t hot what mother meant flhjp artimjfag ptggfi thursday june 3 192g to any giru if you can drcaa to niiiku yourself attractive ye not make iufta and curls your cttlcr delight if you tan swim and row bo utrong und activl but of tlio gentler rovces lose not tiglu if you mn dunco witlrouf a erase lor done in flay without giving play too atrongr a hold enjoy the lovo of friend without ro mancing care ur tho weak the friendless and the old if you cin muiiter french and greek and latin and not acquire as well as priggish mien j if jou can feel tho touch of silk aph satin without despising calico and jean if you can ply a saw and use a ham mer can do a man a work when the need occurs can sing whn asked without ex cuse or stamnaor cur riso abovo unfriendly enubs or slurs if you can make cood bread as well as j fudges gnn now with skill and have an eye 7 for du3t if you can bo a friend and hold no crudges a girl whom all will love because they must if sometime you shouldmeet and love another and make a htxme- with faith and peaico enshrined and you its soul a loyal wife and mother youll work out pretty nearly to my mind the plan thats been developed all through the clgea and win the beat that life can have in store youll o my girl a model for the sages a woman whom the world will bow before in 3ffm rrafl dljort tonj a used car koe t iidndrick h3 q twenty years ago from the itaua of the fras press of thursday june 7 1906 the pink and white apple blossonab havo mostly disappeared fairy laks is at last to be nnvhrated by a power boat mr j cnrnachan has purchased an uptodate gasoline launch which will bo shipped thfe week an place on tbe lake immed lfttoly he proposes renting the beat to parties during the evenings of the summer for trips around the lake whats the matter with acton as summer resort a number of acton ladles attended the annual meetsng of the county womans institute in georgetown on wednesday the works of acton tanning co were shut down on monday after noon to allow their employees to at tend the funeral af the late abraham s to utter- v v acton fire company ore arranging a bg celebration for july 2nd tho methodist sunday school orj chestra drove to georgetown on mon day evening and were pleasantly en tertained at the home of mr warner day foot the acton lacrosse team came home from a gome in guelph on sat urday licked but not discouraged a one of the local team remarked the score was 141 the line up of tho acton team was as follows goal g lake point w taylor coyer k nickhn 1st defence j morchment 2nd defence d ritchie 3rd defence c ramshaw centre m mceachern 3rd home r hynds 2jd home v guest 1st home p wilson outside home w malono inside home el abraham field captain e ryder kcftl umpire h fltatham timekeeper f mcintosh born franklin- benton in acton saturdayjddoytreiatr7id rronklin- benton a daughter married tjtt kate said melly leun- ing back comfortably in the morris chair 4 dont you buy an automobile miss derby uho had just retutnod home at dusk after a days absence cast a keen speculative glance at nor nephew buy an automobile id ua soon m think qf buying an elephant humph automobile jerrys good enough for me awhile yet anyhowv jerry said molly imitating her tuno of scorn he can go about us fast as you can end over a keg of nails hero youve been all day going a dozen miles und back when you could have made the trip in an hour with tho car and had the rest of tho time to vlblt i had all of the visiting i wanted as it was your uncle charlcs is just as opinionated as ever said miss kate who evidently wished to turn the conversation but melly refused to be sidetracked you could have gono soraewhereelse if youd had a car he declared you could hayo gono a qouple of hundred jdhlnt yoir hear hei chugging miles and seen the country if you had wanted to 1 the whole world is open to the person who has on automoblp 4 humph i if he has the money to pay twentyseven cents a gallon for gasoline not to speak of repairs and other things well melly persisted what about ground feed and hay for jerry they cost something i should eay jerry has earned what ho gets if x had a doien cars i should keep jerry for what he has done or course he deserves a rest its cruel to drive an old horse tho way you drove him today why melancthan derby as if id be cruel to jerry well his sides are nil white with lather you cant drive any kind of a horse twentyfive miles in hot weather without being cruel and one ryder- bell in toronto on wed nesday may 10 ty rev h a wc- pherson alice maud ryder second daughter of mrs james ryder of acton tojmr p j cell of toronto blackblacklock at the home of tho brides parent in nossagu- woya on wednesday june 6 by rev j c wilson ba- acton air- john black to jennie daughter of john blcklocfc ajl of naasasuweya- the church pv 1 why doni tho men who hate the church move where are none if all the churches in the country