Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 3, 1927, p. 3

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4- 1 i i i i i x tsiaas- resfcffii 1 nijiouoi mksttanmnribsr asmcutspa htmbc- 5lcts to wm1c of aousle iivilw ra viets bbmim fclirbt tbe eabecritrtte r iitum ramtmtm la the acton pxb fuss u mblutwd thnndr motm at- the free nm be mill stimt aetee v caarfed ddhjowrt m u wjwud tlm pl f advbjctiattto hte5tmiiit ftanrtim casrtseet is3 p v 1mi laments csmfaaet oi eats or laches o aerlqbila iicmm per w uch ismrtton adirvtimmmts- qhlh- tutibnt maeeser aad aatutaet i tul of pmlacat kepsss grows the bint wlieat iff the world is a slogan that folks out ih that state see wherever theyrttirnjntta th wor i p j of the slawinptionpjcturo censor but the gover nor who ordered this boast imprinted on alms la no longer in power and the censors have decided- to jjgi flu wordy- tim am snyi the slogan never should have been placed on a tag furukenaacevsr nailers- convention recently declared that kansas wheat would soon be knewnjuthe poor- ef in the worldjf the blackhall varletywas net drop tied in favor of turkey ted wo wonder if bur kan sas friends ever heard of canadas no 1 hsrdi the onward ft j the sdlloiy schwt pph bunimvciiiumrv 1j olie value of the manufacturing iiijisiiry the temporary closin of canes factory is a revere blow to thatown as it throws about one hun- drdhands out of employment at a time of the year when workfs scarce atld will seriously affect busi ness of the town it asinccrcly hoped that the com- panytusy be sbloahortly to effecfja reconstruction and oontinne aa usual canes factory has bcenjhff great standby of newmartetforover sfxfyycat and the heads of the firm have been prominent in muni cipal life and parliamentary contests- the average payroll for tbcpaat nine years haa been in the neigh- borhood of 10000newiharket era jrls through such ean rf f t thyrsdamornrngrfebroary 3 1027 l editorial csnada leads in wbmt and fom export of loth wheat aad flour jaahbwn id recent stated ment iaiucd by tb5 canadian gowftrnmeniborea of statistic in tho twlxfimontba ended jidy3lvsq2j8 the ioonilniontaiportcd 275464100 bushel of vhejit and 10800700 barrela of flour as gittst 74249000 bosbdj of wheat and 9570000- barrels of hour by the united statx j3cartttpdmpetitori monity come face to face with tfie value of the reu jariy operating of the factories and tho pro pay- tnctti belly wijctoh ndieam o appreciate their true worth and influence to the commtintty thb plcacticb or ciimatixn ht w r script ur lot- ib 1410 goldnn tk1- tliou -hut- beir faithful over a fw tblfipkvxcwulmt um over ntanr thlatisirtr boil ntlb tho joy of thy lord mu is lib r dovbtlono4 ha4lnr wtotin 11 hit i unfln thmt incnwjiltur talenu taunta are much apllaiio btrloventwl caiiiu4 fltiould ylflm raturns what li onable return uson -intbaitioenta- honfly placed at inunrat or lnvftit in victory iond and allowed to ac cumulate will dodbla in a- ahort lime at fnur per cent it will ate twaaty yearn at mix par cent tho uaual legal rate it will titke twelve ydara thta ralo can be accured aji reaabn- ably aafo inveatmentairtth prwcttciajly no element rlaav it dooa not reqntra effprt the money rjuatjtndreajiea when he-m-eottr- ere added the fotiima abbul4 be- mucrh kreater ten or even twehlynve per eeflt iyat- sin may be- fair qccbrdlaf to ne rlak nn4 york luvolvadl if however the oaviut la xumed over or rethrveated aevoral udmm ina alnsle ear tbe re turn will be eortapondlnjiisteater tlua- in a thrlvih bualneei it mlglic be doaalble to reallte thlrt alxty or wier im thkir abnenation- iltha climate of hombay aajd- ai 9ns aohaolboy ao ttafl thai ita tnhabltonta lva alrwhere etc ealifanotner tie a nlgn that