r c- x xsvrxrirnv- iit ritw3ri ih the home of- stye artdit 3te teas member canadian weekly newapaper asaociatiod member selected town weakttes of ontario tuk acton vrj fkessitbirahvery thursday morning- at the free pre building wfjitl street acton ontario the subscription price is 200 per year to advance postage is charged additional to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label advertising kates transient advertise ments 10 centa per line agate measure for first insertion and 5 cents per line for each iixbse- quent insertion contract display advertise ments for 50 inches or more per annum 18 cnts per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific direction will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly h p moore president and editor g a dills manager and assistant ditor telephones- editorial and business office nw residence of president iij residence of manager iji the budget adopted two significant votes were taken in the house of commons last week the first on the budget when the conservative amendment was defeated by 121 to 108 and the mnin motion to go into committee car ried it was a straight party vote with every pro gressive laborite and independent voting with the government the second votewas polled on the mo tion of hon a c dunning minister of railways to appoint the special railway committee which was carried by 107 to 98 votes a majority of 27 w f maclean and r s white conservatives voted with the government on this fflr maclean justified his vote because he said the composition of the com mittee had been agreed on at a conference of whips and members representing both parties speaking for himself he said- he was anxious to keep politics out of the administration of the national railways neighborhood news- town and cotdajry oakville constitution derived from what is best canada has been almost invariably fortunate in tjlp gdvernorgeheral who have held the viceregal position in this country especially since confedera tion they have been gratifying loyal to the country and each in turn has done much upon the expiration of his turn and return to the old country in giving information respecting canadas resources and re sponsibilities and correcting misconceived opinions respecting our country and our people we have been- especially fortunate in having lord byng as governorgeneral during- term just closing he and lady byng are now making their last crosscountry tour pfior to the expiration of their appointment in august atyictoria bc the other day lojrd byng said although i am not a canadian by birth or heritage i am an 18 carat canadian by affection thlirsnay -inxtpigr-maatrfrsgq- fwli i go home i am gbi talk totsome of the cynics there and i am going to say i have seen n country about whose future i am full of optimism here you have a country where a good god has given yon a most wonderful soil a most wonderful fertility out of this soil 90 per cent- of your exports come out of that soil your boys become men your girls become- wonien-and-both- become canadians what room is there for pessimism when you have that basis for a great future what is there to cavil at or to be cynical about you have a constitution de rived from what is best in the constitution of the old country and what is best in the constitution of youtnextdoortreighbot iou nave the blend of monarchial with presidential government what editorial canada winning butter prizes in erffland it isgratifyiiig indeed jpreceiyetheinewsthat canadian buttermakers are winning the first prizes in the competitions overseas at ttp dairy show recently held in london canada carried off the prem ier awards for butter in the salted class burns co of edmonton- alberta won the first prize with a score of q7 points while innisfail creamery and lieut col maccrlmmon tho cadet oliucrs or military dlutrict no 2 will inspect tho high school cadets on the achool wounds on may 31 robert oalt westaide oakvliio engaged in spreading ballast on the canadian nutlonal railway was hit by an engino ltsrhurbday and was killed police magistrate shields has al ready wild the treasurer of oakvllle jc13g0 tills year for fines imposed where convictions were made on in formation laid by chief of pollco kerr mr and mrs r l gregory and son leslie motored to oleon ny where they enjoyed a threedays holiday with the formcra parents mr and mrs d gregory in communication to tho council y a deanc kerr street on monday riicrht strongly urged the forming of a hvo board of trade or publicity commlttco to cope with tho indus trial sltuntlon here ciiptuln james martin another pioneer from that long list of voyag ers who contributed to make the port of oakvllle famous in earlier days wan laid to rent in st judes- cemetery 01 thursday afternoon tv t andrew church garden party wlh be held this year on tues day july 