Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 10, 1926, p. 7

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flul artrntste tm thursday junt3 10 1920 woman vs auto why 1h it when i buy u cm careful inquiry i must make how muny cylinders thcio aie and it its got the fourwlieo inuko and if the boat ingft arc indeed quito strong enough for constant uae hew many miles i can proceed per gallon on tho vital juice and yet when i select a wife none of these things do 1 rcquho although im taking her for lire and etrch of ua may ciulckly tire why io i rush to malco aer mine the reason is not fur to seek cure are of standardised design while every womun is unique eve the sunday school lesson for sunday june 13 famous park where indians once fathered twenty years ago from tho issue of tho fres preis of thuiaday juno 4 196 a lino bay crop is well assured for tllt aection the street sprinkler has at last got down to business w hawea gardener has now got the bowling green into prime condi tion and tile bowleis are keenly en joying this gcntlemunly sport workmen are engaged in takingout the roller machinery of the grist mill this will bo replaced with a chopping outfit of the most modern typo it is expected it wjll bo in shape for busi ness by august tho are mens domonstiatlon will bo held in acton on dominion day under c rewlrfr cooksey missionary from morocco gave a very interest ing and instructive address in knox church on tuesday evening mr carnahans new naphtha launch on fairy lake was launched on mon day and la beinsr well patronized mrs turnbull of hamilton presi dent of the wctu of halton and went worth visited the acton branch thatturneearthssmoothness rough on monday and addressed the mem- bera in tho baptist school room the girl id marry the glrj id marry will not be made tip not obviously anyway i sym pathise with the hero of a novel x read recently who declared the lips that touch lipstick shall never touch mine i meet a good many girls socially whose lips are so much redder than they should be that it really set ma an if there were need of a new adjective i do not deny they catch thfi attention like bright colored trcphtcal birds but tho thought of lips of that hue smiling at me across a breakfast table causes a stirring at tho roots of my hair as if it were trying to stand on end i want to kiss ray wife eoodby when i go to work in tho morning without being apprehensive that something is going to come off i hopo the girl i marry will core enough for my admiration to do a little preening up just on my account i have been women who would not go to a corner grocery without taking off their crimping pins and putting on a respectable dress who would go about the houue all day in the aforesaid tiuumimiiwg over trials geneiul reason title josephs ti- dtllty scripture xrfjbuon rpcn 39 f golden text seest thou a man dili gent in his business lie shall stand before kings- prov 22 29 devotional reading jprov 2 110 tho toxt explained 1 potlphar possibly tho same nnmo us potiphern gen 41 45 pharaoh tho title of all the egyptian kings egyptians pero means groat house compare tho modern ameri can custom of speaking of the federal administration as tho white houso 4 overseer majordomo or head steward 0 the prison muy havo been in petiphuia ofei house as ho was tho captain of tho guard 21 tho keeper of tho prlaon elth- ei potlphar himself or a subordinate ofliccr 22 joseph was made the head trusty 23 josephs chutucter was such as to inspire confidence in nil who catno into contact with him lesson themes hard knocks make at man if wo rend chapter 337 as we should in or- de to understand this lesson wo see in joseph the picture of a spoiled child he s not bad he has only tho conceit of youth which has unfortun- at b foat his f foolish favoritelsm misfortune saved him from becoming an insufferable prig and brought out the really ster ling qualities of his soul many a oung person has been saved from worthlesaneas by co miner into contact hth the hard experiences of life then welcome each rehuff it will delight you iwiiaijjh ti2a perfectly balan red superb in il avour ntario farm heavily to er protection crimping pins if friend husband was the only observer i cannot help feel- attractive feature about joseph is un each atlner that bids nor ait nor stand but got bo our joys threeparts pain strive and hold cheap the strain learn nor account tho pang dare never grudge tho throe browning be maattr of your surroundings most men in josephs situation would have waxed bitter and rebellious ex perience of such horrible injustice readily destroys the sense of right and wiong this is why slavery is al ways brutalizing the shwo says to himself i am ruled by injustice my rights are ignored i owe nothing to anybody thereforo i will look out fo myself and whatever advantage i can gain that shall be mine this attitude oc nalnd is bhown today by many who feel that tboy are victims of the industrial or social system it is the spirit on which bolshevism and i w wism are fed it is a spirit