ahowa tbat you went tovpinr to know- more ihan yotfdul dwwtajnd palatable mother araves 3y9nnejttftntajnator j ywapta to t and jt rfoee ita work aurely and promptly a oipficult task porno men were dlecuealns tho aud- den dfythof nelahbor v bo had left a- rather helplcee family and our wortjt of it la eld uncle jarttd vthat there lant oro- ef tboeo boya uiat has tho head t7 ou fachera ahoea y knew whait te wanfed a tplniater fn sboilandln mail las hie round pfylalu to hie parjahlonere nr too ijlelrlrt called on mra ucola- tnl am he waa about to depart tho good woman poutelr aaked mm to baye a cupof tea 1 iit tea tharil yoii replied the mlnletrr tcthapeyou would prefer a cup or 6ttoit at4d mra mrrolaehen no eoltee thanka aald hn dom- lnoo a little whiskey and water than continued the sood wiman no water thanka was t be reply f stejs eu aonal urn without tmklnc an diuvlr prdatneach lovmuneol mll fw tal hhv eut lev u holtung thatjhaconn qpprfll tag tbomochfor their ricesicitera of ajrthar village and adjacent township presented a petition tawellinittb finim fy if i lit coaupnaiory cnttlng of weed ijtrgjslltion protldibg for conipulsrry esktif ting io ontario i now under considcratlonbythe gotcrnmertt and will likely be brought down at the ne session of the- legislature boo john smr- tin minister of agriculture admitted last week that the weed menace had assumed alarming proportions and that a more dra law towantcheclrlhg i t exists jit the present tjmeia required the newiegis iation if passed will apply not only to the highway of the prorince but w all faijn it wu aim prim arily at- the neglectful agriculturist leading agri- cuiturista cognizant of- the danger involved in the steady growth and spretd of the weed family want general compulsory cutting with municlpaljtieasjtil rj si oftlsoilepattmenrrpoint oatthatuderhaontel- lpnlurtdpi1lrtalporldseralu1rfd to the committee members be rdnced dealt with ytehasdnalp fjmmio -h- traa-trnrirt- the question ollowed and prominent coujuallora aaartmp6itirejythat the men were being uhder- ieewlng this matter for some trpjejsomd of tfce 1 h i gjbtalcomtttcuebfen uingfrom4l0q0 mft pyeh tor feeaand mileage and ntwnf mbi vmwisaiferwwaeriiii f with 10 wtff bww- ipiqfj money is nwegagry m bernrpended 1 tf afgawlted smaller committees but the sv pinneil vtitonfjy condsded hl wclaw-4rmu- ilwistxrv vv danger of croaaing aeddcnhi iesbrutions were passed last week by the provih amongher things that the rates of mileage psw cmjesdvebot ohbrolberhdodof railway etogiiieers rexommendhrghhb paasjnj u prevent los oflifstifn o ao of w i u m mltim mlobael angelo waa famous aa an axdhlteotv aewolp- tocand a painter but he waa a senium some people have two talent acme havo only ana we belonsrmoat of ua to the common people with fewtalsnta an4-4oa0e-tber- anr ao tfnany wo are inclined to feel that there u little opportunity for the individual in the sroup we content ouraehrea therefore with the routlnt of the day we dlnduterently theworlt aaalsned lo us aiittnesleot foetainplt with our own neraonauty but we- mlcht take a different raftltude toward 1l we mlsbt eat before ua the ideal of dolns aemeth be t twen done before i work like slave complained one womari to sn other but you might work like t 4uoen replied the other it teeoflea far itaelrv lr thomas bdectrlo oil ned no tctttrnonlal of its powcre other thanuacir whoever trie it foroouxha or opklfrfo cuts or contusions for sprains or burns far pains in the limba or body well knowahhat the medlulne prpvra itaeir antleedtt noltuarantee tvjm abw why uue oil is snofa uae mlllera wormipowdantu not only xtermlnatav intestinal and other wbrma but tjicy are- a remedy for npany other till menu of children they