j t llcatua are no wbir rates i dirt ha ai c wijaj died tuvaflk j hw itu ihtroet uuolph on wodueaday march if 1037 unrlu o schodeld wld w tit tho lattf itenjamtn buvax itntr nmthor or ooorko a- savura and albtrt 1 buvatro in her 7sth your me ivrtmt jffnr jlrrijh tuubbday maltch 17 im brief local news vtoll it woll vurtltto nd it will nd- aim oountry roads nro not in viy cod onriltlort ho now ornp nun i mycin wau mo i 1 lu walkihnn last- yok nuiiilaym showora truvo the fuco if nut uro u much noedod wash jt looku im lfllt munlo yrlip iwimoiwwlll im an unusually short on acton and district urious condition of mrf qo benton mr qeoro hentou who hu xn 111 crluuel health for soulo tlnm unl win went to h josoih hns itaf uuolph kuit week for trwulmnt had hcr a rrvoniarkm eiet thyraday thlu iipcaitlon wm fouml noa mt fn-g- k in tho limb- neighborhood news nassaqaweva a vi ry korl us itoolrtnitt bofel aiox near mod of mr rliomaa kcur wuth lite on mnrituy forenyojp he l ul bwwoodtmrwrt tcrnfot tjht mi- nnlwm mojnubhlin und wa m gn 1 in mttolnij wood ihcra pta trail eleven o ilo k tho drlvinif bu new off tho pulley on tho sawing machine tim only man who never mlssos the mmk u tho man who nover shoot iti too grown hyacinth ntl dairo- tllli am how blooming finely in the jliiliuw tim wontow who dresses to wiivy 1 njifinlln too much oq her no 7 highway now tn ood con litlon for motorlntf from toronto westward tho giroity and nlwav wlomo trtmjurocfc will ho f rooly in ovidenc to djiy hi iatrlck ilwy flonday wa tli wrmfiat uarch iluy lh itovon yearn the mercury rafihd c decrftotf atoovj wro llockj t f feooo hvo boon poln worth ward tho luuit fow dya nn in- dloatlon 0 tho advent of mn4a hoi jam dow tho winter unow intui ft ri and with am uttlo rloodlnif an during hi uaat w00u bap ninnln number of fartrt- n ijt workrln ttroir monlo urar urctioriht uhdhavo hd jullnt 1 during tlio weofc uiourhihrtir of ttowtitapw bueor fhllft hpn and h hurblntfuru of uprlogc a coupla of men txxdrdod lon2 onaiifftt to ran bo a board iii nt f 41 so ut th rf rr tnft nnrt thrrt rwnwui tho poll co aro attt them tivq tiiriny aulaoa for ifaltoti wu1 bo hold at th court hou miitoirflnmonday tufarch 1 1 a numlkr of ciiujl ore to bo bard ilnt ktiiol mower who culna to anton from irnuuols falls hou tmr cbahiil tho brick trouaa and lot at tho corner of kltln and aanen btretll from mr charloti ahj provincial consiablo owvru an j yjienitu- inajwrctor itvey who ro a ntly uuprobondod 1 tart ton the al od indon murderof wero a london ivlntf vldenoa at the trial thoro uro alwmya odda and onif of job to clcaon u before wftriag otmna j tho weather ha boon no rratlo the paat nine monlha that oho ahould 1h irprd tor jvprlns at any time 1 jamoa armtrong prourlotoc mylwyld luvk tho bulorlo around 0 tho ouffiirlrt jlacroaao club hau smntntl the town un of th nartc u tourlat cat and ula oifaf baa been aocootd iilrpi ut a govt unifl ifl advertise in tnu jjooi luato other ood month fqr tho admo burtoa aru june aurlt july ootobiir january boptambr iluy auiruat jcobraary noventber and deoonfber at a upeclu inoouno- of uilton uualneua men a aaaoclallon loat sveek h wa resolved to hva tho weekly vvdnhdwy haf holiday arrancomont so into effect on april i and ontl october 31 now la tho time foa topo of all ace tnjiu to tho aldowalks wbw they come toy corner lot and furuwt thu habit that itud bocomo com mi durlnir tb winter month of outtlntf aero tho lawn ilann ltro sold a dno saddle hori totho ulilcgcaof tho ullltary academy toronto