8artonlm3prwij0 thursday august 12 1020 v the call of the campfire if youll build tho flro and draw tho water john ill paro tho tatcrs and put tho kct tlo on wo 11 have cbgo and bacon and a tasty bit of stew they will all be reudy ulum tho folks aro duo wont they como a- whooping when thoy sot a sniff of tho tat era and the bacon and a whlit of tho steaming coffeepot tho cheery call hilioo brfcnirs them round tho exunpflro to tho barbecue you talty nboutryour cafes and jour lunchrooms your dinners your cocktails and your silver spoons 1 but the susllns frylnpan the crispy baconsbat are tit another clabu you can bet your hat bertha price twenty years ago from the isaua of the fro press of thursday augut 16 1906 rev j c wilson haa again boon appointed convenor of tho sabbath school commltteo of guelph prcaby tery for the year a mr john brown ensineer for tho acton tanning co has purchased the dwelling on willow street be longing tcr the estate of the late john t elliot mr n f iooro has succeeded mr w j humphries us local manager for r noble in hlb grain and flour business here clvlo holiday last wednesday was an exceedingly warm day but several enthusiasts on too local howling qut 9m f rraa ljiirt targ washtub day b c a stephens sl green wcro evidently utterly oblivious to tho heat until a little lass who re sines in tlie neighborhood and who had been an interested spectator in nocently came out with oh in koln away from this botllns reen st albans sunday school held their mutual plcnlo at erin in stanley fork on wednesday civic holiday between forty and fifty of the acton young people spent civic holiday ex ploring the rocks at bockwood they were chaperoned by mr and mrs a b mclean mrs vf saycm and reeve and mrs swackhamor the town fathers convened at one of their fretjuont special meetings on thursday evening wltta a view to gather together receipts and expendi tures for the current year to fix the bylaw for passing the tax rate at their meeting on monday eventnsr the result on monday evening was a 19 mill tax rate for this year died mclam at acton on saturday even ing august 12 1906 james mclam in his s4th year barnes in the general hospital guelph on sunday august 12 sarah blhon wife of hodgett barnes aged 27 years mcluvbalelen at tacoma wash- on thursday july 26 1306 alby son of hugh s mclaughlin acton aged 17 years z a willing martyr v schoolteachers sometimes ask their pupils queer questions if one xny believe a story told by the 76ungest member of the withington family c his mother one morning discovered a shortage in her supply or pies baked the day before and her suspicions fell upon johnny- johnny she said do you know what became of that cherry pie that was on the second shelf of the pantry r tes maam he replied i ate it but i had to you had to exclaimed his aston ished mother what do you mean child the teacher asked us yesterday if any of us leonid tell her how many tones there are in a cherry pie and i couldnt and out without eating the whole pie could it theres just one hundred andrtytwo ht that quiet old cnnndlan col lege whore the writer once ipent four plea3ht years tho sophomores were wont to celebrate an unhallowed festival known ns washtub day it usualu came off on a mondoj evening during the first fortnight of tho fall term as tho twilight fell the class presidents horn ould sound and would be fptloued by responsive toots from various quarters of mjjo campus y as soon as the sophomores had all gathered they were told off in puirs und given tho solemn injunction go forth and gather in tho tubs in pairs tney scattered throughout tho town which was at that tlmo little more than a large country vil lage of four or five thousand inhabi tants the business in hand was to capture washtubs which on a mon day evening would often be found set out at back doors or in outhouses and sheds not difficult of access suc cess lay in bringing in tho greatest number of tubs if tho family stock of underwear was still in soak so much the better it was brought along an many as twentyseven tubs were known to have been collected on one such raid and as fabt as they were tinght 1n the were ranged in a row all mothers can put away anxiety regarding their suffering children when thejrhave mother graves worm exterminator to give rellefl its ef fects are sure and lasting leaders quickness in repartee is credited to paderwakl a gentleman once intro duced the pianist to the champion popoployer of england and added i trust you will bo good friends for you axe both leaders of your separate professslons though of course they are very different not so very different quickly responded the great pianist my new- friend is a dear soul who plays polo whereas i am a dear pole who plays solo did you evkb stop jl30ib3nhl by edson r walte secretary shawnee okla board of commerce william h hedge president of tht publie utilities advertising as sociation and the man whs nam ed and helped to pioneer the customer ownership plan of utility preferred stock distribu tion sayst- that the electric gas telephone and electric transportation com panies are nowfully alive to the valuo of regular newspaper ad vertising and are using it on