Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 24, 1927, p. 3

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lynmzi iisivrtmt 31m lf m mj c town wt-uju- ul oil i ti1v alton pit lift ljul ii md liwd v t unity iiioriiiutf t tlifl lf lrii hull lus allll iri ac 1 oiurlo th kidicrfitri prk i xoo ttr ycr in ivancr 1imuh rliarscd iliooial le office 1 drill i mat4n itm ut lr wlilclt aul hirlpliotk hr twll in iiijichul ti the adlr ul 1 advertising uatkttrbimunliulvarturi tuenti lo crrtljn per llqn auuls wdiuro fur flrit bttrrtlnti an i s cant per luitttr ch uba tiurill inicrtlpti ctirci dliulay pr 1 icli ami cl arjj j inch 114 per btlllllbl 10 cdt en naarllnti aifvertlairitihii wtdi dhfcllou will li utieritj illl forbid a uii ls miliar nti i proprietor our schools nej present day maps tlio question of whether some onwio schools nro srtll using nldpf of iurppo ijhowlrjg countries and hoitndtrrics as they pyjyfod before tho world wan m naked on tho orcjpr pppcr of the ontario legislature by r p miller lihcrni mcnibcrfor holdnnand lit ako inquires ar to whether the department of liducntfon lfiw prchcrilted the use fup to date map the time hat surely come for the retirement of old titiil niu pi offuropc und the ndoption of intelligent present dny icoraphicul boundarlci anew day ff lie small town a dew day for the small town i juit dttwmuj is the conviction of mr m b williams writing in the formers advocate for the lant cciitury ho remnrks there hits hten np irresistible centrifugal pull from 4ho country to he big town and the big city io day thanks to our new jniethads of transit u clearly defined centripetal nibvomertt tn beginning to scatter the people of the cities back to the country side industries are finding tho cost of operation in the big city the higher tnites needed to in unco the overgrown city and the higher wages demanded he- ciiuse of these mounting costs of running tho city prohibitive and intolerable they are seeking ml small town as tho more profitable held for their operations tho workers too are each year realizing more clearly the 6eneht3 o sunlight ondclenrnir thb suiiday scjltfdl lflsson foh oundav march thurday morning marci 24 1027 tfflctttomair tfaaiuc you the announcement of my lpurcliisc of the trcu phess hoc brought many kindly exprosi6hs and wishes from friends and busiucss associates 1 cer- tainly appreciate these kind wishes and shall do my best to merit the continued support of these frie who have been so loynl in the post 1 will do my best to make actons newspaper worthy of the town it repres th aplou al hay dnd when ytu wni it hoy wore they ulwy at you to either your vocabulary y v r likely duk i that yui iil ilm bipden juiit ttbwj womjt4 ilka llilw at ucuo wliil viiwa coittw ncrohh it woil wo cunt ttrhtli wuihuml lpnk it up- tlintu menulmo 1 uyti jf- fana where the decision rente it often seems as if some of the young people both in their school work and in the positions givoj them after leaving school feel that they do not have any choice m thematter as towhethcr thoy will be leaders oi tail enders whether tiiey will be notably successful or merely pass through as tgenders they hope fortho best but actsif tho question will be settled y somebody or something outsldo themselves that is ono of 410 biggest mistakes imaginable each must decide as- to his success or faiuro by himself leaders are not made by luck but by pluck success does not coma about by chance sitting around and waiting for things to turn upwllf not win lijjps prizes each must go after his qxvti withencrgy and enthusiasm andihcifflculty of employees beingohliged torgee out so fae in tho suburbs to secure homes that the pfl your iiijl time and expense of getting to the factories tric are so great as lo make their cmpioymenflffjont m able the trend of establishing now octoriei in tho country with