Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 10, 1927, p. 2

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j 1 1 t df nutmrnn tha jwiper kind that viry jmwrly typings tlift niwrlttl on davtiaailna th llitht nnil gladness t my eye inspiration of ror ttoul mv- earthly counsellor- and friend tim constant help ineet of my life iiirninrtal being hoes notend when ends au mortal ear and strife thlajttfi jio jiunraiidahdrjint thitrit camo by the hnna divine anfttnln 1 ownlkfl boon but lenty my worthy wontfnjim- ralnitlq to ma iflr countenance u ulr unfded by the laps of tip omy has but tinged- her nutbrown hair her voice haastl its mellow chime bright- toxpreeslve pal obeli drown n her eye her vara of mold and rose tint on her cheeks rtse ere half her virtues rar aretohfc lifrform symmetrical and ifthe her stepha ever stataly been r in tetfroer trtlld in spirit blltte in intellect alert andteiir but beat of tllt hea swai full ot the love and grace ofcgod and in llfa qp h i o vnlenunel lay yelotiosl oer two score- wedded yeara are past j tel thouaxt mlnaafcrf i am thine r adu4urtniokm shajt ever jesp por tho in haatan we marry not btttaraaa ajigela pnra and fair thora ball not fan a elngie jot of lovothat aar abldeth tha t flowara frommua manga vwawrirtto from the tceuo or una freer precs of xsv quantities of logs hara been mrraiawaoir voloa annx maggie maya hmt ten at he th t unhappy namorlra of n year agonllod tier mtnd i dpnt oara u it 1 6b you do car slly anawr4d iaabcl one uchtuujaumi aulbo xir aatvalnlnm you know and mattilietirtu aach othir ln a box dad vut up on the plum trae in our bak yard tou rcmanber laat yaar but laabal had evldanuy torfouon what waa a vivid and painful itiaotory to poor lit tin macsla may batdalyv that though th flva uttla glrj wh bar demreat frndi had i dajriiy vajnl othara mavgla maya wera grotaaqua lutla aicalra aha mdrbtriiif antf thay haprbviaed glgglaa inatead o admiration when thjlr raolplftnta hd 04ian8hrafnlbpta ijjuatwonttoctto ronlto any thta gla mavaafd willi- a ktnnp of niaji g wri gflod kaxaaa but i cant paint vajbtttlntb nicy ataju jjul-i-jcztowmoihar-aant- glv na anoney to buy- any- uddanlrah gava joyful bopo i huuwi uuuuyi i im hloar vajenunea than any ona o om- ohaai canwiywatt o watk ta e bqw aurprlaad and vlad thayfl juatthtn tthan lsral flaflwfjnii a twatinipaa nhpagi kottnraa valaatlnaa ooi k tho demand for booaaa la keen aa avav jjotwlthttandtaf the many araotad uiepaat yaaf jther abrnary wind arc freqnent and bolaeroua wttntbp tnargury b- loir saro- uaaara jobnatona jfc co are baying logs earned into bawranw mmto be ent for tlmhera f thendw block otfr aimlioaliinan all- ooevpr offldal aij atflt ortbaboantbf edocatlon and whamumadicajhmhk dffloar- the prioaa for grain tt 4ctou mat ket thla week are afollwawbta wheat lie to lterad wwt eea tin 4bq toubkwheat 0tx totlika the rnk managemc baled nayf 1010 management have arrange edfor the ttrat oarnfral of eaaaadn jor tb-nlgfat- z i tha ppaanadaeoioart itat toaaday g tha actm0wwr band waa an enjoyablafibur or taro agaag full nr waa t vlded y the band thra waa al xrlah aketob by two chaagow0ooteh- man m jsowie ad b and haatarsertckundata auflcoio aoogs ur franihjl9ra1dant pr aideaiviv v the orfoeih lilaakm band of knox fihqrnh htm rtry rtinyabta inning up ialn may got three valentlnaa ooilght h- readyy- v entthla one for alice too dear r anything andthla awit little heart oha la for olive and thta one oh i forgot you- niuimt aee mn one all- allyat s i uaggf may admired them without atnglutwlnklebf envy tor all the me theae words kept aloglng thm- aalyna ovjer- in kaf heart oh i know what im going to mo now what is going to do o gat aomel valenunil all day long at iachooa it wag very hat for uaggie may fa keep harmlno on bar leaaona a apqn aafouf ootookoamtiabalnurrled home with out waiting for anv of the othera- found her mother buay aauauai atthe whtrriqg aewlng madhlne where abe managed to earn a living for her michums maggie mayr m kovalr tovtiy pun t no hope jrou lat me d hl may bi iftixiwo ourllpmam okfufltiav m3oldntajil lt ua lore nnean- alba f leye uf o i j a ahifw anovvboirl yvabd hata anttahao atl allttle leea ready ta aoold or 1 iumii a- uttla oora care for a brothere nm and ao weara nearlng the joimuyj and- r-7- ettrnlty meat and a uttla laacareorbonda and gold a itfua rtoro aeat in the daya of oldt a baoader view and a aanar- irflfid and klktle more love xor av mankind a uttla- more careful ot what wa aayt and iowe are- faring adown thewy a uttla mora love for the frlendeo youth a little laaa aaal for aaubllihed truths a iktla mora charity in ohr vlewa a little- jaaathlrat for tha dally newa and ad wa are folding our tent away and pwaalng in ailenoe at rdoac of tha day ii-k- r a little mora labure to alt and dream a little more real the thing unaoen allttle bit nearer ofthoae ahead with tlalonaof tboaa long loved and dead and eq we are going where u mart jr wfejrteir mo what donrafchud her want to anawcrad lojou ivt m patirilha zjtlagpajjmiguwfivtmm v all otv u a aaliool iuva aoh btiiflr- valentlnojk wipoat thm in- a b8x ih jarful brawn baelf yrd and tnaaaita four waaoand aafvthfra ll i6aljitr mad aiotliar all tin ralrtllma 4nanlcd ms jialit tine aoolal on monday evanlngx the programme- conalatad bt qqartattaav dnatta aoloa and- literary snmt dare arejttg wm jhhoaarmjuih played at the rtnk tfc avaning- aetonr -and- fjeorget v dphbngb tha jmffftvitmf jojttfatotjdfacftob both m h mia trifnunn i tenroantatexoht thjttr wjla eanapc jtuhimv i9r that thjaalbjy aftord nail money dear her mothar when maggie may etoppett bar wlttr ajyv living may never to tha place the know a little more laughter a little morp tears and wevehal have told our- increaalng -jfeara- the boqk la eloeed and the praycra are said and we are a part of the counrleta dead tbrloe happy then if hpmt aoul eanj r tboin j wella ta t lettan thamae tj an old taaumtnt home ufa fc tura in tha agrry days before ud- llahmant of acrooui the riipanalmty for ufa aduoauon f f laa children