Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 11, 1926, p. 3

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ghr artott mxtt jirrhfl thursdat sabbruwty 11 1928 two brothers bill bought a car with bis monoy anil joo bought a pleco or ground bui was d swcu or a year or two as he travelled the country round but tho car grew old and tho paint camo off and often tho tiros wore flat but joes land didnt depreclafo in any auch way as that job had little to show at first for tho 11 money ho had spfent for a piece of ground couldnt follow him round on ploosure or business bent and bui wuu u swell if or a year or two but tho worth of a car goes down whllo a bit of tho earth ibcreoses its worth if lta close zartp- thriving town today joo rides in a modern car for a bit of land he eold and ho has no fear of the coming year no terror of growing old for he bought land with his littlo sum whllo bill bought a anlny car andit pays to wait to toe up-to-date- the moral well there you are jjjelfdenying loyalty pj fl ofthhhea8onflroinour garden said mr bqwer presenting a basket of strawberries to julie ive divided the morning harvest with you how delicious they look with the dew still on them exclaimed julie thank you so much now i wont have to make tho pudding i wa just going to stir up you ore getting famous miss julie for your cooking mrs brower tells me your pies and cokes were tho most delicious of any served at the mis sionary lunch party when i heard about them i was sorry tint i didnt belong to the ladies guild myself 11 wish youdldeald jiiue-lausb- ing we need some men to liven up the meetings as she watched the courtly old gentleman across the lawn to his gar den she said to herself bless his heart he shall have a chanco this very day to test my cookery then straightway she bet about making a lemoncream pie and before supper carried iti to her neighbors house- and in its delicacy of color and sym metry of form it aeeined a real work of art to the girlish cook- for air brower she mild as she handed the in at the door and then ran away modestly wishing to escape the enthusiastic thanks she proudly thought due for such a beauti ful production the next morning mrs brower coil ed and expressed the appreciation of mr brower and herself for the gift in what appeared to julie a somewhat perfunctory manner did you eat it at tea 4aot night that kind of desert is always better if fresh i ate some but mr brower you see well julie i didnt moan to tell you but he doesnt eat jemon pie mrs brower laughed and julie joined her although it was a disappointment to know that her offering was not i acceptable to her old friendu theotdrred-hocker- we have an old rooker all painted red and it stands upstairs by the old oak ocd it has stood la that corner for many a- year just the quaint old fashioned red rocking chair although with its red paint and high splndlo back and the funny carved pictures still something does lack and that is dear grandma with her pure anow- white hair hocking back rocking forth in the red rocking chair in dustcap all lace edged and an apron so neat to look ather rocking it sure was a treat alwaya knitting or sowing her hands never bare whilst rocklng away in tho rod rock ing chojr but now dear grandma has long since been dead and the red rocking chair stands by the bed that chair holds a history none can comparo just the quaint oldfashioned red rocking chair vacant sunday sounded pretty cfude and that he had had no time to polish it up he got excited and pleaded for the yes hp so much wanted to hear yes said tho young man as ho throw himuolf at tho feet of the pretty school teacher i lovo you and would go to the worlds end for you you could not go to tho end of tho world for tne james the world or the earth a3 it la called is round like iuprnnge slightly flattened at the poles one of the first lessons in the elementary geography la dvoted to the shnpo of tho globe you must havo studied it when you were a boy of courao 1 did but and it in nolongcr a theory cir cumnavigators nave established that fact i know but what 1 meant was hat 1 would do anything ty please you ah annie if you knew tho aching void there is no such a thing as