perhaps an office in the city will soon well4hnumber offaeiortesin thenmnu towns- acton js very favorably situated in this respectr editorial nots to rimw nuior whnt ha at ir oncn nitount antiiola tor intititncf wlmt iloou it jhpun a pluctf on tho oulto uwo of tlio oftrtli joulmi t llity li4vo lot un nil frjlklel wuril thuti that lot u pmit it iwsft uktl uoo if it hmt an eauy ono viat iloen atitl- niiiiin y you do dick whtrti u a thltlif untl clirutlanr when itw airnlitut chrlhtlitnlty that h ho tlioeu tlmii utuht moa fidwlta to miethlnr now tha poil- jurt muiil romtml yau or your latjn wocd for fort pedes you had thai in a cuaan the olhir iliiy1ta oi fi r thtjvwnmittffnii now whnt tmvo wor 1 r oonltr tfnt foct that mimt tur hfrtil no no uho your imnulifatloii aunt tho qouli of the atitliuda ktumllnjf invltlo down as wo nay exactly ojipnaltft to our foot with th umid htwanf -hurctjiewara- lity that imlly word aftfiroll 111 nvr forfet utat ono can 1 vltk thti att iiimvt 111 a tlmt and irut th- rl wrt of vntifjl wlyw whnfif- iirxttwanr tli ptacww wccmjtoli amhlftuouu wol nnvlil inoana around nitd 00 meiiim to drlvo ua nn irniblkuouk statement in quo that drive all around jlobln hoaivu ham its imlo finite and may bo understood in dlf the war was a great booster of national debt sir george ross apologized for the ontario debt of s4b00 000 no longer ago than 1001 yet today on tario u carrying obligations in excess of 340000- 000 providing for old age an allcanadian annuities scheme in which employee employer federal and provincial authori ties shall cooperate ut providing against indigent old age for the canadian workman is under tho consideration of canadas new minister of labor hon peter htonan the new scheme while it is still in the process of being worked out by statistic- lais under the direction of tho minister is being considered in conjunction with and as a possible supplement to the old age pension scheme legis lation for winch has pawed the canadian commons thi session whereas the present measure has been passed as a means of taking care of aged indigents of the present dny tho new proposal is calculatedjo enable the wageefiyner toprovdo against tho need for chanty in his old age and should be favorably considered by all who destre through their own efforts to make systematic an cicd toy the declining years of life the howell indictment that is a heavy indictment which mr rowcll counsel to tho customs comjnission brings against the hquot trade of british columbia whether oi not tho commission accepts mr ft o wells findings and recommendations and whother or not parlia ment gives effect to them there is b6und to be t housecleaning in the trade it is difficult to consider this affair without prejudice from the great quarrel of the wets and drys but it ought to be considered without prejudice and it ought to bo said that no private business whether it be that of selling shoe laces sealing wax mutton chops or scotch whiskey can bo permitted with impunity to carry on by way of organized lawbreaking and corrupt practice we do not know of course what the customs com mission will say to the findings of fact brought to their attention by m rpwell but we think they wuuiftvsltosay theyace truefindings as to hi recommendations they are as drastic as the findings- ore vinquv led if mr rowelj has his way there will be no more private trade in str6hg drink in this province ho wants the principal liquor houses and breweries nearly all those who were investigated by t uim n specifically put out of business by the cancellation of their licenses he wants legisla tion which will make it impossible for export liquoc house to do business m british columbia in the future he wants the criminal prosecution of certain of the companies considered and he wants arrears of income and sales taxes which he alleges have been