s59siiph as v is f fsf thursday morniojhjjrch i7ts27 nfe actorf ontario canada ut thursday jiornlnp march 1 7 1027 acton united church of cana mlnatr ftovvt e zlmtnerrpm ba p6riajre wulpvrbtret 3x00 n mnnvi h a ilnl0alc of thayppor canada ltrblotiotijoty alsqipm stibbnin bobool nsmioa tnuxtp m th r-aetor- sulijwot aimcbir trio ulhlier tlfv 9munr pooplbh mttntf on monday at a oclock thura- ah the new fashions phhyterxan k no church acton mpliiliwriv x c 6tsvnrv at 1 1400- a mrho minister a aerie qf ibrmoni- rt jesus yntlph to- utility veuvtnb perfect iun iroop m sabbath school and bu1 in nod avorflurn oimi classes airef sdj th faian- bible society stransjer ileavlnir eddrp wlththe ushers will bo colled upon by the pastor v vjchk baptist church pmrtorwm j baxter ilooa m moknlnjr -worship- the fniofwlurpreaoh iocf jivmsanduy school y rrrtvprittbvftin service rev tot wimlck representative of the tjvpwlgiinan brblo society pecial notices uiwifimml in tbu eolnm a eonhvpcr wafjtvwlel a dure sec per fomctlo fob alr one sowieer ghaaltn feurpp xpely irfikpohara bbnt qr3bznt1ioiolcabnln sepplr foox1t acton jtegb pbb84 i gaiicjmngi nd kicki plmted misseiiiize t- kim tendeb8 wanteo rnderew1udo moejvod until uaroh iof fionrlne baooookbgrj- aohoow jiotfnrthemruoiileutpl im jfcfj ilaina aotons cow folf bale poooojbjttl toiin iiurs brodholeteln cowtor k yitoyo fveehei marol appljr to john80n r r no 1 aotoii torleafttat p h jtfvj aodtopewlth oavnewhr docop- 1 atedand flnlabextfor dfroulnff abow v ronuuigood wxreftoiiee jn oonneo- v moil with etorepo ttippir i t wui tatbot v ljtf mo iarb or thankb sdsor steel and onnoelirlli anlbuielr cooxur friend jind storeys- ciiot co eniploreejua wy thely recent eei 1ereyenient t h- ssr carbop thanks and lira a c rovlknlskr 4wr- fltret aoton vrnilrn tmailc tlicilfnanyrlepoa n9ltlinon- who fptunato- mr mother kre a dorlne horiinvneep hshola jfhenefnl lor ftlio hind as ronieinlrrirooeinmde dlir wwanth mrmrrfcof all l pkt chfpso cowocptftg sgoett ivory 1 vvullte enimel iu rwwtm ty tbi or ehlnjlu la root nd sviiui aoton lblniobot9a4n at ifj rpoflteic hftw rtsslaaftrivtp 4nd eveoltffilt gfji fwf upbpnpletl01 rttrarer 4mff wwoidirretrkajali4benmet ss9 1 iiopaptvtflirnotic i taelr taritun lepnd cemluep palyhpr k kbnnkdt beontvr orf pttnrel raifvlnbw 3-i- pl4pbutio ql partnebhp nil 4piittnere whlon b iiew je pubwrtet of iw aoros jseetdurur fcj ihiea bmlijdlemrmd aw mttttt 7liajlulirlf cynu cj- jjoetaetawl mttttml e ontlnue h boeliiee iijutf ttfntymmmoit tiewble uuu lllllareinsoousil snlaettn ld nrna whf be uauldmr a l i h ft 1 vpjmdav marloh ji a kjoetty bronedo bjowdo j bobwru tvsaylle tb aabermkr ifflolii in xhndnn dmnolor ts bier bottom pd muelesl pf rr atvuoav iii mt ioro r 5bj juellne im oemo ppur borpn- pxelrpv tuudav maboh ltjyrt wnlfer nilnnrqlyn eorrln a moreno tne loi ohp ml ts flrpt ahapler at i -bm- atmreiery bm- 1hi o-wben- tr cefcvi- 5 c ttk r crillunt expresslong of the mode rresinted in a dellgtrifui pajjimuii in our various style departments jil drescjes suits sports frocks coats millinery aridiaccessories goats witt lower prices than anti one of the parucularly attractive values in a group of tweeds coats at li95 ltallored styles with nonchelirit carefree air that will win thn hmm of yourhftu chooaefl donegal tweed fo instance with cnllaraofhlaok velvet- others with con- trasting handlings also a few in plain color ouvetynes of the now pastel shades -misses- and youngswomens slzesat 29 rr aittatfood coat value at 1975 the twills in navy blue and black as well as the fashionable soft