Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 17, 1927, p. 4

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iimimdismii- c- ep llalunncl- in kwiolfinn on flatur- day january 1mt to mr end mr v c ilardlnc eon jbnri ry f marhlbd knnx church spedfd ave teronr 7 iiri wx r tnl tact sunday at b4tn ulllitha united- church oodcrtcuoqavr navjtnnivitnnry senloaa mernli and the bay j cranatoa7ha ajorner pastor will conduct th- atervice on monday ovenltig aaupper and entvruuniriant will be held in the town hell atlum wins kdo mj ourtnu wujcsiafwtiloofch vooeiiau mlis i violinist mrw itev dr bieatj william tjwrkliiimr ot anton to mrs car rie ftallmntlne of vomntm died- tnompeon itdwt aged h years welcome- end invited to nuke- this year aclmtlea in ti befb to kino at nornbr n sanda frtflt- oountfer greater results ry is imw margaret fixtaraon sr- j widow of chfe late baniml king in i iikad y4xv -tjf- rmtveiyr a t his realrlanou cc dtroat north brampton- on friday nmq u mit w o bxnlr ula lltt yaw we iii out fsrhhotwfc wueotsf juul unmr jiwii is th1bbdax yantpakt it nn prief local news your valentino i mo than half ton already- hwahina portloe bare tan poft- raye nro sit jgtfa itrf cruet a j rtoot- its wtnterr boal adore rase 4iy rev mr crstletoft meeting f the horticultural so city win be held oajfrm evening lath irwu in thb torrji hj whtm report of the annual cpavbtloo bald totaei veelt wilt be tfven hlo a series or special prayer uj pralse hav- ee rmmfaurbim in ui tthlted tjhur ta week rev h cald well the rolntater is in charge ejd oqnaldereble lnterat 1 yianlfestmi no mvuitf thitrdr -vmov- jth nwtrnx onfhday ynlac ooona oclock jfccuulu b luoaavt- hama at mr and mr 71lnton tiwnckr atbor ptrmlttln- oarnlval is u b hold off- saturday vanln at- ih open alf vak when a well armpcvd winrrammolwwlmcarilvd out jtt to jba hopod thaabftaiumbr will avail uwnwilva oftha ojportiytlly to maka tfao earnjiral inetm pruoi itof competition will bo on dbipuy at ailjrtui partar atora scias xiu llrby of toronto and mr johnston wo fllmcoa waa homo loamr urwwsendt juatoadra otttvrda toronto mr tfnd mtmr javteriar itlt hut h rtvutirvlnatf itna o mn of mr barry haatn k suaa dbrathir abbaaanuaba watstftr flomazp ou i nr autaavae cdnumut waraiy w9bdsvzk widow th j f m harldd fmr wii ruavrtxw4w hoi of nar ajrtar tatti biwt bldarr iaaraoabrldc oki uundayrabntarr itnxrxv tjytfniyit nf ifra natl mithmr mtlnnatlon attiool aftar hg rvnibip a few weak asm wheiraha jfrir ad abralred her anklb atu jpfn air rink- iter another cma dtfwnfrom loeknow to vult her whllo aha waa hld op two of our- enterhrlalna younc zarmm took a truck load of hoca to 1u1uiiuj 1ui wew oscar ostrander won fnla route last woekf catherlnx creao for tha ouelph creamery hla track jfjp apatfjptf otrthanbttbsa andean rfiio m pit aoessaso poatat tha bfttranoe to one of the patron the track waa somewhat oamaired hat no one avhurt tjwwbmena tnatlwu aeatlnarwin be held at the home of- the oacretaryt treaaurer mrs m haana thm tkuraday eretun 17th the baohelore and tsenedjeu bald anotlrer dahee in the towh hal on monday evening themoato wae enp- plled by jeans orchestra onefph otfafelsb oonnlaaa rt he l uatraoetlna- octhe fun- oaccottmjiraoc of h i oamlnr tlfarmr are- maple buv ootllu aape for the sprtnc i aaaaali mjiej clea v do saxei jiamer eaaidait ahvaj a cood procramrne le l u mint pfvparedi owum- the february meetlnc or the dnun draneh of the women lnstltntewa held at the homv of mr and mrs vf brackan jt- waa in the form of t- valentine jwelax ajrthe memkeru and tbalrvfamillee attended and enjoy ed a aoclal hpurtoaether mr walter fkyer waukan to u ovelph hospital tor- an operation for apdendicltu on oonday we all hope for a speedy reopvery oent oail another eent try mrs flybflla apahra toneqltls flrat for orbnohltls cbugh ceurrah tooau a aere threeri- creneleai if notbettsr soob gat your money otua store wbue tegodi stop arid safk t mi liltlt iiaton btore xvi yi itiw wkr 90 iit it pfr mni on your 4oltar on fiwmm romuolmt ohlumn and jnouiu- wwir and ifooda canoral dor our motto flood i faetoir or aoaot ratoaded tt v vritut baton sroiie- 74 mdorawll at eam- waatarfhofabtdft b11 xii rnwiwa ajjotqnaije motgage sale in the tewnahipeftiaaeaoaweya under and by virtue or the irofmrf aateeonutned irr a roaruun mottxvft which will be produced at the tlmo at the sale therewlir be offered for attlcr by public auction nt ihv wxamm mi il camib1xvvilleinn by r kerr aimftlenctao l baiuruavr thb flk of- febbu- arv athe hoar of two jaclock lh the aflet 4oon the fouowlntt valuablo property n the township of naaanaaweya in the county of helton belnjc cqmpoeed of the west half of lot number 17 in the vtxttl conceturion of tha said town ship of- naeaaawenerooiuarnloc ny admeasurement ode hundred acre b the same more or leas