6 with five cases under quarantine a threatened outbreak of rr isles is pending in tho central puluj school the womens auxiliary of st judes picked two bales for mr frascrs mission at la pas on tues day afternoon and sent a complete tidys and girls outfit to sioux lake and a boys- outfit ta moose fort school the rev canon i russol smith george hlllnver m pi p r b young and e t light bourn are attending thy annual oeaalons of the synod of georgetown dr watson wus elected chairman of thv high scliool board at tho last moetlng mi a mckecknle has returned to georgetown aril will rosltlo hero in future mr i 1 muttliowsjcugglht ami one of gcorkftovnh highly esteemed citi zens ilasned avivay it wellchley hoh- pltal toronto mat wednesday follow ing an operation about 11 oclock saturday morning the firemen were culled out to exr tinguish a blazo which threatened to dcittroy some out buildings in the rear of kred brooks block on main street no dumago wis done tho greatest event in georgetown thluaciison will ho the big athletic meet and garden party undei tho auapiceh of the arena club on do minion day july let tell you friends about it tho georgetown band will give a concert of sacred plualc assisted by several so huts on sunday evening may 30 immediately after tho church service further particulars will be given next week tho firemen complain that they were hampered in going to the paper mill are on saturday night by drivers of autoa keeping the road motorists should understand that a lire truck hot the right of way and when they hear tho song it is their duty to pull to the aide of the street or road and make way for the lire truck herald milton fortytwo numeu of soldiera whu mudc tho supreme ttacriflce havp been selected to be placed on tho warm memorial to bo erected this summer mr p t bhoreyhas sold his flno brick residence on woodward avenue to mr n hepburn of the high scool staff l duncan tlobertsbv hud tho mlsfor- tuno last week of being shpt in tho toe when an unloaded gun was dls 4ihcdiocesoof niasarttn-htrmtlttmj- j a nttlc commencing on wednesday may 2f on friday may 14th major john keating celebrated his ninetieth birth- hay at the home of his brotherinlaw mr john mclean navy street the major is wellknown throughout hal- ton county and has been prominent in masonic clrclea for a great many years record oouiana dairy both of alberta were highly com mended both having a score of 93 points the win ner of the second prize for butter scoring 95 points was the carlisle creamery of saskatchewan shoal lake manitoba and oleary dairy and cold storage company prince edward island were commended sutton dairy and creamery coj of sutton ontario was awarded the third prize with a score of 04 points in the unsalted class canada again carried off the first award the successful competitors being the sas katchewan cooperative creameries ltd of regina uth a score of 97 points cana is exporting a can be wrong with that you haye none of the pre judices the relics of feudalism which the old land has to live down veryhign class of butter and the result of this com petition will undoubtedly increase this export trade the duty of an editor the editorjof the arjtjrnterprise sperks right out in meeting and roasts those who would have newspapers do their dirty work for them there are many people who believe it is the duty of an editor of a newspaper to try to punish and expose those who in tfieir opinion do not conduct themselves properly when they- see the law violated they are too cowardly frequent ly to themselves lodge the complaint before the proper legal authorities but at once rush to the editor and demand that he shall become the judge jury and executor to punish the misdeeds of which they complain then there are fellows who when they have a grievance or spite against i anybody try tp use the editor to ventilate their ill humor and punish their enemyuwhat a poor idea theynnistrhaveofthe editor when they think he is anxious and willing to do their dirty work forxthem it is the duty of the editor to publish the news- champion virtue and morality and denounce immortality and wrong but he mistakes hivcalling if he undertakes to become the especial guardian and regulator of the con duct of every individual of the community x v values evcry great convulsion of history has been fol lowed by at least a temporary revision or readjust ment of values it is not astonishing that in the years following the greatest of all convulsions the values atxistettbrforehteatshould jiave been dislo cated nor is it astonishing that to many unthink ing people the lesson of the war should have been just this in a world so unstable as ours has shown itself to be selfindulgence is a duty that every man owes to himself eat drink and be merry for to- erin the complainta about the dust nuis ance are very numerous