Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 10, 1927, p. 4

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7 v wwjg 3siaaas8ii3 7i vv j v ji i sg krtlu ifemjrn tod bellas ckhm for at lb fotlewiaf ri m- ibrrucm get defies nci cm jbc mc jct lias tent for jtf p born cltowbonrin acton on monday 1 mih 7lwtrtomr and mr tntt crewson a sonrjoseph frederick 7 bled tnvmr ti q oew hospital on- friday march tj kenneth tovqu ep offr tip lata fkmubl tovtjlokramoea mills 7th yw urownat western hospital tor onto on monday february m 17 loretta hetppeon beloyed slff fit i ii brown aged 44 yaaciuu1 jfookh- tr ofmra fl i lm at cnawbon at h10 homehapnf mnlawmr at bs crlppa jjowr attliw actnnoo widnaiy iilunjfi j 1m7 sarah ann floper widow of the talnmptmii crewsou in her 7imyoart neighborhood news na88aoaweya mr harland wllaon lot 14 cbn naaaasaweya haa sold hu larm to miwraa harriatovl slvtb flrat off avrlu mr dayld aicndwon jjf urookvllj km reptad hie farm to mr j6hp bqlfr ttjjinwf ssserts tbjpnapayt frrtnowiii rw brief local jntewb tho idea of march 1 jcha akatlna- rthkt agent unday with her muwu ftiere mr qeorge coulter ot toronto pent the wekjrf eltta his parent r and mr j cook and family hv-aov4- over to- mr bogere wrtriwtrof viery- aliufcyrrwalunc for few- days tils weak rulee tor we are mad tosave safety rulee ere guides they theatowey jv rruahy etfdewalkaliaya been tola th lest week or ao loo cutteraaxe throahhth harvesting operation v wthadaya will aeon be laughing with- the joyouanoaa of sprlnc the robin are wtui tte agalnr with ttolrhartmln anrlntfaofft hoxuaiuuiy yi ftratt low tor a fowdaya tho flrtt t maitjl oroan kv ahowtoa- on- the hp m wltacaa la monday 7 brouiftt out the aaov 4havala ow ufai lltue work lltuo play to keap n inlnavand ao aood 7 flpj smchtntr li toont otot for the eaaon it laated for- ajapn jwpq ahaon a hl wb mlas4 dorothy mctchor and wary darby oomtntfncad training tor ttnraql on tbtfttrarof wo monuu v fkrmeraqnxa cattlncthaleiinmer aupply of wood teamed homa-nd-elr- cular aawlnfr beea ra in order tha recant mud weautar haa brought the apvltw blrda around ttcain a turo indication thateprjnt- fa oomlnar i- tenfwcotta the itav mr whddoll orsulnafud preached an oxoellaht aennoii oa bupday asmnlna l havetogo to icfko an opera- we hope aoon to hear of her recov f georgetown quarry pn tfae jth ljpe la tako charge o v j4 raine waa called away on flattoday to attend toa mother tunflraialj mint michlgtxn we ei- tend jdaoareat aympatby fmr rmaaahwiaal toatlia laa-aj- dairybneineee quite extenatvely r jc s theiadlea of baiinooaaiirnftyowena inaututo hw tbeir regp february wrtunjr at the home of mlia betty- jjowtfi a vary enjoyatfl eveulng w apent 4y tea membera and their famlllea a yvy gttod frogramine waa given baalde mualo and reelta- uonnfhere waa a debate reeotved that- the n annrtjgntniu haa uutwimore jouoma and country than the modern woman community etnaing and a dajaty lunoh omptautt tn ftydalnanifl next mating will be at the honsa off mraw idocullouch id the evening lornh ochool jlorne ficbool report for bruaxy 1 aa followa r xv bartiarathjthrla- jrradartck arrop varna murray jr rvttbehna qraff iaitra jobs ton juacry murray fir llwtta bwaekaraerdotiglaji ottthrle qraffie draff jr il itotwtrt aterrltt hubert maio- pherpon v li bdrjd jobnatop j3exa jenhyiifwea bwackhanier rtnir uuby macpharaon clifford feforhte jgta- ifctrcffr teaoher l v4 greenock sohoou opening saler watah for tbe opening of thd iallanta economy store thla win earrya fall una tiff centra furnuhlnga ladles and children millinery and oenerol dry oooda sale starts friday march loth jt 190 am- advance jppft fiotwear juif in at harrisons sx r j mnijhng