avtno and bxcbft1ko two and ifiot acres monorleaa and which enaybejpore daruoularly deaorlbed as fouowa- commbnctnot a point in the nor tberly umlt or the road allowance be tween the efth and slxtk conooawleeu dlatant south forty- ore desteea t feet from the west arty- angle of aala it it thence north fnrtrsia dam and are minutes eutletnl feet thence south foriytwo de- aiesa ana aevau minute eaatil feet thence eouftu- attyottr dasrees and eleven mtnuta wear xl and 7100 faerjtharioe routk forty- three dataes and thirtythree mlnntea east 17sfeet thence sebcli flftyboe desrreea and ftftyawtenmlntftes west 10j feet more or ian bitho mj n umt of the said road allowance between be jmth and sixth cdoctaalona thence north jprtyflve deareef west s4ons said limit of amid road allowance w apd 7lfl feet to ute plftoe of eglnnlna as shown on a plan attached to deedi f pf ttmmi r and one wijuam- howard the tpunaed said tier be monirawiiisl p vyom now until april wo will offer lpclnl nttrantfvii jtricra un3u ordora ldaced ror mfonumefila our uaual good workmanship an all work and a good selection of oldcountry a 7 -9f- ale neerlptlena put on cemetsty actqil monument works j nicol main 81 aoton footwear at harrisons bpegdsgsr special sale of remnanw fjrid ay and satuftday feb 18tk 19th lidokatthe fvrfimpa y and sa urbay smokeitmeats 300 lbs picnic hana tb 22e cdiune rolls lb 30e ramh 8tock impl jrjjcv tno jladtmlnd swavecalrad in- ttuouonaftoni r psahk iflapk to aoll by aoo oir tn prwnlam iot la mji i t ulll wiwa ti0anrtajnlv tr ut of vauoable fartm stock etc i axljloji- jr fllalrtlin oa tha aootn aldor thai una haa boooid ralbar tain bttn tnallmn lor an mwan dah tad waewla andnajcaainoo an takad fionnvll yaara aood at tb nm ha j j avmwctmtohdon floiand co- duadcltnrcti boor hafgtual wwb- i trintr d boarwiiaatwmawoiln vwhtie boye think man c v fiubrs and their fathers uuak- of their eons as- a 1 eeall jthe ladlee of boston ivsebyterton chmaajcatac inc at the bimrt vmi last week kurti hew fjadlaef aid society was nrgan 4ai- the teacher and pupha of xerne scaool had a valentine social vvmodajvexrijnav the paaanta were larrlbm mad a reed eaoyable tbnewas ed team of talcs seatraor mare aildgeldtng welghltig17r la as excepuonally nuiet aad taam brown partiherdn horae 4 good to- all aarnaeay- afoot im e i ya dinavh b bay jejdujav years heavy 1 r- geulag f years heavy carriage ialy bytljiv harreyti thorqughbredv cow with cmirat foot ayratoire cow wljavoalf act foot ilma iw jalij nnllijtfiiaa ao wnii in will oooatrb motlnrwlli add st yyjm lwlnoa koo and boot iii ao dnakiraa tha t rpdltwa oruboraohvpatet t affiatao tho coanell ta chaiir- tjkjuwbatriilft wfiana la fta jin pomp loeafod t t or ftrat porno cm wood imt and w wti a twin- pomp tha oa latuut tvi oaonia sbroor aold bla jjjicoo itrfi to atra m bohlmqr iur mrahoinnwr ha oaor cir jiow boaaotnla woabt jtcri bmufcu oooawr jktanrir brlok fe kis j ha bonool to wwtworlh ooinusi- tb looaud- tj d bnar eonddalloavnlnatubt jmt sts nawviiab- aobooj dlatnlot bar uaimd i isiff vw71 hat ot anrvom ibr th and at brantp- jtrcbmuiati waa aranwa k tft tnonaa inaaterir ok oondltloa that haltoa aai lo aaaia ataldklbb paatr- la tn bowx aodmrarvaadooam o mon- ln altar i t 1p soanvw aaalatant sf- taaobtr ibaajcaatba boat i owvtnv kid boapuaav hobhatncow with at foot itnmr hirr with calf at foot bad cow do march 1 110111 oow ja in lluol erf co ju ts maroh hod oowdo in maji hoi- rata cow huaaa april black cow dooln april bad lfr dno in april bed hotter do in aprlt thra cow have ad awn handralllrfrd -jai-chttw- fly i caulojf not proafooaraold j toduo cattijjvj bod hllxra raar- a suhwas yar i black calr t in butamoaa towwghip tbeoadoraiaind baa rmolra alxpetlooa tmnx w oxy aroa j phtarj solloitor for- mortvuieeal datjdd at melton this thw bt jfabroary 1u7 w- men wanteoh teto wagba paid part time while laarnr day hilary ala p ee- v wpifc aoectricfty waldlna teenfoucwlng i rouowlisuas lrm itock hot oeldtnga 11- oelditnt i oeneral sjied j ut ty bel- rlif way oc invelln am ad flower xat la doubled vyje mjkaav are lost through tntsrrupt- ia mefc ijij siutf belferav i months- 1 belfer months i youzijr carres 9e far cajf bm3b1p 2s- good breedtna begtstered jlelceeteraxt good bread ing swes osjbrds torktshuuc pias ow due april t sow due inmay sow due 1n may yoana- fiowa due in may t good brifty hoatsj torkshlre boar months j rowlf t oecee 1 oander about rocvhona hajw nti crotch- tnewtthtna hamesssa of heavy wprk haraeae set low hamed hgrneaa at plow harneaar new pair of col lars tl and ii in- pair hlglf top coiiarsj several odd oouars pair of new jbtcasa blankets et otf single h i hat ahrdjjbatn a auantttraf kl hfy eboat l bdghelg good ley quentlty of heavy mixed gr peas pt for seed masseir seybaitla hay- jjoe imjumjy- horse bake manure