were token away how much would your property be worth the church owes no man anything for every gift it receives it restores monyfold it means progress pros perity and security- of possession the church exalt the common man and the ordinary life and points to another and better world it is refuge for the wealc and discouraged and a place of forgiveness and healing for- the sinful if it did not exist we would have to invent it if possible for man needs it sorely ffhere ia no doubt the church does not do all that it might do but the where its wuth atiundred and fifty 4 for tnojjar she de4dollars with him to manage it if its absence 61 the unurch would make a wider gastller gap in the life of the community than the death of all iu detractors and their institutions if multiplied a hundred times what is the church to us it should be dear to all christs followers as it is dear to him fhey should magnify the church as god hath magnified it calling it the perfection of beauty the joy of the whole earth xet no voice from its sacred enclosure join in tho eneero or taunts of its enemies theretie imperfection in the church and has been from the beginning it is the militant church in the amoke and dust of the battlefield the treasure of its truth is in earthen vessels in its widening fields the heat and tho tares grow together until harvest but god is in the midst of her and the excellency of its power is of him chrisf loved the church and gave himself for 1l we should love it also and seek in every way to pro ma its prosperity much any time -but- -a- car doesnt get tired and hot and hungry and thirsty like a poor helpless animal and if you stop aunt kate commanded raising her hands for melly seemed to be wound up for the evening you neednt soy any more lm not going to buy a car well you may sometime her nephew declared la no way daunted and its always a good plan to try out a car or two first x guess theres no danger of my trying out any car but i i con fix it so you can aunt kate pretty soon well you neednt whericr would you get a car to try out why melly paused- and cleared his throat why ive got one youve got one got a car yesni where is if l out in the carriage house why meiancthon derby are you telling me the turth melly sat up in an attitude of in dignatlon of course vm tolling you the truth he cried dont i always tell you thetruth you dont always tell mo the wholo truth and thats some times as bad as a falsehood where did you get the car it aint a very fancy one aunt kate melly began adoptlnarhisnsuoi method of circumqocutlon but its good to practlcewrithjaiid it dldirt whero did you get it i asked you mustnt expect eo fnuch from a used car aunt kate as from a new ore but if you make mistakes lri oiling and running it it dont do so much harm and will ypu tell me where you got that car melly judged that further procras tination would be dangerous i got it from jeff longs treet he said very meekly what that old horse jockoy he doesnt sell horses so much any i more he deals in used cars mostly now same kind of cars as horses i guess poor old rackabones wherod he get this car from somebody over in manches ter he traded for it humph aunt kate was silent for a ful minute and then as a dreadful thought occurred to her she rushed to the hall clock seise the little savings bank from inside the case and shook it vigorously the musical jingle tha followed relieved her mind only in part where did youget the how did it get hero why mi longstreot drew it itn ho cumo nfer the wood has jeff longuttcot got hit wood yeam l dldnt you s toll me so lujjt night i t you didnt ask me whuts he done with tho wood drawn it to mnnchestei and iold it i guess thats what he nali he was going to do meiancthon decbj ive u good mind not to lot you havo another penny for poclcct money for tho next six months melly made no comment and presently miss kato retired into the house he tinkered and pounded un til school time and resumed his task the moment he icturncd in tho t ter- noon four or five boys uccomi lied him homo and took great inter- t in tho proceedings but were not especial ly helpful on saturday noon ho entered tho house with a triumphant expression away he asked i heard something but i didnt know what it was said miss derby tartly well shell run do you want mo to take her home this afternoon i dont care what you do wltb the old thing but dont ask mo for any allowance wouldnt you like to take a little ride melly asked ingratiatingly ride in that thing meiancthon derby dontyaii ftyr me n and then thing to mo again if you werorat so prejudiced aunt kate said melly in a tone pf sor rowful reproof youdgot a lot moro fun out of thiners than you do now miss derby cast a withering glance at her nephew for the momen t she was on tho point of forbidding him o touch the old car agnln then a old as jerry isnt fit to be drivenj that there was no c of his making it