a void james nature abhors a vacuum but admitting that there could bo such n thing how could the void you speak- of bo a void if there was an ache in it i meant to say that my life will be lonely without you that you are my dally thought and my nightly dream i would go anywhere to he with you if ytua were in australia or at tho north polo 1 would fly to you i ply j itwlllbo another generation before men can fly even when the laws of gravitation are successfully overcome there will still remain ays a late scientific authority the diffi culty of maintaining a balance well at all events exclaimed the young preacher growing somewhat peeved i- vo got a pretty fair balance in thejsnvlhgs bunk and i want you to be my wife there well james since you put- it in that light i yes they wero married and left acton for the west rev mr had a field in manitoba for a time then they moved over the ilno and the last weekly fashion hint fine church in dakota and both were very popular among the people an nie made u fine ministers wife and was always a real helpmeet theyvo been happy and prosperous scienco or no s cloned the old store the busy wo men the shearing 1 and spinning a writer in t telegram evidently a former erin boy writes 6f the old country store and its stock of crinolines and hayrakes and the diversity of work undertaken by the women on the farm away back in the seventies a word picture accompanies a photo othe general atoro of a jxoad which was then the hub of the erin com munity unblnahtngly this seventy five year old erin boy starts out thus iw t mhi wmp i4i see the crinolines of tape and wire later in the day mr brower stroll- th swayed above tho door others ed over and sat down on tho kitchen han from t celling inside tho store porch beside julie who was shelling peas x was awfully sorry to hear that you didnt eat any of the lemon pie she began at once for i wanted to give something especially nice and all the family say that is the best thing x make a whimsical smile spread over mr browera kindly face at didnt have an opportunity to taste it it looked moat inviting and i should have like to try it julie looked mystified and- mr brower went on drohy my dear miss julie i on going to tell you a secret and you must never betray my confidence when mrs brower end i first went housekeeping she surprised me with a lemon pie 6uch a pie julio i tried to eat it but i couldnt and when she atsomed that my dislike was not particular but was general i couldnt bear to hurt her 1 feelings so i allowed her to believe that i didnt like lemon pie and for forty years i have never eaten a mouthful of that most toothsome desert so far as lemon xle- is con cerned my life has been one long self- denial you see what a tangle web we weave when first we practise to deceive julies laugh rang out merrily come into tho bouse now and have pi i t m tw yost nnn part of ours is still left i do want you to have some at last- id like to dear miss julie and i thank you just as much hut perhaps jrou will understand when i say that it wouldnt seem quite loyal to the dear lady over the way he bowed ever julies hand and took his leave and she watched him go witb shining eyes why grow alfalfa because it can be grown over tne widest range of soil and climatic con ditions of any lsgume ju yet known in canada we are now growing it in every province from the atlantic to the paciflc because canadiangrown seed of hardy types is obtainable at a reason able price alfalfa from canadian grown seed is growing successfully at fort vermillion in northern alberta a distance of six hundred and fifty miles north of the international boundary where it experiences tern jeratures as low as sixtyfive degrees below xero because a stand of alfalfa once established continues to yleldt pay ing crops for many years because the average yield of pared alfalfa my torall olxanada t orihie past ten years is over two and a half tons to thor acre in many ectforis yields average much hig thfci equal if riot superior in palatabillty and feeding value to hay made from any other tcrapand all cla of gtock r it isecause alfalfa hay carries look at the array of scythes outside the window and the stout wooden