Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 24, 1927, p. 2

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3jwgwlgjjnrrv vtt ittfisr r a 1 t7 v vtzi rsggj r-w- x tlilnktlutt 1 would rattier my rlilljrvh liappy at my knee my hcmiitxjrn amlllng faces when i mart from p or com- ama altntrtnbninir mif mine w cisjnr tiiait rl unloved o wealth air fame i think tmi i would rather ovn tho olltiwnhlp of thomrveirnowji their ifooil opinion and their trust than win by many a cruel thrust- tim ii n riches of a place tllonly know the fawnera faee true peace is botp of little things the aona tha brave canary sings o lad llttla thcmiiee or tha part that seemed too trivial to hut j hut brighter glow thsraghout the yea as symbols of oar mils and tears wwav who almoat dally save other hrae af the riak of their own are strangely iretloent about themselves- or their comrades what they might have done- they regard wholly as in iho una of their duty a mere natter ot business when i- first frequented the quarters of truck 10 i would alt for fboarsand tlhftri u d py dlacmntton trfpoutlesth w write ournreewheraetwa dwell on those who tor and know us well htroiigera may shear aa from afar but nafabpra amim ws we are r 75cssfxrart thardepartment bat aa the man bo pfrdr counts- affnfthl rapftrt t in tha import preaantad to tho couoty counou mr j c deoyae x v c kbouf pr tha room talking- with the captain and tgysy- mwtotuenanl luan a flfttf jntt1 trrr r vtlinan handaome young fellow who was des- s i imye the honor tohjpreaeat tod mv ftottrtetnoi annual reporton the inapdeuon of the pnbiic 0ofaoou of tbla joint fnspootorate in dolo e i vtviwttato express again nay tvmral sat- svjsssifcil with the oooduot of tha kt adhooui foe the peat year r ml ifaaattra4uitlntto do with the internal lnjiatunaritrftha schools inctoolng the onranlumon lnatrnpao diaclii- r- unaandtaneroeatadiuaveakr much pralae la oua the taaoaar- in no year of my anparrlalob have tbara xrpimrdtalmtewar dimeuluaa in manasemept tola la partlouurty jqtga u reaptot la ahowa to aetrmra by the punlta and liappy re- lttoaahlpa bare mnita cfdafaea i do not knowhowerer that the stan dard of ejnejency in utatruotion la un- 1 fgglto r par of ajreer aato i ihade abmewhat fazteniiedxwarance to r the naeeasary qttatteatlons of taach- era which j need not repeat the techaleat part of their work harln to 4owuh ao nutny njecaorarte rh lira nlar ntiyri jftrn il y f was my arood fortune lo pop 1 aeaa the cobtldeooaaf fhamap x and oltlccra or u6ok udder no 10 and aa a result i learned jf niay advetiturea that an other tfutaldcr would never have heard- mentioned tboae- bloeahlrtad tha4iaploea of the xadlea aid earner ileed to my preaence jhey be- jxauna natural and unrestrained ant aoiuetknaa from the mare ijohylnlr otndlfiiflaerrrr or aln tromthe tawuiat would avott in a mans an- eooi limariagad to sat mn inslsht into tnw one nlijtt when all- waa atllladd whjtf outaide and the merenry was tmddjtoc in the very deptha of the tstarmometar i aat in captainmartins handsome yoiuv fellow who was uned one day co rise to the tory heisht of atrtborjty- principle of which everqr ambitions reflchter draama ivvte had been hatjnaa mud discos aionion tha reapactlve merits of head- work- arattare aihyafcal effort the atpodstlud itsd many testa noaa in whlobby qnlea thinking n obwar preyeoted aomethina that the labor of a hundred men oouldnot tuvar the natural and aooajradabj s taa bu he went on hba head abor the body erery time asr k andaldba bui when you jret a fair sample of each and nave them teamed properly- then you have the finest chine ever oreated- x have lni cms such oomblnathm and what u did when a thousand men with brains only and a thousand mora with brute itreaalftnlroolflajavjtood byand watched- two hvaa go out perhapsyou ramembertie bbuce in the conklln buudln f two ysars acojaat aujbbtt j was at the wheel of tfd air then wjntapondad at th ovoof luaavan ftooca tha crew ilr and affa wlbjaahun spent the wbekend with- mr and mrs w kodi- ner at acton ur andmra uajph ttfoka of wind sor are visiting with the formers pamils aj c jsir a ovartandof claremont formerly otbrh is- the owner ot sloven plymouth itock tullota which during ms month of januarlald z3z atka n thf fiasaar andul valentine tea held in the krlnfnlted jchnroh under monday evening waa eeaa r the annual meeting of the hlllsbiftg liorsebhow wlbe held at the ex change hotel flulaburg on t 2c it 17 at- oclock p m mr daniel mcmillan who recently suffered a painful accident when be mil in the barn unable tobeabouct it wluvbaweyerrjbeao wnim able tsnsunhla work abdut utefarniaadvocat telrflacotta the price of farms saemstbb fan- proving ihls leotlonaawaro trr creditably informed that mr wm hunter has- refused a 4- otter oit the mew farm h rtoeatly purohased from mr j m rutledge on tha town t mr m lyons baa commancads saw- s phav 4n mr h yumovs boah this waa a largo hallow kettle wlttt flatr btltoniajnd raised oi wgs- in- this were baked the loaves of corn bread or rye tha- dough was placed in the kettloana certibitighur and then otbed otooalf was drawn toin hearth with the long handled ihovel and the kettle was placed on hi to bake when meat was to bo fried if was pfmhl tn t f dt fg pnn set on a bad ot coals on the hearth and soon the- work waajlone but when a roasf was wonted a little pig for instanca it was hung beforft flro nd frojiuonuy turned until dona whtlo nsgravr dripped into a pan below and did ever meat- taste so irooqr th us most of the oouktng was dona hut for the bread and pies and cavea and puddings there had to be aorqe- thlng different km this purpose there was a largo oven built close beside the flrvplaoe and when baking waa ta be done aflre waa built in the o van with light- wood when it was hot enough the flawas drawn the oven corerully swept ahd the- bread etc placed in t and the door was ehut until- it- woj wrvlca last bdnda lev pr ki1- dohs ontho mountain jackson droa- of bbovsidv warn in our village last weak with their- gaeo line srnwlng oabflt and report doing a rnapl trade sawing wood psa gv mokauy of georgetown spent the weekend with her parents hare mr w g thompson has resumed operations in hla quarry on the tenth lino and haa struck a valuable vain mias vfbra mcjothms gonelo or tar r norma hunter of alton school spent sunday at bar borne here xrbns of the cataract t ithe weekend at her noma bare- mrs r bannister who is seriously 111 haa gone3o tha sanitarium at weston- for treatment i j7 jcsjrtob- whohsd hit bam un- roofed reoantly hear it all repaired more practical training onvthat wfll bouer fit him to mse xh aetaal op- ditipnnof aohool llfa partleusuly to the ojiataed4yfeopl mattar is receiving fba 4ttas3pl advisers and aauclpata that a longer term of trajnlng will sboruy be re- quired- of ail teachers r thare were riu teacbars on the staff ia f whom were men- seventeen ham rjtatclft certwcataa u oeoond oasa certlocatasv and tlirpiindr- jhrttoprimxy- ttctiteiz hxons dwontninw down oniotoot vwerernari sssssirws f were tweutytwo chasgaa ofttaaobera -tttgj- vn ti been raised atmldstanw in ttevacbcssiss lt waa against the bubdlng jtor awwtf la tha urban nsoostm aim uis nf now the lower floors liio three were ready tft drop to a ladl s aide sas oaonpe wbed yau from the crowd dvewthemto the awt ttfaynered om lh edsw fjmiu ef th ai the rooc a girl stood in onaof the windows of tbo eventhlloor looking- far down at tha street with a ghastly face as cmgpaa as- afia savadberaett from tha n oclybylbuaiog apgha tha fail term and tw ga in at jthnat- out tbe uaujglavaraga wo- ar i to bouttho sliviit far the yearknd indicatoa a normal ywmw wfttx 4n th personnel of hfjiw twantyfle par pant this appacra b stellar atoning la any buajnaaaorganlsstton warn- u pintmiafywwixdhm coasu- vi jt aajg-onai- c f pmjlifr- tawii the mfeungs of tha taad iataarvleaas6aaw sfv4lst anrt wata to tha v aspect of thelf worcin thai adqusj raporqi t- the rev mr waddelb- of ball ins fad preached ajreacoellent se in jht pnltsd cljurch on sunday evenink and theiawas a fair ranuhit 1 vrl3 iq0 solemn and glorioua line thraugh the valjey of death they are faring that waarmr 4 tvith that aoul vfna the old pioneer fathers are passing and this liogya shall take for for wltn every- white head thai- is sinking for with every sgsd heart that dead ta are losing go6v threada in tha linking oftfadltlonal days that are abed rfth