that cannot create it only destroys it car lead only to greater unhapplness nvioua hatred and still greater mis er the best antidote to this is a keen sense of duty such as joseph- had we must serve faithfully what- evei our tunic we must not be em bittered by injustice or conquered by temptation the boauty of optimism the most hn uppertha pavilion left a birchbark wfgwapi centre tamo teddy taking dajly dip right s s assiniboia one of tho vnagnifiqcnt canadian pacific passen- jjor steamers plyfng the great lakes from port mcnicoll to foft william and chippewa park night after night on tho shores of thunder bay long njo were heard weird chanting laments ox indian braves hundreds of members of the various tribes then mado tills inlet in northern ontario ring with their wild si cuts and songs and tho rumbling sound of wooden sticks thudding wltb monotonous rngulrity on buckskin tomtoms there tho india no went to unt and that was the site of manyfnohs live animal zon are among- tho tribal rendezvous feitures which have attributed to the three miles the water front popularity or chippewa park the three hundred acres of fopa looks out over the spreading waves of tho bav m thj sleeping- qinnt the welcome islands lie in that un- tri nee while beautiful picturesque pie iblnnd is on tho southern side in plr co of the laboriously handmade lntxliatelydccorated war canoes of it dian dnys may now bte seen proces sions of great canadian pacific pas senger and freight vessels and the fleet of smaller craft plylpff in and pu of vtt william nnd port arthur whcie enchanting iprhrtnamentarqsfl high and clear in e tumid h1i iuy nof bo hoard the voices of happy enelfshspeaking throngs of tourists on the sandy benches of thunder ba has magically jinsen a park call ed chippewa camping grounds at tractive lodges lont shady lanes o rshndowed by towering ginnts of thcrtforpst and a real honest-to-good- bilf lylns under thu hhadovv o moantmc kajwere originally part of an anient national reserve nnd rarely ancient chippewa nation reserve and rarely saw the foot of a white man now on he main line of the canadian pa cific railway advantageously situat ed close to fort william the park h visited by laxrge numbers q men bo- men and children throughout e year canadians are blnpipsr t fln th iq addition to immuriju natural re- houiees canada possesses unrivalled sites for summer playgrounds parks and other resorts instead of going j other countries canadians are be ginning to leirn to appreciate canndn fii st the changed condition is due largely to improved travelling con veniences by steam rail nnjl automo- ing that if a woman does not care to make herself attractive for iher bus band their home life will not be t pronounced success i suppose the srlr who frrows up thinking it does not pay to dress up for the hbme folks will hacvo tho samo feeling in regard i j her husband but if i know it scall never invito a girl of that sort o go into partnership with me for life i think i express tho sentiments of a good many young men when i say that the girl i shall marry is the homeloving girt if evor i havo borne of my own i expect to spend a considerable time there i enjoy an occasional meal at a firstclass hotel or restaurant but i do not plan to eat tho majority of my meals at rest aurants i like social affairs concerts motoring and all that sort of thins but i do not like them well enough to spend 11 my leisure in that fashion heme means more to mo than all of them put together i know several young married coup les who are living at boarding houses both husband i and wife being employ ed that is their own business if the are satisfied i certainly have no reason to object but it would not do for me tho girl i marry will not feel that she is making a stupendous sacrifice in spending her energy mak ing a home for the two of ub she will feel just as i do thal1 very heart of life when f marry i hope i shall bo wise enough to choose a wife who is ready to do her share i should never let my wire support me like some men i have known hut on the other hand if i had a wife who took the ulies of the field for her model i should feel i had been taken in i know a young man who seemed to have a very promising future ahead o him until ho married a few years ace etc was earning a good salary and saltlnar down a good proportion of if then he married a jirl who never sot up before noon if sho did not feel like it and had always wheedled everythdns she wanted out qf her father my friend is earning a larger salary than he did two years ago and i nave been told that- recently ho sold a bond in order to meet some press ing bills his wife is extremely pretty nnd well dressed and i suppose those are the things that attracted him to her he did mt take into account that she would consider that sho had done her part in tho domestic partner ship if nhe simply looked pretty even if i could afford a fashion plate for a wife it would not appeal to me none tf us can be indifferent to beauty but i want to be able to ad mire my