an efficient and economical basis throughout the united states that newspaper advertising is tho backbone and principle re liance of all wellplanned adver tising programmes by tho utili ties and that upwards of to per cent of all of the advertising ex penditures of these companies is for spaco in the newspapers largo and small that the occasional oldfashioned utility executive who imaglnod that tho editorial opinion of the american nowspapers could be purchased by advertising space or otherwise is now as rare as tho medievalist who believed that printing was ono of the arts of the devil that advertising has shortened by onehalf tho tlmo that would have been needed without it to obtain ujo presont widespread use of electricity gos and tele phones in tho homes of the people that advertising has had a pow er in reducing tho rates charged for those services and in holding them down to prewar levels while the general cost o living lft still up more thnn vs per cent l the greatest thing that can happen to progirssslvs well- managed utilities would ba universal knowledge ef thair business and problems the modern utility believes in frank publicity of its affairs thatadvertjslng is the best medium for gthjno the tests impressed upon thepubllo mind t copyright i j yv round the ateps at the south end of the sophomore hall the object of it all so far as it had any was or had been originally to have the tuba for water to duck he freshmen when they ventured to hold their first olassmeeung but later on the raid was often mado even when there was no use for the tubs often they would be left standing there all the next dayr until tho distressed householders came to re claim them some or them stood there for weeks and never saw their rightful homes again it is ditneult at this distance to see how such a tublifting differed from any other petty larceny tho dis appearance of the tuba was a sourco of embarrassment and anxiety to many a hardworked housewife my own class when we came to be sophomores did not prove especially successful on washtub night we were able ns i remember to collect but seventeen or eighteen tubs and two of those were merely keelers moreover a somewhat laughable se quel followed the sequestration of the tubs and one of our number doady park received an objectlesson which did him more real good than any thing else he learned during hla four years at college doady his name was theodore was something of a dandy during his frdahman year and indeed was called dandy park for a while he was ono of two sophomores who captured a tub full of little shirts shifts socks and nightgowns at a tenement placo down near the cottonmill by the river they had a hard time carry ing that tub of wet clothes all the waj up to the college hall and it was not until the next morning that doady discovered that somehow during tho night he had lost his ring it was one his mother had given him and was greatly prized as an heirloom in the park family doady was distressed about it be fore prayers the next morning we saw him searchsng round the halls after- warda when he told us of his loss we all searched the grounds but in vain during the morning the owners of many of the tuba had appeared on the scene several of them in a surprising ly bad humor and carried away their property in the course of time it htfcrt come to be pretty well understood through the town that if a washtub disappeared jt had probably made a midnight excursion to the sophomore dormitory at the college that day passed but during tho following forenoon a ragged terrified- looking urchin was seen stealing across the campus being accosted by one of the juniors he thrust a crump led slip of paper into his hand and cut away as for dear life the slip of paper was found to bear the following message written in a cramped hand with purple ink evi dently a long and painful effort if the fine glntleman as stole my wash and the toob along with it is wishful for his ring back can do so by calling on bridget ohara mill strete with her com- plumunts an ought to lose it and surve him good and right but it is an oncst woman i hes an so no more of it by this time doadys loss was known through tho college tho grin ning junior handed the ia ovcrto him forthwith but as might be ex pected doady wan not wishful for personal interview with the onest woraav on mill strete he coaxeil two of the other boys to go down and get the ring and gave them five dollars to hand to her as a reward for her indignant honesty among them they fixed up a fine old story to account for the presence of the ring in the tub the emissaries found bridget at home but hnd no success with her she insisted op seeing with her own eyes whether the ring would fit their fingers it did not doady had small delicate hands even the five dol lars failed to move her itll all thaves ye are up at the college 01m thlnkln said she if yed thave a toob yod thave a ring and its myself that wull folnd the man whoso finger lji fits the boys came track you will have to face the music doady they said thereupon doady sent a letter to her a ceremonious courteous epistle by a messenger asking her to call at tho collcice bring tho ring