tbguofkelr stern retribution which now carpets the path that y tread there is never a sephyr roftalghlng where the prtmevm forest onco lay there is never a patriarahdylng lut sc story is pnaalna away and a gfory la passing away of the- humble whb founded a nation in th travail and stress of the dav- i i ouneron klerarhoason of bsv lachtkhr csmeron tub oid zknas adams homb- tfflfflggssisan tiefw oftfiouaht he that tears away a mans- good nametearir bur flesh from his bones and by letting him iva gives him only a eruol opportunity of faehng his mis ery of burying his better porj and smsa s bevango is like a boomerang al though for a time it idles in the di rection 1n which it is honed it ukm a sudden- ourvar and teturnlngr bits- your ovn head the heaviest blow of mfbt l we cannot conquer faite undnecea- -fsity- yetwe can yield lotbetn in such a manner as to- betgreater than if we couldvlandor wise ppaka axoo fleets french rrovrb jthlnk twice before- you speak act once snd you will apeak or not the more wlsejy for it franklin- -jt- wtjja b virtue to bear calamities i a vh m tn hwcntv vbar8 aqo from jjiahvua of the free preas of thursday psbrusry 2s 1007 moscajohiurtonp a co undertake era had three funerals on monday tha do alvn medlcino company hold concerts nightly lust week in hie town hall mrthawtt rmfiflll haa juvciiaacu from mr john thomnslils lyiyo and lol at the corhor of church uuu klgln iltreola during tihrtrt seven weeks ut tli yaarmesstst ueafdniora si co urocelv ed 7000 cords of hemlockbarr from the foreaik of the pnrthland- beyenql he shops in town which are hot on the metres woro biasing with hgat last sunday why ihla waste of currant and violation of the consumers contract a most exciting hockey match waa played last friday pfght between acton and mlltdn fioore 54 in favor of the visitors knox church held its anniversary pmhckyof knoa cons prtachetftir ftnr tflgy nnqhisgs wore mastetlyv mrs jataesmcxam will shortly re move tomldlahd vbiep kennedt in turnbarry huron cduflty on saturday february 1 llobsrt kyuvrdy brother dfthe lata mauoblm tfcenndy acton- aged 8 lfnrs heals eczema v that wwifcror repftntence waits- ihera la a surgsona wonderful pre- for that which cannot too had as ion aorlptlon now dispensed by carma- as ivik -waited- for if cs absured fdr to wolty that wblohhe to- do wmtrevina k 7 day s or less or youi money back lhera la surgsoha wonderful pre- tcripoon now dispensed by carma- ciata actflfung coat that will do more in h you get f un sightly spots and sundbieassar than anyihlng youve overnaedj not only does this great nealiog antiseptic oil promote rapid and heakby beallng ln open sores wounds but j that are dtachargtng are- almost -tin- mediately relieved and cleanjy healed tn e ltaaqtin is little loss- than magical tpne itobuuj of eo- settie utlnetantly stoppedjtlthe erup tions dry up and aoalooittn atcry kswdaysv thn some is true ofbarbera itch salt rheum and other irritating awlunalghtlyjkln tronbleca swpa mts freuro left on monday tp spend aomaweeka with her aon in andrswa bc -r- t t7v agonr junior bqekey team were defeat rut i aiw- fr 1p fl has t potnta i wouiduerely l eyytor wltba uaed of atimttna-jtaa- bn nm buk upapla in mi aaar doom m i rtltlll a qm van almuitaxajptt- xgitimrvat oavfmtoott axofvua it l totaa ta tmtu1e mt aa liaplaaftddttrlnr r jwmtttruhcontnua jamuw l twntlon aa- riant ttlaifchr awiuno thmtuvtgifhmtrnux mo tormlbi uta n a irnaqoaal atraa 15ft iwiuirityaeonoattejaooa b kb ioj mat th pfobvaarwhtoh ooo fejijpueogbi f torwuuon hu tatksp i a jaamar am a am- r np r lowtlcn ui ydotl afcall ej i j b lb cnatbotj on sw ti liaioyrjw i aa tea te-r- rnrfu tmtwul ba taalra a- wfmm-w- tbwmoat uka si lr jartr inlrtlai 111 dmuoy n lbamu txajlimop thla ataajr oonoaaa to lb aebool t abaslal tatha oar of auour ilu of jo tbad that w aboifld f qucbns oontrlbutloo to the 7 nanjanr in the mshast sense of this stood almoat verticle reslngagalhst um wires over tha sidewalk tt copied f ttaas nenlyoo a level with- the window- that held the gtrl and- about tan caetrfrom it vbaanan on tharopf bad atngla scaunghidder on which snaa yopngster wltfi great seal had gone elaar to tha roof of what was probably hia flrst are tdtho very top of th big asiena- iooiadd4reumbed a- man from bur company on the root some one waa glying order fast rbe short ladder wfajoenttadtjoefora tha- window jrbere tba sjriuyone of the man bald it by- tha book another throw himself ikirwttiosp third with that utua ladder tjttrtt swaytog- andgtrtognnder hto feet with a swing and t jump aisapaawad through the open ism lyldtcirtney oilors in one of the be cvetwi to ceorge- town arenas miss marion oailop is visiting at the homajofjierlwothefifrxhilisp id ottawo sllut mrs a h olbbard of moope jaw spaflt thelreetod at m rlsoars o troop of boy scouts wtn give ah aotortainmeni in etrqaotgeschuroh sitnday bchool room oavriday vbruary sf tha choir andtorchostra of the ttnft- i church war ftuuerfaiped at the home ofmre a adams iftst thuratfay ulghtv mr wilfred cole wbo un isaat serio operation at wellesley boa pltal torohto hurt week is proarvea- ljftk t ihls wl preserved e ftup ing favorably c tared miss kthel cook arrived home front toronto general hooplul last week she is elowly 4crehng from her re- ccmgavaralilneaa iwearp aprrb report that mr john artboannaen flpthjpf oulto 111 and la notimpbotiog as ma piahy frlenda would like to sao him carlylaaaitawbo haerlevlwun friends la- ontarfofor the pastrw months left oeorgetown on friday they will vlflt frisnda lit brampton ji1 tofyhfi bfnrs ifiirfng -fee- fk of ua bsu erasped binnaeada homt next week herald tftluaii and ftrepan wa atoo 3prit mmm un aad at thaismoklng seven thstcf hmtbvannoou ltpja5h bajhtloauak hanging from ssm itta toeaamrtlhpy who atootf at the- top s of fbav ldaxtenslooaa it ewnyd bepeautls weight raen broka the tanaenaas of k ail for the man had reappaared at the wtodow ajlwa3oolu ttrat at br nreman ais so cl aadllieaat the llttla acgler on which hehad daabandad at a morlonad order thav waa 1st drop a utfla ttntillt se if the wfas that a wouv enap but it twoughx tba i aa t httle nearer the window w mldst of tha atfosmoko andaatr i hoktinaj tha girl with one arm and grasping tha aoahtr wlththe other tha jtenllnthe rootn wttha sboat to thatmea abotjt let almaelt awing out from tb building on the roof jo- carhy buj bad atntohed hlmaalf jaasrtiajtdl shouloera o tha oornlce and aa tne terrible welght waa thrown upon hlnc be atuteoed and then began slowly to swing lha ladder and iu human burdao with the oorntoa euttbtgln- tolls ohaaveh bbtok amolta amter- sat forced into face and watghb pinning bin tbiha roof mg bis btxle pcnolanf xarthat and fsftrtbajr from that window fcamjsaffs- she wrote an interesting letter tp re plyvand thuhe handed to afajor t orant oeorgetowntwbo wasat one time arealde o utaagnjcjboi lor rtawardettthn letter t9the editor with some added commenbi from hla own pen with the request that the whole be handed to the old man of the big clock tower to use mjcnplesm- ii jow t appreclatanu this very much and for severalrebwinir first 1 knew m aatadgnjsyrywcu slin- was in herglrlbood in acton then i have known this fine old house from my boyhood days up thcqugb the years and have known moat otvthn people wbckhgvreaidedthcre i give plaoevto mlaa adamaoetter whh pleasure and feel quite sura that lt contents will be enjoyed not only by homerrraldepta people f 9y effpocially after they tarfe a walk rtrn main sfrapj nnjf hayo in ayery climate theywiu be found helpless in the grip of thi relentless disease unleas thoy have availed tbem- aelye of the pt wny piy t kelioggs asthma remedy has brought new hopewxuid lifato many such teatlmonlals s sent entirely without solicitation sliow tueenorm ous beneflt it has wrougtjt j men jotbtywhere i r ri amrfi iv wit and humob 1 ile hod just arrived from the old cmintry ami was not fanrtlhr with the iisooffho urlcppodfcasibb timk down the receiver and deniandad aye want lo titlk to my wife tho optaators vole came back swovtly number please t phr ho replied- eh bane niy aeoai v t clearing auction sale of valuable farm stock etc in bltamoha townhiiil r tho undeialanod liaa received in- atruotlona from qray dros to sell by public auction on the prem ises lot 13 con 4 rrnmon townshlpt situated st thecorpr of the ouelph and erin itoad and the itockwood una on tuesday february 22 ths valtiahla far ate