fraudulently withheld by thse companies lui mediately collected mr rowells indictment is a heavy one but who that paid attention to the evid ence given before the commission in this pity will say it is unfair it is written in nineteen separate hudltigc every one of thete is aiflrading of fraud or of corruption and in almost every instance tlu liquor men convicted themselves out of their own mouths it is no use to say that it isjawful under canadian law to export liquor to the united states ir is- canadian luw which has been broken for tho purposes of tha private liquor interests of british columbia it is canadian public ofticmls who havj beet bribed it is canadian public life which has been shumefully degraded and tt is the canadian people who will pay a havy penalty m the inevitable contempt fui just law and good order which these lawless und disorderly practices must brd van couvcr province the steamship rate oh cattle from canada to tho old country has been reduced to 15 per head on the canadian merchant marine and reford lines this should give an impetus to export trade espec ially if the old country market strengthens as it is quite likely it will the canadian national railways have adopted a new and popular method in choosing nameu for their standard sleeping cars names of various canadian towns and cities will be emblazoned on fifty sleepers which the company is adding to its equipment during the current season owing to the prevalence of chicken stealing throughoutthe country notices have been issued from the attorneygenerals department to all magistrates to impose prison sentences on all bho aro found giulty of the crime as heavy fines have intlfco frlonrta with an unabridged dic tionary and with itoirot a thesaurus which xroujib wards not ollihntwtlo- ally but jiooordlijh to the ldds thy ovnreiiti you 11 and the study words fnsclnntlnif but uiy dad why have so many words that mean tha uamo thine whnfn thp us no two words nlwaya mean th name thlntf thero 11 tw soma ann shda of dlnvronca when tjibyre used in different connect tons ut think of two dad that mean ex acttj tho wuii o thing- ian t a ktlncy inan always tho wim aw m biluerly munr not nccoasarlly a tlncy man hatia id und his money and does so in a mean unir microtis manner but k rhapu 10 never stores it up llko a miner who somotlnuis is known lo starve to dculli rather than tiiy food cvon ntlncuy 80 tha differ ence hay dad i never supposed words worn such fun kleuros iem like little imps always trylntf to otump ins hut words now begin to seem hko uttto bobllns ubtd lo work for me toll nip uliout that wnd stingy drop uio y und you have 11 stlnir stlmjlna filcrclnir sharp th sttnjfy man is supposed lo ho a sharper a- thouuh hos somotlipos honwit but un onerous vow i jiodo tho pbraso on turillnh your vocabulary doosn t sound lulto so tprrlfjlris odlcrui ltkkoh ltitla ituvlwi htlillm in thn ciluthn uf 1 ld n t xt jf y lovo in ye will t my rmmniiikitnrnibjflnn it jt ivotinul ikiidliiifjohii 3 iii 1 hvlw ttiamas what i liivolvtil in ci11i11m uiijiiii a ijuii jjortnnhur u rhrhititti lu mil mtrnly un attcfphtnro or the crtm if thi liurt h it lu not iojii urlkit oiidnit it imnlutn rrtthr in khtliemii up u iiun m 4ui pularrt inndnnrlcu nhd huhlts and ur- aanuhir thimo into tint chrlstlut yu- lm ut values ulms and ucllvlth 1 christian standards nr hlifb and tllt n w ronvf rt though his pilrpuue hi ht i his ndouvorrinst will not h ubu to iirnetl all tho chris- tun virtues whtoh laiil romiiien o uttaln n wallroumhd christian huruftm ru4iim thoiutht ami prayer und- fkiwrlencv in itntlnjr dtmijultru nd ovirconilttf tltrnl tin uruadvulhu 6tlaak of chris tlutilty in tholiust men and women have iiuiilt the misbiko of imaulnliur that cbrlshunlty is pimoernnd only ith the fciilritutl life in those ui plouu peoidtt sought a pluco of refun 0111 the- world