light pastel shades quite number brimmed wittr pretty sifinrner jurs isiies-w-t- 111633 a itprecyisicoals- rhhine jstoa 39 to new oitylea al ihe new j shapes- art the hew colors wonderful choosing in apecial group j thiif- silk crepe dresses at f 109s exploiting the sea- sons newest style ideas womens and misses sixes uto styles and colorings espeo ieljy planned for aleaderia- ing li flannel frocks at lias- smart styles in all the fash ionable colors sizes 14 to w y gurjpffs leadinci and iwlhgest stork- d e macdonald bros ltd pally clawlno tt pm fbronfl lutufays t specials for this week j li jjvttoti of fotoiitor-cnl- fhend of- ml jean ken- nedy hsr reraatll 1atynmty her afcllful charaowr delineation her -ftygu-imojunuahig- 4i wero worthy ox a cultured profemiona rtmder of exfterlence mtzm soil haa a wonderful m in tho lntwpretatlon o the wealth or number ahe re- aentod t va 1w -iivjiriaifc- oldraw hla frreqa mr sutton ar oueiprt rhlrh i i tbpreou- tlon from the audenoe mr sutton alma attna aolo or much merll another utuloal feature woa the violin humbeni oontrlhuted by mr claud wado of ouerph mr wde u an aocompluued vlollnlau 4u number wer iaaiaai and very akll- fuuy rendered r ha a elaa in yigjlnj ac -iutd-hia-yiaytnr- on thlaoeooaion lave confldenoeund won admirntion the cboirwa turnttfcd by hv or olx aloirer fpom gufllph who are wend ot mr old- and come down to aaaift and enjoy tb ocla inter- coomb with the oholr afl jem brown nd mr- old wra th aeoompaniat for the ot and duettunurober and their klfij work w sceauy appreouted j4 tt shidpdv cocoanqt i tin ot balocra coponpt t alfjjftnner 2 tins peas 450 650 2 tidj corn j for 2 tins tomatoes asparagus lbmon9 per klozco lui m strawberry raspberry or black currant amyeff- is for sctjc iofjie- choice biacktea awc orsngepekoe fb o ms pur cane sngmr duejm price at car cbajn jrwvjonbsv stjore act0nont -j- any cwraon suaamny tb eorrjefnwnbr of jelty bewu in tho 3r on skhibittop in our window will roelve a lartteai staatwrbnr ijit j on wth vry ouroh f b- rr 6f i tv f tpm i wi wron 7 tfubyf 9c0ntbt opknb saturtpav march i arjandhf jdplightful concert t uniteilcliurch choii a capacity houie thoroughly eo- joyed umttiltd chnwh- choir cncert cholrtnriiitor old of tb unltwt church won high encojuura qf praleo foi the iinicleney attained by tho choir under hialiwtnioton ai npnlfett tha ooncwhthd lit thetown lilt ic wednrdayevenjna there waa full houie and th laro audleneo fra deriithted with th aplendld prpvrammb rendered- it wo versatile- ariif enjoy- hkl v wumlicty jrlviiitf a vidno ofnavinff beep very carefully elatil tho eholr which eomprlmd thirty- live vdio mirjitvtr- n vpiutne melody hurniony and tecbnlque cliorumutt- vnrad in tyj jjutbrlnblinr lb- splendid ronri the wtrnl- part mfld aolo thee number yore o- comuui atw3qtth7p jj 6 ijt miq thv nrldat chortia cbohmuater old dlr- boted with adnrttrablo ixili and ml wrn brown pjayed the accompani ment with her wellknown vreciajon and mw ability in addition to the choir numbers the audience was favored with a number of aolo and dueua by mem ber of the choir and vlaltor ttw choir aoloiatf stlmptm bertie smith jean kennedy and lluth olbaon each oontrhiuted eelectlon whjoh were sreatb enjoyed tcaoh numbarbroufbt oat the muaical ietm na bri or tho reapectlve ainjrer and charmed the audience itttr aimmrui ijrrio- tenor voice aaiic a aolo with telllnr effect and won voclferau applauna that wellknown duett mooter and punu wo okllfully un by mr old nd mja oltwon- whoae interpretauon of thenumbr woi reyiuded l- moat perfeot olid wavery