Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 11, 1926, p. 4

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1 vi ij ffi- the home of member canajiaa weekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies of ontario j pu thursday morning at the ijree press building mill street acton ontario the subscript ion price is 300 per year in advance postage is charged additional to offices iv thc united states the date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label advertising rates transient advertise ments 10 cents per line agate measure for first insertion and 5 cents per line for each subse- qucnt insertion contract display advertise ments for 50 inches or more per annum 18 cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly h p moore president and editor o a dills manager and assistant edltov telephones editorial and business office residence of president residence of manager itw hi direct giving by church supporters commenting upon thd greater interest beingtnk- en in churchwork as indicated by the encouraging reports or the churches generally this year ithe whitby gazette says these church reports reflect in iu small degreethe prosperity of the people and theirdesire to contribute towards the better things of life ojie cannot help but reflect that if people everywhere gave as they should towards the support of the churchat home and abroad there would be little need for the numerous- bazaars teas sales concerts and other means of raising church funds now in vogue interesting overseas news instructs and entertains the farmers fantily theradio has founda real- welcome on the farms where it has been installed it comes with a real appeal to the rural community and the farm home 80016 one has said that the automobile did much to relieve the traditional loneliness and monotony of life thgt all down the centuries have been regarded as inseparable from the lot of country dwellers what the automobile did in large measure has been completed by the radio instead of passing a drowsy yening nodding by the fireside the family can tuns in on whatever station takes their fancy and amuse themselves with such- variety ofentertainment or instruction asmeets their lining thursday morning february 11 1926 editorial the spjit of cooperation for actons interests v the very interesting meeting of the municipal fsvv council and chamber of commerce last thursday kv- evening demonstrated two matters very vividly cbbpeiitioh irrjnattera of general interest and a spirit of loyalty to the town ofa very fruitfulchar- lacter this ispirf of cooperation was very mahu w ftiy present throughout the meeting with the isi lead given by reeve masons warm invitation for tnutuaj discussion and future action in matters of i pterest to the welfare of acton and her citizens vthe atmosphere of the meeting was decidedly helpful g and friendly loyalty to acton was significantly evidenced in the speech of one of our business men isaidwehayea town w jcii- sivyity andf manufacturing continuity istarely to be bs found anywhere else in the province how many fevi other towns do you know of he said where the kiiheels of utenianufactories aire turning continu konsl as are ours and where the employees receive a- hiw naif pnvnlnnpe iamiarlv tka iraan ainitnff a canadian creed which stands for loyalty patriotismand aspiration 1 belieyo in canada its provinces united as one inseparable dominion a democracy within an em pire firmly founded upon those principles pf free dom equality justice fraternity humanity which british patriots have willingly sacrificed life and for tune to establish and maintain believe andravofr it to be miiy sacred duty to love my sowitryv honorl its government obey its laws respect its flag and defend it against all enemies loyal to the glorious traditions of ithe motherland inspired by altruistic purpose arid thrilled by the superb- possibilities which front this land of promise it will be my high en deavor in the comradeship of free citizens to make my life tell in actualizing the noblestnational ideals and to hand down to the future ari enhanced arid unsullied heritage li e- their pay envelopes regularly the year around h ws a very commendible spirit at this meeting sfeiiijl wjth this spirit pf cooperation cohesion and 1pgqodfeelingracton be intelligently conserved and substantially advanced during i d26 v styicttiiiw the farmers with worthless stock ijihorij s martin minister of agriculture f or johtario a warning to farmers well worthy of consideration fih an address last week respecting