j3cjmqbrtm clyde oeldlaga an4 iryoacsitbay clyde oeldlng ft years aged clydo tteant oeqera pinpose tlorrel mare oared cows orey cowf yeora dub in jutr red cow i years milking well holstalncow years due in- april ilolsteln com years bred january 10 hoistsinheifer bred january 10 touno oattiiafe halrers rtslng 2 years i tearlings j summer calves s ipips- itprk bowl brad in decern- befr york sow just bred registered berkahire saw ready to breed pure brad yorkshire boar bred by miner enu fniijtak redo leicester ewea to1 bftklopr- qmiv supposed to- be in lamb to i ram 10 orade oxford essuppped la lamb tosouthdown nam leltelnt8 1 maaaeyaarrls binder 7 foot cut with trucks and sheaf carrier maafeyharrla binder with trucks good for repairs maaaey- harrls mower s foot cut mccormlck mowery- 6 r maaseyharris flld ieirv7 tfcke maaaeyuarrls drum hay loader maasey- harris steel rollajt maspeyharrls 13 spout prill m 17 tooo physlaian and surilmti f orlc and rasldafie cornar bqwor a a wa otwl 1iionp u dr e j elsqk fileddfuaxbtiuc t aaten oiitarie leoau bon fo at p o na it harold nash farmer m a arriala sallaltaiv naary mla 1 crtmbmcja i pebrymaw block acton ont- jonet xbnt onliortoao ffbara fjo am toa pn fl how to make money from from sheep vstuabfe new 60 page booklat is- sued free to all farmers wed year old fecta was adnmswrltos a fallows st clair mioh- dpc is8 dear mr mgckensie i am in receipt of your latter and tha photograph of the old adams ttomeatead corner main and church street acton which- aooompabied it jj afforda ua great pleasure to see ikilii 4beleyupitoimdthat14 house hag ee n so wao preserved when i aayrusrt i naan mjcbrother joseph vfepowa adams- and myetf agnes m adams the only remaining ones -of- thelargy family of fo boy and sevsnglrla who btaoe mnd good cheer viider its roof my brother who will be tl next may and myself who win soon bes were bom- in that house aa well aa three perhaps- fear of the older ones who were borri in adamsviue now actoni joseph was born in 1m and the bfrth flat- of the other three or fourwill carry t back ailior parhapa 1 this makes the houae not lass than 5 years old people tiunkthat wp two old people brattice and sister who live together and make a home for each other here in st clauareekeeedlngjy wall pre- aatrad and e it so we kflll house we wee born in la also- well- wwch win be prepared slssli a an auiaa tlmaa ii x ivnmii jgffl r dl1 olidajw tbara- waaamak ry walvaad laadr jojoadupmrfln tbaplotia rloi bd 11 baathla s vwt wajaroipptaad inwaaaalta aprjawaa talomofa coopar laxa- amaf a north coastr una bow waaram rmiarl ilu w o- hatouoaarlcaipacatowa aaah aartn buator tnaipbaa t rmead nnuit paaalaan jam m naan aba 1 aa whh autt auaatr mccanar aant itaaarar taaiair toaaxtanim ajaarw tlia aaoood rang friom h loo lib hla 4tmt twlatad aboot tha naataaa ah ln btoualit inamvnaa t ha laaaad farward tnrtac to ataapuia utua huuarnnallr h tauohad it 9 fit f wht hold bat- fba walaht- araa tov mtleh and tarn ma la arup a anarp- imakaatbath aitooat ilea hlaa ol ataa- oama roo all afraa aalow aa wim a ort braoovar- hbuka au- anui tbay abmad ad hla balaaov- t lb am laf wltlar thara caiaa a bad raar tha h oaaibli il aealar wl bajh anna aropa allan and tha aattlara oonld not and baldlt irnaa tt aat aalrnmsa- ma thlrparnidu tnanald a laddar itaau i- at jj that tnaj in i a a mr joa bairlaaa of part sbbornawti la alwav a weloonir rtaltor in hilton orni 3matorki oqt aatum a tronhtaaama attar v 6i j 6 joaia co w aanaad fjj mora than 750000 aa a of land and hr flor othar aat doaauatln bftjha atahawkednntrrrtaraduallrvtaa vnd araaopnad to naulamant tha gwaaaal jarawra ljok tt andpaidor sit iifnuanh a otaar waa at lnatda4ba bt nojlduia y mhton ailaas b sowaat taachar who hi baan vlaltlnliarbt athar injnaw tark ctur haayataraaa jo town and msnri bar duuaat tha pttbllo aahool th a bava bean mora aluuu a 4itoiili or navhap vt ihotown ataraa wllhln uta paat acrrt r a thaa faava lakan filaob during tb praalaaa tan or oftaan taara tba many- frlenda of foatraaatar fttawart will rai atta laarh that ha la not va aliuraaa dara bat all liapa ha naraponb abla to aa anma hla nntlaa at tha boat afflea atra r 1 mcownahan haa ratarnad hanaan apandlajta eeuslaif araaka la ateafbrd iu aar dauahlar hlaa o iba llacsanaban ot tha jtaarsm xuah ficboo taaehina atk t tba iluun bortlauliwal soclatr a- paeta to maka lit tha hlataat raarln tba- hlauaottha otaanlaatloa and aatlrjtlaa haa atraafr baan commtno- ad aa tharhepaa may ba alhmd wordbaa baan raoaltrad bar ot tha death at aa catharuw iaahaua slaaav a- tanner wall known and raapaetad nanoani at aoltaa who paaiad away at bar bona la calnrr alta i bar th yaar t mlaa ha wmant oti toroau baan ancaaaaib tmi aha r or 3rala ark at ta blah aobool thla tha lalur ia omrlna tram tha opa rrluontoa raaantiyunaarwa nt in tha toronto bna j boanlul laat boada rr rainataarlo ot worahlp miartliiuau and tha ciolr apqulttad themlra ad- thlrajfly nadar th laaaramp m mr my tatber far zana adama for btaar and undar wbtaiiraep9n th houaawoa built waa a tt ttrad praaohrr of tap naar knaund confarflaoo qf tba xhhodlt kplaoopai churihr owln totha rtatnra of ha cllata and1be nardahlpa of thbluaarary of tboaa aartydaya ba bacam a broken in baalth and-waaobllxad- to grra up tba actlae work of tha mlnlatry though ha con- tlnuadaan looal preachar throughout bla i jjimbllo aaarrlag and anaaanna of thalr fcuawru go ta ooopa town and pra- i thlakth aama a wraatltag ifimiava way t pay tf rou throw carthy lurohad laiard and i pwatyay aptfar tha lajmayib4bjjigj gatuaaaaovt v it bwmst sm for that eaedcta gka aajga allawalwertrtr bavlavfirll us had two brothsrs bufus and f asrs who were living injbsquealng jjpper caiwda where they hadbuut grist mm and saw mill and the j h known an ada my paranu decided to pay tbam a visit sgideo taking their two chil dren the younger six months old thsy did no they yielded tpersuai att1rtaeoa5idrjnade theirnometfi we havvustv received from the- banltof montreal aoopy ol- a-book- tft enuued sheep for mutton wool and moneywhich labelnaf usuad for free dhrtribuupntc all wbar inter ested in the subject vfr the booklet la intended mainly for the farmer who- wishes to keep a small floofcjdf ahejjp ajf a profitable side una and for ue purpofe k cvnautuieaa rellabip an toxkfir gujapjfo iho y2rf- duy rpf4 m itq anfl vt f epppjvwt mehf ffffmfmljr rffij d niaklnftfsm pay conisthjna tfa- pbotograph with diagrams and deaorjptfpns pstfr ing every phase ot iks subject are comprised- wubin the so pag of the bmkletirtjo iritriuctioivlb written by the doralnmanlmal huabiondnvan mr 0 brbyumfell 6r ffjt cent srbes ibeasepyaisripf prdfltaolq sheep keeping and lneldently remarks hat- at the present time tbara is pos sibly no more profitable line bf-hve- atook or one in whloh leas laborer equlpnunt is involvqd tbaa sheep raisldr- particularly aa ltappltes jto the smalt farm or as pert of mixed farm tbe is a jew edi tavlaedanj prepared by canadian export tp make tcatritable for canaduu- copiee of- the editon are available- to ah upon application at tha local branch j r-a- i i millers worm powders mil purge mmcia4e sae of farm prppertv in tha township of nssaagsweya under ahd b ider and by virtue of tho power of cohtalnecltoor certoih mortgager which will bo produced at the time of the sale there will be offere ro by ptiloicsagatl6fisttae and sheep ghjaring imaohtna ootnbln edl t seta of slings hay fane ropes and beatty car for wooden track toltdirpulper so rods wire franco tolton pulparand 13llcer combined crates r wheelbarrows btouebomt forfca hocflchaimvetca quantuy- v a t steal buggy ail- tired open buggy obain amd hatwo topsjf lim- othy and ajfalfatl onp of inoaly f rtqq btumelao iq hgttv barleys 20 bags of potato f npt previously sold r houheiioud kveorarrerias lusgg incnbaton milk paiui sun- light vbange quebec lleatey air ught heater coal ol stove blpea kitchen cophostd qloaa ctjpboar z br j mj belvftt s l tvsk dsntirt alty tho latest anestheto used u dwiired ofltoaatasldanoavcornarf -mju- and btrodcrlck ihreets dhj hjohnson dds ltjs deutal turgaen ofqceover bkof nova soetla eub9honb 4ft mibolltahkou vator neaco manura t aboro implements are aif neacly p sat of harrows twnlp8ow- harvester scutder tanning mill section grinder parmers friend two furrow riding plow nearly newt tol- twif vwa h walking plow wilkinson rudlng plow renfrew 000 lb scalasi 10 an m w grain bags stewart