Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 3, 1927, p. 3

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aseacietioei manet sl9d lwwcaljoqtmlw miu a dsmhe- se3kegiw xkkmlm u per year fav s u f l u incd jylditui tevoavr ta iu jost-i- suui the date lb ua sgfaecrietfesasfa ajuni laje- ctmitct uss-lir- ssrert- tmt jack est bwcrtloeu ajifftlimwu on eperfgrd wffl 1 taerrtte tin lore lsflwa wwmftrj if ajhttet jcdbor c whose flrat thought is to make 6iohey andjtbose whose first thought is to mnto jio bonus own the fiat named people areconsurtlyseefttg chances rcmake oonoy thttrngljs6bleldhd of de velopment enterprise if soch promotersjack good main ifey rr pit tip iblo way or erccy flimsy looking dwelllnga jpu t up ensuiubfe bnilneubuluiags o erect tkonjln place gl hiju r loqk a the tttw thejr ay klncerrty bejierro ouar projjeirtmhelalbe jpipw a d juvc6rameuufe ew pee e enterprise and i76 oflly hrfotoiiicinrt arafeeij pd taste jidypt9di jtti where fhere is not mucfcinor community spirit petfple of that type lutii tbjngisbefftefr 6jia -way- they go ahead with their ooranjefciaified project hand tfie town- groin helter aketer afldraay never develop i a real homey kind of piaoejbul in ciacc witn live community spin ttbese money makers bodtha it pari to nfortnoegieojtooil fneylearri that average ran orpeoujepide in their community indwent it made attractive and beautiful they realize that unless tbelaljwelont inientt are in keeping with theihiadm hefr enterprises will get lit b iteseatfiiii they pot op ugly hamkpeopleareabw tojbii or rent them and if they erect urtattrattiye stores in jnaoi people imjtotvat it rj pleasure o be abje tovsay that on theswhole smt wm for vunpavjya a u alactot qehenjx t tftle t wfrt lvs b4rtplgr lesson act i s itiq faolden tjwrirajbf 7aakbvreumlalbi chijt tunrf rt utturrtl all 6eirtaakaiindabjuvftiiock41i p4urarr of aacdndavy imtmrtadoa comfeartitwfny thfiivatiasninir uirrnl of clirlt in tno hfmaalw x unicbt ilioifivul oondunn 8r s i d11 mrta c tjjiaofci imii iitim vwt la4qlil- uoul jimahk ajlanij impttlakatmalilaflir juyoita jthttyha1 fuaurth vcr notwiuinsti har avaiir- form ttrrfaa4rfttt4 art tiiinotrrltir jnwliietijtiliitntrfl i pi jhtirsifemorntng march 3j 1827 bpreaaatsiy 1 morvxutiillon to bod sidenwde wearo going to pusjjiohighwiryjfrogrjrfljtte i rapidly asoie provinaaf anancea will permit and m tie fit iiotaiicewe wou do n in theplaces that feqnfre itnioit decured premier ferguson at the discussing the b3l for the regulation of political annual banqpet of the- ontario good roads associa- contributions sn the legislature last week opposi- titin laatjifeelc- cpreaingy jto tigta xeajler sinclair sugge1 thiiftntjng ht maifit j j f conjptuacry a goo tnbf nttjibiaimi ivideii t t the itapwimgj jfle gi- ww k pt get all the consideration to which oteniore attentjodtti 5w i of rural jr all b bccalu side ir 7 that all rural maii boxes throilghonr canada be tf fnfvimm ki1nai1 trtrf1tv fmmb i fprevint futw accidents end lotatf nstalnopg fexcellent standaish of taste have prevaited inthe development ol carletorj pjaco aa a whole wo have a town be proud of yet there ia always room jotunproveoieot and atiu higher sta carle- ton place canadian fc kdrkbiialnotps it is iltue wonder iat the goyprnment is so chary about abolishing the sales terreventie from the sales taxia ca for the las fiscal year wm jjiiu2srajl asrertedviri the house of cominona last week v 4v tkitiund anoivaat lhe trsaaaraa- v iiz uta jtfrai hattitomni