unquestion ably the dust has been annoying and u is little wonder r citizens complain cohimeiiclnff wednesday june 2nd all the merchants of the village will take a halfholiday on wednesday of eioh weekdurlngf june -julyr-auffust- formerly of milton tutb deon trans and september- t linemen have completed rebuilding tho local telephone system which was badly wrecked by tho ice storm mrs coko alr john melean and mr w j patterson and friend of acton spent sunday with mr and mrs b kirkwood tfrs mclean who spent the winter with her daughter in toronto return ed homo on monday miss mclean accompanied her and will romaln for few days tne management of the local united jhurch have plana underway to en large the church and otherwise make improvements tho approximate ex- pendlture wl he a il morrowwedlvfiutlhfittalse and shallow pfill ihe award was given to tho hlllsburg club by a vote of 2 to 1 osopliy is the greatest obstacle in the way of recon- weo worth while the deputation from municipalities on highway pino 7 running through pafkhill ailsa craig st tftwarys stratfordj kitchener guelph acton george- ptown and brampton heard from the minister of highways last week that there was no immediate move planned to change the standing or direction of k this road they also heard that the future of the highway depended on the amount of traffic that it 1 attracted that view seems to take into account the tourist traffic only no 7 road is not only a tourist highway but one that serves a very important dis f ad ft 19 the only road of its character that jfe reaches much of the territory the municipalities ft interested in the road did not make their trip in vain they know now what is in the official mind jtnd for that reason they have justified the gathering gerotiifi niunicipalitiea along therroute now vtfat they have come together on this question they should see to it that they keep up the connecjion es tablished if the road depends on the amount of traffic that comes to it then the reasonable thing fa that these interested municipalities shall take steps to see that the amount of travel on no 7 shall in crease and the one way to make it increase is to j to it that the road and the district it serves are better known here is a splendid chance for con- attractive work the route hasnot yet had an op- portunirv to what st can do because it has been open all the way through only a short vtimc it has tjodn avoided because tourists were directed by asso- jcjations interested in having them take pother roads kon its merits no 7 highway js a good proposition for the municipalities onit to sell to the traveling pub- ifc and tothe tourists that come in at sarnia the one chance it lias for being better known is for the municipalities along it to take up the work for it is cerum that cities interested in having traffic go over pother roadaare not going out of their way to divert any tti th n if tho foa ge tr i slruction most of those who are acting in accord ance with it do not at all realize what their philos ophy is and would indeed repel with indignation the charge that they believed anything so monstrous they would point out how harmless are the pleas ures 2nd excitements that they pursue but it is not the essential h arm i ess n ess of their amusement that is in question it is the spendthrift habit of life created by their indulgence that makes the trouble an overexcited public pays an excessive tribute to those who excite it the fact that a homerun kings salary has been raised to 7500g a year or that a movingpicture favorites annual earnings touch the million mark- nearly indicates the tendency of the multitude to pay a disproportionate price in the pur suit of pleasure curiously along with the enhance ment in value of the material pleasures and luxur ies there has been no decline in the value of educa tion evn the most selfindulgent parents are still inclined to take quite seriously the education of their children but education itself has shifted its ground and a do pled new values it is disposed even in some influential quarters to look kiridly on what was form erly the worst of all educational heresies the policy of helping the child to develop in the direction of least resistance it has largely discarded latin and greek the two instruments on which it mainly relied in the past and it has taken up as of greater value nature study economics civics and chemistry it is too early to determine whether the new education will have a higher value than the old but it will certainly be quite different from it both duncan mcconnel and wjhiam somervllle are well on tho way with their new houses which tliey are bulid- ins this summer the dramatic contests which took place in- the town- hall last wednes day evening wan a decided success kihsburg and mimosa clubs wece contesting after oblong time judging