Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 11, 1926, p. 5

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i v l tyke jbttoti mvw tyvcs thuiisdaypebruabv 11 1026 what a- baby c03t8 how much do bnbloh coat aald he the othuivnlgrtttf mlkm toy knee and then i ua1il they coat a lot a lot of wiitelilnjr by a cot a lot of loeplesa hours a and care a lot or heartache and deanair a lot offir unci trying tlreud and sometimes rnuriy tenrmuro nhect in imymepi for our bnblob small but thdy uro really worth it all for bablpa eoio imvp to my t a heavy ljrlce from dny to day there la no way to cot one cheap why aometlrnck when thcjffre fast ahleep you have to get un in ho night and go and sco that theyre all right but what thoy cost in constant care anfl worry docs not half compare wit twhat they bririff of joy ahd bliafl ttouct jaymuch more fdrjiisfca kiss who buys u buiby has to pay ia portion of tilt bill each day- he him to fflvo jils time and thought untb the little one hoa bought he has tortaril a lot of pain inside hls heart and not compluln and pay with lonely days and aad for all tho hiy hours hes had all this a baby cbata and yet his amflc la worth it allvou bet- edgar a guest the sunday school lesson for sunday february 14 the twenty years ago from tho issua of tho- free preaa of thursday february 15 1906 messrs h jeans and g mclnm were guests of the mn sonic lodge at georgetown on friday evening the occasion of the visit of the d ig m dr mcgregor an interesting- session of acton board of 23nidrwns held in the coun cil chamber t on tuesday evening president john cameron presiding tho propound cheese factory and other matters of interest were dismissed 1 messrs sake and j frenkevthe tworussianj sbdtera who have been working for the acton tanning co for several naontlra have commenced business hore as dealers in old metal they were both in he ruasojapaneso war but jeellnt no patriotic interest in russia policy of extending her v domains user ted the rink committee opened the new rink on thursday evening after a long series of discouraging exper iences tho premises were open to the public infotfnally op severav pre vious evenlrigat tho missionary and social com mittees of we epworth league held a soqlal even in g- on tuesday evening a programme was given toy persons who had never previously appeared no the league platform in a similar role sandwiches and coffee were served- at the close- acton hockey team played their first match of the season in erin on thursday evening against the team of that igjace and succeeded in winning by alicbrbqf oj the acton hneupr ooalwlalrtj point p- brovij cover point brjsc mcintosh roverrhrjy statham- rlgliwing harry goulette- lett 1 seardmore centre w taylor many sheep but one shepherd general licsaon title jesus good shepherd scripture leasun jolinlo 130 golden text i am tho good shep- rrefd hebwrtbeigjjeiayetli down hih life for ttfe heep john lu 11 devotional rending acts 17 22b28 the text explains while jesus waa still conversing with the man whose lffht he had re stored the pharlseett again intruded ofllciously tho lmirable of the sheep- ffolrt la a veiled reriuke to them who aiipear in the role of thieves and rob- brst i he that fc cllrnbeth up some other way by the ladder of ancestry race wealth- dr privileged social poat- tlcri i the sheep did not hear them tho jewish hierarchy presumptuously enforced the traditions thus burden ing the people andffulled to win their love and tif sheep did not hear them as they hear the voice of the true shepherd 10 i came christs coming la con trasted with the coming of a thief the thief came- to toltp life and to pro fit himself jesus came to give life in service for othersr ii i amurt good shepherd rthe fbsure of he door is now dropped and that of tho good shepherd la tauten up layeth down his life this statement is true of shepherds in the eaat who must protect their flocks asjralnat wild beasts and robbers jesus hbre uses li of himself in contrast to the actions of the hireling whose only motive in caring for the sheep is the desire for personal sain verses 14 ie the relation between the ebod shepherd and his sheep is contrasted to the irctlnaatel relation between father and uon t 16 other sheep r not of thla fold from other races and nationali ties not professing the jewish re llblon bring bettcr load one flock because of their relatlbn to the shepherd all who folkw the way of cttribt wjl together oonstltuxe hta flock verses 1921 as on former occa sions there- was again t a division anaonif the jews oaaccount of what jesqh said and the claims he made to divine authority the pharisees charged him with vdeiaonlacal