i tle government control bui i apd tea not chw nntrodni h this iioukop 31 awanjfwrwh ututur fuclehl toem wkllt of ontario tjlfe acton pimfc thkm 1 bubllhl ry ttiuiaday fcuooilna at the vtm pra llulldlatf hill street actua ontario tin aubtcflptloa pike it aoo lid in advance poalk in ttwtr to tb uoti tjta tai wmcb paid id ujlttd m lite add slit ajibtcrltloaa are m titer ahvkut di taol to ceorapcr i uritiaaead jmi itrctllae lor first 10 ceorsptr hod agate tnmaure l n4 vmi pw hoe tor aell atlbac quant tnawtjon contract uaply edrartlae chc or i irbctliov apsa btj fwrtcd ni 1 j charged accordingly je per ntmnii bcr inch each ieactlio atfrertlumanu with- jt at tass atesidcnce of manager yhurspxir inorniwg march 17 j027 editorial the psrmm wheal ipool more than 1 40000 farmers in the provinces of manitoba saskotchwhnantlt7ciborta members of thocaoadwnrwheatpoolir totalling 20000000 this sum represents an in terim payment of fifteen cents per bushel on last years wheat crop members of tio canadian wheat pool receive most of the payment for their wheat as rvtjttetgacoaauiatmid6at in- interim markets ofho of the pool j cog statu re last woele premier ferguson announced tnat he was carrying odt thomaiidajto or the pebplc as expressed in the last election the bill takes thb ontario temperance act off the statuto books and puis liquor erf the market wherever it is desired it js evident thattho measure has been worked out carefully but numorous details yet to be made public tc3imlkirijiattd4jfihodmmibti most important of these has to do with tho quantity which may be purchased at one time or over a given pchod one unexpected fee two of tho bill consider ing tho argumonta advanced during the election campaign to the effect that the doctors of- tho pro vlnco were being made bartenders is the j ro vision to continue the issuing of prescriptions h is made clear that they are to be issuedtrlotly nicdlclnol purposes as was also the intent in the ontario temperance act a physician rnsy- still prescribe pno dozen bottles of boei or hyvutt of llcjuor if his patient is in need of iuch under the actjhe authority placed on thecontrorjbpard- is extensive its judgment is to prevail and is ttr be absolute in mny respects even to tno establishment of an indian lisc a magistrate may also help in this much will vdepqnd however upoirthffenforcenent authority for which will with tftei board the attoi- neygencrars department artd tho municipalities walking on the highways wjth th i rng hr tith l f r a walk in the country 1a thinking of those pleasant evenings and afternoons that he wilt spend visiting once more nature in all her glory charming com panionships will be resumed and- acquaintanceships renewed walking- in the country is a glorious privilege healthful and mindcleansing of late years it has lost much of its attractiveness the coming or tho automobile has taken away a great deaiioifitcharmirfiyingu5tand thostfddtmf tooting pf a horn warning one to speed out of tho way have removed from the country walk thoenjoy- ment and placidity it used ob ring u need not 111 vevbccn tlio road builders have had iri mind onlyperationofhighwysorheraccmimoda ttoi of motor cars the pedestrians have been for gotten as a matter of fact inr canada the ruraf pedestrian has nevcr been considered no pathways norsidcwaik3 havo everbeen created for him in ldrcitjieaiisi5jq0 uso ever been- remembered- whenin old c lm urhiiml toilay rjitltm- cheaply tho utlla irbultl nut llilnlc thfy will- let kttuiifoollon ty 4irylntf 1l chaji tea in a matt oxvenjilvv luxury yt towoue- twqter t tiny fitrnmy tmildl liillt bjvorv tkrtij thlnkn tilu ik tali- tracltllcl tliqualitttmiliiiijtraflrtlet tall clearino auction sale 5powijtihi farm btook mplkmfenta ptc jliu utieiatlffnrtt uum twulvl ln- hlniullotiti riuni fftank jhnfna to mnl by ua auotloh itt mm tartni tytbri wtnociwliiri i ttldijitoj on ihu jrmurtll un krlii on monday march as iw7 ai t tvrilook ank tjin filtowb iroiihka i nay iivih mum to ytv ilrt t illuy anlillttif u vottrn avnornl purlioair oowh imnau ahil wlilt cow hulk