with- her and receive the reward mrs o hara replied that she never went out call ing on fine glntfcmcn there bcjng clearly no help for it dondy plucked up courage and set off in person taking his chum charley thurston to skirmish outside tho- door in case the whole clan of oharas nhould be set upon him it was mrs ohara herself who opened the door when doady knocked and the only members present of her large family were three little shavers eating bread and milk at the kitchen table thin it was you was it sho ex claimed when with a great show of courtesy glossing over his uhame- facedhesa doady announced his busi ness ah no doubt of it i can see it in the meechln look on your face ilut i must see your hand ah yes she continued when doady had extended his right hand for her inspection theres the small large red jtnjcers would grasp ml puihlng iln back she humped his head vigorously against the wall wld her complumunts she re pcated bumping him again an if none of er monej that i want bump bump but why did o stale if bump bump wld all mo chlldirs clothes in if bumpbump an if e tuk tho toob and all for a joke an ye saj ye did why did je- no bring it back home agin i ask bum bump wld all the fine tcachln they give je at the greit college could they not toach ye to bo more a glntleman bump bump an now be oft wld je befme 1 forglt that jour nilthcr think- the world an all of your pink face i hope she can make a man of e with a last aeries of bumpi she turned doady loose and gave him a parting push out ofdoors charley who had been hoverln about over heard much of what passed and he thought it too good to keep to him self doady never heard the laat of his aunt bridgets washtub to this day even whenever wo have i class reunion ho is pretty certain to be asked concerning the old ladys health it is but justice to park to add that he accepted his chastisement in a good spirit i have often heard him say that mrs ohara beat more common sense into his head during the three minutes she had hin by the ears than he had sained in arty three years of his luxurious home life whos who in wheat ottawa based on a press roport stating that j c mitchell of dahtnda saskatchewan intended to try to win back the wheat crown at the inter national show at chicago tho new york sun recently published tho fol- lowing editorial under the heading whoa who in wheat montana supplied to tho world its champion wheat grower last year when i p yates of fishtail in that state captured tho title at the in ternational gram hay and stock show in the autumn jn chicago but canada does not intend to let the hon or stay south of tho interjmtlonai boundary line if its farmers can drs it north tho dominion now an nounces that j c mitchell dull in du saskatchewan who has already been cock of the walk three times will be a contestant thia fall mr mitchell was not in the contest in 1925 but ho will bo on the shore of xnke michigan this summer this international competition was instituted fifteen years ago and can ada has taken the blue ribbon thirteen times seaser wheler of rothern saskatchewan succeeded in finding tho tup five times nobody elso has touched mr wheelers record in this achievement canadas hope this year has a typi cal pioneers history he come to am erica in 1006 from manchester eng land v did not havo any capital he took up a quartersection of land forty miles from the railway and went to work now he farms 800 acres nnd is asking tho canadian de partment of agriculture to register a new potato he hu developed which appears to be all that a spud can de sire to be- today a railway crosses the mitchell farm and the homestead la a ahowplacb mr mitchell has spent very little time telling other persons that there is not a chance for a man today he went out and mado his chance and he did npt make it by loafing during the wheat aeasons either boys best nilckd is his mother whllo plodding on out way tho toil some road of life how few tho frlonds that daily there we meet not many will stand by in troublo and in strife l x with counsel and affection ever sweet but there la one whose smtlo ever on us seems whoso love is denrer fai any other and wherever we may turn this les son wo will learn a boys best friend is his mother chrr too polite it is well tobe thoughtful of other peoples feelings but in all things it is well to bo discreet this is the moral of an amusing tale found in short stories at a recent church dedflcatlon the preacher who was a stranger follow ed up his sermon by an earnest up- peal for the balance of the money needed to pay for tho building tho collectors went round and promises came in as the subscrip tions were one after another road a collector announced tho fivo black children one dollar the courteous preacher quickly amended the state ment by announcing plvc llttte coloredpeople ono dollar amidst an outburst pf merriment the pastor hastily explained that the donors were whho children tot tho name of black then cherish her with core and smooth her sllv ry hair when gone you will never get another and wherever wo may turn this les son we will learn a boy s best friend is his mother though all the world may frown and every friend