posses- nlon and sought to discredit him with the commop people these however stood their ground in the argument a visit to bay street by 1fhe sea during the latter holrw the jjevon- teenth century port royl jamnlcn was the wickedest flpot on earth thtt was when the brethern of tho coast bands of buccanccra and pirates mucin their rendezvous there tdduy tho remdlnstbfuintspdtafcandaway from the land a dot on the deep near tho mouth of kingston harbor there la a sandy beacli which looks like molten gold in the sunshine there is a wido lagoon which looks like molten glass in the moonlight palns marshalled ln rows v stakes in a flood ed meadow reach halfway down tho lagoon there is nn ominous quiet find stillness which belles the scenes of th furloda battles for gold whon long ago mahoganycplored men with cutlasses and forblddinif looks somo in rags others in allka hoarded proud spanish galleon arid took their wealth jamaica is a land of springs and m forests where long before the white verses 2230 these verses record a bct foot the nat carba lovod died aherkr in ttoronto on wednesday february 7 1906 john ahern fonm e damper in aoton eniionday feb ruary m 190 nelue forbes wife of jqin dumper in her 26th year unavoidable iv in the early yeara of jila ministry bisopp bnacotnb of the southern thfeinoalst cliilrch was severely hanillcdnpe soys tho author of wo meh of the confederacy but 4hefact thet he- wai handicapped too much of ft danflsi and for a lohrf time was sent on mountain circuits to brine mm down to xhb tovel of oldcoahloned hethodlim ae a jst resort when he continued to appear dancllnerd one of his rnotintaln members persuaded the minister fb vear a isult of ftoihespun that he might b more in harmony with his listeners xhe next morning he went early cl fervlce to see the success of ms icheme u when mr bascomb appeared as bif j lnhdmosiunaiih had been in broad- l eloth the inbuntalnecrs charrfh was 1 intense va welii dcolarcv ho eiclalmed go u yiwir jw way jaaui hawomo i give it up itotnt your clothes that is olrettyr its 31st yu sweet and- palatable mother graves worm kxtormlnator is acceptable to ohildreig and it does its work solely aid promptly a nev lanquqe i jl i 1 h thecoiirs trf- martc-twoln-s- visit to bygpt jidcxikfipa two arab guides and set out for the pyramids be was familiar enough with arabic he fhoughl tduhderatarid and bemder- stood wth perfect ease i tohls consternation found that he could not comprebend a ord that reiht of the guides uttered at the pyrarnlds- lie mot- a friend to whom he made known rils dilemma it was very mysterious twain thouerhtv wliy the explanation is almpe enough said tile friend piease ehligarjan mev then said 3rwain wayi you should have hired youris- er men these old fellows hove lost thelfc teetl and of cpurse they dont speak arable they speak gum arabic t r i i- largest nuqqets australia in 9x xt wrihod ztsao buhcestana- weu iftscovered at a depth pti thres tarliai trt thti bnllnrst rtiz gtiiln laksv yinn found the aelcopie njjgetwhlch welehed 2185 ounces iswi k is test vdur seed corn a irellrtllnosrjr test of com for seed 4ftiuc bjiinoilelilt cuttliurthrouihths kernels across the sierni xf tha verm has en jtuud trjr freexlngv it fr jfuontlyturins black and has a watery nppcarance ears with germs having tills appearance need not be tented filrther but aliould toe discarded as uie seed on uiemt will not grow a phenomenon j llkjhat yonna rjnah of yours sold z j jiather ifls fjaiiiluer came down to breakfast should be in a museum for living ourlosfcues- why fatherli exclaimed th young ifltdyiln tune of irmlgoatlon yjist dp you mean i notlcpi when i passed through r the haij lata last nlirht answered th parent that lie had twd heads on l- shliulders lilbkfp bjensv -neu- vxkla- racks tiro nerves or lumbago v tripples tin uflclt isrtha tlrrie to test ywtjiomav j oil well rub- dn it ivhlhshealn and prbr fdbee a sensation of ease aildrest a itvi1ii ai tiiw i i mntter but not in time jesus here spuca of his messlahshlp and points ourt clearly 1 that to unbelief there is no direct answer 2e 28 but i that belief brings its own- high privi lege of communion suid fellowship and safety wt-80- lesson themes the sheplferd andtbe sheep no leas- than five hundred times in the bible is gods care ir bis people 11- iubtrated by the flguro of a shepherds euro tor the oheeji this particular flgure was a very familiar one to the people of palestine who tberefore ful- ly iappreclate its meynlng in th re- latlonahlp between tie sheep and the shepherd various eieraents are empha- slswd by chflsts uaaofthe ftgure in reference to ulrnsclf as the oood briepberd and to hl people as