Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 18, 1926, p. 4

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t fe rrf jit vivnv t sr ts the home op 435 member canadian weekly newspaper association member selec toiyawcjdieiolititrio v the acton free frsess is putlihcd ever thursday morning at the frcepresi suildinf mill street acttm tfcltario the subscription j advance pottage is offices in the united price is xco per year in advance postage is is to charscd additional states the date paid is indicated on the address label tp which subscriptions sre thr advertising ratestransient advertise- taenia 10 cents per line agate measure for first insertion and s cents per line for each subse quent insertion contract display advertise ments for so inches or more per insum 18 cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions wiil be inserted till forbid and charged accordinglr- u p moore president and editor 0 a dills manager and assistant editor telephones- editorial and business office residence of president residence of manager hi whyis it if mr fergusons policy is really calculated to ad vance the cause of sobriety in ontario as heavecs so strongly how is jt and this is a fact un disput able that every wet voter eyery distiller every brewer every moderationist every barooin keeper every bootlegger is heart and soul in favor of the premiers temperance policy will some conscien tious believer in the government control policy kind ly explain this anomalous condition neighborhood news hornby thursday morning november 18 1926 editorial xlte conservative party is for the o t a from now until election day all my time out side official duties will be devoted to preserving for the province of ontario the measure of prohibition we now enjoy said miss charlotte whiton ex ecutive secretary of the child welfare council of canada i have always been a conservative the conservative party introduced the 0 t a and sb far as i can see no later stand has been adopted by the conservatives of the province the conser vatives now taking a stand for government control have departed from the conservative platform in this respect w are ontarios big- bbbtlegtgere r has it ever occurred to the premier who is pleading the campaign to supplant to the ontario temperance act with an act peremitting general sale of intoxicating liquor under government control that the very distillers and brewers who are to manu- focture the bulk of the liquor to be sold are and nhaye been under the ot af the worst bootleggers v of all in the province the worst tiecause their sales have been in wholesale quantities government control automatically legalizes importation of liquor there can be no question that legalizing the sale of liquor within the province will legalize im- portarion into the province this opinion upon the effect of the ontario governments liquor legisla tion proposals upon the federal doherty act which prevents importations into prohibition- provinces kfc has been expressed by hon n w rowell k cx a former feederal cabinet minister the otamuet be maintained and it must be enforced premier fergusons- government control policy will make hard liquors easy to obtain and will great ly increase their consumption and their consump tion has always carried with it a trail of poverty privation and crime a victory for ferguson will be an admission that the booze interests and the boot leggers are more powerful than the law for one of the main arguments being used against the- on tario temperance act is that it cannot be enforced are the people of ontario going to admit that the bootleggers and lawbreakers have gained the tipper hand or are they going to give a mandate that the ot a must be retained and that it must be en forced dundas star yu nr axed to a party that us oks ov the hornby lndys ado are goln to hav at tho- homo ov miss pont soventh lino on tooaday nlto nor 23 1920 ruols rcga- lushuns 1 no wumln wll bo alotvd to rum unles they warn a calorker dres apcrn or uumpchln ckarly nl- roporatc 2 no rnan with a bilcd shurt an atan updicklo can kum un- los his face 10 durty 3 any wun warln joolry wll boo lined tlklta will boo 10 cents vittles wll bo he lhun will kummonco at 8 p m a priexe will bo arlv to tho wust lookln rls in tho bunoh kum huv aum phun j burlington- the liquor iqsue hrhet farmers sun in its last issue thus tersely analyzes the liquor issue as it is before us today sisfvit is well to keep clearthe issue respecting liquor in the pending elections the ontario temperance rij act- is a measure of prohibition in general it pro- lv hibits the sale of liquor for drinking except as a medicine prescribed by physicians for that it is hs proposed to substitute a measure which is termed sale or government control the pro- w intbitibn of the ontario temperance act is to be aban jpasvblicd and the only restraint of the consumption of klljuor is to be such as may he imposedbjr the gov cbitimissiojlior manager of sale on persons m fchi drink excessively ruinously or scandalously pliajnpossille uifdersfahd how this promised re- sjsijstraint can be effesiiye obviously ft will not bi effective to cancel a drunkards permit or to make 5fiwhat may be called an indian list since a person interdicted may always drink from his neighbors bottle that is to say it is proposed to give to tho fwrtjovernment a monopoly of sale and in effect to