sttrenctben the young- tqmicch oca inst bluouanfras and are ftonlcal in tbeir wrtjfcui where the riblld euffpnf frm loee of oppecte jn feverleh condl- tlona they win bo found useful and saasvtrwatt p pal wr 4ns jnlhe stomachfrom which -chll- drvn ao often sunvr howto reduce yaricose veins therbbdktjbt bub gently and upward toward leart aa hkx riorra that the heart aa bloodjn veins way i aoiat ehoorvi no man tomiurm deapalr but in the tec of ellnohed anuarniuiq to follow up all wortilmt until ho bwbbtttjw iipeaaof mans bavins beontaltli fa ili i j l t sustwt a iha a and u ttist railways re feeling- the competition of ttkjjnotov truck is confessed by ithi action of the t x rrivmcharfetly advfaed th of railway earpreas service to that wwoulddltontjnudater feb niaryu tie business no longerneing ona pacing basis this dne to tho unfair competition tbe railways are meojn pudng the use oflhe- countrys highways g rhe djsposal of individuals wnhtrncis to eiploit ifljpiliaojro freedmctiiadlyree of charge oososwltorpnhm no one so vitally interested in this matter of rail- way crossings ss the railway engineer said j si crawford chairman of the board i a lorrible itraifl mdny iiw flgineetrarirltrnm of these aoeidenti ijaa bcoomo a nervous wreok with the great ineressojfn vehlenlgr jralbc he danger of ctossingaoctdoriw incresses we would like to see legislation passed that wouid compel ijl vehicles to stop before eroasingjsjlway tracks or fsillng that someqther measure of prevention the public -gen- etajty should give their support to any measure which will tend to avert the nuinerous accidents which occur s frequently vn the level crosiiriggof the province -v- jtlosay iboslness of team carriers it la fjtifltotrtickfmeswwejot pacing nearly theilahare pshaiw of tj roads they iise in their busl- gesstus selfevidenv fact but the remedy k i8dre4trtnitit stftattons vfhere the practice of aoungcigarettes shonld be prohibited- tbeysres mensse and inaur ance companies might with far more wisdom and safety- give a reductidffin insurance of 25 per cenu in- a plant where no cigarettes are allowed more to be rniaeduhy the nnfiir and juntcornpetftiosl s which it to now being sub- st iwativuitmi business h bnd it probtsble under coadltions fair fb those yhvhsbuai and maintain meroaos well and 7oijhltbwweatto very much further sijf thaijpresent legialrtlon reguires before that point frbejraejieiflerton express the cigarette the onderwriteratnvestigatutn reports that itr a possibly a cigarette thrown carelessly down which set fire to a theatre it montreal the fire the panic and the stampede causing the death of seventy- children cigarettes tre vary modern smoking in this way was- not known to our forabears al though they had come into use before 1914 yetit was the great war which popularised the smoking of cigarettes and so popular and general has the habit are mawngsncbj become that rhe sales in ciartwesardaonietbing enormous without enjering into any disciissipn wbemer they sre or are not an improvement upon the pipe thi much is londall controversy that they are a source of danger and there are many man ufacturing plants warehopses theatres and other in- nsw lstjrjiwsy faalatlosi tiaccording to intimatioos given by hon g s iiheory minhtter of hlghwsys jn the ontario legis- iigire th i wilt be some new and common sense ontario has 7204y families and of these no less ttuia l2s per cent own their own homes it would btftntaiesrjag to know jujt wiat percentage of suto- itapjoles jli8lste b in thpyincelhiaus pvnlheiara wnwlti- w jfr- w ftniwt hjjjjdake an nonestostortto net in pss rnltecfaoie it will be dotog agres pjfla ser ney legislation wjl also require r of entorcetnentsnd will not begenotal- iifjitvtamx