the sheep let us canstdermhreo of these eleauents separately acquaintance wlui christ i know miss dwn he calleth his own sheep by name my sheep bear my voice but the acquaintance is mutual and the aheep- also know their shepherd r mine own know me they knew his voloe and a straitsxer they would not follow but will dee from him ft they know not the voles of strangers timothy said i know him whom i have believed thia sense of assur arse is a mark of growth in christian experience it leads naturally to con- fldlence in divine guidance oaldancehe leadeth them outl wtien ho hath put forth au his own he goeth before theta and the aheep follow him the psalmist sang he leadeth me and the seers on fheule of patmos said the lamb that is in the midst of the throno shall be their heplierd and shall calde them unto ointalns of water slf- rev 7- 17j 8pc guidance includes a sense of security security no one ahali snatch thein out of my hand jesus jnid seen the wnjsle shepherd carrylnga lamb in his bosom bn a wounded sheep on his shoulder he bad seem him go after th sheep piat hadsutrted to wander away and follow the lost oris through the briars and thicjmts and over the roxirh places and save him from dan ger and death the influences of christ protect through his care and sympathy his watchfulness his warnings and his search for the lost y means of onotbrflgure praacis hompson shows thlp influences fol low the wandering one arid never- lose his track x ijedhim down the nights and down i fled him down the arches of ther yeors r i fledhim down the labyrinthlane ways of isf own mind and in the midst of tefira i hldifrom- htm and under running iniivmar ac names on rural mail boxes every person who owns it rural mall box should huve hl or her numu piilntcd on l in letters easily read by those driving pmit ambtoilktu from town ilrlying out throiikli the country like ty itnow who lives on tho vnrlous fiirms they pans tho majority of fur ill h uio velllteit illitl the owners thereof should notbe nsljonicd to let the liubltc know who ilves upon the farm behind the piail imx llesldea u would often save time and innoy- anco when one wi4hen 1j tsol upon i rural luifghbor eltheron buklnoss or in a soclii way tourihtn tui arc often attracted by some feature of the farm and piikiu want to enimnunlcate with the owner to their mutual urtvnntage uuriiiff these winter monthh when there are leisure hours occahlonally it would be advibiible to frivctho mallr box aifd the- post aupiorunb it a coat of patnt and to repaint legibly the name an the box j- staon oenr lish bhiff railway time tables at acton nadan nati0nairailways taechpo poistcsltj hrmifjnoni a canadian pacific touring steam- hip anchored off martinique the paradise in whlcht they jiunted aejwrate jater lnoldont connected with m i j canoes and v smoked the leaf of a ilant named cahlba and to slernify the abun- dance of ood th infra in tho land tho carlbs called the island zymaca tho canadian pacific liner mont- royal which left new york- on jan uary zh for the first west in hoy cruise this winter la now carrying etc lighted tourists to this little island of happiness the vetwel also colled at trio bahamas a long strotch of ver cuint islands rising only one hundred feet above the sbbro line there are nbout jooo inlands in the trrourj of bahamas but niany of these arc only tiny white coral outcropplngrs from tfhp ocean among these is wat- linga island- the first a pet of land that colunibus saw on hlfrvoyage of dfif- covqty nassau the capital city is a white sunny place with very long avenues on which anuplnnted rows of royal palms the houses are like col ored illustrations from a book of fairy bales all ore low but some are white others are pink and some are even orange and blue tho magic of uho bahamas has fotlncl its way lntolho hearts of writ era and poets the colored llttlo hous es tlie glcaifflng streets the sunny slclos blue sea many have attempted to picture faithfully mark twain trio immortal american humorist and ellas carman the canadian poet are among these mr carman sings tails songs of the islands tohat do you helhjohn cample john in bay street by the sea t turtleishell is what i sell in great varletir tla none of these john carnplejohiv thoith curious they ne v- but something more im looking for in bay street by iho sea wliere can i buy the magic charm of the bahnmnn son that fills mankind with peace of mind and souls felicity look from your door and tell roe now the color of the sea where cnnl buy that wondrous dye and take it home with nae 8o when the s s montroyal returns from her- trip to tho west indies thero will bo so many more eager travellers ready to