power clippers vrder periodicals f every deecrlp- pfcancas nunan aooount books of ail kinds nuidg to uoa carefully- bounds ruiing neatiy and promptly done wyndbam street ooelpb ont over wiuuubs store carwphelxvlllb inn by b j kerr au on turday the 2th of froru- 1k mtthe hour ot two oookln the after noon the following valuable property jn the township of nassagaweya in the county ofhaiton i of the west half of lot number 17 in thvsixtirconoesalon of the said town ship of nassagaweya containing by admeasurement one hundred acres bo the same more or leas savxno and excepting two and mlde acres more or laasipnd which may be moro described as followa foatapolnt in the nor- tba atotnachand intestines of worms sonwuxely and so easily and poln- leasly that the most delicate stomach will not fee auy inconvenience from ther- action they recommend them- elves to ntothergtriis a- preisajratlon tbpt it featora flrength and vigor iolbejr ihldeu n preset eni from the debilitating pitscta which re sult from the depredations of wpfpp- small tables vjkln creanv epay- towi x00 barred rpqk puets0 barred rock rooster t oeaee oanden 12 yords poultry netmni portable poultry jboue 10 by 14 t oplllfr dobv- harnaasst of craoa mfldrrtod breeching harness set of team har- nesa a acta plow harnesa setffinaja harneaa odd collars blankets robes etc sale to commenee at one oclock sharp positively no reserve as the proprietors are giving up farming terms hay grain powl turnl ture and sums of y1004 and uhder cash om that amount a twelve months- oredltron approved joint notes fi per cent off for cash roy hinduy auctioneer aftuiaallowattoa be j rterln irtrfi tfl coioeaaloiur itjmbonaera- t tween natimfi aoulh forty rflya- degrees oast sis feet frdmtbe wmsrly amlef f saldot it thrnc rrua fortysix degreeaand fl mlnntea sast and tvi fetrthfthctf- aoua vds gresa and yen mlzutfg east iu feet south -flfty- one degrees and ia tbenos- sooth flflyona rttfteea u yaereit inlnuteg wast lvrfeet mora low to the said vrjortberly imnlt of theaaid road aupwknop between 4he fth and sixth genmisiopatrttninca porth tortyflye degreea wee- along said urnli or said road aliowtnca t and tlfeetdo the lao pf tgwnog aa shown on a plan altaehedla dead bearing dato tha let day ol april 191 made between nne dtrpoan sgranbau and one william howard the younger on lljesaid property aro aald to be erected two storeyelght roomed ihedand ssjjts3nss atbelvolr when she came krjrstta bujtjhejjjui changed hls mind and took tap- some timber i wiuwh a remedy for bareeha to hare the earaabe lau stnurw torture the- ear is a delicate organ end fewoara io deal with it considering k work for a doctor dr thonaaa sdectrlo oh of ferer a flmplv mnedr a few llrope up00a pieoe of- lint or msdioatad cot ton and pofd in tho ear will do inuch inrellenhg pain- ht said it the dltbooltlas- whloh people wt unacoustomed to contact with tied persona baye in using the handles to the names of lords and dukes are unmans an bngllsh paper tells of the way in which one young woman eolyed the problem of the sort 1 t she was an unsophisticated country girl and hadeen engaged as house maid -in- the servloa of the duke of keeper whenever you mej the dukeauee 1 l l jthavery next disy as the maid waa going down the pawexge the duke oisutced to meet rher immediately the glrv drew tieisetf close to the wall oloead her eyea and assuming a rev- rantlal attitude saldi supply tho wants- of otheri and ntaikatiai-thwrttful- e ws3b a lrtrawttlt- the suntar- en sntthwjuigvwp vp4jttwm hhlsmej tjsir until they hafl narar haard barara all taa paatup faellnga of that tauaa gaa tatnutaa cany out in on mighty aaploalaa baia pajy info tbr pjan aaa lf f ajigj anvbraoaa i narar 5nim3 i his now siaim yjiwaa probasty lntfie year 1s jog jjpiv long after ak houspwasbuilt t do not know but it could not shjye beep long i have hearwttny meuier teuthe names of the carpenters hbeardrkpd for my father bi tpatnguttihavvtortteailb i do not think ther i anyone now living who ban give thslnformatlon my father was skilful in the use of tocie nd did more or less or the work himself rr the front hbtor stood la theeentre directly under the upstairs window and had n harrow ide light we called it on atthrt sltfe one light of glass in width to correspond wlththo window above and of course it waa furnished with ahe old time ioxia soqndlng uosker that could heard ail over tha house wide i f atone constituted thesteps r on antarlng there was a wide hall with a doorarthe right leading into wettea room and another door iiausaof 1 n sumo 1 ant faoof supply a r kudra uieotriafch oombuied wllr to roughcastbouse with- wood shedani summer kitchen- also bank- barn about 50x60 pig pep and ben house about roxjio about- fifty acres under cultivation the soil being a orstclasa loam there are two weluvoiuvat house and one at barn and a spring creek runs through the farm ottthjs said premises there is a pond ooverlna some four or qve acres which with little expense puldbe turned intdfc mill or osh pond the farm igljvel janpnd w rffi fhtjfff t twenty taafs- bxpeplenpa i4st yopk bbobjbrtt awtpn 0ntawiq ijtto i desrthstoeeiniihrf opthls poptlnent by aqtomobflaa in lfm y4 oont glwaya eaoape astjifcrrj ab nioklia- awar ava laaura n a aaaat collections wa hapdla- oodacttona only it yaara- aaparlanoa- apaaka for itaalf aaanrlng afflatanoy and ra- liability ibxt a aiken cofiiictoas oranp hit an owan s utd rat standard bank of r tbaraaxtar k and oondl- tlop ol aala aply to w j dick milton ontario solicitor for mrtwp hated at iltok thla lib day of rebruary ml ian erft ootharadwirb op laying ibw wl tin ilea takn tba awactad chfckra bjrtho lea and apruuaaiawdcr monuraeiitgl jllc jioia- jww unm apf w t- ap4al 1 attractl prtoaa pn alj ardw nlaoad for wontunairm oif oulgod warkaubabln pn gu wort and a- good aaltlon o otd cat4 granlta to chooae fro njtf j- aaanaariptjanaut an in cinabiry- r acton monwnent works j nicol malaaw- aatah am y wr0tatbaffon ontt a- in the best- gardens in the orient j byi men traced in market tiisiiltr ins amailii paapwatth and at tba utmar hpt awlngmg apruauy awtadag thaa away tram tba nunalngl ilwia aaavapmit v v j if wr nihyasai whan food uaa ika- had in your mk i and yauhava that full un- j5 ip comfortama bloated fmlkg 11 la o i drink hot water inatant rtallaf is good tea h0i found for tcbrtalumtharn prailianuau glowlog oh rhiuj tbantrga iran poll wlwnaro jwaa toa oooktfl mat ahliripa larn pblofaorn matt pud aamcja fiiaajavlauiiakw thaaaaaya bubluat- ppaolsoraad an hj andlmany a aui j i land guiki alus dalaiclfa jly i ibm raajamtlpapt pa raal proaaa c4dlgaatlan alla who find it in- ponranlant v tlmaa u hot wwtara i ttvnua hoju t quant- mmaaattotaxavhaafy maaa pool taka two or nrawaafar- wcmw cadeajcy ortwiohto byk8ight spboalisr jnutilb at a t bkovw8 inoq- storm acton monday mar 7te anjoqa aulfmng from bya atraln dtfaotl i vhnon ar haadaoba ahoutd not auaa tha opportunity oavaonaultlng thai ayaatght aiolilt -appoint- aa anta ay ba taaaa with mr a t arc n orngalat i consducatioh vlwaa oflaa haa- a a aa tlir a- femnk hbjn at thestoi you buy jtir y groceries froth evftfy ym 1 miulfl t ouriwcleta are pu un v ieq fortbksxas9n la which theyjw are sold we do not sand out paceis t stt a second time when you buy packet of 1 beds you casthe sure that uiagaads will be of aaltafactary vitality and will produce good resulfa msmmmsi ispiij i oif f gw ftm foitattxb0 ti i oijzzi2i thbwhlstip vou hrvv hoard nald a youth to his wv64jtiioart who stood j4 willi ho out on a cornsheaf at daylights decline vuu have hracd ot the panlah boys wliistlo of wood j wlfh that thdtviuibllilibym wnr7itfc her x and what would you do with it tail me she said wtiiie an nrch smllb played o beautiful face i wiiuldjblffvrlthasnswefad and then my falf- maid would ay ta my side and would hero tokbw tjlsce- j jm iliat4lfvou- vby that nuly bo yours with put any maglci theialr ms4d i n cried v a- favor so rtlght secures and line playfully aeatbdnrerself by jam alder ti iwaulbtwisyialiir oald the ypuui ndtbeohetn j 2- nnt m would b able to keep iom my neck yij4 ttos sjrm 00 mned and eheldid her line t ojpv round his neeifct mi- pant it xs and your lips stealings would flya mear kiss tllwllhuupa ntufilihlufjn jier inno cent lae vhat ocoov of yourself vrth yanr whistle von- rnr w31- only consider how- alhytwojiw bo yr j7 to sit there ami whistle for what you might lakei w f rf- fltory 