cordially received mlotljotuo mojnuijher kill tndtchnlquepuyedtwo oontet oto which brought down the home jtolutlnaial ml n l th aconmwiument u nozotg htttrianmifcifr j -h- stogie wnatotipri iptbejff wiivrl numbr tfha dutlm qf cbalrnian were per torrned with convmma aku by net- fouowinrifie concert thilftdlwi of th united coupon entertained he h obolr td- vialtuur artltnii a baitquet in the aohool roam at the church thttwe wart beautifully decorated and the rotau a dkmt apiwualnrone- a prtty fca- tae trthl ynnctlod wo the prtr aeputloiv o ml fvb4oqww tho palnatufclne oranurt with itenl- floent- boaket m america beaaty roiluo of the valley and doffo- djlff mia jjrowitlwla qvrwhwi fw li cower tftr a ifcwlubnmfftattpum alck fay mia brown held plac of bonor in the church at tha eunday aervlo gueefh presbyteey lati- cemmltwlonera to tncuneral afn- bly ert tratford appcdnted meetlnj of oueiph treaby twy of the iebetyerian church wm held tif pyelph oq tuaaday of teal week rev a cfitewmrt acton moderator pr- aided knd apart from tftafaot that uv peter mathifwn ol xttllb fep carajrot t andrei ndxo mddonoid of reiiru wero unable ip b tpremht throagh ulneag thr wo cood moremniatlpn of minleter and emer s t th preabytary elected to tn oea oral aoaeubly of the prbytrun hw jnetln tstrkutdwon june 1 the followln commlaolonere uv o b uoyd of betnmier v y ckrpndr w- ton fley- a omoimnkifvofrku- hey ft jt ttftnaron f awff ht m l iff theprppiiirrmomtor sir or mo- oiluvrayof ouelphj and awelder from the rwlnjtajnttloni of bbom can trj jinfi t andxw ldt kergu and dt andrew ouejph th 0neri intfreala committee throtuth rv mr stewart thatwnws- t preaeated jha budket ailooauona oa follow aoton fmmj aim bimir tt0 wlnurbourne fsbo tow str pkr omtltth sloov htoil velkr i170o ittvlfrwmjjl prfyn j ttwi the tormer otan cba yeaj 4bnl wflonr wrert pnj 2fbn f fiql mtat dirtn were m0liii w- a wefw furricst parkmbn hoia in u rpiof sunoox ibchooiahd tount peopl work helthcnditjon in h i1irtbmttlll xarao toyimiitutqhj oommended tt mnnu for th-au- jnjint nv t a drew oalt and bt ml talph the report lwwd that st aodrewj oejt unkv rr protrrtm bjidfx vhmlnbhfyat 9ev u lojwtv rr thecwiye if f thpr meetlnw wih pl um next the ku dai thai nue6niy the eewd arlaf ollt competent and eauemed aroduat of th office who had been mechanical uperiniendent wm admit ted to partnership have alnoe thit date been preatdent and editor ndmrrodle buelneea manager thl rela- tlonohlp ha bean bth plaant and profltabl mr dill hawtiawiiurehawyotnr ntwtirripriyrmk j3jlljljajftgjr to lay down thexutohel pen and to rmw44r euperwhilon of thvaetan fr prev a journal with whlah i have been asaocjated oontlnuoualy for o long period naturally oausaa keen vort i amtep of aotone native on my home oof-upt- thiu of m blrthplao no other tsm born in aoton ho been alow eentlniieualy irtnijblneu here on hi own aoeountri only on ethatv 1- think ha been in buetneee as long for hlmefrmr william fcjunriyav pwhoa blcthplao 1 ahhinv-wr- nearly seventy yeara i hv lived intht town naturally therefore i have been slnoeraly and loyally interested in ltsmoratatoa and material prosperity i have baen closely mfpoiaud throughout theyeare with jta proflree and ucee7- ton hampllinedmuen alenft these finee le manifest verywhara that- th fee reee h had some small influence introdualno desirable utilities any enterprises end in aartlnp to reaeh tha result attained 1 i think generally admitted it ho always v been pleaaure to loyally help in teee matter our bneraj municipal improvement our splendid iptibllo j utlhtleinnr