visit john camplejohn in bay street by tho sen that there has been arranged another cruise from new york sailing march 1 laushter up vlsuaed hopes i aped and shot precipitated adown titanic tloma of chasmid bbarf prom those strong keet that followed followed after fom the hound of heaven for study and olicumlon mention j old testflnaent references itsdd to iilubutetrib reiauon of je- hovnh to hla people what hau been the influence of th figure on devo- tloti l ikm mua and art what familiar hymns are baaed thla figure mention aome modern jboksthat help ua better to under- btamd the life of the shepherd of the fflrlrnt dally readings for nxt weak monday john 11 lie tueaday john li 17s1 f vvjnedayj67m irr1ifl thdraday cor hz- 111 prfday 1 cor 1 ljfsaf saturday i cor xi 3643 sunday 1 cor ib 50-b8- mr8 blqas breech if brevity bv the aioul of wil one of the wittiest ifrtpeeohaur on record waa nuide by a woman mra briar lived in the northern pejt ot tindlajia a lonr dlatancq from ny vfilajre hear- inv that the rev mr ooodwln waa to preach in a- township twenty mllea dtalance she resolved- io be present and ns no other way ortered she walk- eottheliwejntynuea- the pastor hoard t of th and waa no pleased at the appreciation which it ihowed that at tha cloae of the aer- mtoi he moniionetl he fact to the coturreffatlon noo ctfled urion mrrf bxlrga to tell them how ahe came welng alowly h looked over the audience with great solemniey and bslhi i hoofed it x than aba aat flqwn the love for rural things i love the taste of thorn apples and sweet acorns and sumac and choko cherries used to andal kthew41dtaira41b find on the way to school i and i love the feel ot pusay willows and the inside of chestnut burrs i love to walk on cuntry road wheje nly aew duble teams haveleft avitrlp or turf in iho middle of tha track and i love the creaking of he sleigh runners and the snorkling of nall- herdaln the clnpboardp on a bitter cold january night in the ilraccool nlffhts i love the aound of the drat hard rainfall on the roof pf the gable oom and i love the emell ofthe dead leaves in the woods in the fall i love thhe odor of tbbso red applca that grew on the trees that died be- t orei went tback to grajidpaa again i love the fragrance of tho ftrst pink and ltue henaticas whlci have hardly any scent at all riovethe smell of tho big summer rain drops on the dusty steps of tho school house i love the- breath of the great corn flelda when you ido past them on an august evening in the dark and i love to see th wind blowing over tall gross a 1 iflve the yellow mmniuuii light that turns all the trees and shrubs to gold i love to set the shadow of a eloud moving over the valley especially where the different flelda have differ ent colors liwe a great checkerboard 1 love the little ford over turtlo creek where they didnt bill id tho bridge after the freshet t i lovje the sunset on the hill in wm- nebargo county where t used to sit and pray about ny mental arlthmetlo lesson the spring i taught school ellxabeth wilson only the uninformed endure wie agony of corns the knowing ones apply hoqowaya corn remover and get relief a safe game he may have meant to he polite hut there can bono question that lie actu ally dd a very rude thing ho wuh a frenchman riding ilj y streetcflr two women entered and seeinjg seata atood the gentleman who sat near them rose removed hla hat and said i give my seat to the elder of theae two ladles neither modo d move to take thej seat but each glanced at the other hnutlly aa much as b say sit down madam la neither madonae said tho froflfchman bowing to one indy nor madame to the other tho l v my seat tthe- windmills of holland holland and wlndnolilb aro syn onotdualterzpa and-2flandam-ls- true hpme of windmills but- alas hke other picturesque onetime neces- biu th ar l fnal dlaapii ing even fronf holland when wator turned the mills r of otlirr janda tho ijow countries had no striama owlfl ug f aer a utilised the air but s team has crowd ed upon both water and air and elcc- trlclty has followed steam the dutch realise that much pf tlie ptcturesctuo- neas of their country will vhnlsh with the windmill and ao thoy are putting for organised effbrtrto preserve thoao 4hataa t jr for aervloa those that have been nrttanddned wandhusbana bbthdlithgas for jfeara rhnd tas eh the atomach the first doso of adleflkr helped i now sleep well ond all ih h gone it alao helped my huaband aigned mrs b brinktay qne spoonful of adferlkn removes gab and often brings asifonishtng rollef to tho htom- aoh stops that full blunted feeling brings outolfl waste matter you nevr thought waa in your ayatem this ex cellent intestine- avnouant ia