Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 17, 1927, p. 3

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mh u i tiiuhhday ma11ch 17 137 v home home from the vulil auain out of ll the sneerlng- home win prt there s naught wit love blendtd in tlie cheering mritmtrwmrttraxrtnirtiiifeahr rtow the day i fading i rah le myself owtllle done with sordid ironing homo from ike busy world out of ut heslnif out i f 611 the bitterness tba hwig and itnxuiu walt ins kium tu hear the kettle milts and fimtr the children chatter hanifl wht re there ik it me to scorn n mi t fiiwrt titbl ilaltr hum from the orowdbd street out u mil the scheming hune where twi selfish strife spoils our idle dreaming- kirn in every market place are mero- y money changers hhut thm hour and draw the bundsl here there orvto trapera t ahsllrar to fight again way xill bring it battle tbgnk tie ilord for nlgbt und jiomf and tlin children cirattlsl lfi 1 drop my rmor cotd and enter into udiima mom from the surging- wo rid and out of all its madness u w aarj uiu the most beautiful will ever written iwya acampared awx- to u safe din tnnrt from whom wo saw jtbe hcad tof the old coon bqfa above the top of the miub lar u moment he heel ta ted then ilka a mammoth fly in squirrel away he went toirurl the ftround hhoufing xiym liarklng dog and excite 1 man turn tnnflly into ilia brush nrter hi in father swung- wldly wlfh the mn m neighborhood news oe6rqetown the council has afmolnted it jl mlm auditor at a salary of 9300 00 the offer of chu huddy ff tiuild und put up 4 eigne on outskirts of tn whirled round mjfett mnjevj council dashed into u bqsb froxin into hi w became nntunylrd uhd yotpixl l- frlchc 1 raujtht my foot in n now covivod root nnd plunuv 1 fooo fim two of thr etbar 4wy irylntf to daalt tbrobsb h lw oponlnir in tli jiuwb tit lb miinn tnimnl fpil uuxn uitd fell pravrllna it wmm ull ovif wlibln u mtuti tli orain had vun into u rit apreailln f botf 4 wtbot- looked roun i und thu bur mrrt ut lublilimf vob r rim bjinrli id ilarrlxn f huntcritf and unjtt lyyoii imvfl btht your rnutatlon tblm day j ilotf llnikod rfuojlb nvrr mind b 11 com out during tbo hlb nd wo 41 track blm in thit mornln itut tbri uod if th animal inter vened it no wed tlurliwf th tiltrbt j4- f i uw iwh of m told rajree ooai blohlntf to n in- mim palwnt of tho chtooka toofnou i ua had bn a lawyer and lh will was written tn a firm clear band on a few acrap of jkaper ekt unuaual wait th will that u wu rrod before tko v cblcaso iuj jlooodatloii which or- dr4 it probated abd- it u now an j tho recoxdb at cookcounlyluinou- i i chart xrfunbry bln qt ound and diapoalnjf mind and mjl ory da hereby make and publish this rty last will and tvatament in 0rder u justly as may bo to distribute tay interest in ibe wohd aknoaa suooafd- intt own tnatpwl t my interest wblcm is known in uwund recoomlsed in sheep bopndvlntimr m my proorty lneonslderable and uonmccoant t will malu no disposition of in this toy will tpdayumy ok tbbld lpt down- that atnuly lorjc of lljibt and almdo that slteltereu tb unoiont bouse ahil hi i id uomam for tbe sparrow in js forown and low in tiio brunches utobt and estate is not nt my disposal but those uiitutm excepted all else in the world k now prooeed to devlaa and beauealb m i ivo to nil k0 fathers ffind innbf in t for tbl hll drn all ood little words of praue and eacoonurement and i eharka said malia g j s t jlrue rr u lluilded tbtilr nbstu with ttomcly urt close to the tpat tria m kindly heard lt ions bonnfloenoa is donol not sol full many a winter hleht ishall bo mado welcoming and iwuibt with war nth tlin eroat tred la i tied from thi mud ia codn tr4asur fulriy won llaylnir outwartl its mial uirht worn the old tflreouuh deep jilyl wul witty ohltdrnri clustorvd on ach sldel oray ash i tho ondt it shuji be sitread when ttprinr allfbts on uie snow- streaked bills j andtodtirownicrth to her com- intf thrills over cll dreuralna rtownrbed and ttwsro with sunshbnu uhd rain bo sped- r jfo hyacinths crocuacs darfodllst tub oiud wan tt oilhblvation on tllalmfna xnta paity iferes u tittle homo tlkn story came karons tbo other day which think noaht nt jntiltbrwcli ju two ornm ramluos r know in acton i jnnl the bis motherjy sister of lbs home vushtntf