pain as a result dr oeorfte hume or the dominion geological survey ottawa was visitor on monday at the home of his parents mr and mrs wm hume martin street robs hare who is attend lngco liege in regina saskatchewan has- been appointed to take charge at quill lake jj tne absence of the pastor during- july and august and so will noc bo homo ns anticipated tho milton tjwn ttirrrtnir club have installed dtnew inystcm of sprink ling tho lawn which is expected to bo great improvement on forrner bj stems antl will fteop tho greens in btttef- shrtfie rev a e3 marshall of tilsonpurg aufalfa the best hay crop but titie poorest silage crop under trial the advisability of making uimira into buy rather than into tflnge has lieen demonstrated by experiments conducted at the central hxperlinentul iaiin at ottawa during the past two yeirh considerable dilllculty was ex perienced both yenm in making a de sirable type of kilufjo from alfillfa while corn sweet clover sunflowm and a mixture of oats peas anu vttches have all ninde a very clo quality of silage in wow of the great ly increased acreake in alfalfa the results of these trials may be of some interest seven experimental silos were 11 lied euch year with alfalfa and only from one alio each year could tho silage be considered of firstclass quality this good quality alfalfa silago was secured by cutting tho crop when it had just reached full bloom and wilt ing jt in the field for approximately 5 hours in the sun boforo placing- it in tho alio alfalfa which was cut one day and ensiled the next how ever was overwllteil and developed pockets of mold when these pockets were very numerous tho cattle r-c- fuiiecl to eat the silage but even a snmil number of pockets made the siliiffo undchirnblo for feed unpalat able- silage with a very disagreeable odor was secured in every case vhere alfalfa wan cnslldd inn mediately nftjr cutting it is quite abvious that tlio muural mjoiaturo wiiich in present in the plants at tho tlmea of cutting must bo somewhat reduced before entitling if a wllago is to be produced that will be relished by the cattle into one tdlo was placed a mixtuxo of cut straw and gxeen alfalfa tho addition to cut straw did not material ly improve the silage tho amount of straw however was small and in further trials an increased amount of fltrawwiilbotibcd in view of theao results which how- ever are not conclusive it would- seem ldvlbah to n nn fffn to malwe- alfalfji into hay rather than to at tempt putting it into the alio alfalfa has been the highest yielding crop nt the central experimental farm at ottawa for a number of years and th hay jc hat has been secured ib unnur pajsflci by any otlier hay crop w c t husbandry divislont central experimental farm fin babys own soap business directory medical fiabf dr j a mcniven physician and surgaon ofllcw ana llosiaonce corner flotrar avonus und elgin street phojk 88 or e j nelson fttedjtlck stnrict acton ontario gained 10 pounds in 22 days thats going ame but skinny men women and children just aint help putting on good healthy flesh when they take mccoys cod liver extract tablets e n chock full of vitamines the- kind that are extracted from tho livers of the cod tho kind that are a real help to frail rundown anaemic slttnny men and women try theao h ugar coated tasteless tnblctj for 30 days if theyiltfnt help greatly you get your money back one woman gained ton poundn in twenty- two ilaya sixty tablets aiacty cents ask any druggist for mccoys cod liver extract tabloid directions and formula on- each box get mccoys tho original and genu ine legal phone no 22 p o box ms harold 1ah farmer m a briter solicitor notary public convyancar etc perryman block acton ont money lent on mortgages houra 980 ajo to g pah saturdays 1200 oclock a dental j 11 another joshua the choirs of burns and osprlnge resbyterianchixrcht3bpiiton atcan tata entitled tho river singers at the osprlnge church on sunday even ing last when the church was crowd- el to the doors and the splendid pro- gramme was much enjoyed l messrs jr smith and reg stew art happened with a nasty accident while working on mr smiths house on tuesday th scaffold on which they were standing gave away letting both men fall to the ground mr smith had a nmojl bone hroken in his right ankle and was otherwise shak en up and will ho laid up for some time mr stowaxt came out of the mixup with a few bruises advocate burlington lwil stay and if it does pot it vill probably be s-wal- ssjdwed up in some other scheme of road rearrange- tment it becomes the business of municipalities on plita route to see that it gets the traffic stratford beconhchld editorial notes according to j-h- putman senior inspector of public schools at ottawa ontarios adolescent school attendance law is impracticable in its present form and badly in need of revision there are