the jiuhastiof worthless stock from glibtongued stock sajesinett the farmers of ontario he said had lost i 4mjllitns of dollars through the peddling of practical- lyvwirtbless stock the i minister was referring to meviact- that the farmers asa class were not as rtru prosperous as they should be and one of the rea- jjfy he gave waslhat the lack prosperity was jiot due to th farmers inability to make rnoney as kmtichl as it was due to jiis failure to keep it once fivuhbinade it arid one means by which the fanners 0ytin being stripped of their hardearned rrioney was ijthe promotion of cheap stocks which promised high dividends but which vanished into thin air almost jiljsbunifla the promoters weaken tne farmers fsarning8 he went on to state that in his own county juttie fanners had been stripped of a lot of their money wisr the means mentioned and he believed thst mil- afemohs had gone the same way he knew of oneman fevtrihai recently dropped ten thousand dollars by pth transactions and the situation has become so mirioite that he believed that something must bwdpne ptt theevil the minister did not exagger- at the facts when he made the- above atoternent git is ivithin the knowledge of numbers of people togd the fact has been brought in evidence in court 5that within a radius of fifteen miles from acton n aefcpnntij of maltpn and wellington tens of ousanjjs of dollars have bpen paid for stocks of the descriptiori refewedto by farmers within- the papist twelve months as the minister says sorh ft touat be done to stop this outrage f snwllerjrewrs- j for several years there have been periodical talk when the rrieri interested in the county and irmr gettoaedier issmaller f aire- or in other words discontinuing ithe ijv jjtltwnship fairs nnrt centreing all ehnrtx np y during the week the british pound sterling rose on the foreign exchange market to486j the highest point touched since the war this result is very gratifying and shows that british finances in- variably come back to their own sicpunty and large fairs this was the theme for an fenpur or so at the meeting of the ontario association n 1j ft yffriimud exl lieldrrasrreeltratrototrtff pppotheip fe dftw siitimeat of the convention did not howevjv p tvor actibn inthatdirection most of the delegates to feel that the small township fair had a pkgdeflnite plate in the community- and that there would teh6dtinct loss particularly to the younger people ifafew fairs a large n the united xetary lockie- wilson hothas idrpppofrtmjtie tatesrtoureptnhiftxee hesayis6far hassoliglit i0f obsbryation than ny other man in the province to debauch american patriotism for the sake or pow- i auii j it -i-i- erfifl rubber interests let u know whetkercapital in this country is so minus patriotism as to stir up interpiationali discord tb enrich itself f sajypty summed up tlje general opinion when lis kgwdthatwjijle amalgamation of small fairs might k e a beitefltitin some tftstricts where there ww pti yk it wbu n with f jgeheirai policy overthc province it would toilfe gi the opportunity now offeyed to many younk rek- veryiispeciflc function in- tlie way of ohopuram v pflr tne young people in ae pklivwpeciatllyrtp aim to hmprove fheii sti w mif ofthis ifarmv garden andhiilitiaii tionlnsatisfwtiiymv ljjotjditwfis tnv amalgamatiqp priffpfi r ruloftiiebariirg ateiistaetvmf j lti thrwai jiiflwix great britains generous war debt terms the magnanimous treatment by great britain of the nations who contracted abnormal war debt is strikingly illustrated by the settlement just effected with italy that country owes great britain nearly 3000000006- by the settlemenf she will pay less than half that amount a total mf 1300000000 in slxryitwo years at the rate of 20000000 ayeart great britain is living up to her agreement to ask from her debtors only enough td meet the annual interest payment to the united states although in this instance italy is paying considerably less than the nece quota to meet that need the treat- qloanad from th acton england exproaa of january 22 aaothor liannelottonlarhtclroso acci- tlont rcaultln in the death rt youna olilld occurred ut isuut acton on wed- ndsday evening it cuught flro at an 0on biate the lot aoton company of girl gulden will hold tholr church iiarade in tliuacton h4u wcaleyun church on sunday qvenlngr at acton follco court on monday fred ionny a laboror with no ttxecl abode was charffed with tooltip drunk und disorderly ut hlffhbtrect acton and waa flnod 7fl 6d a tqim reproaontlne tho aoton flro brlgado was ontortainod at the acton