inic wtill hfa in omou iun oow mhultir wll hrpd in- kibruacyt jtniry ooiv miiklnir wll liri in inborj a iiftlror cjvii iroqb l mo dud april si 4 chunloi powtily bo lien- uniiruut hahvksfl i moc ira mountod urarxrtilnit ilalrtojw 7 4t blncw jjr- tho x rjlila j ym prtr tliomaa tt toiuki- mr vlopr ilrldo tho nuthor af i jxu l rnriiif lt1imhryatirrtft kin fiimklrib- it cuiiilulilaa anthur imn blioo rotito mkdical v speedy relief from bunions soft corns vuluttmta unnthyiihoui- tuillpiinlturi 1 mrvliintllvarlnw jjlndei- lit tiiitwtlh hpiif iwirrlrxl mjrot wood llowtfj io rit liny luk i walwiif mow wilkinson wulkjnir xlow plury walking plow s bp tppth frmivtttoibcly of sk urlll willi uramm ktoed r wron with bai ttumry cuilfr nfer ujju m nt xnnwltiln sriq will oiillnu urtur crum tkib lntniit t4tfoillna lirdwilnir bunion pmihn wliti lh how powerful i not rat i hit yt han- loimuiutlahltnriiotr ly b obulnod nt uny witll h drlitf mtoro apply tt rw drm ovnr tliu liirlniii- t uwolisn joint bhd into how mpaoillly ptn dlaapimnni a fow inttru tiiv- plltlonj bh1 0i woui joint iw tdundlo horn o hirvlloujiy powerful ij kntkfuhl oil that nof t torrlw miytirl to tuirull rlsht lp ijd drt off jilj 3nimim kim ma too it ainl im luirilha t to many ifoofc- hun it irr tliomaa tl toipit bury pt lrtln titiwiklrib it cuiiiirlilq dtropiv out nt iflnttluhi in thutt tiuulwl 4y thti hlllulnlihla liilltln uui pmnulpn can bo car- rld i too tar th ulbnprfliiuo nvtn wltcn tobloally rtlit atvrtiully wronk ja li ullruprixrlaa profoaanr wont into n hiirtlwar thti uml awldj t4htnv mil rural pl xnn it jbxou- tlr t id- tho rfwilei- no tulil th tritmdir t whiit i mny k litriitl mhtliltl 1t1 iiooim tnuk ttiwii u i ll rfkok horo protraior hii roiit nnru two mnjom 1ipto7 ilofit two tiiaku it pulrtt wwli youvd not twu li i inuko ymi a jiulr ui inorit hhit trowsnnr ul tho deal liiiitphuiitlytliroiazli hx tortticj kit vii locicjilly riklit blil sro- ruiihor ijniiimliury zmit ronlly ha watt wroiiif i otl and lor vlopr ilrldo tho nutljor of annthur imann bhooa rotit uthfliiimo incident of hj profoaalonio mtpeloin fta hnd ln on thoatmaro for ave ynrv tnanablnaby jamo d- ltru1 knlriicu lie wiyvy maky nouh to llvo on- on one oorsslon lip wn ploying tho iwrt of llio torturtir tn ii viriloii of nolr dmnit lyo- ilticprt jpbnrlo car wrl lit clbariho ffin turnip pullmr whlboitw hon rjrlndorj orlndbtona- hyptark llolm lc 16 tgtf inaubmlorf uillottii critr alatatur nnwr inlll triumph churn loffsin cliaina liorlc hon hhov- i window bjuii taddersparral ctidr pot etc- tki0m8 10 ndund auth vr thitt amount i month credit unfur- nuhlna npprclvvn- joint nolm 4 iwr nnnum oft for ouh poultry ahd imrnltur vxtsu roy hinolev auetlonmr m- rhono icrl brln opt o-o- plank ollrlt the bight of citizens to attend meetings of pnbjk bodies ixt meeting of tho rncmber of fergus school board last week iho demand was made that hugh tjcmplin pmjie ncvs two other citizens presear dr a groves and mr wr b thomson j leave the room before anything was done mr ternplin wanted to know by what right they could put him out he saldthat he had a right to reporc the meetings of the school board or- of any other public body and this was freely conceded by mr dick the chairman and other menibors mr tick exnlained however that this was not a meeting of therboard the secretary had not sent out any and the chairman had personallynotifled each man ana had made it clear that this was not a special meeting oftho board even under those circumstances the representative of the newsrecord claimed the right- to give the people all possible in- formation as to the transaction of public business by mien elected by the people the newsrecord says as one specutorputitthe next morning rit mustbcoirtojimronebrght feel that they know more- than three hundred others in towp- ssplrlioshssjtpwmakeatkinr- wwtssospikst c6mforf t is hoticeablo that along all thesehijh- ways that have been built through this country at tremerldbus expense there is nofaeingie pathway for the use of theujirorthnatejajkj heal service by the chamber of commerce