tf rjfiv j jtlxuii hftlfrvr whjft rffwjrlwthwwir jww tffi i- t li artmt stejeifojaa rhtjjthpay january 11 1j37 from one to three tl ium 1m i ad oid l audio rj i 1 i irlit i y ako tl o i i i ii mt l w ii i ii f r 1 wake o i i i nr i avo i i i tlm loatt j u 1 u i i etfun aloet i i i i i lujjf 7 1 y iu su jllcn glimmered i j n 1 itfnr loo u hi 11 un i i in bcnutli her ciiln hi fit inlie i off u slice 41 u tv u i l y sj ecehus whlluk a rui 1 y n ml in sho wjo i ih t i irtl d ly i grlnvo to say tt i vui i it iu 1 fur muro t inorro woo wo gntl or it or of rl o day nui hut w ii fli i in left behind w nh j rumba and tears for ays v i uiftnlia in twj rll boned wl lie a giu uful bow nho 11 make- aln utaiir wn ui gp1 wilt light t r o candles on cokel nancy byrd turner neighborhood news 8urlinqt0n o unnim moeunv or imo strath scikmji o 3vodiuxul4iymotiijng weekly fashion hint 3tto trffl0 hort fcidg 1 ilow olfr leader ueft us i1y wautbit wjeiaman el 1 namf john miller tl ugh v twenty four yoojs eld h i iid mi cnt 1 nlf 1 ten tr frivolling in jurm at the ci rtli unrest trustee ana- mr qeorge house wo ni p inted to tni the vacancy a largo congregation assembled in l x presbyterian church an wed i aday evening last on tbe oooaaion r th induction of rev moorish cad i cgol a patoror the ohurch tho ceremony wujb vsry impiasslve and create u luiljng imprcitiloo on those i resent the i mcctlne of tlionalsan unci tfurlrngton agricultural society will uolieul ixkecouiwll chamber n monday january lttli at 110 p m f ih t niirpn t alartiinat nt f1 seneral bualnesv on new year morning the bur unaton cltin band acti4tg oeldxnt ototttr rfhd jcc wll m ceived inay ertvc3t over 11100 g tmnationii and anyone who mti- ed can loavo their donauons at juce lyn iook vtore mr murray planer m pno of the ouutandins winners at the annual ahow of tlte hfin poultry and lot btocj aavollatlan held nt tit- thomiui rrinolt 1 nd 1 ceri hln ulncrf to win a mull boy 8omotl ln within htm mo thl tjr ire ooul 1 no mnihelf aniily or describe batrn h ii wnndef to nd fro ilo had con in a u trull i bunhwhnok ng on it o rai go in hnutli africa among in i tmand dliftrvr in the almost unknown interior of china in vnlloy of ihn cpno whore fever tut 1 lofitu i olaon in hu blood and now he wnn willi uh far jjp toward the north polo in lacrcahroudfld sphvhargen ono tie tht re wn hftt nov and ihen ipok p b t0 tno ol11 homo now enblapd tilit mother io other worn in l ve hd ho ever kp ttrnrr rijrirnft rti un i ur or iwo f ahlvpilng we sot u linltlnb the thuik white mnntlo rr i ur til inkcta anir oundfnft our bi numbed umba j hn woa nutthurr illa mankeia were nearlj bgrled i tho mow lu muit have been son omo time jonl then wo heard i n dut i cntb from mv tho ph ro to vo t ivna john v itelndeerl ilejndoert bo crlrd wq three cxobbd our iruna on 1 ran out tb ore wera relndoor auro enougjt u ecore or m rennnlng tralght toward vn and behind tbarn warn john waving his arms and about ing driving ibo herd agalnat ou rldca in a few monianta eovon deer wcro lying dvo 1 in the anow tbo othsrit hud run away but w wire runit after them aa noon ua w coulf iwal nw fi t l rr a he wen he might kill bo colled a j mother fcoy her picture ho au way enrrlod with him and her mom iry wf lln comrades knew wn ever groen tn bin 1 curt there wore four of u young fel lows all ah 1 thlnsa were not going right wo had aetut in juy cam tho echoonor wh cli carr4od ua spitsbergen ourfbuto lay ucroaa tho aouthorn- eod f the rualn island to th aa on tho othor aide whore we ware to- te u nglitrrw hie ahly 9 port acjoncc udvmturo wcro our ob uflt week in addition tu capturing do41 had wo aeon and tho artlo winter nuveral first and aeconda mr klahcr abio won thrco allver cups prof floutbwlck president b6ton bctiool of oratory whloli la afflllatod tfnrrwinl urilthbity wlir glveir idii- pnuri recital wmlcrt churoh abolr n 4hehirh on thurs day january 80th tho programme will oonoiat of readings and mtialcaj numbers joett jflllton mi tbo eloctora oftmlltoif gave whole hearted eupport to tho proposal of a fued aajsaraipent oftloooo for un yeartt on the factory bulldlnga canadian woollena limited the vot woa i7 to it tha annual meeeting c the milton horticultural socjet will be held in the council chamber qtt friday jan 14 tli at eight o olock to receive re ports ond for tha election of officers for enrtilns ye xt aeefwiaotthehamlltotiprea byjery on tuasday tha resignation of rov dr mchobblot of nalaon was ao- oented with grtut regret and rev or nelson suggested that a grant of f00 ahould po glvan tha retiring minister for trls aelfsacrlflclnff work of 64 years as a minister the annual meetlnr of the hal ton agrlomlluml society will be hold 1tt the- courtoise mlttonron wtnsnes txtnvr 3aa 19th 08s7 a 2 pr aw- for- tho ensuing year and any other bus fulj enough in providing our outflu sur clothing was too thin for tbo air cai abovo the afa nuarly worn two thousand foot our shoes werv our little tent had been torn half lu tattcre by tjio alfimis woiae atlll tha schooner waa not there waiting for us and although we bad been for a wook or more at tho rendezvous not a sign of a nhlu or was fast coming uown jjpon us al ready tho sun sank below ifho brlson at midnight and the night were muoh colder vor running low fe- mm ftmy ba bro up tbe hookey aeaaon opened at the arena lost thursday nrcntngw4th very good exhibition same between acton undwiltdn whlcrt tha locals won b to 2 titis work use the smallest part ot our scanty rations tnude the lorigast excurslons after deer ho was cheery too us would n i a4mt thal we wera in any danger don t you fcoya worry jvbout any bo j rotoctod ttvm hlphthcrta by treat mont with diphtheria toxoid which will lie given frc hy the modical jlonltb otflcor on january 14 1927 school cmrsen will be attended frdm jjo to 340 p m children from 1 year old to 0 years will be treated from 2 80 to 3 do p m the aaoond- dosw trill bo given in februnry on a date to a on nounced no child will be given the treatment without u parent a written conaont champion we had boon told there wefe cnanyi rlndceron this coaatrlintri0tr0hehad wo set cyo an onpr ine a cat and a tw gulls had fallen before our guns our prospects were gloomy cyiough ono there was who never lpst oour age it tfns john atlllnr though wo had set out simply as friends and equal patnera in the little enterprise iry tacit consent uj- wot not our lead we naturally looked to him for guidance and wont gver content to obey him he was a gentle- leader hlfl steady practical cheery it is not surprising that we all loved hln not ataru9fbr himself but because- of the love he ixjro fffr that mother of his john did not aeem to be in good health- ha vas growing thin afrt ottfevtir ao icrrnlahntlianat make n good cnlxturc wje alt saw his ii hilt john himself ho wouldn t lisax a wonj of it fwlnv you fellows he would say im thr strongest man in tbe bunch don tf jfpu wrry ahoiit4no- i v just abotjt afaalceb off mat congo polnon flchlfl northern air ts a porfect uro for it you know that a what i camo jicxe jor and 1 ahow ua be was wel ojid irons 3i did ct ifh- nf work take us fong to got he oodklpg i mj lighted and soma rjlco vcnlsbt into the pot john tried to hulp us dress tha tietr and prepare tho break fast but ha uns ao weak ha could hardly stand and hln face was white an the anow on tho ground wo took him in and wrapped him- up in tl e blanket just an the savor of boiling mca wua wnftod through the tent ono u our comrades rusliol in a ship a abtpintrcrtctr- l wipr a so ho oner headed uila wuyl our tui cfl ai nd trte shirrtogeibtr both achleying the slender line this model designed especially for the woman of urstr hip features running new mode it maybe dc velop in satin twill or katn with a wltwqitity ameciat lire fef side the center front seam o the ut dress is left open above the waist to show the vestcc whtcli may be of odn- trattlng fabric u dered medium ue requires h yards 40mcb or iy yards 54inch matenil with h yard satin for vet 4 jwkntv years aoo rem the issue of the frsa praaa o thursday january 17 1007 aislgtiingaajoin xog4 and wood are coming- in free ly now wo fear or th failure of the ice cxfld tbjsujsaftoil for value peceiveo hum waved bar bf1 lil bj through in ton minutes mako your jcly nt k y anyonssl duwantlwa ywuwbtildtogt naliv urselves then she burled herself doep in poliiical eoonony the girls who had entered tho room accepted the invitation- promptly joyce picked up a voiumo of poem and tesa c titled urtn a smnll yolfow headed ball on the couch for jive wlnutcs there wag no sound tho room except the iravell ing ojf noras pen tflen tho door holiday week at acton england itsms of irjtsrsat snawlno evenu ooourring durlnp chrutmsstids at his own sxpenso aid chamtiness win wp altoi at t nex lirns of tho hoyal institute of i ubllo 1 ralth at uhni t j hora purchnod by the acton ttuvn council on mnrcji 30 has died ftom bloxd poisoning up ti november 30 tho actoi gen onu district tax rata brought in sff 