raat- tfn wholly upon thjrparatita and in a ramarkabla way ha uocoaity gsn- fiotm1roiuiidtfftht rwfiiis jtuearta- ofrjetrdaegendanta the history iraddluonaaadthe religion of their fcrerpiherav aaeaua of jewish aiolua- 4nnm jhalr tanohing of tenlnoludab the prejudloee and blgotary that ahould have aotbaan uanamltted from father to jmio nut maklngauowanoe for thla uwraja much j to bt oommnidad in- tha b aduoauon and the relation 7 tt f oblldren which fflhvaucnduoatfon poaalbl tha rult dc the father waa autocratic at- though hejovidhhi ohtldran and real- laad that hay- ware tiia moat valuable traaaurara go- that hlarulft waagenar ally oaeotv juatice and klndifaaa i-qonoarnlng- a jiapplheaa -of- tla vbmsjlf ha homa ia haipy tha world- la happy la- nn- anctent axiom the rn o a bappyjbome raiiniraatnit au bera of the family tha bomemuat kiy ia- llaiif null and mutual fbrah4ranba eome itel known hindrances to tha hapnlnaea of the home arat 1 phya- 11 weine oaueedrbjf tobiong working hour orafthar the- fathae orthaihotbarr b dtberr- tttiufiowtt of fore- lieaaj if gx ooaslre- toll orrresponiilblutyrs in afnouaoy in the maagmnt of tha home the mapagement off a borne needs tmlnl either by apapba mother or in a aohooj which jrlrer h ln and nouaeggk majiaganiant brary gffl naoda falh log before undertaking tha mponal- buiuea- ot n hotna mokor f- jwmje- utbprovilm sot tlwnbadgbrho noma um wagmgckof thrift and the jndulgvnoe of plaagure or apptlte arocauaaafanaa and embarraa hqw th1 boys orpwp terwavarrjnuwhitaraiata in the newaabout cay roung tfrland john b maclwnalev aba dfbani pf the town ne bcqueslng wlttr wbi i u wttt taldant jog elected president- of the ontario zwmber idealenf aaadcutlon of tool and v trood haadow him to think ohj dont want it mnmaey aweel- baari ihayd a faeauufuller pun you know tha lovely cakee of mania augmr env from the- farm laat out thlngartpa mochattlcmlwoyi bis early boybooddys he waa good with hla jaokknlfeand theotd ibtt hgrannir iit tha fgfm ha taanriiwwkad liard the oeortatowt bbya mtttlngnp aptpokyilajbt u -4a- tbejboardad uiatiflh yaart- tbaraa lou or eakeaof it jafi oonldnv r tnelt-uem- n and sneok them again in thoaa dear wao naart 1a thaydtinaju ufgjteat yajentlnaa mayj ysawr tbthj ydearahr nther an- awarad aja jhmifermm mflyir- aa awvwl4itioruia attona of acyajantlna i had yearg a tboyaraa may hara them to pot thttuglrtthe ataidif rmu haruv for cupidta oaatra darta thatwlu ba tha vary tb1figfard mgtamayr nearly amotharng jnothr kiao and tu writ i1nfib twist it round- tha arrow andban wrap each ona upwith whlto rpv ttaaoa impand aavad trdfay chrlaibnaar times u f x saw right dear dg yonjr v leaaona tcokacduv v bm jcho totngr woinan aaameol nay- yotta badd by ahaoaued thaportan aha in wbteper axv bim om nyatarnnj arrand he camo jaek- la c nsoroent jujdgjudln a volca audlbla r asfr raanoklrfjdapairtoairt l3r- jgarynody aganad and qt4 tniaycmggfaiay waa- all aagarnaaa- to baglaallwaav aba had oaao compoalng wondai tanaa to gowlth a61aronaod whenatenlng cmutm tx small hearts ra- aujrfliy and wrapped up aa she had planned t mcrnlngjtha lourtoenth w of fahruary dawned at jasc a nm flftaan tptotrtaa earlier thgn tuyal maggla may hurried off to aohoql sli lanuakwhluparcala ooooaalaa in the brlda j jrhmmaar b othr ooro aataorara fcutyoirwjii notn aovplatarj od ontnyob hav oaed hot until yob bava uaaij hoflowaya amo t- ix-l- blahopof rlpott who tphai fortntfly blshop-of- that qoaarly ijr na ft boaermmjfmt waa ohoe pfcylng- tatt aw cthrtuoilra po to a ootmtrynoag in the nor- awguhawb augata4 at the aatvrtia man jp tha urery of hm boar name- n to lm rargjfou bishop my lord 7t by ganaraur pretty praotlcal too x dont think boever built many blrdhonaaa but waavnna on hogtmiigfaa wttor- trotlgfaevgate faatenera mid latere ha decmaa tha t neoould make batch- lag nuabinaaand ttfobdera aa qd any advertised e wentatt in roid- farm driving houaa and it raariongreiitjt stisniijtfirm- otibator running and satcblng out to or 80 pf r cent of the agga deposltad ahdthja waa equal boiha aooompjjsh democracy in famuy rrvf th family- iathanrath ant group here children reoalrf tnrlfrinwilnl tactile rnaay leaaons in aoclal uvlflg and lnoonr 1 tributlng to the oonunon welfare the i example and attitude of parents to ward eachmnfember oc tbefamuy should make lteaayfof themtqearn theae lessons children must ba undcrck4a the fathers and mothori they must mako their oontrl by aharlngita dutlea and to acme ax tntitareaponlulititfcand above all by brtngihgrtotholr taakajt- spirit of cheerful hopefultieea more and mora j the idgam fit i1nywftl nfflt- tration ofthe home isgathlpg- racog- nluon with children participating whh barania in coneldaringr and deciding queailona of common ltitereat tad jura r- faaeysmdd what jathe ralatlpn betw t lly- income and happinoaat between tho ajtoeealve length jot the wdrklng day either for huaband or wife and a hoptbomar whj what rtaaat agblau to the children to hold a fanv uycounell betora important declgldna arc made which oon6ertrtha- whole family- verttead fancy ihtiawtoni jln thvmar kei liyr ttiflra ntlonbatowek-ieoir- ifvofl thaidea ihatbaocuidmaka ln- ibatnra for the people iuat a good aiatlaaacojtthan tbabfg factories and whan he took a notion ba ganar- auyoacrlsd it but i con remember now the jlfatbatchlmr machine jack brought- to acton itciookad firmrate was neat n4 attractlva haaitgimlt- anttberotonietatattaehed tothera0la and h wis very rou4 of hja produc- lwntd jinh it gfiaa aach day helping the ollmbers onfeelr way this la not a boa andlta nota broom and yet its used to- olaaita room r thb tkiephonb the friend who- brinfi us a togotftiustlo week in deoembcr- ra jansary intereoueglato akl moat wui baneld at which it to ejtpocted oaao acaaonj teams of tho ca i varaluea whl tak part tho open championship akl hnanlng coataet thr frontenao wtoter8porta aaaoc tion wiu be bald in- the third wak of february the alrrar trophy of which la now lnthe a veteran ed1tor1 new year uttto shoot 1 tho wakly reflections nat trado iplaoas