wmywsinrptow jnenrjr turnip- sower set of 0ye-sec- oon harrow et of atxnaotloa har rows adams wagon wltvbox ahdv- tas andaprlnr seeaoompetiaadir hmwiron market wagon 1 bay baks fttofiebowtrawt of hery amsba top puggy cuttat new cherham yunntiig mhi curtf maaeeyharrtatrmper g luysxd lraval box hay pvueyar heckyjofeiawiimieuwav fvrkm stwrnls hceaatroavftsr chatne crowba weelbariws v imp areriit good rtmpa bov0bhou brwterfi ivai separator in good repair in sap raus and spclea t c baflonjr pans- bedstead and harris cotuvator it tooia harris cornrcultivatori houtelo cow years due in april hejstein oow years bred january tqono gattxjbc helfera rprinc yaarsij topaiksgmmer sweav tpioe t6vk ow bred ia decem- berj tosk sow iwrt bred registered bejahheflow ady to breed pure be bnwt tortophireboar bred by mlcera i sheets chunks bhablbpa grade leicester rwea supposed tobe in iamb to lceeter ram je tirade oxford wea suppoeed hunb to southdown ram 7 msaawyiharrls binder t foot cutv arttl- trucks and abeaf carrier masseibarrts filnder with trucks good for repalre maasey- hatubhrwer foot cut mocormtck mmver t foot eut- mssaeyharra hake mesaey harris i ipeut ktaployment 6enrtcecoaat to coasr side bacon by piece fly 3ie side bacon aliced lb sgc cfcled shoulders your own oirolb j25e on th safll property are erected twosttteejlejuouned jughcaat house with wood shed and guuner kitchen siaw bank tnvrn about soxm pig pen and sen hone about kxm about fifty acres under cultivation he aodl betnjt a nratclaas loam there are two wells one at bouse and one at barn and a spring qeeaiuiis thraugh thh farm on the said premuhre there ufa pond covering some four or live acres which wlcn uttie expense could d turned into a umu irimjyprterhou3e roast trmbth property wlueeoid supjeet to reserve bid and to oondl- pria i t9 pain el uio ttme iramns bakuioo whnto m daya thnaattbr oe foahnorpartlontara and oobdl tloda of oab apply to w ufiflc jl 30c cvts hamburg steak 2 ibiu jound steak lb 20e sjrlolasreak rt i 25c lbi 25c wing roaia n tlricklbib koat ibme ronnd shoulder roiat lsc blade roast lb 13c and 14c fitrtftfifl b l i l uh rib bod lb 10c fo 13c f poiat curs shoulder boils lb j 18e shoulder ror lb 22e pork sausage 2 tbs is0c minckmkat jsajccjitiiiceincat 2 tijjue- every remnant in the store will beout marked in plain figures call and look them over specials in grocer pr canbd tomrtobs- 3 cans ayimerv torna smj3ff we have special offering of 25 threepound pailrand 25hvepoand paili of shortening at per omatar fwi ov ffctor rv we hitb ad kibch of the vetr barttiaury watch ode windows fob bargains jbhowktlr mimam gold medal black tea ipfcwrjclly powder free with every pound for i- pearl soaf special 6 forzj soap chip v special lb hpney 5 lb paif 1 syrup 5 lb pil 76c 2sc 3arks pork and beans loe j 65c 30e liacl a good tsc bboou rob soe wdo uolttorjl hmk drum hay- coedw btool ronar haaaw-harrla- apont dial mwhtru 17 tooth colu- vatort j on mannro ppt -th- aaore implemmitadro au doarlrbww irt or- flarrowsi turnip sowar pea harrwtw- seufmr wannlnsmul fiectlon oilndor farmera fnaod two furrow batlnw plow nearir nnri tol- tod x no f walalhc plow vi nwuaibow5wuisoa plow- ranfraw m j soalai 10 oralnbaa stewart power clipper and er sbwrtnf machine- combin od- ma of suaxa ha pork ropeii andt3aattr car for wooden track tolto pnfper m rod wire taei tolton pulpar and jsuoer combmoat craterxyvheelbarrowa btenenoat forldvhoeb chalna eto a ouanllty orjbuaand oatoxumber adam wludkon box and aptins mttu8pibtht haek 1 portland cnttera bntitwr- ttred- tap- husky steavtlrod top bnjanbtaeuredonon bnnr ohautiki hat 10 ton of tlhv- othy and aualfa 1 lona ofmoetly al faltal itosjfaabenr of j lo honaaaolid lmef toonbntor muk pan bun light -raaw-uboa- heater au- turht heater coal oh btpmplpe kitchen cupboard aiaaacunboerd bnaa table vuuw creaatsipi a 1m m r aaw woti- l bairedvrook pndtta o a a pumln t barred boak hn 1 mtrook neoptersoeeat a itrf yard pooltrr nmunx portablepoultry hoaaa 1 by m fort lbnatbnvsvt of braaa btounlod breaohlu henmoai art of teent-her- s aeta piowhanntaa nttsuucl haraeaa odd collare blanketa aiwnowopjptgvbmfo hash nutu1ng r ukett before in acton v qfutotz andvamw- watehroittinr seal off aim oyerthat amount u ttiontha ntojn wonrlecocs axe aial up- farnrhi tv- cri j tawirs hayoraib fowl l ijw lowrj leua ha tare- apdeuml ot i10h and expired and lb proprlmor to etruut oaakl up arulna- if mwoirto not itor- roeutaaf daokjkrrli4 th5rki r nuo or ov pc onwtori realdod tn uuto t- a oottrt p tc moore- of aoknr betna laof drowckl- and unable to- ooate barry -ajal- i boeotcaledon baal- pu xuiux zgljhar naorainai raufbmtx wabimbhvhjni alwh ateta- h m waatcharaea with mllac hie aeoond eoeao under the xt -he- waa fti 00 ti ootha nlo four tbontha w a morpky jubf andjbilr4 tuavaded th station botbl