depart she never will forsoko us in our need our refuge evermoro la still within her heart for us her loving sympathy will al ways plead her pure and gentle smile forovcr cheers our way tia sweeter and tla purer than all other when sho goes from earth awaj well and out when wo stray a boys best friend is his mother 1 her fond and gentle face not long will greet us hero let us cheer her wbth our kindness ami our love remember at her kneo in childhood bright and dear we heard her voice like angel from above j though after years may bring tholr gladness or their woe her love 1s sweeter far than any other and our longing heart will learn wherever wo may turn a boys best friend is his mother theso three chudron vwllliam now in chicago richard of ingcrsoll and mary who dlnl over fifty years ago u ycvi oi so after kho had married altxinkr ii hi own the father of a thuitoll lh own druggist sunday school supei in undent chairman of the hjdio commrihinn who celebiat- cj his hilvtt eddlnt with mlna walkt1 his wife at kilgewood park luat wqek hud a gre it mother and alio motheied them with a great niothcihood and when thurtell biowna mother lejft him a tiny babe ho suddenly nhe mo tin red him as well and uh lone uh she lived well i started out to tell ou about rlcluo thurtell ho whs a real boy oyejy inch of him ho entered into tlie hoys sports with a vim and play ed haid at thtm he was whth them in tholr iranks and scrapes too and got out of some of them more slickly than others he was smart at school learned fast and some of us thought ho was a favorite with mr little tho schoolmaster s anyhow ho got along well at school and he wasnt afraid of work nights and saturdays ho used to work about tom mllburna drug store where they put up hag- yard s yellow oil and pectoral bal aam and other proprietory remedies rlchlo and tom kennedy washed bottled and stirred up the yellow oh old mi mckenzlo had concocted and helped to bottle and label it first thing wo knew dick had gone to quelph and apprenticed himself to a b petrlo to learn the drug business and he was very attentive to it i remember the first time he came home from guelph foi a holiday ho brought with him a package of gum drops and was very generous with them in distributing them around among tho hoys the years passed by quickly nnd wo next heard of richie as in buhlncsft for himself in tees- water then ho bought a larger busi ness dn ingcrsoll which he conducted successfully for a good many years now hes retired and taking the world easy as ho deserves and one ankles in danger tho london dancing maiiter who is sued a public in nlnr that i fort nlhht of laiu lug the cli ukston would add an inch ai more to tho th tknesn of the unklbh h h prbihl 1 1 nilt red tho young ii nt i ttion try iluablo ser vice iei now and then there arises nomd fad some guucho and gracelewh lot m of phisicut contor tion which appeals tu tlia hectic spirit of- tho 1 1 bee iuso it is peculiar and been u at it tenda toward the sons i- tlonal and this fad is nit to bo in dulged in madly until it 1h super seded by some other in others the tendencj is obvious anil undeniable in older da a when there was more time for oeiythlng including living people paid one attention to deport ment to cm r luge to phjaical appenr- ajricejuiil control todny it is to be feared thntiinjct from tho enthua- lastlcs such things are remarked mainly for their absence anything that tends to remind the public that gracefulness is not incompatible with common sense is a good thing qlrls dancing the charleston are indulging whether intentionally or not in a form of gyralng motions that brings out every giucoful cure and is of ter- pslchorcun abandonment but sug gestive of the very lowest forms the knowledge that they aro also thick ening their ankles is more likely to muko them stop jt than any other argument a grand day nico customs courtesy to great kings so also do lesser things go down before tho ono great game london answers tolls of an old scot tish gentleman and a youth who had spent the whole day on tho golf links and as is often tho case with particu larly enthusiastic players bad had some remarkably closo and exciting karnes as they left for home the old man remarked hey mon but its been n gran day u has the youth affronted think ye ye could come ngalp on the morrow lntdip well the young man onswerort reflectively i wosjo be married hut i can put it off bl1ezer thorntons silk handkerchief i don t think i over told you the story of ellezer thorpton u bilk hand kerchief el lexer lived ovep in erin township between fifty and shity years ago his sinter who y roft ried and lived in buffalo camp ove on a vitilt and of couihe she brought somo presents for the family she gave ellezer a silk handkerchief whjoh ho prized veiy highly especially afor his bisters death and thought too good to use his wife insisted that ho carry it oh several occasions but he flatly declined and laid it away in his bureau drawer above all else his wlfo detested moths every spring she dusted snuff nnd cayenne pepper liberally wherever tho moths were likely to appear and in ellcxers bureau she camo across the silk handkerchief saying to her