fiufe artmt 3ter fa bb thursday september 2 192 the laughterladen heart h the brook that dances merrily across a meadow pluce reflects tile joy of many a tieo of ninny lowei fuce but oh bomowluio the brook muy wind thrpjtjfh u forgotten town wheio eveiy thing ia tinted giny and diub and brown the brook that dances merrily x with laughter in its voice- may have small reason to be guy to enrol and rejoice it may see much of misery and want and fear and care its voice may be the one glad note upon the air god grant that i may watch the brook and lake its dream for mine until my life may be as bravo and wondeiful una fine an tho alight silver stream thut flings its hunt on high god grant to me a heart that dings until i die margaret e sangster tiissunday school lesson for sunday septemper 5 twenty years ago from the issue of the free press or thursday sep torn bar 6 1906 corn roasting parties aro now popu lar at acton to the toronto exhibition slncos the opening mr j b take has purchased the property at the southeast corner of church and elgin streets from mrs aurarostaurrcr mr john arthurs is having the store on mill street occupied by the flour and feed business of mr robt noble removed back to the widened street line the premises will be 1m proved alao acton cornet band have been onr- saged for rockwood fair october 5th messrs beard more co have re ceived this week at their mill property a flno new forty horsepower boiler and will proceed at once to instal a modern chopping- outfit died mokeague at the residence of her son furby street winnlpey on friday august 34 anna jane widow of the late alex mckeague and mother of dr s a mckeague late of acton in her 79th year communion with god goncral lesson title the tent of meeting scripture lesson exodus 33 golden text jehovah spake unto mooch face to face as a man spcakcth unto his friend exoil 3a 11 ievotlonal reading 2 thebs 3 4 5 713 beginning with we tho text explained 7 tho tent of meeting not the tabernacle whose erection is des crlbcd in chapters 3540 810 pace to face describes pe culiarly close fellowship with god 1216 moses desires thivwho people of israel shall know themselves to be and shall be known by others to be gods chosen people i lesion thames humanitys hunger for god there is not anywhere in this world a tribe or people who aro bo low in tho spirit ual development that they have not belief inflome sort of god an atheist is not a natural man but an unnatur al one who has succeeded in tearing from his soul something that origin ally belonged to it all normal men long to know the unseen spirit to and their way into his presence to british statesmen tour canada o all grocers stock iii time tables at acton twenty jo nfr members of the united kingdoms delegation to the empire parliamentary association conferences in australia in the fall who arrived at quebec on the s s empress of scot land the delegation is headed by the rt hon arthur henderson form er secretary of stato for homo af fairs and vlcochalrmun of the dele- automobiles pass hrough tow hm for a fr incantation gation the marauis of salisbury dally io and from toronto fand charms sacrifices and ceremonies who ia chairman arrived in canada five hundred tickets have been sold fasting and selftorture pilgrimages i earlier and will meet the delegation a vermont geniu8 new england if wo may accept the testimony of tho hardwlck vermont gazette will not let itself ho oytdone i ty ancient greece zeuxls who paint ed grapes so naturally that tho birds came to peck at them has his worthy rival in timothy tripe a bellows palls sign painter tripe completed a mailorder course iln sign painting a few days ago and 6 show his skill and incidentally get a little free advertising he painted a board fence on tho side of a barn that faced on the main street it was a success artistically but it got tripe into trouble at looked so natural that several farmers skinned their knuckles try- ing to hitch their teams to it and numberless english sparrows wore themselves out trying to alight on it they would slip down the side of the barn hit the ground assume a wor ried expression and fly away the climax came recently tripe has a vicious bulldog named francis x bushman the dog chased a took agront down this street the stranger in trying to get away attempted to jump tho fence and drove his head into the barn he recovered suf ficiently to consult a lawyer and a lawsuit may result a national trait a traveller from jaffa tells this tale at his own expense having journeyed to the historical seaport on his way to jerusalem he succeeded in hiring a conveyance to carry him to the sto- tlont by speech and gesture he in formed the native driver that he wish ed to be carried in a leisurely sight seeing fashion through as many as possible of the principal thoroughfares of jaffa and to be delivered at the terminal juat in time to take the out going train he had no sooner seated himself in tho vehicle however than the driv er whipped up his horse and whirled the dismayed traveller at a turlous rate through all the dust and pver all the stones of the notoriously rough streets of jaffa the passenger was tooitnslly enmpolyed in saving his and prayers are among the means men have used in the hope of winning the favor of their god to a world that is hungry for god comes the assur ance that is found in christianity that the heavenly fathers