teethed hayrakes do these things carry your memory to tho general store back homo and the days of hoopskirts and crinolines when form implements were few- not a great many ontario formers owned reapers and binders at the time of this picture those who could rent ed them many many others cut and cradled the grain by hand and swung the scythe through grass and rye nor were tho hands of women idle though their feet may havd been clut- tefed with long skirts and crinolines most of tho dresses worn aboyo these hoops were handvwoven think of it sheep were sheared in may women washeddried and pick ed the wool after it was carded at tho mh women spun it into yarn they dyed this not with prepared dyes but with crudo colors if they wanted green they first dyed it yellow and then blue browns they made for themselves from bass wood and butter nut barks their yarns wero woven at the fac tory into flannel or blankotssor full- cdoths for mens suits and overcoats full cloth was usually dyed dark grey but great woe the rivalry over who could show the nicest pleco of flan nel women who could dye it any c they wanted to were envied b all homespun plaids of red black and green with bars of yellow were most- popular for dresses fhumel for mens shirts was usually of red and black check or stripe of course for state occasions when heut on a belled shirt there was a white home spun one worn beneath it this lat ter was lined with cotton so as to bo ile for thcnomcspttn flannel was fiendishly scratchy think of spinning yarn for all the suits shirts overcoats blanlcets and warm petticoats and dresses and socks stockings mitts and mufflers worn by big and little of the family mufflers were long as fence rails then and skirts yards wldo bill owe over those crinolines can you picture men and women in their gay warm homespuns coming sixty years ago to a store lllce- this farmers thentrarcly mado more than one whopping expedition a year to a city all their trading was dono at the country general store but they left very little money there they bartered butter eggs small fruits poultry lard apples potatoes and on ions for groceries nails hinges whet stones hoes rakes flatlrons cutlery crockery dry goo da patent medicines boots and shoes rock salt tinware and many other household things and carm implements theyoven trotied farm prddueta for sugar sticks buusejnsav horehound candy riin a helping hand for the seasons woolens primarily the designs pictured here were intended for development in the smart twills flannels and other woolens but the rodael to the left would look cquallysmart in velveteen it is gathered at the shoulders in yoke effect and worn with a colorful scarf i silk rrip narrow wristbancls finish the long sleeves and the bade is held in with a stringtbcit of self- materiar medium size requires 2fi yards s4hnch material spanish m its inspiration id french in its original development ia the bolero frock to the right- it is made of broadcloth with vest cf satin brocade cuffs and collar maich the vest and down cither side of the back the model has stitched slot scams medium size requires 2 yards 54- inch plain andy yard 36inch brocades everybody seems to want to get tho position where he can have someone time lhieard from thorathey liada4elsetotlohhibwork hc-gctuail- the credit and most of the pay ho forgets that the unused faculty de teriorates the uncommercial merchant ho waa atyplcnl fltroet gamin says a writer in tho denver times and ho wiis diminutive in katuro that i had to stoop to interrogaiq him havliiff dono so i began tho following conversation where do you got your papers ray littlo man oh i buy cm in tho times iihoy what do you pay for thorn 1y clits you lont make anything at that nope tjhen what do you sc11 them for oh jubt to get a chanco to holler perfectly- satisfied the cart before the horse murgiirotta tuttlo tho authoress is very fond of tho scottish llaject says tho new york sun a favorite story of hera concerns an old scottishshep- hord who faithful to tho traditions of his olnn ntill woro tho highland kilt ono cold raw day ho was sitting on the hillside tending his gheeii his plaid wn8 wrapped closely abut him but his teeth chattered