opnjlhe- screen pdoot look td down tm comfortable shady vsranda and ir lips tlxhtrned in on o tho t yynn etthm wutiiiurvw llowlnt thorp in miory of oolor and frajfrunoe rare v minnie luona upton thh volu jmt jjitio ajb fortunately wo jlo hot often hav the nro alarm gtvtf notloo that a tre ctoti v jjrh on ah ianrif4tjir vltem- t leave to children inclusive bv butonqr for the tsrtn of chlthood all and every flower of the ald- and hlossoms of the woods with he rlht to play among theor freely aocordlnvt aolenoo and they urictloo it jhrn5rbfo brljcaae is promptly on the scone and ready forjervice hovs you ever noticed what one team work la displayed when it comes to nsbtlng arest the 11 reman have this down to the- customs of chhdren wmrnto them at tho same tiro against th thtstles akul oiormu anatl devta iol children the banks of tho brooks adhv blckrd tboaolden sands beneath the watejjlf- 1h thereof and odors of the willows that aio thnreln and the white i ttlt obsa hich w th liapt tree and x leave to the children the lone ions day to be merry 4m tn thousand ways and thn nlsht and the train of the milky way to wonder at but subject nevertheless tp the riahts herein after clvea o lovers item x devise to jtoj jointly tho useful idle fields nd common where baxt may be played all pleas ant waters where ana may swim all snow dad bills where dm may coast and all streams and ponds where on tuny skate to hold the hum for the period of a their boyhood and ski the meadows with the clover blossoms and buuertuaa thereon th woods wtth their appurtenanoea the squirrel and th birds and the echoes and he streams ho4aea and all the distant places which may be visited tocetber wtth the adventuces there found and i tv to sold boys each his own plaoej at thaflrcshu aaabxht withauunic tures that may be seen in the burn- inc wood to ehjoy without let or hindrance or without any incumbrance a sironjr bond of sentiment always unt any war- while i la tun rl- v k and lbs ut canadian masaalno tomd them when mildred dorry cayns by hd xi t ian ran out to walk down to the post orlca with her for a moment the moment jennie knw would lust ull tho afternoon lilians moments swoys did in tt nouthborinc chiilr was itosabel ilottys moat atlredand mol ohr ishad doll keeplnir onard ovrr ttettym now hat wth th pink rosebuds she had teased for and carefully piled up corner were tha imsinnlnkm of xhckw anroplan jonhlas lips relax- u little at the sbrbt of that she mjd to see licks excited freckled little- faeoemjtrur ti is work uul they vo been told ind told not to leave theu things out when they jto off ijhe deslared j i am pot irolntf llo blokthem up if a shower corned they mus4- take the cansoiiuancvs tired of plpklntf up for this wbols family i jennie went irmly down the path nd up tho street as she turned the corner she caujrht unl ot rlut- torjajfwhualttth ba4tkyaed tevefl ifajjifie7intftone off iot her afternoon and lther aprons on the jine itfaaalctwaji vciriartjaufa aboutthe aprotiou t tottak in if 11 rains jennie thoucht no thank j you it certainly did look like ruins jen i nle in mary ilcimersmnroom watched the dnrfconlntf sky its comimfl afary said as a blind slamhisd aomewhere you 11 iy uu itwoverrjsnnie itav lr dickie and lr ik o ifl wart at uueh last wik untlln ttiaatlna of the ivesbytery yf thi unitel church s miss itiith jfuhnt6neof ctiathalt n fifth year htudent in tikxlirlivo ut the university toronto wo th liueat of alt munrurbt dlckla ut th inrqonuga yter the week nd mrs kdward ytnlay euruetowr nounces th niiaeinont of htif llowden to ur tronto tbw mauias will take plaon tlir lattof mirt of march tlia itourd of trustee of oeortcc towiv hcuihil bus plaoetl on record tlieir appreciation ef the faithful and satiefactory work dowi for tlu school by their late ertary- treasurer mr j a tboniisfn and forward to mrs thompson a copy of twn rekolutlont with a letter expresslm the sywpa t by jrf of the jlourd fov her in her loam oakvillff mom6er of the it k- yountf and company uudltlntf staff commenced work on the corpora utms hooks tost week ei r unincl middle road trafalgar is to be sold by public auction alone with some of its content on irriday march iv tit x 30 oclock with tho preparation of the option list tho oakvilla