autliorizejfyeryone to drink as much as he pleases that is clearly not a proposal of reform but an abari- jfeiptiiierit bf the effort of the people to restrain the pconiumption of liquor it is undoubtedly true that theodtario temperance act has not riade ontario jdiryhuit is also true that it has made the people f4n the whole more sober and surely happier it has fewbitielieve reduced ontarios drink bill by more than glirsfry million- dollars annually a rending aasuniler the winchester press for years a supporter of the p0oijservative partyrsaysr in ontario politics there cijcimie a rending assunder of party ties and affllia- rw before the voteis taken on december 1st life- yrileiig conservatives the back-bone- the sinew the syvitalityi the strength the stabilizing and regenerat- jjiig force of that old party have by the action of sifmier ferguson been compelled todivide and it jsidoubtful if ever again there wiir be the same solidarity the same unity in the liberal-conserva- itiye party of ontario arid the sad part is that all thisstrife turmoil and bitterness was absolutely un- fh necessary and isithe result of a broken promise a ij trust on the part of the man who was chos- ifyp- a leader it is unnecessary to go into details r all too familiar and outstanding e- kforei and after the last provincial election premier ijpjrergusbn pledged his word tq the people that he jwfljuidnot in any way tamper with the ontario ternj jvperabceact but would to the best of his ability c and with all the authority gt his coinmand see that the provisions of that act were fiiiy carrieduut fthiathe introduction of his government control iivslppyisiii direct violation to his pledged word in jjs jpp to the recorded vote of the people ifxtipvidtint this government control policy rjbt ho result of the well considered and calmly ipnih4ti0npt me tcpriseryatiye repre- mji no 1 3tla sob 1 public utilities commission for acton an important feature of acton municipal elec tion on monday 6th of december will be the vote of the electors on the bylaw provisionally passed by the council on the 28th of september to establish a public utilities commission for the municipality acton has had the hydroelectric commission in very successful and satisfactory operation for some six ycarsr3during the present year this commission as taken oyer the operation of the municipal system of waterworks with results equally as satisfactory cs those of the hydroelectric system this is amply proven by the fact that the revenues received from the watereworks system the past three months werd upwards of 50000 in excess of the revenues collect ed for the same quarter last year in addition to this the cost of operation have been very consider ably reduced the voting on the bylaw is simply the request by the coiincil that the ratepayers con firm and give their approval to what has practically been adopted owing to the exigencies of the situa tion the placing of- thewaterworks system under what will be known as acton public utilftfes com mission is obyiouslr to the financial advantage of the municipality as the experience of the past six months very clearly proves the confirmation of the bylaw on the- 6th of- december will mean much to the financial interests of the town in conserva tion of the revenues and economy n in operation and supervision mr w f w lihlicr who hao boon confined to hla homo for- tho post tow weeka la improving nicely mr and mrs w a mery spent thanksgiving at st catharlncfo with their daughter mrs w el newman saturday is the last day fpr iwy- ing tho second installment of taes una tax collector sykos will be in the office on j3aurdtty night up tonlno pclock to receive tho tax naoney on monilay the ienuliy will be added u no regular luncheon of the honn cub was held at tho village inn last night there was good altendancts miss annie gallagher ot burling ton high school won for me second time in succession the second prise 1800 in the provincial wc t s poater contest grace flah of no 4 trafalgar won the- third hook es- say contest- in tho province the second of a series of sacred band concerts was given by burling ton citizens band in trinity church on sunday evening at the closo of tho aervlce many fronaother churches adding to the large attendance cdmplalnts have been made to the council that the awnings on brant street are too low people had com plained of- hitting their heads not only on the awning hself but also on the iron bars one citlxen in par ticular had notified him that he had received a nasty bump a a result of hitting the iron bar oh the awning during the past few weeks the can adian national railway have had a gang of men making ome changes at the watch towor at the station and jnatalmng the telegraph instruments in the tower it is the intention of the georgetown mr it e fleck spent n few days duck hunting at hlce lalto last week ftlr j a thompson who was taken suddenly nnd nerlously 111 a- couple of wcokn ago is slowly improving a motorist in tbwn wouia hko to know how many novo been lined for nov observing uie stop signs so far wo havo hcarl of two armistice day was loyally observed in town by a public service held nt the memorial on thursday at eleven oclock there was a good nttendanco and an interesting service the united church choir held a surprise party at tho home of- mr and mrs harold cleave on tuesday evening it was an enjoyable evening for