and his barer legs wero blue with cold a fellow clansman who had been away from his native hills came by wearing an english overcoai observing tho shiv ering ahejjherd ho asked sandy are ye no cauld wl tho kht na tiq replied the loyal sandy but arn near kilt wi the cauld m thoughtfufc to capture the citadel of a childs mind through love and sympathy to load pupils toward higher ideals of life and duty to establish sloaer re lations hetween home and school and stajto to exalt purify of life anct con- dubt to strengthen the moral tone of the community to make good men and women to establish and dignify the profession of teaching to make education attractive to magnify tho state- tomeet theneed forluoatd cltizonshlp such is tho exalted mis sion of the teacher hon charles it skinner whon danny marlln married llzu tompkins bulvcrton oponly disap proved of tho match liza was a targe lazy plnkandwhlte peony- faced creature notably without fac ulty and to bring auch a brldo to tho housewhich old mrs marlln now entering her eighties and presumably needing tho help of an able and ln duatrlous dm ugh ter in law had kopt in immaculate order for over half a century seemed so unsuitable as to bo nearly cruel if liza tomklns brings her slack ways into dannys kitchen one pessi mistic neighbor prophesied itll bo tho beginning of tho end fdtold mia marlln youll see 1ve known old folks as spry as she is to givo out suddliit and drop quiet into their graves folks at her ago cant brace up to bear domestic crosses but old mrs marlln who had been reticent and presumably disapproving before the wedding was found to be in aycry different frarria of mind very shortly oatterward danny couldnt ha suited me bet ter if hod picked her out apuppouso the brisk little old woman confided jubilantly to an inquiring cousin why jane youd scarcely bellove it lt eounds too good to be true but lisa dont interfere with the work no moren lie sho want there just let her set behind the teapot to meals for danny to look at and beside tho windy mornlns foolln with a bit o eewln and watchlh tho passln and go out or have folks in arternoona and got danny to help her write notes to firm and magazines for patterns and samples and sich evenlns and land shes ns contented as a kitten and no more bother copt for cookin enough extry and a few extry dishes id clean forget she was in tho house its mooren id have dared hope for an i trust im thankful youre at liberty to tell inqulrln friends jane direct from me that i regardrtt as hecloalnyajlil nuvmlpaz tin blessing of a long life that my son danl has married a perfectly satisfactory wife rei is good tea do yotj sell farm products how do you know hinirvn buy have you called him by l sell entirely iy long distance- its quicker arid cheaper rllay and grain dealer get your job printing at thefree thoro ore iots of people to bo sor ry for after all sighed constance- on her return from luncheon at the college club with her aunt edith j not a member of your dub sure ly said her elder brother with what constance called a speaking srollle no it wasnt a member responded constance they sat at our table tho visitor was a women of about forty i should think with such a sweet manner if she hadnt spoken of it herself i should not have imagin ed that she was uneducated and had never attended a public school philip began to look interested and constance continued she said how nice it was for col lege women to have a club of their own and her friend said t2ou ought to join and tho poor thing smiled and said i couldnt join i never at tended school a day in my life and i suppose thats the reason i am so ignorant well her friend smiled hut they both seemed so quiet that i knew they wero thinking about tho lack of op portunities and just then i had a happy thought i remembered about the settlement classes and i leaned right across tho table and said par don me but i couldnt help hearing what you said about not going to school and i wanted to tell you that if you cored to take up any special line of btudy you could do it under the direction of the college women and your age would not botlrb slightest drawback o constance groaned iphllip well and his slsterlooked