fat weofc thi horo will bo trained to take vort in tho musical ride s faced t the exhl bltlon ach jear the robin bad a meaaace from wnw ono far awny tu uh h i comjnc utocl hor uny day and ho ht vliilmf loudly to tell tho flow rw and tn o it a tf mo to aturt their blomttoma und wlcomo blrdm and beoa ltootil rnlleri vlaltod tho uoulhy btuht of 1ua rt laihn in nlon townjthli ahd wtolo fifty of hi wlav plymouth hock hen tho bird wertf alausblerod in tho ben and thftli head lor behind dw idea in the chicken tealin bulnoa advertulnjf lnpra your nanto and bualnea into th uubllo mind mo that wbwn neoplo think of bhythlnr in vour line they connect your name with it tho bunlnm that id advr- tlwtd kei in contaot with hundredu of home uvory week i orllla tax rat vi1i be lower thl yoj- by from una to two mlll tb paoket and time learn on rood uuthorlty kujtolly how knuoh lower it t hnnoulbl to ay the estimate hvo not finally boon lial ltmt yvar tbo rulo wa 47 mill oenea gown presented to pastor llov a c mlowsri m a aoton waa ut camtiuollvlllo nti monday vluir attrintilnif a awvlo at ut uuvltl u church ut which llv c q joiio u a 11 d tho 1 tutt r of thu hum sneaunyu churt i t vwim jruilptmi wuti u lino ttllk uniyvii kowii yvh 11am jthitntunc li wnu uliut intuunt pll and praotured wrlsf on monluy mi jouoi li llolinvu uowar ayt nilo ia wl ut of tho klchm loor to tho yui 1 wl6n ho ulli ed iin iho inmnd hi falllhu -ouii- ttirod tho inilo bono of tho lift am botwoon tho wrist tltnl tho olbpw jt la a tafnfiil injury but umoord to la dolhtf wolh true dill agaltit harlton th ortind judy at tho middioj atffilae at lioiidun hrouaht in a truo hill aaralmt mwurd hat itott ii10 lumdon mav ojmruetf with tho murder ot jntmtc tvtldtllil oit n table oil b jonilw ja iqsti uiirltqh w fitratfd by ivovinciwi oaltor owon an i j- und mr near nrniijf to throttle down tho t iiulnfl wliloli liuuu to rtifrt wllun tho liud wa c unfortunatiily tlio iootiu ik it uilht in tho ilywlwt1 unit thu wlunk woun i uitout hi iuol n i imrlttl him uiralnut iho mauhlno both itoiift wtm rraoiurvd im low tho knuo and tin t nil wuu uulnfuliy brulnuti ami laoorttil a hurryup ull itilutfut jjt kehion to tho jtovno of thu noolilont in uhout twmity mlnutoit af tor noiilylntr flrut uld he motor d ifiu mtirftrlnc imin to tho oaunral lion tiltnl oueljih wt rn tjjo x ray revwal fi llio oxltmt ut tho liijurha tho frticturtrh wjo jtutioeusfully roduoom and put inv ptuali r xa und itr itr hope 1 tim injurotl mt mbiir will w uvuntually jostofaid roojsvwfcod vovlncl spoctor uoovoly at norval tluo woeka ao those t nioor liovo boofrattond- jnr tho trial at london till wook ax wltnoaso glarlna motor hesd ltghu the attorney jannral a ofrloo hau kent out hotlcod to orown at tor no v maslstratea and conatublfi durlnir tho week that tho glaring heotlllht of many motor car which bavo boon a menace to maio4tavol muat -bo- uttjltratea are advised not ta treat lightly any who aro founl siallty of breaoh of the ulchway ovmo in thl mtftfoular hut to impose aubstantlal penaltle promokt of col kennedy m p p for col t t kontiatljr u v 3001 lia boon promotod from tho rah of lloutontfhticulonel to ilri- eadlur ounoral of tho itody guard which ha boon uaaotted gomph- montary rcforenca to tho promotloi waa made in tho lcjtlulaturo on be half oltuio qovocnmont- by hon cuwv henry who referrodtotho prtdo wilchvlifi ifouso motnbor took in tho duunsuuhed whitrtry corcci ot uiolr gngtuqwi 1 ofwciat visit of u d m a gala night at walker lodas a v a am on mo