or vyaxauay mnbe bfllrilecflasaacotilmo drweel mmtcl h anuwriuelsi lor4v aerbmtfaav baa ata 111 u w tuoo ltwqta4paftonmuof 6r raadora eanaejally tliomaetun on in yara wrfrfillporn oon us hid j v atapstnats avttln alow vwvananoo what w ba ben inoayrolans fo- tbinebuii taws taai janj oorvlaloa no aaa flrvcnt an lmrtaa nfcaaa kitac v orlmjurmauoaarto saat v saltb baa had oor awijihrr ayont utoatilnaulaihqi eiiajuie mffltv onlybr chvaetaal ahansaa wnlcb thatlilv rj there is a motetnent on foot to have the hoose of commoas pass a nulation forbidding permits ir foreigners to carry brearnat nncw any ctrconikj f flsfubiccanttr be mntb jxtter olf u permits were re- jv oit of tte people wnttbny them government by tbi ru mailielaaswtion members ojn to t u t-lrcteeea- years since uemwtjplilty of roqniring rnpnttls of hospital treatment j- hd ntailrog considerable expense and loas4f jtiipe r jlf p e distrqs ot locating irjfjnjiibo on the jeftsidcof the road aowatraavpftahbi 7 there is xiotbidg that can be more annoying to one whcrloves i reby prants a tree cares fo jr a treej tad thenhave some tlwntlendnyjgcojnejiiqng ma tie his horse totho tree andlbe horse bite tho ybomlt itiorto have aoim stray cow ibreak f it don orsbme thoughfjess yon thim along and iwtttelnner it7 omiolevover the yotintqtrep tojc the depirtolem of lromigratiooripd colonintion ki tutsbeeaa jatrailaictml in tho on- thisni n increase of s per cent for the period uog legisjatare thedrovlnn of whi4 tim 1 under review j j widely knewn one paragraph tajouon sv tpurosejf lrrlofn ioerweelandi orwho- saffera ot peniuts my ajrmal f tin hisijtailge frenjoea7 an w 6lntostiefi thveof shall inenri penalty not iiamaifc v- tjpwhbifabirpaar two inonrhsqidtea nntnber of innicipal nncus it necessary to hold cifttiirt eiajimroiibr to6ul vaiajnena iqttejsn itancy iiiajifciljriucllu i jl jjeeeliiiijii3eemrablo dtirens would jjtfaens who have the ability to aeryatheirhome toirir well as nneilloia arenot to be elected mayor twice within seven weeks has been the misfortune and the p gooi fortune of tbrqbarfeae steele if portcolbbrne he suo- coeded tna cpnteatin junnijc tn to lose the seat oh a technicality iesrenj a coqtrii lter oiesubaeqtient bjrelectionhewat given the office by aodanntiop atld ipno eonflrrned in his-feat- v theerif delivery of tfce uodgm- speech by the donanion tiniater7orr9anceand4eimwicentetit that no tariff changea are to be made sfioold be helpful o business by removing uut nncertainly in mercantile rpranaatitions lrhich soibbtfnwvltsiphtnb ate pronouncement of government fiscal policy baakv of mo i view tto jojyftilejheir pwfjon cannot perhaps be juatifiea one can at least sympathize with them tjv jj jbjsj attipioe aryioourna eays a business man i wnohaashowo ability in bhr line is tkntuncu rle is perhapspurin ltrvtscdlmrtteand ia respensiwe finances of the province permit and if reconstrae if is necessary the municipalities should be reliev- ainni lliry and gaining run along other linea iarifhdnncil is criticized jn every street wrner axujnien get to talk abanjiun juuifho were ks- srnnrnuute aaaat the endoftbe year heis 7 ajcobsfliinjate ass he has been icrckedrnt hojiai ieceaved id he has been demeaned in lbs pffeuteibr jm4be5tnitirnl sp venrgfc ino directions experiences like thl jejijn1sjjcgfr asdfte question arises aboajdnt iivsbmehfcb done to retojpdy the sjruatloa sotbat isjh aakifjll lyipeil moreatronrly to our bnf aptieeip oriag inat period other mtraj ielpajvbdiev suib