baeains hwtmr filaio- i coatm ttoohna ims houi- pnt is49 gallon daon window frtno floorinav wauboord tliiiuaanda nr llulldlntf llarvatea r calalbauo llalu day company box slllt llamllujiu gfeax ihrikf for co8tipati0n 8bo b60 at draofjta rfe burunqton h 1 ui umcfl tttyrloai t jbaajjmrm the acton woaa coaidg from the alxtbllne toaotod w1m toe w- manent amrt iilj nuheen fixed by the town council at u mlua on the dollar the chamber- off co had had a boay week in thatr laudable egprt to land an haportabr faey jjg iduatiy for acton rlsssht do any barm to e that lw w tahe inamuaememt- eventually loeea cp- aolty ftr belna amneed tfrauttf 41ahermn bad a moat profltable catch one- day laat the poaablnad hanl of th uue fleet totalled two tone- of lab ia pieaaaht surprise waa gltett mr w t plover t hia home lu wed- neaday evening when mombers anl wfyea f aivr3lprer hunt- club gathered to do hlnv honor the ooca- aton belna the anplyersary- of his birthday mrs xharenoe jbl wood and mus roth breokoji want to cleveland on thondaorjaat to see jmftaa- mabel biarran of tbe cleveland hoaplul nursing atatx who badundergona an uon had become rather serious she 4e dowlntprevinr r 7t jo rise to t abaiiengcr4wr members tor th-jfnr- tleultural society in if 27 t the fee la im a a dollars worth of nursery stock or doawnanolee gladioli bulba 4 varieties mrwj brldgman who underwsnt an operation at the hamilton hoo- pual last week la progressing leely beport of schoorno brjn for tjje saonthsvof january and february flr iv iwri w mocalg joseph fonistel calvltf alt- ken wulle johnston cordon bealle m m nr jr ivannletutkeo bessie fbrea- ell i1l brelyn pearbn ltt foreatelt james mgcalg a i jnyd mnkoown ktsie kalaon a xtveuns xambert a urjvbn rorestelv robert a jtaok aylea ksnnelb mcdonald a mar iorle gmocal w fvtjean marlon xslle lawi son mccutobeon 3sle- maude a jean mann a pr rae west jea aitkanvoordop mckoawn ortnt- allan blanche maw dougkas mcdonald xtl it aray teaoher jr i fintbstwlu hold abair utu j n okell miss m bell ef new tprk la apendlng a few weeks with her sister mrs j a thompson of qileen street ibljapcil xl in thetmeabol notice fjotlcb la hereby given that delia jmisahelh navies tffllstown itfoak- vflle in the county of hal ton ip the frovtnoe of ontario marked wonan- wlll apply to tho parliament off canada at the present ov next sesalori tneroof for a bui off dtvorps ffrotn her us band wuuam henry davjes of the city of quelpbr la- the county of xwlungton fn the province off on- adultery and f desertion jatbnt toronto in the province of pntarlothlais8th day of febraary atj 1i7 t james b roaf sj gustj 0611oltor for theabove- named dpph cant 175 auction sale in town map of eiun farm stock implements and household furniture tbe undersigned has received to alrlictlohs from harry medonald line 4 erin 4 miles north of acton to sell by public adctfcn on tuesday m 2 itt7 r at 1 ondoclrsbarnthefollowlaa- horb 1 qay jgeraer heavyr aged 1 aged bay mare 1 qray horse another mot is o foottblswetlf to secure hydro for fltewarttown mrar her parent 1 at rocanvilbaakt7 q hoiataln co w calf aifoot ihnlstlo mtsb d sheeuy ofdeeroll is cowv cak at footi 1 hobteln cow vlsklng- wllto her parents mr art roewt ga nsoosr and bnae5wntpemtson stwejleiley mr wm honstpn- m a- education let and jottrnallal who spent ow flfty years n the toronto globe staff bmm taken up residence cif- elisabeth l j w r ft 4jtwtlltlinlnprpbdrtohis de w- partnre rom toronto to beobme i roswsni here xbooaton waa pre seated with a parse mr houston who to qnitebjctlvefor a man off his write a new eaibfcn off 0 tin constltattlhir -waa- putilskea4alieriuidis lony out off pitntcqasej rp tlirnrf a r ment thlaweeathnarianpr