7actotf33pjn suorlewufanaiaararr john archibald a peel township farmer balds a record for cattle teed loytju wiif be hard to beat zasi week hemvpedtn6xborf stoattot air average welgbtjlf jf pomsahv ts jptwchiaod the steers fiji- february 1v th a p aata they averaged a gain pf too pounds iiius a ysar l silw wecwfrroa at milton two allver woddlpga wara-urelabrat- p ad in mjhon on saturday those of -mr- ad jtfrs fraxjc pearen at their free presi ijsiotj l byjaj1bilt a nal m uti would ebma ooon jrintr frantic haaoslie sol orfloo there- was no key to pofutind frank had it toonjuit be copnd wltat had happened to hhnt will slioutod tho aetsnmoatthtop or liat tungs tbera was no 1-ospona- he coukt wpit nolongor tie thus try- toopen the- switch without tho key j aafsiji he glanced up at the stilt 4i6fc eilnr vm lodk ilhjmor piti n jurtrodatmtr tmatirtiol m j bil tlli a fdawkv flp ar rain a fi faaar v ii r liiawad lltue station on the mountain division ot tfta qreat icastetnj railroad sys tem earner out of the iny otjlc the two boys knqyr at once that be had aaws oncotiscaoiujy both brace tthnselvrs to hear it they wdll knew that vhe o tbm mufif aa dis appointed which wopm ltber the qjdtvr man looked from one to the other hl luc djncommlttnl then he glanced at the paper n hr band ond qlaored hu throat wfy miriute longer again he resignation fa soceptadp he nnnounc- ad ajkd- t uteaaor- la phbsen again ha hesitated as if reluctant to conflhue hjl knew the blotr hls-n- nouaoement one or these boys audi hfseeeciad anxious to with- hold tof o tfso as pos- khjler jr t t tfur therpost yeat both byonk hill ajid- wu1 armour khd bern studying telegraphy wtultho hip of the agent at tbti jutwauuon duties were ught ajyd jflours ofun lonely tlr- benabft had been glad- to rjruievatheafiwutooy lblt byteachltiif theboys thegecret oiljthe hyv both- werb now fairly yet once mora would j bibwi and the musicdlvjno would bring metthaihtrdruniefisui you would lay your fair chock to this erdoient in receiving and spndjng m brown on or mlnef t- saaea-0- r then theppvrator deddadr that he haa had bf railroading- aij iaw8 ftiu ti cv with tc he made aximertodmmend- ationav and hoped tuh- uio company could seav g- saa4dfoeil- t wiu smlirrlinly- aflghr aawau break- it tojni mrisehpon ielre- marjutja laurepiy tbeothar handed over the paper or whichhuiad cop- it it rttttfif- had bean appointed oper ator- in- place of the retiring employee there waa ssmrthng ihat sounded ut sob ln wuis rhroat ag he tttrttr- ed othht efcouidot see the light that leaped- in his robmpanlons eyes ettldiioebeakodgvihe oilier bis trita3huvbut hecopld not beer to see jl lha took atj r twd- toward thedoo ttanrecolleattak tu b again otlll kumuuu h turned away be ehopk franka band and cnittereda word or two of con gratulation then be stumbled put on to uw nlaufbrov and the tracks toward his home ilni jltaappolntmont bitter for haknew that mr ben son favored- him in fact the older manamra gm j inover- qraaplng the levar heturited at that but cpuld not budga it than as he pnusod and okedjprouild bl ear caught the faint hum of ffio mllb th angina was coming far opciv track a ulvxpk appeared itr miiat and some wny to gt thaf switch open abt thsya wnsa abort iron bur 0 rasping it with both hands he aimed a blow ahd mlaued bounolhg off tij one aide the spook grew larger will hands were trembling lie must hold aimed- ablpw at- w lock vith ah his strength be brought toe bar down- with a snap the lock flopra belx- iligbe leyerhe liftedr una the rails swung over opening thb- switch wlth two loops tie boy msdo his way to- safety juat a the ro me tfie open swtcbolse4morott then- whh a thunderous roar toppled rover anbtirrledlinoseln tha sand t weak apd lutip ml ft rag will made his wtry area to the atollon where he fell into the ctutir in oitnute ho x4xasjib wilmjlstditn v t-rt- that the en jsjgf that the passenger a safe lrh28 jtt was after tha clicking hod cused that will caught somewhere a ptin thump it soondedas if it mtf recti6nof the corner usj uvbrxrhea1ri waiting room oeiting-up- from- ils chair ha- enada his way oat into the toirer room then he watt 3 il minute tpettntnnpuag came-agaio- he locat- od jt aa coming from undtff the there wag aaort ef trap door that led down lntp a the station will rtado hu way to ward it and ftrondthat it was open- quieklyga descended the stairs in io ba could ae 9aurtjc frwrftwc iy m pasajigttainbdawivd il r ig jittia diaunce ahead of the switch the drst of the train crew hsdust rsachsd thestation and de- inwdedutokhow the reason that the iuht f olnv and then an slv ist w4a it wiceiaarysrhlm lo 1 0 that way btdhada tnrioaltytoo j zr itjwottieewopwtof i r- r ting alo h been sohoo and yrak not to buume because ho had been favored hvank saw him beore bo bad reach a pacuual i jnsbphe the editor fn country nerspaper received from a subscriber heuuerx can you tell me what the weather is likely to be nsxt weeafr inreply be wrotottsniy belief that tba weather nej wekia likely tolwverr muth ftoilrer ptnrdoohu asdfoai over what tho editor waar erring at when jrtnally he iuvppened tp juttokor the word r uaaattied hakatt flheaue the next- day wm the damp nothing suod stood a momenx to ac oustomjx 3yer totcbe uurkness tho tpnninacaxneuain what isttft he colled ts that you tfrankt what bos happened f j a yoloe eanie faint andweak x started to come down here for aotnp thlitg suppeoviost the top step juafl fin hit my bead on edge of a b and iuled u woke tip a minute ago thought heard a crash what waalir qdlckiy will outlined thscvenu of of the past few minutes vben he found his wak over to frank and helped get hlmppthaaiepa abd into the station there was anugaiy gasfa on the lattava rjbrlmextrs ppmv pr- bfnbrms f a ffiit this olovfaafvion ttonutuet -zriiof- i was the old iggyrlde wien we bitched the old mare whro- the- chore were all dona yorvwhiydld woeare if tho trip was no n-otnt-guds- as wo wntobed the red glow of the alowsetting gun there wns a i t which w cperfui1y beoltohtng d i tfisi i trseg at- f hffnd hi tho road and time the old jiodger slacked vp in hie reokpnipa we jogged on our way to that favored ghetto- tho meeting the greeting in the old sfashiooetn buggy ride bpeoly on sliipao vt egoh pas- njrwsek when th horse ambled on ot hbr5ww cbogen stride ana we were too happy sometime to spoav urfrh i wiien daddy takes n in so taat j fkntwgndoi at o llyingpaaf 1 rtts duoitathit powdle in th streams tho kbeep tjenaatli thearuuiyhnl ilook up to seous wliirllngby j we art so swift they are so sttlll tb tittle flowers that sway artd nl aro lot t ttohlnd they never gja oft jhilabuplowaaww4u4hm jlow do they foit j think i kaow pastanijiuteslrjt uutniyfier il- l ahowltlx my ignoranee nd nvy lack of trpe philosophy i r vewtr bsueva tha prwjabnttleftfti are juat airooda the nas evinif uilhga are not dona avet old- folks jid jhm we would not bevycry good ifiiuosopbers lapsnot very good ohf ltinaif w were not jndy ndmtt thntlbo ajniaa are just m good if not cbnsid- sabiy bottor just as nappy if not jonsdcrably happifr just un urtsslfish if not a llttierraore so than fifty yeant it toiiomsn 1 supposa to atejieharnl qfthe paat w6 all it to our indlvlduotllvesv mora more ips1 n- totaour childhood and yonth the bright joints mhadehoate dettoi- bus hours amlts thtfi rest and that 1uyat ah to jblnk what jlfo waa tttenh why can i iiet bring back the friends and the sports and the dainty iirthij s in rvarythi humanity w individual troubles thicken ht in iwneniliabut the todivldi large 7 when troubles l storms elatte and olasfc and ts w to be h rna twenty ybar8 ato from the leans of ti freepreae of trurday pebruarv 21at 1907 tho hot water nysttfin which has been- such m fay pro la doors e town o- tt it atstloi la lelng replaced with a now furiiuee rvj atcacoy of ndumi ijfrjirllll in ul irfhvtif rli rluiidoy mlil udurvd the htmday school rev a w ilorkcr j i reach oil aiuiary furrmynsht izutmvxcf cor- withlu and ctynirtmiivlllr mr t k price who has- ihmjn iimunl- cip oifitwr rf thconoratlo fo the imst two yaru when he rtred last thursday lit handed in tha tax rail whh evry dollar off available tajm cllcciad and handbd over io ul tnalamjlwf the fancy drvui cuxnfviil laat-thurs- day eynnlnff van nmnrkfld auccva-s- there waa a ur attcivlanoe of sp- tatorm ami skaurs- and tho ooilume were niunrroua and juuied la choract- are nipersonatcd married alclolantubmcqulilnat