wndor- fql for constipation sct brown iximtn -j- reasonable request a- busy man picked up the recelyor o a party line phpna and heard two bodies talking of clothes as ho could not gcjjthe operator whll these dames hiid possession otthe- line hohitng up a few minutes later he took tho receiver off again and heard more of the same conversation ho grew im patient and said gruffly codies will you please take your clothes off tho line exchange millers worm powdera not only ex terminate intestinal and other worms but they ore a remedy for many other ailments of children they strength en 1ho young stomach against bilious rieas and are tanlcal in their effects wlire the child suffers from loss of appotlte in feverish conditions they will be found useful and they will serve to allay pain and gripping in tho stomach rom which children ao often suffer undoubtedly at a literary dinner in london mr l znngwlu told a story of a certain fat lady of his acquaintance- her cor pulence had so grown upon her that she reso to a physician about it she had had no previous ex- perlence with banting ot any sort the doctor drew up a caroful diet ary fov her she m eat dp toaat plain boiled beef and a few other things of the same lean sort and in a nontn return and report tho re sult tb the doctor- at the end of the time the lady came and was so atcnit that she could hardly get through the door- the doc tor was aghast did you eat what i told you to he asked i relislously she answered hw brow wrinkled in perjilexlty suddenly he had a flaah of inspiration vdldyou eatanythlng elaer he asked why i ato my ordinary meals said the lady a llttlo connecticut boy who had an irnpedlment of speech was once asked hy a visiting bishop who was some- thlng of a pulpit orator how ho would uka to be a preacher ti wwwwould llluceto dddo tho nppounding and tho h-h-oollor- lufc he nijllud but th s a a ing wwwoud bother mo aasome now york telegram and mall v clearing altction saxe farm 8t0ck and implement8 the undersigned has receive in structions from- jas a simpson to sell by public auction at lot 28 ornt lino of esquoainffrntitt railo went of acton on 1 tuesday february 16 1920 at ono oclock sharp the following hqitses 1 bay mare 6 years old heavy drejft 1 bay gelding 7 yeara old heavy draft this team is- well matched 1 bay mare 0 years old agricultural 1 bay mare 12 yeara old agriculture al 1 cuiy gelding aged agricultural 1 bay road horse yeara old exlra geod driver cows jersey cow rrpsh 2 weeks durham cow due time bf sale jer sey cow fresh two months durham cow due in february jyjoroey cow due in march durham cow due in mar6h holstetn cow due in march black cow due in march white cow fresh three months blue cownilk- inff bred in december imcpxbmknte fcoet a wood blndetc 7 ft cut with tracks and pble trucks good as now mccormlbk mower 5 ft cut mbcormlck horse roko 30 teeth mas soy harris culti vator 17 tooth new maaseyharrla i- ii inf johnjjicjirfi manurfl spread or goad- as now 1olattj dllfgun hnovor good as new no 21 fleury flow new no 21 tudhope ander- flen plowr news coolcahutt sc new harrows 4 sections a- lumber wagon and box gravol hose set of dick slelgha buggypnfoida ma cuttcrv pehfblds make whaolbarrow 1 largo mail box garden seed drill pl jr u w whlitlntrcn l neckyoko for waggon r laleigh neck- yoke 2 seta of twin ncckyokos log- srlog clmn crowbar forks qhovels boe and other artiole too numerous y- rrrnenttoitr mower nearly new 2 ream cans 1 largq flour bin chftn separator in boot order churn no b daisy now tables kitchen cupboard crlasa doors half dozen ohalnl ohllda crib white enamel childs high chair i hlar1sfbjss 1 ant of heavy team hnrneas broaa mounted with twin a i tr aetbaok brldt harness nearly now harness fof third horse 1 aet single harneas- 2 2t in open collars i 23 in open collar r 1 20 inch open collar -i- iftinropen collar- t collars are all long straw- hand made and in extra good condition hay and potatoes about 3 ton no 1 timothy hay 3 bags of emilre stat potatoes r pigs and fqwi 1 brood sow brijd jununry2 4 chunk 36 single coml avhlte leghorn hona 50 indian same pullet zp barred rock hens 9 guinea fowl aattaolutel no rbrvaas tha pro- priator la giving up farming t i rms all uunu or 10 and under cshj over hat amount eight months credit on approved joint notea r off for cash hay fowl and potatoea caah i r j kerr- auotlonoar phone 3d anton jshoator psuuikcierkr a jase of dieting breaking itgrzntly of sabbath breaking north of the twoad says a writer in the london chronicle there la the story of the scot and hla wheelbarrow which has been fathered upon sir archibald uuiu11u wliu liuillllli uuik1u tluiwiu wus l a at tho bottom