run anodeclaed to avoid tho argumont that would in evitably follow her order no sooner had melly oaten his din nei than he returned to the side yard where presently she saw him busily at work turning a crank for half an hour he tolled and strusgleyi with out result and his uunt smiled grimly then tim mosher arrived and pres ently sho saw the two boys pushing the old car out through the driveway and up the hill sho went to a front vlndow und peeped out when they had reached tho brow of tho hill melly throw the machine into gear climbed aboard and grasped tho ufiteoring whcclj tim thrust from be- hind and the rattletrap started down tho slope at a steep that increased jso rapidly that tim had erreat dlul culty in scrambling upon the roar of thee flying vehicle my goodnessl the lady cried theyll both be killed but no put put put tut put canto up from trie valley as the single cylinder cough ed and barked the old car took the hill beyond with a rush and a clatter and although the puts wero almost choked oft before it reached the summit it finally crawl e i over the top and disappeared in a short tlmo the automobile ap peared from vhe opposite direction and melly who sat at the wheel nvoiniterally glowing wnhjo we beenrouud thltsquaro he nuuided oh i didnt pay any money for it aunt kate said melly quickly and with a virtuous air w you must have paid eomc- x beyond my bighost joys i prixe her heavenly rays her sweet communion solemn vows her hymns of lovey and prolse- f 0 r the spirit of youth i i some one has said if there is any thing i like better than today it i tomorrow and you have a fehlnfi that you would like to moke his ac qualntance you have no such lhv prosslon about the person who is par tial to yesterday who prefers the past to either the present or the future these latter are ho bitterest critics of everything around them it was not that way once is their constant cry since everything that is surfers in their estimation compared with that which has been they are natur ally dlacqntenaed gloomy depressing associates the persons who love today and look forward to tomorrow keep up the morale of the husflfn race they nro cheerful over events ob they bra anc hopeful that they will be better thing what did you pay melly twiddled his thumbs vigorous ly as he refiectedvxj you know wo dont burn anything except coal and gasoline any more he began i know i couldnt get you to split enough wood to amount to anythlpg how much did that car cost you i cant tell exactly about seven teen dollars and a half i guess said melly seventeen dollars and a half for a car well that aint so very much is it i guess i got a bargain i should think likely but where did tho money come from i told you i didnt spend any money its like this aunt kate we burn ccal and gasoline and there was all that slab wood rotting down in the woodh seven cords getting dozy and of no uso to anyone and so i thought that oven an old caravoum bo over so much moro useful to us you traded that beech and maplo body wood to jeff loongstreet for an old rattletrap that he probably could no give away it was getting dozy melly repeat c1 storing upward at a crayon por trait of his grandmother meiancthon derby i call anything like that i adont know what to call it its its dowru4gh4audaityj i know just how youd act said melly with an aggrieved alr but i did not let that stop me t shouldnt think you did well in the morning you can tako that old contraption right straight back where ir came from and jeff longstreet mustnt draw away a stick of that wood melly romalnd discneptly uent but tin next morning mian kate found him surroundeed by cogs and pipes delving into tho jnnermoat recesses of the most thoroughly battered and dilapidated automobile ahe had ever kfn it lacked a tojt and a wind shield and the onecylinder engine wis hobdleas one fender drooped until itr almost touched the rear wheel on that aide which wwa tilted out- ithheplhtfotrttir rsoiyetttb w fro the ax1e unspoiled by morbid questioning it h the spirit that keeps hearts eternally yo when hoilowaya corn remover is applied to a corn it kills the xoou and thfe callosity comes out without injury to the flash announced she must have made as much as eleven miles an hojir on the level stretches arid when she was go- ih downhill gracious f what did you go down our hill the way you did for his aunt said why 1 was cranking her up that wa 1 just threw her into gear and it her whir its dangerous you mustnt do it again well said melly you know wlti a used car youve got to adopt ox- pedlentsfttflometinnctj in hpnto of her disapproval aunt kate found her interest in tho car growing although sho strove to con ceal the fact two or three days later seeing jefferson xiongstreet driving up tho hill on his way past the house she hurried outside halted him snd gave brim a piece of her mind liongstreot did not seem much impressed by tho