ttnne to improve njoety 4tevtx m frltb tbe new pssor off tbe baptist ctfurob oonunenced his dutlgfe iero on sunday- when he cha off iwtfa services he kjvan a cordial welcome the boy scouts held a suocessfnl entertainment in st oeorgee bundaji sebool rooms last friday eveplnav there was a good programmtv inolqd taat a trip rdundthe world in i t with isjitern snsby kpv mr wase aw ttit proceeds- wtfl aen p qifrfpinlr qhlrr jiti oakville btriy senior- off toronto delbrered aneaddreas at the bap- tist church on taeedayr evealas uiefvttltfojntople stewardahlpv the aanhat jjitardanomina prayer aerrloer held in the baptist jphurchon friday afternoon was rrrtrrlstgaiy atleadea and a devout and balpfnl of is off to a yood start tbrni the en- tbueuam nay continue is w wish for cbealey cbambor at comineroerz ut jammr curfca who haa 4mu clark and treasurer of soora for twentyone years has retired and mr bp c jyalnd has been appointed to v tftt ajwiattjotafm tyvv radio has been proeldlngsotne dch progrsttiroes isialy the broad- caatlaso4 the concerts tirtbe wind aor choris and wssastdatsr abbey choir boys were graatly eejoyer mwp mo baa porefaased from- mr john a watson tbe twp- story brick house bn main street op- nrsltn ttdnrmhoii aim rng4w was ihu tome of jthe thonjms bbbogw strnlly c majiyr years i v v rwtua complaint in regard to the oondltlen of fall wheat bj pelagr made ao r there la more lee on the lc wheat than farmers care forbut it is eenshtered too early tr ipsri a- fore u et off the crop jn uilsdistrjotj tha is an om exylaf tbttui rmlbaon jrw teva a moderate winter- and hou ennmer wttb only r terac eropaotgraln tint ood- op ofhoner well weh watt and the oonaunt 4rp of water wears cwaytb bardeat atone the oonataitt gnaw of towaer masucatea the tough- est hone hf oonstant wooing jover vesjtlev nir she broshma maid- and the matant adrertlw 1 m i- at the meeting- of st judos vestry it was decided to mike a presenu- tlon to the rtlrln- mlnlsterw warden mr c annsbropa as a mark jf asr thciatlqirot bta thirty years docu pancy off that ofllce isiat thuraday evening- the oakviue bastem celebrated a aeeond birthday y holding aaociaj evenw in tbe masonic temple when scores jjresent from royal cbapter toronto weatda and burlington chapters rev jslmunro ix waa greet ed by a large congregation at st john united church last sunday wnrnlng which yrmm an evidence off the fart that hes welwbjefl fcek alflwigsttdi old friends pltar at the annual- convocation pf the grand chapter ofcboyal archmasom b t ottawa lu week v ttc copip jtcjuuaron of gnslpb was also nppolateaas- grand suward herald s rock wood bred xctobr u aupposed to be in oalff 1 hblateln cow bred- september 4 aupposed to be in calf x holsteln cow bred september supposed to be in eaiff 1 tarunartwr jkuitlvr4 qtfeseanaqttnd 3 tbfilet wjlott our banraptbsjebmut sat urday the iltn a m ah su tu 1 bejved itt ltttub eaton o j 74 moponnall 6l eaat opposite mercury offioa phena 2il1 jquelphont bargains in houses for quick mlb 1 beauurul bkinkaiw onvent- enccs altuauon the beet 1 prhcotxiuersconveencmm large let garage frame pmma ii atame 1s ideal location oonvenlencee would ou aeparjato- 3600 nlck yatoe cottage goodiol jdquhln hnusa tlfrflo wul- r r der month great investment qood toreand dweblna situation the- beat bound to sdll com terms on all properites- tot nave the moneylwe have ihe houeea let us get together ask kergs real estate hexnow8 i r tr j s zr r 1 ji bunched sheeting i3iechod 2j4 yrd wide rgsitr iflff oc2ji- ipeciiu tot l jzz wfcj -f- 1 1 j il bloachod sheeting z yttia wide regular 75c for j unbleached shkbhng utiblochdsielingz yard ide good value at ca floc special for ju iuj wv engu8h