wife for something besides a peachy complexion and regular features that oldfoshioned term helpmate appeals to me some iw wfw like blnthtdb old man of the sea a strangling crushing bur- den than a helper h i s too much clothing worn by boys i i tho modern young woman eaonpeh the latert attnekon presentday cloth- ins and instead tho modern boy in taken to task for wcurfng not too lit tle but too much says the london arnphlc the nitacu lyns made by dr b q little m- p or the university of londoni air and nun he snjd are vital to the frowln boy yet thoy are al- mort completely excluded by the gar ments usually worn by them and tle heavy rlgtd boots witjl clump soles are the uibt word in sheer senso- tcsirilesflr r the trouble s tha a toys foot rows more quickly hail the pace at whloh tils boots wear out boys should be shod in a flexible shoo tt wear out quickly and that h a light aenalble sole thefr heudgeair should be soft nnd porous juts wd brui pusppmr when iferjlig xvomcutsj scratches bruise sprains sore throat or cheat or any other similar aliment use dr thprnas eclectrlc oil- its heajlng power la wellknown in overy section of the community- a bottlo of ir thomas fijcjectrlo pit should be fc every mbdlolns ebjht ceady for the mergoricies that ihay always be an- tljlpatl falling optimism his as tho resilient spirit of youth that absolutely refuses defeat moreover his optimism was due to simple faith in god in this present age of unrest following tho gieat upheaval of the world war the supreme need is for this spirit of cheerful confidence many men have jo en brought to pessimism by the dight of vast unmerited suffering and many have lost hope through disap pointment becauso of unrealized ex- pecfiitiong x is also u spirit uf sill carelessness which refuses o take life seriously which shrugs its shoulders and says i should worry in contrast with theso is tho christ inn spirit which star tine with belief in god and his goodness accepts all the duties and responsibilities which may come and knpws that the out come will be all right the common problem your mine everybodys l not to fancy what were fair in llfo provided it could be but finding first what may berthen find how to mako it fair browning for study and discussion what sort of a boy was joseph what experience brought him to serious manhood what is tho moral effect of slavery7 what kept joseph straight tvtair gave him confidence how- may this spirit he fostered in young people trfday daily raadinga for next week monday gen 37 1828 tuesday gen 41 3746 wednesday gen 42 m25 thursday gen 42 3558 friday gen 43 2634 saturday gen 44 1834 sunday psalm 51 914 news of local import british boys at o ac guelph tventyarx13rltrah yoifkiv ranging trom 15 to 18 years bi ought out from england under the government settle ment scheme went into residence at the ontario agi cultural college on alondny tho boys will resldte in tho college rosinonce for at least a month after which it is understood they will be sent on to vimy ridge farm on the outskirts of the city for further instruction prior to taking positions on picked farms thi o ugh o lit ontario a real community spirit palmerston council has given the horticultural society of that town a srant of 100 and 25 a month to tho band so long as it continues to be ac- tivq tift vmlwwrtny nftomnnn thi time that hung heavy tooi willi le truvefllng through wyoming a few yens ago writes a contributor i happene to pass a gang of con the dancer of an increa8ed pototo acreage in 1a26 canada and the united states both had unusually small crops of potatoes and the shortage in can ada was consequently accentuated by the heavy demand and high prices in the united states theso conditions resulted in a very profitable market ing season for canadian growers which was a welcome relief from the inor markets which prevailed during the previous few years the high prices of 102626 are very likely to bring about an inclination among tho farmers to increase their acrcace and a timely warning has just been is sued in this connection by mr george e mcintosh dominion fruit com missioner mr mcintosh points out that a greatly increased acreage this sec son with favorable growings con ditions would in all probability bring nbtut over production and corres ponding unprofitable prices it would tl ef ur opad fo gr worn i all the provinces to be very careful about increasing their normal ncre- age of potatoes and to turn their at tention to planting better need of pure varieties one ol the commonest complaints of infants is worms and tiie most ef fective application for them is mother graves worm exterminatr r- j zum do zum do nt laughter was never absent from the trenches even during tho most ter rible moments of the war the lon- den dally jtfews gives this example of tho whimsical humor of tommy at kins british troops had found iat cer- talncapturcl german troncjies- were full of notices that read slum tlriter- stapd which interpreted means to the nnf1aircraft ah el or tie nox day whljo this officer hi