086 as compared with 03 320 lor the torrespon ling period last year the nuasllon oftho i rovlslon of n cumlktlnpd turf howling green in aikn lark has boen uontimaed until next yc rs tlnuticlal cttliiius are bo llpt oonaldere i acton a sh iro of th sal of sun ii rsbury park land fs jabiil ip 4d thp acton borough trv taurvr la to v i rovldcd with a stec cupboard over 50 halhdled hlldrru from artop central fjohc uln si cnt an en joyjiblo ovenlng n the urnnd isjt acton on tuesday tlu oocaalod xst second annual children a christ inus fancy drvas dunce the old oak weslomn church la dies choir gave nn interesting aelnc tlon of christmas music old and now on wednesday work old carols wore rendered in hew settings and oro much enjoyed v a party of tho niombcis lf actoi hlro drlgudo social club visited the acton co niwr votive club on thure j where theywuro frlcndly gam as flint actjnjr as m c for was laughing ttlly his ayes wore lika two coau of fire and ther wero tears in them ho o lapped ms thin bands together without making any sound the muscled were too weak there was a look of peace and of triumph n his faco wa wore too nap y to worry muph about outoomrada just then tharo wm the ship to talk over the break fast to make ready vo further need of eohomy of scant rations out with tho coffee tho sugar tho dried fruit o very thing that waajrood we ahould liavetast to- oalebratr our aeliyernidtted ituna ana unco john must eat too brrte aplendid john i a strange sound from our leaders corner caused ua to stop pur chatter and turn and look at him again he shivered l one who was freezing we could see- bis lionds clutch ner vously as if he iwere dreaming hei his finger interlaced and rested on his breast mothcrf mother he called cpmu here mothor and tuok tho oovers tn arourfd mf im so cold i then tho smile came hack to his hi a the ext resslon an his faco was child like he reached up his arms as if to put them round his mothers neck and kiss her good night like a sleepy bo bis syjidu parted then closed over a vacant stare and they never jjpjmcfl agoin opened softly amir a little freshman looked in upon her arm she catrloo one of norao gowns which she pro ceedsd without a word to allp upon a hanger in nora a cloaet 6pylnjr a to blousa nhe took lt down and tuckeu it undefher arm tben with a nodtoflio othor girls she vanished aa silently ua sncqiaa come zz weill teas cxclatamd under her breath r it was a little mora than ten mln utes before nora with a nigh af relief drcrpiwd hor pen holiday s begun sho announced how do you do everybody t i dan t wonder that you do well enough tas responded with a lady s mdld trained to me peak of efficiency i nora lookod bewildered then sho understood oh did sally doe come in ill warrant aha spied that blouse e yesterday i should pave hid den it i don t mean for her to do vcrything does sho dp all your mending for yjuiatheycjejidcrioic- of a hooka twentyflru ur tnli-i- curs olj hem au4 plac ihan thif m and mrs s hrton loft for tor onto racanuy where mr horton hal taken u position mrs j c kirkwoodond atlss mary klrkwood of lndon england were rocont guosta with mr and mrs charles overland airs sam otbson of jbimos who has sprtf forty year or over heri first in tie ulacktrmlthltfhop and then farming or the last vilne years rjar bought a home in hljlsburg and ft gona there to live the ninffaj f the late wm camp bll who died at btoney creek took place tq co aln gaby cemetery on man day lost ikuensed is u brother ox mr archibald campbell of this vll lage mrs won miller has returned from r the oonera hospital quolph whers ab underwont un operation tihe is convalesolng mrjjl rgbt slipped and fell on the foe recaatly and wan daintily bruised and shaken up hta annual meeting of erin agrl cultural society will be held lp tlte town hall frin on thursday jan ruary solh at two o clock p ru for the purpose uf receiving the flnnncl0 stskuiwt of the society for- tho sdectlon gv officers for 1927 and other business- r aniiffril msstlnsj tn- -m-fr- was well attended and urm h 1 mat oa on was r elsrtad school trustee many improvements hove been added dur lag th yctr greatl to jjis wwmfovt af tin teacher and i up us on monday evening dscembpr 37tli mr ujid mrs wm wheeler tot 22 con 11 trtn town whip unlerfalned n number of tl oh friends and jielgnborer it bajngjthe twentieth aunlversary of ihelr wedding thy were tho recelp lents f many beautiful pieces of china tli codorvle orchestra fur nlahed the mujlo for the occasion xdvocate got out all right bpmehow wo bilevod him wt pinned our faith to his judgment ho waa jusfubout that sort of a man he never bragged he never told us stories about his travels unless we coaxed him h was nltnplsand mod s about everything but for aorne rouaon or other we all had confidence in him w betlovcd him when ha said the shli would come we believed him when be sold tha even if the skipper foiled ua the fcotd weuther would drive the rolndeor duwa from tha mounts inn to the warmer coast country and then we shoutdhave venison a i lsnty and aklns io moke warm sleeping bags and jackets tnd we should built a hut out of snow blocks and pass a jolly winter but tho ship will come boys it will oontje always added a nor wegtan never goes back on you if he is alive wo evsn had faith ha join h self would get well jif nuvtrtjl to bo gr wing weaker and weaker mid he ate utile almost nothing iju he kept on working just the eam h roamednlght and day after deer tl showed us how to mend the tent he ltd the way lp carrying ptonct from beach and buildjpg awall round hea t juarters he oouldn t lift as be uoed to and hi breath run akbrf and we beggod him to knock off and save himself but fie woufdn i do it uefure we cpu id finish the wall a storm cftjxre dpwn out pf the ineun tain we had to weight dwn the edge ot the tent and crawl in aoj do hs best we could when the ration of col t nivat und biscuit was passttl around john said he wasn t hungry wo should ctttula shars w rebelled fleo here john millar we- dectar you must oox your rations you mejjfttuutaaktfuiaiiashsp anil wtlucwpuld ws du wltliut your lock bark are coming in dully a meeting will be held in tbe town hall this evening fur tbe purpose of organising a retail merchants socuuiou the annual meeting of acton cornet matthews hhllun monday evening the secretary gave tbo financial report as follows bal ance on hand iso 42 receipts ti2iit total tx2 9t expenditure- w5 balance 151 31 tha officers elected were president t francis danav nuuter c w muson t trtftaurcf wjitj johnhlone secret ury herbert llrown committee the president and messis chns henderson a t urown c a qoodeve and h p moore this or ganlsation will bo cajlcd acton cltl sens band in future instead of acton cornet hand ha ring the past fortnight itr i francis tho d do m nf tho odd follow jhaabeen wilting the todgea in hi jurisdiction installing officers at d peak lag words of e ft con mae mont to the member acon flro brigade has at last so cored quarters in the town hall for their moeetlngs tl e roomri at the right of the main entrance across the en rrldor ronv tho council chamber were handed over to them lust weok the brigade iuis comfortul ly furnish ed the room and will now have a rug tar niootlng place for the mopibers t lfst iockpy mutch of the sea sop as played an the rink on mo- day vonlntf between teuns sacked trom hoard more a coe tanneries and thp toffn tho scors was 8 to 3 in favor uf 0e leather pien yoiir tewnhiiulrod just about inura replied did you evcr o guch a luuty person r i should say hutl teas agreed em phatlcully nora leaned baok in hor oftalr ukd cjasped her hands behind hgr head apparently wholly untroubled 1 don t see how she oanl toss eg clauued to joyce half an hour later when they wcrfl going back to their roorosi x ike nora of course nupouy ctiuib help n but iblnk oi her not lifting a finger to keep her clothes in order and letting somebody slave for her like that i don t like hi uko whatt oh you moan sally dset dd you ever think tu inquire tesa whiitnoru was doing for sallyr why uo tesa admitted 1 dld- n t suppoao youd better suppose joyce re piled just because you haveneed1e fingers i dont aee why you ahould look down on people who haven nora dqn t look down on you be cause you flounder lr hatb while she aalts through it qronted she hoon i the tuste in clothes thnt you boye no one person has everything and she isjuturlng dally dee three times week and putting courage and am bltlon into her with each hour mean while bally is keeping her own self rcsuect by caring for nora w irdrobe w bout it tessr imrobtnfmed teas replied honest iy ten home oommanoments gained at mr w c the hosts surplus land continues to be sold tho iitst acton instate tho sale of two large plots huva been sane floned at 10 g00 and 13 goo res poo tlvoly und a provisional lay aux by mr c l i epplott fur 137 n ore bom es has been nubnutted definite preliminary steps hnvu nfi iooi fajon tojvcda tho mrmiuion i a itotary club foraoton in touwh wtj- tb