in tho itilet of inunf- uuitrlns antt coovrtitu ono injn ii ul t l nfonustery too worldly and oxclmnjrtd it for a pillar svnntylw feet hiah and hreo foel in illumoter upon wnlun ho 11 vd for thirty yjars ijeforo wholly condemning such a vlow of llfu and its responslbllltleuwo hiuat r minlmir tho fortn of i6vommaut undar whloh those early christians tlvud it wtiu practically imtuuutiblo for theili tu- chaiiffo cvnerii conditions tlielr nly means of showing their disap proval of wroiurs lay in roelsterin luddlea why ilhl mm u nioiiriuin dilit hi ml v itlllkm lib d dllr 1 u wiiih is ih it ivhlili oviry llvln in bis ni i 11l 11 wr will iti uu ihi i tt niuy why in a mil of kronn likii a utrwui i 1 tbm yoiirsilf fliotiiue ii n 1i i i j nir iiiu t cttino comethinq for notuino many ildirilvo tip npt ivs into blnutni ilny in d uoiiit thlnif for novdm imnirlilly if tb y ittiy olnap irii ail i ihhik tiny will utl nillsfat- tion w jut i wit or vrkdabb do iiiioih llltu i nif usvh uliy i a llo honisilckle- 1 hi jni mlmis it wlnl two bill 1 rui in hint wilk nr ly ibo 111 irocrow and 111 whst uim is itr timtp you trmt ton it trinities rouili quinsy croup ilionchltin niiil horn thro its with mrs yhllll hplni h tonsllltl and fct well or nximy tuck i liiey are looking for r places hi which they can have room to live and bring up tholr families under healthful conditions never before therefore hnn the smaji town had such bright possibilities within its reach the new passion for motor holidays is shuffling the whole population of tho continent 1 trough every small town on a main highway thous ands of people pass each season whoare looking for a satisfactory site for either home or n hltlllflrry ah r ajiuljijainidlswwits4pxoitt tuucoatjuuadittii imtu alsvno small towns that woke up first to the changing conditions of modern like must jeamhf they are to benefit by these change that attrac tivcrtcss- beauty order planned developmcirrnmdlie prevision of social amenities are absolutely necessary to batch the prosperity that is there for thoso wj seek it wo predict with confidence that the next twenty tlve ycarsvih see established n acton at least twentyfive new industries some of them will be branchesof city manu ihipossibje to expand there owing to the difficulties of increasing ta jnd overhead cost in the eity showiil ih it cliurlbhil conditions ut- forded them ti new und wider oppor tunity for nctvlcc jtlirouith tho lluencr of lulhot education was pluc- ol unitinr the riliorityof munjcl liuuucs for the flrst time ulhce the rclin of chitrlemaiino sevon hundred fat arlltor thftawuil of tho pro testant communities became in a more direct wuy rrfwpanslblo for tho rnnln- hnitlic of the church od its services it became an oreanlsatlon formed by the people and urlslua from tb need of tbo peovlo for worwiiiii and tralnliiir 4iotaulniiut ut loh-jdi-4iy-rtboso-m- authorlty over them and handed down for them to- ueetpt ntod to nly ttds ahaiuj- p4usdtbrf inmntes- of yimny jnoiuijucarrjmltwnventft totevrt jaoilotjinajajualks h ivy hlit ciatnl itiinflnjr 2 kh iloiim pill ill t 1 itllou lo rn wiiidnioh lfaiiii 1 i loorlurf wiillliojril riionuui i 1 1 r lliilldlja harliilih iro mfilocu- malll- duy loinpiny lloic 21iu ihimlltaii figlax un n6niiamr roitumo otrmkoy 1 on consrrpation i5 ami so rtiltu ut druiculsts time tables at acton anaouh n qojnb weet no 36 mynday only no 31 no 3k t0 4t n- 7 4cm- no n sa no 30 nn 34 no ua no sb ojnu ct hunrtiiy only 7 off p m 7 03jn ihltium jotp m 0 17 p m correct in style and wear like iron cssei me bear ooodsoob rlharrison canadian national tlltlctillo hailwavo w joatly j ilully j doily ually xtolly jjally jdaliy jiaiiy daily dally dally dally datly dally dlly mw dally 7 ct s-w- 0t abu 11 cc ojnt 1 gr pl 3 cb p nx b tip pjm 7 gfi p w 0 kb liu 1s34 pna csatbound 6 us roi 0 37 tty 3 37 p 1 37 pka 7 