commavid was inspecting he was ufltoniahied o ob- soivti below each legend another uvo this hum unttirstahd zwrrt dont exhausted from atnm many who read these words know tho ter rlble drain upon health and strength which eomes in tho train of asthmatic troubles jinny do not realize how ever that there is one true remedy which will usuully stop this drain dr j d kellogbs asthma jlemedy is a wonderful check to this enervating ailment ft has a countless record of rtllef to atm credit it is sold almost everywhw palmerston hoiticultural society held a bee to assist the care takers at the cemetery members were asked to bring theh shovels and rakes tho sumo society have also erected a foun tain in the park at the canadian na tional railway btntlon hog chotara in guelph township as the lesult of an outbreak of what huis been diagnosed as hop cholera among a herd of 80 swlno on tho farm of charles mcdougall guelph town ship 23 of the hogs were destroyed and tho balance vaccinated and quar antined the disease is a rare one and this is the first serious outbreak in this district tho animals were killed on instructions fiom dr rich ardson of the provincial veterinary inspectors department who lnvcsti- etedthe circumstances in order to prevent the disease spreading no place like homo this new ballad by walt llason tho wollknown american writer will bo appreciated tq add a local touch to tho composition we havo substituted a word in tho last line mid pleasures and palaces though i may wend i find the homo merchant a much valued friend tho mall order catalogue wooes me in vain for to buy without seeing gives mo a pnln tho homo merchant credits till pny day arrives ho knows all tho whims of hin friends and their wives his overalls wear like buckskin- of old his buttons alat brass if ho tells you theyre eold of every community lie is a inrt and even the kids know tho path to his heart he boosts for tho chapel the i oil go and tho school community up- llfe is ever his rule and even the bisoball team looks kindly on him in thi ntlilotlc dream id rather have birr nt my elbow each day than to iml with someone furlongs away let ui make the thing mutual and stand by our friend theres no place like acton for money to spend many people are almost crippled with corns- hut it is needless suf fering which can bo speedily ended with hollowaya corn remover rice pudding thechildren will like mothers realize the healthful prop erties of rice and its importance in a childs diet but often find that the klmple methods of iorvlng it boiled or at a baked custard become monoton out ahd dismmerm riy cuiiiutmrntir with fruit it takes on an entlrejy dif ferent appearance which is sure to ap- ial to tho childs appetite and al though its flavor i also changed it carries tho same amount of nutriment in fact more becauso fresh fruit is rtlno beneficial this pudding which is easily pre pared can he hoi ved as a main lun cheon or supper dish for children and with a few added touches becomes a dainty dessert for tho growaups boil ono cup of rlco in a uart of salted wator until very soft- drain the rice add a cup of mllh and then cook until it is like niubh add a tujkflikwn of butter half a cup of stugar a tablespoon of lemon juice and a little of the grated rind and two wellbeaten eggs arrange im a well- buttered enameled warn baking dish tjrslaco halved ripe peaches over the otface with split blanched almopd in each cavity if desired then brush over with melted butter and spunkio thickly with powdered hufiiir bako sua hot oven iibout thirty minutes for the children serve it phi in either hot or cold from the dish in wlrlch it was baked for tho growmup pre- lnre a hard sauce ns usual heat well them fold in some peach pulp to flavor wo 11 also if desired tils btirfiy beaten white of on egg vlcts working on the road they were hesiel like oullmry workmen and to a stiangci there wai nothing t3 indicate that they were prisoners while i was watching thcm work u itigc toiuist automobile came along nn2 became stuck in a mud hole the dilvei got out and calling to u pris oner who was woi king near by said hey jou theie have you got tlmo to give us i little lift oh yes replied tho prisoner pit nty of time twentylive years howethoughts the family the home is really the foundation not only pf society in gon- eral but also of the church the millers worm powders not only m ike the infantile system untenable fm woimt but by their action on the stomach liver ind bowels they coc- o a biliousness and other internal disor ders that the worms create children thiivo upon them and no matter what condition their worm- fes ted stomachs may he in thoy will show lmprovo- irent as soon as the treatment begins a question of etiquette tho mis it can of tho house says the aigonaut engaged a new servant and gave her instructions how to behave when answering her bell one even ing she rang for a glass of milk and wnl surprised to see martha appear with the glass grasped in her hand oh martha sho said always bring the milk to me 0a a tray