twamlig tho oitklal vuu of ll w lm jaftrey d 1 o id of wehlnatott bltrk tir walker loduu a v x a m aotou u4i monday- v oiiik attrut tv i u ln attend ttitu if m 111- bera tht ro wwtf wlso iraieiit u liumur u vlkltlnu luilirn um uualltt oetiraotown and other milntu worohkiful afuster i burlo a wll eon aooispltwl u10 hulr hi hi host und donduotid tho tmofoodliik pf th evoillitk tl 1 first douria was x emplllh d by tho mo r of tho rotl and thu i d 41 w romvmntftntfd wor itro wllsoif knd bl start i of omrh upon ihelr rnrlent work vi vn adjournment tho brouii urotthxtod ttstho lrish hall where a uniituou mtinjmet a waited them tito toot lljt hrotisht out a number of cxivphmully fine atldresaoa the aoeakt ra if ho venlna- mmo it vv lfco jshrsy t 1 o m iluehih 6nt 1tot it el zlmmrmun anton itro tlu v l nomelttt itorkwood w jlro vlniuy uuelph w uro nt i ucxnni and w uro a t ttrown aoton w uro infht orand valley lod kltcrujr w uro wtlsoo vl m did blmaett crdu mmutw at ooretnonle an imwo vised acaaoulo biwbeatra proved vary coeptahi mualo dur lbafths evnlng wbliih wa asjpreolated jr tht lodce and vlaltora lent tjlvartlsnt onrhghway jt u roportod on very tool authority that iho highway on aoton oroasroatli from tho ulxili lino to thu canadian irfiitloiih i hit bvjtilu ttumli lo hn flnhtbihl with u ctmont uurfuio during tho comjnc uummor to ml 01 uro already blnff put hi for thin aoctlon ttf ty road on tht biula of bohicnt pnvemonti jt will bo couatruutod on ttian ulmllnr to tlmwo try whluli th9 main btrtct tiavojuoiit wim laid hocti injjj lall enjoysbl st patricks evening tho annlvoraary of rt patrick wa elebratod by tho youlijr liwplo oulld of knoit 9iurch oil mon lay ovenlm with oonaldentbla oollit tho deooratlons of will to and srooit om- baluhhod with ut 1utrlck jday wp bloma cave thu school room an oapuot ploaalnir indeed to tho if tall eye an j sen but unusual in sujtoundln- which councillor nlool invariably charaoterlsea ua the oatmaol iflrjt the proicnunma wa all intereaunif one and tho rofroshtnunt all wiat ooold be doslred on such an oosaaton celebrate 87th birthday last thursday x councillor an drew 11 murray rolobrutod hln olhty- th birthday at id homtf lot 1 ooncoloir3briritir blrljiday found him in rod health half und hearty tor bis ae a very onjoyuhlo oven inir was simnt by a number of hi relative and frlondu in snlto of hj advanced- yeart lv took part with onthuslaam in tho ovonlnic ftivltlu tua sm ivsat congratulate this e teomod- old cltlatm upou hi attainlnii another milestone in llfoh pathway a nonaasnsrarian in pallintf hsslth a lot tor from mr john h colenutn ao frionrt in town fvts tho intlmu thin thut hi jnothor mr jouonh coleman who la rouldlnif with htir dnuhtr mr thoirum eilnilston nar klndoruley huak is in fulum ivoalth shfl haw frequent wook apolb and require inore caro titan v- harr tills doar old lady who uvod in actoti for many year 1 in hir 3rd yur ytardiy wo tlio aoveutlotb anni versary of her inatrlttcii tho frlond hero will join in sondin klmlost ro- sruru und bowt wisho to their o temod friend lost in n ssss a swsys swamp on moiuliiy airjro tjouldon of caminmtllvlll uipd 17 wuu taklm to tl homo of hi aunt mm idury niedliatn oufltm for ttoatmont by a bbyatalan acoordjntf o hlw story ho lft horn oh wednesday of loat woek for u walk cot into a- fifty aero swamir lost hi baulns and wan dsred in olrclm until friday when he tararid oul ibi wa too wook to rvnoh hi homo and orawlod into a barn whers lut wu found by hi fthir ltenjamln ooulden