ffw til alr hiv aeimna aaak s iratiawi aoawa wrumi they eamwload a bmotaateakfbii iiwsmaih m immm ymm meimnfsr m oo horn acton produce grocery co can tobtatoea 1 can corn lcan peas darts pork s beans r 2nd tr afortrnwev huron toilet paper regular 10c roll 7 rout for i tin 6boy haitd- cleaner 1 tin snap hand cleaner i 1 bar cattilesofpj cbristiot bulk sbdt biscuits tb 1 ftaturday only mccorrncckt urge- liej jg sodas ret 3c apc 43c 25c 25c 17c i tb cold medal tea nd i gold- medal- jelly 7cl powder the two for c sunny- mondsy soirror 5 bar for r p9c diamond oramto qeanter 2 tins- for ivfc eggo baking powder oc per tin 9c hardwatcr soap 3 for 2fc spy applet por peek wi baldwins per pert ar4v orange pekoe tea 2 lb for m wedtsuvkr-artemschootandfuturdayb- u er o pbooe is9 trevrifndcrit grocer v aisii4 a 0risbow amw h cairya save batcher shop xhe wwaof quality raatx haa as nival li full line of va- m ffrwh s lviplh few 0f0btv r t st n- u- a special opportunity you will tee in the dally papas tho aiinounocrrien of our an nual inventory sale owing to tectiricreasfng demand jor duoart reproducing pianos and mason risen giandsarenayeyiccumtuated stock of thebetter makes of pianos and piayerplanos thim7hitrthin1mrntiyioaypaiwt ba and rodlapo of theni by february 28th die day w6ejfn stocktaking we offer thxm at prices far below real values epiarms of modeh pot bdngeoninuliriour 1927 cata logue and others only slightly used for wsrcroontde tions arc included in the- price cuts mson risch 230 vdiiog st llrvhteu toronto there fa ajrlaaon a rbch branch a guetpti where you may odl and aee many of tbcee barjarnai if not convenjaot to gv uw before usakfeaes aana coupon bejto at once araj get niu paxtkulara pobk ay te 7 1j tpmeaojoaf deam erod m ut ilcrw rirrrmmtlrirjrhtvr- wiasrimissmuiws q- rts 5rljl i rrrrr vgjg ji s pft f fivvr fallowing rtir blrthi r dorm imiliaioulku ki lt 111 oonaaselbn riiurlnii township- an monday iliiiiiivy 7 may t mr and mrs it 11 iiiiruiiftlihjr ti iluushter- y dicd htonm- at ml joseph hoepiul alffnd hloin n ot theuale p w iiijl wiikh mtoti leaillv at it wuu mich on monday jumiaiy so ml mary elwabetb ulfo or john m tiaaby formerly of aoton uttfml 70 year hcott at uifanulv xenttenoa lot 23uitnsellne kstluesing tonshlp on monhty morning february 7 1927 james scott a ha elrd year cljr3ck- at his home in naessga- weya on battrday february sxti james mcdonald quuk inblstth year 1 ill mfimchham 7- bav i e loving m of ray hsnv wife xjum dstlsvwho d- paneaie ilxe to w 1m4 tttiwrfawrsblfaii wwmaav- wherehvflowirstlywaye xje the one cjoved so dearly hv aumloneiy gray- t wfip lbifediiadly ajrtt daffntf another year r inttly- lonely- hours of thinking tiwugmsrof her sw ever iieex tly tnlssedby v sfenftr brief lbcat new y ir bonfljrnoif 1w i rwllj you be mvvatentinet another week ot ly jthfjjhnk hasboeri welt patronised thlewer hpebajy is bavlngits thawing periods too- r wlfptoin was- decutred bouti ally lorgip trade ori- baturday con- rmwjihojiltoare ihtotho enorteat month of the yuir ephng does not seem ifor away work isnrogresalng on the new cqoper building int the corner of mill and ma4pv-8treeta- r the tijaw-v- of -4h6- peaf ten days or so voredooed tha quantity of anow vierysnaterialy i idbruin had no duuoulty inaeei trtg wa shadow op mloiiaalmas flayer syjrtcotar tllwtofttfxaoil tier parrle hasbeen elected caaircaaa uio jtajxiorurjation ot nia town 7 rext morning a father and t3oh service will be iield in the v uwlmhurtvvhbfcfaaher anflsox choir godehdn will ceebrnte the- llhkh onlyeery ofua bounding during the weckof ijn blst to august th thu actonahdrlmstrict 1 triafllhe oanrje r the tjrhio hluea will hold admice in the town hall pn friday fubruary js admlsalon ftdo a couplet xy lutly goc hlrand orohnul- quelph andrew dob bio flur nuivibrv hlutlraedlcture ihutn llaptlat churoh aoton on wotlnetrday evenjmr february 16 ue itov johnson turnbull mlsetonary n jlollvlav will glvo a lecture llluslntted with many boautaful lantern alldos on 3arrylok the oospel into the j4eg- leeted continent 6outh aniorlca everybody woloome a din i salon free wcpipvbertng metlnn the literary aoclefy of the cton continuation bchoomrrol holfl anopen meeungi in the town ikalc tuesday evening february leatsyciock a abort jnuslcaj proatammo will pre sented by tht stmtaand dr a p cnlanyin nctatuiivcrsltir jf jtocsntoj will give ehuhuswtod jetiture op oooloiry from motor car flilver opuecuon at the door t wifryfc jkf resident of aa- fifty- years ago wafltstowsltte local news nowond addfssges the- editor as follows sb v moore dedt sir lean sending- you iair autawlptton for your ppr iitved in- aoton about fifty yekra ago and was n aoton when youltook over lsonl tba iisnsr wallace ray tbompsioh- jrttm3atfaetille anderwo jeoltar j xhrthrnlow chel hewderoh i4a toba rowley