lecture why miss derby he exclaimed what makes yon b so do you spose id a traded a runnln car for abtut seventeen dollars wuth of old wood 7 why nobody could make it run nnd now hes runnln it every- hlg team hitched to li hayrack tiled to climb tho garden fenco as melly und mish kate panned und tho rack ttmblltl off in i hcup ill settlo molly ytilod to horace icnowles 1 lunt slop ho explained to his aunt bho law reciulroh it but id- novoi liuiltt thut bend in the lull ahiud if 1 did they made tho bend although n ul without tlittvculty and wero np piuichlrtg hponcorm cornuis at a vciy llitly late when young arnold fopon- ct i coming from u luno with a mow- hit muchlno attached to a pi ancint ttmn of louh suddenly diovo into the i und ah ciitl of them look out aunt kate screamed and arnold strove vainly to back his team whoellng sharply to th light melly tlicw in tho reverse und slammed the in nkes on hard the machine came to t hult with tls ftont wheels between a maplo ttoo and a stopo wall the sptnterlng clash that accompanied the htorpugo wan not caused bv any col ii on with the obstacles mentioned the cai had barely grazed thum bu tu a geneial collapse of the old autq mobile under the sudden utt aln melly got out threw himself on his bock and wormed his way partly under the machine well he said in sor- lovful tones thoio were two cogs off the gears before and i guess theyre htrlppcd clean now the crank enso 13 ripped loose too and i knew what would happen to those brake bands i dont believe shell ever be able to tun ngtin aunt kate arnold was expressing his regrets and offered to tow the machine home if it would hold together when aunt kate interposed if you can get any good out of it you keep it she said you can sell some of it for old iron anyhow do you suppose i could borrow a hat fiom your mother t arnold thought that she could and a yew- minutes dater miss kate equip ped with a hat was leading the way toward the electriccar station a few roda away she and her nephow caught the next westbound car peering from a window melly look ed yearningly back at the cherished wreck by tho wayside until a turn in the road hid it from view he sighed brightened uva sailed along some down there by mr knowless anyhow didnt we ho re marked aunt kato smiled and nodded nnd then suddenly laid a hand on her nephews arm never mind whats happened she said you and i will go to the city- next saturday and pick out u new car alelly almoit leaped from the scat imtl the snu16 that tirotto over hts facn was ecstatic well he cred well just purr over these roads then wont we aunt kate no she declared well do noth ing of the kind but well have some good rides of course melly hastened to ex- ilaln thats what i meant neighborhood news- town and country georgetown the old elm tree theres a path by the long deserted mill and a stream ncath the old bridge broken still on the green mossy banks where the violets grow there tho goldcnhued willow boughs bend low t and the wild bards sing their same aweet lays which charmed in dreams of the dear old days when laura im beautiful sat by roe on the green mossy banks neath the old elm tree resembling very closoly what they toll us at the unsightly stubs of tho beaxi tlful treca of belgium and france after the great war and at the old iiiuh romainn stand todiy ut tho cioasroads and its dls nguiemcnt is rendered all tho moro dibgiaccful iind pathetic with the lusty old tin sltns cif nieiuianth and mull cine vendors tucked upon its scarred am weather ltcatii slden poor old kim perhaps it fcolh tho dlsgiace and decay of thcsl later days and stands thei o naked and pained in us declining years but many of um will a ways icmcmbcr wuh plcasun and hutlufactiun its beauty of for met ycais its useful life when it always lived up to its hoifbrtty and sincerity lrngiving t ue directions though indeed this latter it still docs wth all its oldtimo adherence to probity and truth may i suggest as un old resident tho always admired tho kim tree for tta beauty and its usefulness that either the county or the township council take into sorlous considera tion tho removal of the present un sightly htub and tho erection in its plrce of a substantial monument of nassaguvoyu freestone bearing its oldtime name tho dim tree h it was there with the bright blue sky above i told her the 4ale of my hearts true love dsd er blo8s0ma of aumm ting homo to blaxing flres and smok- died she whispered me the promise to be my bride and there fell tho tears of a parting houl oh little did we think wed meet no more that ere i could come from tho deep bluo sea they would make her a gravo neath the old elm tree- oh cruel and false were tho tales they told the elm tree tho pathetic atory of the old elm t ee recited in the above poem is i true to f ict and might bo repeated here and there throughout tho land but my thoughts this morning turn rhtoke fa market