at him defiantly i believe in helping people when you ace a chance and she ap preciated it her face lit up at once and she thanked me but the poor thing added that she had little time for- regular study x vltb time to start for ther lecture her brother interrupted 1vo let you tell me more than i wanted to hear now and the brother and sister hur ried away to tho lecture halt when tho young pooplo entered the room tho lecturer was on the platform and had begun to speak sho was a sweetfaced woman of middle age frhiiipi rpflfl flnnatnnce look m very hlsh percehuube of protela which la the moat expensive food coaatituent ucniblied by our highpriced ohcen- tfatea because alfalfa may bo uatd oa-au- ige or cut green aa a aotllnw crop with good results because alfalfa con be ground into 4 me of excellent feedin here aeema to le an opporiuna1y the develonment ot a profltable alfalfameal trade in canaa with a canadlantmanafactured product i becauaa alfalfa has the property of enriching the soil with nitrogen gath ered from the air becnuae alfaifa makes on escoeaient tv 2 pasture if pasturea in i mttfl not over graxed because the deep root- system of id- falfo besides enabling it toextrjfcec plant from th subsoil alio opens so inges and gumdrops soap was mostly made at home was all tho butter and the bacon pigs hnd plpntyqljguiffrmlllf whfin there were no creameries in the coudt comrnhm mwoh h no agents collecting eggs and storing them till prices soared general sstorejt were clearlne iiouses fbt all tho small products of the form ever and al ways excepting turnips turnips tainted the butter did you over tasto turnipy hutter7 1 cottbtixo and science i donst remember that i ever told the story in ray column i said to mary the othtrf night of the young preacher courting one of the teachers who taught just out of town back in the early days well said mary i wbuldntlf i were you you pidds just as big a fool of yourself whsh tho young man turned to his sister in amazement as she clutched his arm its the woman who never wertt to school she whispered tho one retold hut her brothers speaking smile closed her lips v n iso opportunities at vacation treasure with a first prize 61200040 fmyou vacation thta bnmmrr the greatest ttie finest the hai vacatlba la others ratkf enter tomorrow or aext araek yonr job ia to enter and itaut rigivt aayar n pr piston btoaxte is the easleat to solve of aar are yon a doer or a dreamer do ron want apeceas and happtnenr ho yon want real o life tbe rcnllzation of four tlreama 9en enter tlc mall and emptnrs bword picture panic genu today fnnynj nh rr tni h as r v reswore yon hate ico chances at 0000 in cash the ftniatist opporttmltj tlw largest prhr list in history poxtllahed hv the mail and empire it is sumplev tntereetliia educational and worth while how many objects beginning with the letter f can you finds in this picture 2 the pleturh betow contains a dumber of objecta and articles beguialntg avith the letter 13 vwu will find all eortsor uilngs that bcrln wltri the letter b like m bat ilul barrel etc sec how many yoa can had this is not m tcftcle pasxlc nothing li hidden and yon dbnt have to turn the picture upside down or ddewaya we aix siring ypn this largo picture so that au objects and artlclee martinjr with tho letter u will be easy far yon to see there is nothuag dtrscnrt or liard to nndcrstand yoncaui aoc a bag la tnerc and a bencomnrl a bloyetv aro bom there ono jlundredand fifty cash prizes win be given for the 160 best lists of words submitted in answer to this ptuode tne answer barhot the largest and nearest correct lint of vwble objects ami articles in the picture chat start with the letter b win beawareicd first prixet second beat second price p- your answer to the bword puzzle must be mailed not later than wednesday march 3m the mall and m empire has given away 20388 ti 304 prizi winners in re cent contests plilmll1rlprimvlamrl jai rktm pnzle cntalt tsia wrlaaaca arib a 8pqe liasdaa sltajai alra jim mrram sranrule aijmi ihai mjuv 0 glmtla oaltj 1901 ilrr thro uim wlluamabant bars tbrn hiraat aiooozs vcok rattlbiore al 10oc mrs jo doth admum floooi ilka lla 31 tarlor- wallae- tjur ii wo mrs jska 0w c