horticultural society has opened proceeding for the com imf seasons activities last year the socle iy enjoyed a very suooassful season with an increased membership and a rreatr interest on the port of cltlaons of town in horticultural linos of dsvslopmont and work htruok by a westhound car on the tarontoiiamlllin uijthway hear tho oorerof kerrtret7 yesterday atter noori about rive o clock irene vnry sixyear old dabohter of mr and mr qeorys veryrwaa seriously in jured the wounded ijlrl wa tajterl to her home immediately after uie accident where ir j if btead found her to be siiffsrlna from severo head injuries and body contusions latei that evenlnc he ordered her to bd removed to th ck children hos pital toronto xh ihoo that po lqt change vr up an un travelled roud in this li unty there ik an old cod da r i not u trarn of timber remains but about the forrottop doorstep rose and itbics lwr tautlful wltneas t the homr that onoe stood there altttpuoti thlek- erowdins yottns forest tree lift tho i it gree jnutf v t datlon 1 robably kto one llvlna ln remember th areutt halured rifrent sou led wumsn who lived there bjt hrr story as uiwithr ji u tobl it in a kingdom of two outfht not to tt roruottoti aunt head tier tinurlitxlrm railed litr one by one wlia htul ween tbt bodies of husband and sons our rind urh the thrntliold past the illac bhc wn twyottd mlddht age when mho was lert alone ituf whet aeented the f her vwti fe ulso was only alnnlnif of a larger livttur the imiwvr of whldi was felt for miles ml her first bet was orient dowh tils walls of her house und reated the mlaplng n of on the n foundatjon her one rear nam of the whd wtnter storms ilut secure ih hef low shelter she was not un nwurtbale there was a living sprlni cornsr of the cellar and a bulk- id that opened to the sabth gave her light and a ytitha blendcrshtfft bf 1ighftstjs wove and spun and earned bnough to give something to unmetimee thejieed was matcttnt an old wayfarer came to lr door one aay hslpleas and forlorn she took l -n- burlinqtorj ibey were in tho service they may ibut onca the tension over they are drawn together through the bare facf o having atodd in the aamts trench and of bavin heard the same- anslls roar overhead similar attachment exists amonsffcould not have ixeks putli volunteer firemen and explain of car litem to lovers i devise their im aginary world with whatever they mayj need as the atars in the sky the red rosea by the wait the bloonfof the howrabrn the sweat strains of cuusie and aught else they may desire 4o fig ure o each other the nsungneas and beauty of theu- love 4 item to younjr men jointly t de toe nndl beoneeth all botsteroas ln- aptring sport of rivalry and i civa to them the disdain of- weakness and un dauqted confidence 4n their own strength though they are rude i the mwer to make p and of poeaeealng companona and to them cgclnslvcly i give all merry osapi and grita chor uses to stnxwtth lusty voice item a t thos vrho are no longer chudreq or youth or lovsrm y leave memory and heqnaath to them the cotumna of the poems of dunn and ehakeapeare and of other poets it the- bey others to the end that they may live the old days over acajn free ly andlully without tithe or dlmlnu tlpn item to our loved ones wtth their snow crown x bequeath the hap piness of an old a the love and rautuaeof their ohildron until they toll asleep ttenjibjjshsd thrqlutb the courtesy of rational m company of toronto f rword in teaaom v the fraternal spirit that usually preyalht among those who coopemte to pro tect their communities from nam co lt i in rha emorgency of fire exactly as in war that unexpected display of luring f dovotloll tu duty and of self fortctitfulnms and of o btiera tlou so often oocur mont 6f the real war heroes hud not bian in rniy way conspicuous in tliolr prnvkius uvil life their name had not appeared in the newspaper htidllnti ho when the tire alarm aound out in tho middle ot a oold hltfht oltlgno wholnuy not e overheeola in tholr veryday pht- iults or trails may ttuddonly rovea unsuspected counufe and rosourcdful ness that go fur tu rodnetu their familiar shortcoming that- in why firemen who jiavo boon through conuuoujlahfccrd icspectoaq iiuflthcr in tti small town tliti volunteer -tire- men usually havp u