37 pm -trm- dojiy 11 3fi p m- teronvt term i hs i kmis 8trt und st clair avmim irelcht fjlvarod by spool uprtm frlchl kvelxfit picked up kt hy ad rm in toronto enolinco their vows and become oncn mora dthwris of tbo world inordor that they m i bbt tho better servo mankind thus arose u10 opportunity to work for tho christ lanixatl on of the social order rvjw cjuetlens navack fee same as years ago redrose iscfoodtea red rose orangepekoei extra good f w wbllna luiy-if-you-u- uqaljoea llio chrlhtlnn ufa begin m individual cxoerloncc how did it beftin in you whirls the attitude or uio devout christian to joaui cljrlstt what is jsus ctlwst to you whkt is meant jiy tl iphrlstunlty of chrlstr what other sort of chris tlanlty can thoro be 7 why la the bible important for christian pro- fiesst do christians toduy use the jtlhle to tho best advantage how do you use ut how often why 1 rar itnnoruntt whnt constitute prayer what misuse is mado o limycul wliut misconception du iwfrido uhn ntvrtaln reifardlnif pray er iiow do you limy uow ottim7 when and where with whst raiultiit what oonsututrs u temptatwh can temptation o reduced to oertaht tyiwist wliat types us cowiuon wbt do ydu unddimand by christian btewurdshlp to what does it ap vlyt mot3y7 tlniot ability des crlbo a christian family an ideal ahurch is the ncht for nation il prulilbitlon over what do yau un derstnud hy svantfellsm how 1m- portnnt lu it wliat is meant by edu cational ovanirllsm what other kinds are there why and lu what as nro christian missions tho hope uf tha world worm powjders w jirbshenxa cottomom tmouom oh av twg hicszwoa i woiuui mtta rcarona thti child to uohum hiulth no naficoticspteasant as sugar children notprovedbd e terrerrrhttnft past an bllcanadlati lab6r is now detinite entity with this official name the congress was formed at montreal last week at the convention in which practially all canadiatixabor organizations which have no international affiliations werore pre sented by some 120 delegates approximately 110000 workers will be members of the new body the ontario governments liquor control bill has encountered a vigorous protest front hotel men who object fthe clause which permits guests to bring intoxicating liquors into hotels and drink in their rooms they clajut that this wilwmoan muss and disorder in the zooms the premier in reply asked for suggestions seeking to improve tho measure accepting the outcome of the last ontario elec tions only as a temporary rev tho ont prq hlbition union hilts unmui inedting at massey hall last week pledged luelf to work for thp re-establlsh- ment of prohibition qt hie next elections and also called emphatically for the enactment of nation wide prohibition as the only effective means of dealing with the liquor problem efforts are being made in many places to counter act the harmful ehectsonme movies on children by providing them with shows that are interesting and helpful and free from everything that is in any way objectionable in toronto for instance films that are at once interesting and educative are being shown in twelve or mofe of the theatres every saturday forenoon under the auspices of the social service council of canada a delegation from the prohibition federation of canada waited upon the dominion government last week requiting the following deletion of the section of the inland revenue act permitting the manufacture of home brew the nonrenewal oi licenses to export liquor houses amendment to the inland revenue act to provide tar the forfeiture of a brewers ilccne for repatd infractions of pro vincial or dominion law und an alteration tu the canada temperance act so as to give a province tlu right of dealing with manufacture of liquor us it may now deal with tho right of importation wire urged upon the government the granting of thoso ycuests would signally reduce the t rattle