hanneaktte 25p yirds engllst flapncjclto extntwiderrwia aftwrmof colors a white pink and gray stripo good value qaii s for this week at svirijii21 elvwf v l flaneletie blankets r 7fs pairs flannelette glanjcets white and gray larj jt at per pair vl w ffsi in special in grocery lept tv- pxgivlsow jrlth pbrs 4vweeks old 1 sow supposed tq bo in farrow impiuembntst1 deerlng binder new -ideal- a feeti 1 measey- harris mbwer f feet 1 frost lb woodtlger bake 10 jtootlf steels drum tjanfl rnnan x v tooth cultivator spring tooui47iinivatorrvm iiartie seed drill 10 bees complete 1 maseeyharria seed prui 1 aei draga4 sectlonstldlso harrow i scuiricr l tawfurrow flowtiatlphat pleury a no jo buggy ijocal talent aeems to always draw weu tn oakiiue and this u especially true when the entertainment takes the farm of burnt cork mlnstreisy on monday and tuesday eenlngr the axtraxtlon being the annual minstrel show pot on by and in behalf of tbe oakviue baseball club it waa abundanuy manifested aire special meerjns off the town council etttpsmtoff oakviue are oognlsairt of he fact that industries- re reaulred here in order to mastfr lx towpro wow and as a result lessen the fav owe of the jfoulest evenings of the winter aeaaon was participated in by about one hundred and twenty off our youne peok- whah the members off st john tjnitod- cnurob t plb brtatoed the mempsrs off knox cjfayjgjqgjpltft and rt judeavy vtl for this oeeasion iak hall mtm beautifully decorated wiuuferns a to the- welcome extended thevlalfcors by the members oj the executive the womens missionary society of ajpjabytarun church held er meeuns n behalf ofmil jthsbasemnt of the church latfjbiy afternocn- quite a number present for tbe oeeasion mrs albert gray is improvinc from her recent tuneas m mllroy off toronto jean torrance of simooe were home f the week ijamermeaisar otbt jeromes col- lege kitchener sited with gxattan barry over sunday john vance left last week for owen sound to- visit hsl father and brother who are on the sick list th sajexander- has tnd from his farm en the ttb una of kramosa to the residence which he purchased from mr harry pejtcb last all george and william gray bare also moved from- the farm eth line and gnavel road and are living in the village atpubuv meeting- of the rockwood aarlcnltarsj tjodiety will be held this ithuredsy evening in gladstone hao to eonsbser the possibility off starting a bacon hog fair and other off q19- society mfc u w of the dominion uvo btook branch la to be present hd adnteai the meeting- f jhe- baohelorssd- benedicts held anotherdanoe in the town hall last thursday evenlig1 jmjh3rgorsor- cheocriu oi gnelph supplied the music about its were present as a twsnlt thvjiae weal past few days tbej snow had a good eettltns and javk frost was obliged looash bis bold in outofthsy maaeeyharrls 1- nov plow 1 no si fleuhr plow tehlyboaot ptpwjvi of outtem bug w tongue t rubber tire good aa new pah off lobslelerbs 3 bench band tde 1 bajnxumber wagon good aa new t wagon 1 wagon hay rack j gravel bovaslh yards- l ragon box x boy stove 1 setoff steel eprlng 7000 forwagoofl chatban fanning mill baxger annplet- i oconnor vraabtnf 1- canip store quantity off- stovepipe wblltleireee necsryokes 1 daisy churn- 1 good ladder beha grindstone scoop shov els pick axe bars and chalnat 1 crosscut saw -v- book sawrst heel chains 1 sharpies separator 1 qoan- tlty off milk pans pane coal oh stove burner household furniture harness pt o -heavy- hat- ne light set of bach bandmarnes art plow harness some- odd collars lowpf prices and better qnality j the witoinationta bimjmnga nam bbct w jsqneeor bbownesacton produce sgboceitrco shredded wheat for u-ji- ojtn starch j for choice