dooor feellhff tor ono another thirn thby uivo for other i nelgbtior and the tro bull is it rial aochd oentra ft ht in audi ni etnercency as u sertous rlro that tlio i true cha motor of n tnuy rcylilktjtocljcr and membership in u volunteer fire brigade is likely to depend more on iwhat tl man is than on what he r p- nts in property or in ramlly con nections thus tho fire hull heroine a truexsruternal ldgo this appaors especially in later ufa when flrmen like war veteran con- tinuo torhet und und rtinw th old eaocith the titrurctlnc vlllace may have liecome u uvtl town small city with a modi ore flgbtlng force so unit the old hoys of the volunteer days now have nothing to do nevertheless as the war veteran parade on armistice day so some day eery bumtnecu4 old volunteer firemen tngrcb in their red shirtf od paieat leather helmets and drag after them the old eteam engine xh every bit of her bruasi pollahed th mhr or like brightness andl wlih every wooden port respumdnttif new paint and gleaming varnish and when the old fellows shuck their coats and tall on to th brakes the captain yells now boys shake her down ami beats tho time with hi helmst you wet a thrill that even the modern city fire department can not give you fiut suddenly jennie saw t she saw hettys grtefvstrlcken face over a ruined hat and soaked rosabel lilian s consternation or the presesit she wns melthur foi cecily dodge and dick that settled things jennie could not have dicks patient toil un done t3he was already halfway down vhe path um ao afraid no ones got home yetl she called over her ehouldec no tine wa at home but jennie was in tune bhe carried lr every thing and turned back the chars there woe even time r- to take in maggie upron befom the rain cam through it from opposite direction came muagle and lilian 9vcrythlng s safe jennie called to hlpi cheerfully o jennie yu jewslj 1 ll do a much for yoil i lilian uajied mi pood mis jennie i m obhtfed masuld panted aftwr all uicro wero bettar things than trjilnlnir your family at loust better thuh training them when you were angry with them ur mobt- havreturbed homoj fromthe hoapltal after his recent operation and 1 on tho job again the town council held a meeting on monday even ins and passed ttls necessary bybtw to aubmlttlbs the high chool requisition for 31 000 to vote of the ratepayers i mrsr wm omiheris ntakimrherj rounds llcftln member for th turlington horticultural society be come a member by joining and help make the membership over 00 for 17 otr tuesday morn in ov last week councillor hyckmun was wearing u bouquet of snowdrop picked from j flower bed on the property of mrs harry oheot water street this jtf the earliest these outdoor flower have bloomed for several seasons mr and mrs wed w taylor and m andrew returned home on frlday moralnlf lakt front u trip to california where they visited his mother and other friends returning by way vancouver tne annual at homo of the xlurllnf ton volunteer vlr ttrlgnde was held jn the oddfellows iuu on rday evonlnf butt and wus attended by over threu hundred guests from 0kvlltw hamilton nurllnifton and the sur- rohndlng district mian hiutjiu mu1 and mia w ojte were the hostesses on saturday march b at a delightful httb liarty in honor of tho blrtbdui of mis norma ttut4 f indian innt twenty lsumti wirv prirxont and ouch ruculvod u small j gift gusette died oftfhec the need was spiritual there was no church near by so she gathered tho neighbor for mile about nd since many of them camn long distance aha begun her services on haturday by baking- bread and oook lntf a great- kouleful f so up for the next day then on sunday her mighty voloe u could bo heartlbolf a- mile away they said proclaimed the way of righteousness und exhorted sinner to rvpentanoe in sickness or trouble she was always present in on at the winter stormschat she dreaded when the doctor would holhak hloufe she weht alone on foot over the mountain to bring a new llfo in th re time in that terrible bight even her great strength gave ut and ihree times she laid hold upon the lord and went on her wjy thtf men and women nre ion dfcad hteam and electricity have changed th face of the world she lived 1m but beneath the changes the great truths ol which she built hr life l faith