f cormldumh weiiuiki 5so mra km- knn uaun ckeutft i kill hope lua- lllon taooi itlaa ml ml hnabaairh uoa hnroiir walkrrtln aaoo knlt willi ta mawt sum cifao lrav- tiroitor rboi m o luksnpm im alllssadl i iv hutjatllad 7im- fftot besides the anoro si priie winners tliere were 28s more winners m a toul ot 304meu wo- naen and clilldre who hare be afcudedl a cwth ia tbe sah fcmptrob wes lctur pnaxle gi and now hre vcijr oppolttwajs rrv 1 the greatest 6am nrgamphnjmtqryand the ea ever arranqelqtijlq prizes tq be gwbn vqtme puzzle contest one thi wo gained 10 pounds in twenty days skinny men can do the same up the subaou becauaa the decaying alfalfa roots stems and leavea enrich tne soil by adding considerable amounts of hum case blsmissed if limk t vrvkv a dog was brought into court and eonnplalned of as being vicious by a spiteful andcahtankeroui nelrrrbor of his owner the judge apoke to the dog who wagged jila ull so hard and was no friendly that bis honor said caso dismissed no vicious dole rjould coma in here and give tfie un impeachable testlmonji that this de fendant has you came nround our place and was courting me back there when wo were young and beslruayhshothoyjiath naverfrlenafl liero yet nnd they might not like it oh well mary i said the young folks of today enjoy these oourtlngdny atorlca nnd thlt otio wont hurt nnybody and v you know its just as won to let these young teachers of today know that their predecessors of forty or flf ty yearsago were just as well posted in book learning and aolence as they are now- well yiays mary perhnpa but i remombot une well thnt you didnt used to like it very much to bo reminded of your aoft days and do inga 1 kndw 1 v could talk tier oyer as usual ao here goes well one sunday night hed been to aeo hor four nigh taftlroody that week and i rsmstnber that bis sermon next ahwcak men and women all norvoun men and women all skinny inon and women can grow stronger heolthlar and moro vlroroub and tukoonaolld need ed flesh in 30 days just by taking mc coys coduyer extract ableta four tlmca a day sugar coated and easy to take as candy and what a hit these nosh prodiic ing tnbloubajio m ono jhrugglat tripled hla ules in one week- kysrybody knows that from he livers oftrio humbls oodflah comebji nrbtclnbb vltamlno that jb a wonder ful vltallier mesh producer ajad health ereator millions of mccoys cod llvor ax- tract tablets aro sold every week and thousands of frail rundown under weight peoplo are being helped a box of 60 tablota for m cents and if any eklnrlf man or woman doesnt gain atieast pounds ln soidays money back ask any druggiit any where in america n v be suro ahd get mccoys tho orig inal and tionulno and dont forrot there is nothing on earth so good to make backward llauesa underwolghf chll- i dren grow artrong and robust v xou may never in yevir hfeumc ne eivpn anouicr oiioitunity spch as wo aeo prlerhur yon in our ihuxlp uof to plav and lenrn whllo eamlnc n- mar cawll prlaa yon cant help enjoying tho bant for jj words ifl thb plcturo prnxle ah jflebdjls a jlmerylnr eye fa al join in and have jolly rood tlroo sjo matter vha your age if yon like to solvo pnades try your hand onlita onp it realtfls qctt a pnaalp al ill for all he nbjocta in the big picture above have been mado perfectly plain with no attempt to disguise or hlno them get a pencil and papoi nl see how many ir words yon can oiid when you hare made up your hat of bvvords end it in along with onev two or thrro yearly anoscriptlons o the mall and umpire at koo per year which will qualify your anawrer for the xiarge caeui prizes to be awarded on march lath to those acmdlog in the iso beet answera start itolrr idot of m words todat and win a mandsomk oasn pnlze tok vowb sljmmjcit vacaticw r easy rules l any tnant wdman of ehllff who llva in cf and u not- k rftaldftnt of tutonto mni who- t not-lb- j- emplnr of tho lful and empire m7 ubmlt n hawnrwr 1 m it is inr riciuu t i ttaatod br mh and lempira wlmnlnjjt s4uom aorw am not eligible to partlrlpato u tlu pusala v 150 cash prizes 150 the 9000 prize list wiuua aia win aw a oat haw a- jg fifty 0rh wwtwarfat to th t plcw ctara rrlms till rl f ith rria i scliprlu w w 1040 el prte o