garden r d warren toronto general treasurer of the baptist convention was elected hon president at the interprovlnclal baptist young peoples convention held over the weekend in slontreul rev harvey merritt preston was elected president more than 1200 delegates with 600 from ontario attended tho session held in westmount baptist church- a special train carried tho toronto delegation to and from montreal tho convention foi 1927 will be hold in hamilton herald oakville map nor t ypte teir mim kmi t sharply well yquwm jd jot xabsa it touolc jm ive cot tp make it lqn to do it- lm toohttry tot poor old jtoj td drttw ii j jjwelb go on t wuth a qent he beat mo all holler on that trade miss derby if anyones got a right to kick its me miss derby could nottielp feeling wood still rankled in her mc can while melly was going to school in style by leaving his car at the top of the hill near tho echoolhouso ho escaped much of the profitless and doubtful labor of cranking he never wits quite sure when he left home whether he would get back with the car or not but so far he had met with success at times ho could start the engine wmth the crank on the second satur day he performed the feat at tho first trial miss kate was standing in tho yard watching him come on just take a ride round tho square he said turning to her to his surprise she instantly step ped forward and lot him help her to seat i havent got my hat was all she said never mind lots of people go for little ridoa without their hate said mielly throwing in the clutch what makes you go down the hill so fast sle asked rather nervously a moment later well i want to get her under full headway for that next hill find be sides those brake bands are kind of wobbly and it wont do- to put much sfraln on them thore ho cried triumphantly a minute or two later alio coughed some but we made it why does tho onglno make 00 much noise why the pipe leading to the muf fler is spilt some so most of the ex- luiust comes from under the floor thats what makes it smell so but then this is a used car with a new on i tell you it tvould bo different five minutes later he cried just watch ihose telephone poles go by aunt katel there aint any dial on the- speedometer and the connections broke besides hut ill bet you were making fifteen miles on hourrlght now if wo had a new car those poles would look like a tight board fence at else you couldnt see em at all i dont know which i dont bell6ve i should core to ride fast as thatsdld miss derby but she- smiled pleasantly arent vo go- st judes church garden party will bo held on tuesday july 13th at dungannon tho residence of w s do vis afer suffering illhealth for several yours joseph feathcrston died sud denly on friday last may 21 at his heme on the 6th line trafalgar town ship the trafalgar oakville and milton sunday school workers will hold their annual convention in tho palermo united church on wednesday june 9 with afternoon and evening sessions the passing away of capt jamea murtln last week was another break in the ranks of the old sailors who some years ago mode up a consider able portion of oakvlllots population one of ther largest farm and bust- weok by which tho gilbrea oalry in town and tho a g farrow farms on the middle road trafalgar pass into the hands of dr brown of toronto and associates rev dr wnllls was called to tor onto on tuesday to officiate at the funeral of david austin of niagara falls ope of the oldest members of drummond hill church who passed away suddenly while visiting relatives at nriagnrttontheluke star that my love was false and ray love grown cold that my truant heart held another dear torgettlng tho vows that wero whlfl pered hero and her cheeks grew pale with her cherished pain her beautiful lips never smiled again she bitterly wept where none could see she wept for the past neath the oldt elm tree she died and they parted her sunny hair on the pale cold brow death had left so fair and they laid her to rest where the bright young flowers could wave by her side through tho long sunny hours oh laura dear laura my hearts best love shalt we meet in the angel home up above earth holds no treasure so dear to me ae thy lonely grave ncath the old elm tree mr james mcbcun of chicago is spending a holiday at the home of his parents mr and mrs john mcbean mi rfw bell of cleveland ohio spent sunday with his sister mrs j a thompson mr and mrs john worden and daughter janee of fergus were the guesth of mr and mrs s b worden 1 monday miks kutle ryan who underwent an operation at st michaels hospital toronto on saturday last is getting along lino now and will soon be a bio to return home mr scott mclean of islington has bought is acres on the check line from col g o brmvnajiqljidllopefateaftiqk beenajandmark for the country- burlington 1 4i- go on round iy sponcorni u what r 90a taking that thing an wont morc ten mln- il pumper last year