toniatoes 3for 10c 25c apptes 6 lbs for bulk sodas 1 io ginger snaps 2 lbs for- u- 25c 15c 25c agoocl 75cj8roomfor50c quautv rutst and always que r mottp independent grocer the stoke that leads in qualty and prices htllstreet acrotcotrti c jaaieipa jha ekce t sa pmiovj m ijam tgrmb flcolf and ohder wlli ovaittnrttunbmnrttnonllii lurnliriiuut approved nt not atralffht off or eaab fowl tumli z r j kerr aimtlomar 37s pbon st aoton c o pink clertc s rwu w moall tbwlli mtolhwnbh wor fl a cood prtvln mara itmn roan coflr da jrolin it watta of banrapa coareh ottawa na 1 appolnud to uieehalr ot prac- kliomon rav hr wa ot bomon obarelkjatttmuit in th aillar day at ou mtelatry bob cbok tt botohooa oootuc- l tvtn aaooritli amatadlooaaand ladiad zsztzjzi amatadlooaaand ladaad fata in qrancylu m aad aant tli ktifr watr wro ta irouowlnji did s warbji p atnjn it u ant what thay cain bnt sv whatbm- aar tnat aaka oa men kiim not rhat ajr m tat wnat biii jif ranlamlw tbat inaaw ltafjld ilnnl wa4iay bnr wjwt tlmy nractloe that miauoua- oubl1n jhlblln blanch of tfii woaum la tttnt put an thaplay muued th ladr o ubranr a ooandr drama in s aeta numns dhool n tuaaday nantaat tn maool waa flllod to ea- aolfil a t ja d tna work ww wau tn dnbun- orehojtra fornlahm moaln bttwu taaaotawsnih waatooroukblrvnjoy th prooaeda will fa fti w work 7- on tuaodajr ttouncv lix dwuaa moqoaaan awqnd lln dro to hut barn naakaaad and jatt hia cotter tandl a a uia fflt i moml ta rob iill d it laaaa aa i chl imjkpoui bntonly th thaerowa aro already maklns their app and no doobt many of tbam ax laoklnv tor aomothlna aatlaty thlr apnautea moo orangemen at guklpb w il 1 kbrr i4t of balis jnnraaay marsh om allan ji b acton farat uaa b- 8sw ralilibsma of th w took aaj niprrala j f5m anatntijalc toaaaayi j barry kedoa lilwywltoekaaiwrata and womornrurati b in i irjaavaah lot pleiowt hajjaild qraln rob waamunina tte utaran qoelaty held thalr lacalar smauac lt thuraday rn- tn at tha tionia o ilr atatlfra hrtwybayara nrtr all th ron bar attaodad atlar lh hualnv waa 4dom th rouawlaaproatamma waaatvan raadloa bynom rurwa ml v aprowlgmv g-relaisttri- and the dubun jasabaod gav two l dorvtoy frank xavred thirudleooa with woeolna wwehersre enjoyed- very muen ittnob waa s and a social hour apent misses alloa andmerie stewart off xsronto spent the weektnd at their hnarere t fc heme withthasstlton relartveat r josae jroootorsngusji inaod orange- woman from- aw- parts of ontario are in ouelph for their annual three- fold grand xodge the grand lodge seesfona are off three aeottoos ef the e b might igtr unreoervcd auction sale- in eiun twnsaip farm stock implements hay and orain cto the uadersgned itasveoelved in structions from tbe executrix off ui estate of the late john miller il by aucllon on the north bbut half otxot 13 conceaalon 4 krin one mile from 0prlige on the guelph hoad on thursday marph 4 1927 at one oclock sharp the athowlng -aotu3b- r bay mareavf anttlo years bay marecolt well broken and a good one cattkjblaitcv calf at tool bred again 5c for spring- cleanjnq brooms 45c 55c g5c rrchlpao xhinsojarge j 23c chiflf afniic irfigio floor wax polishipertin newliiidte i per dozen falcon baking powder our own brand 01 i tb tin ciic harcvwater toilet soap- for v lintex crepe foilet ic paper reg 1 5o 3 forapc large wblte faplqcii oa z n for asvc elmira creamery m q butter per lb- fresh dairy butter per lb shredded wheat 2 jfer 2se natipntl atchc5ba boxes for i aciajlc brass polish large tin trl- 20c snral tin lfkv p g soap or pearl tcii witenapthar sr f orakc muffets 2 for 29f 25c todhanfers pore 14ii cocoa i lb packets idc purity whetiets jc lbsfor jfciafc roiled oats 6 ibvjil 25c white swan wheat oc