hot ci if of l jtnd ihnrujrhitr with thu assyclation orsat dcjuiln and ireland and tie tury international newton uvontuo baptlat ottorch chlr gave a ogncert to urn inmates of acton honj hal on tioiurdar iteost 14 12a sd to vealr actnn i nrk after tho summer 1 yrae parade and the promoters of the parade bova been asked to pay two nuw wards ire to bo built at the acton isolation hospital at a cost or 140 the matron has been outh orlxcd to spend f6 an cltrlntmas ox tras tho mayor and moorejuj of acton wish tho inhawtantm a very happy kaw year nd rust that tho co year will bo mere iirosperoue than that now closing and that- it will he tee from industrial strife many acton chimneys h recently caused a nuisance by emitting great volumes of black- smoko tho firms concerned dialed lp reply to oom plaint by the local sanitary uuthortty that better coal would now bo avail able tradition rulen that each ax mayor acton shall i e presented by bli fellow mombers f th town court ell with a frame i largo colored pic turo of himself in order tl at ho i return i r whence it cams to hang wit similar worka of art lit the council chamber it la o mi thing of un achievement chl the bafrreh op the old luucfiyld im jtwmmmmhmmmmr wan spent and tny daya of wtadooi and glad lent and my friends- have coaae to rejatore with me at last they may i am truly free- put f krwrtr full well though i a3r not tell i have sold the beauty that fed bay heart i have nefd frm space of -can- sky whrre the winged cioacts mat la co horts by tor preimraiory blboya give spearoan play but this was done when a midsummer night a dream was pecformed by the paplls at hidborough school cref field road n wednesday and thursday uvenliig armle nlcholfta a widow of stir ling road aotqn wns chargod at aotqtv iolioo court on friday whh stealing and receiving between fjpy 1 and december 17 two jumpers nnd other articles vplue 1 be proberty of kthol pntunai r wlrt rober vie nts i nbitro i born cftoflh in aopn flf friday decern tier 21 u mr and 1 jr cross a daughter marbiep baxjfl oorsdy ilrantford on kednegday january is by rev a jkey hebref m sake acton to pqru flonhjy o vs f tqjok fomemipnat nqe pew e is njh if- anan iwwn v rph man nuddei the punishment op impudence x fonner drhing ujoug a oaimtry road waa thug rudely accosted by young man wb m he mot hellg rsubeul oive mo a lift tu jlwhtatown ulll yout j might well rhlo with you s walk h so tho young men aimtbed up and beguiled tie wsy ifftb uvej ahattsr after a few miles had beb travmud be said it a u a distance to hlgbbtewp lint iii um o good fhblbfu flu tbat i uit you i fjjf it is quite a dlstajr tuwwt the farmer v aftfrf a few more mllestth yaunk man sked say farmer how for is it torhlgblstown anywayf f wen jej nnr kst- jn rlbl on tlio- way ws r gain now tbdsay nwpuld he hboat twenty fohr tmoumiid wjlcs or so but if you wahfiw to git qut and walk hack h wttldnt b fcy raueh niove than hj he laughed and nlbbhd a bit ami i ti4sed he remainder over to ue n w boya e said with a smlla hirh gave us h pe 111 i ika n oon fwettluu i in hiving my last slruggln tljls t i tc favor 1 must starve wt slurve inur you know but 111 win an 1 wlitn tho rolndeor roue tills atorm will bring ilwui and ilia fat jul y m ika are going round yhy just count trie in this ohaered us all curjo u th fnlth we had in that man we would not beliavo our oyn eye we pel loved his instead ve saw hiat na was wasting iway his bio mi was ruixtlng th in a w ttor the color was gone from hta foiw his eyaa were t brlghtesi things to bo seen in the gloom of tb teu hut he said he tvas going t be all right and hint waa umuih hit us we did not doubt 1c more and more violent bocomo tha gale it wue an ure bllasarrl tho snow blew all tferetlglf our teill gm we lay shtvoring jn our bianko threw ttayn un 1 n gflfs the attirt tlnufftl ws cuuldn t sleep muoh trom a wlu vvefy hour nr two the t nt thrtate ed to gttn jnseek aud it whs john jrfio ajjtats eupbd o fix it or place miotbllr rookn us frjjwn edges wa ttrpoaia him keep itlr f yfskjsx luid out loeklng for the sonh so break and the rulnduer to pdjbtke eatd he urnckod h jokus s4t51d jiaatorles and made each oneofus agharfted to admit his dls- aouragvinent even to htroaelf at ias the vino died jtway the ly beoonis poor hps- hfhliye wf 1 un have a chgnep to ass pf whut stuff he u made and the same la trje whan ieer pian sjiddgnly flndd ktoa lf rich id gentleman ws present at the reading of the will of a distant relative says the london hpeptator had hardly expected to find him beirremsmbtred in it but prefty soon a clause was read in wojch a certain field was willed l htm that w good dut the document went betueeth the 6ld ffay fnfiff tfi9 su a ield to some one lss a man with whom the old gentleman was not oil friendly term tlat was too much for bis equanlm lly opt the old gentlftnan intsrrupied the solemn proceedings mfd brougtit a smile to the faces uf tit company by t xclalmlhg ttien lm eating wy aruael commandments tar wives tl ey rpay achieve domestic ore laid down lut a lloston who la also a collage professor the following are ten rules which she con sldsrp most important to famjly fn i city 1 thou shalt nat set thy husband to work taking the squeak out or a dosr or wending the elbotrlo flatjran instant he steps iqo tbe house j thou shall oot serve for dinner the dessert he despises they can be prepared for lunch whim ha ian at home 3 thou shalt not pick up efet hun all the time but hettfier shaii thou berate him for leaving thlnos around the nicest menwill do it and domestlo disorder with iieace t better tl up tidiness enforced by nag ging 4 thou hut dut fuss about tbe burnt matches pr ifo clfihr aili ho drops wjfmen who- ore cerpttdugovvr such detail learn why iden iav home and go to the ofuh i nffllolno furebudren is mothwrthavee wpnu kxiermlnator nt m arrdit lexeeitnmjfur drtvtng worms snaw stopped blowing whrough tho klrkh tent the sky cleared sod a cirfm in tense cold set in ob how cold it was i we ouuldnt sleep tut oitr 0u8ine85 woraie8 a man who olmuf wlthtrhi hnther run u thriving tuoljiueliiessi in ab deen sutldenly became strongly r ilgloua uud joined the church in his new f uiidsvat 10 node reienta4 at oempu to convert his brother who was jut as obatlnato in refusing dut why asked the persistent one cant you do uks me and- join the ulrlrto weel ed reply the eoalt t i did was th ecsmperat whiitwould be there o weigh t ilns cr a piano lamp for a chrlsw mua prsstnf jmt rutt or something which is tffjr film and tfot chiefly fo the iipms thou shall not greet p n with a i igbtly tafe qr woe ktfout ti e ini ml tm of children of servai v mastui line ofn nuiiill eybtoms and em or gonrits as he does hie 7 thoji pha no entertain a make engagement fo go out in th evening whan ho adrnfl ije is too tired after a day in an office nil many persons want is suenov an little enough of hat i this thou too luwweaf if fboq ari a lt wifb o job outside ml home v i tfjuu spalt fiiake fhy cjhdrn un dersfand that tfelt futher s 1 uiatlo comfort oomss flpij ttmu gholf mif folf to ralsu thy husband fpr l guird wufks iu the bomethp smalt repaint he funnliiu pf the furnups the packing of u sun day night auiipsr ir l fair find grimjlpug hnil qwfuf jy g id iqloy be lje 10 kven f jfoy body b surrounded by the four wellls of bop th u si tit not allow thy miitd and oul to become h use bt und roy auah ir npt lf wy of comradeship wlh guy nan mlflec worm powders wh drive worms wom the am without in jury to tho child the j mi w lure are si eay to take that tl most dell rate si dmah ranauulme is rhoni and welc me thsrn as speedy eflierp c path because they promptly removo the worms that cause the pain nd thus tbe suffarjng of tlt little cmm la relieved with so itefllsg a renv address a fourtbenyear ohl kust acton lad was bound ovor for twelve months it ealing police court on buturduy u t charge of etooling u tin box f oigr ittee to the value of 3s si the prop erfjy of nell o lowo from 06 baling park gardens at wllleaderi police court on tburn day victor hughee 17 churchflel i road acton wis summoned as tbe ownndf a commonwealth bus for not having a table of fnres palnud in the bus sir harry ilrlttaln left home on christ raps aye bis birtt day with lady orittaln an 1 their tw children o spend christmas at maloja la the mgadlne they will bo eway about ii fortnlghl uy a cufioua co- incidence sb harry s brother col w ii ilrlttaln whu is now in nctv zea isnd celebrates his i irthduy on new tt ears eve when v teitunt madetnn ilhcallon to the acton n agio ira tea for in ex ion of time in which to mvu liln flat his ai pliontlon w i -u- i urled ffy t salvation army officer who stated that he wav i rosptotaj lc n a v w t three children and tlmt it wax 1m i osslble for im to find uccomnvodu tlon at present mlsa s m sti ee may r of xctara 1p34 g ex alderman of tla burougp briefly re visited the ncone of hor pub ua work on tuesday evening when the town council was in aeselon to 1 resent to tbo curpor itlon