and aro highly plousou winh their now flrq fighting 7 at uio tott at knowloan hill the oljl oar outdid itself both in running and putting the racket from the engjne and other carta that jlappedl and jingled wu terrific mr knowless i the canada gazette announces that harry j ogg of burlington has pass ed his civil service examination mr end mrs james lambshead and fiuiily left on friday last for powas- suiip whore they will spend the sum mer mrs c e ilymal of maple ave left wednesday for an extended visit with her daughters at alnbuny n y at the ituctlon sale last friday nfternoon a scrjous accident might have been roportcd a revolver which watf included in tho list of article i was picked up y no of thpse pieuonl who did not know it was load ed ujmin pulling the trigger tftp re olver went off and the bullet brokoi a picture hanging on tho wall over the holiday some person or persons broke into tho contractors tool house at 4he foot of brant street wl ere the rovetmont wall 1m under tho course of construction and stalo pair of rubber boots they also let tho water out of the boiler but for tunately it was discovered beforo tlio engineer fired up en tuesday morn- mi kodgers df the hamilton stamp and stencil works hamilton sub mitted a standard and samples of signs fo tho proposed street signs the signs could be made any color to suit tlio taste of the councillors it was nuggestod that the street stop signs bo also placed on the standards on wednesday evening last a num- her of the newlyorganlxed are bri gade at caledonia paid a friendly visit to tho icnl brigade to witness a prac tice anjr a demonstration of our new pumper caledonia purchased n sim- nlde in this district i refer to the elm tree which proudly stood for scores of years on the junction of tho acton crossroad and the main artery north and south through nassagawoya from tho era mosa town lino to port nelson down at luke ontario in elson townshln krown as the guclph road neirly a hundred years ago when this road was being cleired of trees after tho first survey of tho town ship the line elm growing so stately in tho centre of the road was loft there as a very substantial landmark through the nowlyopkmcd and organ ized township setilcrsr coming in from tl e luko to the upper concessions of naasugewcya or to tho newer town ship of eramosn were directed to tho elm tree and so many iota east or west or north to their desired destina tion and a very effectlvo and certain guide tho fine old elm tree was its towering crown of foliage in summer and its widespreading branches in winter could be seen from vantago points for miles nrounq and many a wearly traveller was cheered upon hifl way when he reached this definite paint on his journey through nil the years this landmark was utilized enquires hero at acton to 1 joints in nassagawcya and beyond were directed with this pivotal point at a sure index to the destination sought thus if a traveller wished to reach gue froi directed to go across to the elm tree turn o the right go up to the era mosa town line then west to eden mills and from there tho blacksmith or storekeeper on the corner or the miller at tho bridge will direct you if a journey to burlington wus con templated u resident here would ad vice go across to tho elm tree turn to the left and drive down through brookvlllo campbellvlllc lowvllle on to fort nelson and thence a mile to the right and youll reach burlington irhais a traveller was aiming to fench gait he would be told to go across westerly to tho ellm tree turn to the left and go down to darby wile then to the right ncrois through aber- foylc thence westward to hespclerand from hint point down through preston inri on to gait andy so on people in all localities would and still do direct enquirers to points in all direc tion via the elm tree alam and alack the march of proenicnt has robbed the elm tree of its printine glor about twenty years ri more jiu when the county council designated the guelph road and the acton crossroad as part of the not hwark of county stone roads the elm tiee was 011 the line of tho improved roads hchemc the road builders de- ttrmincd to make this noted intersec tion a fine turning point for the travel o the popular highway built the now stone road closely around thn old tree trunk a generous depthof broken slono and gravel was worked in aiound the tree add over its roots these materials wero tramport ftiwn anf rolled solidly with the steam road roftei right up to the trunk of the fntnouwi old tree the result was that al moisture was t eft from the tret s roots a splendid niece of ma- caelum wus constructed and the road was praised for its excollnee by all who used it but in a fow weeks tho leaves on tho old elm tree began to wither nnd dio nnd shortly its bronrrici weio bare decay set in and a 1 tho day of tho famous provincial election of juno 25th 1922 when tho progressive