sprayer service ore un- hangd and brtchangl ng th y7tkn they only areeternal suffer if you must do not quarrel wirh tit lmr l hi u uj wiintmont for you only tty if y u ure to buffer to do it hpleudllly tlmth the only wy to trtkn up n phahtiro u i mti riillllt llrookh wnmmv the- intflleet iiws distant shore the smull retail ul or trn le only with h m m itflihor when tlin great in n lifttittrridd he link the f ur figarlor of tin k hulwer orulltliln to ool raako bvi u n ton trill hlesalnar u tutu of heaven lo muliie our thunhs- shuuav lie u forveiit for itlemle received um out petition for lnrclu wjugiit c hllttn in t opporttittlty sooner or inter oomnri to nm who work und wuli lird htaji- iijumlhly ts the root moftier nurse foundation nu bond of u vlrtiij chrysistoui fllv n ultf ithvifa hetvutor ollle wtth tin fillowlmic iitory you hi iiiiiii in ijoiiluvlllf who rxuitly hitiik tii ik ulilnult im nttoiiiitv 4il law on utiurih m u frkiul i n i htdrltiu the yolinif in hi ollu e ilmvh u nl dihw tlnitii u m idm u ii lil tin trlinl a man u viryjjkfily lo overaleep tin i riiiu hi rliuf luoriiliu youthful nttnnuy uinlud uumy unit iuu nit biiuullt for tun r ikoii you mnnllmi uul i merely ke p it rrr t 1 wilko tnii wl ll lu tlmn to u linmt it ul i speed jotiuh f i1 u biilhtue in the bank ijtth while uko blll allirrt i ve ha nie engaged jnki fu6euoumly lpenalve irtiirol rlt oldr hiant novur mini mi mttor that love tiioku tho worl 1 co oil ud junes mill jusmnl yea r know but i tinvnr thought it would ko jrosnd fnat eii ugli to make me lopoe jny luvhttire uome service lprtee wants cfoan cut neat spparng umtilllou honest mill and women of character to show and u danism amartly y mitriirt3reases iwlcoow at the wailte ivlces as ihown and solo n our largn and successful chain of iidle lleady towesr hi ore a llilx lu uh unusual ppfmirtunfty u miki u ktermanenf connect on with ixirwlns loyearojd retdll orifuhlasflon and earn a arowlna- lui oni lu keeping- with your uhljity well furnish the repu tation an i capital for you to tjulld a reputation und sucoessful liuuhies in protected territory with ifhtrwlns over- value and hrvad kuaraintve of supreme matlufactton to your rutttomera vou wf it tn youjwlf to writs this very day fir fu particulars of the harwln otijkirtunlty irls- borate fre sample nutnl to tho4 who qualify our styhi un i mi rtilisntllslng experts will train tlkmp who have wilt had former exiierlence addres vmr- wlnaumlted dept 6 hok 11 montreal que baningqulgmmt cmstinctlv house plants in winter milton it was durtnefh manoeuvres ilflfah wvekiy tells us that a soldlsr was being- tried for shooting- a chicken on prohibited ground look here tny man aad the torn- msniun t whp brought the accusation are you quite lertaln that this man shot your blrdt will you swear to ltt no i won t do that replied tha canny former hbt x will soy bsjr uie man i suapsot of dotnjr it ttials not dnough to convmt u an retorted thtforflcer considerably ttettled what raised your susplo- ion 7 well air voplied the sturdy farm or as he slowly mopped his forehead with his bandana 1 saw im on tny property with a sun then i ho red a nun r off then i uw lm puttlntf the chicken in to his knjipsack and it dldn t seent kenslble vomnhow to tfilnk the bird committed suicide atxtas 0g0 mm offatmexq dfhef accotxjing to- locatio unj tlie jm t wkatever your banting nsjuirrmoit oaf be ywo- wal find eke banlc of modtrol prepared to ghe the particular form of service ou need banktofmontrb totl assbts eztaukked islt in bxcbss oi 8 j mr k j wlhkiq was taken to ttts raatter difficult to keep housslclty liowpltl uiat weak to bo operated plupts in good condition throughout upon for some internal trouble the long winter hence a few hlntej lust thursday ay mr cuurleo van may prove useful homo house plants make little growth during the winter and while they are thus at vest ixhay were talking- of the financial auceess of their old neighbor who had st up as hotel-keeper- in a town flf1 teen miles away l from bnahberi thought sure hevi lose what ufue he had saved up as id one of the men bo seems be laid by most ajhous onot dolbus in these flea yean tfaay say all che trayemtnc pabua ufcea to atop over for a night or a meal with t jed as the case w y be hes pop- lar