whh 4 -other- man in town fonowipgr artiala bulging aobool bag bare hoaao aha allpped around to the- back yard and depoettad them thtbe mautwx andburrlad out jlgain with doing i bjardticy aearchtoati in oanohudttarlnvan onb51rmvsit jat e- zjzz at achool the day draggwl wearily th blabap- tsnmtt tbatha waa ladumwaljlikoarria v7v l bahaalr jatanlwar arrmntia4aat ana ahmi jiuiai iaifwlam lw fnmwawimaikv i yawnr toff pa ad mf m b 3mat laat tout aolaok oamaand u a a ulu uuau au bala aad fiiifrtlj aoirffthjtiwrt if haaomiv tnakulcxard iaajiraa aalippariwr foatnwn jintfl lirh4 of 1 pax ana betan kaadlm auf th lattaiwt 4i ohhenu wa parmlailnaw loml what r can it bar aha axalabaa i mut aj h y taa whit wrappuiaa rarua on of tha awaatpmr talanuua tnt say had lisada aad manr vara tha axolainatlana bfalipbt and atunhv mgtu- t- louf an tha rair nloaat raln tnttoh of altmitl itayl thar itand iptjdwrtaiaa nmqfflit ordata air iha erdaramrv fllladtbat aatmailxa can oftvelv aaraaaato ma btit i ranllif taltdth tnnatba tltlrty artblriyarayaara aao 3ro-not-qnlta- aoraipqtl ftalnku jmathla laaahamr incoim which lo- dped4aakto toaravsbafacro aod- ftto4ptoflathl an utajanalnaaa laa lanrjir warvanyaay na and lnvttuwhll waa aylldla bonaaa andatbralaklagbeeijii antff ahorebaa and atuna and- apaoulatlaa in j and braaakla oat to t cftvt 4mltfldaoralay waatber uil th puatbrplano tou do iwmmrtrnmtutqlaalidito pla thta laatfliwanlaofnmwl- 11 the laoouoirvjc it baa no baidtn6rjah0r uuandyat cat dally travalunc h- u rtjoo bjiapshot qaltbiu jnat harmleaa iltua- bok niada to- loorinttvaaaoaboalu llteor xbait no aijnta nof bolni poxf alf fifllaaa- tight con hide uunaa fyom ltadtacotrtnv abibt tum tiiviat tinb1 a iraokfl win anda anldlnk pola wtll taka you to your daalraaftaal ii thb ttluminatbo town c1vook no nuttar how the loom ot plabt lubandaara alvaya puialyln htot t ii thb ratio brinaanw and aonffrom naar and far wltboutola btwu b iruardlnit atar a thb taaoctbic ljort n- lumlna our bomaa ourv atraata our jurobaj wlthool tin holp ofol aparlanoa uvoehoal bbarda a4 aal naaanana oraanlaatloaa aadwawpor jo lajnaldrtt t tkk n iw aaa t a o wr if trapaahnuut aaamad equally a patlapj t wa to 1o tanat oi tarfwarrlrad my ay but wa oanti j to wgmoiiy gaji s a harrtf raaaon for- aamambarln an jhi y by n haoubaab aooordlm to an jmhab jaurnalat avbootolanan trtuvlptd batn aaa tlmaut tbo oolonlaa pataa tlaftto f mh an a ml on t fv ahoopllowttlyi twaaat down to chat t vjjm old udmaaad aoqualatanoaa i cpptarnauon- t i- atimlumahanaaadloaajobt tbatouvnuus adams poaoasca6 adfnoauun -waa- that tba awattajna kanbaaw 40 taka aaoaahtdln uplaon ia jmf4 jslturfhaln ina i mlfl rbai pu tpwinaai- a jow ndarwto jwsi waiaaara aar aaya fig b nowaday pba mnnbtortunaw malavolo aomabaw ta bek tbatnaatramanvrlnr accordta to an ajractlaasmat jt u poaaoilato aatan attra- fourraat out srtaltpiisd0ut bmajiobla ba- job to at oqo toot ouiwllni ordinary aort bavlaad provarbt two oeka ontha 35pj jaw r lo umoorrmpondant xn laobal tha aaa ad any ortn laatw gtooiajlw vlaw ui bp- arran namban otoutarr doln tio aama l oartalply took wbnd x 1uaatlonlt pinipkbaiijaiaijifcibrltly aulddo aa ana work on tmjnaaaid naouldlnar and doooratm panala ad yy lodroi th youkt iadywho qaar rauad wlto huflaiioa tor f bar ncmitahint unhand put it onaoothi- m4obtboam bout bora ot boquaalacm jrn op to a hmutrad aariafo i auapaot tbat johb b laackfuuv hu baap btflwjn about thold ada rn- bsnpllw owba bar to aomr ot hlajummr owiifa all tba aania it ta w ramarkabla tbnv tbat ha id adam hmlae built moatyaivail ymrao up in iclliaaijbmajba imrni1ninkjuu artlola appaarad ir apsaarad in laal wtaka rapai taa baanaround to toaaa an- rto ranbma slrl a tmdrttad bar- mwt wm- nuldna and deoorlv wag done on that old novae hy the oarpeateni v100 year aao butt ben tfaefavpebtaiwor oday haknot the good old tear tlna ibmbarr eawad ul wtbmymbche wide to work onaa they had then the1n and jjow thinking abotftihotiala aolon ttwufpuntlad away back there in 1u ovara hundred yeara agu nuyt adams ware building their boueea and grlstrmillstand saw mills r0 been yuantnyotheoosnforta and oonven afljjmjt thtnkouito oommon of tba neysr u thm aiglrttkoworld lncnn in home in paid or where umv traction tr th lijot tbo maehlnaon wlucb fhtaargfr wga get fa sopid arpahtua youoan hetlr- aa aatraoye on by thehp ayt7hait glanngwsr ihom aa r oeabffrtlshlhgmy of the ttlnfiwahawhow and which nearly auanteyour everyday ufa of to-day- which were never known northpugbt of a hundred yeara or sotaatwhenraoton wu founded and thla tawhat aha broke out- with weill- welu my old- partner yob branching on into poetry at your time of life well aee you ham- a lot of preaunpuon but not much real poat- ry howavar j auaa it wul- do tour raadartf wlh oonalder where it oomag rrtn ajtd make auowanoeg- fliuet aifyyoavggauibtodtogetbv a lot vf new- thing but wh7 dldntyo itogail from the pen cfw k edxor of the stmteaman bowxaaavula reflects ao cloaely tbo exporteoeaa tho editor or tba pldbi paxaa that era edlyglve re a panels toa coiumna it hi a striking coln that the attttora of aba stat of tbo atgaaj paaaa a tho adit oriel- rjuor 5 thatoe friei lenoahlp datoa tbbaainatbg ot our edttortal careeyi tawtwtbas fre catiree of the proas asoootauow clurch courts andcouoga- bogr4saad have hadrraany expgrlencta la eoaa- moa beggar- bhvo you ever what a hoatdr tndtvldiiala of varloau ojajtsga- an edltoc has to ootertainr a proacberhaa hla own congregation a tbyalcun hla pajlenta teacher hla acholara their p and hhi troateea a mevoeant hhi taarrtoa maa ado wife and ofumea he finda hla job a very dimoux ona but tba- editor of tg n moat plea every body who roada hla may taka- it trom oal ho baa awhnata eonlmet if bo attanpta everybody but wa haye ha4 4s yaars axperlenoe add would not trade plaoeawuh any man la town an editor geta ooaa of to pld yon road tin thabditosa jaaillooluaw la our out stai also this iittf tba kind worda our roadera che na and are vahsad jaoryjhn gom9llftra things that enconraga oa gad bhuhrwa faal that