b james wttleoep uarod barber bmlly thom iy i 6 x dmodju teacher for a while now -at- tmy- rate ou yd rwiifirrrtkir m when von wee my nama r a anderson neetorviniv algorna 0ntarlqj fujcv fiytwp vesre in the ministry a note from rv thomas r plarke wl9 was for- some- time- minister ait the brl ok church creweons wrners bdet mills and jrockwood as weu as th trafalgar aayit fie ha just paaeivjn his- aftyeecond year tn thp ministry anats athiucttve though mperan- nuated in october bev mr cktrka attended the 3ublloa servloes at- mount forest where he commenced bls-iain- hrtry on january tii last ho preaph- ed at wakb his last cbctm ot sauid anniversary of his eaterlns the rnlnletry v- rrtarka wwlbjuc awejt hla hetpmeet for- fertyelgbiyeara in the mjblstry sang- solos tjothat the walsh and the mount forest seiryloea revlmr clirk bail seventeen young men under win tralnlog for tke mlp- iatry jtevoiavid rogers st- thotnae and jtevtmr clarke commenced tbeli ministry on the easne day january uua xwjll actqfcriop succeesiur meeting jnfrlday avenlnst neiglllwthooi news 4imkhou8b l the following 1 th janury r- port fure b no a mataanwva sr zv4aalodltti uofrat lcenoui wdto winup kk ajljy u vibivoitdm y heavy corriaa m c -gsriblrffissj- jtarssss -a-txrosati- s falimfttook uuuprod mrnjohj nowtonls now ponvales- ilhir nicely atlexjxermoetlt operation comm union services erere held lnat tiunday in cne 1 church ttmrmoxiewpttcltod- lo d nuounn on mo iii u jetuly rueveoowdy wee one of uw xktvokr j i t iqtumed akatert tv big cainlval it acton last wanmday nlght- 8 s nos naesaoaweya tlio undcraluned uas tut iruotlons from prank mack t b nuotlon on ttitf ifprtvlbea lo j conra hi in towjiauiiirrnnotidrt of osptnge on thursday february 24 1967 ax- 0 oclock the following t- h orchis ma tqllod team of blnk aottpereheron horses b anil venrs iui- l mure nml gelding weighing 31dptllli a nn exceptionally quiet nnd rdllablo toiurr brown fercheron horaov tyeftvs good in nil harnees about 1mij lbs llrbwn marei yoors good in all bald ness bay gelding years lieavyi a carriage type by tjr harveys thoroughbred trowb bed cow wrhcslf at fool j flanooksubn cheis4les cbanoockbunx vomena institute field thetr resuir resting at toft horde- of mrs tj roisetl in he abseooe of- the xtes9dentttmr ai- o clorrlrjge occupied the chair it was on one of ourvery cold days yet the ladle tuniedoutin good numbers and good himmrtoo jtspay- tj a splendid paper by mrec robert kerr i ppaed v wkl was fonowet fcy a t lively discussion jfwss decjdedtbhold the neat meet ing ot thetaotpsof muw b- lowrie irwpdrnewhool report tpv rfainea are iohrlst the f j the the month of january order of r br barbara j ssfackhamtuy varna murray jr ivharry murray idabra john- aton i rubr murray 8r xi btto bwaokhamer praoo qraltlnglaa vthlie v j uybqbcrteurrlttkubrt mo- ehorsoii r jr 1 jrohnston beatrice trejaf dora ienijc y prhner i class ruby mcpheracji clifford etojrm a 6 no a etwuebino oueslnaj v horgarot waldte 1 ar rv how w o haddldqm waller fryer tfjklutimryjttwzilshatr keuy- relfsr with calf at foot rd with calf tfttayiklre cow u foot holetoln cow wip stfoot aferiey heifer with air itoan cowwli wuh calf st at footirea cbwvdue march li tow uanmarehr redcdwrdueln march redvcow de in may hoi- stain- cow due an april lok cow due tnaprll bafl heifer due inapdu bed lierfsrduen april thesecowaf j iiaye an b h milked via aaiewwaaikafni jfot jattle it fat ca3wl not prevtously sold vodno catti-av- atsq cattlavt red uelferaj amr bcberai x yeori black rg montha heifer calves roontbs b tourig cuiyoat jersey hoi ffjrcalf 8hkbp 15 good breeding- xlwea registered lifildesulrb 1c goodibreod- imm msmi aoslteads yoeucsffllwc- pjqs florf due april sow doe in may bow due in ms e vounshawa d y aow que in may ufi irf may good boar- thrifty ahoau yorkshire month fowla goeaft t oander about 10 rockhens r 1 c- harnbssset of heavy crotch breeching harness set or heavy work harneest set jw harqod harness acrt plow hanveas new pair of-coi- lars 31 and u uui pair blgb top couars several odd collars pair of new horai blfahkeur aetrofrfilngle harneaa hay anb otlatk a quatttlty of ffootsthsvi about 300 bunhels jrood barley ausntlty bt heavy grains quantity of peaa fit for seed luptbubnts 1 maaseybjttrls binder misifieyharrts mower maa- scy- harris r hay toider masaey- harrls fleeddrlllrrle hoet- maaeey- ari cnltjqri h-toothiaasey- barrls corn cultivator newtwo-fur- toty pkv horse rake manure spreaderr- fleiiry wjlklng p10ws1 fleury turnip sower set of nve-eeo- uqbhrrows aet oftteeouon ihar sow adama wagon with box shelv the following lathe report for the t fcnf spring aeat complete handy month of january of 3 b no 8ss farm waaonmarket wngoa shay aueslnwj j bauctrfitcoehoa set of beavy bob- u leurhs top uggy cutter new chatham fanning mill- cutting