all concerned w h hunter of eaquelngr while putting on a stormwindow last week fell twenty feet arid broke his right shoulder bone the lining of tho stomach was ripped and he received other internal injuries herdlof he felt complimented limehouse the followlnff editorial appreciation company to place the operators in the building and they wljh alab operate the gates at tho crossing goaette oakville editorial notes the- distiller brewer and government com pany is the way the canadian white ribbon tid ings tho journal of the canadian national womens christian temperance union puts the proposed new agency for handling tho liquor traffic hon w- f niclcle late attorneygenerak said last thursday that the price to be paid for defeat of the ot a in this election will be twenty years of misery and degradation until the people rise and drjve out the traffic for good i believe the vote tobe taken on december 1 is going to settle this question for twenty years to come in this province i want it settled by ah em phatic pronouncement of the people one way or the either premier ferguson it will so be settle mr and mrs earl travlss of ot tawa were recent vlajtoro at the home of hla parents mr and mrs travlss of the middle koarf mrs of a bath who was injured in a motor car accident recently ffixlle motoring in company with her hubband near flint michigan is re covering nicely and was able to re turn home lost week 4 mr- and mrs w j hleuty were call- ed to wlngham lost week to attend the funeral of mr fleutys plater mrs clarence d shackleton tvhicb took plac6 on tuesday mr georee baldwin of toroijto- a recoffnlxed authority on horticulture and wellknown la oajcvlue through bis work as a judge at this years shpwjindblarientjecturbto tho ro tary club will give an illustrated lec ture on tuesday t- when are broke out in the cab of a largo truck as it was taking on gas at a downtown garage laqt friday noon a general alarm was turned in nearby are extinguishers- had put the bjlaxe out however before the fire trucks had arrived john robs fletcher of ookville who is being held on a 2000 ball on a charge of reckless driving following an accident on saturday afternoon oc tober 18 on the toronto highway near the sheridan nurseries appear ed before police maghrtrate davidson of mlmlco on monday- oh account of fft6 fact ttiat two of the principal witnesses are still in the hospital from their injuries the case waa adjourned until tuesday- december 7 the oak tire and bubber company which has had its doors closed some time ago has been placed in the hands of u receiver and into liquidation regord v from the 8ft mla pbaerver of the char acter and uscsfulness of tho late isaac newton will be appreciated by those who knew him in the old home here he wae born in jjlmehouso ojid re moved to sarnla thirtyfour years ago zviere are fevf residents of this community who will fall to feel tho pangr of sorrow that comes on real ising fhat an old friend has gone when they learn of the death of isaac newton which occurred suddenly at last weekend the deceased apparently had no promotion thai the grim reaper was so near at hand at the close of the football game which had inaugur ated the new athletic grounds a week ago the late mr newton talked- as buoyantly and optimistically as might be expected of a youth as chairman of the parks board which had provided now filayground he had taken a prom inent part in the inauguravccremonles and wan pleased with the public -dem- orrat ration that had been given the completed work he regarded the new athletic park as an asset in tho interests of the youngpeople that was characteristic of the man he had ever in hh mind aistrong conviction that if the youttiful population were directed and assisted correctly the whole social system would he safe in conformity with that conviction he was repeatedly a successful candidato for tbe school board and his ideas about education were sound and pro gressive fc socially ihe late mr newton was most compairioitavje he was an in telligent analyst of soclarand politi cal problems he hod deep convic tions on many subjects spoko his mind frankly but was ever sympath etic in seeing the other fellows side in ah argument as a pioneer business man in this city he built up a splendid reputa tion for sterling integrity and the store of wrilch he was ono of tho founders reflects the calibre of fair- dealing that he regarded as indispens able 4n commerce to the intimates of the late mr now ton his death is a heavy blow to the rest of the community it is a groat loss because he was always ready to shoulder his sharo of the task of public service and to give of his best that those- around him might benefit in the midst of that useful service in which ho found satisfac tion death came without a moments notice to sorrowing relatives it must be a comfort to contemplate that the one for whom they mourn had measured up to a trery creditable ideal a man from imiludciihla was visit ing a town or very few inhabltiinth ono day when he wan about to imiko a purchase lio dlncovcrc that he had exhausted his smull change tho shopkeeper could not break tho ton- dollur bill offered him and the man went out in the oialn utroct to nee how ho might solvo the difficulty ho asked several pcrjons but no one jjad the roqulfllto amount for tho bill at last an old whitehaired needy negro canto along in sheer desperation tho