self it isnt flkely ho will ever use it she unfolded it put a quantity of the powder in it folded it ugaln and put it back in place euezer and his wife wcro charter members of the grange so popular among us farmers in those days and ehoier v as very much elated when he was elected chaplain on tho night of an initiation he read his purt over and over again so that ho should mako no mistake and took particular pains to dress for the occasion after dress ing ho opened his drawer and put his allk handkerchief in his pocket thinking mandy will never again say that i think my suk handkerchief too nice for use the initiation proceeded beautifully until lilexor thought it time to lis piay his silk handkerchief as the candidates were approaching his desk he reached into his pocket drew out his handkerchief by one corner gave it a flirt to unfold it then raised it to his nose worthy brothers and sisters ker- chow said euezer agriculture is tho first and noblest kerchowl kerchoo responded henry wiley korchee echoed his wife kerchaw cacheot instantly came from james and grace j what in thunder is tho matter with you aver there anyway demanded tho maater kerchoo kerchoo kerchee i move we take a recess said the overseer it was seconded and car ried instantly mandy rushed over to eliezors desk euezer thornton let me see your handkerchief yes it is your silk one l stcn while i ex plain nnd sho did so to the satisfac tion of all present it was somo time before they finished the initiation afterwards the janitor who was not at the meeting when sweeping the hall wondei ed why he was seized with such paroxysms of sneezing of his sons 1h running the business rlchlo always enjoys coming back home on a visit ho seemed to have a good time here last week and charlie cook what a career he has had hes been tho wldo world o or but always- rejoices to get back home ever since ho was a little tike and came hero with his father and mother rev r b cook and- mrs cook from cupo rich up in grey county hea called acton home and this is quite natural his father and mother lived and died here and now sleep in falrvlew cemetery just few yards from their earthly home on talrviow avenuo and his brother ed and family now reside n tho old homesteud x think of chntylo one summer day at school when ho and ed rarmer were tusseling at school when they were both iupila under mr little ed- threw charlie down heavily and in the fall charlies arm was broken vid was badly scared and frightfully hlti mark round your finger an now leta see if ifsna nt nd pro- duoins he rlnr from har pocket sho tried it on that where it belonrs no doubt of if and its bridget ohara who returns it to its place wld her coniplumortts win her complumunts ys little spalpeen before doady realised wrsftt- ww comln she asd fnbbed win trur esim with as janoh rf wj millers worm powders seldom fall they immediately attack tho- worms and expel them from the system they are complete in themselves not only as a worm destroyer but as a highly beneficial medicine for children cor recting weak digestion and restoring the debilitated system to healthful ness without which the growth of tho child will be retarded and its constitution weakened well done biddyi an inspector visiting a school in the country was asking the children general knowledge questions now children said he i wonder if any of you can tell me what an average is there wan nllenco for a while then a little chap at tho back jumped up and said please alk its a thine to lay eggs on a thing to lay eggs on but what makes you say that tommy 7 well sir mother says our old hen lays slot eggfl a week on in average for scalds and burns- dr thomas kclectrlc oh is a standard remedy for the prompt treatment of scalds and burns its healing power quickly soothe the pain and aids n speedy recovery from the injury it is also an excellent remedy for all manner of cuts bruises jind sprains as well as for relieves tho pains arising from inflammation of various kinds the old boys visiting home ltrst week i wrote about the visit of austin tubby of toronto to tho haunts of his boyhood and the pleas ant time he nnd our editor a school mate had in rambling about tho old town during thoavcek my old heart luw been gladdened to eo two othora of our old boys visiting tho old home nnd their boyhood friends and school mates i wa deliehted tho tlrat of the week to meet my old friend richard thurtell of rngersoll on the utreu wo wci o school boys togother for many a dny in tho old stono hchoolhouso here a few days inter i mot charlie cook well thats what wc used to nail him when ho wars running about the at roots hero and going to school let mo bob yes between fifty and sixty years ago mnry says i ought to be more digni fied now inasmuch as he in rcall the rev charles a cook d d an4 hus boon minister in some of tho big churches of tho united stales but hos always been charlie to me an i goehh ho always will he most of the hoys referred to it n thurtoll as dick mr llttlo in- varlnhly railed him klchmd but to me ho was nlwayfl rlchlo this was his mother s pet mime nnd i sup pose t was because of my great re- pect for hla mother that i adopted it i can see mi