conservative club on thuradny in last week when a apclal evening and games tournament took place sonno- civil aervanta from the govf ornnienl- offlcea in bromyardavenue acton vlaltod wormwood scruhbs prlaon on sunday and aang carols at tho afternoon service in the prison ohpol wlulrm iiovoll of wufstonroad baut acton waa fined 10s at mort- lake on wedneaduy week for cyclln in castolnuu without llghta mr w fanaell haaboen appointed q w 31 atatlohmaater at ctoh in succession tomr t blea promoted to fishguard air manaoll has -been- ata- tlonminter at baslnghtoko for the past two ears- a aummons against robert mccut lock of kentroad acton green- for assaulting alice j bolllara of tho same addross- was dlbmisaeu at acton police court last week fc arraiiffements are nearly completed for fourday missionary exhibition to bo hol at acton baptist church on fotaruary 10 to is the exhibition will include tonka illustrated lectures anum demonstrations ly wellknown mtsdlorinries at acfon police court on friday katherine thlemo a married woman of ctiutaworfhgardens aoton was flncd ics for being drunk and incap able in highstreot acton kobert at chapman a baker of prlncoflroad nottlng bale was charge on remand at aoton police was his comment to a roportor after throe hours in negotiating the mail alps phlltn w carter a navvy of col- vllloroad acton was charged at actoir police court lust week with as saulting his wlfo amy eurter oy pundilng her on tho jaw and right hand und kicking her on tho right foot and thigh t the marriage tok place at acton pariah church vm thursday or mr ronald cfcamberlaln eldest son of utr and mrs j t chamberlain of bristol and jmlsst rlbpewllklnson youngest daughter of mr anil mrs li wilkin son- of noelroad acton chorleh w turner a blind laborer of junctlpnroad acton was- charged af acton police court on saturday with being drunk and disorderly and hiarrwlfo beatrice turner 32 was charged with obstructing a police of ficer acton town council has decided if the ailnhftry of health approves to provide facilities for its tenants to become thtelr own landlords the best lncontlvo i thrift is tho chance of getting a secure roof over ones head and the only satisfactory landlordism is selflandlordism on friday mr yf blount gaye a lecture on shapcapearea country at the aoton adult school in his youth mr blount spont a great deal of time in the neighborhood of trntford-on- avon and so ia welt qualined to speak on the autkjoct frank wjir3nd ethel nash of westernjroad acton qreeh wore summoned at acton police court on wednesday for assaulting prlsclllo shelton of the same address and prlsolla shelton and james shelton were summoned for assaulting ethel nash i two workmen ment ol her war- debtors by the united states is in striking contrast- in all cases the pound of flesh is demanded even if the arniy and navy of the allies kept germanyont of the united sfatesfor tw16ng years iefore their forcesentered the war edltoeial notes the people are coming from the united states in large numbers to settle in canada for the first nine months of tiie present fiscal year ending with december the total is 33529persons emigrated from the united tates to this dominion at a meeting in london last week the bishop of london satti there is not the slightest doubf that th industrial output has increased and the public health improved under prohibition in the united states the british people have been- told many manufketdred lies from across- the ocean to discpunt the value of prohibition court last week with blgamously mar ryiiig edith ironside at fulhaun a pedlars sudden death at a com mon lodginghouse in osborheroad acton was tho subject of an inquest held by dr j s crone at tho acton fire station on friday morning for driving it omnibus along ux- brldgo- road ealing at a apeed of over twentytwo miles un hour thomaa bliakeabaft 7 chaucerroad aoton was flnod 20s at ealing police court on tuesday r jack kerr a seaman of- no fixed abode was remanded at acton follco court- a thursday on a ctiarge of maliciously damaging a plateglass window value 20 at 1879 hlgh- street acton the childrens new year trfeat or- ganlcoi iy the acton labor party will be held from 330 to 830 p m at the control haql tomorrow aa aubout 600 chlldroniwrtl boehtertainedit laes timated that tho treat will cost at least 10 the acton contingent of delegates were among those of the 3satlonat union of women teachers to whom was accorded a civic reception by the lord mayor of bristol on the occasion of their conference at bristol frederick a uodson