ibo rx sfdnse pfithe bridu parents at oualph ob toevlqy yhrunrv is bad you i- aey bmcr puxsia boxt r arhdj oneknaj i1w beat ones in dlyeraloas that- really wdst wnrtfnrjff r itoa from mkgaxtoesaitdnews seem worth whuet- and loetvta ttapyaell mn that the freight busi ness isgolna pa bo increased most of the- boeitiem thai bosoeeo done at monmouth la to be ttansferedirera las we are- more caqtraiiy located in ev canadian miistar flbaato levj s mcll b-a-fol- ly atoykr chmpxjfoutreajj who was reoentiy- selected as aole nominee tlorttaqioant parofictrtud bright was elected mbiistar of that parjah on january cth thiamin one of 0ootlspdnneasiinica yhslrm ipjg rural porishejltbe congregapon laa a membirrship of jmo tba stlp- jud-is- mapd manse mr mother sill a son of mr and mrs joseph- jtfdrbersillof brampton ta4 a brothtw j- x wltughby n heifers for harton ys wd ojrli a- group of vary hlahctaa hojsteip y- half era oriivedin milton from oat county t tbesoheifers ora bitstxaid- lag jftdltjdujs of exceosnt prewjinr andal affrovadsunscgri i relation to etw dlsfc-ict- that win niean therellba iotsw extra work r and thay tell jpyibni mauthorls- edrn engajre aa- assistant i thought yoaixaithx lilt t job y vnr a moment m hot tefnaol poised on wins hi the thought ocenrrei to the disappointed boy that frank with cjoud and with sunshine the yoore bavo go no over mnny ckangesbave oomo with -the- passage of time ojtatayalbo to fbo roytr wh9ha aeon his own aoubtiyand mutthfoivlgn bjlpie but sometimes f dream of the days whep 4he apple tress olowed like the flaeb of your up llftaa pbeek v i when the rejnrwjinim t at mf tfou in your mugln ao diiofy beside me ed the station and beckoned to blrn will waved a signal that ha bad aeen apd hurrjad over thau other pad a letter in hlsrhad boenlooklnsfor m yon- hb began ina- brbanappy wayi kothlg pjaoaxdid- aama inveeti- wyaeltvs that fr3s5 ssfc jt mcloded thaiwiri bad wa- dv3rthjon ptirpojaotbathe h s cbufdhavo a chance i tooos it- over vr apaaarr lltaaaaala in iaa tji aa a- nana wiw ntthe lndreaainthe aniutofrworfe wftsverilled- mon- moqtp thoticxt gttioiiiviv miles dowftithaline turf been a shibplna whfi- reeprda ininuk pooarjldnantl centre- forsquite a- district therou ittrtlttpl- a wr dw i i- a catt vtimoygand trtria m- sl- clyln peifera will place ttaem tiuixiwufumi and au bsifars 4rafi thab p mi test tinloaa of belfers j toprobajitr the fluent carload that has i bentocaigto helton cotiqty two wjvreabuuwbrc alsplmported- fciv il w fjrlocultorl mrvlti diaitints the popular aarhcununal bepresentauve of wea- i4 -i- aact te re acuaaulm ifiireal cungton- beauoned t that to very credible to the horttcujt- i prajia -waooutxwair- dtan auooalkx- hkov thotaxt iiutiijuvwiilreanetted t- thought oliere waw apparently nothing but frlandlmesti fn the offer his mind worked quickly- ttheras ppvnaedof me octinx lik a scvepemd iftzdid loft ha aaidvto wrawt til sttor prank and fhe restol them that x co tmka defeat in the right spirlliha turned ftiid jooked bta com ptoubailiight in tha oyo tltbtp xpu out be aidauletljv aatrank dtbakilytoldottha accident and of wills qoiokaouon to save the train a toll nan- whlr keen eyes step ped over to him- tm the supefln tendentle announced briskly i was- on my way up here to see this lad when benson reeommeniled you for this wei xdid aame investi unaiidoationa even jietier than yours- i bsa v posiuph at head quarters in jnjnd forhim- but frankly i wailed t3seei how he would act -here- when he lojtvoat im glad i canaay be has played the man straight through and proved himself nrprthy frapk turned sdhtlwlfiotulband wlto asrpiibvcro to u wju be said bordially sm not- a bit jflopa4to4kdeaeve every bit voure gatung 1 can be aatlpflrd with the i tmin alookbaokaad say ohbowwre entl- thpeo paat people did not navaflve just eom o-jt- ptblems to- contend with for them life was simple and easy and women- hapauthe boo virtuesv- mendll por htjrryand did not wprrybfit gained the simple nee- essarlea in honest and- industrious content bay y day- mankind grows more corrupt and- dlas times worse and worso- m glllspjieeedrtwfo i honoatiy 1 believe u is one- at the brat dutiaf of a mai to flgbt that tendency -to- overoatimata the past whether in hi own personal life or in general it ua- sludythe past ab atractiy hipekaottauy instead of timeatallslpg about 4tland teav know wok but that sent- enco of yours would brrlng tears u your rhetoric teacher- tuu reelo be tt t r thing- wrongr- tonrd troth uncle berts he ing arodndtoy poxalaa and hs wore- sue sr tlsflad grin lliat wasioutnd totakw aomolof the conceit out of bint he the best fussier i know th say he la bad i tried fcbn with everything from oonundrnma to crossword teasers and fee solved every single one brng m something that requires a utuo brainwork dick be ujj-aphd-tha- f itftntked with a wider grip than aver bo bad cant we cook up something thoflt make blrn puu- hla bair tor awbuer i onktpw your nnctebert not onlyseee all aides of a problem at once but hes get all of jobs pa- tlenoc wltwoj thp bjhtu to dist cl piy jp oply puxa i ever stump blrp wu one of those sqphbeticai problentf in long divi sion fc s what letter and ogues mixed bmai noilstlera liuteadof llgues sup- posa that in pkaoe of a a 1 t d we use a b q p b f o 11 1 j t t b 1 u 0 iniq 1 bu8i4fedijory med 7 dr j a mctilven physloian and- fluroaen ol and i comer bower at5quiaha btrestt pjioku 88 or e j nejrtl rkedenioi btrejibt acton ontario i by lt4k it j u wfohn tydjices contractor acton to eh head oldest dauob- tei- ot john mcqueen es hied ttjbtowin acton on tuesday fet mary 19 wmiam turtopi aged w years bajhsay atpden mu1 pn febru- ary 11 a ttamsay agedvlt years obusttlctn toronto on february it thomas chij ajred u b honor affidun of tnrtrit n ttnttn w- altia tnniee unel used iosame ore meetlpci and making po- not 4udgthb ilfhto and pleasant memories jpiunke into tto ahadow and ypu will 0p4 thm jusf m dark timldeep as tpey are today such atuq of he patt a of i ttone t0 us hut its tklnp does nof potne 03nid tho nieaant vutlrir agsf tbetone robins- cry through th the wlaeat way jtormeittt ighthrlatnate 7 jand stroggjpof our own tinva only by spniclent conmldersiqnof jbeh iravbiroftmgtuunflur we guage tpe geet rsibnuid magnata was onsainir humble assistant hrhh hnorajin of erlnt 9aaba ataan ia tha about a year ago kasapfranclarv jwarna ofpalhi tajha wa ar d tottiln of bl3ti ssssstb leap in bar meadow we now ramble around in a- pu aodan for the days brought th sunshine as well a the shadow and life has been fashioned on ma- v tdres own plan r- but atilt wlfep the sun of the sabbath r lg hjnmlng and were sitinfl torefnt nhe quiet twilight tt or those old mestings my fsey is thlnkinr tha asrooon jlrive and bjjtpe par lo at nlgnt the plmsura full measure in the old- tafchioii bllxac jfale aa7wts- drove to the church at- the top- or the hill and oh tha drive home- witlj a buggy iityour sid 1 1 droamotla dreeua or it still v7 fred wtflrsaivyielovia bjc tdritmns upmrulp mateh efprvgreas however confused gnd dbspergto th upward movemsht niay appean mtifl our business us honest men and women not only o show that the present is aa goodaa h past pt better pu q help to piako h so py bellevinglpll y- bo here goes lefttjt reoajl the mem orim of tho past end enioy therecol- jevtlpns ajid atmasonter fujry1ntobe joya of tpdgy be they newfangled o pthenwsp bhl wfii ngl e old xtom day february lejans daughter of the late duncan caxopboll lsquee- lng and slater of mrs john cam- eronactopv j aafbronin naaaaawcyron fri day february 15 annie m cam eron daughter ot the lath bottaid cameron aged 27 years tks juriypufpoe oil both in tho bousmmndatluale thera aro scores of uses for jdr rhomss bcleetrlc ot use it for cuts tixulsea burns scalds the pains of rheoarlsxtuand acuoicsv sore throat and cbst- izotwes are liable very largely to slmilaxallmenta j axdict nvajkind and are equally autenabjj- to the hsailng tnfloence of thbr oner old rmedywhlcb phone np32 v o box air harolb nah farmer ma drhtor solicitor moury powlc coaveymr eto pt lbrt op hoj -j- actow omf houxswgao nm to4p u 8aturdaystx0 oclock- drj mbetl dd juss oflloc l corner of moj- nd fftldevuk streets r dr j h johnson- ddi udii 0atal burpee ofocp over bank ofmoh scotia tialabph6nk miscellaheous duiigg the pt arty years the eri rter8 age 3nf5hesune n- stead e tflituijjsecohjtjels tars mpkjng thepx run a q c j v xl j dhbj and