man aald undo can you clmhgo a tentloi- lar bill for mo uncle looked dazed for the mo ment then his shambling flguro stralghtoned with a dodlnr of the hat nnd a bow worthy of chester field he roplled with dignity- no marse i cant change no ten- dollar- bill but i done predates tho compliment jes the sam ijah business dvcgctory medicau dr j a mcniven physlolan and ourqvon offlco and roeldoiico corner bowf avonue and igln street phone 88 dr e j nelson frederick streict aoton ontario internal and external pains i are promptly relieved by thomas eclectric oil thatit has beem bold fob heahlvfiftvveart ano j to0ay a greater seller than eveb before f a testimonial that speaks f0ii it8 nuhenous curative qualities get your job printing at the free press legal phone no 22 p o box m harold nash- farmer m a brritr notary publlo convyanor etc perryman block acton ont monet lent on mortgages houru 9o ajlk to c pm saturdays- 1200 oclock dental cuts feeding costs 50 the bi8hops lastly erin if you are teally interested in retaining the on tario temperance act you should attend the meet ing of the hajtorj prohibition union at milton on friday afternoon youl get inspiration and an opportunity to share responsibilities as you should i think hen howard ferguson has given us good government said a prominent conservative lady the otherday but on the proposed sew legis lation of government control well simply will not be placed in the wet catagory in the interest of- our country i must and will support the dry candidate a d mckitrick of the orangeville banner is president of the duftefin prohibition union and mr t e f claridge of the shelburnc economist is secretary both were nominated at the v f 0 con vention as candidates for dufferin they both retired in favor of mr t- k slack who is endorsed by the if f o and the dufferin prohibition union the customs scandal said a speaker last week at one of the political meetings has disclosed the fact that the brewers and disfilusrsyere back of the bootleggers ancx claimed the samif- plovers were be hind the present campaign for governmerff control why didnt he go a step farther and give the brew ers and distillers the title they deserve they are really the big bootleggers and these are the people tho cvernment control advocates propose to use in supplying thew governments supply of intoxicat ing liquors c it is expected that the next session of the can- ijam federal pstfliament willbe opened on or about bber 7th before leaving for the imperiaj cpn- sjffvii session in london england rt hon jrijslwijaprirsio minister stated that w ftffl3rtirlnieiit to meet early in die- wjbniins tfiat was nbt boni tojlylijait summer will it ai the forthcoming- ses- rfy hjs excellenoy lord ms mr and mrs barry austin loft for nedonta- on tfrlday where mr austin is relieving acent with the c p r mr bruce mcklnnon of hlllsbunr has a car of stock on exhibition at the btval winter fair toronto workmen have boon busy repairing the road from the end of the pave ment to the slderoad at buisburs and have improved tho road consider ably hiildburs is said to be aneof tho uest paying stations qn the lora branoh of the c p r produce of alisklnds is shipped from this point in large quantities the year round mr a k sutton who is in a hos pital bavins undergone an operation on november 1st is convalescing and doing ns well as can toe expected mr j p bush returned recently from the annual ilepr hunt with the farm creek hunt club of toronto of course he bagged a fine buck and reports a very pleasant holiday the second anniversary of tho erin united hurch has come and gono it was coupled with the opening of the church after the recent repairs within and without which made it an event not only of interest to all for whom the old building has been a landrmdrk for half a century and a symbol of divine influence in the com munity but this anniversary also market tho beginning of normal life for the united church congregation churches have been renewed and re- dedloated and overcrowded before urge crowds have gathered at owl suppers before but the wave of inter est which has arisen since the united church became- a reality surely sug- aena that taany have come to recog- nutei ard have been eaarer tp learn thenneanlnst of the new fellowship and new freedom taat has entered tho lives oc those who have entered upon this religious venture in canadas spiritual life rachel mckeo widow of the late matthew thomson smith jiassed away at the home of heir daughter mrs david burt port burwell after a short illness on monday november 1st the deceased celebrated htr 88uh birthday on october jna and was in her usual hoalth until a week before her death always brlght and gheery although frail for soinq years she was an example of a ntfble christian mother and friend sho leaves behind to mourn her loss three daughters mr rev wllmer mon- rose of bort wayner indlsnna mrs david burt port burwell onl add jdes teresea who lived with her mother threo sons- fred had howard of cleveland ohio and edward on the old homestead tth line of erin township alio two brothers johrt and saw mckee in alberta nhd n sister mrs peter lemon lri alton the funeral took place at conlngsby cemetery on wednesday november srd the deceased lived nearly ul lrerllfeln jsrlri township sho went to live wlltx hor daughtersc nsor port purwell r years ago she was a faithful member of the church