hardjjwork la worth jaay- bring to tho expresain ri ql 3oniaaeo ua at more or laaa fmiuaal tatervais througbowt tho yeara times it la one thing other hat inaplroo tbo avpaocutlon- hut st la wbaaever tho incident that lasphraa it to behold that something wa hava don or aredolnsrthaata wtth tho ap proval of our reader in no steal of labor thta true ukw wa beltovc than in newspaper work waokly the labor on ta part ot tao fasdhrmaal la oawsjly paaadr so ypr rjsegjaoejt jty m aaoa of worklne fotoa the av- dhaary weekly aewa as raa gaaafoaal eauy one two or three at tooat woettsartabig ip th aowa dvpartaaoai of th arll tlieawajr sweh a they- cfaploy we hrnatfa fol fnlgu it ttf oleswosalui for itaigggottkf etqetoaay and r gratee lyd th ooa in pur badroom the harofaaaedra and the farmare ueuium gng g mapy otfle hawt yd thinga in our aaruar aditorial aaparleocsai a fait adverse jrjuaiam rathar ke ly that bolngafeaturo wa had over- lodkod when ohoaalng ms ntfrllrnsllsmrae t tha niuha theae eurot u thillaxynub hawoawtou need nopoiuv you toaod no wood to hayoa or b and good vtoitwbmvltttatottugh pemivaod peneua sb r pu etin may writ a reajneach day i thod moxdluttcjjwa thing of andfrtglitfoj ttolfe that ebaree lv ureep tho tblsamualpg etory i attrtbuted to form irprsl dent toft whq is aald te have tdlili gt antniry ttinoer a nfcfror hb aald knockea at mrs browna back door and naked for a ja ci i namev mm urown adf uub namaa pee maoni ro jilled v tpkelir aafd rters brown inter t i of ydur canlly workaij tor bdaar auaahfoo dsnl t naroa nn bubjad and hi atnibk a raaoundna wbaok tmltlr abut wy aiavnir baald a la bdaat avabpoa wathata valu a 4booaaad know too editor of tba sally cllbb star m gr talcsraaa and caraa laaa probabf bat body know wnotha wlltor fltafaaman -la- a4 many thany 1 am3 tbudnapmallnua uiatihay parar think atjaklas wn th ouy obapa dn tara a alap a rapt dllfraboa batwaaa a haaaalawn wmnjp aod a pity papay tka pwaaar la uauam raafl ayary ralaaaa nawp and aditorial wblla a ally pspar baa no auab intaraat for tb aaaraaw raadar w may- wh ta par opinion but wa kalian iriba waaa aouftwwjsaoftaa araraaa saa wpoll ootumn dally in a dy pbpar oa of bl marlaaa aad danipy wl wuif raadarapl papapaajfi womaa aad y fl tpp- anrajnvdally papar anta jftaatial ailltawtliwibu r rr na aba mtaanl pajpiiv hpaay wi but ofe wra eooa dlsnoatoai- lead and ofoourao got to axped o h n a ia rrtlmd mtlwu arj firm- ryfut ii pllfaalil slna of onmmlaaloii or nmlcelnav fcaft j wa puollah and thlnga wo aogv rrafrala pton printing the l ta all intheoa w li do potenter qulta eo dtapty aa thar formerly ddtadaad wo have la oov ouycdaya greatly enjoyed x pjan saa ta have vtgoroaa lion o flpd out what mental atrwgth he recy p and ao wa havitla poa yeara ongaad id ntaay not all mental either there hvast- dltteranco tflbtwee a- odlfoca of opanmry waftuei uka the iheteamanvand editors mt tb jtptrt ejhf 4ilhleanoi ue theea ttbortla think of taklag wttb j iyi tjn wm tuuilfloat janltajfty xm7 the happiness of a winters pifieeiop j wlriier thou da tight af of the storm i iw llni whim tlm day is oer hltn of lliu tttyhmtv wuiwsrdroar jnppn of lie iranquu joys that- weave tin tihuim k round the sudden ova twhirntti itloom rinnif ii r ilmao we ipve comohome vuiuiifpi lit the cheerful board illiu daiitnstlc group reathred i flw that shows the looks of gleev infant standing at our knee liuay nwwsthesportlvfrtqngtls us still feel akes tlio luugll tbat- fnal young j ttiu jioauii to those wa love that now aru for mm ocean winds can blow ttjin health to thes yhb wjth ua grew andtinntay wltloauftrled and true tbu that make life glide away one long and lovely marriage day then musio comes till round u creep tho lnfem- listeners half asleep and busy tongues are loud no mora and winter thy sweet eve i oer 3 neighborhood news m emin imr fredteetsr of muestono oaall left lost week for home after apend- ing a few- weeks with relatlvoa here mr ondmrs el griper arrived home from their months trip w cali fornia last weak mr and mrs fl ak cameron left for california where they will spend soma ffrfr mmift imi rmui uy vancouver edmonton saskatoon and wfahlpest mr richard medley left on oviday evening for detroit mlclu where he win spend a couple of weeks with his brother who is jil j at- tho annual mee o the united church hulsburglhe following onv cers were sleeted for the year toters isaac stauffer alex oiywllca young ardjile raid stewarda ahmc perry bartwer wm orr b fis tate the trustees of jhp church elected some time ago are haory wbeeler wallace toung booth jilji mrrh clibaoniof carboiijaiu alabama u and pr jqraham of detroit attended the funeral of the latefiara may aibsouat- ctt h thv baftf er ojr the 6id farm i have sold the farm where my ytontb was spent and my days of wisdom und glad con- tent and ray friends havo opme to rejoice witbme pornt last they sayi am truly free t tffnrvtllu vftll inllgtl t ttuv ont new amelia dates pausing preparations for church watohlng her nleoo narrowly why no 1 dont know that x do except the thjnas you showed m when first- came replied the younji lady as she quickly ran her eye oyo the famllls fuselture of the room oh lrjsnhanylhtcylihliouao sald aunt amelia or on ino placa cdtheri afce added following tnr nleoeauclajicejult the window and tg- ward the barn where uttcle andrew wsa engegted in harnessing up 1 wm in lippea you- would nuee it the first thing be want- 0 tone- of dtsapriaintmenk ive kept it for a kind of suririso of ciurse you are kind of used to them lit the city gnd not having heeu hero lately over oundoy j suppose youve forgot- ten nbout wrold onh huh i houlri hav though tr- comeaunty interrupted eleanor ut a iaukh v you hetter tell me what you are talking about r- wallj will if you wimakvomn dtcntinoe replied mrabaat to begin at the beginning it happened that i was spending on afternoon with t have sod the flowers of a thousand hue r that have welcomfid me in the morn- ing- dewe and th tender music of bygone days when the sweet birds sang me their thoy11ro7v lstto