rnofeahi eureiwhorrrga and ii of aotonaf prosperity and all p fcetlijf result f ooordinadlnurst by tha tnunlelpal authorlmea th eltizena and th prewhn i wmmenoed business aetens papulation wis 400 or 000r uyiew ovw tooo i vij v in retrrlngl jm the fre pree h desire to flhf ex- preeelor to my very sincere jappreolatton of the liberal upport and cooperation vxhloh have t aenerouely tteen aooorded by the people of this community and beyond it vyae onlythrough this oenerope support endoopperatin tht u ha beenpoeelbl to provide a local paper of whleh th peeplehere hv always been proud i one which has nay m dominionwide reputation for ft opinion fear lessly presented for iu high standlna and it financial t3ie council pays jc thesmith property h moons j p who wot ires from tfni acrojt viaat ihmm nftr nearjy fifty year its ibdjtor and pubmabey r valedictory after spending nearly ftyeors in the edlterfal ohair end in very active donneotlon with the acton free predav 1 bow vblu wy rattjwljtp during this half century i have taken a concantrktair fn- tarest in actons newelaper and have felt keen prld tn its producttoh in 1878 in partnership wltf my wether t albert mocrerrwho was th firet apprentice of thej paper nd whcr had thert- graduated from that poeltlenv wejpurohad the paper which had already wona warrh place in the reaard of thevcomitiunity through the efforts of ft founder the fat joseph h haokind to praesntth irr pf this growing manufacturing town to tha general public ja yrlatermyparfaurimtvifhbenehed torthj chrlvtlan ministry pd who i now rev t albert weer 0orewri becratlrv rajlranirtllfcalm jtien laawsaerntcy i u yeere the editorial and buttemahagemnt nd auparlntapdence of the prfntlntf debartmant fail upon my houldevs- thebeet fntereata of this oemm unity ofrr l a local paper could mere an jnfjuene and v- render service wr ai earafumy f y ago oa a in laying down my editorial pen i d4jrt fnall falnwos wt a oppraotatjon o aoknowledo vy indebted- rtee ie an who thraqgh all the year has bean real helper and e eompetent editorial aislebtnc a associate editor mr moore for ovr f erty year sejeoted meet of tha ehort storias for vvhlcv the paper has been famous and ha contributed muob of tha oenrl iheraay mausr which omr readera have psrueodj chmugh- tha- eueetedlng deoadee with increasinb interaet largely due to her exaet- ln aumrvlafon -4ba- paper ha- always bffkptn into oawelc tie in typography and never an axpreeslen or expletive wmah rnjoh have a tendency to mkr the moat innocent mind no been parmjaejlioaaawaamuton i ebluihn anotby hi way it may be properly marrtmnad here that for man than forty year neither ofcieatfl liquor nor obaoeo have been allowed a place in the advertfelngjpolumn of thl paper v during the career of the writer the- frae pree ha aimed tejmivea fined policy in th fntter of educating apprentice in the art ofprintino nd in years in instruct nq them a tfrtotype operatoftw between fortyfive andfmy boy have eervsdan apprenticeship irtfhli office and graduated ttwarm has invariably baen s not o tohav them xel in attaining a therauajnowiedae of the printing- andnavvpapr buvinees but to form wpriht ehpraotar ami to be gentlemanly in thl eonduote we are gratified to be able to state that almost without exoap- tfon thee graduates occupy forepiost positionf througheut th oeuntry number of hem are ocnduotngpjroaffrou tombmeoa- ofilhairawjw and nearly every nwf theinvie maklnfihrilfleyiny ubefui in th affaire of hie ooitt- munity ton member of our staff and of our graduate went voluntarily oversea as defender- of