iu liquors ofnfty try the fileel box tbo oldfashioned mothers nipthoil gems op thought would you bo rxetnpt from uneasi ness do nothlner you know or oven suspect is wronir would you enjoy mmpiirgyi pi wshjitrnrrfrbtfur by softly imttnr to it liaa clvon moil em scientists a now notion for dealing with insomnia- they have bat a low oroonlnjf or humming- so und is tho bst euro for this troublesome modern malady o a suwvp bo has been perfect ed nttod with an electrical dovioo whleli reproduces the low liunnnlns noise mado by a swarm of boos tha machine continues to vroduce tboao sounds for a- little aver half an hour after which it gradually boeomes silent ft la claim sd tlmt tiie most stubborn case will havo succumbed to the spell of slumber lonir before tbo half hour la up you power which you bollav is right rules of tate mai nover fastened on ndhrf ir clain around tho neck of his brotr that clod did not da aten the other end round tho nock of tho oppressor lamartlno a rent minds rouat an the tutclety wlilch has piado them what they oiv but tiny only imy with lntevost wlmt they havo recajved macauuy tltoro lu no imiiosslblhty to hint who stands prepared to conquer every huxurd tho fearful are the falling flaruh j hale homo men s reputation soems uko soed wheat which thrives best when brouffht from a distance whiltely absence- of ooeujtatlon is not ivstl a mind qulto vacant is u mind iltstryssed cowner ha is next to tho rods whom reason and not passion impels cluudlan internal parasite in tho shape of worms in tho stomach and lowels if chlldrtn say tholr vitality and re tard phi steal duveloinuviit ihey keep the child iii u constant ptato of uiltuitj and if not uttowled t cu dunici lltij tlio ohll 1 can be snared inuuii suffering and tho mother much iittktirty by uwlny a- rutlabh worm remwlj sutli us millers worm iuw ders which aio sure duutb to woinis steel teeth lie urwpp factories in oornmnv n w inukliik ftse teeth of euul atl as tin nrstfiuws of this industrial innovation com cm from moscow it limy be assumed tlwit they atu inuklus u siieclul bid for tlio hunmiuii truth let aiittrllan fulue teeth factor i s look to their laurels the new teeth are disctiuatl as made of llujht steel willi h doi u no l utaln oi rust and taku a in uiitlful wlillo enamel the teeth said lo he conifortuhle buioiulhu and by if i ulc and du ruble it means wljolt miio chanel fir ihe ki uupa- ho made marly nil of the oenilmi tlih rj durlnir the war ilinihis swonlu into plouhiiluiri s is nothlnu i pan d with turnluir uuns into a ho his only erhom d loouliiif imin was uilkluu i t ojimu about bis esjiuriiues dius did luktt lu only uleik 1be f thirty tt tils f r a daily kftadlnui for nst wesk monday march s8 mark 1 14 20 ituesday mnrch jojohn 1 3b43 wcdnooilay march 30 tuk g 111 tiiurimlay uarcb 31 luko 14 sfi 3c krlduy april 1 matt 10 6 15 uuturduv april 2 htdi so uu uunday aiirll34sa 6u 15 seres pr hior f there are many who have been atfllcted with sores and have driven them away wltu dr trtiomas kcectvlc oh all simi larly troubled uhoula lose no time in upplytnjr this splendid remedy urn there is nothing like it to bo had it la cheap but its powr is lu no way oppressed by its low price quite tiiu klt i w nml aygyjfc uwir afclenirtoetarohwrfut irish tntcn imike one iir 1- hldjay who llh 1lain buffj omlianl knocks vell 1at how are you tfot tiny ajoiior nowr ho inquired oh oi in hard up yet but oi have a fine job in honolulu und fre paid qj sull tamoitow flu re man you 11 iisvr b able to work ihva the ti inherature is a hundied in thti sluitle iut had endurl too iijulii clieerfully to be dlfloouiuud wvll be ritlwl hniu fully oi ii not bo in th shade all th tolme wurlnus rlptluii he askiu answtred lit jrurf f tliuru tl a luslumsr iptlon lustuud soft corns mony uttk say h j uajsaard if mow timeraia oil douii 0a away with all