oohtthamorles while here woka at meeting of the erin village council mra momullan was ap pointed treasurer for the village mr vf a burchttt whohaa been treas urer for seme time handed in hlarea- slgnation on account of certain regu lations set tyuie boyat bank which he is manager of the local v which he la manager of the local amt w before me hath no quick sands jput my ejjee are seeking the scenes r they know andbujuart la sick for the long ago w aor iw v w as the tiext ofle ortrortq r mr- anihony has fjeen elected chalr- rman of the publiasehoopboard the baptist chbroh celebrated an y jwwbewirrijtrfebhlsjto s fwf packer- of hotntertlohlvprslty was the preacher for the day rev dr dickie of the unit church and h6v ilmeuuiliufknox rgtitotlmt the evening aervloe an anjojrahla c g 1- t banquet wai held- in the united church oh t tueailakjiyimllisvmisjeasjemc pberaon provincial secretary of the chrls work board gave a stirring ad- r dsesa on the subject i would bo- true tho arena company appreciate very muoh ihooooperauca off the public in refraining from smoking at the arena during the hockey game last friday evening th atmoap rum fit tin q waa m hotter fbr the player ananora pleasant for tho tag k ktr somer c thompson- had the mlaf ortuna to fan on the icy pev- mant on sunday twrnlmrand fracture her arm m mlas zaiy mccann who reoshuy underwent ajf operation- forappondl- olfla at ouelph- boapltmlttas returned home and la convsdcaclng nicely master gordon halaeda of mr and mrs haaolbut bale underwent wo oparailonast ouelph hoapltal during tlbe week be a reported tobe pro- graaaing fa v t mr hobt bgrbeonof carbon hill alaoama waa in town on afondayfbr time huehodbeen oalled home owing to the death ktf his sister aclas sarah may orbaon at chalun- not telir havo sold the beautythat fed my haarv w ju i jxsve sold tha spaces of nsore sky where the winged clquds went in co horts toy i t have jtoid the tleldi that the sun- shloe blest tt- and the wild wind played with tbft grasses crest v x have sold the groves and the fairy co yes and the placid poad where the ulles gtojf t have purctaed ease fer my weary u p w he js tfat new york genueman that waa boarding m opikes last summer w-ouhytbe- leuerha ht- thacha should not be able to oomo t aten hpl again for some time if even but he ventured to show hiaappreo- latlonof mr tyler by a little en closure this is a personal gift hi went on to say and i wont you to use it in the way that wul glveypu most satisfaotlon the llttle enclos ure that x spoke of turned out to be a jrheokcoy three hiindred dollar- x th mtnlstor took it as quiet os tf three- hundreddollar cheeks were everyday affairs tout item tyler aahe bubbled right over that money is goingfnto thatravet fooasaysshc then she explained that they had been putting by a llttlxtra change that came in weddlng fees and the like poping that spine day mr tyler could go abroad it almost eeenied as if she wsrited tcbegin lb pack his valise right ott but the minister calmed her down he said she should have to think of it a little ln the mean time sister bates soya ho perhaps we will say nothing about it outside were inscrl bed in beauty the thoughts imicd2 hvwlluun- motjreblrs rbtino aytrb bdst tjfe b- w among th frtehdafrom out of town who attended mra mawoav funeral were mrs penny and mr canjuin hamuton mra bailey- tjoronto vmr bamshaw and mrs xandetoroujrb of acton- v f 4jack jfibnipaon jraai atjoagoildg hau toronto last thurgoay aiteod vtngtbc ceramomeaoonnactlon wtth v tjjaojl to tbvveur jacksi mny friends extend oojigratulations and wlshblm every suo inrhie profesa- lonvtherald 4twenty veafla afio aiam th tissue ef di fro pre llraday favofry 7 107 anot sp weather this winter ha spasms of thh kind -fre- ajenuy m mk jjtorober of p eml town have been examined wjth view t location for th proposed branch of taayarjn t v the bouse on th johnstone a co properiy at the ooraer- of mill and john btreets has bean vacated it win be movedolt ao that operation on- the nav uochraaajr ooiamanoe actoavcltlaens- bond will hold k j a promenad concert in tba town heluljsl neat tuesday evening i 7l and to beayabwacjthafnatbja rawved am pies and price of etreiet alsms to of air tha a5eta indicate the names of matter la worthy- of th eonaldsr ai th oe j- population oftha townsik hal- lpn esaamant rob of ltte thy are vlhe tm1- acton lt oecn thf mil lm pu 1 afifona la an autheyearroundr popu flauon oakvlue lnae hundreds when tgrp sthrf autumn oomes aaohyear vs rjwhtte artwork on a apllttlng nut- t- 0l pe in the tannery orrtrj acton sjrf tanning co isahyrlday morning mr fvxwkjregory hadtba brat three fln- sjraoftibiightnianateasy laosr- td married at the real riir preeorw stlaahl u aapory to ct wadaaaday j wharlln ktavab allaa n catuvolalmcoafwhtat st jos- pha gtrproh acton n tuesday 1 fyebruary by rev rather veeny jam carroll of veltonjmary mocwrhyo nasawoy whan asthma ceine donot dea turn sttoao tp the k te dr x jx- axauoi 1 tafg wonderful peoi m fioaagea breathing beaq nafral y urd fltbbut effort- other ihniisajale femprwiawerr yoaar ftijbat hvwlaaly tamed tothla famous sardeeaa4inbvltav xlgtr theomntottned eodure the th knoatfng one qorn bamovei much othe xldfarmec who loved hla broad acres and the open spaces of i pprf t vnit where l lr the aivlnyilndthoooold sum mer- time shtt the oakagnd the beeches of the wood lotvond tbosihlqg of the blrds and the waving fields ofgolden train in the autumn day jjfo wonder hje heart was sick after the dispersion saucaad the goodbyes to the faitbtut irse and the collie dog and ajl butwhat about the formers wlfe the mother of the home everywhere there were niemories- of the- years spent j the hoine xf whichsv ierrt happy bridet the busy life of the farmelte- wife her household duties her hoars with the chickens her work tn the kitchen garden and flowers in trontj her joywlth the babies as thsy car from time to time and bar or- rbwa aa thay by and bye flitted to tjonflrdt their own the dear farm mothera busy amploymeots from snn- rise tfu sunset day after