government of tho hon e c druiy was swept out and tho tory party headed by hon howard frguion wns voted into power tho ittuttectijcricane imflaeo oyjsr iwhcn our fathers laughed ire church i came across this story of old times in church tho other day it fits in ho closely to conditions as- they existed iity or sixty years ago in our old kirk foojnst the graveyard on main street with thji straightbacked pews and the dcors at the end of each that i am sure myv oldtime fcllovv worshippers wlllenjoylt and perhaps apply it during i recent cold wave ono member of a congregation shivering in a drat ty pew which even the most modern heating apparatus had not made comfortable recalled sympathet ically an incident in tlfo church history of the town that shows that in tho early days tho piety oven of our de vout ancestors was not absolutely weatherproof faithfully indeed zero or no zero they attended meeting in their poorlyheated meetinghouses and sat through long- drawnout ser mons but the happy prospects of get- hik malyn motlu 1 was opening a tin f inline sin told hu little luugjitei u ho as looking on with m eit intt n su that llttlo llshca uko llnhf win oftt 11 it en by bigger ones muy luikl it in 1 in hurpiimt foi a niiuuu 01 iwo tlion at tlio hurdlnes ih nln usl td h1ovii do thej mutn no but how do thi open tho tin flit destroys flies riosquitioes roaches bedbugs stattdmutctccckamwtasfn lnghot dinners led to unseemly haste in their departure from tho sacred precincts a least so thought parson milton because of his bellowing great voico hp was often called thundering mil ton he had noticed during a pro longed cold spell that as he neared the end of his sermon each pew door swung quietly open ready for tho occupants to start their homebound rush dowju the- aisle without an in stant a loss of time he concluded his final sentence and without a break continued at the top of his roaring voice amen and ye neednt hurry your puddings wonr get cold the rush was modified to the re quirements of decorum unfortunate ly the next sunday was oven colder and again though ever so gently tho pew doors were swung open parson milton paused glared and thunder ously proclaimed if youll stop 111 ask tho blessing if ye dont i wont they stopped tl as a safe and sure remedy for a child troubled with worms is mothergraves worm exterminator the danger of too much luxury while most of the world is having hard work to get tho necessities of lift america is going in for tlio lux uries radio sets are so common thut in some states and most duos tlio- ilbhiste riding at once an entertainer can charge practically any price ho pleas es and tho house will be jammed to th doors candies sell at prices that w uld havo given our grandparents huit failure and aro bought in five- pound boxes all of uh enjoy luxuries we flke to have an automobile and a radio sot to sit down to good meals to cat choice confections between meals and to spend money freely the enjoyment of luxuries however doos not tend to produce strong characters tho boy who has all the money he wants to sj end has a poor chance bealdo tho boj to whom it is an event to havo a dollar of his own the acblllty to enduro hardness us paul puts it is a nccesssary to a good citizen as to a good soldier buy miller 1st mortgage real estate bonds paying 5j 7 int t j hannigan pfaone574 guelph private wires to main exchanges 57 120000 lbs wool wanted j r barbour hillsburg will be at the canadian na tional railway station acton on june 3 10 17 to buy wool for the guelph worsted and spinning co highest market prices paid farmers market your wool direct to the mills simple mixture hakes stomach feel fine simplo buchthorn bark glycerine etc as mixed in adlcrika ften helps stomach trouble n ten minutes by removing gas brings put a surprjs irfg amount of old waste matter you never thought was in your system stoptl that full bloated feeling and makes you happy and cheerful ex collept for chronic constipation adlerlka works quick and delight- fully easy a t erowp druggist simple and sure df thomas fete- lectrlc oil is so simplo in application that a child can understand the in structions used as a liniment tlio only direction is to rub and when it 1 used as a dressing to apply thp directions are so plain and unmis takable that they are readily under stood by ycung and old how i prune my roes apparatus the visitors wero taken on the two trucks to tho brant- mouse corner where a demonstration wan given which proved satisfactory to tho party qsetto nnflbakhweyn and its cyclonic sweep the top ofi this old elm which had stood so long as a guiding sentinel in the grit stronghold of nnssngnweya was trn off and nothing whs jeft but an unsightly stub about ten feet high many gardeners do not realize that there is a bg difference between tho bush or garden rose and the ram blers or climbing roses which bear ttfeir flowers on wood of the