a gold mo tla 1 hon chain of office for tl u use of the mayoress mre orange and her successors many aotoo friends uippolully form r habanushtrs sol o i pupil bo interested to heu of tho niuri at st- oeorgv uunpvir squun suturday morning of ml b stone mb b h 1 p ii loi j only child of mr and vi j si dc it ooldsrqlth avehue an n t mr jan wilson mcintosh mb r ii h k fc c 8 edln eldest son of the late mr und the laijmtra mel tosl d1n jrgb jtaaeph j turner a milk oarri bwij cbiawlck who was ohlffyiq emm1 u qllaapi tjntwlrthefsldirteauah ihlnft blest and the wh4w stoyj- i graaaoa crrat i iwvo sold the grotrs oad tbu birr ooves and tho placid pond when the uuce gtow 1 haw wok the ftowers pf thm liuce tlmt have welcomed me in tbe ing dewm tho tender music of bygone days when the sweet binu sue me uietr roundelay- avo epld tbe k that woke and the trustful love of my liuitis dumb have purctpxxel ease tar sty weary oscbde and the way beft sands hill ray eyes are seeking- use they know and my tieut la sick for the lnrsfc aao wtren acroae tbe abeen of av acre green were 1 inert bed la beauty tbe ihoorhts of god cwddraui boawa ye har witll ymn arwxya 1 this ltrm aotprars la the paper fltxta iltsgji urll uvlmv os a resteal carsn oward by mr als- rt wrtjftt uras adue roddnlr b4it cee sswns iwaja ua rfxfar losew leaatesj betbad torn ty t rluuu blil m lux sittnhrr nf ascsjbwe cn4u on jle wse tndetrtrd to tfr vcruiht fur mhrly tar rent aiul bwrruatsil nsenry sbual te t ifri- spctcbt for btik sasstthlac onrtos sos to mrara tt sbd e ttklun o flow a crorrry mil at 4or4 itvue aad ittm lie unk im ittaatlty of yarn nd oumt belongbor tu nrtcbborlag liucb ilea im nwaiiprmtsly tiohi and tnrli u ure ta hsit tiuttdrrtl 7 one wor9 story tbe cmc wood mnry tr hn- bleat indeor gatne iws it th player aire p4cajy ot 1t- 1 sui native wtt tbey all la a dstlr ud oa bexctna a atery by ylnx jo oe wet juj tnhttpnr givva tbo srrosnt wont gnit his omusiks rottnd and rooml ciitk a playr wta canut suoply who iw sl ottj true rtor tmt hdve um cue tbe keen pert ofuk gausse wbew eauy io or uwe are left esse who nrvives p all use- e bessi faded wins un it b orfnally reltabte car o t m tft firartw fhtwilg p- u braieea and lclec-ti- ou ie maay tbotisanda of tbe family medlriae ctct rcassusumg an vftlcer ot the royal air forci wattcbed a yodnrt radt aixts of trepidation ni tor ua ttrit flight doat be njirv saaxt est f tae ofooer toerti coese dosn axun tnereat oq k fwstajire of an stroplase not r rveiatxb directory jianven u irflgta 131 cmtfc ht31ejct aiiui iba j3- snuttur fct elabotldjlas9fl fasmcfi m a pujwc iacrnojh ont iouctaaclch 3bqmfav ill stztmlliaetjzit r4ac- bsqjhxa jmsimi nn 1 ns g c3nhoilf vt turwao uluns mltf ulta- hioe l 4liu h t asub ss nuaurs djf dl jc made to tttrr insalusllkceaai tf rvary ooecrtp- tjif jj auurad rtfrf seatty rxkebr melat amd motstuss of tbe eartb i alitoic were 10 realdeate half a century ago my review of trveata wbtcb trans- pfked fifty years ago hero were well received both by old and uryr people that glean some more ifeme from thle old file before i i find that ofocera of wajavr lodge xveva h- of acton were lojrtaiiod by v wor dro jlocb wett er of cjuclpb the foooder of tbe llr thp officer wer- m ilro starry ii out 3t w bro colb catse of ouulph m w hlr kennedy x w ilfo ala avrigbt chaplain bro john pl seewnl trcojiurer brov janes mattbewe secretary fn john hose srd bro jomee ryder d j r- ffro david calloway q frrrt01fn roe court on welasartay with embejsllug lurui of 8s trud and gs lod celvvd for his empl y r mr john thomas dairy- 1 u of south 1 orade act n aresi 1 leaded guilty un 1 suld that im iv tn willing to rl uy the n on ey ha 1 rumlsed to iv rn a iosm 1 fr m wl at 1 ud occurred u d to go straight he was eentai ceft to six wektnln jail thern was a feitst of j ken goi d bad arnl indllterent us well as of ma terial thing-kef- th b c v ference dinner und blr hurry brit totn midt one of ll y hits of th evening suddenly mr ware eome hurrlbic ulmospherie or something ofthe port during tltie 0 tji uu the iioibo was prodiiloub whut on turtbi thatt asked uie j rlnlo mln isttt oh thal 1 rilni tiy replied s r harry is the alston guxntte and west l n lun post going t press whereat tl ere wero i ill t beers ui d laughter led ly blr william bull d 0 c 4tro fred he cord htewnrtfa broe dr morrow nnd dr xowry tyjcr bro i harloa cameron te retiring master was presemled with a p m jewct suitably lnacrincot at the cosclaaienef jbe prooeedis the mtmlwra ot the craft retired agnew s hulel where an acmomt bun tpet woa eojored vrhsrt heim mumonlo chain call tbe foorth una evidently observed in thoete aayv also the boris of temperance were 1 rosi erous body in those old daym the annual soiree wee held pa yeare night in the old hall on church titreet il 1 tendid by a full bouse tbe says after the cakes and thl hud been properly disposed of mr d christie took the chair and the bruas baud played atlrrlng tuxtee tlielr usual excellent stybv sang voted out ner no d6ul t p soothing belea to the unfortunate victims at ue uwunlcipel elect on itrv il u cook guvo a brief address cnarue dtss mint in a splendid voire the toacnuxf set ich 0hg about the larnnutrfa hagg d wo uns and mj an racorre song castles in the air tbe land luyed fair canada mr john hj oltfht gavo on interesting tj hi orous ouldreee of over an hour mia clara wattw n sung a aeatlmrntaj sjotue a quartette conaletlng dean 1111 und g bbona and mlas wutson sang wf iluam and ton bright shore hev t spoke for fully an hour rrvl fltcech co r sn t ly le li vered in toronl by jaoim fahey lo behalf uf tbe li cenaeil victualler aseoclajol this waa a real eld fashioned artirer messrs j c hi it and harry eteboae are still with us quartettes tho uimual elect ui of hcnooj trae- feee was held on tbe nrronov wesoe day of j january the xarmk of wh ward moore and c s bmltb had ex ihfwevpu nir nw- itedy cooaxort u tfw e 0 sftli ii a 1 i nisi has nrofsod the body moat be sp more to drying lafli one feel aware aumulated it ehe air rmhy belt conatantly inrifu nt vary- btg raxea after jong tests we are con- vmclaiambmm is the best container for tea redr0se is good tea now pacfeed only- a layer- who had got into dtfflcul tu at st ahdrows fumoiis golf links after yalnly hanunering away ft 1 iu i f fo its cadille what dyi ugb i lp t4ko ntwr tnk ai hj- waa thp reply qnd gutig awn hump nights pf aopny tome lp be train t osmlhtft lp- fl ml cniint lie dt wn and lfoi is driven iiofn mis brain wla trateful rvluf la pie lp medlftfu offset ot xip j h kollqggn aathmn umsty v in i lie po trighlful oenduluns psrs thu fms es anil elutblhi hf ffll0tsd pnf to adw aft hn1 no hue i vep m gquildly rllll feslully loour frofd worms your uaarhv druealbtl v your ueorby drugtjlst- ing candidate wero propoaed for elec tion w h btorey kdwnrd moore joaeih 1eruuy david makiney jstnr hyder an i thomae h bhage the vvl ing tuok 1 luce by ballot lit the meat bag and w h morey and edward mooro wert elected the board for tbe year w is composed aa follow nody fli snydrrvil j ltu joai lasby auward uova ajd li st orey at te brick aehot i known a xer don m hchoul third 11 alex if brown wna uecieal liot in pbo- of mr 1 iu kenedy tl e other trustee wetewouhn vsari oord n t in ii ose curly lays 1 lmwem atere strongly rgunled as irengvra 1 say that the aoo ja orange inntinr wa held in tbe orange hull anton on friday rwn ink 3rd of january am the fellawtng ffoers were elected for tbo vnaainc year w rthy master- jolm hbsv ktrutuey it it t nml m1l htuw trtl john ultrtwll aaa mleward john unmn t hoptfttn ivtllhiui uoorv ttasircer d mcnregur uute kipper laotra mcdowell cerun thanuy ifillrr 1 m itu mann tlpra mttfgofy vl lwfy hlewqrf helen shew drlegnfej i division jrgnge j warrppjjtnd aiu kennedy and thsy tad dlshonsi taflkn al dagji as well aa tqiy tv op9d book aay thv por ye ha alwtyp with yqu and i iblnk ll mao be ej4 joet u inrty 4v yt v jasijisj 2 v1 nolin iahki ll m aclm i lliuuiiiy dutuiui i 30 liijil timi und mrtk irki r it iluiiulitt i oik tl i mahhieo maui nh bl viiamoii ftilurdny liuutrv iu7 at 4 ini hy llu t i a m ii i lull annlo wilson h nh un ij night- of mr and mrs i ii 11 nliiim lltw kwx il tu ill hti in i ifont miilllunil only ihiii of mr j d miittlnud plmu did uoli infllll at artmi on monday januir 3rd 1j7 mahxdm hfdllav iter ui d ft yufs j k bingham at north buy mi i liur day dictwlur 23 ids rhamuh j jlliulmm in bin sfllli year lfacjirat ilmnty hay un 1rlduy ii i mlwt 1di8 almd c leach lirflthtw ot mth g a hnhlalret lb liia itli y r warcup in olikvill on wt tines diiy di cemtx r 2 l2t charlotte plowtii relit t of the lain ismir war tup in lvr mill ytar watfclon at ctherlll hon pi i ill ham lltmron wedmudny ikrtimw sb tozb wlllule elatsi diiugnw f t retl wat u oh fnrmi rly of yimtner man o i4 c2ua hursduy -boi- invod wlfeof john cdnfllo in lier 40th yiftt j in uembftlam coon til 1 ivlng memory of our denv mot jit r mm 1 coon who died jwmiiiry h 1021 mom and morn ouch day wn rnlas ht i rl