day throogb all the year and tbeq father and mother reached the allotted span the old family bible revealed th fact that they bad reaob- eq aeentxynertt t this fatefnt discovery is followed by the usual decision after hour of meditatio usually aocomponledby teavst to seutiheola farm the sale is anally war a home la found in town and then comes the days of jon unas and mothers longing for aoms thing to do with her handa father chore about and goea for the- mall and meeteold jielghbojavhocometa town and chats in the blacksmith ehopi but mother- is dehled these little frteadlybreaks n lifes monoinny and lbiu true if shfl li uvfna with one of the married daughr tera ln town who in hay gj of bemrt 1 alwayje solicitous in eeelng thkt niotjbejr who is now seventy you know doe- pyyrdo heraalf many aernwms hgye been preached editorial and ftotto irrtupo about the ssjosh girl ho plays the bao in the parlor while her mother trashes dishes la th kitchen v no doubt ane needs a good talklngto aa often as she geu it nerhsips ortener yet any one may well questlonjjrhcthajlusul a girl mokes her mother more urlcom- fortshle than the girl who goes to the o al mrsv tyler whpje the ministers wife leaves of thaf toook x thrnlcthatsome wbfin he come homo with that letter m b word tyler moat hye drooped so tt aari-am- forajomehowrer sterydld gel around that the minister had a wind fall and was aolng- abroad but 1 heard nothing- dednlte- until lost prhrwaylal am t wi flywylnimv work tnnt morning andyras jusr- thtnklng it was about time for me to change mygown for chnrch when- npw eleanor do you utvsivm41oad- 1 at bnoi anything yet hoot look but listen i whiri- auntie cried the niece in sudden recognition of fact that had been vaguely present in her oons- dousness lt thf church- bom jt 4 eaunde differant i guess it does aald mrs bates complacentlyr and abe stood listening in wry rapt attention t dbes she repeated and it didnt taamo long to sense if that thanksgivings morning ihudot know just how to account for it tout the minute i heard it i connected it in mind with that threehundred dojtar eheck you eee mr- tyler never could get reco to our bell be said that ring of churcb- balt on a timidsy ought to be the sweetest of musio in the peoples ears idvstatlon ehda song o praise and he allowed that our bell dtdnt sound uk either i dqubt it it would have pleased falm eve when it was new and it ir cracked long before he came bare wau there was about the biggest codgiegatibn thafi ever saw t on a tbmlortvlng day and of oourse everybody was wondering just toe fowhgtrarriiimtylaivaajdra bis quiet twwy that the generoelty of a friend mr perkine of new york had enbladuhlm t provide a aorprlee for hla people in the shape tot the sweettoned bbm that had summoned them to th tmuaagtvina service it seemed that mr tyler had hought the bell and arrgnged for a couple of man to drive over with it from cush- neo thenlgbt before and bang it unbe knownst to anybody except john mile the sexton there is consider able of the boy to our minister you m and he is quite bond to plan surprises of course the people genexauy were pleased and if it hadnt been in church guess there wquldhsve been applause as u was andrew twlstlmajqd hitching all through the psw twf f f 29 v ov he hortw 9p m mw- y of thanks ip mr- pfw ft ff pou and timely srlffj- wfcep bf ha looke4 j gmm mvoyrf t htin ontsuppose ttnyuilas ofth kwdvand no won- der orjut ttvoh andrew had plekod up a goodsised iarcnl lhalhalheen hidden under the teblu and was making the awkward piece of work that he always dnea undolov the wraiplna hoandrewsnys winding upfhls speech we trust that you writ be ploanodto accept at our hands this handsomely illustrated boolcof tray- ds an in the vujture you turn italiaatijgtnr as s koi tbat you will be pteaoently reminded of your loyel- pailshlonnr of the oraenhlll society and of th affection and es teem with which thap resarl alby kilcn looked the corner of her yo as the minister tookjltit book flmmv id nie thats lute a comedown frpmforeurn travel taya she not- havlnsf any husband of her own ofoel responsible for of ftiurse he was qultttr to make markn a for mo 1 pupld nothing though i felt us if somebody had thrown wet blanket ayrr-me- fbut the minister was as smiling as oould h and hv made a beautiful speech thougli abuy bllenktnd of snickered when he skid he should prise the gift- hot ad rnqok for 4tk intrlnaio value as tor the sptrti that prompted it after he had finished speaking he left the book on the table and went to ntlnallng with tba people as uswal bpt abel tiaye spoke up- and says he brotherijalee7 in his remarks aald something about kwter tylers feelings in the future when he should turn the the of us would like to see him turn the the minister flushed a httle at that perhaps taking a hint that he hadnt ehoapeavtuffhanteirmclnhja tiraaentl but tie stepped up to the tahle and opened the book and began telling us what- the ntr7i aboutr then all- of a sudden sj- ejiieer look come over his face and hd was hold inr up a twentydollar bill that he had found at the end of the chapev- keep on turning elder j says lllue- tratadf just as brother botes sgtdrr- and tf you wlffi ballevo me there was a- tweatydoiluf bill at the end of very chaptor tliero were twenty four chapters in all and besides one hlirwaa tucked into tbo index when theimlnlslcr bad taken thorti all out ho tried to make another sponeh bqt jt was ni urn this time thouglt he had been gtlb crjoush toefore all he could jaay was again i thank you friends r j well- andrew ready to enmejnfri tha house at last and hero tve tyftelv standina before tho alass and dolw- nothtn but talk for th ljt too mln- utess tea tlw mlnutnr is golng abroad next fait and- i hop that tlur way will he provided- 0r mrs tyler to so- too womuitxnnko hnnu now the second bell i1i bolrlhalngrrdonc x- is a sweettiinjed bwll 2p all take lota of r with t toaaasy onyour hens make them prodhce ompn res tby fflfwjn -aivetuktwe- ewhr omoof rraufjvrattryvsmbier in eo joajtan war t lou of