or uavies- road acton- aud james lewen a neighbor each summoned the other at acton police court on wednesday in last week faraahaultand mca-dob- aon was summoned for assaulting jas riewon leuucolone1 g d turner m a will spealc under the auspices of the acton branch of the league of nations union- at the acton brother hood mooting- in the congregational church next sunday afterrion melodrama romance and comedy wore the three aourses in the dram- atlc bill 6t fare which the acton strol ling plnyers dished up in an attrac tive manner for their many friends and supporters in the churohfield hall onsaturday night the sreat difficulty nowadays is to get- people to think for thornsolves said mr c g ammon mi nt a meeting orcranlsed by the acton tem perance association and bold in the central hail on thursday the acton labor party choir under the direction of mr f mitchell sang several good seleotlons at intervals which were much- appreciated during jtijarty mooting in the central hall on tuesday night at tho west london police court on wednesday fred arthur gridloy a lnmnlurhlnr waa charged with com- the following story from wide awake is not nvr but its truth is vouched for and its lesson is so olearly taught and bo important that it is worth repeating two men once nstood at thesame tabid jijji- largo- factory havlnff-an- hbur for their nooning every day each undertook to use it in accomplishing of a definite purpose each perserver- ed for about tho same number of months and each won success at -last- one useel his dally leisure hour in working out the invention of a ma chine for sawing a block of wood into almost any desired shape when bis invention was complete he s61a the patent for a frtune the other xnttn what did he do weflho apentotv hour each aay dur ing moat of the year in a very dif ficult task of teaching a little dogt standon its hind feet and dance ajlg to he sure he succeeded but what then at last accouhtshb was work ing ten hours a day at the same trade and at his old wages blaming his luck tor the hard fate that kept him poor while his fellowworkmen had become rich wanted the giblets 1 thoro ore innumerable stories of tho revolutionary dayir in charleston south carolina tho old ladles used to tell with glee how when tho british wero supposed to bo out of the way the vbung follows would como homo to dancowith them a message would go to the nearest cousins and friends and a supper would be cooked it mlghtbe only rlco and bacon but it was good to hungry men charlestons historian ilrs ravenal declares tho dance and the feast would continue until the stars grow ualo often these racrrymakors wero dis turbed by the enemy but ttoervs waa always a negro or twoon wcttoh and the harsh note of tho hcrceehjnk wt or tho cry of tho whlppobrwlll would give tiie aharm then partings in mot hasto a rush for tho horees a sharp scuffjc a hot pursuit and per haps aprlsooer taken the young men hud odd adventures one young follow betrayed himself by his appetite hewas pursued and had taken shelter urmrs mottos place on sbuth santeo she rollod hlra up in carpet and pushing it ngaunst tho wall tqld him to keep quiet untfl the eneniyfiad gono and she could release him unluckily ho hoard through the open window his hostess giving direc tions tb the cook about tho chickens which were to be dressed for the dragmonb dinner he could riot bear to be loft out and- thrust- bis head from the carpet chrysalis and cried out keep the giblets for me the soldlerb heard and he was at once caught and carried off to repent at leisure of his indiscretion winter winds wiu not chap csmparms italian bilm- pre- vents chapping of the hands and face fri wintar time ths oold wind evaporates the natural mbia tura of tho akin- laavlng it dry and shrunkan campanaa italian balm replaces this natural rnois- tura all drubsiata and depart mental ataraa sail it a special aample bottle mallad on recaipt campanajs italian balm e g west a co booeorgast toronto business directory- medical trusting his partner speaking of the wardenship of the countyand tiie clairosof tbe reeve of nassagaweya the milton reformer speaks thus consolingly and with some what authorative prognostication mr agnes is a young man and at the proper time will no- doubt come into his own so far as municipal honors are concerned f he is spared till next year and is still reeve of nassagaweya there is 410 doubt in our mirifl but that he will get the wardertship by accla mation free from debenture debt and with a surplus of 306846 for the year in the treasury wellington