offer someone tela uhle prtrfew nation took trbjrrrvleila door given you their ages 7 tbo census regiairation oflioe- had learned the aplnsterls nama oecttpa tion nd ijduntagoandat last broach- ad the dangerous subjcvaf age then a iqnwtirth l th q1f itoeia cj1 we oram those were th good old days and mary here says so too ton ay jalk about your motor rldeer prt will ny- cam who kiowe prtwdme tor felltne oattha bemotor jlda toqayvi best car tnotlefcan in any way oom- paroimth tho bitggyride of fhose eartlr 1 ia ihf- nayt cflpioaiarna ar- ofl- leugw days fottyorfltyars ago if if airttgoldtjpi xatea to ilr iriaohderinic alons- jaatmov har- blntutcltaavto itmeoerng alon under tho maples o a backrrood on to inetffbsre la the tperpiurp 4t awarm moonlight ight bualune with tbmonmodth howfrver were lt poor ship- and ftpm bedfleuto tha irfty market waaia bit jtlrare6 tbr was a little vnbrln rates there and the- ahlppars preferred to make tbhahgo- mmm- ariyen the general aupervlaton of j the freight aodytbougjr t was r not the hanc that tie wanted still it wais ainolrcad job andrheresolved to do theaast ho- eould p monb latter will a-ay- through- thar opan ibdanr ajtlna th aound at th hay oualilng out to call a t a ap bad dad v blbiaon at an jtr cltmnt s5sis w iha fsgtzisisfi k hwahu5punty at laplalu bloam iffi3wtj d nlanty of gla4llua bloom a2halji ta howmtsa i r soelatj naba oounjty jgfeltomvag aajwirhaavrzis dladdq atiut thare waa noanawar- 5t v w to o ft only amqt half to efcvj fwad ifira not m with tha flaw- tararairaran ryboolety ontarad 16 jn jtaimjal arrrom 11 d up t tlanrijsaarynayar dnaana smalenarabmuuuighla tbanb ttbaumuaa aaoawyrtinornlag tljfj sirfl- ahanatafthbnghtha rosaarat pzh na day ktpr ha fjt htrthmltural aoolaseiau- don thaw- aheyanabb iiu tr5i saltan man ta run fair viat tiiff- aann1- inaahng- at- aylmar aa3rt tryii tit fine nawhiar an know n abntty- t abntty to ivraupadaiaao that- import taflialr- mai- iiiarhi dbt- m ii k aaf aiaaaann a agvr- jjav ki hamilton farm- or btirjington waa loctm pr 1- it raapaotlng hla appolntm ifrtna ft uir tan wbbeanaunaaaaruuy tab iha placa aftba nraadanv ltbtiji p rrrmtm otnw w atiooaa lty ahlok th nawpraaldpht haabaaaau anthualaathl anpportaf of thmir for noma yaaand pan hath tba u and isis dartatb1lbtlaa of vn o wa congrcnilata th o- cwty te aamflaawnft t waadprlngiwbatttmla ojtojrbtha na-aall- aaepaatad again- and rwatjaaa ail r uak afiaf atnalnnta- thanajl ataijaaalhf rl 7lmrriajdokalt aad bmj vttf dy fowart tha alatlon amawrfnwaarring frank aoia ni rawar tronaalavoffl6e atrrhla thna waa alwhya oa hand f natbttaat lfraaach trguiwaa dila any- zlsfciil hapr bllforaaacl trlu wa due any way bapjdaeldad tojgpovar and aaafar htm if aa ha atappad to tha niauprco- tfca eali ba a again aparp gagj cnaalantbtllljonallil in at twrwlpaawrolttlnmtfpaa mlplja tw m mn upwt ivvhaum prink b47- tha ju rj a iandrtnrlo back -inaldl- i altaaarpanna-r- l p1t10ub oraallitraiataririn3iidla- aub1ullmrto out on ata aarjhiiight wj rl glad it- way into hla q loaimat bla lfnonwof -y- h tarittngrrannaiaa himadj uuyjtw ilr ohanea nkapna la ravponalbla- lfahaaeharga andlaop po d to tana thain mb oob oan avarpbu yoa uwm hbaay apaugfr oaaythat- you dldn know ha waa rgana than battsat tha na ma roar tnrlfjnaaha hanoh took way- juwlutarr wlu jnaaahad un mwogbtawayhanabadaut fyuagly kgraa to air jaav- again and teualiaa tt aak ja-a- attirilnba anginr7nsiaattaarwwlo h aupara hnuatad from awiruf aa th bay graapw liato 5 piwnabip 1 ithj in ayfnaar a to aar lujfa ingta saoratary fll avkamatraat who ta an aotoa twylpul tbrat at w jtangatraat auo tlapaar tha baa aara saarrtary bamatraat who baa no doubtdone uaiia lu p twtt tio taa tar lain hlriy-lwi- anadlttoa itna wan fnfth vi una yaaxa ihan nyi othar oha man wk nr aptt uiuo tnhla raport and aun -t- jy wnrt a awwtjnk wm p amht tha aeraatf arai natnaat jut- tha jfca bppaiatla lfw jralwla vj girvca thadvaptara j ag pjiontnttatiah ribcaf tha toriinto conrantloawlu xmfnma jtji 4ha wujall that aaci mr hnatrf at yr ml da- h tavauaaatabflrata ftajnavonag margaoa and he general jmvlrppjrneotof big hogaeln indian- i v li bihojtw friends pathls ow- munitjfot he- la proud v wim ala urtibttktoawmk oo falafaiiiarwtam on thar pprth una- avia w glad id raad la ia mtn optjobkrust weak ika folowingr ltv eranc wbaley warne dd one pf fhf tcahadla-i- porn bishop of the methodist l-pla- copal church has reutly grossly jlm- proved in health sjid- may return ahortty to utinlndia this igrpcrt toconflnned bythsfol lowing lotorbstlng report of vuit by bishop wsjap a chios a focthlght onaoogo acllppjiig from the nrth- western chriotari r vpckte send t the raaa jrsmrsr by mr john b cole- caeuj of- hhevtmrs point wis says the iejalt of bishop frank w uise w t lynrnhsh i fr-yj- thgttr suchlorevt merle w gl i 0ibore p long ago w ush pastor where be spofca eact morainsvan3 evening resultod to h most graciaus outpouring- of tha- holy ttttf neeing- to thepedple of the urcja19uslmpwanie- spoke with ln- creaatog power from day to day and msayeame into l new andricher ax- piwlcnea nd were made rodfant with 1rbahf of jasuacbrlfrt the people u prepared for- di r pfrculatiod rof ono hupa-ad-roopiesf- blahnp warnaa hook a tovenirpjng pod your mttrr by youi aide and driving hoiti b t wokv qmttmm8i9 sjwwng cryetau- soa d wnots ihroui the froatad taranohes of thetranstoverllead k4iusyop nct your r along -alone- with tfcls ifsvlik the lqaltr jrstymnvxhaf floor competing agn4nlijth otcvfash- ion flfpplaotv pr the oidlik itor vv9plmki ivf li hood timsvjthe w n4 rt cutter hold wryiiniffwfftce toqnpplyngaauslment bbthtn sum mer and- w inter ttiis amerauondoim not lbow a horirtkksuke for they wart erj dlffrant lnfc6jrimjithteftimskjfy boraeorribe tiojrrhotf1f the pitent tjajqflarjpa flmhrtiritr long ago w a- rerylona tjfrcro jla juaajilr adr- iuy oar ofha present tims for ari wfteav at intigpf u pastor uff weihtia on- the ami- wltdufpfltmht prilfcgfc9mim- raised jriftwuijmjsa taml lnthogay xfosteiatfythv aaaoclaton aiidatteotionjtwenthe it tow owner and his horasitha dttferimce rbptwaajii animate and lt-aplnruvtaex- pfeaiox i1- 7- in the tpresepuday ptotor age when yow want to efwywlbare jahy you lust jutop lirto the old bos twist your wrstrand ih a siioit while you are there if anything goes wrong with tha cor vrfay ybq cipt turn it or kv it towedto a garage find thett xallfarjt whsnyou and it are botjready but in the horse-ond- buggy doye whan you wanted ts go aotoewhere it tooxoonsiasrabl tim protect the cbid from the tiavagea of wqrms by mother- qrpvea worm erie rnj in 10 ii is- g tun4rd remefjy and- yers of uge- aye an- hnpeed l rpptllpia coumy cowcnfb ian- qrahta t the htr4fhaai af the ofwit thefoilowing are iha standing- oom- mltteeaof the oouatjceesteilof sal- ton tor 1177 elected at the initial sea- aipd lost week ftnaneebaln bollby morden j masoit roads and bhdgealeslie morden foster breokon moat ountybuudthaablikelock qol- brabumjcflpdy kear bhfe35p educatwip ikjtpy hoat celtlt oowdy slain fipaoial ntniunlcatfanaataaon paltjtiaoa oloatvjbra okon 2tajilwayaad igiauttlon pal bralth holthy opwdy roatari nair iissf sooki tev w ofanypnunltlcaa i ha high dbbobla of 3llinm qak- tula a gato jrn juid 1uvagtnl n gantavvb h na 7 conllnuattpnbohij m vbrfffolli hlih hoitrot2 wjrqjpj3nj oaillatvltal bmvjf i itv tounaavcb afttwrno a ra appplptaj uiatnrg i bgwardan wain waa appptated waltpnt rani alatl for tb yaaa an tha board of th pmikailon bpuaa of btfuga kuppax vnaswjbhmiaw yaar tht i prayer of uuhkfulnsas that be bad conquered ahis baser lm- tgvald angina oomln down u mountain the meauage came open sjruaitodviruamraats nttmper thv receiver roletted back wo a and withdrew hla arm- he glapoad m thf clock- twny mlnptae tova thare was notltoa to loose tht -nog- tea might be her jomoaf lay tima now th atation that mtnt tha mas waa waa tan miles 4vray thare was x nw4p- hweralw itw ntotiqns ahd twe r rladjaaa fa- ajaraaffi bara ha atopnahunayai u aat right for tha aajj aatbaanmaavliki dla airaa pra aaha in n old brok hfi 5n una dm aotpa hanoravltataw- pnoir l a iw inal aaaatub ana wtnoanjiarta won uptatfym- w faad mw in aammarandmaul na aat bonprjla nat aaamly- for a 15 js jeiattiiaw- latinaaaura and on worth jtjcfalngtbr atuiy ttrarv waranda aaea tnrtba ga a goad wpra wbtak a iry raal plaaaura in good tool add goaa-lna- tarlnla wa raal glad whan wvbara bnnor on ouf alda of tha rtraat a