fellowship i to be obtained by simple love and faith symbols of gods presence the israelites looked toward the tent of meeting and worshiped because it symbolised to them the presence of god the very sight of a church building on the busy street of a vast metropolis or set beside some quiet couhtry road brings to mens minds the thought of the divine presence the faith of those who built it the faith of those who worship in it from time to time call to our faith has it even- occurred to you that your church itself and the faithful people who go there to worship are testify ing to the reality and the nearness of ofd has it ever occurred to you that when you walk on your way to tho houseof godyou are remtntrrng those who watch you pass that god is near privilege of personal fellowship the iblble teaches that a man may enjoy personal fellowship with god early in genesis we are told about enoch who walked with god and a little later the same is told us con cerning noah always tho relation ship between god and his faithful servants is described as a personal re lationship jesus christ came into the world our elder brother the son of man and made yet clearer anu strongcr the idea of personal fellow ship between the father and his chil dren moses in this lesson la not only the servant but the friend of god may we too be friends of godl for study and discussion are there any savage tribes any where that have not a belief in some sort of god when all humanity hun gers for some one thing is that not a very strong argument that that very thing exists is it a simple mutter to come to god how may tho ordinary christian in the ranks bear regular and forceful testimony to the reality of god in what ways is it possible for you to experience the sense of gods fellowship dally readings for next week monday exod 35 2029 tuesday mai 3 712 wednesday acts 4 3237 thursday exod 36 17 friday acts 5 111 saturday 2 cor 8 715 sunday psalm 84 112 in vancouver when thej said on the s s aorangi for the common wealth travelling over tho canadian pacific lines the parliamentarians will tour leisurely serosa canada visiting most- of the- principlecities undmak lng a btudy of conditions in this do minion a motor trip from banff to some of the beauty spotsj in the can adian pacific rockies is anticipated before tho party embark for tho anti podes the conferences in australia will bo of an informal nature taking placo in all the states of the commonwealth they will hc mot in australia by rep resent voaof the put uanientu of tho union of south africa southern rho desia malta ncw zealand itnd the legislature of brltmftndla t e dele gatlon is going to assist in t o cele brations in connection tviii tho open- at the salne time nn intensive study pf conditions in that dominion will be made they will obtain first hanl knowledge on economic problems and trade developmentnnd ostudyofthe dominions affairs as a wholle will be mode conference of a similar pa 1924 south african meeting the members of the paity from left to right arc toj row b m o clough sccictary of the south afri can branch sii frank nelson sir howard degville rt hon ran mac- pherson ktc rt hon arthur hen derson chief labor whip rt hon sir eveln cecil g b e dr j h williams major bi yan cooper chair man of the iilsh free state branch senator sir edward coey bigger irish if you want something better try it anadian nailonalrailways going wast no 25 sunday only 1041 a m no 31 74b a m no 33 220 p m no 35 609 p m going ejiit 24 sunday only 708 p m 26 i 70b a m 36 1j48 a m a a no no no no no no 34 1 33s p m 30 617 p ni 38 c 813 pm ine of the new auutralian cap tal butr froo state bottom row 1 a broad a v alexnndm lulte thomphon j b couper sir sydney henn k b e senator michael v oltaiilon irlah preo state w muckinder brig gen crrnnehutritjrooke c mror t s o j q lambi col the hon angud macdone c b c m g dr t turo will be held eyory two yeurs fol- hrummond sldcl mo osmond lowing an ngieoment reached at ho eamondo t d irlah pice stato fine new c p r pier for vancouver the unknown face we do not mean any ghostly phan tom stolen out of a mystery story riot any face of perplexing oddity or sud den surprise we mean just our own no doubt you would readily recog nise your features if you met them on 1he street tou see them in the glass dally and many times a day and probably you think you study them with peculiar care cut that is just the point- whenever you see them you are studying them the expression is conscious arthjclaftiie expression of aaeranrwho le being watched andsiudled tou know what the phojtogtaphcrs ibok pleasant jimkrtfces you know how you feel t5tielslle to see txnmrrgvf and can imagine how you look when the interesting sjown arriving at ufe station he found that he still had two hours to wait why in the world he demanded indignantly did you ever hurry like tha you american responded tho driver with an expressive shrug all american likd go very much fast wetern fair london public jnterast in this great firj j greater than ever before 1 during the past few years the western fair has grown to an lnv- mense exhibition which numbers among the foremost in this country put never be has uaasumedthe great proportions in slxo and interest as this year 1926 this year has found increased ac tivity in every hranch of the fair and entries are being received every day in great numbers made throughout especially