others who feel that certain modifications to the act would be beneficial jn a number of towns in ontario where there is a shortage of houses exemptinfronntflxtion for a year or more is given to persons who wllf agree to build homes in woodstock and owen sound the councils re granting free building lots under cer tain conditions r by the end of tfce present year canada wsh be producing over onethird of rthe worlds newsprint ana 45 percent of the raw material entering into newsprint manufacture this is a distinction which means nnuch to canada in both revenue find rep u tar tion v in the early days of the radios marvellous ac complishments in reproducing sermons nbv church services so lifelike and effective it was thought that churcl attendance would eventually be greatly de cjmated far from affecting church attendance jittr versely however the sunday radio sermon seems to have brought into the- fold some of those who had been hitherto indifferent -the- man whohasnqt been to church for twejrty years is discovering that the church still has a message for him- rev g w and mrs barker and daughter muriel toronto renewed ac quaintances in town on friday last mrs harry ogsr has passed his ex aminations obtaining hla lieutenant certlflcate in the canadian militia he is now attached tor- c co halton rifles work is progressing on the new brant inn anl it is expected the addition will be ready for occupation thu first week in juno r on wednesday in at a number of flairs were installed in front of a few of the buslheflh places on brant and wnter streets this makes the town look qui to gay commissioner hunt announced the annual collection of old tins and gar bag on monday morning arid com pleted the job on tuesday the clara 1 mooro mission circle held a very successful toake sale on scturday afternoon last about 40 was- realized by tho srirls waterworks superintendent daw son has had tho drinking fountains connected and they are now ready to quench the thirst during the sum met season a number of nu to owners have been fined recently for speeding on brant street other summones have been issued to owners for stepping on the go one speedster hitting the 40 miles per hour mark jack garnham met with a very pn infill accident in his butcher shop on saturday morning last he was entered in putting- up a ball of twine on the ceiling when a rungitn the jlljpind5joiionthomeat sllcor badly cutting two fingers- on his left hand the horticultural society are busy putting thv lot where the old drill shed stood in shape for the coming sea son the ground haajififin levelled grass seed sown and shrubs etc wilt bo planted at an early date j tliayendanegca chapter imperial order daughter of the empire will open a public baty clinic the first week in june the local chapter is to to commended in this worthy under taking and with the local medical prnctloners will be a great asset to thli community qnfviday evenlruj last the fire men were summoned to a fire at the home of mr r garnham jelaon ave which was caused by defective wiring th hoys resiwnded promptly and very little damage yns done gazette f erred to hamilton jn the toronto conference and stationed for tho com ing your at newmarket c some very handsome now cars are seen in town this spjlng showing that some of our citizens in town and country did not upend all their mon ey for fuel last winter also that blue ruin is u 4 t ranger to most people round these parts mr a railey of milton has pur chased tho bradshaw property on tannery street streotsvillo a bun service from erindalo to mil ton via shreetsvllle hits been start ed it will make threo trips a day the horticultural society is doserv- g nf creult in taklngufr initiqtiver in the clean- up programme tho re sult is obvious to every citizen and must likewise be the same to the stranger ho visits tho town co operation is a winner every tlmo reformer it is always a temptation to air ones special knowledge a county judge down in a southern state who was proud of his familiarity with scripture was weak enough to yield occasionally to this temptation the story of one qtiflh ocntrn tu nhenationnt mufirazine bno duy an old ncero was brought in from tho mountain district under suspicion of maintaining an illicit still thero was no real evidence against him m whats ypur name prisoner ask ed the judge as he peered at tho shambling black man mnh names joshua jedge was the reply johua oh said tho judge as he rubbed his hands joshua you sayft are you that samo joshua spoken of j in holy writ the joshua vtfho mfldo the sun stand still no jedge was the hasty answer twant mc ahm clo j dal made de moon shino all for show it is a poor town which cannot boast of something within- its jbutes the nan in thio n rfiintari by it- writer in tho yonkers statoman was hard put to it but he succeeded in upholding the