courity fathers are congratulating themselves to day on the splendid position- of the county which has never been in a better condition financially fergus newsretard ratepayers of hnlton county woiilclbelhappy indeed if auclia showing could be made but then wellington county has not been obliged to build any 200000 bridges and has spent less money on its mileage of roads rr it is only a few weeks since there was h great 4ttfwiintfcevnrwnsatesvt rubber- and charges were made of unh pro ing now the chickens are coming home to roost representative loring m black jr of new york is demanding an investigation into the fact that american tires are sold in great britain twentybve the smuggling of iliquor into the rjnited states by i britlih subfects was severely con jjn rii wrgely attetnded lhee ting ir the churcn house under jm ui6tfjdftyatmlnatr abbey fast vednesdayi y5iihdv ifrimo xeioriatj to the ibrealtlveirt abroad by- the i united stutea jnlnifiteevbit io6oan olhcil touch was liicjpj cham- mlttlng u criminal offence against hammeramlth girl aged 15 at the west iiondon police court on tuesday before mr marihall john henry tucker an englneera fitter avenuegardens acton was summon ed for deserting his wife ulhan ttick- er he was ordered at pay jior 10s- a week the hutf of a series of entertain ments ty the madcaps concert party organiedtobbtalhfunda for tiie 1926 bazaar of the acyon conretatkna church was given in tho churohfield hall on tuesday evening sir harry brlttaln and his eon and daughter were ieenonjoylng a ran on their sikls over the snowcovered slopes of green park on friday very good exorcise aw quite enjoyable nt lavalquebec mlnei limited in shjonghwdst l uvl pwmjarrmtsircuijr located properties totiullnc 37o0 acrep ut the heart of koujm laval is iponiored oy jqwerfal interest and dir- tctcd by a boa every member of which it a prom inent business or mining uecutlve i -lal-i-mply-finsnceior- extensive developrnerit wprk i serious developtnentt is eeins commenced on the south group of clilms adjacent to noranda- aad wher prsllmlnary oha- dlacovered ore bodlea cirryint rich values over lood widths v i indicatlrtg entire synv pofi gathering- the ilri mijigglingr going ijtv a grbss- lavalouebec is lilted bath in toronto and montreal and is toeing r by ihrewd investors who real l t potential o this mineral area tbe coupon below for y t and if entails no obligation send it in today mowat macgiluvray 1ih10n bank boilblko ottawa please send an the latest particulara pf laval-que- bee and ita profit posalbul- uea- ufi f ssb af vtp k v x ivi iv-vww- j the reward of politeness they wore entertaining the minister at dinner and after dessert little john ny said wont you take another piece of pie the minister laughed well john ny ho said since you are o polite i will have another m auld johnny fto the carrolla am confidently believe that their billy aged ave is destined for future distinction perhaps they are rhjht at any rate he la not lack ing in that eapacltyln chooslos aa- socfutea in entterprlae said to be es sential to aucceaa xnst sunniner billy waa seen walk- inalowiyalonsr thtr hotelplajohitvery thoughtfully epanhlng the faces of the guests seatecf there finally he stop ped at the chair of an old laidy with whom he was on friendly terrae say jkuqrs jones can you crack nuts he inquired his hands in his pockets i why no deary im very sorry but 1 cant replied mrs jones apolosretl- cally you know ive lost raostof my teeth thats what i thought bald jbluy relaxing frorn anxiety to his sahhy smile on dl extending his two hands confidently say will you keep these nuts hero for roe while i go get the rest ofem the demand ib greater than the supply slnco january a we have had two calla for help we were un able to supply all graduates are located j talk to tho man or woman on tho street ln your town who knows about pur work then sot students maystsrt any day at guelph business college theres a good position for you get the training come along on monday a l bouck principal and proprietor ir j a mcniven pliysibun and 8urgon office and residonco corner bon avenuo j auid fiihrln street phone 88 dr e j nelson frederick street aoton ontario legal phone no 22 p o box su harold nash farmer m a barrlttsr so lo j lor notary publlo conveyancer etc perrym an block acton ont money iielnt on mortgages hours sv ajn to 6 pjn saturdays 1200 oclock dental dr jm bell d d s l d dentist honor graduate of toronto univsr- slty the latest anesthetic used if desired office at residence corner of mill and frederick streets i