of chris brln und gave to india her eldest daughter dr martha smith as a medical jnisslonary wtjlo 4led on the fleld in 1812 advocate mary i like ths dean better than i do the blsnop mother why mcaryl why do ydii like the dean bettor t mary well the dean says fin ally and stops tho bishop says lastly and he lasts the sugar jack system the sugar jack heres how it works come in and see us is a perfected feeding process that has produced amazing results it not only does away with the expenseofa silo but also increases the milk flow and weight of your live stockand cuts your feeding costs in half converts roug h age- into- an easily digestible state rrfaking it actually more palatable and nourishing than the highest quality ensilage and hay thus roughage sucrigs hay straw clover threshings bean and pea vines etc can now be used in place of ensilage and will givebetter results the strgptf jack press and converter compound precligest roughage into highly nourishing feed this pre- digested roughage feed is relished by live stock and the farmer using it enjoys greater profits and owns healthier fatter live stock v- we will- gladly explain how the sugar jack will increase yourliverstpckypfbnts and save you time labor and money its a wonderful new feeding system thatno enterprising famiershjjuid be without i coolo shapley and mu1r co limited bnuitfavwl ontario jwbarberee mill st acton ont ever notice this did yoii ever pause in a post office long enough to take a squint at the floor shortly after a number of people have re ceived their mail if you have you were probably struck by the number of circu lars and hand bills that littered it up in fact you doubtless were struck with the fact that many of them had been thrown in the basketas soon as they were remov ed from the envelope the recipient never even taking the troiihle to give them a second glance but did you also notice that you didnt see anyone throwing the newspapers and especially the home tjdtwn newspapers jn the waste basket or on the floor did you notice that newspapers are always carried away instead of tossed away well right there is a mighty good argument in favor of advertising in the newspaper the circular lettera costly form of advertising goes into the waste basket the home town paper goes into the home l remember this and spend your advertising money accordingly actmfr0 phone 11 wt dr j al bell d d s l d s dsntist honor graduate of toronto univer sity tho latest anesthotia used if desired office at residence corner of mill and frederick streets mi8cttaneoua francis nunan bookblndsr account books of all kinds mads to order periodicals of overy description carefully bound ruiibe neatly sad promptly done wyndham street ouelph oat ovoil williams 8tore r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 years experience list tour propbbti with mb ton j- ontario a e nicklin insurance agent lifo the mutual ufo assuranctf co of caniada fiio waterloo mutual inaurance company eagle star and british dominion insurance co limited auto accident health burglary j murine etc employea t u- abihty aaauranco corporation the dominion of canada qtur- an tee and accidents inaurance company v money to loan on form proper ty government and municipal bonds trustee for estate col lections see mo for all kinds of insurance box444 bowter ave acton tbe person who has a headache as the result- of eyestxaln can usually see clearly it is tho strain of getting clear vision by overcoming tho defect that is present that causes the betid- ache r- thero is only one way to get permanent relief have your eyes examined and wear tho proper glosses wo specialise on thorough 0x7 aminatlona ot the eye a d savage optometrist a mfa optician richt at tho post office savage building quelph the ardent acoustioue for desf ears s tandar dine 47 c 5tuberadiop coast to coast no idle boast d x enqijsnbering and sale- co umlted 20 bloor st w toronto handicaps have no effect on sandys smile sandy is a etasertul sort ot scot keendai lousrn wnon you i wondor what it ry h was a sol war where he lost an arm a cheerful sort ot sop with a ready joke and a wtnalna smlli 1 you hoar hlr hat it is that ay he was a soldier in the ladyj 1 who mips istoi although when you tioar hlsst6 you will wonder what it is thjst kedjl fitm tjft overwork knooked mm out his i temptsto seouro a pension have rail ed last hut not least tho only trad ho knows is carriagemaking and who wants carriages- nowardersf for alt that sandy is maldna srood sroeresa at the muskoka hosnualtor onaumptlvea where everythlnar is belnff done to make him well oaraih for with health sandy says he can race tho world with courage and eft will tool wouldnt you like to help the mus- n wo rr i- tofully reoeltsd contrthutlons may be sent to hofi r me a basils it nu w a- charlton prestdont 28 colle etreet toronto j ontario the old and reliable granite and marble works wo nro manufacturers and direct importers of oil kinds of monumental and hoadatono work wa sell direct to our customorb at wholosalo prices thus savlntr our customers 40 per cent wo have the boat appliances and the only mechanics in the dominion who can operato pnemnatlw tools promrly wo oan stive rafwanom from hund rede orsiu oustomers in toronto and other plfcoea where potm hwttjatm law hia oollswt vtfahtsj the it irtoh mjipib a uwtw 7 s i

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