martha apologized and promised to remember in the future a week later the mistress rang and mado the same request this time martha appeared with the tray and theinllk emptied into 1t amdousto please sho curtsied and inquired shall i bring you a spoon maam or will you lap it up staon stove awe v lish bfuff ww miller 1st mortgage real estate bonds paying 6i 7 int t j hannigan phone 574 guelph private wires to atatn exchantea chut ch is x ho home enlarged nnd spiritualized a prize wan offered for the best definition of home some 5000 an swers were received among which ntie the following the golden netting in which the m bjhtest jewel is mother tho only rpoton taith where the fuulth nnd failings of fallen humanity ait hidden under the mantlo or char uy- a little hollow scooped out of tho windy hill of the world where we can be shielded from its caies and annoy- nrceh homo is the central telegraph office oz humun love into which iuii in- mimeiable unes of affection though vhtxltf 1ast year in ontario 900 firrnera f bams were burned the very heavy loss bpme by these farmers was fox the greatetpart the penalty of inadequate protection wooden barns dry as tinder bunt into a blaje that no human efforts could ehrrk mtal roofingami s forms the protection you need for your barn well grounded it is positively lightning proof and resists fire from within and without bemetont council standakor cuamnteed quality the council stamdard tine creates viloe for your m in metal rooeuc and aid bf ak as fac fall panlcalinv leo leatham acton ont extending ttiousjinds ot ihiles are ntver disconnected from the ono great terminal when lnaioieon asked mndamo cnmpan what tho fvench nation need ed most she answered mothers so if we arc asked what this country most needs todny wo answer edu cated consecrated womanhood we may pray preach nnd legislate for better times in church and state but snch thinga mark the homecircle as their birthplace o campbell morgan says my father came into my house soon after i was married and looked around we showed him into every room and then lu his rough way ho said to me yes lt5is very nice but nobody will know walking through here whether you be long to god or the devil i went through nnd looked at the rooms again and i thought ho is quite right so we mado up our minds straightway that there should be no room in our house henceforth thnt had not some mcasago by picture or wall text for overy corner which should tell that we at any rate serve thu king there is a way to reach the heart e en of the most hardened a young widow in berlin on returning home after a short absence found a note lying on her table madam i came with the inten tion of robhlngyou but tho sight of tho little room decorated with relig ious pictures and those two sweet lit- tr children sleeping in their hed have touched my heart tho small amount of money lying in youi drawer i leave untouched and i take tho liberty of leaving fifty rfollnrs beside mako your home beautiful bring to it flowers plant then- around you to bud and to bloom let them klve to your loneliest hours let them bring light to enliven your gjoom if you can do so o mitko it an eden of beauty and gladness nlmoit di vine twill teach you to long for that home you are needing the earth robed in beauty beyond this dark time j d r how to treat ivy poisoning pile sufferers can you answer thse question do you know why ointments do lot give you quick an- lasting remef why cutting and operations fail io you know the causo at piles la infernal that there is a sturiiivion of blood in the lower bowel ft to you know that there in a harm- tn internal remedy discovered by dr leonardt and known as hbmhoid how pold at i t hnhirlt riid f1rc- in the early stages of iv iiohmnliig remedies having a fatty or oily base such as ointments should not be used as the grenso or oil tends to dls- olve and spread the poison accord ing to spccitlkth of tho united states i partment of agriculture instead thoy advlye simple remedies such as local applications of solutions of cook ing soda or of epsom salt one or two- heaping sxuonfulls to a cup of water fluid extracts of grlndelln diluted with 4 to 8 parts of watei is often used soiutlop1 of this kind nay be ap- pled with light blindages or clean clnthn which should be kept moist nnd should b changed and discarded frequently to avoid infection euring tho night or when moist applications can not be used the poisoned surfaces should be carefully craned out and dried iind left exposed to the air rather than tightly bandaged in the later stage after the- toxic material tins exhausted itself zinc oxide oint ment and similar mild antiseptic and nhtrlngent applications hasten hpallng glsttf every wheie thnt is guaranteed hhmitoid banishes piles by re- ovlnjt thp cause by freeing blood circulation in the lower bowel thin simple home treatment has an almost unhellevublo record for sure safo and lusting relief to thousands of pilesick sufferers and saves tho needles pain and expense of urn operation try hemhoid today it