tutli mhs w lojlt to l0tlj 7f 4000 bs00 1000 ica km hw i aea nea myos in ta tmit or a tie lor any prlkeoferrd law fall moa t nelt art ni be pa lo il nttielpaaf k how prizes will be awarded tils bvtord nrsoinisffnyot the qms la s camp to incresu the yioflflnff to take pazi anot empire you do not havo to ssnd in a subscription to win a prize if your list of b-wordi-lii- tw nr prl l t yuu w wi uuju imir if you would lllce t trlh itiore vtmm 1000 wo are making- the tolldwlng spe ocforvrhn g yjmh rlssl3yndlnff or two or thitee ysrly buhtsortptlons to tha mull anvl bmplrej- f i i i heres how the bis pilas will be aymat rknttmir orfctwtulra5ira4wtbrnais mo wwmiv prtao one yearly auhacrlpuon to the mail and khnplre at iieo0 per year by majjjl nas been sent in second prute aoo00 third prlie sltooo etc bee aeoond oorumn ocacnres la prime ikat k1 noo cm tcad of io0 win be awardtl to the answer winning xiuuvuv brat nrlao if two new or renewal yearly subacrlptions to the mall auid bmnlre are sent in second pahio geoeoo third prim yeoooo etc 8oe third column of llgares in frlae last s all awnn ranat b wallnl trr vvedtimaay ird un and aadrc t paul ml th ml aid kaptre troato xmuuri sbmaj itt jlf n a s2o00o0 mqmjmn bpjjnudjrd o tho answer rvlnnhw j p providofl t now or renewayl raarty bubscrlpuoi tfltne mail ltrnraro senfln hecomltprli 4o0 subscription rates rayablji iis advance lite vail and empire anywhere in catuutit by roauj500 per year drjhrered by ddrrlcr bow in hanr ilton 800 fjer jner third prlie iooo soe foiirtr oolunuv f hrarn in prlro um and thats not all we will give exra amountaon nil prliea in trie soma manner if your answer la lualinat by thltbjls yearly bubecriptiona arid you win fourth prise you will recervo q0o etc down the prtaq llat tou are riven an opportunity to participate in 10 prlaen totalling over 9000 where tho lwth prlie with three aubiscrlptlonir wlna 115o0 your own auwcrlptlon will count cr alltncrlptlonh to atart at tome future date jliat write on the order when you want the papor surtod and it will atrt promptly on thnt date no subscriptions will be accepted for a longkjr period tban three years ifj advanckt aide otihs papr only and nuaft i la wrlttvyiorjir full ixafnt risht luna fftwwr if trofl i jthi q a ptatkto aaiaat bottly iutli svbvjla that art noum oonvmanoias mb tu jparlawabauwu dletlokuiy wlllb4 oo tho nouna must b tho naunfca of otajctji on in ttt ture da nut obaolto wordi io not um h words do not tin compound word or itiwv tha camblnttcan of two orjnort cqpnplpta piriiu iwh afwailozi a ttlf iho tum s qhjoot tba plorfti ji uodtt ilniuur ctvnnat b aont4 m i word of thm aaxno ieulnjr kn b uad oalx m favan uurasrfc uaad to daalvnata dlitrent objaot r ajkroha jks atrjtat or artiol ean lt uoarr mi taiwo- put -ot- aoovjaot joaay ato- ruimod r t tba anawar hattna the rsit urr ttaaraat root hit or nmaa of vialblo objaeca aboirn in tit is tuf that bsln with tho letter with th fawaat numbr of arrora will ix awmtdod tint prlsa at tha pflaas will bo daotdad aod awirdod on a voref as ban la hoastnaaa tylm or handwrltlbf liata mtm ins upon artmr tba winner t r5k nombor ofpoook nuy pqapotat in ai j fat rfrj jp f iw to on rto of ttqr fiwup i in tufj vwtltblmyrwrhtxrfm 10 sobacrluumi advtaoo of lm par jramr by n br earriar wy in hamilton wild orttrtaaaw both now and rantwill ptnmi par jramr by rnatll or tm dalltarad tunllton wflmxi aocptd no aub- aebspuona for dalltary in ui city of toronto will bo a- eaptod to 4uavllfr arvawora for tha lairror vah prlnaa 11 all aaswat will rocelv tho laono ronaidofmtlm ronrdlma of wbothar or not a nubaacrlptlon to tho mcslt and knutlro in ant in ix tnr nrioiiailnatit toronto clllaurhi noetloo wl tit tho mil and jdmpini luwwastlaairk and parflelpnam ot sa jusm t oauct th wlnnr and partlelpaiafa by awndlns in triatr anwafaasr kccopt tha daottnoa of tba jodvu anatnml vbmitilawa tha jodtsu will meottfo march- eclrwnd ajinouaeamam of ui prima wndiara and corroct llast ot woru wlllfbo pqbllahitl hi ttknmall and bmplr n llarefcl lltn aaid prubinotiaar will ba mailed to tha wuvenr pttuspf room 207 the jffwjp f slgm w ma imruu torqjvre canada 1 i

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