dignity of ids native heath this la one of our greatest- show- places said the resident who was tuklrrg a friend about his town why it is only a vacant lot re plied the friend certainly but its where the clr- cuju always performs when it comes to town responded tho proud citi zen a pianist recently preented himself at a concert agency with the follow ing testimonial 1 have pleasure in certifying that mrsiegtiedrgustenuttartamu8fctan of considerably talent he plays bee thoven cliopln stravinsky and poker jjiiplaysuoker best i his forte ajvew dairy piut at a popular price see the new 8mp dairy pail next time yen arc in town they ore made of special qual ity high finished tin hare large dairy jnil ears riveted with large rivets soldered flnah 100 banitary cot out this advertisement show it to your regular dealer he has oar authority to rive yon a special low price on a pair ox these fine patls ismp dairy pails oh j m bell d d si t d a dentist honor graduate ot toronto univer sity the latest oxesthetlc used if desired office at residence corner of mill and frederick streets dljjl jxdjs uds dental surgeon oolee over bank of nova scotia ayoiujso to 6so evenlnum hf arpolntmr miscellaneous francis nunan bookbindir account hooks otajlitlndamiailoto order periodicals of every description carefully bound rullnsr neatly and promptly done wyndham street over william quelph oot tore rrj kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 years experience list your property with mb acton ontario 171 acomplotolina f s m p q stocked by jas symon aeton millers w worm powders beueva tbs bestles3 conoition brouoht oh by the presew1e op and neotore the child to normal health no narcoticspleasant as sugar i pleasant for james when mr ramtoha won his bride he felr property humbled at seourlngwsuch a prlie and in the after years mrs- itanium never allowed him to lapse into forgetfulnesn of bcr condesccn- you really enrdd for mo pm sure wild mr ransom fhat im a great coiii ttu t i flhm urge you against your wishes jtimes sold mrw hansom in a tone nulted to her imposing and aome- whixfmaiibiveapearftncet could you doubt my uffoction have i not tela- you that i had proposals from nieh who were brilliant hupdaome and talented and paefllnp them all by jaraea i chose you i aenicklin insurance qent life tho mutual life assurance co of canada fire waterloo mutual insurance company kaglo star and british dominion insurance co limited auto accident health burglary insurance etc employees ll- ablhtly assurance corporations tho dominion of canada guar- antco and accidents insurance company yt government and municipal bonds trustee for estates col lections see mo for all kinda of insurance box 441 bov7er av13 acton lqooiiosr ttoronto canaqa radio canadas publication pioneer monthly devoted to radio subscription prico 200 per year in advance radio is edited by allen b- oxley r c i an outstanding authority on radio operation subscribe now and learn how to get thebest out of your radio set radio also tells you where to buy penton publications 6062 adelaide eaat toronto 31 special showing ofthe ford sport rbadster theford sport roadster the newest addition to the ford line willbe on display in our show rooms all next week the introduction of ehis uniqiie sport model marks the greatest innovation of recent years among small light cars it is dls tinguished by grace of line beauty of finish and completeness of appointments which mark ie at once as the aristocrat of its class and it embodies features never before offered in a car so mod erately priced you are cordially invited to visit our display and inspect the special model in detail- hae6xe acton ont customniade glasses the tailoring of ox pair of glosses is far more important than that of a suit of clothes readymado glasses never glvo the same satisfaction as thoae fltied toyoureyea that is why savage examines every pair of eycti to find out to exact glasses reqirfred and to make them accordingly that is tvhy satagb glasses satisfy a dsavag optometrist and mfg optician right nt the post oibce 8avaja building guelph n the old and reliable granite- and marble works i- iteil mmmk itvufi k vve are manufacturers and direct importers of all kinds of monumental and headstone work we sell direct to our customers at yholeviito prices thus saving our customers 40 per cent we have tho best appliances and the only mechanics in tho ttocnlnioh who can opemto pneumatic tools properly vecan give references from- hundreds of our customers in toronto and other places where others have to liayo law antltfl in order to collect w6 have tho liir an beet htock of fti a i the dominion or more thanany throe dtealera in the west wc or legiti mate dealers and employ no agents and do not annoy xnr pftf customers by sendirur out ignotant ing orders we employ and dsty competition mmmdnm