as boards of rntaitlooutilty j dba pviharbou etci irioie r ifngw ienruj a pottipn of ibenicmberahlp retiring y ana ft m gvvr h- comes iigtx- iytra for tpwn omneijsjt hsad speaking ef thi councflvpoicy- wooldn jtkotc in the average town naibjrve 2 k ji town coopoil conaiie ituttentiojlr ittr kfejgfaaitjt mtfavnte his whoiejrliia to the job the soperinodl ftrn theagricnltnral representatives the ittrt abwnuwb dde4ipena blttwtttb f bjijimof cacr born r life insurance alcs ywdied now jiigh point in ckniuu in 1b26 sales of riinjy life insurncc exceedins u preyions rocords witb 4710000 paid for dnring tlw yparsra gainlof ii p cent oyer is2s unoitf tht ptotincea saajutchewan leads second with 17 per cent increa r bin day witui flprinatlintv lnltbity jean auk alminer in it prime aj dsya autuquai oiheen- bh- wftarv thankcn ou jaon jlworcfaiijf bjr day- tluit canla ald avaiea onxtbiiatoat help nad stmrrl zttftb in pvtuncerw cair wajt3aan ybehwtt will aeotha 3rl ummd an ord ofaeairope txi t t wlarton koho- lon- kw jpatrrjpa fiillalouii- ntterrpttblltrwobiblpar jurt i6 niattfrydltttrtnf win ot washing jar ta9 mtf4i an- mim tjrimvortmnt ni 1 nnirtiy tha hrrtialpg o xqllt into- uk a m tuowhip r jtumaj m chrlat pcsroaiamlifaua1t- eafmowfc ther wt wbq oww draw harp etutukat tetwen vansfvam anfl tp itaiona edl9atl9ik tha ervrcauaitd partly bjr wtrirtliwiiaaiiaftf la wltbj uiat xtreow roainajonutformof ooirermmonv and daqyr buic or rwiwoiiaadgemaitpi phj inii- lmtnajrpt- braollma- li ttid ultlniata and onlmlhaliir objecttrn pt hisflh w nither 1 waal rrxini uniliiifqa which oofiid jtnt tarn kattldihjor iffert idaab and una irtttfwraa ieiaalitojih tacffkuml catam pt ho- otaurpfa a- atmli 11 include pajutofa ooo- tractive 4 a iihaimote form- atloo which 0iai0tartat tbi work of wmjrtotxv iurtjrpah4rl4aav i njihqu duqauatria icaattatff an ncvktahallacft in- he embbt cbvl rtatunjbutjon r tha indlvldtial anrl of ct to uuu and a oomputc pro- aram of traljfoq adaoaioir yrfn firo- 1dafir tif afkeclal traainient of do- llsauehu whatever the roeaau or daareeof at deunqutmay niay- be itjjtthtconrliiftn- thlmov o i clfunuon thatirfwll of innttrtoi briavlv6tiinn1aatlo adcoidanp -v- idaepaanrjtolhaoriiatuntoldlav tblatoo nad ltb irltaal iuv se- neeeaaaix iff hsv loii of ebnercte iaakqtprotvct that ufaimlat f tnnprnoav that wotrid jt pw i the neatlbnal efnpablll f- andmstlaodaiare extremelr important the wprsc ol tbe cjfaurtth school thar ujnlaeojieewwvor ntlaasphed wbaftiibey a wdetucojafflot with tta anceltwhc agnrnoae uuftr jthoaid worai l5mfjdbj5 oihada 1 tha to pnthat the fiscillyeaj cidd jaquary 31 1927 amounted to 18199 compared with 76430 for the same period a vcjir agpy accofding to a statement jtit msdejublic at the meeting of the good roads- association of ontario last week the following resolution was passed g this convention- recommends to the government the advisability of assuming the whole coat of maintenance of provincial highways after nartiatfoticoiu u the tunes or more ad thes at plaht ha hnruttunriqid aooldlhmtip bed tmft reeolr tk bullfa houee f or hluuelthere ebould sir james aikens has opdejised into a single sentence tie secret of sriccessf al democracy it is ynaiwvnwtualo rutioujilbased upon tie princple that every adult nonaia perapnould tajor ftsbfe hovovslbit bisrw tii n tvl -7- lmanie1ria tafhe federal ana anvanewna does not muinidpal to the feoerali andjny onovhpdoea noj do is gat dealing fairly witfa the talaace of the population- collingwood