ndu may think the wound is nulled it lit they jlttlo know the sorrow lieu in our htiuru innaeahd tub vamitty katnnjprsrtt tjjcmtaoayjanuaitya ifl27 brief local news lwn owtiowyttri17 wy enrjvn cwrjilenil it r visitors were numcr now ytutr oua tho new resolutions are flue keep them invlolrfte oncrylnaiiy jd37mutor murk era hav put jh an apiararkeyol throe hundred and sixty bright now days still to came in 127 full of opportunity is your pen loath to lave 1626 and write it 1937 just a littlo dif ficult yot isnt ltr tho oloclkm in auirlph to provide ppbllo convoiilenomi hn tlm city was do f on tod by 1 14 to ul tim glorious uunset on new years hlghf was 4 deli a mal picture to tho yaw ahyurlial tjil hud been much like an old fashioned winter so far with good sleighing und moderate tempera i rhvll ragootbhi1fcurna ka eerneferv imd r tllh obituary miii ciha con i wrjui cbth urn- lutliur auflrtonly iustty- rinnediiy 30th i to mis cihtelln churtli htiool mrs cojutt lo w nf- io ood uauith uuuu 1 1 h nllui but until u couple t weeks prior to hiii luut 111 nans waif abla to 1 it nlolit uiul undertook imr usual tluttes wr fuillal wu- in id oil now y- iru ttrtrnik ii willi mms byiv itatht v mnjtt nvy at st joseph s churili liitumtiit btlug mudn at dublin cumttery mrs costellti whoso inlildt tl liiiiiiu wau cilia puiliitotu wh the daughtor if tht lulu george pad- tihu bltikwmt whloh wu lief -tiirtll- lluoii am u niiidmi of 13 or ll mrs costllo utitm jution wltjiher auht mu daffy aouio twtiiity ulirlit years ugo klutrf dii ff y wiim u reul mother to htr uml thiy uvnd togt tin r until mihu durfy u doulh four y t urs nuo wlijtu mi vi litt en l our of ugi she matrlotl john coutolln hitit ho provid not a faithful liuuhuiid i4111i cor years hail not riijdad with tho ftmlly war uuiiported them mm costelln was at indiimtrbimi hurt working niother al ways unxioue vttr her tliiughtars wei fare nod wry ilovout in hor huroh id n gulur in her ullendaiioo upon llu horvheii she is iurvlvd by thro lvwgit uriu who hiiniuul gootf position in 1 omnia si vral iivh but liuujeiiiwliujiiiiforiiuuio muitlm rvouimirutliiif uftor un uttaek of rhtuiiiatlc fevnr mr w duvul who with tier hiimbniid n nldvii ui the acton and imstrict j to boo as runt jjltiv tuvttbiiiiig elui ini mil mm jtmmiirn a li mis j wk juiiiw hud the tttlsfortuiie 4 ihrawo from thnaledwhtt tt- rah aver il trosmi hump whoh rntunvl ktimaywiul mrliu liijury 0 tllo- spllin hhe hits suffitxl tmi mid era lily from it mlnee und lu uttll unuble to lui uboiit ehlsroloj lit knlultta mill ltive mason has wirkiliaqo- mt 1 in exravadlui ftm a liaahtmoiit uhhi 1 liu lulttliig mint 011 wlllujiuau tiiim will ulvu a lurap uru of adtll tioiiiil up ice vrltlch will in woiuvul td und wall drain d rtils apleii 1 tl uuultieiol is growltig ami itu dtvrnp mtmt will im in ntlilltloiuil build in lit th near future m irnrfnnc mu yuuitgvwt tor uto u kptiuia tho mother and daughtera were uli uffutona6i family tho iclrlu feel the loss of their dear mother plan jiuu brought aatlefuctury resul tho motor carji did not iteve the icy highway which pmvallad ou chrlutiiinu to contend with 011 now yeurw ftus erxrhongo of tint boll ti le jhunei katttiiiiitiy700 jihono uuv ancient ticket comes in por refund ewcuralon ticket issued by grand trunk for c at phtladsl- phla in 1876 montreal docember bl tlckutu iikoth proverbial chlolcoua nutuo limine como uomf 1 ruobl hqt uie tv cord for dormuiicy u hold by- 0110 just received by tho poasnnger depart pent of titer canadian hetlnna halt- ways dated 1s76 with auggustloti tlutt tharo may lip nomd rafutid com ing on il und if su m1iu11 bo glad jf you will kand it tn trie tho ticket in question is dti ixcursloii tlcko le- umadrbjr thelt4ht trunk hallway at portianr molna under ths hue uf ctmtennlal ljtcurauon ttckel nn- tlulirsr the liojder tu a journey from tlund to philadelphia and return to attend tha centennial kxhlbltlon is ajgned by blr joseph lpckaonafl naral manager and punch marks show tt having been used a far as detroit hs latter which ucaompanud tha ticket alifubd by j y snillh of port land me utatftu in ooklng over wm old papers bfllonglnijq my late father i found tho enclosed ticket while i aa not ever tonieniler my fattier who wo over lghty ut ijx tbwo of his dearth mentloiilng having been to tho contannlal at phlladol phla in 1h70 and ths ticket only shows havlntf haflp puncliiml o oupte times the tlmught occurs to me unit tliere may bo uornu refund on it and if ao i will ho glud if you will send it to mo there waa no refund due but tho to year old ticket bun bean added to u10 collodion if tha uhl grand trunk records- n tho canadian national urchlvvg 1027 f do tuit ut dlurouiaged- if you make and break your good resolutions they aralh reality inuptruhonh of the bosl them lif in you piopte who fl 1 hot makircnild break food reaoliitlous or uuuu 11 y very fond of ihomsoivw and titiver mach tlio hmllof their uhl1iy she trletl and failed and trlod again aptl fallel apd one day discovered that hsr fiiuuihw woro uutweiia raiutj to quash uy law hppljrultim it slia iiuim ui trnfalwar to quttah bylaw nd uni couilly of halton la levy tlm bounty rates for itch was beard at toronto thursday morning ow n attorney dick solicitor for tho county has telephoned that it wau thrown out hy the high court jud who heard it and who mfuued to ooiutltler tlio urg umoiu tit mesin a ltinu daly solicitors for the towhulilp horse killed an tbe highway one day lust week mr d a hen- ucruouv lumberman h tho m tkiiio to inun one of hi tnanl lioruam him tabiutor was driving a loud ov buy into town and bad an oxtrartoro lud behind a mlrrtermm along- puiutnd tha load thd nvldently did not eee thv horsebehlnd the l6wd and in swinging in to tho otmtre of tjie road ubuin struck the horse tha impact resultwl in tlm death of tho animal in n faw minutest neighborhood news xuhustmak examinations the ael urn of th itttltutn i111i1i tllnii iten luu and tilllluiig ut ibti i a vtome a hei or mr mei tn d to mr und mix kan ciunerui avituiwnauiob wliolutd tha mtnor line to bo buruel out there wu a lingo uuendunoo of member rli hext mooting will lie held nttha hair ot mrs g uinuerviiw s limehoube llioro wuu a happy family ttutherluu at 0u himiti of william ilowtty j p mi new yeiirn bay the party in jludixl prjiiflljul und mr j ji hey tioldu an i jumeu 01 the o a c mr did mm sam gowdy ami mihu neltl oowdy of oudph 11m lhni house womn4 inutltuto wilt holtl tli ir next monthly met ting 1 jltiiuury lh at 3 p m at thulxan of mrs joseph hcoli campdcllvllle tiit oltlcers of campbell jodgi a f au wire histalliwl lust week us folio wjj w uro j j mubmi w m w bro gerald murdook ii m ilro 1 monlveu h w bro 15 h lyrmuii j w hen c w uowden hucreliiry bro h c mensles tretasurer ilro j tjl jordlur chaplain ilro lloyd crawford h d ljro s cmilsan j d tt hi llr 7f nil biour j- h bro w bell d of c bro c mclhutl r a wr joseph weir tyler aftir tho oloaa of tin ihuetiu tho hrothri purtook of tawruslimvittw in the banqutt room qnlv a-btamb- iiur round uur rural wring tho town aud dlstrlol ii10 pupiu uro lack at tholr studlau in tlm wlmols thoutudintu ii tha collugtiti and tha untlurgruduutes in 41111 uiilvfcreitl tlm rink wasunerouly luitron laed ou new years day tho akutlnif was gottt and ntw ybri wlslios wero freely oxprvd uviry where tho new yr dawned bright und oleur with thu imiou and starw shin ing i rlkhtly followed by u day o bright sunshiny wlntfr wu4her tin customs receipts in ouelph for 1pjj6 mhowvd ui incrvasd of tl 713 33 ovr tjio returns tor tbn form er calendar year according to figures just given out there la ono good way to got nny business message to the people ujjlck y a ultacuvely use actom irtuni tmm advertlsliig or printed publicity it will pay you the beautiful weather which pre vailed during chrlstmtlsudfl oontlnuitd over new years it woj dollghtfully eharacteilitlo cinkduw weather wrhout the uaujujbelow ro dips mimuklnif of rural ealmol meetlnes the furnirrn aitvocata suifgesti to tlif true too- tlmt thire am always 1nlej estlag uiul hupdrtunt subjects to dis cuaa why not juoka up u programnia and let tlm rutepuyorn know ubout these uml dlsouss thum to luoht of utf a liostago utamp is up more than u wmall brlgntly colored piece uf puiier gummed on one itldj and uervln- the useful iurnose of cor- iylng mall to its dehtlnatloil some of un may rocull tho old uw about llow tl fttlaltl miffrhu liv imhnuny ft taniji atlckfiii to tho job until it is hnlsbetl but there our thoughts on th aubioet tome to jui jibrupt end what u oltfcn nee of vuwpolnt we uhd in ibo pnilutnlbitl tor him utamtm encompass m ualvaruthey glvo blm blatory jid googruphy in mluluturti und his ulbum deluihts his ey tnortt uiun ahy art iraborv for the student uf utahip thereis beauty 1 thu utile eng raving naturally so kinoo tho vurloue natitni have ulwavw been proud of the uppour- uhca of thlr lusus when one read id uiat the liitrnatloiutl otuuip kxhlbl tlon li id displays from too famous phuuuuwtu