of hla barrow when hla wife came tb the door mop she said you aro making much clatter what will tho neebors say never mind the ncebora said the busy one i maun get ma barra mendlt oh bpt donal ith vera wrang to wurk on sawbath expostulated the good wife ye ought to uae sorowa for-scalda- or- burnt dr thomaa ecleotrlc oil is a standard remedy for tha prompt treatment of scolds and burns its healing power quickly soothes the pain and aids a speedy re covery from the injury it ja also an excellent remedy for all manner of cuts prulses and sprains an well aa for relieving the pains arising from inflammation of various kinds a bot tle in the house and stable saves many a doctors and yetorlnarys fee qoodphysics and good rhetoric the brilliant phraso thut turns the day for the hnrraased orator 1 worth much fine gold a writer tells how a certain jmhtfo speaker once checked a hostile audience ho httd said- something which the crowd did not like and was im mediately hissed ho- snnlled and when the nolao had subsided said when a stream of cold truth is poured on redhot prftjidlnh it is no wonder they hiss for that ho was heartily applauded and allowed to continue in peace start at the beginning the beginning seema tho proper pi axe to start yet many young people st to n th th son of a contractor who hegan as day laborer exiectn to start in o highsaliirietl whitecollar position my young peopiewhojnwywaat a hbmc- ciutte as well furnished and convenient as thoao of nhelr parent munh of the- trouble in tho world at prenent is duo to uio general reluc tance to begin at tho beginning- drifters people drift because that la an eaay way to exist to pan your course takes thinking to follow it after it is mapped out calif for resolution peralstence and often hard work so drifters multiply and failures increase in the same proportion nobody ever drifted into succpss donrt imagine that you are going a b the flraj to do ho good by aathma persons auffor- ing fromthat vextremoly trying trouble known as natjhma know what it la to ions with all their henru for escape froni a tyrant never do thby know whon un attack may coin e arid- they know that to atruggla unaided is vain with dr j d k kellogg awthma beniedy at hhnd however they can any goodbye to their enemy and en joy life again it helps at- bnoa grtnjytobia sndotdect the canada starch co limited montreal crown brand corn syrup going wast no j6 sunday only nov no 31 no 33 no 35 i- going esst no 24- sunday only no 26 no 30 no 34 no 36 no 38 10i1 803 1045 229 509 a m- a m u m li nu m 708 721 1143 335 c17 817 i m a m u in i m p-m- p m 1 canadian national electric railways wsstbound 7 dally except sunday t dm zuy 043 am dally 1143 am dally 143 pm dauy s43 pm dally g43 pm dally 743 pan dolly tbnrty dally 1232 son eastbound 743 orar dolly bxcept sunday 043 son dauy il km dally 143 pm dauy- 343 pm dally b4s pjm dally 743 pm daily ous pm ally 1140 pm toronto tsrmlnal kasls strsst and 8t clair avonuo fkalffht dollverod by special express tnigyl freight picked up at any ad- rtrsss in toronto put tins the life in home life some music every day that is tho tcciile for happiness which you see mended in mason rlsch udviirtisinn y its aonrce is in the experience of mankind the lmowbcoks that music s an influence for family contentment tho korldojerrokoxdleaof r or any other division where there is no hearty life in the home life yon vdl find no music there homo life should bo dominated liy the spirie that music prompts tho family spirit of sym pathy and lightheartedness buoyancy and vigor h you would put life into your home life make euwh that at least one member of the family learns to phay and let the family enjoy good music tho music oltsin- able from an instrument of pure tone henrt herbert pianos ar bodtrtp rictd inaronitou fcat lit that gtre tw luaast m- faction in tonal qoallum thy fcto no nud in tliir prit e ttm tone bsrfnj rich iandsiiiv fnwilnit or mahosmnr tni ta hemlt hartmrt la luadswnmb7 nd darmbly nada and will rac ta- laaaa hara send coupon u yu an intirts4 in bnmm mule bvtry day wm will mall yoa tatrwuna liuntvr- lncladln uio- i mason 1risch limited 230 yon6e sytononto 2 j cadesky of toronto eyesight spekxalist wiijl bk at a t- browns drug store acton monday mar 1st anyone suffering trom elye- a train defective vision or hvaclacho ahould not znlss the oupprtunlty of conaultlns this eyesight specialist appoint ments may bev nude with mr a v brown drusetlst consttitation bbbb office hours 9 a m till 4 p m jmotrrri castoria is especiioly prepjwl i relieve infants in arms an children all ages of- constipation wind colic to 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