boxi- rarlrtasowest lys neokyokes othnnrtreeev forks fliraveis hoes logging chaine crowi i- wn tt implements are in ood shape 2- plt separator no jiangtctrelrijl0 sap- patu- and bplleft roolvairlied bollingpaasn bedstead and aprlnga 4- frjhms hot araln fat i cattle rowland sums of jib and under ooajj over that amount 11 months crodu on si q s off h00kwood mbv wntl mfswm brldberrffllnv ooowbft up for tha wobkenrl atth 1inmfof mr nndmria w hendor- rfon r a iniootlng wns hold on tuoxiloy pvenlngof ho howling oluu tfi die- nuns mnllerwof importance and miko prepamttoni for the oqmlng sodaons wr john xrftnvens ndmlhlslratoot the estate ot thf lotu mrs ooavoopl la having a ale oftho liomftnlotd aftwu next wednesday uhip last thursday evening dhhnitlie hlgi wind atorni the enlmnej atv t smiths ilmbl patihfuotory got uh lire no domaga refultnrl prepatwyaaiavloes wero hold in the unltedsghurcb on friday evening and oommunlon was held oh sunday morning bevmr mjtohell of auelph was a visitor hre oriflomay 1 stewart e boyoe s to the house throttski inries mreaibert oray is on thtrslok list ndbuu improving mr oitdmrsilobert ootvl qrtitfv1jl att wora tmoftlng ooqualnt anoeo last week wmlio thsfe tbeyirfore the guejrteqf mr nn4 mrs bl boyoe t m mt wsnudw to fsfbiiir mifikrtou aan aarnwillletnlnfng i for worlds greatest pnylng tradalt onrtigo work anieutrlflal jlaiterv and woiatntfr nto lrlok1nylntr andimneil orlng the barber trudo and jfaii rjreamng write nl oncofir free cata- lomje i ifnmnhlm trtidf hftiiool ltrt i 10- klrig fltrout wtimt torono llninohos count to woasc mtofimm mm winter ear t hqrriiorii ris i 1 v j r c tuhuy a d u locnnrln hh btnttin btiiality rrsti arfllalways ouribpjtto- in quality bran flakes 2fqr5c libbys pork nd oite beans z tins for atejv ipitiietrtirjfey2se naoprsadirveivl canipfetjrstomato jspup tins for ii mebaiwmellyfiowi extba speciai english breakfast puro cocoa- l lb tia special iv vwtfv kelloggs pep raii jfldkes pntinaililtiia palmolisftsoap 3 fpr25c they are real values mens flannelette gowns at beduced price those gowns are made of a good bualjty cngtiahttripe flannelette sizesare 16 16 16 the regular d of suxsare 16 price- la 225 on sale this week men black wool socks jlist 10 dozen in this lotsiies are iai0j and h ma of scotoh fingering yarn extra good value at 40c tjj- i on sal at per pair jyc j towels in natural shade withpink aod bine stripe good size regular 40c oci dnxsalcjfeach tgilllsljaickiiasixh campbells soaps 3 for choree dates 2 lbs for ifttitc ird zjbir for cooking onions fi lbs for tisflirr choice red salmon applcs loiufor rr rr old butch 3 for l 25c u 23c 35e l 25c 18c 2 for 35c 35e jjzzj 25c ni725e- imismebt- acton ont february it ujeparislii41 astont aftsrlthe presldebtmlas mcxjoughttp aisposed r the jjuslnetar part mr rpy guramur on jefonday rabmas h of the trenwlfma ttia moteinsa the mlsfor tune to slip on ifne ice and lhfalung euetalned j f of the- hip mr victor watson church qlgeet 4as leased mr walter taarava farm on a tile highway- neajvewwbiis carriers w i jrrhursday nights winter owrrri rj- isbook thmg7jiimercifttlly it yaa i-iis- a ltymllogaia cars were bleerh erf the highway butnbt much damage wasr dorrt lu had jhe y utasmy auatt ix ifc on hla tot atib tannery on mhday aofiiair- thstnea lnthe instep lwore pa cn is i miiirmerckaitw jtiwpl an uanmr- ally large radatm batiiruay qon alderejdle of it waa from farmers ouu aidetnefuatialree by ane pzioes jmw being btfered a runaray team attached to a pate or- bobsleighs created qtiite a jopunott on v mi ou bower saturday aterooon thsjr were cought befre noy ssrioos data- r iiwadohat y iii ifaufry- uim mouth wben life outdoors iejtda ehchahtmt to the fhkiwa brtskeattrc rwlniu school or o0oework all this amtheringf inn lptelyonune all red heejts ontm oavavawva4idarht mokeowhbxilceoiiair while the fot owlns progmjmmty yroa givil by the groaptmptaonodby mr j stewart quartette number chajraiano aq- dress becjutlop royitannv belec- t th omu paper le kerr a debate r that r i a gaaate oitjaahap- nlsess i4 poverty tt was given the afflfrmalltb waa upheld tjy misses nel llfttntid merle stewart and muriel orosaman and the- negative hymtssee mahal bjutopmary ctarrldge and oargaret brown the judgesv after odnaiderabie dieoueslon nnauy tfavo their flecmionin esvor of the sjhrma- uve club sahnatna be the harrop boy an instrumental bye margaret brown vfmmlvhvawtitlmjjy arnest barker and selection bycoftis wat- aori tnousjbt tbt programme to a okwe 71 wilfred vwldie i jiuiy mcipot rah- 67 henry kelly 4f ab- t rr -nti- ityffi wtwitr7- anrrie black 77 3r n beatrice kelly i vloii robertson ab v jr 1- wmie- waldle t blmer ruddlck l p fraiik tsr es ales jr prfrancea muuin iflbru toetaaf perfect ejindanec ab denotes vbaenfie over wof time cv acheaon teacher i opbi