the ffmplr in the great war two of them made the supre socrjfigf jfjtejroeiire i fn sayfpg adieu i ha un pleaeuw in em- mending mtv eueeor for 6urocmtnv joperatlen and 7 eupport mrdills is updlurt and oraereal ijevwiwpeft man of experienearmtojvivatiiejiialiff he ha apant nearly the whole of hie tf in aopl leseejet rj with u iu bet inufeeu anov 1 prepared u ifift v w best it doing hie quota hi oarryiha out tho mome f aotone recently adapted coat of rmi f fjrrt acena irfaks aoton prosper ha ha a happy fliwwfng family ulv inteteeted in maintaining aetortar ttfirl rtafya a r- thnj will aaenlip the wellknown pclloye th free jpjre nfi l jssmsa calcula rfar jhe mo tayllft fja r j eammunuy fifeeon year at his mfe be ha epent hi connection wltjt th paper af whieh he janowv heewnerj he is well aoquslnted wth hj eon- etftudnta and will elm with keeiafldeaw afyp lt- ta he utmeafof his ability m ajii ragrat very aiaoarely htahejit the sundering ef the happy fellowship i haw hiwhli my brethren of the proa throughout the dbmlaift mr aeaoelatlot with them throughout thk years has 4een t the not friendly oharafler xhejr hndnaeeea hv beeii invariably generous awaykok in 1b0 thy ea lupott me th distinguished honor of election av- -a- thetirajltatrreeaa tnmnfimit waychaio they shown their brotherly femntt aim i hell greatly ml oie prised tllwhlp of thardrar n the year to come and the weakly vult of eajaitfmbv h whh i have always bhhahd wttb real epprtelatiaei ut t 1 rt in th hope tht w nmy atlfl meet onoa in emllf- 1 aeeure themamahat my feellngaef real regard fwtbein sodtt vrreinej ogiiatant r and- now y farewell e far ae addreealnt yu dltiiiyri the columns of thl dear old h r nffinentfrtarl tl therekular aesiion of the council aiesdky even lrei0ed in th lwnonoo commlite jmit rtort the itfdlldwliir aowuni iver ordtred t9pafi v orftraj aocomnt mrc eliert vcponald jfujiflclj rot overpaid laiee ic jooo unlcpal woid aeaor aundlnff litures of tbe pjeir act s- the ion ond anloueiy loolcedjfor act to rerulateaiid oontoflh the sale of liquor in- ontari y prtonted to thaviiaitutwd1iedar ftatr nol -c- owwilutuian toltoni of the now biiliv iv tlieaiidi tors beport fotayitet j xjtixltovmfotm 3a by hemrs arnold and xrispp xutbe counol11orvere presept ai eiion of the council on ninovand reeved maaon a wiuontto ltd kuranco premium -i- conxederatlon we aasociaa tton re pureliaao of t3mlth -poprty- co re purcbaae ofspilth of hqooc ul m bell telephpno co aervloev publlo uuiiue oonimiaslon street llahtfnr t publlo utilities commlavlon town hall uhtlik ttu40 6b5 4 1 ttha v mmlnlatratrto commumioii notbe tjotoretlewtiyuio oo ernment itcvotrol toe brand joiid prices fii llauora tofiflcld thafiur of aejeand if may fearu tftto the anaoqnt aotjl kt pnel the report was adopted the auditors report was examined by the council and foupd very com- plcteaqdaatiafactory- moyodvhy bl- thtrtf ont- owpded holine that the- auditors report for in be adopted nd that in view of the exceptionally efficient and- com plete audit the atrdltora l i ovu mifoftiiraervlota blo tissl the report be printed apd that tb clerk bo inatrnoted to wriu to the auditor expressing therjouncl ep- vreolatfon of the thdrourbnf st of the reportscarried the council aoreed to refund the poll tax wrongly collooted from john roxer a letter woajrecelyed ifomjj3mf- ttre atcortardjpjr th payment of jmhooltojtas oaipaabmohbeardmijtb th attcrneytpnerai la entrusted with- enforcement of the laitv v any person convicted of- aailiav liquor la to be impriaoned net cflflodv- aff on offence only one- ap- i 