ia prepared to fr snd stop every driv- lretfstsfiil mk see their perwit every y c y compellod to uke out an awi- vssta oriladuity policy inoossnas of- owners of cars if guilty through careibssnesa of causing greyious uj- jiiry or desth to anpther cobjj hot ho r t5sh llot4ere4 itf the dourts abonld if li ievrawvbvif jbrsj to pariuiji smtmjsibjm irtnicta on another tlgh hi o l fcoorawittmele tmyilb ftwtsimrtterof v readily than they do on barns because theyare pro- tected by lightning rodsrpembroke standard-oh- sorrroiual note y itany people hava beomb dapona- tnrtwesnae rney havo boon lad to b ueva that there is no remedy that will helprheaace swollen veins and bunches tf yuu w twosuhce orlau nal bottle of atoonea kmemldoh ful atrenathrjat any flrat claaadritr atora and apply it nlaht and morning aa directed yob will quickly notloe an improvement which will contlnuo anth the velna and bunchea are reduced to swdua- r jtfooaaa amerald ollla abarmlcaa yet mortpoweful aermlclde and two ouncaa taat a very -ions- time indeed ibotarru enif raldjfflttmu i npurbuanccrfittjxjk i tianwith the nrmkig fntereab dfthis x ctwntty tise bank of montreal i now tumg a new tort bobklforfipdcrfaiiided sheep ibc muttoo wool ahd money the b twa fajtng04 by photographa flhjjitrai pcatlymcmael r wortr twsjaevmajbei s wt6nf7 the man- who travels ateady paoa like he torfolae instead of boiindlns away like the tare mar be euatajped in hu effort bl th hio tbe to- be attained thoush hla prqsreisa- be alow he ixrmaplred and e vnrljiillt t ithr aprt aithu lnojuesvtaton tli3eanii the use of bralna so unless some handicap re- wlll also be uie assreasive man he will not eloae hsye- to- opportnnl- he will bear in mind tbe fkot that hla lord will some xlay ask for a retriianfeciidwhl notabe aeuafle with hayhynfvfttiltwo 4alnu when he mtsbt havo earm er 0ttdy aikl olawusajen hatleaaop la enforced- 6y the teacblpf of thta j a man of- leisure r- did be jtave any feympatuyt for idlers t wh lalhe effect ofidfeness on the imhlthjnalt on tb llfd ota oomnhinltyt wbat la the oomnun preaentday ueonlns of fhe word ulemrf what different tajcnte for n in christian- aervtoe arorneationed by paul in romans 13 it s l dally readings for neat week jdonday february trspb b 35 l v l- cueaday feblaaey i deutt 4lt wednesday february prov is mo thsseday february it tim i m1t friday pabroary ixjohn 11 16 saturday february is oen- ii sunday kebmary is 1 cor 11 riluile a tupy may be obtained without chuss on pplatiqp at our oeiratbcinch rveviouflbookfctaiad divexeied fipmg cowr tjic mother of proapcrity poultry foe tibe farm and home hoga for port and profit the bank has diitrihtmed tiara cf riiondji of these- booklets tiirougbooc canada and nu merous fanners have expeeased tbeir apprecia- tion to o j b j jnaillan wfttlflnalfjailrvavs oalastvvah no is sunday 1mj- jr j no 1 u no if i fsspvsa- no ss h no 14 sunday only r no is nos- x no- i no ss no ii canadian national railways waatbomu dajiy b3osy bank of montreal estalished i8l7 xpcsi asaess inexcts ct fnbjioojioo i 5ally dally dally daa dally danir daily dally dally u dally dally dally pally im aoa tm ml um aan ijas tun- sss aa ees fn 7bs djb sss pjn 1u tua s47 jb- 1ut ajbu lit s sj7 jjb sj7 pis 717 pj s n oil pja j j toronto tani h am bluiau- avaoaw vratski dallraratf by avaatal axpraas fiwlsbt syauxbt plokad op at any a4- araaarto- drink hot water with stomach bisonlere wifat physicians abvisc thouaands qf unfortunate pebpta sotter almost- dally twn lyspebta tndiseatlon flertnantatlon oar old stomach flatulence seea- or dlatraaav after jbatlns- h they would orrfyforttt the agreeable habit of slowly drlnklost after eaoh meal a siaasfnl of hot water contslnlas teaspoonful or two tab