the value ux actop chvm tjcommerce to the commonity vaa jseil- demodstrated during the week a proposal- to establish jih important new irjdustry was made an very attractive advantages pointed out to accrue upon being established in acton always on the alert in the towns interests ihe chamber of commerce set to work at once tij facilitate matters in case arrangements should be completed for locating the proposed industry here members accompanied thejrepreaentativesofrthe cffiliiaaryjseeking location here intheselection of a site and give all necessary information add atten tion two delegations sent to toronto to investigate he existing conditions of the factory there he volume of business and the financial standing of the proprietors these investigations gave valuable in formation which will materially assist in coming to intelligent conclusions in whatever negotiations niay follow -if- it is decided to recommend thatsteps be taken to- secure the industry for acton the credit- willbe dueto chamber of commerce activity in the matter if ir is concluoqd to bo inadvisable to proceed further in the matter this decision- will be arrived at because tho chamber rpf commerce deemed it inadvisable to enter into the terms and conditions laid down by tbo company seeking jocmtiaq a threeycaf programme of construetion of new branch ines on the canadian national railways totalling 470 miles of new railway has been sub mitted to the house of commons it is- claitriedthat these new branch lines will lead to eccriomyln opera tion- t a towns best booster a writer in a current magazine observes if the newspaper is just a little hotter than its towril tho latter is the gainer thereby towns and theirnews- papra usually lagsr lead together progressive journalism iis the unfailing tonic of the lethargic community but it is equally true that a lifeless jiewapapej- 4n seriously retard the development of its community there is nobetter community asset than a home newspaper equal to tho needs of the community while a poor newspaper is better than none to the individual reader that docs not nold true for the town what can a good newspaper do for its community it can serve as the towns messen ger to the outside world it must take the leadership 1nnl community projects if they are tobe success ful it is the infallible line of communication be tween local government and citizen it is to tio newapkper that all organluttions turn for assistance irr public welfare movcmciits and without the aaslat- atjce they face failure the newspaper reaps the ncat- rii 4 jjccn instrumental in bringing about the jpjod repatliways along every highway for the people tho poor and those who love walking should notbe dis criminated- against to build a highway with no thought forrthe pedestrian is class legislation to- day we build roads tor the rich and let the poor wallow in the slouglialmontc gazette last fall when visiting jack minevs place at- rtingsvllle tho writer observed a narrow cement walk which had been laid sdl along tho front of the farm being interrogated ss to the purpose jack said j0 i built that thirtyinch walk to make ir safe for thekiddlea going to school- there are so many motor cars passing along here that walking along- the highway is as dangerous for the children as walking along railway tracks and of course the older pedestrians use it also auction sale townmhil- ol kwn altction smm tvt towncuhp off biun pari tock implembnt8and mouaghq y undaralgimd hna roclvod 1 atruotona from itabrv mcdonald lot una 4 klhn 4 mltaa horlb ahon toall by public auction on b mahoi u xu ioiup1 i look harpy- utaaoi lowing i omy horao hsmvy ma idata 1 iray lloraa japm 6t0cw implemertta hav and grain tho undaratanihl halt reeolvatl ulyiiotlonw frotn ja0ru88eltttr lot 3 una sffirlo 2 mil wt- of hnwfdtteltiy pubujaijbjoir on rz in- ij fridaymarchzft- editorial notes thebotelsteepcra fltoj oeer the sign fl can ce of tbe mnjle- j4one of- them ar-ln- the bmiljitf mood since reading the provisions of the government con trol bill that fact may furnish a smile to the