luth hi feet wsrw frosjni und ho wa wvaketi ed by starvation ho waa una bio to llv a lucid uocouilt trf hi oyperlonav tlin iutwiii of tho htto urn hootor munrt whn iinsited nwny nt the homo ot lior dauifhte mr iaul h olddlnffx orand itupl in mlm htst wtwlf toiik phi co lal tjiursluy afternooii on sir- rival fioin tlio n nltlont oftfher uon lift afflme ftjtmhw iimhiji- swvjoo 1elhtf bold in tho unltntv church llov a donaldson oftlo itol tho lata mr wunro wa in hor 74th year and had beon vilaylnsr with her dausliter ror nomo time tfor 1at husband ot tho time of hi death was muiiakor for ia llarvoy llmo work horn and the family wero woll known ami much roapooud by ut who k them tnr son and ono daughter uro loft to mourn the- losa of o lovliitf mother murdo and alox of jiamll ton camtibell of calvary attortd and mich ahiotitr uioso uresent at u10 funeral worn mr jamos iiertrani ujilnllum mrs luchard hut tin of toronto in company with- her sister mr av munro a few friend from ouolph and other points the floral oiferlmrf wore numerous and indica tlva of ymaathy from tboso who revoro her merriory tho bearer wrn mutrle wlulam 11 urn tioorvv llolton john 11 lucbardon ooorffo foaroh uid qi orife bmlth of hamilton t tj10 ivosbytoriuti conurtttfuuoii held a liloaaiin auttl liuitl at tho homo of mr nnd lrfrm7icawtn campbell of calvary apjertdj n tu day ilcalli cbtunad mnralrtdinsttfforoiiantapin7 wll known hulton resmoiit bl tiiu bad condition of hoadai uultd a ntmkr were present nr ofrortnsttaootniflrwirrtcr ovonlnsr ldtlt irtul when n paeoant the com i mi of lsaator will bo itlven by thn clsolo 31rl of tho united church the projrnrnmo will consist of ou duotta uolo and read lnicmcyhowbtleti hav a donnld moii will br cbulrnlnn m tho rtituuir monthly mt otlnjf of tint womnnil mxthulo f iotk bold at uichuma of mr jtoyoo thl cthurmliiy ovonliitf tho l7lh hriwi a 1 ii 1 uurvlved by to the yudlo oulld of t jbrib a mottb jotin of portutfo xji ttsirio vv chin oh hold a bl xvtrlck ten on wodnosduy aioriioon ut tho homo syod tf hamilton horn in erin 106 ye a died at edmonton alia- last week- x oeohelor all hie life wllllum moilan wtit illod ut 1i mottton lutt woou hud uohud tin uao ofloa jlntll s youi aao hojlvt tarni wllh whlcii hi wo how hw tor nn n ttttnr unttiio had taken up 4c you rs uao wtiun h waa ovor 70 until 1 fow wok ityo bo waa abb to cllmjj tho stulr to bl room vat ihren ijrootl inoal u day and onjoy a lirk whb tho boy win ti ho doubled to iull furmlna an i uo to tho iltr mr mwlolluii idok iho yoniht foljows with him md not w inl jtu have thum on tlio furm uloiit b rumurkod humorously yoitnu mitiwu aro ilk ly to t t into triiublo uny tltuu howudayu with uti liiuny flupihr uround horn in krln townhlt mcloiruti lurttd out to a bush rundjir thoro ihoa ho wunt to north dukolu whi tho boy antf fahuy coiiiiiinnootlfuii jiiu lulfr luovlntf to hh htuivuon crouk tllutiht ntur lsnioiitth whurti they remudio i until a fuw hi on tit ako dldh t jtavato ulvo up uslnu- 0i nxpnt two yoara no ihovotornn auld iooiihtly would bo wwlnslbfi olio yot if hi e younif follow horo hadii t lliouicbt al wu llmo for mo to quit nd oolno to tho city don t know what vounif colltuvs aro coming to nowaday anytiow wo never quit in toy time until w itot kind of old n- haj- 11 i wa and cthttlnuod iinjoyod it too cuomm 1 won t enable tiow melellan father uvod to he 00 ato death of mrs david hartley and of hsr jsrothor john h shield ocourrod stujiy latsr two broth i and sutei jrithoverwmr bf john ii khaeld