lin for cash fokttlvely no rcaervo ne- leaso has oiplreaaltdthe proprietor tr giving uptisgntgg r laotfavpt able sale will too jield under coyer r r j kerr auetlonear phone to acton ont b 0 rlaanxclerk- deft- pkgs for jdc wheat futkes urge bag 25c ginger snaps 2- lhsfor5c toi pop iafg og jpsimtree soap 6 f6r 55c reg i5c3 rolls for i giratpefnrita f or r5r matches 3 boxes tor 2tiff 6 sro1lcdqafo2 small jar xxroon or oc vanilla 3 for awjc belsrinaptha soap 3 fori- rs limjilm i -apply- 25c jf jbrisbow wath- sampuy frobr station hotel 4 f actonfont ckovrnionlcmbattsr25er sweerlnixcd mes- large jar vanilla il 25c large bottle 25c marhed fifty yasre- aflb in acton 6a- broiry jft itljofttrlfe aaderscn lumberman acton- and maty j da o thejlayrhomas watson acton were olnedljniho bonds ot ihby wedlock aa- lhawrtson homsgtead on jbowe atenue for vmany years mr and mrs ajiderson- liave resided in- tor onto jtad last monday tlieceubttted theregrvlar meetlnjrcof thedublln ijterary society was held at the home of mr and mrs bii webster last thursday evening despketho p favorable weather jkearly tfl the mem lersvere present and enjoyed the aoud proaxwmine t ing open0ty aljigina 6 cuadom whtchwaai fobowed y tiolin aftlet tlon from mr j black brr ntee b gave a talk5 pajjla- roentaiy proaedur viyewtfftnt buutws baigjd free oataloua and plan book one hundred pages or lower prloes on buudlng materials and cbm- ortestod hombsiwrlte halbaay v com p o bog ijiih acton prbdiftin c k browne prppi l pwno 14 rt wpi grocer aw- vcw 1 favored ttioandleooe witltatlanoaolo xreadtna fonowed byluaaebmod feowai ifrtnnrrolteltrat oonununlty ulnlield aclaa xrenvsfotley aavo a paper dn fireat domuribn and w a juuuaaret wakme read row taota f ss- mkrsi- f7reuiuy ti fflvsi itrw f eaiwa y6afra rajwwn ci awfainpthecaintrbl y0urowtta acuil r i- stfh- tfistjftlbltlaatloa 1 aypicreorlsyvtliil quolph vhortlmiltttral- boclrty tor igv ooptii011i blrujoyna ceotlrttfg vc dl4linelatoalraa4ybeon c0mmenoedlp ordw- that hopea eaay st fcv ri ottnah haro none s-h- falwr tuntlnl with- their eara th 4eot weall or ro than the hmunlin mara 3r ttoe ahnlitme etreqj voulvoompnkh- a month- oaatna i wi jlteoestusa oteai r9ojieabiiir rnsei thdreyaumji aatreof loo i v sctool l piipili whs took havstandlnn al raanjbrtoettn jnrsaily- 1 behlor poiirut u aubrey oervala tmi ijllilan teny f jib oordpn ooodnrsl st junior fourth f sfe brno iifkatltlemr iloi coni sohorvxrlppam teutl wa vyjrr bockw tiiaac purehaa nro f the v cenwpify ry h sur plus tngoluto bond ju uwwsiauir aenuooofr tjie roek yq j ty tueaddy erenbjav february 1 al tho meranera w preaou t ghalpnan fei fl v mniwmiwtr a ttyn uiiif fr ijonta 4sti near 441 e-nar- xayioft rtimf too ws ti ivletr teacher 9fv4 juntar third tjidily hjinimm hthamiy n bjsjaard 4m john irwin 7 loud no jmi y ont-t-llw- sfctev- f iitloraeendi v p if sobuy ere1ialvtl hirrelnvnl tv ncw li mthajuljliu octotal itianljwaon ftaeeher u junlerfleeand b judvkrloarlil itinohijebnmaa tonrtthuj tjlril fee isstttotm oihooim baryey uodaliuv ft imrjtnaiir kdkajitv mh tsotihjooaua mt7inui ifc iajlttoduaioirtawlltv v1 lloliea wlllna uffwni uh buty auen v jw j hieplsibfciijikrtoujl afjv it re vw j lrouijru fiii hi 7rf wrk aitmrtrrbei r artonarthe autdattheirlauuu weu- dlnawftta mr nd uk bdwd atoor atrjl atoore lielna a rveoial friend anaaaaletinavtbenhsela uier pre at the avldnr mi mnnday aypr peiaulitero waa 9reeotaiid poured taa a wedduut dejeuner afrairffefowaa il- msl -vr- endmr h- p xoore actonrwere inrtled- jooarpree- ebutawlnallumealnoibotaie about canada more coauuuhlty -tna- lnafobowed fter which air webeter ar a- reuuoc the roetlnarolomd hranalnasoa thewatjbnal anth ij m ijmch wo ttienaorred and a aoctal snie j i l ike w actons cash carry save botcher shop v tateshoeofqiauttr we offer the best values ever offered in acton in ffesh arid cured mets our prices- are the lowest possible considering tficfluslity we sejj tiiyitkronta7iamho6ety6yr monpys v wopthbyerypyy gbrrier wiirnd jalh streets wbbtjiwwwtotif crbvvbons corneru bankrupt stock bober tnalotter ptreel the llowulgaccauniawer f ert itetyinehti j r 1 -t- hydro aeed beoemler power xabor rebulldlnaothe on fall 8treethlu- c thatohert poles 46 x 00 taaba indtrnmitty j3o jrattilift- iublllty policy r 60 oq the school aadrh was tended j proceeds wre aboutjlt mr roy mlndley awrtloflrareotthe boaaa i mahr in lhu district wtjre ahecked toleam oltse se aoold tvhich befeu lvd wu1 morray ofrt town- mbipvwbils cutting wood in the bush wmirae a frequent vtaltor in this halaojborhood when his aunt mrs tl larigssuxy wai1vnnljtlt micand mra fjornian burns and v polleii vllleoe xeoounbr street light forjantiary j lift 00 at the segular session oi the trusl tees held on nuirytt mr wiriiud harris repraetuttlar the torteaeoj r the fvendceaieiery addressaavibp