pro- hibttionists anyhow- star brown weight 1400 id a thovo huma at imo in all tutmaaa uarprefc 6 tfood younar cowa dur ham arntloa aoppoaad lofraahanln april and may s helfera halnif twrrlqtihntrtal mi f raat btgart and 1 lialfar rlalnr- x yar ljs- hhottta about 00 n iitpudmelntb vraut v wood- jdliiavr in uoodjihidw 7 root ciltwltb ahaaf carrier and truck j mocorrrilok ly nw jor- krtiat a wood hny xoadr naacly new moaaay- jlnrriii awl driu 11 dlao tnoarly naw davrlna cultlwtor in icood ahotio noorly nl chatham ponnlna- mill with baasar wnrly nw mduy- hnrrln liay tadflar tudbopa ahdar- aon ilow narynw h plauiy plowa at uf maury irurowa 4 beotlotut 4 wovtin ux and ahalvlnxa ji com- llta 1 top buray nearly flaw l hortd ciirti4 aet of whiffle tre i naokyoka rrudhope manure sprad- haorly haw fork hobanitlvwtl chajna clvcaa ate haitnbfcjs aeut team llama kvearly newi saau of old huriutaa 1 eta of elnirla hurnnaa inlr of hlah top collaraj 4 odd collar ixotm hay amd rain borne luy and ornin tbbm8 10 and updar cajih ovt that amount- 10 month credit on rurnlabiiitf approved joint note b on for cash bay and oraln cah rj kerr auotlaim u-t- rhwrnvaflracirrnront c o jiiathc clarjt ik ho need i aed bay s ytan oowsl jataey cow calf attoot 1 holateln jow calf at foot 1 xlolateln cowoalf at foot 1 ho la 1 4 in cow bred october 1 auppoaed to b in oolfj 1 molataln cowi bred beptembatr auppoaad o be in oaltl i llolatolit cow bred septetnbar v auppoaed tp bein cnlfl 1 yoarllnar heifer jouthy daeae end qanderi 1 buck and drake 1 gobbler mod l nn turkeyi- a number of yoarol1 hana iumo young jtooatun and pulleta snooi how with 6 pi- s weaken ld 1 rtow aunpoaad to be in farrow imikmknrs i rjeahnir blhtlar nr ideal foot- 1 ma aaey- harrl mower ijfnatr 1 jjvoat woorl tlcr llako 10 foot 1 ateol ifm fuollcr rlautthaalh uwiff aprlntf tooth cultivator 1 maay harrl head drill 10 hoerxmplote 1 manaey- marrl seed drill j 1 aet drag 4 beetlatur 1 dlo harrow acufflar 1 twofqrrow llowji maaaaytllarri 1 no jl flaury plowt t no 21 ineury llow 1 mo verl ty3b4idje lo wopen buy ctrttr4buiratrwlieelr l bujrst tonarue rilabe tlre jphlui qfmb or thought irniiepta of muxtmiuna uro of traiit wejirlil njid a fow- uaefol- ifwnd du ltero toward a happy i if uunwtioia volumaetbat w know not whoro to tlntl ffaneca j pthu atatoadoteoarttlwlijmoae wtirn not jo verted- nonmptly end that clear honor war tturohuaerl by thu mrtlit thu wearer tiliakiptare wt hiuyjjiuljca of man hy theltf cqn- varaatlon toward ur4 but never by oodmawdlairenaatlonji toward whrmil palnuir wilt niudrt to loofc da tiiilimiaant iiki iknaaoiltv und rt m i nc othr dutlo id rack ji hnrolnn- afir tint openitliin iiav bauti iwirtttirj mill aha wan lylnif a orumltnl nmu lmt very lliflitly ctiul imun nn the ho linil to hdvfthi uiitl iirotoitt- liilf to klok hpr ohunrvt hriitully htalhl iteratlol at thu tlint matlnttu nt imutitctoh when hit brought put iiiim- rattier t-ul- ioun floiniivmiid a dfir old- buty wllli vlout bonnot hlrlngm vim wan ulttlntf inthe front row of the utnliu lfiiped to uuticftd tlwrtad up to tho footuglitm bruiulnlng an umbrthu mid y0iil funloualy alvelivr a olmlr you uuly llttla awlnnj it was tilt ulliualnif ttiut- fmohy to the exrlanco of ijn iint- llltfv- 14 j dr j a rmcnlvbn- phyafolan and furman i offleo anj itiffltlonco cqrnar odwar avenue aad ictgln street it ti r it a more illfflault and call for hlglier energlea of mil to llve a martyr than to die one rl brace iktonri 1lthy atnntenoe a re like aharpnallri whlohr force truth upon their own maniory diderot- ju ihonia as dhev j nhlson vliionijkicic htheotf- aotorl ontario leoal iltttr no tt v om halold nash fahmer ma parrjaur solicitor- no i ar public conveyartcar fcuo pcnhvman block acton ont- mdnky xknt qjv mitt6aob10 ifaurerrjiihj o m to 5 pn haturdjiye lloo tclock dikntau dr j m bell k ds l d 5 dantit jlfortor oruduato of toranto dnlvar- ilty tl lflt 1 dealrixl over 30 years ithe same oodtea frow packed in aluminum grmvsjl boxea 1 yard 1 wapn imx 1 box tore l cot of aleel prlna t0q0 for wagttn 1 chatnam pannlna mill bagwer