praaht la not without honor aa rflnrnla own cpuain raly prophaay that that wu1 ba otay ranr thouaand geeldaqta ra- vorif aoia ww eknuuva oaa av- aanon board la ontario nut month and ana may prapnaay that aomdanu wulja dncadln jjuglnrr f nd otbara ar oara rul tttt t honor pour jjwlifaani lmbai a irtoalandtlniba of thjr j 1tt3zz b rj oiot to jantloa tha fur a a an faadlng pfoaaaa m iff onplhun and all tha umo u aatold dihnotirf gattlng dathfr goaualniadj and and of aadbotmr jj jtowaoajg rrnru only tritmui pmlanoad fn thatnpught that tha wd car la gplng to baturnedn m a daal far a nnv on wluvanb whan thatlnaa dnatly a a whap thoul family lvrajtiad toat it uaatufniaf and had tat rapmad yub a n ona who breaking up that eld tvlendly trwsopl aitbeiatltmr and ip the event of the id nog msrelr fallinav slok or a victim orvn ho0ldhlf wa eaam aa if apne member of th family was in ca wowl i dont care to tackle py- thing like that fmjl z b- they ver start flgttrlns with letters in school im 0h through aerer even hnaain d dojipr inijm4iis wth radio t- tlongl wflu uts ask uncle bart how many times jpmbo goes no mkn abbbs with xtfff oer or soinethlag hhabauta wall get up a good one and try to bother rujnj but ia ail lksllhoo- hell have tha laugh op uwttb any totng hes ever tried- what xd ilka to do would b to teat him with an ahtlfey new tdea the other night when w ware 13 wmrklagtat that hard ewjeirword it oocurred to me tfiat the prtwcasi might b retreraed so aa tomake the wry dlcsn of a puks- jtiat is after flillog to fh words one mighf oreat of a bnuneaiv w oui and ekinf ss gather again bo you mean ptqkr t think i do teto try if abjsrichl heres a printed eoltf- i uon atpi- god ope- n last nlshts paper dont look at it mi cut it up i so that youll have air the word that- read across and alve them to you with the definitions of tba words reading- duwtv touratoguesa tho downward words from their dednitlona just aa ouwouldin aolvns tha putxle- in the ant place- and then at together the yfcmmf flye jpm so as to form these some downward worda is that real cieart xl what yow apk m to do is clot anouab but how tp jhohlls4bleji caif do it before fna grandpsis age is what gets msl 2tgijuat4ouf nine hundred mjhcthofidef ifn tjje regular cross- word ifuxsle j ran we ibati tri- tt of it bu pvetty hard i fdntt spd ft 1 the mprofun to tackku kvplget up the best mean ing fhe jifrfrstfe jsn for upcle bert and ope to sitatxun with superior amups shlis hi srinkllvshs asaqly g in t- tfalrt rofar rfrkilnar a yrmar jnrfqvnftqc uijon cro wsnjfftfm put number will he used jmlead of words for example fa staad pf giving tha meaning of a fput latter krant lji giye the messing af no miss browir- wtll then im the same age as they r idijf and he prooreded to till out tho with these words miss brown ss old as the hills millers worm powders will eradl cate the worm evil that bears so hay uy onhildren and ltoucv4 tocaoao many fatalities- they are an accept able medlclna o children and oas be fully relied upon to clear th food channels thoroughly of these destruo- tive psrasltea and iatorv tp flamed and painful sinoef to bthfulnoss they are an exeollent remedy jtof fiene evlla awvjtwrtjltir ctattttjiiaa nade- to wyndbsm etroet ooejpli out over wlbuuns btorm r j kfrb jifriryl i twenty tsar gxa with mb t actom r w ontario firs ufa autornoblla aealoetrt ad tt liaauyvneis mousy ta town sopoe deaths eot injured on this continent by automobiles in 192 youcont alwaraeanape injury veu mmn eseapa ojcan- clol oas by csiling on at t hicklin bow inawiawcw att rfl j fir cpu6hscotd w sipmsiwsisisiwa trouble signs for those past 40 id weakness nervousness haad- sehs frequent painful sesaty urination 4 th- embsiraalng annoyance and nenulne misery of bladder weakness oftn prlogm disitomfott of old age to tbpse wbo really oughl- tp be in the wry prlnv tf- countless thousand prhaps soven out of ton of folks near mwdlw iu- are pltful vlctnns of ireodarhua ttr- vousnaas pains in back and down through lnolns fgun biue9aaty and painful uiikiitinn0-ttlnc-ui- nights while serious it nirlociml- ordinarity simp nwlt t reli thse troubta hy tibtpwllawltrirtme us of br bout worths uhatabs which nayebeen victorious in thnus- aoda exesnesr after ottwr trestmtjnla bavu failed i nomattey howrtou- w or how ioajsa stgndtng your oundhlfm voay 6 ta at l qj collectioiu wo hapdj oousctmasj only m years experiance speaks for itself assuring efflalenoy and re- liability kkixy aijpsn coujtors orsuiiaavllfa anal owen vubjj figlax sore erilrf fog constipaiton if on baatro ublad with aorng a wlubnd in halfowaya oora ranwrar an applloauon thauvni antl lr ra- uava auirowng oaadbya aathma per ona aitttar- infronxulagtranuuytrytnguoubmi known aa aathma mttflv ft lf v 10nwllhair3ilr harufor aacapa aajtrom a tyrant war t 4 lh know when an- ttapk may noma and thay thatla la ntln apprf of a horaa in th olddaya and antotnobila nowadaya ran raadlly b aathnat a mna vha awlpad any aorf of horaa waa apt to lar-aiid- faath d rtddan on a rati or hangad or mat avan a woraa fata wban omight and ha waa indaad luelumf tha law gotblmbafortiha vlgllanoa 00m- ntutaa djd foctto huuf aotor lna naaatta party ml ih ataaltn afaa autoraotm uauatiy doaa ynot draw anything tnar aatloulijafwd fairly ma iunppd and paid thanvgaatla taraat fro u thanuufur t ia that u thavaeauaadraragaln 2 ftai taaht-ha- awngg- a- gbod a uuoa oc attlna a oomldmahly r raprtmann s3 urtrahbdjastpf today rnaka aijaad atrhg thlg awjnia- raagajnlt halparal i terribje eczema iwglit bs givvn hm th omtih f 4f-ti- would ba anaduoatiqaia hlplhelnl xat rbiaaroot liolvliig sucja j j before you invent any tpbrettbme berts dooolis sore sealadl sjth nmarw1 hfmm iraaiirt totl can quifwya prov um vmiuo uutaa8 without riskvof cuxt- fous aombined fhrup-ji- as fnajiiiaiii r ood diugglf will ifuupiy ixm isr arz sr i eqbire arurunus of suficton omtumtr in o0 m point f w aannar taj f ubatans tmng jrwr alom hifcer tm dtdntkm jmuuflh5k jjtd mght ba girt aa the setayaropt of will be arfatiy pi certain con fort you leased if thtxy do not fuiiy saiurr bir use will cost vhatabt tmssy rerennr thvyimtk sureajibanlc- iaya dolli- lu vested ih productve poultry brings hack two of thme joium sttlpbothja utecr at a fact that there to ioncy in eggs and the sura way ta get it is to mtkah tcs by w tiatbtactpn oht tfwjajubt5atttt aluminum wltht- ounibat is not loaded with i a iboueoman who doa not talk much with s man who la kttending to hla own affairs l i- ttpi ateoywh u kaiitlngws wn baltlji without waking for help wifh a dn you wiuld nuv pan rora truutafr with pollclaa unlss yu are will- lug to be slandered- a gyyptrijrsrsir wwnep evtvmlmll morjt tbn i onarfuniujaand jaaapannly ay taraduoa tha dangar of wolln valna and bunchaa and gat tbn drn to narma and that -1a- to apply liaohaa mam oil night and morn ing uatngthamooaata bandaga tn aupnan thn during t day poonla who jalimvnaliifel gnlargad vaw ahounrnat nagiaat than for thay anmatlmaa bnratandaauav much m la ary aajdkjtpaaaa manna mrajt ou bialaaa balag- aamarralkiaay anlaaptlo that if a til ih kaaaiof j x aa na laaitota maaarkabla haaung not- that a barbara- itch aau urn- and otnr inoammntory akla araptlau goin a w aaya oryaara it baab a u 4 for ml ulola alstt try mnfpfesia for stbinacb trouble tf sjirjuvlluv andjfa laa pvnl i tlaaalun tour flaa gtam inaukl who auovt- from hvilgeatlon uvunlly bay rt j papain abaropat drug and varuiua dltatlv ida and know lb a thing will not cut tbalr troubl4a opm aa nut n glv rallaf 3ut giving up td ebronlo dr mpala ji t trt tb rttact of a llttla bbairarad alagnata not tli ordinary eonim arolal aaruonata cltr1 r tnltk but pur biaurat magn 1 which yauann obtain jwvtn praotlcauyany druggat in altlmy powdw or lablt fprai akaa taaapoonrut af th powdar or tuua aa aaaaaad laplata irk a utll watar bttabjr lr ia maal and a what adllraraaoa tpwmakra it wui 1 itantly nautralfaa tan- daagaraiu harmful awd in tha ataaah wklah ihtsi ji a ar haavy yabaaa roa aaa lmows when yqu orief orange peoe yoll arq a judge of fine tea j cadesky optobjoh ot e kvkalflht spefclaubt wtu brrjrr a t bbuwkw prtlq store aoton monday mar fait aayooa etifferlng rrocn ktcraj- straln baotlva vision v headache afaoald no mias tha opportunity of tiilllng thla eyaaight spselaiuit appobt- taants may ltpioade wtthfx a- t brtrwn iwusl offloe haura a am thv gcaa r-ujt-t- -vr-

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