wilt do the i mjpo for you v i the oil for the athute in r dow h tics athlete will find tsft tlomas isclectrlc oh on excellent ar ticle it renders the muscles nnd sin ews pliable takes the soreness out of them and strengthens them for strains tbnt mtiyhe put upon them it standi pi eminent for this puriose and athletes who for yearn have been us ing it can testify to its value as a lubricant bank of montreal established 1817 sintimary of assets and liabilities 30th april 1926 assets gold dominion note and sihrar coin 7452065628 depotit with central gold reaarre 1500000000 dcpoaits made with and balances due from other banks in canada 14839703 balance doe by b and banking corres pondents elsewhere than in canada 1722487998 call and snort loans on bonds debentures and slock 14246s583s dominion and provincial government sccnri- tiea 9345644471 ra a other bonds debentnres amd stock 356610406 canadian municipal securities and british foreign and colonial public securities other than canadian 3359986770 notes and cheques ot other banks 2550782263 united states and other foreign currencies 125937465 loans and discounts and other assets 31782025583 bank premises 1195000000 liabilities of customers under letters of credit aa per contra 1258189790 74913235712 liabilities to public notes in circulation 4167444200 deposits 63241 21 s575 letters of credit outstanding 1258189790 other liabilities 79056131 6874s9p5696 excess of assets over liabilities to public 6167330016 l j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist w1lx he at a t browns druo stoiuk acton monday jiih 5th anyone suffering crom eye s rain defective vision or headacho should not miss- the opportunity of conaoltink this eyesight specialist appoint ments may be mado with mr a t brown drufiglst consultation freh v office hours 9 a nt till 4 p m railway time tables at acton anadian nationahailways foo no no no no no- no no no no going west sunday only j 10 41am 745 a m 229 p nx 1509 p m going eabt sunday only 708 p ra 705 am 1148 am 335 p m 617 p m 8 13 p nx canadian national electric railways westbound daily haily dasly daily dally dally daily dully dolly 755 955 12 24 755 am 955 am 1155 am 155 pm 3 55 pm 555 im pm pra- jxnx eastbound daily 658 anx dnllly dally daily dally itouy daily dally jnay 937 am 1137 an 137 p m 337 pan 537 ptn 737 pno 937 pm 1135 pm toronto terminal keele street and st clair avenue n freight delivered by special express freight fretlght picked up at any ad dress in toronto real estate and insurance get our list of farms and town property before buying vjfo may have just what you wont and are looking for at prices and terms to suit you agent for confederation life association london xalncashire fireinsurance london lanca shire guarantee and accident company of canada prompt and courteous attention given your business solicited residence mill and wallace st a r telephone 105 acton motttrrat-flet- chers csastorij is es pecially prepared to re lieve infants in arms and chltdrenallages s qf constipation flatu lency winirxolic and diarrhea allaying feverislitntss arising therefrom and by regulating the stojjiach and bowels aids the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural sleep to avoid imitations always took for the signature of cjtantujut absolutely harmless no tipsates fhysiciaas everywhere recommend ft collections we handle collections only 35 years experience speaks for itself assuring efficiency and re liability kelly aiken collectors orange vi lie and owen sound kef standard bank of canada yes you can auixt on monday for your thorough training at guelph business college sessions all year individual instruction theres a good position for you when trained this week one ofpur ybung men started in the ofllce of a manufacturing concern at a sal ary of over 10000 per month get the training start nowl a 1 bouck principal and proprietor notice to creditors the creditors of mary storey of the village of acton widow who died on the 17th day of april 1926 at number 61 rtmhbnook ave toronto and of elizabeth sfbreyrof the said village of acton spinster who died on the 25th day of february- 1926 are re- qulrcd to send to the undersigned so licitor their full names addresses and descriptions full particulars of their claims and the nature of tho security if any held by them and this notice being given in pur suance of sec 56 of the trustees act rs o chap 121 and amending acts notice is hereby given that on and after tho 21st day of june 1926 the executor tuid administrator will proceed to distribute tho assets of tho said deceased persons among tho par ties legally entitled thereto and ho wilt not bo responsible for any claim of which ho has not then received no tice dated at acton this 20th day of may 1926 jeremiah boll executor of mary storoy estate and administrator of elizabeth storey estate by h n farmer acton ontario his solicitor 473 savagett company ewellers china silverware lower wyndham st phone 571 guelph x j 4

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