ahd mr david hartley ulioso maidon name wa imlen shield ft a widow in hor 86th your and died on thursday after wovoral weeks illnek bhe passed away at the home of hor daughter mr mur ray cruwford cnmpbcuvlllo ahowaii a iktelotitf and active member of ht iaul united church milton wliere alio resldad for many year until a abort tlmo ao when alio wont to camidxiuvlllc to renldo with hor fh2lax at constibation ad stomach and livelf disorders ijju1ng kahgains lfnavy htntft ct luixt tori 12 kr jfmct luln hz until i jitntrn wlinl w krumrh moorlnif wulinuuij rliouutti iu at liiilldllik iturkulnif vron catulutfut lrulll al1 ointlllntfl 101 j the beauty parlor mppa hln sclp trtmn poll mhlau cutonu cttlldrn half cuttlna hair acton f dauichtot llcr died 15 year u4fov8he ina4lrrivl bjrthroff sooav ti vllllftm and liteiroinelon town- ioaron tat lino lrlh fonsldorjnx ablp5valutlr of jjrahtfortt and ihroo oaukbters uratmunny cmw- cotnlroam mr trnrtijlol eon und mr jo took of toronto w n 1 ywttoy rtnrrnipntitttolikla7hat unlay afti noon to eveiiirtn flomotery milton mr hnrtloy hroftier john it liiahijcrlod on wlday at tho homtf of bl sn william ahloldu lot 0 concatfalon 8 ncltton township do nnntladl j 3j8ulyr w0h u wolnknown tuttntr of nt ln town- ahip u staunchconmvatlv rnd w llfeloni member of bl pauls tniltotl church jjntori tld wlf died jt tlio lad hi aid of dio jtv ashy tor ian churolt ar holdlntf a ht patricks toa thl ihuraday aftornoon at th homo of mr john mutrlo johnston ho wot of bimcoo waa homo for tha woek ond and dr vra i croft of lvitdionor aont sunday a hi homo her lur and mm vtvank moore wero out ot town ovor the woekond mon aro busy tour i ok down the house lately occupied by mr annie harris ut th corner of main und harris tftreolv thum uro tha old land marks dlsappmirjtus tjifl hi to j j hill the railway mnanuu in hi boy hood day clerked fur hie hi to itobt fuamore in thl bulldlnst messrs mowilllatna ond thatobar uro busy makjnif alteration in oon- bctlouwuh their dour and fl busi ness and imhoment alfony in tho formtr itoyanunu premise a a r ault of tho mild weathor an 1 tain over the wek end th river und crwcusi aro considerably awollun unl tho ubi at tho woollen mill jro ont a- very- plblurwo4uo ainkurano the valley jtoad 4njow tho cavo la undur wutor which nooossltate tiodtistrluhu olimblnu ovtr the rock and bolmf through ibo rear end of tho llmo kiln quanry l d and h h of mulaon township ami jams o llovelstoke 11 c and ono- dubifhter mr- w q young of milton lloth tho lata mr lurtley otld bet barrhwf mi gl were tho son ami daochtur of tho hi to william hittbt ono of tho pioneers of haltoii county car load of h0rse9 a car load of wostorn horsa rahif- inir in w lulit fronll to it hundred lioundsf alt broken will bo sold by public auotlon at mr harold junk hum lot 30 10th line lssjuoslna p vrlduy march 2c at ono o clook tontih cash or may bo arranjod with rqtonhlhle partlcau ron jotoli auo- ttoneer 38 i the most beautiful chevrolet la chevrolet history quality at low cost the touring ttodustcr coupo sport cabriolet coach sedan lirndau 573- 725 865 980 l 845 955 1025 we swhave- a completer line of pohtlacsoiaainobuat and- metaushlln hulcka a demonstbation opany op the above named cabs cheehpulty arranged s v kins j w prficlousaleswan ceoreetown phone 234 aeton phone 12j maretspecials mens slbing wkigiit comimnations mlus spriny weight contblilntiotl cruaiuide c long slccvea uiikle icngtn regular 5 specral jtoo mens wottk socks menu work socio special 3piiir