1 peal to thec6nty jtudee 1 totbn allowed r f permits tpbe araotadfor one year expiring october al lrrespectivp of v natlonoutyp- tq peraonk overst who have beea rceldent in the provldoo- for gver one month these inky d revvked for ahuse or twjpohiilonar jpron kapinror frnna co that thoe matter would te con idsred s- the clerk waalnatructed to sell the iwuo of pavement bonds tiocl 1- wslov tey a faylaw wovioin for the issoina of dehentufoaibr tb main street pavement to the amount ot iu000 wa paaaed by the cbuhcll thl amount includaaactona xuu hareof the coat- and thd purchase of the property from mr w m cooper necesaary to moke a oaxer turn at the mill lend mln street conrer another byuw wo paaaedfttr the purpose ot borrowing money for school purpose up to 119000 tv provide for the new school property mtm feunctt decider tbavtkey de- aired the aooount in connection with the new school bulldlnc to be paaaed on to them for- payment after belnc confirmed hy the school board the council eapreaaed their apprek oiatlon of the- work that had been done j macpherson audi jo mill r r the council reafflrmed their form- mouon passlntr aji t respontmbllitry to the fire chief for the odermtltujr of are apparatua at area and the clerk wo instructed to afflolally notify tha plre chief of this arraiiffwnnt upon moubn csf ja4braon waaaqthorised to eeurea new unlv term the council aaaamed ruponsibllity far tbe payment of oharf ea on aoaln- tbhance at the p and ore fbrbtinc apparatus at u5no yoant ta come and iteel wall sseured kjitkwhtihlbaaw m same kindly fellowship whleh he prevailed jhrouah ll the years t 7 a drlncajnrla puwlo paoesv rajoirnyej crescent whtoh jrit tonaerlxjnwnea pipnrs4a are reepeotej with lro- olfcuamirfplflatll oerner re equally liable wlth nowfor thi f ee another letter iatad that they would a3o not too liable for the payment of the street uht formerly rpaid by tfem ib th townahlp tha clerk wa instructed to no t condition and ta notify beordmori vestor in the order in lifes social side- mr w darlck of toronto visited acton frirrtd thl wek mr will mutfnmn wo home from tfehpentt mtw ofarataret b wak home- from toronto for the weeltend mlas nortne ross of toronto epettt the weekend with friend in town miss jessie mflnabb of- toronto vlalicd actow frtend durin th week afrso h brown la recovering- trow an ilnm which ontblcdujirtajad for two week of toronto visited- her- p mr tt j kerr this week powcb c0ubtnkws feral agkoad through farm u ting c frefartmyon atreet tthooung partridge inclee seaaon seven chrof treapasaand ault aroa out or the fprclnc of a rodjuu2djliuiafarto-a- mra-mar- karet jaiw fltarret of lot 27 coooes- alon- jbsqneetiht waat nf t- m tftet mclcod nmfxngktwssiia throwine down rail hy two sons end thr e of hujfh lckmk qimrryinap the offences war com mitted on daoemfcef 10 and february is but after two ailuna of court on th 4th and hth insl befbro polio macurtrate moore t aeoraetown the matter wa settled by hush ioan tpaylnj all costs and olnln an un dertaking- bytlunielf and the other partlee ahartred net ta trespass upon the starret property nor molest mr btarrt in any way until it u estab lished hy law that they havo a riant to to vol over a road allowance- sold to be across a portion of tho 6tarret property informatlcn waaentn0ne and jtsherles ym n pivtwiixt- oranawviile whoae uhdlcuon oovew reoeritlrin baqnsalnr astd that it bad bowinoratad and wma in possession of v farmera trtand of the man who klued it tbe ofqoer in eeareh dla- oovered the jrd ilsed jt and bud apuiiormatlob asajhtat- th