to tho live stock buildings which will house a live stock show of exceptional in terest- anong tho many features in this important event will be the show ing of the hest holstcln herds in united states exceptional interest is being shown by all branches of industry and hun dreds of interesting and educational exhibits havo hecn cntdfced already tjie everpqpular midway will sur pass anything ever seen here before with the largest and best array of amusements and shows johnny jones haa over gathered together each afternoon and evening will find an array of attractions before tho grand stand that will please both young nnd old and a great deal of thought has been given to the nightly display of fireworks whlcti will be more magnificent than ever for tho entertainment of those who wish to sit around nnd rest nnd as an accompaniment while roving around the grounds music will be supplied by the best muitty nnd civilian bands in the district the week cjf september 11 to 18 will find thousnpds of visitors from all over tlie country at the fair the tendency being among many to spend the whole week in london no as to receive the benefit and enjoyment of the largest and bent exhibition ever held there your mere curiosity erases them as a wet sponge erases figures on a slate- but they come just the same re- tncmber how you love to watch the kindly look in others and how you shrink and turn away from the ugly srjflthft hatef perha h rwomniy and the consciousness will help you to control the uncomely expressions in yourself or since expressions are nrtot easily controllable and are in any caaean unfailing lndx or the feel- inns that produce them perhaps you wfl sot morebusllyalhutthtask of repressing and subduing feelings that make faces look as you wish that they should not millars worm powders being in demand everywhere n bo sot at any chemists or dru stor at very sm cot jj ft reliable fwedy o worm troubles and can be fullyrelied upon to expel ytyrns from the system and v sufferings that worms couaef thervnro many mothers thnt rjoloe that they found aval table so effective a remedy for the relief of their children you are aware that some one is ob serving ydu thlnk of the expressions you catch on others faces when they are com pletely unconscious not giving a thought to how they look some faces are sweet kindly sympathetic de lightful some faces again often the same faces are sad anxious dreary i others still are harsh bitter angry or selfish remehvber that all those ex pressions are likely to come on your own face too when you loot in the compliment op the day growth of the port of vancouver to proportions that put in on a lovel with the major harbors of tho wopld is indicated by the opening in august and september of the new canadian pacific- railway pier the pier sheds are 103 feot wide and lie n either side of a central depressed track area containing four trackh a twostorey headhousc the full width of the pier is located at the shore- end and thin provides storago space and driveways into the sheds while the upper floor has pnsscngoi handling facilities bag gage room and onlce and store rooms for the companys steamship services- two railway tracks and one travel ling gantry crane will run ajonff the deck outside of the sheds on each side of the pier four depressed tracks will be located on the fill in the centre of the pier for the handling of freight to and from the eliods continuous sliding doors will be installed on both aides of the sheds so that freight may be taken directly through the sheds from the ships nlinpu to cars tho columns supporting the roof on the inboard side of the shed have been set bark 12 fecf from the lino of these doors to avoid tb nopesslty of closely spottlnb cnrs bight marine elevators win be installed on the iiep three on each side and two on the outboard end these elevators will ho of what is known on the pacific coast as the barlow type being so constructed that when the elevator is lowered an apron will project out into the airte- ort of the ship lying alongside thus enabling freight to be moved directly from the ship to the flock by means of trucks most of the coastwise boats load and unload from their hide porta i whle the ocean going steamers of the canadian pacific railway company with the exception of the emm ess of australia uhp side ports for tho load ing and unloading of silk and of bag gage tho deck above thoie barlow elevators wlu bo constructed of a steel bridge which will curry two railway tracks and one crane lall mechan ism wiu be provided so that these bridges muy be hoisted vertically distance of 15- feet thus clearing the elevutoi shafts for the operation of tho elevator two tenton baggage elevators con nectlng the main deck with the bag gage roorn q the upper deck of the hendtiquhb will bo installed on the viaduct there will ulan be installed ono twentyton steam elevator with a platform uih i by 35 feet are you paying interest or receiving it i here is much more satisfaction in receiving interest than in paying it build up your savings account t the banktjfmontrealandletcompouhtlin- tcresthelpyourown efforts togetahead rank of montreal established l8l7 tfcul assets in excess of 73o canadiannational railways westbound dally dally dallly daily dolly daily daily electric dully doily eastbound dally daily dally dally dally v daily dally daily dally 755 aan 955 ajn 