tor mrns woltk siiiiits moni work sliirls kliuki regular 1 25 for labies black hi pkoofjiose 100 95c 10 doicn pairs ladiii block ffaligtmi hoie sues 0 014 a a audio hnti is our regular 1 ooslocking special pair c cmcluiattmhowcoaton pillow cotton circular 10 and 42 inch lutro good clr value at 45c yard speeial itr- v specials in grocery dept campbells soups 2 tor pure lard per lb matches 3 for 25c 17c 25c 5 tb pnl iilumvo syrup itor 29c 33c p g gold com- of fort soap 5 for udc cut macaroni 3 lbs for 25c mclean co mux street miss murray resuming- miltnsry buslnes mus murray will vtptu hor show room next wtuk blio wlsb to thank hor customer for past ivatroiiaifii and will b ploased to o thorn jiiraln an open moetlna tlio dublin wtardry aodoty will hold an 041011 myelins in dublin school on ijvhlay ovonhitf manh 2c atfootl prosrammo will bo provided hy tho nlwr all uro oordlatly lnvltl a collootlon will im tajion proootml to k to ilano fund 38 3 s loop annual banquet acton eodao n 30u o o v will bold thulr tenth unnunl bunqudt in tho town hull on vrlduy ovonlnjr march xs a lirosta initio w1i bo provld id from t to v 30 p m and after thin tlio l o o 1 orchestra- will provide music for dutiolntf tnatthere wlrlm no suriou rvsiilt from tho freeslna of his feet w m lir membsrahlp at tba hut niootlnifuu the women missionary fioclaly of the units church mr a si nioklln wa two- ntd wltb a life membership fiortln- cutw ly hor hforlonir friend my hattl 1 moot it la asld that mrs ai nhwlu and mrs mooro aro tb only si o ew- injlblttd -two-matmnm-ln-towtrwiulso-hirtlnnoe- 1 actiip und who have lived hfr all their live who murrlntl natlvborn husbiiiida wtio bavo spout all their llvus lllaotfm j j hunter qrnd master mr j j huntor editor of tlta kin curdino luj itt rluvhiw watt eleotad orand master of th orana- orand jukdw for ontario west ut tho annual luiiit liiu at ouulpli last wolc uot with stand in ir tho fforl of th tqr onto tliram totlfeal hi eleotlaii bocauho lt wu a of th llboral party mr hyui htf for nmjiy year jw n an active wotktr in tlut oraimo orler and will malm hiiimiltr prtuililliitf olluer j dibls soelely mold day txt hun lay will tm llibla htwjl ty tbll tluy in i wu with tmtanu tlvt tittupyltiir tin pulhll til hiu vuilius cliuith a fllnw luv or w plnnlrk toronto will prouoh in th ilnllul clnuoh in in mornlnj uml in uiu lltilidut hurth in tho ivtiliitf li v j v ilarrlnatib bf tor nt will irvuuli in hi alhun chut ih in tin inimiitiia in ht john chuixih itorkwt otl in th artrnwiu und ut knox thuiufi lu the ovutihiu r j kerr b list of sales mouliy muytli al thn ostato and all boumhol 1 etycta of tho lato hitnry matthow huuburtf tuoatlay march s3 harry mcdim aid will hold a cldsrlnif auction bale of j- arm bttiok imiilemont and isousohold jvmrnlturo ut lot 4th lino krln friday march u jam huasell lot 1 una c krlu rearlnf aiilo of lorn htook implumonts hay and oraln t m wilson lot 34 concession 4 nunwna weya on tlio ouoltih houd wll ho 1 a oioarlnu naio of vtirm ftiook implo- imttb untl hood oruln tuostlay march 30 o v hard i a will boll n cttarlhjf auction lalo of fana hiock innilemenlu hay orulti rurnuuro ut lot 3 4 c 8 conoosulon 3 pusllncb wanted lmsi tlepressntatlvss iii f imnalbla mon roqiihvd to ropro ufnt tlriu of liivomiment hatiktr fcijilary and commission luiferaiicaa add advertiser v w hunt advertlslntf horvico 33 luclmiond tit wst toronto x lower prices and better quality this combination is building a name second to none eohjjhqwnersactonjproduce