rnprtst ntlilg nearly bwry country under tlio uu it is dlfnoult nal to be lmiirouhed with the import ance of what is generally regarded as little inore than a fad the etlmuteij value of tho stamps ou exhibition hero run well into the millions one alone the hritlsh ouhuui spoclmud rvnbwn ed among eftllvctors brougbfc xe3 soo when aold ut parte a few yoaru ago now york dosl canadian legjon banquet an organlxiltldn meeting for for matlon of a furanch of the cunadlnn legion hhhit tar aoton will bv helelirthjftowhhai on wednaaaay- everrrnir trebruary th mlnromar aupper will ii r plifli- nvinry at which brig general gun 11 c m q d b o uiul other prominent speakorii win explain tho ppinciples aud objecta of the legion all exuervico man are unfed to rally nround the legion amliielp to build up a local branch mayor bice ov huntftvllu tiih ljtics ihiktyi has pleasure in pf tfi rlns congratulation to mr harry 13 hiee of tho korea ter iluutsvlllt uknhla olootlun by a oolm nation ua mayor of that prosperous town it is eleven yoara since mr rico retlrdl from aotlva municipal life ho was previously mayor in 101su and ib and wun evidently again ready to nu uumo th responsibilities of officii when his exiierlenood uervloeu hi ed to be desired in the interest the towu dannockbuhn juntiockburti wooiepu inutuuta hold tholr decombur mooting ut the hamu of mr a a g ciarrldga tho piaul dent mimjj ruiisoii occupied tho chlilr iavc-dolbura- o to tlomuh tenunoe of acton rout hoonr the liistltuto also ptovldati equip mimt for tho aerving of hot drinks to thpuplrof woodsld school nt the- noon hour mrs il it lindsay gave u taport of the toronto cojiveiitldn lield in noveirttmr 1 mr agnow of acton tho disttlct preuldent gave an odd- on buul nous lines und soclulservioa the next meeting will bj held at uie home of mrs d ntussell fifth lino osprinqe editor whuss titnus tills bolng tba lmljajiua of the reformat for ts the editor dooms ll fiulur undrlght to uolxo tbe tunlty of returning hlu slncern thtuiks tu the rriindsj here and ulaowhofo who have shown in various ways during 4emrtsneejr tht rvwdshlr- ho- praibe poh the needv talk hkppims ewwy chalice yoi get and talk it good and strong look for 1 hi tho by wuye us you grhnly tuims ulong purhapu it is srirungtm now who visit never mint4 but lalk ut boon you ii nnd that you end huppliit sii are chums multun biuhieuii turn havo 01 uu ised 11 boslnoiui im 11 u uubuclatlou am have wlunod an ugn wutiht to cluu their storos bvirry mi ndtiy wodnes day ii ml rlduy night at b 30 o clock andli v main m u 11 rinbduy und r nights beglnhint this week l unulosa 2 go for thu 114101 ihucwi for anoth t yial mrs camroll und 1 wbtlt tint publluhurs or tlie pkoui ivibia u vbiv bspty now yua 1111 1 hlu in eluilex the mtarf who usii ut tu niuki the pal or wu intrstlng and full of uih wt rtliwhlle reading j h ca m d uin olwursvllle ny itinerant preacher utoppo for refreshment at- ui arkansas huusu 01 ahiung other things im wow urv- ehwllh ui pie pie it was not u good pla the crust wan jioavy and our and the apples wero hard but the good inun praised it earnestly tho woinun or th hoiiao ktifw that she had had bad luck with- tbe baking unlus aho wmj really hii exeellnntrook tthe de termined that the nxt t that ths prwiclier cuiio bur way lie uhould have a pie that wuu faultier he told her when he whji to return und on that day ulto set before hlin- an uppla tluit wau perfectly do haluuj- ho 04o it but to bar auum ishpieut vouoigafml iiot u word of oumiiiwmlatlou tluit wuu muro than ulte aild uiiuid wbon you wore hi ro iwforu she uald you ute- an upple pit thut wua not tnnro tlm11 luilf lukod and yet you prauetl it to the skies now you hiile uiuen t plr llmt no imu need he tasluimod ut but you haven t a word tu a4lwlu utfwt 1 it uhdrvtand ll ily good woinun ayl 1 tho iireach ur thit pto yon tioa me n few dije njjv won nadty in rintd if pr ilue and i did my full duty in that dlreo but this ft no plu blouu your keurl duos nut roqulru anyaulogy etecrxonson monday ljio elected rkv m gowey deputy j1v for eaqueslna thomas willis the- out ml in ljuoung township was uiiuaiiully kwn lir the ki vj ship llhimuu 1 i recwurtl witt vots und w v appluhy 4 deputy it ve- wm oowtly b1 go arid m j cut ton lit bituson townshipho v t yiur cuuiuill l m ut id 2u p r and j f fluuby oakvim llttvi t a hlaka look otiur orrhu weii riiid ly h olaiiiatlou stitblin hvillt-h01v- o ooner tmiurll il h orlg ling j b111ii1 1 a huwglll ishitf ttlwmmhp uv d j bine lair- ixipuly vt ihi uryan lounclllt rrt j ii in james mn kinnou w h lurdon uiuin vllxaok uoove major jitstitm 1 1 uht lllnru janiie j mchougall k wright and c weddrll wjcramosa townhillr arohib ajtoit foa jmuak wanl him by kind acta ond oxpres- slonw of uyiiipntby which ho uppro elates tnoru than words can ndequatii ly express to ono and all ho wishes a very happy and prosperous new your and many of re form r mr white is uow nuiklng good piogcius toward rocovoty where peepu will see it it u an amusing think tu thehewri writers ou a 4oeul nuwspuiior when thny hur aomebody suggest tluit they wmld like to bave un itm nr un od vertlaemutt in the paper where the lebple will uei 1l the new writers know that people e every item und ttvery udvortls nynt pvople we u 3 wim it should be a s aul 4hiy see every wrong initial evory misspelled uamo aud every omission of itesnu they expected to seer where people 111 oe itr there is hu such place you can put anything ltr thu news paper that people will nut hoe u crawford cneb courier the vote in esquesi 10 cohk aud plate com- vchaation lionn 4raltl llebnli ibeld mcnitbbj coo jaabiih kahwrfwrd w awanj nit oav mm jmuok jtjy ta one wliow tin i un been rolnod tt id inli him ptty the cllrw of u fwli hi nidi inutrumtvnt htuuutlmm aitn hlu 11111111 lu thv telu undr wtrliliiri 1 ulltniu an liikfuno which rn ttul in omuurtuuuiut pi upolugluti uu i tlimlly lu u phuutunt uuqualntuiiri hinting tho 1wuw1hw conttriitml is told by u cemmlw ohio firnur who spent hu turly ytuiu lu the t inphiy of tlm wtstiu utdoii telvurui coin pan y koine yteuiu af u r biiialiod hwulth had drivnll hliu from tho telogiaph llhlkt to tll fuim lie aud ids vtfi wero siwhdtng t shurt vuuttlon in tlm south wmu tbey wro dining m 1 lotal lu idtfniphu two young llt1 vuterthl und motud thvnist ives nt t if ktipai table with the tioupm n tk wesc j after a sur vey 1 t the strungera om i the y out lui took up hia fork an tupping tt in tut apparently onreleas way against tho dge tf jjs plate lnlleti out in the morse oode iovou ihlmi thoynre bride und iduoror vos surely tappetl file ccnipan- lon just wnttti how soft hey are immediately to the dismay of the youhe snen ue fori of the sut0awl llmideuruoni jttflneal in tbe convereuthm ueve jwuh groat luihdmy 16 taliped ouf f- untunien you are jniatukan we been tnarrldt ufa jrxatrg and tuwe three obilrar h h ial i dow sprouts la milton halifhtu lib norval ja hornby sb stnwurttdwn 3 dublin 4 impse crs ha lililehuuua kb glsnwllllamu ii reevs ipble- deputy csrilm y 73 1 28 sj st 37 bfl 103 34 w 4o 9 89 134 v a h und lrosiorouif new year to you an tba holiday was spoutvery quietly b our cltlxt ns many entertaining their frjendsfrtim townover thu wtjek ond and many delightful outing were the feature a largo congregation nttendod uie itecvfctt ha id in our presbyterian church last suntlay the jveopte of this cummunuy ox- tend their best wishes to mr and mrs john maltland of kloru who wore quietly married lu this vicinity new years the brldo was one of our moet popular young ladies being mlou annie bonham daughter bf mr ami llr joseph benliam many jolly skating parties art tlio feature these beautiful cv at sings on tho mill dam at kvertou atit are largely attended by our young people r0ctcwq0d xolia frumosa township nontlmi- tlans lust week the reeve archibald mcnabb and couucllloru william swunuton h 15 alton jouoph ruth- orford ami frank day were elected by acclamation in tlio ovonlnif nomtna tlonu for poll co village trustees thu following namcti wore uhttoilfnr oleo- uonllobwtltekee x4uw- oocnliuiy otbav things y trwl smith r- r ivart und j li totals 384 0ft 430 613 majority for oullo 3b majority for oh way j04 p1yv the comqre0ati0n an obi srolcumlnluter toltf hlu ulutunt that be if ell more rulkued heiirlng him than iri pn aching hii uef tliu ukstuiil retillud that im i lierli net i u ulmllur feillnt wlijiii lilu ufllllit willi lit ilia luilplt tlien juiumt th mlilaur ikity tin folk thai hive to jtwur lull thl a stoics revenge ono moinlng tlti teacher found little larry witting on u public- uoat lu thn imrk wearing an exceidiinhy pained unit iiauoe vviuit is tlm mutttrt auui d teuwh atu you hurtr no unuwarwd harry havd yuu lost uuytjtluirt nti wellhaery imilated tvucuor hut is thu matter with yout 1 in silting on u wuup a wiuii exolalmwd tt uchtr wtliy the world dont yon got upf lot thlnkhtg iuitd hi boy that ma j be 1 111 hurting tlm wimp na much lie lu hurting ma carton tho flrut three wcrvj olooted on imnnday