complete 1 oconnor waahlnjr machine 1 camp stove t quantity of atoveplpea whlftletrceg neokydke 1 dajay churn 1 good rep rose okangl pe i extra good i bare and chaina 1 the tanners advocate makes a reat logical sug gestion irf the following comment if e can afford to vo te o ver4ii i000000 an n ually to pro teet- cuniuj a gainstiriiflginnry military foes it would be good business to expend a like amount to combatjlisease insec an3fungns pests that are waging actual warfare here and now t the druggists of midland have decided to close their stores in the evening at nine oclock instead of eleven in- oriliia the druggists have closed at eight oclock fof a dumber of ears end at the same time ceased opening on sunday the public has not suffered so far either and the druggists have had morn reasonable hours- packer and tiroes- farm property cropland liveatocfc the pro vince of ontario had a total estimated value at the end ofthetaicjigofsl7aejflfs accardiog to a btauitical statement issued by the provincial department of axgriculture land was valued 870212480 buildings at s40002371 implement at slmr8s03o and livestock at 33160274 the 1026 total value is 100000o0 more than that of j025 all motorists are agredtbat mdysxihinisisli vecved along tiie highways are a nuisance and a dangcr and admirers o- natural beauty whether motorists or not are lotwrhn the condamnalion of tho larc posters as a desecration of the countryside this chorus of disapproval hii long been heard and just now says the hamilton spectator there are encouraging indications that it has not been ite- icther jn vain bruce rfuron and wellinfton counties are now all more or less interested tn the matter of county valuation the report of the valuators for bruce and huron was recently received by the councils of ihoao coaatlea and in both cases there was mud rtward of its initiative by sharing in the genara mfasatfs faction and appeals- have been made to the jd9wapaper deems it a pleasure to serve its commun ity and its readers and is fully aware that it i oqjy through giving a full measure of service that it eao pfogreaa gjid prosper oshawa reformer v udge by ceruin mauiwaajitjea u byrnfiicq jgsa woritwas dope last in weuington county here top there was inaquailty and that u wly now valuators have been ohoaen so soon gain and have pow started to work record vat fergus news- unrucrved auction sale w sirin township arnl 8tock implcment6hav and arain etc the underpinned baa reoelved in etruotlona from- the gaeoutrlx of th eeute txf the latfi john millcl to ell by auction on ibe north xat half of rtll conoaaalon 4 erin one mile from oepiing on thai quelph itoad on l thurspaw march 04 tft27 at one oclock eharjj the fouowlngf jiqltskh pair of matched bay uarea b and lo yeam7aymar colt hetng i wajl brokan and a good one moel-yeora- u- oodworerj7srown ortvtngmare ibyeira oattle bluek cow treeh with calf at foot br4 agalnpnoan cow treah- wlthcajf ttt toot bred again y gry cow fjreah with calf at foot fered again red cow dae april 10 j holetaln cow with pedigree due april si ulu cow due may b ayrablre caw duo about auguat 1 ayrahlre helrer due in april holatalnualfar due in april registered moutaln duu 30 month old red steer 9 taontbe old young ceif piob itegutered tamwortb o due about april 1 ragiaured tm worth bow not bred white bow du april 10 ib chunk b bonth old 4 ihga wsek old tflhkep1 breedln aw ram oxford fowl- about 40 kan i purebred white leghorn coekarela implmmkntts maaaayiurrla hinder 7 foot jtit nearly new ueef ina- heed irlll 11 dlao derlna cul tivator lllaaal dlao harrow- iron ase potato digger cookahutt twoharae bouitlarl cockahuti manure bpramder ailemewegot twoandhvhalf tire txx aud aprlngr aeat complete i moorat top lugfy at itcpwt ft wood mower fi foot cut hay ufka itay rack stoekrack eetof uauot flloop lelgh cut tar aayhur rl bulky plow fleury lowno li junior cookafcuh plow jfroet wood twofurrow plow twwn gang aet arrow b aectlon iotato moulder walking beurleri aaplnwall 1otato o radar haiurew rarrow boalo jo00 tbe vlaury tw- hlp owr theae loiplemanu