crocekv co quautv filtst and always our motto thu stoke that leads in quajhatt and irices- variet1es that seem endless values that ake exceptional service that satisfies ouh own special tea block green and mm- fjf ed reg 85c for lb rtc christies fancy mm biscuit regular 35c lb fqg for per lb ziirct hand picked white ot- bcansr-tbir- fr dcr macarouii shelled und ready cut 1 lbs apples apples 1 large basket pure bulk lard 2 tbs for pure shortening 2 lbs for cocoa i tb tin home made apple jelly pint sealer potatoes jorjieck 25c 65c 35c 32c 25c bgcs1 eggs now laid ubmntecd oi- per dozen jjc christies or mccormicks sod biscuits bulk j per lb juc friday and saturday only jcatkt tomttto soup per tin prunes large blzc 2 lbs for laundry stwrch 3 ljoyes for sardines 4 for cabbages 10c 1 10c 25c 25c 25o 20c boap oupa 2 lbs 25c naptlia soap chips i per pocket tuc sunny monday soap oc 5 for ijc we deijtvek after school and on saturday the acton produce grocery co c k browne lrop phone is independent grocer- new goods in china glass and crockery clovt r xu toa cujw and hniirnr t lor 1s pjiio class tumblers 10 tjtcnti ami haucra for hir oood tollo taber bolls far 2c i c argjuitlngn- teckj ivw unrm j acton cu lt u know your want arl drnjxltkahd oivrdmktmin atttinds hebe ttteity thui13day make an appointment to havo your ryes ttd h w hinton acton the thrifty shopper buy meats and other provisions prom 1 orrie lamb beep uw ilflf iwr n 1lo anj 12a ltudb itaat nr lb 13o to ie tmitefc nib iloaat h 12c to me hlrtolh ulejik ur lb 23o pork loan iutts pr to a loin iork jwr b 2sa be 30a 1vh ttmpr k i mokpd ham ph lb jc to uc hihat grajj cottajr hoili pr it 2e ssusaflsthat ara oetburpa- tb2dc otir farnoui lbrnm susse p uv 2hd pr1ces arc bight quality unexcelled w aur now spllint 1 iii- 1 oin taitkllal iuikad vttu jtecbvtjtly liold 11v voodilvll mckay position open uxto to a00 per day vow wsok only to qualify 1- psosnt uaabmciureh attvitla tho inoetliuf of thu yountr ivuls loaanin of 11m hultid church on monday evening- wuw u mlsaloiairy rioetln tbs pruarammo bolna alvon by tb hervu froup tbi oponiu service wa mulo and oomprlaod humbur hy u sfihkod quurtsttto u t ringed uulhtetut a piano solo a sopruuo solo und u chorus tho d- niulnder of tho buxit ills wu a ml slohary pajfjunt 4iortrayiiitf ih work f th unltad church lit caiiud i thowhur canada tho xsrvlnct u the united chun it bat wdrluir und tltt illrforut liutlmihlltluw 1nilhi 1 x till ituftoaht wuu iirewcntitl by tlflyof tin yutif 1 oi lojmjjl wa very i huinlmr ntl instrut tlw th- musltul pro- utumtitat wa in chirao or uls liakvl mason and mia mliuilo ii nimtt dlrwoted tho pagtuni tabal attempt at soejd itky mattbwws atfnl flvyiar n rslltnt of utllsbmik while in a con dition of to nisi uhrotl li itiltlurd wound hi thrtkiit yllli a tasur lust krlfuy which rosultod in hi deuth at loronfu oenerai hospital that ovehliuf ho wa a son of ho lute atr and mary matthews ujitl waj borj on the atohosoii farn sooond lino jtriu townslikjir- 44 wtu marrrtsrl lu ui7 ulisubeiti cawtliiti ah 1 aultlod on that turner farm of the third lino tcrln township about ten yuua a- lbter im moved to hills bur wbsr bo had roalded evur slnop he la surtftved by ills wife una on uoas ouelph und an dsiufhter mrs lrorn and earn part thus on motor mochan- ic ltattory weldlns llrloklaylmr hiirberfha- huuty ciiltulv flood poslv t bins now open wrlb or oull fur frso instruoilvo bok hombhlll chart ret bchooj kins ist w twmtj cbristlsh btsvrdkbip and pji on tuue lay ovuiiliia