flakes reg 35c for acdc excewor psstry hinr 24 lbs for 08c 7 lbs for 3j pure bulk shorten ing 2 lbs far- pure balk lard 3 tlsior- 32c actons y gash carry save botcher shop yhstfoiribt quality miani lan stew pr b 11 and lio mcbnicc ht tnlek rb roaat piw lb 1o slrlolnetaak per lb l 23o bobk l rjolaawjrk par tb i iii bnttrot porktw zs fimokl ham pwn sfoi plonlo ham par tti tba cottax rella fwtb 2sa lard pure kettle rendered lard per lb 16e 3 lb paibjsoc eat fresh eqos and choice dairv buttbh alwavs in stocic r deal with orrie lamb and save money 1 i i we deliver after school and qtf saturday the acton produce grocery co c k browne prop phone 169 1 indepepdent grocer wjlhjbal at foot brm aaain cowrraan with calf at fpol anln sad cow da april t aln cow wlfh pjdlbtra april hauar ju ut ijijll holllolkirr dua inprui raaiatarad rolilatn qmlf mwmoatna old ama btmt mooib tad tauna- cair worth flow not tfmi vhlta ow du april 10 h chunaa month old haa a wtwka old siobtfp brdlnr uim ram rowlabost 0bnt par brvd fblta laahornooatmr fitpifniaaaere krk wndar t foot oul nwirlyn pr- u u and tmeney tha grand xyal oi ldda ofonurlo waat w1ileh wot mmt on wadnaaday thuraday and rrldari ha xadlaa- oranva beaawt- lit aaaontatloaaf all womanaudgaav whloh opanad at- th ctty hall on ttieeday nbrht and win oontlntia on tbnradajr and ivlday roomins tb oomntluaa- whloh la ooklas- after rrangtnirta in tb alt i of ranrakantatlna of tha vllwtvlojtlklisalna rarlw and rpotw wlatr wd orsnd faa- t j the ohahmrnuiotiw the new follows tphone rates af as riumnt aamla rural ruali frt bimlnm u4 aboaairataa aratov wall aatk atavass oaata htanri la v iv howard wabeterv v ih raahaal kanjc 1 stnjart raddlok 7 henry kanr 2j bulrmophadncn imifrlatkarel llijiiiimr wakba lawm wabatar m a bataoauesjlndoaaoa wartar fryotm a wltar tryar m fa e- jrjbcagaaal- l saw m btana wbaur gfg rr t mai ruddlok si willi walduj ft 1 lajt andrew- i- ewr waldja tt lowara baanusli irt uanoano a i for aabaodlcltl waa m for ana or joora 0xvibt japorta awaahlan arlajboarjmbca vj iiisiss uaeiorfstaaetjdiee barrowr potato dwaar cookabatt twtfhoraa 0ns3rrj3ookahatt manor spteaaerr aeama wason two and a half inch lira boa and aprlng mat oomplma it n twoaaatad damoerat -tip- vroat wood mawar ontmfay rakaf haytttaoki stoek raokl at of alahrcaba eiooa llliputtot ifumybarru aalky plowf- plury how nolriuotilor oookahiluvlow froat a- wood twofurrow plow arowa4adaaat harrawa aiotlouai patata ifobldar rab4ac barvow sealoa 100 tba flaury tuw ttwat rnplninta ar aa nw rustcy txawn mowr a baa r jnew merchandise 20000 worth of dishes and fancy glassware clover 1 r leaf cops and saucers idc see our table of aluminum ware 0rfeayiiifjrcv7vi 15c ftorfumlars 1 1 tort vvjiwhaa cariy bay inlfi albarrowl mloa llrktrfij tjaok- 0bojnl pulya nublrbuato jsffitad- yaoblnav favarly naw an flow huihi ml gjnsl oat amporau toiw of hay noatly ttmothy about fmteraa claaar- akuaiaawtn-alb- abahlao iltajyldualraambka-u- is tftf 2l2lfilasbaaa4is3pvii jynaagwft om ralaadi about ttahaa of timothy and atfoeamdi a quantity iboft j atcooklnir rtanaa a sla ststrsa ji uratn umater svml and all aum riaao and irjdoado oaanxthat raauunt 4 rsat oatppror ol nataa oauat for saah vt rwfpi extra special vjune in new tyle giqghaffl house frocks broadcloth dreueaand ojher artitle descfibed below- shop wiere yop wjll you will notflnil g xalueto- equal this posr tiyaly tjio most attractive assoftientojf ldypripe4 presses we h yer offered the styles arc pleasing png roomy ffto mterlls ip luatirrand f ss eoforj them dreajes r qo skimpo4jnny way bu fmll- ilted nd relly worti mora that the price we ask laaafll farmforsale 10 cash balance iy xkagg past cwioilghajtihfiuse presses in