offender h com tmforacctaerate tfoora on ka sifternoon pleaded aunty clai h jk unawara of tho oloa j j inhajtotv county a on of 0o and ooata wa f- tfr- oobrl i a miajstnoeok- apeolnian ur meattrlwjm inohee tsaeeuripiil pf uuetb phitnaat ia risk and full ej4 tau tttoer makplfioent by otf prdvrlncounoli paaaed- loot year tho t for prtrd wo nontfn for y fcrtw vm led of four a youns man from oeorcetomm cpaved jby v0lt mephsrson with 1m nxtp uptaaawaehe tmblic kt 4n aoton on buhdjiyr ith inac oatm bafor mttru moore on boturday aernooo and poad guutr tit the auttn r flnsd jrjnrl ooat awd ifran a evre leetura for ty unem ooodufit iv lit the ttaoodolysj bresat j 7 ysttiga blip ry ck bvsrslc- orderly house lose pcjrmlts for one year tourist secure pplei for one month the price of permlta i expected to be 00 to s00 f itoittnecp pndpreairjpliqiai i irttaut may uadw liquor onlynr a solvent or pr t sale of essences patent niedlelnea and tlncturcatotmrlsiqjy restrict- d clersytnen ore giienlapelal permit for acramnajpurpoas thr lalnohecr sal i ho vialcy tenant for offence in premise con tabhs peed no warrant for eearch brewerie seh only to tbeuqnpr commission which yiu have liatnent- lnatrecynitn si therais tobe no public adrertlalna of uquor jfb liquor may be ootistttned b a putiuo plaoe itqtiorronammad must- be ccaaotn edibjes of purohai savtabllahinrmt o tora jeff to board prqvwea local oppa area or canada tamperaiico acr oreaa not affecteav nii- w cjamahloiynspouf jiiiwrjb beatdsoj of dry prdaa of onrle will havi the same prlvuecoa in tke m4ter- per districts where tha otrvernmant liquor dlopensahtwwlit be wtabllshed aofnaan mia olody hoffnian of toronto pent th weekend at ber honjor here miss clara lantx of hainutoa is apendln- oome holiday at her home hero mia laura qryspant oouplo of day thl week with friends ip tpr- onto mr duncan mctavish who wa laid up or a week is able to out aoain -mr- butchlson of tjxhrids 1 violtlst tils dausfatsr mrs charles xt conway church street- mrs dr jamieaon of carman on- ha been vudtlnk friend and relatives in town the past week- mr w r kenneyj p who ho been iu tor tb pot three week wa ub to walk down town yesterday mrs a motavisb who boa spent most of he winter with her slater at seafcvth returned home ut week mtmtb bchrattor nfitltobenar nwda a brief visit with mrs c o apelht and- mlsk 9ertle on friday fftfrneift h etfj atlleh rinp city ick pbeaaaat oookhad na hot nlcklin and mary of ouelph vtsltad mr and mrs a b mlokuaon satur day- mr w c bealor of toronto waa the uoeat of his niece mrskapp dhuroh street duriur hi stay in town jflrw jean wilaon toronto and mr dr mcotluvray of wettrn aaoku spent theweeknd with acton friends- l morden tulmtr and mr mejvllje of vdemsten n v- visited at the home of mr and mrs r u david son ldt week u mr and mr jasnee obrien left for cbleaso ul on flaturday tbeydaslr a kindly farewell to all their aetoa friend u mr ndmrl m i- modonald and family srhoepept aavoral week wlth mr clancy terra cotts nave fe- n turned to theh- home umehou mr ibari cooper wm bbme from the pofaootof pharmacy toronto to vtatt m father who hod returned from the ooalph hospltoi over the weekend mr gordon koky and mr harold llvanaljroujth of toronto epent jji weekend with their parent mr and iturn law attnirrt mr john 9- saannedyatunded the matln otjulph preenyteryof the unluja fjtawpoh in paisley memorial tbreh oislpkj tobt wejek asa7lanr whi ii iwoantly rektmd from houdoyina in toronto lpaan erioaly iii th peat three mjvnbt arthur btretj hut lamvaleaciimr idosly now ssslsslaslttlbislasbb