bbisar movianawam spend thf yjiaatfuatbte to attanatw of v the deed otthd friijnoa- cewtery moore iaviaa jwld vthslriaxro at a an h iii i iii ii i i i a jt 11 jl rnftrv-fitf- lagal fees the sum of 1100 foa the- transfer jtha iriattertfas taken up at this session- and wotercjriaad4rabledlscu slon the followlbg resolutloo was moved by fred smith and aaoondeovby j a t nnd re tha the ppl- ibe vlllago truseea negotiate with ihe tnisteeepf the friends csmetery u tronafetrthedeed ofihe cemetery tqthe village of rookwood and that th police tillage trustsea eom- mefee avoaoaio put the flamsierjtyoa yetpotpal care -easlav- vthe funds derivedrftrom the sale tot ots inoitf trlbtrthiw from prestutt plot holders wepjftioapirtwautit atuad eatd tha iiitprejt fromapme towjtted for i nare of ittrrfflbtart ia tnsteo us funds firm srsarsj tmsudls itx the rietgdore i jria4os- of mr hilton arathered o bee home on wed- needajr evening la old lrewell to sjqd her bbntmlssaaoa fred hilton vstfe ioithatr oval io torf onto inurtheveolwilm aasmufa jagw was called to ordiv bymr nor- mb- jbttttw and kr jfkikae moore rtvad an wucma durtoarjwiiejr mrs hilton wtur praaentetr with xpalr7oy imndleetieks rai coniport by mlas lorett moore a out jrdaas sivarsaim j oreabi setjtmlsarao graham and a fountain pen to t by mr hnghfblacktbe cveslna jpent toeaasioanil qaulmercrfti mrs hilton has sojd her turn which was formerly owned hy bwanbrough toklog possaa once pubue qohooj xftx -ar-helit- aoonoert jn hqy lv5riallastuy dwmnih 4n i 75c bacon eancl giiried meafe winter at ho borne of mr jatnea iscieac na8aaavvbva the death of- jameermi was taken tit wlfji pneu weeks i ago ofwurred ott satltiday monday toukbenasei church whero the aenrlce wea hold intajrmattt- tras made in ldbeneser cthnetery rev v maraih 1u oajft conducted th servioe the ia11noaww ware maaso waeleypiekett blwood wilson jaa wmobi c bexby thomas bif- hartsonhijjjda isau thea oeaaeatati urvtvedbjr is wtdowr one isjagfl so altr ihra si mratjvliaiwond mrs tboa arw mrtalf ber maaeagav wvjravitfietvlji u rdnift3tlhe b family hv hi iijtatw tytiiwat c m their psmfsz w8 w endtheayoi and mth ydrjii vrm tote trmla fobowtna- rpluuoariawn xmtu andwndishy a rtlettthegaegi itatakmim 5bottathaat jtdnnjmlli ssisfji i roiitm ftricks each ifc bulk 2 ttt for a all net welgbt i i itii befat cuoick kujeoasts not rolled ajb tljibcjk hibhoast ptra jfhesh ham by the piece per lb x t shoulder jsoil 3 in cuts pirib j boast 25c ambrcout of town j sh0p our bankrupt sale will save yonr fare time- and money bnndreds of people have brmalreadt aerred with the greatest bargains why not yon come in and gtre oa a three njore boar shipping y aro expecied this thursday fbi- via mw w tvitf 1 giwtl 1 our sale to be worth 200 300 and 400 cento doni forget that ererythlnif moat go in a abort ttaec no odda and ends should beufc orer j if diesrft matter boirtbueh ifirottc to be sold rrtjongaantviaohl 7 j read now -en- th urkt wnooltl blailk n iuu for jjt ouujy aofcr j mmrit tluerttntd- cerbnrh qvrrall wnd flmook t areat prlpj lla- almih an twhd troumrr rea s bale prlo to go jlnnn blur f hra jrttd herringttone irpugbn r up to s5fl bolgprjce s2j aurj a4dt home made sausage cabry prieesf other prices 1revau f r frjar r 7 r fiiifli5wiaow for spei 1n- woolwgridiw aweat i x j idnl iwi wori it jlen wlron worktnk lnt- 1 m hwvy wint r til 0 aotte- mn bilk te out ttly aylfw men ell tw1 ifuinniu heavy rltbl undrwr jffr i1ai bel 1rle ttjts utin htron kl4innliitte work euirf afc- 1 ifnv irao iu wtilt handr rttaft tso j afffhe pur wool wblte juotbo knit bwmtera roe rill for jt-t- ale rlo mai j save monbv ow womens- wprrffbooatt lojim nawoolbuinat oloili ooati tajjo ladfle haary wlnlw twit r couiu- nd cuff fy worth n to ooqut ijrtjt kr7m mdlaw v idlo- jljure woo 6weuira ra mid uh tofdss jdl prio tj urtos -v- ladtf buh slockl worth 75c- for 2se eadl pure uiuitd btlk btooklna res mi f tlt b prlo sso ladles browlcltlt uhtm io ao tasj sabler tcabtnre tocttlna- to2sc t- dabto ltita im u wool tuajifraaa 1 xiha atoal jiiouas lft babittf ffeavjr winter ooet put lhay go 7s toung tkjeng tvcjosla rag sohj i mfctwfiioia jtounir mens lllue fog serue tfult lo go t7 yoitur afanstweed flulislo go 6ctov soya all wool twetd ant aktk- aulta aopui with 3 bloomaura rg vdfor 6 up loh60 hale crioe wjs toaeaa boybwool swoailfrat to tci ut oojfwtwala jflpaja tyt tftl itoyti irlbi hblrtsi- reg ix to go ssd luya llrtcoi to at 9e imtlwki bluti mrn reefer tstmuauee t10 oll ftu- iaj6 and itkroutthey kot aea- childrens puve wool tvorsted atodkuiga imom t to 10 rg aold for 15 to gosso a great haramlri in tladlee and miaeea all woot branches egi- sold for 4 sale price p to go at arj6 tjt wtert i bmjmuiivrlfl f8nai atfo thb thrkl lit vkjjjjz ifecl

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