jsap fjs tea nt ltebeat onl9r43oier lb druggist tells v eaey vvay to end bladder weakness pleasant inexpensive heme trestment quickly relieves dally irhtstlen and oettlngupnights no matter what your how longynu have been troubled or how many medicines youhavo tried without ajiccess if you are a victim mt jdladder weakness and urethral irritation causing days or troublesome ir soutfaworths uratab8ai sejdty wd taibotcton ont made- from evapeclsi formula sue jafully used in tha doctors private prrtctluw air nbwiyot years tjticc tabs are particularly designed to swiftly relieve- the pain and misery of burning urethral irritations back aches bladder weakness and qettlng- tjpnlghta bafe pleasant inexpen sive and supplied by augnod drug- gists on a guarantee of money back if jiot aadsfled if you need a medicine of this kind try ultatabstodayt fire jllfey automobile aooldant and slokness ineuranea money to lean 20000 death qp000 injured on this continent- by nu torn oli lie in xt3 yqu eontaiwaye esoape injury vou aah escape flnon- olal loss by caltlijg on v a e rhcktin beer av4 insurtinea agent business pisridtag dr j afll phyetelan anf stirfleen oflloe and besldenoe corner bow avcnua and jjugln btrooi phonic b8 dr it j nelson frederick btbjsbit acton ontario legal collections we swale ssluettssw eaisi 2s years experinnoa speaks for itself assuring efllcloncy and re- pliability kelly aiken 1 collbotors orsnaeyllls and owen sound ret standard bonk of canada phono no 73 p o box uft harold nash farmer m a barhster boueltoi notary publle conveyancer ete perrvman block- acton ont vmonjby iaidkt on mortoaqk8 hours bio a m to 6 pm saturdays 1x00 oclock dr j m belled ds- lds honor graduate i- of toroato unrvar a mm lat auhshi tf v j office at residence corner of mill anilp dr j h johnsonddjs ips dental surheon offlce over bank of npva boetla tkijdphonb 4 see that mother doesnt overdo every family has he own opinion a iq wbat things mother- must avoid ham often the dangerous things f pr her to do arf the household jatka that ah has perfornud fl her rff washing- te oad- jt expo her to change of temperature iron ing kesher in an overheated room eplng la hard od bar baek sewing jhtainrays and ao one after another the occupations that have road bar ufa on the olfltarnv are taken from her andshe la asked to sit vlth folded hands and look on hhs mav be fond of welkins 000 in cash prizesfree t the hall and empires 7000 goldjmhe offers 3000 ly too the mail and emptre offers this tremeivdou9 fojltune to every man woman and child play the easiest sraxrw in tnrj wrirld and win a br in e570ooo0 tw aeaijmirw and itottuui and dtlld wtctie tiot cawoa draimcr rjra ssssite l aisl h l w lao of opada a inalrk foi v rin wqnt i lllitljim thar is nooateh in il there u nothing hard to de7 there is nothlnb tb risk and can jlrtd we pulllsb this picture today only to start you on your road to richea there la three tho dollars to win turn to the picture below wlthni its borders it is a large picture all th objects start inc wth c are there and easy to find and sjano htru tha namew of which hcain with th utter c that li the key to tha hlwetfthouftanuiollail qqm mlnb xou wnffmotftu aorta of things tbat beatn wiu tha wrtlrrtt threuaiaiatj wtty njphjrlewjl sub in amrwer tlt there la cow there la acrosar calf and a dgar and cabbae eto this pussle the answer having the larrest and nnt- correct list ot visible objects nob of thm are hard to find nftp of them are unusual words easy words walt and articles in the picture thaf start with the letter c win be awarded first pries iaur right on this page with 17000 burled in them ready for you see how many you antvind hut nnamt rrt ntn second bast beoond prise etc nrrjoirasswiik ttrthfrwprxi puzzle must be mailed not ijlterthan saturday ramoartwth because aha was severity on herlaat- bjirth qjuwghunsui on getting a oantagetorher wnen the w to make fe calls aa for her going otit in snpwatorro t is quite absurd mother must be losing her mind to- think pf such a ualn she does- seem to be showing signs of mental incompetency for only yeater- day4lhgtr ciuaa tiouio- unexpae- tedly and found ner oh the top of a tep ladder nearly four feet high tak ing down the jaoe curtains to do over and last fall just becu daughter bad to be away for a day or two another took advantage of ber absence and put up twenty pots and jars of -pepx- mother and poor father jk j d yalloggv aatlun jumady ttofg vaendarful ramody will give yog ihaald yon need oforary hohuc 1 naagea breathing betoas aatwra they are over aevaotyt aiighflhey ool indeed tb be i doubly their own hoagus gt their g pmyjhma40 the things thy want to do whan sou rob thsm if hetr gcoustomad jmioly- duties you drive hppip f 9 tbera ta and bonsctousnaas that they have paaaed tbsbv prime rreedem le itha beat preservative in the worjd ifst themvvlr but when wa atarted tof hpfna and he hegan to talk about hdvtgg pt more thing to be thankful for 00 thai thanksgiving day i just freed my mind thing to be thankful fort youd better say thing to be asham ed of i i saldj the money that bought the j11 was a present to the mlntatar and not to the parish and it ought t avf phe into his travel fund i said and tf 9v en tb hold tho- pttrsaetrlaa had- dpm a you ought bout the bell that woud hot have been any 7 need for hint to make such j and no that hahaatmdhi if you had tb feaaj i of the dtn of t ieald yo way of showing your appreciation than by passings vote of thanks to the man that didn thwbstr laugh abjrtnl win a share of 7i000 during your spare ttme tha sreateat opportupjty sf your llf to what the mall and empire fat ottering you in this picture possl 6me to play and uarn jh easing yblaaah you cant help njoylnatb hunt for- oworts in this plotuf bvsl au yoa nee brip obmprlng- eye letm all join in end have jolry good uma qtva mary a panell gad bobby pencil antf fe vrlf4 a pencil and the oldest son- a pnll make it a game see who can jlnd the most orwarov in tpn ralnutea youlldnd iis fun its euey lo doite adueatlonai ita rn and its worth