wnt harris who wa nimilnutid for commlaslonor of this vlllugo having served for 17 years did nut wish to continue lung and rat not accept nomination tho week of prayer uervlces foi thi wotik is being hold luesduy ing unlrtod- church wednesday evening friends chureli imdoy eenlng st johns church tha mr vlbou being tuken by tho luistor of each congregation the opaniulr rink on thu woollen mill s dam 4s being well iiawonlxed during the weks holidavs the young people of tho village ttlld vi- olnlty kreally enjoyed unmsotvos ure on now years ev thosowhi ni out for the evening stayed until the new year came in on new rs uiternoon hucksy wam indulged and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves with tho ruvorlto post- tlma in the evening- a gdotl number wero rnl as the ice woj in splen did cottdltlen after being rhodei n- fore ibirk tho holiday passed off quietly hero nd tho day waa what ono could say without a doubt a perfect wlutjr day jmr kverett ti laviness of niagara falls arrived rrhlyvniiig to upend few days with his wife who came earlier in the week mr und mrs william llr i direr aud johnston hewal of slmcoe were fr the holiday- tha former with friends from ilaniilon ut the home of mr and mis robort henderson miss kdnu m pearen left on sun day morning for antimrstburg totako up her duius as teacher for another term george torrance left for normal school ut toronto the beginning uf tbe week 1 mies m mllrqy rvturiifid to toronto our tftucrlwns wlin left fur their homes for the holiday returned this week tu rouume their dutleu the an nun t meeting of the licit i cultural boomy will be held next moiduy evening in tho town hull whan the report ufthe past years vork will be hvui it and election uf tdoiij uml dlreoturu will he duhtnu d with qu well us plans rur the com lug htiasou u lantlvltleu be looked into thv uunfiui school meutlug wuu held uwt a1lloaay 1 wiling will ii financial uiitumentu of u very sat ufaotory cku racier wirw pieeeuud fur bulb hi- publui und cmitliiuutlon uoliools mem- charles luinham wuu unti irumtee fur the next lime your pojod publlo behodl pupils wh toau hluhsst btsndlntl l- m1 xb roliawin tho reeoijpevimll xniutiiutlbiiu heltt in d mln r plpuriu xjfbr luh111 xla c3u ugo v junior kitbiitlne film rrughtiiu 473 uu total 060 6c3 kuthleiwi vulii g33 unloi total ujut llfllll ix j 11 1 111 mf pn prlnlliuil 8nlo adubo hi own 401 cliru limn i third f 441 1 dlui mlllu 383 futut too d i olultr itikclier junler third itnldy huiiht 11 400 ii uvt y hum surd 434 john irwin 413 total 630 mart hu on teuobtr bstliof 4eohd ituth jmmlugu 34j harold hkllllng 320 oentgti uwltxev 301 rotui 4ba j anderson icilcljer juiossscond luiriltdo jdhtitl 3du umu rok uydor 364 llnrbora tuylo 362 total 400 v asnloivfrr mai ion nicol 3flt iqlthvaaii huaid 3c0 rrljcl sennfngu 3rj qotal 400 a muauotiuld reaclior elrt cisss wilms hjinuen le7 viedtrnik tilimir mi limn ltinu in tpo44- 100 prlmsry class limit hi nil 1 170 deiothy dtlim 101 hulonu loyulloe toil iotul h00 n anderson ttmoliw junior primary senior ciass1helmucilpuii nor man hralda alfloo tayloi lulormbdlntii cuuu grncn stouart doiiutliy ptiiup albeit pifjloiio juplor cluult bimlo malnpiiko lor- osii cumpboll ulargurot smith moore lenclior adk and rqceivc wlllit wem you aiidatr hlllltli iiilklng about lntn piilfirt dciyiuiil w wrlfli i 11 aniif- otil kith rtplto 1 tho young lady y w in r jit itfitthsttj rfti imtfni it kltuaiiiil you mill ymi kin mutiuil makuxlii kfeefi buoy nlnetmfhu of the mint tu u and th vicom nt miinliood prol 1 nd from hilt in us with tnt ti of uulqk mlmlh to whom u im specially parillclmih tlil hublt ik rommonly tlm ft u it vt th iny duupualntmintu uiul tiolimeu oft ijiifj ria1 ami nun fall in ithrr utliemtlf not un mm h cm wanljof jitrongth p fo hh 111 dlrmtlmi of it llmwuk- est llvliigcriiuture by coucetitlathiu i im puwerw oh a wlngln nbjoct can nc oomplluli uopn thing li drop hy con lluut il t illltm lwn es itu pasuuifo ibtnugh tile hardest ruck the busty tnrrcul i uihon over it with hldeoiih rour und lnfivns mi tract n lit hind speciitnoticbfr continued train pugo one execut0h6 auction sale hxtcutoru auchoirtlale of tlm firm stoik und linplerhi nts of tha outut 1 of tlm into vym hmltli w ho htdd oii t tnutstf milti north of quulpli on ifrlduy jnniiiiry 7th ut one o clolk mliurj 27 2 s- roy hinfdllfly ihono icrtl isrlil il it 3 artoil jfowmtilp ffriivol vouhi 1u37 the eppciejjoy campaign tiioodoiairrultkillwh4t is thu mnltor havo yoai lout your friends your fortune your liourt you look as serious wh if you had to settle thu affa ru 01 tho world nil hy yourself tlieodoia turned at tbo gay volco and nulled juiotliflc cliujr up totho e- imlth how good it jutfti see youl i wau in tlio depthu und i need a-bclp- ing lik ml i nood some 011a to pull me out to the comfortub1o ground of fialf- vespeat again im the victim of an oirtciuiicyouiupalgm r tlvo vlctiml tcdltjijeohoed whet- do you nieunt youui4 ouhp into- bualuuim xbuol tliuodora nodded i reckon 1 ve got ii there u no othor way that i can see ile tho reform buulnosa and ive got to reform myaelf x kwh lirm back with a gosturo desplr would yup mind spnuklue isnullsht aha nsked r do mind it it bounibi uu humil iating but i suppose it lu good or i hi giih thron tlnyu nuo when bud letter from- janet mccrao uayllig that ulie wau worried hacuuuo she budeut heurd truuj mn ulllco chrlutmaj- sho know that uoluotlilng was tho matter she would liavo writ ten uluuvo found out but ulio hud beon lu the houpllul to tdllvoflku ao iii that uha barley cumo through jjup pouo idle had elippnd uwayt 1 had meant to wrlto a score of tlmeu only ryouknow wiiat il whirl hi n iviiiltr asebqoh wanted appllcatliik for tlio posltlun of au stmsor nf tlie vlllugo of anton ror thn ytfti 107 will lo received hy th clerk until tuesday juuuaiy 1h illr at noun staito uahiry x peeled it np plication und uualincatloiiu jioiisi usod rvr thu position partlculani nu to uuuoluaybq atcured irom if n parmeil cltrk abtmi jiiuuufy 4 1037 card opthawks i buve much plouuuro in extomllhu very dncero lhiiikl tothrt alel tors of lsquesinu townstilp for the- goneroi votn accorded mn at tlio oltctlimf t mondny by whicint urn honored with election as deputy reevo of thlu town htrilwilrndeiivotlrrtij admlnnt er mallfiru comtnif boforo mn in lwtli thn township and tbo county coun cils so that results will bo njitbifnotory to all wm gqwdy deputy reevo alwoys ffidltb nodded gravnly now did i toll you that counld anna charleu lu here wo all think hor about the flncjt woman 1k1 know well who looked ut mo in a- u trance sort of a way and mild theo will you let tno fltid out why you dldn t writo that latter ql yoq d0n tda il answer this he could 6yill reckon mrs uujjli v 1 1 orlrrtti wlfn of on- of tht dlrwitors of iu auwiio41 am liibiiuo hospital lit 4arls doular that ihero u u good bit of fcumor in tlm hospital und thut jiitbnv1s prteeleaa there than a emiu a soottlab guard his uaajcpihi atrt with blood was found irrttoiisulouh hu uniform wu cut from him un 1 hi was 4eld in blwru b oiiuuo i lib eyes bis hand erept down bis side my ltbcknla guu said be and raised iwlhetlo ye tu the iihrail three franca wa in t never mind six oomfei ted him h jrtve youkuoihit thre franc uiat will be jual the siume pain t te soetsmah shook his h fully tfotat a i he mnarwjh u j amis bv ba4 4u p 3 1uthr wuu particularly- tlrtd that tnliiu nays tlm wdiduor muifuxlnt and bu was not no iiatteiit au usual with hlu tight yar old isulul afiei 10 hud unsworod i uuvnher of tjinwt- innu uu wt ii uj im could uht dniilly jlumr uils 0110 ut blm 1 ixuldy wbut do you tlu ut tin of ilea all day loiuff t it was ut this point thut daddy pmittlv imuthu exhuuutid oh nothing muubiu he said with a wlgl jualwil siimit u few inununts pond or tug this any 101 iiiwh ht rutunwd liitrfufly to thu luuulslttuu with tlm umr tilling tiututton jlut how do yuu t when you have mulshed r of oouruo i wild you that wuu uiroo dayu ugo this mortilui shit immlod mo a folded paper jt was u- report of haw i spodt tho throe ways i wont boro you with tho whulay of it bofiidcu 1 m too ahluimed 1ut it ihigun liko thlu 0 a nt mtartmlto put jiaroar i urder 9 og utuppud to try over sumo music 0 14 17 d us tod 9 17 0 23 dip pod into majuxtue 0 23 j4 dusted 9 36 ttjirlad tu put freuli water in tin flowers returned ut 0 bl duutod two lunra niluutos ran to thu dot meet postman bonding lottoru talking tliam ovr 111 mlnutis porlor nn1shd 10 30 edith pilao would you have believed it ono hour uml ten mlnutas gftttlngthatiopm lit-of- dtr r i m afraid i would isduh ropllad you sae i huvo hud personal ex perlenael may i join your reform campaign thfo they laughed to gether but boneilth tha laughter both lmiiu of young eiou were hsrluus time would hae passed anyway philosophy in the fact 1 f lose is not uncommon but daniel cummins had it uncommonly throng danlol lived on a littlo furm lp the oxurks by djroot routo it wuu six lies to tho oountry town hut long lung