lets of bleuxated jattsmeala they would aoon and their aiomaobl ao atrenstheo- edjp4 improvlm that tbey could aat tntl mnrf tfarfy1s tnaanr i ajloanfflclltbkxd anpnly jntba atoouich causlns tho food to ferment and soar before itimrttin ti akn pl a u bmi w will draw the blood to the atomeieh and the bla- make the food con tents bland- and eweel easy dlseetl w distress- of any kind noc a laxativp la narmleaa dlbsunutt brj easy to uke and can bcobtalned from any reliable local drtislst do not eanftiit blseaj mfim with jbrrcrits lift rnsftaait irhkw clt- rates etc but cet it in the pure bla- urnted form jlowder or tablets es- ireclally prepared for tala purpoee r j kerr anrttobawaitboal brtate twenty 7aara ebcparlenoo iabt tour propfiulty- with mx acton ontario jll rh r- qms fb buoof oronootlcut is tsklngadvani4 tronnds fortbe ptntpctiolforlts citizens by night atml tt before tne ltislaturo requiring each pedesa trisjf thdhlihway fcotweun sunset snd sohrfse to carry a liait visible at loast nfty feet germany has been dedareifdlsarnisdby the aimco of arabsvaadorsan8tho ftrst interalllod milllary committee known m the foch comtnittco will report it is iinderstood that germany haa ful filled the disarmament conditions imposed by jhe trestjcof versailles zt i- jjft thereis every prospoct that 1927 will be th createat yes canadaahistbtt provided pf courses thatwehavtr a jbodaajlcultoral year with oof which s country ilka oirs eannot doweii at all allae sigtts of the tiroes sre fsvorablstnopresi- v aof m toriiu ft tbolrjinoual amsses jjallittciuiuyjltlia inotioryea spo tbsfavorabl clmajik acefdents ara to bs avolsssv natttiwif the iminedlateouuoolt o immediate outlook c ttf pn this waiter jrtifti tn i w ataiostyaara ai ssi own soap jw inwirifmrrx baby top tst tain rf opr hlmmen wtwltebolirpts sail j vh- ontario mar- wti increases tales said at much vj eo for m a tse the bell to sell t keepe cotnpeti- tloliilssotiiinstbuiihlkv tonf dlataice vrill aavo yon without leaviot your offlee 700 or yoorsalebtnen vean call s ctutotners anrtrhotin csnada- ir- the tjnltta swtea tymyw liauty aiiberibera who used to think they had to msjee r-penoshto- psrsda caus now flfid that they reach the v otation to station laajui- tlietareojtkik crown brand corn syrup besidea its dchdoua flavor and cooking value tho xnott digestible 0 sweofs it hdsta food valve that poctora r brnsors syrup ia of tse same high quakty with the same nutritive value it ia jost thicker and sweeter in flavor children lovc it tina is syrup week just tflc bene oriiitual cornstarch in use yellow pack- flay tfnfhii qnshty tholodlna com starch on the camsauanmarketfor the past 68 years i v- btry rnam t 7r yvi ts7 vs cdwarosburc crown brivnd bensongoldam rsulf rassrna ffiwarwasoari aoia aao itnaftihlgf ivtavlacsojos t in si r i 11i sjiiw il i 11 daatpraoara or stawhssdrasasaaalats deovoy alld tta jadapawfcaitoeoanlara uwtarssst retail tsatotaweeaweoa imiepimt grocers sfrvicw bmeam tsmotfaibbabse granite aa har works wo aiiw msnwnmt and otraot importera ot all alada of monumental ana haa wots wa sail olraet to ar- naatnasara at wh prions thua aavaur ottr ouatomera 40 par oank wn bay um baas nppuanosa and the anly omchamlos oan oparab paamnaue toola property waoaa siva rnfaranoao drom hnasrada of our ouateonra in tttroate and ethar pi n wharo otharaaava to aavstaw atnta tn ordar to aanaot tfi feava the ljsaaanfl beat atoodor oraalte in the d or nxaretbnn any thraa daalara- la uta went wa an toslu- uurta jeejara and employ no asenta and dd not aoner or past ouatoniarb hyaan41naout isnocmat aswats aollett wn emptstonly s apal dax oamaatujoa s hajvolton sopjs oliarl btu nan- qublph ont

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