wea he knows how to get on aid another man ready with his trib ute he dont let em get off without paying- sains as some do but yet he don t give offense day i wa there a nun come for dinner that wo in tending tu slip off or ebto be wu4 absent minded tony atej the walt- er tipped ihewtntio jed und1itlundrfalrly3cep si vf strolled uut from fwhlnd the desk and kind ef sagged a tans careless aide the man look here says jed half laugh log if you sbd lose your purse be iwut liere un uuiilaion 1 ah d uku to he sure that vhi had u all right when you icrft my ptem he said why dear tas i havent paidl says the titan and he turned bark to the deak hilghry quick looked to me aa ir but there lye no call to jedae rolks ooecjaily straagers jed got his moov an be ouua would she uovkd alono she had been tending in front of the receiving teller far over a quarter of on hour and be saemed quite uo- awars of hsr preseno rtl any raf at toot she became too irritated lol keep quiet another moment and rap- ptaur the window to attract the st- tenttua of the teller she aausltcally reamurksdl why dont you pay attention to met tm vmry sorry maoam we deal par anything here was the polite re ply next window on the left if you coonhuntino in rilb ojld days x wonder if tttiy of the farmer here- obouts go ooonhuntinu those daw 1 have often enjoyed u hearty laush over ip incident uuit hnppened many yekrs ago when i waa a youngster over on the old farm on- soft march day my father proposed u coon hunt towy brjiherrndttie weuivltajl iwo oh tim tu go alonif und of oourss w took old mwje our log thte particular kind of hunt wa oothliujr more than wuiiderlng through the gore wtthrti wamp of lam- oracfc and tnailee and undertaiph trying- to find a hoi low tree that held a ooon on finding u suspected tree father would ehop un ouailng- ntir tn base aiil oxtitual the iioslils anlmal in whatever wuy aeomad tnost expedient wi had w mihirrj ruumlthioughj irlybcep snow for two h turs run- i hhur up to evry tree that looked hol low and ixamlnliaf it for frnnh scratch es or gray hulr c4u in the bark but had knu no fuvf rahlu klgil w boys had hciu u lua when ratlin slb petl ull to u twlttllng- kwump tnaph stub wrhaul hftien flit high und twu feet in dlauu lr this looks ilk- coohl h wild and ruiitil the with hl axe it was hollow nearly so the should bo given just enough water to prevent tho root rromdrylng up tl applies purtlcu j burly to palms bydtttagea- and fuchsia nd the- two tat lor being kept in rt oool profesalonjiilr latiui whicli are growing should be kept wll watered but it 1 important to see that no water ac cumulate in the pot or in tho jar diniere tn which the plants are sit ting otherwise the rooswlu rot uhil theplant will not thrive this often happens to large ferns plants should b watered only when the soil l be coming dry and then thoroughly not vy day as 1 often done geraniums must be kept dose to the window and lu a window wbei they will get much sunlight to have them bloom well most bloomlnif pjanta sueh a geraniums eychunena imputlenu spiraea and bulba do bet ter if kept in a moderately warm or cool room rather than in a warm arte sponging plants such- as ferns imtlms rubber plants and aspidistra hvry three or rour wrks le deklrable vor aphle souse ths plant in trong soap uuds or some iobacoo itreparatton several tune at intervals of a few day and for scale insects loosatt them with a soft tooth brush or finger ii und waah off with soapy water orsarnetobacco preparation and re peat from time to time w t us- ooun dominion horticulturist ther- wtire fresh scrutthi and a few stray hairs uhd but w vul kohls to try itr ho orderpd huge dry chip flew into our faoea moje sniffed about the tree bj whined beer said rathe coon all right i soon a black hoi gaped before ua and w all crowd el close ut peer within kuther pofkwl the handl the aye into the tree and it touched something- saf kf wit t axe itxintffwb banin a blowing within rrheojtww speetrsl itteen eye stared strangely at us out of the open ing- that w wholly unexpected old ring tall should liuve ibeen asleep or a moment father was stump ed the ooon took advantage of the pe ue mhd a tart d to climb fhthsr tbruet in ilia head of the axe and tried tu iin him agaluat the far aide