are praotleally d good a haw jlugay porrlnd wlilltletra uwn moweri x pig crate atonaboat sheep luokl rotf trrek hoy ork llay knife turnip pulper whaelbarrow x ateel pu tnughm whlrlatreeel neck- yukaai rvrk iloea flhovala iulwy und othar artjjl too iiuttiaroua- tu mention a number of oralri dag jlarnloaa bet ur mounted taam hame wlu breechln naarly nawl aet plow tlamaa t blngl hanla aome odd collar itoroe ulanveu hat and orajn- moatly timothy about 1 fetof sweet tone ot may bweel jiio about 100 clove tctialug buahel oat atbout150 buohala bar lay and data mixed about to buaheu wheat and oat mixed about a buvhel pua flt for aeed a quantity of timothy baad about 1s bag rueaett pntato good for need household hutpkcts ie luval cream dvaratar no ix a good aa nw happy thought cooking rani boa btove mumu- w biri uminm w tenuely oraln timothy bead wood fowl ud all qpi of hooo ahd under oaeb over jat amount ix mouth oredtton approved joint note aoeunt for oaab juvely ne reserve a the farm la bald tj hov hindliy o o plank clerk auotlooaef- laddrrbelhr ela pick axe croaecut aawj 1 buck aow aet heal chain 1 sbarplae beparatpr quan- tlty pf milk pana paua coal- oi stove s burner kooaehold purnlturr habnbss xctcbefr heavy har- neaal light aet of baokband harnaa aat plow irarneu some odd collar havy and light some jruh cobbler potatoaa peiuvly no raaerve tiorfes tlooo and under ceeh over that amount 8 month v teaoito ri turnlalilna arp proved joint nbtea airulghl off fof coah wl aah r j kerr auctioneer 317 phone se aoton c 0piiank clbrtkv j offlce at rfluldonco corner of mill and vrwderlck eltraotm dr j h johnson dds lda- drtl1 8ui4iiii otucd oyr jtnnk of nuva bootls texbiiidnb miscellaneoua francis nunan baklllrtdar- account book of all kliiil made to oritur prtdlcabj of uvory iloacrlp- tlon carefully bound ituuiui neauy and pro d wyndhatn btri dulph over wllllnuuiiupwe aurilmerr art staj jbitate ttren ty- bmtm list yovicvnoikivrv w1t1 ue acton ontario foreye8 thit seek good looks and feet that crave comfort lavictus shoes ebasrooodsaoe vxaaffi lay 4cfb h l harrison towhink by edsqn jr watte sttawnke oklahoma tthatit paysr to have trade dayg tiiattra benefit the jtnercjhjmi an3 what benefits the taiejfants benefits town 7r that they bring to a town not only the people from the home trade territory but people fromlyonditsieognizerl trade territory that visitors n6jlijilytmdm6iieybut on tlieir return home they tell their neigh- bor6 of the cordial welcome they received which does much to build a friendly feel- ibgjlojwardajtown fre life automoblla accident and bioknea inauranee meey ivltjmrr 30000 deatlia 400600 injured tbuf eontlnoht by uutmnoblle in 1s4 vou cant alwuyaeeiapfl injury vou can eucapo flnau- cll loatu by calllnjr on a e nicklin bovaer ave- ineuranceaptnt that tdwiis that do not have trade days should tluplpit oyer they are missing an opportunity tijattradc daysalwayspayju earefullyl- carried out that eooperative advertising in news papers atid cooperation among the mer chants make them pay that trade days not only bring- busi- triess today btit build business for the future j- s thconly way business cain be secuifedj to keep everlastingly after it copyrifhr 027 cpuections wehmtlo collncllon only 38 yeare experience- apeak for itaelf tuaeurlng effictiiney and ra- llabluty kelly aiken coixkctors orengavllle end owen bund hjkudrdlitik bfeanadv monuments vrora now until april t we wiu oater weclal attractive price on mu order vlaoed for monuroant our uuual good warkmanahlp on all work and a arood eeleotlon of old cmintr grnnlui ia obooa from afao uhwrlptlbn put on inr demeury l monument works j nicol main 8u actun babys0wn elriotr purxjjrd at the store where you buy your groceries iih bvry year- umiiih thut oui ttuokbu tua jiyt up mthxhojiv tik- tliu iln tu which ihy ar uj wu tilt hot ulktl uutmiokt ii mmtil thit t vhn you fcuy ikut ur jwrya h you uan ta tiur umt th m1 will bi at tmllfuitovy viullty tid will itrtiiluuo aioj rcult ft c- lluy herrytr setdu ix m fkkmy windsor onc co hl iti9titiiilcr vii irl vt vv qfr3wn