tout remember your promise you said if ft was neceasary to cut into tjie aecand pie i coud have another piece mied but i niny be old and- cranky too said mrs van nobbs cranky ye nitty be maam said jldgtpronattlyr times desayvin but old nlvfer she was engascd on the spot a contributor tjo an english weekly tells of an irishman who was describ ing his narrow escapes from a cross bull i- selxed fltm by the toil he ex claimed aiid there- i was i was afraid to hold on and i dared not let go you wore between the horns of a dilemma ventured a lady no maam i wasnt between the horns ut all and besides he wasnt a dilemma he was a jersey 8he got the place v pearsons weekly tells a story of an irish domestic who obtained a situa tion by the use of her national wit under somewhat unpromising condi tions she had applied to mrs van nobbs for work as a cook and mtb vajt nobbs asked m long dd you live in your last place tree weeks maam answered bridget why did you leave it so soon ol cuddcntglt along wid trie 3ady who wan bo old and crnnkv purebred seeds at the store jttst around the corner twah evjsy ytt moans that our packets aro put up especially for the season in which they are sold wo do not send out packets a second tlmo when you buy a packet of ferrys 8eeds you can be sure that the seeds will be or satisfactory vitality and wjll pmrinr gnd riiw dr f g gollop dds ld dbntsl 8urgsan office iito bank of nora scotia hours o to t0 bvenlnaja by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookblndar account- books of all kinds mads to order periodicals of eve de carefully bound rullnar neatly and promptly dona wyndham stroac ovsu wmiams quelpn ont stors buy ferrys seeds dmferrttco windsor ont i internal and external pains are promptly reliewad by be thomas eclectric ol l that it has bun aoud for nearly nftvviahi vjud 18 tcmwv a omcater seller than ever cmme is a testiu0nia4 that speaks for its numerous curative qualities i i i we are using considerable space this week a an advertising medium we are pleased to announce that cix- culation has incr s sat during the past few months tnat we haytt ichpid nigh vyateilmark jnjqjirjhastory our advertisers will appreciate wnat that means in largely increased volume of reder5ind tlteie wiu be mo immediate increase in our advertising rates con- tracts made how will be good for 1926 your business solicited the acton free press w r xkerr auctioneer and real estate 20 tears experience list rourpropbrtt with me acton ontario aenicklin insurance agent lif tho mutual life assurance co of canada fira wdtcrtoo mutual inaurance company kagle star and briush dominion insurance co limited auto accident health burglary i n u ra n c0 etc ehtptoyeea lt ability absuranco corporations the dominion of canada guar antee and accidents insurance company l money t oan on farm proper ty government an4 municipal bonds trustee for estates col lections see me for all kinds of insurance box 444 bower ave acton aofhmocieei bbtuaokwdsrvtar jtoronto canaekk radio canadas pioneer thvonthly publication devoted to radio subscription price 200 por year in advance radio is edited by alton b ox ley ic c i an outstanding authority on radio operation subscribe now and learn bow to pet flie beat out of your radio set radio also tells you whoro to buy penton pubucations 6062 adslslds east toronto the symptoms of eyestrain j aro of ton so indoflnlto that thoy are charged up to many different causes before the oyes are sitspected eyo strain is far more common than the publto believb and the results moro serious for hat reason jt should be suspected roontlro- quently than it is our examln- rnhoir will htlvoyau the f actsre- gardlng your eyes a ix savage optomatrlit and mfg optician right at the post offlco savaga bfilldlnq quelph the old and reliable granite and marble works we are msnufsxturors and direct i of sl and headstone work wo sell direct to our customers at wholesale prices thus savins our customer 40 por coot we havo trie best appliances and the only meohatilcs in be dotalnlon who oan operate paeumatlo tools properly we can- give references from hundreds of our duatotners in toronto and other places where others have to have law salts in order to collect we havo the largest and best stock of granite in the bomlnlon or morethon any three dealers in tt west we are lacitl- mate dealera sold employ no acents and do not annoy or pest obstomers by sendtn out istiorant aonts solicit inaf orders ws employ ontcmeohantoe ad 4fjr ooppeuuon wmmmpayr

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