flnlletin vj- j the united states has aeeenbjjd invitttjonjfuciwf lisuoa hlajown tiuv ietto oritibns to particiu with the coro- r ntiftee designated liy tbe cppncl t formulate a coo- one municipality that a n sbuuddl introlof4tiiirlwt tuaazik nii mnbjngbgnmj6ii vepxesenutive to the meeting march w to draw up a tentative treaty as a basis for an international confereqeo later in the snmtnertbis- is one of the ant nioves of tho united sutbss toward obordinatiog with the other powera in tbteaguoof nationa kui acrlvitim npney if the govjrpmerit is gpioj toapjjid the lt only- fair that iirlculniresbotsd hives faxinertijie censldftrte ajaamodesrilft nduwr5wiatbiilie wmaaet vn moatlaa nure wvswvaqpudilua m4ba kawai anatt swaa va aimh t fitlifailaaa dntan4ho r 7400 wbbdi dutributioa 0iir hiflhftari jf on fliti at itftoi vsiibtijjgy lttbod the large loom on wblbi mbtber ujdju4 xacnny weaving open- lnafr the anutii room brtn laht wu a- imr woodshed- whb teraada ndleai3taor3btporoh tnito whjeha doarjfrdnv tha httien opened td tberat tbrarwaaaloa tdofy at thabaofc acjhawaav ipooaa abed room- 6peid st tfiev kkabeit to the left and bjinttu atatriqty led tin t tha boyv roottweeh tho doone toj the porobwad waahropps off jpv waabroom ai uodat tbe stairway war the etalca- 4eadtpa to tha burro ooo cellar tbera wmlewjbiuina- wall of thv- cooltat ajid t- clem spring water undflrr tha roof of tha satoopt m the daok with the curb- around h andtbe txlld oakenfinefcat stood op ia- jurt u purb ttieadwsel waa lowered and raised hr means of a rope wetkbt sad pojley sly fathers parents oum to live wltansbpd iheir occupied tbalara sqnare room off the ball to he rlaht had this roomvaleo cptntnuntcatad witb the fclteben trve did ndt catf hiih aaadthtt bijt used th old jpyrljan r hitnw hjranllre sjid this we hbortened to qrandslr and this room was called mndslrs boom tbe room at tbalact of hebail was sup- p aafox a parky but- was sel dom aurd for that purpose soatct thneyu was asobobl room and some- 1 times we phiwrab used ittar a foay room the fctteben wim the- place of aaaistarjfrnrtranjotsh 1 mot j om hojtiesa ad niar- tlba lathe aayandsiraw in to ad i bam had many attnknhm tbmt aerred to beep usont from bndr jaothr feat a swkj- deal oftbohjma from th fur4bren ottjmbaiuwaai abiiutbinatahjway which led a th nppey rooms with a lanninaj dace a asrtxiwhsjl cojthecuna tha ioomat tno room eatatnlna thotroat window was a targe stttlur room with apara bed roos off if oar nsthara baejthbad suffered so in the yesrsjba trateoed wachar tjuhc uoar lohjr dhif taneca mh modtopplna on ihs wavnfttwiiti i mo atad- toeea tha qipbs4res in front tbey wereptatnted by my atstsy ctouortwjfo tdr toutteen years was a diisakauuy aonaheiiidlaha orer four years ot this ttma aba was jlmpna thaaraa indtaaa at morwax houso hndaoh pay territory befnrav the iboontry was- opened qp for wbltoj aatleibefitr jsnerwards sbctanabt on the indian fteaerratlon two miles south of flarnhi and anally she tauabt oh tbe reaertatlotrof ohiistbin i in the oeorslahbay here at the ra- aaaat f tha indians she ooneeatad that tbey aire ber an indian naxne she bvetha ensfemary teasi to the bribe only tha chief h whattbej be s fc chamber where tbe preachers after thalr lops rides jmooldj have a warm omfortslie room and this was the propbafs chamber and many a preaobercound tbe comfort ajtdrestbc jiedesd there that brother zenas adacav cametobe fcnowjt tk and nearaa tbq preachers boos the two brothers kara and stenaai were- both