s thurtell in her homo there on mndn street noxt door to that of her brother rdwaid nick hn with her family of two sons and a daughter the hniiric stood whei a mr nt ison lamberts fine two story hi lck residence is now built ten yearn ago by thtx lato david koss a great sorry in 3lx or seven weeks how ever charllo was quite whole again and ns chcrk as ever in 1873 i think it was charlie went to toronto to tako a position in a wholesale house naturally he sought good company in tho city and formed the acquaintance of a band of fine young men in jarvls street baptist church he showed an aptltudo for public speaking and attracted the at tention of leaders in tho church in a little while charlie was a marked man ho fclt a call to preach tho gosp tho way was opened to him for tljls and his jnryui street friends assisted and encouraged fm to t a course lr theology jn pupgeons college in tondpn en te college course was tnkoh an clarllp came back o canada ho was calfed to be pastor of pai uumea street baptist church toronto his bpyhood8 lady loye awaited im n aoon ani he was true to her ho jod emma matthows to tho altar in acton and then took hei to toronto to preside with her wellknown grace and dignity over tho parliament street parsonage during bis busy time as city pastor charllo took time for wide and help ful reading and writing in a contest for an essay on stewardship for i prize offered by senator john macdon- ald ho won tho prize and an honoc- urium of j 500 00 chnrllos talents and attainments as a pastor became wldospread and he was called to an important church nt bloomfleld n j a residential city adjacent to new york for business folk of tho metropolis for seventeen years ho labored there with success when the chutfc at large desired a superintendent tor the stewardship department of tho church throughout the united statres our charlie now rev j5r cook was chosen for that important position for live years he filled the position with great sat isfaction this however required travelling up and down the land and little of home life i cellng that he had done his whole duty in this office he retired and reentered the pastor ate nt butte mnotana with a church of willing workers and a burden of church debt ho went in wth enthus iasm in four or five yeara jtjie dob was annihilated and charlie and his faithful co- worker retired intending to tako life easy residing nt tho home of their son at seattle wash but a church there needed a pastor and jdr cook stepped into the breach for bevcratyeara ho has labored there with gratifying success ho is now on six months leave of absence while his pulpit is being supplied by an other canadian rev mr hi at late of the baptist book room toronto dr cook preached with much ac ceptancc inst sunday jn the baptist church where his father was the pastor in his boyhood on sunday august 22nd i believe he is to occupy the pulpit of tho united church acton for which church he always has had kindly feelings because in it ho says ho wan persuaded to take a public step toward his christian life work i bcllovo charlie and emma aro hav ing a veiy enjojublc visit amid the scenes of their childhood and youth mothers value this oil mothers who know how suddenly croup may seize their children and how neces sary prompt action is in applying re- lief always keep at hand a supply of dr thomas eclectxlc oil because ex perience has taught them that this is on excellent preparation for the aliment and they aro wise for its various uses rentkr it u valuable medicine wilsons flylllpads will kill many times more files for the money than any otheir oy killer each pad will kill flies all day every day for three weeks at all grocers drue- gists and general stores 10c and 25c per package great rejoicing by rheumaticcripples if so crippled you cant use arm or legs rheums will help you or nothing to pay got a bottle of rheuma today and wear a satisfied smile on your face to morrow its a remedy that is astonishing the whole country and its just as good for gout sciatica and lumbago as for rheumatism it drives the poisonous waste from the joints and muscles thats tho sec ret of itheumas success but wo dont ask you to take our word for it go to b j hassard or any good druggist nnd get a bottle of rhouma today if it doesnt do as we promlso get your money back it will be there waiting for you keens free recipe book gives recipes for 16 lands of mayonnaise dressings for delicious salads and sandwiches for french russian and italian dres sings or mustard jhckles chowchows and other attractive relishes vvnto for a eppy salads when you make your own dressings do you serve just one kind of dressing with all your salads with keens mustard as the necessary ingredient to give a finishing touch you can make many different varieties of mayonnaise besides many french russian and italian dressings whether you are serving chicken lobster fish vege table or fruit salad give the dressing a touch of individual ity by making it yourself the flavour will be different and betterfand the dressing will cost far less than any you can buy business directory medical dr j a mcniven physlelsn and surgson office and rssldsnoe corner