aito an impassible sully hod beim wuuhod iicroeali6tvail- to go round was three mllaulout of the way but daniel always went round ope day a pernlcluusly nctlve and eluchnt tranter liappcnod t6 be vlult ing in tlm uetgliblirhond and observed dunlelv jomr drive dut of thn wuy sio bsro uald thu stiangau iiuw long have you boon going thut way to tewu daniel consldarcd n moment tryluj tb mciuf tho year uf thn hlu frashol twenty yauiu oumo nejtt merch ho said llio eillulcnt stranger tlgutcd it ins m ut uu thu buck of an cnvolopo i uupimue you gd to town on un uviiriigo 4wlflfi a wwlt sometlim ofteuer and uometlmes nut nulto uu uttoii refilled duuiel weil say you lose nt least two hour uh trip that lu four liouiu u uul tuh liouiii 11 ytar 4 100 hours in t uiontyi vitoro otluuap and rt itam ooul 1 have 1 up tired that gully ucruuu the dlruct roud in uuy tun hours 1 you udj yuu have icat 4 itio buurs tunu by pot rwirlni yoir roud daniel luhbel his left our a mlnulo and wrinkujil lilu futoiuud rtiiprtfully ut ti tlnurght uf uli tliuuu inst homu it ills rac cluuod conuhttdly i gusu tliuts uu hii sill but ockuii i iiint any uldi r than id iav boon if i 4iadn t 4out them karns600 to 800 pehtda liru whllo learning garoo work hattery welding vulcan utng bricklaying barber und beauty culture work good po ultloim now opnn only few woeka taken to qualify calljr wrlu for frno illustrated eaualotruo uomp hill chnrtnrod school 183 king went toronto notice the annual meetinq acton fall fair iii ntlieiitiliio at acton on wednesday jan 10 1927 at 2 30 p m shaip duslnrsb jloculung tho- ilnntialrnport- of uio nudlurn oloctlon of off hurt und di re c jura fur 1027 triimnotlon of audi other buslncfi uh may bo nociunnr w johngton president w j aking eertsry uiiuury e ldlt merfs 0vcoatsat reduced prices 10 only mon ft ulster ovcrcoutt iti dark grny lnrgc storm collar tina i our 22 00 coat fhco 10 coats il800 yaitf wlj istock the imt xak1ss tnctory yunw in 2 und 3 ply color lire lilnck ja white hfht mul dark pruyn redu mid blue per iti 31 tiu scotch elnuorltikror five yeur we hiuu jitcil selling the qufralo scotch rinrermc ynrm witllout a single t 1y cqmphilnt nil colore in stock 4 ply at per lb 14u i i quilting chint 3d inch wide chinfr tor qmltiiie at apeclul price per yard 2kc soc and 35c comrokteit batts larke sire comforter bntts regular price 1 00- o ini pneo z z otlc epje priu white cotton tor quit lininb special ttt 18c and 20c vrlanneutrrfi blankets large ize double bed rinnnclotte blanket 40ja wliito and rrccn nt per pair special ju mill eml flanniletl towelllnch table oamjwku fir at vt luis than kesular prices mclean co muxstrect actoj ont and you dont know how lovely your haii can look until yog xfove a marcel owing to usnsrsl city reductions vou can new get a marcsl and curl for itc at tba ruby hairdressing parlor rvdeii a mowat buildino imiofjl qjkn icvtininoa ij as neakas he could get it at tlm unlvirslty i xumlnutloiu sutyw tt aisoioiul an unusually luru lumlr sludiitm tailed otte uf boys want to his tutmn u i said i dont think llls u fair air i t t- think i mliuuld jn v hero on tbls ruiiitiitton i kijw it rplwj his pvwaaort tint we de not nave any doaxk wwf than thal amuidekthoub au iiluluuun who wau ulmilntf nitl ps un board a jiiiim leiian to viltu llu mi in o with hlu tight haul tlnli nhamrlng tho pi n tu hlu lift hand hu tliiluhed it ku yuu can wrlto with cither hnud puty oukt i tha ohlur yuu sir rnpiliit iat wjn n i wau a boyiny filburluuid t mo pit it urn 4o tiw your hunt r nalju wltli your lift buud fur simiu day yt might iiht your rjliflit whv he fled rho soiry looking iiuiu was charge 1 with inn irtury and miillcloua auitault ihio vhtlm wtthli tho wltmes bow you ajiy vtiu t iluitt to u o mlis lilllluuri und iut you wif sitting touiy wtlb bi t tho time tllu h wss imulutut yes air rpusd the wttneag then hirti nuntlpund tba judsl did ll uptn thut when tha priaan daobed into ths rumn and aultsd lou you leapshl through tie opop wtn- i w wuluiui utliiimuif t uvvnd ojty umr lady ayen summon aldt n ibomtbi k wm imuv z olearino auction sale in dhin lownhhip arm btok and implements tho undurslgnod liaa ruculvod in utruotlumi from a a j spears tu noll tiy public uuotlon ut tho wout half of lot 1 canoshlon 11 erin corn ei of thn fifth and town linos on friday januarv 7 1627 at 13 30 p clock wlmrp the following hq1uhcb ioiohoron gray muro 0 yours wolirfit 1 3c0 ibn clyde mare in foal to mr draff kyvio petr 14 yeais old tlorral murv 14 ygars- uood drlvor cattwc jwuoy cow 4 yeuru bred october o mllklntf wall hi i jeruey 4 yaru brod novombor ib milking well illuck joisey cow 0 yarh bred kept 13 milking well hod durham cow s years frouh 3 months roan cow due peli 33 8 years holutoln cow duo ceh 0 t yours holtiteln holfor 1 mimtlmi uatuiodhluaroauhalfar is months not broil j rod ruin helforu iu montbu old nut brod 3 ouivas about 3 munthb old i calf about 4 monlhu dd 1 calf 2 jnqnt old img 40 ynrkslilre ilge il waeku old yorkuhlro how luid one llttt r hiikl 3 woeku impuomiantirl prom wood mowt-1- 6 ft ut vtaat a wool illnd r 0 ft out 1 inut jit wood hay i lake 10 ft proit a wood hcnl hi so drill is lim lihid farm yuuu cutttir mctiautfulngoid roplluugy mokio not poti i ttuiuhnn 3 hicllon niumond jurtuwii only uur- 1 1 iut w auoii u t ailmnu hltiupulllghtt blmu bout lmt ju woj 1 lujllviitur 1- tuiith ulmia iii mulunnhk urn hindi 1irfooltuij l amilng mill mrit h eru and rlilnjuu tot cuiuuluu nil kin lu of ui irs used wilh u ik u juiiwu l iirgo power ciln iiss codptr hundu n drupifi ioudsu hny lurk 1 uor hiuullfiii mciirfifw rout puhjui adiinih otitbliiutiuu i i in uml e4ouk rack viking cranm hl tiruloi- t ilis ku omi hay loadtrj wlnul bariuw ui yulnns fongiift fitink im i h inwntu uro all 111 a ttiillop mihcioltawlqouh 100 ft u l hay k u k lloiui 11 y od iuli yii oiavol hog a udts wliifrlstrs ami ntukyoko uninli quantity i u in bur duluy churn peer lows plrs pxuhk ululilr 3 oiyuilji numlmr uf oniiu huga chiit hunk wulttwash hpiay ui j cnuuiut huiaiu bo hup pills and hplluu ilutlfilt inwi j niuln ling hoi in u 1 lurid ulxn mull ii ix nth i iirthhii tni nuiih ro in to mununn hay anl oha1n about jj tmni tf ud mlxsd huy j60 iiuhiiuiu milfoil gi it n 1 im is ltutkwlmit nut thiisll ul umiiillty of kiihllage hauni mh i out dmjbli itiimihis 1 st phiugji ttarnoss 1 st mingle llmnmh 4 lnjlaru kurfdlu itubo 8 lltuu llluiibwlu 1 1lia 1 arm if not previously sold wilt b urfmod tin uuki subject to a ruuurvo bid cimslsttl tt 100 uures uinrit or i ws iwlng tdv wsst half of lot 1 lu tin ttral imouislon of shiri in vyhit h is a bank barn b4 ft v 00 ft wltlj utavo alio is ft x 28 fttieurly iinw a n w fruina cut lug i u tz x sn ft utsu roughcast ooer4 ft x ft ivi storeya drlv sheit ufc x8 ft wilvt pipihl from hnuso to burn novr-r- follliik miihiif ireelrt t acins hurdwood bushc no acres workable balance ttts- ture terms on farm made known day of esje k tjsujmh hoy tgriuo f n4uhiae pd uli sune bf 110 and urfaer taoortryor that amount ix months crlt on ep- tlf hf ber an- d8 jdkellovgs sjthmjl remedy a eatano erficiimt fmuf fon asthma amd hav fcvfp itts composed oc hkres which whkm tmjrntp amd the iks imhaleo adto pnowpttvallayinci aiaiwutatiom a tmiat wiu oomvimcs ea8ilv gauged old ilcnj imln dwyor waa nccustoni t to 4r it hlu uuouts vtrltl uwent el lor und although thu barrel mood in tin durkaut ciirnt r of i dnrk collar he nover e irrlol u lump on bis trlpu for i fn uupply ono cm nlng mr nrraiklngfl tlio mnlulr u u hlu gufnt it must im iilito un nit to fill tlm pltcljcr no aocumlely in thfr dark with out running it ovur aild mr llrook- iuum wul no talnt xactly dinictilu htnjiimlii i oil i mi you tac wlin tho bier uotu up to thn tlmt joint of my thumb i slop constipation biliousness stomach and bowel trouble relieved by figlax tablets y 25c and soc box j cades op toronto eyesight specialist will hb at a t brown h dnud htomc aoton- mondayjfeb 7th any on a uufferlng from eye at ruin dsfectlve vision or hiadaohs ahould not miss ths opportunity of consulting this eyesight uocullut appobit- rasnts may be mado with mr a t llrown prugglst conhuitation prk13 btfia hours 0 s w till 4 pm y v econoltnical buyingf priivellf 6ofh uum n far lwn i r j ktlta auoihtnwi c a jifik oirk s ls very often quiio n- ik to know jiistmihnt kind or meat to have for dinner or any otbcr nicul in fact and it if very often qpito a problepl uftr you have decided upon what yoi want to make it fit your pockctbooli lut both problems uin he oasily solved at our meat counter these k i auouinwr- 1 lnallfai our evpcrlcnce li ultiiig jueuts nf proven o your hd vaiitaue every time you buy meat over our lountcn wi can give you the most profitable cuts at tbo lowett pric s nuolitl consideredot course we are not quoting prices this week bufyou can be xswrwl of tnot economical huyink if you allow im lo eitteilo your mm nceju always the hjght cut at the ulghl hlcb watch6ur window for friday and saturday specials w j patterson phonk 16 ir i r c r s5st b v