previous sons growth the bus rrroses ofi course should be cut back- severely al most to the ground us early as pos sible in the springy and a full crop of flower will bo borne on the new wood produced if a nimbler were to be treated- this way every tjpring it would never produce any flowers at nil m for this reason most climbing roses arc allowed to get in very bad shape it is easy to keep them in good con dition as soon as the roso is through blooming untie most of the supports iraving just enough to liold the canes in placo then cut off clean down to tin roots all tfhe canes older than one yuir if tho plant is growing very vigorously some of tho oneyear canes should also be removed take out tho old canea curefully so as not to injure the soft new growth which will bo starting up from the base of the plant dig up around tho base of the plant adding hone meal and wood ashes so ixtx to give the new canes n vigorous hu ijl and tie them up as they rcciulro it noiib to troip them as yu want tlilm to go v v it theyoeedno most m d wormh arc oncouragbd by morbid conclltlunu of the stomach and bowels nnd so uubsist millorrt worlh powd ers will alter these cundltlona ulmoht liumcdtutcly and will sweep the woims away no destructive parastto can jive in contact with ihlh medi cine which in not only a vorm des troyer hut n hoalthklvinsr medlclno most beneficial to the young constitu tion king in telrfwtfus buying- new shoes because thicy dread the breaklng-in- pcriodi thei shoe elimin stage entirely it fits the normal foot perfectly u soon al it is drawn on and holds that fit throughbut lta service and the invlctus fa durable i made othe best leathers onlyi strongly stitched with silk that does not rot or fray every invictus can b depended upon to retain its smartc appearance months longer dun the ordinary shoo business directory medical dr j a- mcniven physician and surgakin otflce and residence cornor boww aomie and elgin street phone 88 j dr e j neuson frederick stbfci aoton ontario legal phono pro 12 p o box harold nash farmer m a barrister solloltor notary publle convayanosr eta perryman block acton ont money lent on mortaaqks hours 9 30 aan to s pan saturdays 1200 oclock dental dr j m bell d d s l d s dentist honor graduate of toronto tjnlrwr bity thr litrt incrtlietlc uaad t desired ofllce at residence corner of mill and frederick streets dr p a gollop dds lds dental surflaon omee over bank of nova mootta hours 9 10 to 130 brenlnca by appointment miscellaneous francis nuna1s bookbinder account toooks of all kinds mad o order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done tvyndham street aualph ool ovar williams star r j kerr auctioneer and real krtate 20 years experience list your property with mb acton ontario a e nicklin insurance agent life tho mutual life asjuranco co of canada fire waterloo mutual insurance company baffle star and brltuh dominion xnburanco co xtmlted auto accident health burglary insurance etc employees li ability assurance corporations the dominion of canada guar antee and accidents insurance company money to xrnn on farm proper ty government and municipal qonds trustee- for estates col lections see me for all kinds of insurance box 44 bower ave acton e best good shoe yi2j radio canadas pioneer monthly publication devoted to radio subscription price 2 00 per year in advance rajpio la edited by allan b oxleyi it c i an ouftfttnlnr authority on radio operation subacrloc now and learn how to set the best out oltyour radio ael j radio also tells yoti where to buy n publications 6068 adelaide east i toronto exclusive invictus agenj h l harrison rose is good tea tea mc fazn inxiadisig fa jfy dl irf3fes 3 nt m- r have your eves examined by the savage method that h the secret ofavage satisfactory olaaaea the thor- ourh nccuilte examination of your eyes by a specialist in re- fraction when your eyes are examined by savage they are examined thoroughly 1 when your frames are fitted they fit pronerly result savaqe glasses be8t in sighf a d savage optometrist and mfq odiep rlgbt at the post ofnoe 8avaoe building queuph te tho qw and reliable granite and marble works u v l we are mttnufacturerij and direct importers of all kind a of monumental and headstone work ve aell direct to our customers at wholesale prices thus bavlngour cuntomers 40 per ctent wo have tlio bent appliances and the only mechanics in the dominion who can operate pneumatic tools properly we can slvo references from hundreds ofnur customers in toronto nnd other places where others have to have law suits in older to colleqt we have he largest nnd best etoek of granite in tho dominion or moro thaii any thfee t dealers in therwesti we are leitl- mnto dealers and employ rto sicenff and do notjannoy or poet cusonoerli l bysendlrnghrwftwwhi a si x inn ordf rswe employ only tneojianlca anii dofyoomrtltion t hamilton sons 0ublph ont i s kf t wmm