of the hotlww hut he wriggled from under the woodpile training at the old fasliloned woodpue the country boy acquit ed physical de velopment the ssrolsa strerajthened hi wind and made the muscle arm an i powerful hnd it taught htm pal- alutuiioe the boy who leained to ftuuih ala woodpllu was never- a quit ter whutt he grow up and he paid hi debt ami wus a rood oltlaen ttotaething neetlg to take the place of that job lu the woodpllel home the boys need some tasks by wblolt thry wu laarii industry and persevor- urttti there ought to be something thy oouul do for the baiirpt of thw family tvin if they occupy a city flat it in a hh to 1 hi ul when they take ulae regular job in their smt hour if any huyw have nothing to do after aohouj they stand around on thi side walk and oo to etitertalnmionts und be ride in motor lara onethlng- 14 goliut to lie lacking- tn their character that was supplied in the ahi nova oi the woodpile wkkle of ash wdx about to chop ohio wood ho ullppcd und fell thu oko falling on his rhjiit luind and fracturing two of the anger iurtner rrsldept of halioir county und there uro lany tn uaskutchewan are ptaunlng u bla trl- together oele- brntion dt chumplulit ifutel un march iis mr j l 1 tart ionian of tliiipilns who ho been awt udlng u couple or months here with her parent iir and mr o a llemstreet has return horrte tjcorge k armstrong acoogntapt it the bank of toronto here left for nawmarket on tuesday to take a similar position in the batik there diirng- his stay in milton of about a year mr armstrong has txcotne very poiiular morley watson of tansley chilms tberecord for hutching- early ehlckns oil tuesday be had a sucoessful hatching- of twelve white leghorn from a thirteen gy betting k jf il mcdonald of neuon town ship had a harrow escape from bcins fatatly injured the other morning while uttepdlng- the borae in lb stall mr mcdonald wa uavugeiy klckej and sustained a broken irf the horse ulao tried to trump i him u i itutli under its feu but mr mol donak fortunately crawled bwavfo aafety ltarnri broadcasting from jgurrys tires f lesy compare these prices and then use your own judgment we handle all makes of tires phone or mail your order and we will express the tires toyou the same day x these ttkes aix beae the manufacturers warhentry erin complimentary oehhsrd von lilucher the famous ivuaaiart general field menshatt had og surgeon major of hkt array a man who was v homely but extrerne proud andvwn pile day tuuober atsredlhe ur- geon tent and found him standing before a looking glass arraatgliubbj toilet and admiring himself generally doctor said bluer her laughing t auppose that you are the tuaklsat man in the world t hows that sir may i askr why mis m mcmillan of north iiav is vultlng- with her sister ml- mary mohlhar mr lm v minneapolis wlsoon- sln u the guest of mr uivd mrs ftrancl yahk mr wm conuoy was seised wtth weak spell ori wed it dy mornlng- uhd u quit ul imr und mr jas 11 uuchauii uhd son uttd duughter of brgua whu recently purohused mr 1 walkers proiierty u 1 bulnis moveil in kui lothel jthwta convalescikjt after a recent operation in tluelph oeiierdl hoapltal the orap aplurlc hiluhurg- have purdiased from 1 mocooncl a eon hlluburg their ikitato ebjvstor and flour und ycd liuslnee r joljii short v ii wu the victim of a dutrtwhliis ukllriit on xuvsday of last wvk when lid wsm j limbing u tree which he hail felled i in aoina matnier ihn ire rolled over itrlkhtg him en the tuft leg his kin three fructurve 4ietweenl lbs knee upd ankle huuibura- checker- club defeaud ihjrtn cheoker ciu last tuesday afternoon at dwyur hotel by eight game there were seven player to each team 64 game helnjt played lx of them helm draws the heifuuntalh and luekalds womeae institute met an friday mnryh j 1 k sldent mr qcu bootl wlthossr j thirty in attendance as this ws thai day set upart far th international vpmeii s day ttt lrayr a short prayvf service was held before the reguiar eetlmf naj vocal wad up up he want werlval u caughlna is your tlirout and tonsil sore and nothing- helps we here yuu urw quite tn love i guarantee if yl use mrs sybil u with yourself aud yuu narant a single apskrs tousliuta yotall be aoon or cash returned r

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