant that is idle and whichjdoes not bring you profits or is your business at a standstill and are you waiting for business to come then advertise advertise persistently be advertise and keep our business card focused before the attention of more than 600 readers of tbq free press who have the means to purchase j advertise uiealfyttrhomhid office fiirhiture also the non-proiit- able machinery advertise and place these announcer ments in the want columij vvhich appears on the front page ipdi rmv niiti m a

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