sorcaoui unci pain in 24 hour oil u bottle of mooiu s kin era id ii with the undorstundluif hut if it das not put an tud to lliu mn ml wtrness ajid do uwny with the orn itsvlf yoyj- mulii y will be prompt rtturmd otintj worry about how lunu you v itad it or how many uthir pruiuirj tlons you huve trlid ibis itowtrfuj pinolnitliiif oil is uilu prtpurstlon thut iii help tu irtnu your lnol nchtu it so he tltliy und h ie i urn mrn ml bunion troubles that you ii i o uhlw to uo snywlui an i do unythlni in ubsolute fmt comfort lkuiurvolliiuuly tuiwerrul is mooiu s kmerahl oil that thousuuds lutvu found it sjvy woudtrful nwullu in tin tmutiont of dutigrous sw ilu n oi vwiosd veins k j hssuunl is stll lug lou of its i doctor recotu- rticnd jt becmnao of lu hifthper- cetttuke of dextrose tlie energy prt- duciiux demertt infoodl onit it u ddiciodd in flavor nd is to eaailydlcetod give the chil dren 6a much ai uwarvant cm theperson who has- a headache as- hhe result of nyn stfaln cmii usually see clearly it is tbo strain of uettthsr clear vision by overcoming the def ct thai is present tlmt causes the head ache jtjjrrti is only ono way onanont roaf he tj awdjsavage- ljufy optiolon nbjht at the 1ost offleo uavojro bulldlns r ouejnh f notice ioticbhijiorebylvonthrtrdlla ibllxalieth davlca of the town ofouk- vllle lu the county of i la hon in tha provlnaa of ontario mnrrlnd woman will apply to thd 1urluimtnt uf cuuada at the present or next sosulon thereof for a 1u11 of divorce from her hun- ttond william henry d lvios of tha city vt auelpli in tho ctninty of wlllnrion luhn provlnco tt on- turlo tialesmnn on tho ground of adultery find desertion dat1cd at toronto in tho provlnn of ontario this sjsth day of february a d 127 jaxxk3 it hoar fis klnr street vuuk toronto ftolletor for tlio aboo named applt- kdwardsburg ulvjof brand i corn syrup i vtobcfnyo eyestghw peciaust will ia at assl nnownb si dtiua avoiui ajn monday april 4th anyone sufferlntf from eye intin dfotlv vision or uuodaclis aliould not mlas the omwutunlty of oonsultbuf this eyesight upeouust appoint- monta may b mads with m a t drown druxafut ohlce haun 9 m till 4 p w t ilhildren cry for fflmmmwi j ve castoria mothkr oatori is piauy prepanij relieve infants lirsnnstma dilwren nil uges of coiulipihon wind colic to sweclrti slomack riatiileiicy diarrhea regulate bowels 1 jud in oia assimilation ol food proinotuii qiecrf ulncss rt ani natural sleep witlioiit opiates jjk luuuuoiu alway lwik or tlte wfiiulureol c to kvuid luulalioiu alway lfovil dtrrlnmii oil yiuli iwltjl puyucuu everywhere rccommaid it sutf atp 3 wmiwuf baby wmmmjlj chtclra cost too s much to lo by 91 lack of circ and propd s feed white diarrhoea bar other chick iunea prevented try feedins iotttg ilahy cluck pood 3 it tmves milhoiis and iiuurcd haalthy m fastffrowinf clucks atul tarfyiayiua m tmiueta buy the best- iawrts bejbuciiiekclood sotl tmtpwi u e csja h bold by w a talbotkcton ont savage company 1 i jewellers ac china il silverware it uiwer wyndluuu st lmuma r71 gueijii j tba old krtd rduhja granlu mid marble works w are iiuinufacturerb and dlraot hr porters uf all kinds of monuments and hood tone work wo sell direct to our customers at wholesale prlo thus aulvlnir our customers 40 per cnt wo have tha best appliances and the only mechanics in the dominion who can operate pneumatic tools properly w can glv r4fernos from hundreds of our customers in toronto aud olhar ptaos where others have to have uw suits lu ordr to collect- ws luve the llku and bt atook uf tlrajilta in tho domutloii or mora than any three umuih in the west v aro laaltl- liists deejers uid umpioy no agents and do not upno ortt ouatomsn by kwodlus out luuorant bkciiu sollolt- liitf orders w employ only miwhanlej ami defy competition hamilton sons uuelki ont v 1

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