ordained nunlaters fit tbe methodist cfeurob and ia tbose early days bexpretbere- was a chureh ooi sreaation t acton they tnojt l upon themselves to look after the spiritual i interest of tha pelshaorbood and fa this work they foundtheir wives moat active helpers hanlb wo tse bnut pronodnoasiy him and then u waa rbvftitr the aky wonisji8iwawna aocxalted iatheir satlma4on that lncnooalnir a name it y could tkink of and so it was beyond ihe sky family sa wen as the cmidran of the aetabborbood was a very vital one wtthonr psjnsou and what could be a teacher wore her re her merrlaa of straaa onautotiooj- and full of eouraaja so aba decided to start e school herself whjotrahe dtj pthtas an ber own thlhtresvwltlihar even to her baby fjoaeph into tbe room and tb work jvae nij eteatly don tbrn cm fathas t creek hist fed tba tsrae mill pood dolo the wdrh fclmwf besides be- lac a sidmiltbouae this oaoamaa mtetj ins bouse atsey wbanulje people sapr -ltor- pifaaahhiatt iwaysr meetlnaa jtftbr a tloieojder inambere of the adabw famulas tookebarsa f the aohool nrst ens and then another until ftnalfaf tbepeopla of tbe nsbrfcljorhood besan to thinh they hould bulhra aohool boose and hire steaohv and it was dope xaiftar our fathers dasthrpviacbar uaued to work the arm for white kie tliw wilis wflbtli smiptyl tbesfsrf hnstnaea reasoas and also id la- bar xamiiy betur eduaauonal op r to mere- to toronto thb ah did ieaytnathabo tn the oar otaa aaant for reptal r just at the time tha qmnd trunk ksjiwav was ttndtr ooaatractlon uuu thalsjinery was benjr enl waabmjoulc iiaterio jui brjop4s- s rather temporsxy sddltloa btoit at th thort hans and toubed i thwnodahea far urjwtta pbe sant sa vary careful about teaaauba mor tubv and disc u 881 on dodos- evanahsm what- wrona meknlnta been clyon to tbs tnot what is the place and reia- tiye importanbe of evamcellsni- in the iotaiwork of the church t how is tb work of foretan mumoiui related t etabavusmf the work jif social seri rtoet arv education- and erancellsm mptitanyrendnalvie tsrttt how are the two activities related to each jcmly fteadlnss for newt wveek monday march 7actst s1s tuesday march tucu jv 111 wnesdaymarivpaunrju i- thnre4ay it iuke- 10 i0 jriday msroh 1 1xeiatrasalr saturday 13 ie la quite on improvement to its appear these trees are to rhe memory of toy noble missionary alstar ab-wus- iherbsokway my tather planted a row of maple trees in froqt on the road side this must have been u 0 years ao thtyhad beooma quite larireand thrifty wfieqln dolus road work vdheh was dtujetoo clues til tbvl tree and sereral of died i tbe tsit i knew tjtere were either fooror sis of them standlnar are they atld there if mo tbey must be maxnlflpent tree by this time after ebmany years of wrowth how i should love- to see them npwrhave written a areat deal more no doubt tbsji you will cttre to fostself jmnn u tit jnj m a m of tbetubdraelyou win ear to read mtoxjh of it at all but vetttaps you may since- you now own- the bouse j am telling qbout v aonloa adams major orahfhas sept the following in t te potst am sandlnsrto the old man and mary for they bouwlll remember a lot pf ib thlna mtss adams writes t o h i a few unas absati riy- vi the sacred old her letter was of especial uv t to ma naamuob aa t lived in this suma old houee from ltita lml sad it le with the area ten of pleaaure rjook back on that time of our uvea when rhedshpts then made left awaat memorlea inous case thlswaa par- u wlaswy- eo and whfnl begin to think of them