1155 aum 155 pm 35 g pm gg5 pm 7g5 pm 955 pjn 12t24 pan g5s am 937 em 1137s jun 137 pjn sstpm 537 pan 737 pjn 937 pan 1135 pjn toronto terminal kesle street and st clair avenue freight delivered by special exprcap freight freight picked up at any ad- iresa in toronto torontokitchener service bus fact and comment persona of a forgiving temper sel dom have much to be forgiven men reach the selfsame goal by roads diverse because my why ia different is is worse discouragement is tho worst mis fortune that can befall a man lt is the death of his strength wo wohder whether donkeys call a donkey that is unusually dull a man to build the houso may not be your affair butyou can keep tho house in good repair the more fully pou are right in a quarrel the easier you will find it to pardon the most fortunato man is he who thinks himself so anger ulriyes away the peace of merfv laughter brings it back again bcforo you hunt for trouble bo sure t yuu knuw wnut yuti a g61ng to do with it when youj find it thought the cure a good one homer i have a terrible toothache its so bad my head feels like the engine of a motorcycle going fast why dont you do whnt i do when i have a toothache whats that i go homo to my wife she puta her arms around my neck kisses mo strokes my hair nnd i forget all about it why dont you try i will homer is your wife at home now mother oraves worm exterminator will drive worms from the system without injury to the child becauso its action while fully effective ie mild why surfer from cornh whenthy can be painlessly rooted out by using hollownys corn remover a tongue twister so sammy so simple soldiers jhave to do tholr own mending when it is done at all and it appearslthpugh few persons would have guessed io that the thoughtful war office supplies them with outfits for that purpose other wise thl joke from the journal of the american medical association would be impossible everything was ready for kit in spection therecrults stood lined up ready for the officer and tho officer had his i bad temper all complete he marched up and down tho line grim ly eyeing each roans bundle of need- 3es and soft soap and then he singled out private mactootle a the man who was to receive his attentions toothbrush he roared yes sir raaort yes sir hold all yes sir hml youre all right apparently growled the officer fhn he barked housewife r qh very well thank youvjutld the recruit amiably hows yours of slight importance again appears a story placing in an amusing light thnt excellent quality scotch thrift this tlmo in the london qplnjon afclntoah to the doctor whom ho had called in the middle of the night ay doctor jnonjm sorry we cart ye on mich a trewlal job to boo we thocht wee wullle hnt nwallowed a hnuf croon but my wife has been coontln up her rhcenge and it turns oot to be only a penny sylvia seemed serious swam six strong strokes said sammy soon sylvia stnrtod swimming splendid shouted sammy she swims spifflngly sylvia seomed somewhat surprised she swum sev eral strokes splash sank save sylvia shouted sammy swimming swiftly shorowurd seizing sylvia sammy shouted shrilly some ships saw sammys serious situation six stalwart sailors saved sylvia silly sylvia bished snnuny shivering slightly she shouldnt start swlm- mlng so soon sylvia swallowed swiftly stupid she shouted short ly sammy seemed shocked sorry sylvia said sammy sylvia smiled sweotly sentence sermons as i growower i pay lens attention to the damaging htorlcs told jtiht before election 1 nm learnlnfc to vnluo the volco of experience above the voice of enthus iasm i find that n lot of things of in calculable wortli have llttlo cosh vnlm i dscover thut it is more fun to llnd good in sluneru than faults in saints i icallzp thnt it does not make people bettor to make them better off i am coming to believe thnt no suc cess pays thnt costs us our children i find more times when i need tho friendship of gfd a prime dressing for wounds in ho mo factories uud worknjioph carbolic ncld in kept for use in cauterizing wounds nnd cuts sustained by the workmen far bettor to keep on hand a bottlo ut or thomas rclecthc oil it is just as quick in notion and does not scar the skin or burn the flesh the little home god send to us a little homo to come back to when we roam low walls and fluted tiles wide windows a view for mllos red firelight and deep chairs small white beds upstairs great talk in little nooks dim colors rows of books ope picture on each wall m nmny thlngsatah god send us a little ground tall trees standing round homely flowers in brown sod overhead thy stars o god god r when winds blow ourfiomertmdtn 1 1 wu kn a real asthma ralief dr j d cclloggs asthma remedy has nove been advertised by extravagant state ments its claims are conservative indeed when judged by the benefits which it performs expect real relief and permanent benefits when you buy this remedy and you will have no cause for disappointment it gives permanent relief in many cases where other so called remedies havo utterly failed big family of settlers humboldt saskatchewan mr and mrs john a stundebeck from min nesota havo recently settled in the humboldt district with nlno children ranging in ago from two to nine teen years they bought 960 acrps pi farm land in this district and came with sevoral thousand dollars m cftsh and effects and farm equipment val ued at 3500 they mado the trip from their home in