bos avenue and suflo street phons 88 dr e j nelson frederick street aeton ontario legal phone no 12 p o box ml harold nash parmer m a batlstar 8ollcltor notary pubis conveyancer eto perryman block acton ont monet lent on mortgages uoura 9 30 am to s pjn saturdays 12 00 oclock dental dr j m bell d d s l d s onntill honor giuoiutu ut toronto thuyas- slty the latest anestheuu used it desired office h t renldencp corner of afflll and frederick birccts dr f g gollop dds- lds dental 8urason omes over bask of nova 1iours j0 to u branlnas by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made r order periodicals of every deserjptsea carefully bound ruling neatly prompuy done wyndham street qoelph oftf over williams store r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 tears experleaoe iastt yocb property with mb acton ontario colmalt keen canada limited dept 132 lopo amherst street montreal keerfsmiustaid bottle in tlie house and stable snvea wild muck cherry troo towered over many a doctors ana yeterinarys fee the house is a protecting sontlnol skinny men run down men nervous men dont miss this youre behind tho times it you dont know trint cod 14vcr oil extract is ono of tho greatest flouh producer in the world bocauno it containn more vltallilns vltamlnch than any food you can got you 11 bo hlad to know that mc coys cod wor extract tablets como in nuffar coated form now bo if you roaliy want to put 10 or 20 pounds of solid healthy flesh on your bonoa and reel well and strong and havo a com plexion that people will admire akk any druggist for a dqx of mccoys cod live extract tabota 5nly 60 eonta for 60 uiblots and if you dont gain live pounds in 30 days your drugglat la authorised to hand you hack tho money you pnlrt for them it lanl anything unusual for a per son to gain 10 pounds in 0 days and for od people with feebleness over taking them they work wonder our roofing jobs it doosnt matter what kind of roof you want wo aro preparej to do the work and erivo you a flritclasi job our guarantee of workmanship is a real kuitrantae and wo stand back of every contract wo accept if it ibnt right well mako it right let us quo to you on tho next job we also do plumbing heat ing tinsmithing etc and cany a general line of hardware w r e blair phone 14 p o box 607 acton ont a e nicklin insurance agent life the mutual ljfe assurance co of canada fire waterloo mutual insurancei company eagle star and british xomlnton insurance ccv umlted auto accident health burglary insurance etc employees in ability assurance corporatlonst the dominion of canada guar antee and accidents insurance company money to loan on farm proper ty government and municipal bonds trustee for estates qql- lectlons seo me for jail kinds qf insurance- box 4u bower ave acton j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist will ob at a t browns drug store acton monday sept 13th anyone suffering from eye strain defective vision or headache should not miss the opportunity of consulting this ecslght specialist appoint ments may bo made with mr a t brown druggist consultation free office houra 9 a m till 4 p m notice to patrons of this tab- listonent durino hju and august examfhatlons for glosses on thursday friday and saturday only of oaoh wook lena grinding and quick repair de partment operating as usual write in or phono 191 appointment a d savage opometrlst and mfff optician savage optical building right nt tho post offlco guelph 4 the old and reliable granite and marble works wo are manufacturers and direct irrportora of a11 kinds oil monumental and headstone work we sell direct to our customers at wholesale prices thus savinsr our customers 40 per cent wo havo the best appliances and the only mechanics in the dominion who can operate pneumatic tools properly wo can give references from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other places whoro others have to havo law suits in order to colloct we have the lore est and best stock of granite in tho dominion or mora thaui any three dealers in tho west we are icgltl mate dealers and employ nor agent i and do not annoy or pest customers bj sending out ignorant agents solicit- inn orttirs we employ only mechanics ano defy competition amjxton sons quelph ont coooo harvesters wwwv wanted 15 aug isa going to winnipeg p1n h eefat per mfle to point beyond bat not of edmonton macleod and cnlsrr 20 suuou in oataho 9mltk falla to and ladwllns t un nnd hlocltr u to bunfnm junotfan i tsrrunnma pram winnipsia plot k ccat per mile stsitlsc point to wlnnlpm 1 on lk onti dnuaad to port manloetl ssul itsudho dfact uw i fnei station i prom u smtson dlcnt twrll tcmibus73nraiositzlbirsouukndvto vidul nusu fnussn4 windsor from ill stallon en orrrm smsnd walhartaa cmferlckstkuttprtbwnnu umlsttl from all stations toronto and nvrth to bolton fawhutoo all 9- zdtll fhvillstulnntmnuahnmtswusmuln j nua fiviu prom u seauon in ontario th mttufsjcmamm m wlnajor in uk nan w otlalsvirhv- isjiw 1 sjtattwurn i ens t htsntiinn a nosnw i 1 w srciaxtbimn uvica rrom voltotitto tvmlf larllss anil flilli hn ttsistisi l lu ismlnvi rf i r mil infosuauon froos auap cannrllin panmai n ill 11 canadian pacific ii jj