new qheck patterns make a point to see this won- derful value at each 100 o house extra- large ste ur overstat gxv desertbed above bach j hjsj new euyle qlngham dresaas in popular cheok patterns jov- lar ouffs and veetee of ham bray mh ties at baak stsea irnedlum and large ksoh tuso attrsetlve brosdoloth dresses this pleaalng style made from nrtarcerlsed cottan- taggta u jijjpel tlnofitvortfcbtiar mxtt and ponkat trio ofenadldlh two kick pleats in front tflaea jcaoh 25 womens breaoeloh prliieess libs we were- indeed fortun ate in secuhna trils viuubinfuhiaef jprlneess htps oatxnebltah broauolotlr chclo of brbjhfpepula cotura 1ruw vjtnp tnlayaluv oaiintu wfipewv rloemere f ette i roomy btoemajy pr tbe ereijkipujay nweeruet sat to- ettrthl material u eytmdne ouajtty la eervloeable and the jytfiti welljntadn- douh auatlo at knev -a- imarkabie velucteach f 1 jo aeaaprasda atapased te em broider bedspread materia off heavy unbleached eotton about t2xtv inohes btanrpedfor em broidery and when worked makaat beautiful ipread each lte blaek sateen cjreepere j this mvtlalls eicna goo quauv and very servloeable at eaoh white pique creepera at eaxb t8c child apron ef enafeh breadoleth tmlnty tyle apron of- tine quality kngllah broad cloth flnlshed and bound and alattapad ready to embt agea i to 4 years at eaof qlnenam aptone at flan qual ity and gwi washing marehal in a deslaffuii tho soldicssfittlcnietit bogrd of canada offera for sale by public tciwlcf 100 acres south westerly half ef lottwo concesaioh ono erin twoship wdhngtori county the purtthaoer of this property must rely on bis own inspection and knowledge off the farm and not on tbe above o any other par ueruara or representations made verbally or in writing- by employees of the soldier settlement board t ot p mt the purchase pkitse tn e on lafeeptance of the tender and the belanoe in twnty41ya equevatuiult insulments wlth interest t percent per ummn oo the amortisation wphxn u- v f tender irniartta acoompenled by an accepted cheque lor floot if tender u accepted this eutm will be credited to the purchase prloe dff the landj if render latuit acceptedtbe money wui be rettirbee tee the tenderer -r- tb b at toronja ontario m march lti7 the highest or any lender not neoessarlly eopepted if the land la not sold or the date above mentioned tluoqaard wtube prepared to receive pptera to purehaw until auch- qnii as it is onally disposed of tenders boutd b in pulnbnvalopes marked tender tor the purche of hv hxat 1 ctonceaeleoxavth toemahlp welunkton addr tehdwrwrand epojurlea uk i rrvle 4jboiea settlement boano of canada f ffmjkee olstrm bqpehnundent dated at t0ffrno p fhli tttf day of jriruary iftl aak to see these at aaoh qbe qlrttmpantle dreaeae of cot ton fsnnel upt lije rthlns fur wehool or ploy is this wlbd olid cold defying drees of ottqp tlnnnnl with a4leeqy kiap- tula ta navery close imitation of real gitiw tun aaw t lb 4 yeara ijaoh w v rant sim fqdriasr4j yard n ogrft tringhem riheaks aqff rn pos pt esfll 16t lk sjlosiher rlate utuch wblte only i yards for fifte a sia 1- m tiuoee or wet ufwe t- atm ovesalls to oieaif aj each to reesor dry goods novelty rf- pbone9 t- specials for this week beef cuts round steak boast p nj l rump roast- per lb choice rib roast per lb thlekrlbroast perlkvrrv5 blade roast per b stewing beef perlb rib boil pertlb 20e i7e and 18e pork cuts fresh ham by the piece per 1b choice shoulder pork trimmed per lb 3w lbs of picnic ham per lb lac and 15c ue to 15e 10atol2yc 10c to 12c 25c 24c 1r iapgkandlabr 7 momeralo sauisgo 2 ft uc bulls tirrj fih for jjs a wo bllpptyote fwh alvav8 on hand w j patterson phone u act0n0nt n

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