minnesota in a motor car and motor truck on which was built a houso large enough to hold tho big family which is the modern style of covered wagon or prairie schooner in which settlers of todny make their migrations in tho old days the ox or muledrawn cover ed wagon took days or weeks to cover long distances whereas now tho motor driven prairie schooner makes the journeys in hours or days stop the cough coughing in caus ed by irritation jn tho respiratory pas sages and is the cffoi t to dislodge obstructions that come from inflam mation of the mucous membrane treatment with dr thomas eclectrto oil will allay tho inflammation and in consequence tho cough will usually billy had a serious mistrnileistand- ing with his elder cousin conrad t rm rho scrupul ou5tyj rronr his mother when ie came home f i om school she jatd bijiy wliat would you like to give cousin conrad for wist birthday tomorrow i know what id like to glvo him said billy vcnfcefully but im not big enough a terrible test oys windmill experience hen i was a boy about twelve or fouiteen years old writes a contribu tor the family with whom i jived got a new windmill the first they over nnd itwas before tho days of steel mills and towers and the windmill was made of wood a couple of me chanics were about the place soveral days building the tower and putting up tho mill and to a fium boy it was a bright spot in an otherwise mon otonous existence dminsr the day 1 thought of little else and i di earned of ittle else at night i slept atone in a room in which theie was a sow ing machlno with a box like top at that tlm 1 frcipicntly walked in my sleep and one nlcht i woke to find myself at a great height it wjts unpleasantly cold foi 1 had on baldly any clothes and f knew that 1 was up on the windmill i felt all about in almost oveiy direction for the tower of the mill in ilvoic falling butlwuhunableto locate h and 1 bad to sit very still with nothing to hold o r isat thus until the eold waked me entirely when 1 found myself sitting on top of the sewln mnchlne in the mernlng i told no one about my adventure for fear of being laughed at- a negros ingenuousness in monu mental you get the perfect example of it in tho police court scene where tho magistrate exasperated but trying hard to be fair in an all too obvious case snys yes but look lieie itnstiih if you wcie not troln to sttnl hickenn what on ciiith n you doing in that coop of course it ih an una nsworable question emcpj to itatuus who with out tho flicker at an eyelid hays judge ah wuh just atcstln mah willpower j r every 10c packer of wilsons fly pads will kill ml1rf flic than s8 nr any sticky flv catchfb clean to handle sold by ad druggists grocers and general stores j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist will bk at a t browns nurc store acton tuesday sept 7th anxnf offering from eye- btr i i i v eiive vision or teui it j xlould not miss the opportune of consulting this eyesight jieclallst appolnt- men s mnj be mado with mr a t crown druggist consultation fiusei office hours 9 a m till 4 p m special exhibition fares rf aa acton to p x ld toronto return aug 28th to sept 1 1th additional electric train service leave acton 658 am 937 am 1037 am 1137 am and then every two hours ret toronto regular service to 630 p m then 730 p m 830 pm 930 pm last train 1100pm street cars direct to grounds withotpftransfer canadian national electric railways i children for castoria mother stjwrrwft gastoria is especially prepared to relieve infant9 in arms and children all aes of constipation wind colio- to sweeten stomach flatulency diarrhea regulate bowels ids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest natural sleep without opiates- o vold imitations always look for the signature of cff7e2waa proven directions on each package physicians everywhere f h luxurious t k l coaches operate over highway leave aoton going west n tn p m p m 9 06 30g 1005 am 8 30 leave acton going east p m 130 p m 700 arrive guelph 9 45 am 345 pxn and 1045 pm arrive kitchener 1030 a mt 430 p m and 1130 p m arrive toronto 10 30 am 330 p m and 900 p m kxtru sunday car to toronto leaves acton at 830 p m arriving in the city at 1030 p m all coaches call at wiles cafe acton n farmers accessory shop complete list of all necsary farmers goods some secondhand machinery wanted also for sale no 12 de laval cream separator frost wood 6 ft binder ontario fertili zers for wheat lands single wheel polo truck brantford binder twine mnchlne oil steel and asphalt roof ing for houses and barns peerless wire fencing and gates repairing and installing- pumps and water systems louden stable equipment supplied und installed repairs for all kinds of machinery brings your repair list courteous service at customers command j w barberree at your service wo are now open for business and solicit tho patronago of the people of acton and surrounding district our aim is to glvo the public tho best possible value and ser vice at the least possiblo price our shop is at the corner of mill street and park avenue geo cowie son horseshoera blacksmithing and repairing collections x wo handle collections only 35 years experience speaks for itself assuring efficiency and re liability kelly aiken collectors orangavilu and owen sound ref standard bank of canada h3ioouoto3t5t savage company i jewellers china silverware lower wyndham st phone 571 guelph r i r4