mi w t junior motrvtuiy of th coutentldi 11 in ot bluunu of tjiu uaptlal ehurcs made bl uunusj visit to th cburhif inyv ills uddrosp oh chha- uuu utewardahln and ab real utoun- liur of lus lu rtouttdn to lud was logical in to rest i na and tnlfurmatlonal the meanlnar of life exphossed in tb uthe and urontpted by lava waa very lmtmalv christian twardahtp advance spring style footwear jvt in at ha rrtson a stehere im tellrnr you uutt the liarkairai iww on ht paturoonib rrtkke ui event the like tf which you havent bumicd ugatil jn mjbntfjgnjttimejvvhyithevv imfceat dn all our mfeau niaka you wonder citn it bj poklble hcreu an inkliruj of home oftbe great valued allan untall mimosa the funeral i ha a assisted reoonlsa ooda suprsois rhlcb waa private took pi so on ownarahlp of all tbln th earth 1 uujiday kev v j murray of thbjl th lord and b jtullnes tbaraor i chuisob uf chxhit oonduotllit thajthe world and thay thai dsrsu tbr- f aarvloaa in jf bargains in houses for quick bale 1 heabtiful hutisalowi oonvonlt stiivs situation th bast 1 lblok cottaao oonventeuoss lar lot jtanius krumtt hqus 3 lot uisble ffxsh ideal location uonvsuluuco wuuld sell aepsrat h bod nice ferom oolui good lok jl 6d oood hoabl house l 100 wlu rent for iso oil per month lrot investment oood ihlok htore and uwalllimf bltuatlon the bsi bound to sell oood term 0u ull broperuo yotj hava th money wa kav he hettee let u 6e4 toother ask kerrs real estate hit know iu2bf cots choice rib uout pcf b thick rib housil per lb blade roasttvpor tb uollod shoulder tb stowing buf per tb fioijiiij steak uost perti 18c 16c itt r lw 17e 12v2c 20c 17c rump roast round q end per lb joc rump roast sqiore nd per lb smoked meats sidi bacon by piece oo- i por lb oc i cottofte roll qftr per tb ovl 1 300 lb picnic ham to u ibl each lb tilc grand opening sale ilellfvpolks pauants maple leaf economy store is in town at your service- friday march 18 at 830 to celebrate the opening of our store we s giving treat merchandise party to which you are invited aa u gtmsl our btockconslttb of cents fomifihingn and ladies fend chu drenu readytowear we are high in quality and low in price come from near and far to celebrate the opening of our store and get the benefit of our great bargain an follows the priced will tpeak for tlieniselvea ladles pure silk stocking regular 1 50 qo shortening pomestic slfortenni 5 lb pails domestic shbrtciilny 3 lb- p 3 i tb bricks r bulk lard j tbs 80c 18 60c 45e tiiee prices are alt cash on deuy choice quality of fiah on hand w j patterson phone 16 acton oist men s tweed pants per pair mei cottonade pants ptllr jmens so per parr mens blue work shirts men riannelette shirts mens caps mm s merino shirts und d garment c mens iundkerctiierj 6 for 149 145 25cl 79c 89c 95c tor ladles all wool we caltry a poll line in millinery 198 25c 89c ladies mouse dreases ladies silk stripe vests ull sixes ouc lfldits stockings per puir lndiea garter per pair 25c 19c boys 4 piece blue sergcr suiti 1 pair long pant and i pair of bloomers boys caps boys stockings girh riannel auldcii s dress ej with bloomers childrens per pair girls skirts baby t silk and wool on stocktngs per pair wfc baby mannelette bfankcts 595 39c 19c 249 1 69 stockings n 79c 98c come early and avoid the crowd 25 pjtreeb will be luen away krie the flmt 3 cuatomeni that will caut our store on friday uoniiiur march lft and the hiunio oohaturjuy iu nutter what you buy pallants maple leaf economy store mill street acton opposite wlndaor cafe k lit arti-