thxuejc thoosajoj totdors 1 r- tttgnrr wail at that andrew never opened his head but i knew well enouh if hat be was thinking theoiegtday be ka upend droyaoff with out mentloaing where be waa going but t heard of v him all over town taking the men a aide and oonflah- injt with them and in lbs oourse of the next fortnight several of the sle ters tqld m they suspected tba men were hatehln up aomethlttgrtbat we women werent le hnow khonl very wall i said- tit- otew 1nnany households ar not xthla iwrihxor once in their uvea thalruvaaatlll own even though arjng one bfover adl a tretrfvlond all thomaajweorirn71a7lft renjedyto ajr those ho suitar pain r holds oat wrr can da something worth while with out our help let ein do it and wel- buf f th ma ooald keep frpm telling they couldnt keep u from guesalaa and reeume to say that nobody wa moti surprised at the aoclal clrol 7fien3andrew asked the mtaltetl 0- step forward and then elatest ioa4nreantatlon speech juiajkwakdrew dm th sy that 5am b lierraw is open dis- grac buti gussgthat doesnt apply ypa aaw tajwhg fo mr minister onlywbafe true mm0mm wbaa you hav mad up your um of -c-worta- aaod t lq jo with on or foa rl uhrlpuon to th atauaaa knplr at p roar aaeh or ltti tri3tttrj- m italnutoajor lon jss wtlih iil qiiiry yoii ww j r bawardad praospur aftar tba eloaof th xuuri amm llayclitat- z cashrim all raoalta rw pabw aoaarkb to la lw asjaj ala a ika bb imm award bj0r irrwh oa ssr klwl am aa t prtaa f ttd tik k mom piboa aaaio u0o ma0 map art prtaa taoa hum aaoao u rrlaa jao um m000 mb ivtaa 1djn1 olop apja sao aaooa rstrtaa a taoop taaaa mrifc scop iaaeo mb ohm 8o aaoa laoa lath pru ao ajap taaaa lltfeumuisprlaaa lacaaalaa bm ifm aaaim i th for lau prbarattara tba rail of aw pate win b pam la oaafi uah oao in t cart prlaa by wllplji onpj or tfutb aarl abaorlpllolui to ttl mallhhlf bmprp uesnowbhiprlzewiubeawarded r joo iwio is awarovoi aajawwr wtaatajr art prlaa prtrldo4 qnn laarr apbrnarlpuon ta 111 mail am4pmarrp at 910 pv re tmf baoi staoad naaaaiturrm- macpto 300000 a l0 ue hamilton or winning bret prlso pro- vtdod thtlek yeahy tub- aorlpuoort to ttmfu and empire by mall a wlop per year each or hn refoh if ohead jsi hamilton or london are aent t- tofod imea gioooo0t tnlrt prhw j0oo0o etc heo thlw cblomn of flareata pnxo iust in qosilfylab for r- osmi aewmnbaoriptlon imu bo j taiwtu dwm asdv- j priitemareto beat aad thats biot all we will jrlve aatra amounts on all pris in the same manner if your answer is quallfled by thltjb yearly subscriptions and you win fourth prlaeyou wlllncejve ee and so forth down the prise msl 7 tour own subacrlptlon wttl count or sulisaiilptlon to ktart at some futor date just writi on the order when ypu- wan -the- paersrteanirlt w1u start prcmnuy oil that aata tquwil and it easy to sat subaelptlbas to tha moil kola rmnlee to qualify your anewrsr for tha 11000 prlaa it by for tha beet dally newspaper v pabushed la ontarie taht if ns mid ttf etajriri wrf fktvt pkzj i xajnr fciib vaxij vou mutwoiain nan asny whatwomo mhrtlro oga aay dim wmlh or eklmwhe lives ta oaaasa aa ta mb of taaeta ua wbu is sat t te issslwr ml ww uu jhtd bksdar a t wban of aa nirlarve faatlly atay b aa atww it oa tuitkbu t try ipla wlttmtiilntttnpw atetere feasle as br thivttl aad pmpjr viaauur sassf ibmseara ssustt te v- a au asmwave hbete w tud i by safssswsses 1 j iggv mdhm rawoe luir aissiseavmfse lis le esyi aww alulitf otflkuvmi ihaau ba rliua ea sliq irths ssn- oity sa rda t fc e la t artt mja all kmh as4 a4draa evui mi is tiwpttvoerhtmksadmasbrr iryea 4lr ta wrtte esvimas else aaesajraa eaaet far irtywet tara iw aaa i son tqa in wwtva- n isumaueaal dmuuii 11 atttoa wit b auataatr tha ami meet se ths aqsiaa ajeai em is tha aiatur d mlaea eeeeleta yards pa saiir use h paj lfi a aseeea wim er sae by tha vtoieiaauon 9 tfc r a eafsuu awuek wavaa eeah at whel in itsirl tha nam okas nuflc 3e tasafav daetls s faaoiuaa abtrel 3wjif datertbwil k luralan -ca- hi ih ptfrur wh r t wms lha t ka tbdva uafa tf aaisakia uarftt eimts rteaw osba nam lha oajbei e mhd bsweeaa mas asuls m mm or mar f ttm tria atber ohjebta mcft may alas beaa 4bl- otrnarte objaeta abpa a fte ses htt basis 1 1 aui tafc of trt i i haarrwei xtrda ii eae4 aa rribmi hv bwa th plursl u astessavtr eoasaet k ema anat airlia aaml be s with tba mlar o miui lha i at t ata bar f errerst a ewa a mis- wiai ltrr t- ihi ibp mf rai ba warlaa aral brta tha oail n wuh ha lal qr iwmi kmbr of arrs urufa k pm isroush tba list aamt all tha ma- 111 daclsad mltf wrdf a aaauad warda wl b eeaaa aryafs wrlila baa ha uehos ypea eelaa i an humaar faoima tnp caaparala is saavariaa tba kisula but aaty no- plt mill ee swanl4 in aay haaaaahald er isy antss rfcars mt kill rfiaa p 44 i lw sr tws- iww baas fekwr ai r t la caaa a lie results ffemtwo au havta lha san it earraot wji4 th llt a inaa iw bavlaa tha ras will raal the in the vatf tl tar aar siae sa4 wun ta or titara aoawara avbitala he sat bar m oarraat tutrda mm tha aatiie ustnhar at wrn- masml nf awh tidaa will ba a is eubmrl bilh aaw atbul at it ar jr by itatl wr ft pi amar wawdsitha tall r at wkh wari aj ar 1 tet at it ear j by niall av pr yar aatlvare- by partta- uajr is iimiub ar tmhliin will ba awdtd urir tn aaalir iks far th prl- l laoal uaa ten aubparlptlaa mat be aaat no aahfnliii lun fu oallwry la pur of tares t iyl4 i uawkllfy antwin il all saw ashaartatliava wll ha rtrrall la mkiar miijata4 narllar old abv aaaltlalr fulfil tha eradlt of aeek aabaorlst 4 lh l11 klaaa v el wha it whevrlptua 7 saw ibeerls4l saaurta 0esidnatav rasavrflaia cs at taa- rasi bhtaa le tbewrt 4mrpitau turwnl witt iroelpi matstl ar ot w ail aad bniplra aaqwihly iharaafmt wit tb mall pipi lb wlmmara trthlpmbu by aaadlaa is thalr 1 praasajit thaaclatoaatlbartssaaaa ealml 1 tba judsaa will laaal wa msbttod aad tha mu wlaaara asl earraal liar of wurala wul ba uuallaa the vtai f i traaaltrla w ilvsv manai ptflerbjppa ha1jl an0 emplltlpronto canada roqm 206 asiossgjsssas rjil ini m tvf

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