i hardly know when to stop herettbamajor enumerates m boat 9fjtu personal friends whaooniprtse all the old resldarat offlfty years ago fuaa aae e h i goee word to ay and now following- au thee he says i must glva you thevllatof the blan- ubd brigade and th fanuieai rev lauchlan oauiaon coi altah john oordoo john bobertrand james war rsi jwrtec3ct- hugh ronaleejiv jphh mann simon maln teter matnawrjminitrin ye4ss ionoa mtaviah aabartrhnd arable mwhgraon john medougall johnn mcphedasn jiroh campbell an qiinje john btalbarfl jbn 4awsbniohfi jand jux waldle nell keith duawa kennedy how i nylss those omtme friendships a rfisaiolahx meet ot neis musttiavo iotas cifvolume humtooirted ffer radiola resjdb inttiantly at the turn clear riiymctth- ajuft hmbpk owtawp ill local nts actqnront isa deiiiero mm v cahaoa starch ok looted uqfmtsm v j cadesky op toronto eyesight 8peci4ust wili bo at izts b6wnn dlldoetorb acton wmaayjrttto 7 inyone sdlterliig from bye- atraln dafsctlve vjston or h abooht not miss tb opportunity of oonaulting this ayeslght ppeclauat appolnt- monts may be made witb mr a t drown druggist- c0nsttjratfon wrbibu qjfice hnursfl a jn juiu n-nw- atrthb calk nlwiw ihrlfnatiaa f tjrt anhlmrsaxy and i one week wc offer slioywjfjaaaettv andapec taclea at 1sontjtnpea this- la your ahanpa toaava from txto9s on goodpar pt glassos ouruaual thorpriib sxamjn-r- atlon with each pair in every i cfisa re hsvajun added several hew lttsfrimentb to our exahilo- -aton-rootn- and-stm-bayathe- bsat equippodoptloal establla r rwnt tfrwmferh onuuio optometrllbl tothe canadlsn paeiflo railway to optanwtrlm mfg opllol euaot attia ppatoaioi- i savmcabtujduui x gnttlph f woticq tplcrehitob tha creditors of kenneth moleod late of the township of kassagawey in tbscounty of hahon- farmer who died- on the elgthteentn dayof janu- mryntatrwrrinnor4tishtrio unr uudaralgned solicitor tbelr full names addresses- and descrlptlona full pj-vtl- culara of their claims and the suture of the security if any held by them f r and this notice being given id pur suance of secgj of the trustees act lgeov chap 40 notice la hereby further eren hhatmv and after the tenth day of march 197 the executor will proceed tb distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties legally ehtltlad thereto and- ha will hot- be reaponsihla for sny claim tot which ha- baa not then received patedat actpovont this tenth day of vbroarya n itl7 xoftmam moiabojd xbceciitor by h n parmkb hu solicitor acton put mi savage company i jewellers china f flvware tower wyndham st phone 671 gukuph v j- ln cir surf eeliajbio grodte sod fturbfe works jj ttitfc for chstor ouvrfwcoric teething drops wdhiw srnifpftred for intsnulh mdui jmj crudrep all aas to avoltt mtitt ahaajs jc lw d we era mahucturers and direot uq of nf moniimanf and jheadsto w we salldlreot td ouy cuatomers at wholesals prleea thus avraa our customer to per aeat wahaya the best app the only meobaoics la the domlnlob who ana operate poeumatlo toola properly wfr aah igive tehsrencas frotn hundreds of our customers in toronto and other i puvcaa where others have to have law itmrtdonur to oellsctr wvbave the 4argast and beet stock of oranju in v thrv m jnjrftni fhan ary- i daa1ers utths west w are legnt- nuua dealara lld- emptor no agents and do sot rnoy or pest customers by sending- but ignorant agents solicit ing orders wa employ only meohjuilos aps defy oompatltiou s bamiltgn sons ssi i

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