Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1927, p. 4

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f rh s iff thk iiouk of lje artmt 3tet teaa hit t sudad town wlla l ociarla tllk acyoa vuhv vbef 1 t bullubaj awy t urtby twrii r l lln lrt i ra tluliu uill ltl act odiaru tv inkmiilbi iiu u ltd pr tear u adtfauc ti4i a tiarej allliol la oftci u lu ijill ui tie j i which ul iri iua a uij la tmljcaiaj m hi ulrit 11 i adebtiinc uatkstrauuut ajvaitix woli w ik jn i m al mmiur co r iotrltau auj s ctnla t h w t abaa vttnwu rlom cmitmi jituy kdntu- utula for v lnrha n- no be aaaua m ct par intli each iutefua advartltaaaewla with oat ajjeclflc 4wtkma vll b uwd uu tuc mtdjcltaraitj acad c- a ivills editor aj hwrfrier 3 naming aclona blttxfa ejiurul aaj lliiudt ohc the neat sjgns on tho corners designating the streets in acton have been placed in position tho past week and seem ta draw favorable comment from citfxens generally tho neatness and legibility of the signs is naarked and the council may veil xs complimented on securing them and taking this needed step to keep time with actoiva progress ji scanning tho coiumntof twenty year ago soitij couple of months ago it was noticed that the subject was uppermost in the councils mind at that tintr but the steps wen not taken to have the project carried out the convenience to strangers in loest ing places will bo great and- fdr us town folks who have endeavored to guide travellers to their dcstln ation in tho town the details of direction are going to be appreciably shortened the only regrettable item in the move seems to be that certain streets which wfcrc named and known as avenues have ben designated streets such as bower avenue and knok avenue on which the sign appear as bower street and knox street this however is a small hem and can be easily remedied as the error appears only lntho case of one or two thoroughfares neiglilo3xo63news enlm fui thursday morning april u 1027 editorial u who wants booze slow a government store in town would oertmmly make liquor or wines handier to obtain than if one w ment of the port elgin tiro on government liquoi stores this statement draws forth the following remarks- on the subject of booze stores trom tho is no doubt true and the luilelgm l f l lu m medea for thirsty souls from southajnpton7tar paisley and kincardine if a liquor store is opened at port elgin this may be true also but port elgin may fi tha t are not as man pfthcscthitsiyi souls in these other towns as they talk about most of these thirsty souls the port elgin paper refers to are composed of a few of the booaco artist class in each town and if port elgin ts hoping to become hcoagregaung centre forthem it willfind therthing will not help the town any however it is doubtful whether port elgin will have a booze shop even though it was not under local option previous to tho coming into force of the o t a it has been safd that the nearest place where hard liquor will be dis pensed will be at guojph port elgin may have a beer and wine shop but beer or wine wont satisfy hoseoyantwjiiskeyeainj people to ship it in why would people want to go to port elgin for it we doubt very much if tne fame of becoming a booxe centre that port elgin is iook ing for will materialize and what self respecting town would want to become famous as a booze centre it may have the advantage of drawing thirsty one thither for their supply but numbers of drunken people crowding any town are of no advant age to a community of course such a round up m one town could be used for demonstration purposes in the educational campaign which was promised to do away with excessive drinking another sign df tipring notable among the signs of approuching spring is the return of too doortodoor peddler selling tnopa brushes hosiery cloth etc apparently the peddler mo d wel bwau tufle seems to be a popular one one reason he finds it easy to make if go is that he oten has 100 per cent probt and only a few sales in a day are necessary ho has no rent or taxes to pay and he doesnt have to stand hack of his goods because he is here today and gone to- wbrrtjw l5caihieixhaloulanbelidtrikcy could get half the price for then- goods that the highpressure doorstep salesman gets the merchant not only sells for less in most cases but he stands behind his product he carries on business in legitimate fashion and he should have the loyat support of the community not only on sentimental grounds but from the standpoint of good business and common sense the merchant too should dd his part by letting the public know through our ad vertising columns what advantages in price quality he can offer ruhnlu of toronto itli mm purenla mr und ifr- urn luwrt ltrovf ly- an i duu rut uf 1 tramp tun wwn ti weill mid with ivlunu- in town mr jf r atinttir if lirrimiitort ami m1 unltlt auottti i t toronto mi iu tin wkhtt at tit nit tini hfiw kfiibltfr allmt utiimbhll i it uv unt iiri yhtu muhnll wan takatt to fiulti flvnaful ioitlttil on krldiy wt ww whir um unurwont ill tkmtltt ttir uiuxnluki mr win murray wlio lum wot at lh lftwrul hoaiilul lualpli fifwohiu tlmf wmm mbli li riurn htthio tut jmiy taut it nil u run vulvae i tttf iv krthkt t totuittti iti of alumnatoc unlvvlalty uonduuud tllf hrvloit in tin llaitlat cliutt h4 ut lllluburtf nhl ituitittuln bit yunduy ori vrltuy vnhti i tki uf c k mcmillan hitiyrl 11 lt infill ttttuunl jith he frill from at iddiuf m hl uhi traluruit ttfv flint uh 1 lli- wia llhrailtikftfm t loutt wmy htiiiu ru ut llmina isvahyterlttt church corimil th ilrllvery f tlw tlmbrm houry foe uulldlntf thi tkurtib ltl wliloki tliy intohtl to ahtlu wit on rom- tnj luo ulitil w 1hi oii of iho i1hml in ihtt eohttitunlty ttitl will lt a yrry karvliwtthl artruotum ailvn- tlls oakviclb aiu n ktn hftjt mutt- 10a wlniklf on mr georqetown last difference t-jaastbojlcyamcithenm- oerof advertising pamphlets that littered the street in front of the post olficeas veil as the lobby of the post office the bills had been sent out as adverti andlone placed in every box if you watch those who received them you saw some open the bills glance it over then crumble it up and throw it away others did not even take jhe trouble to open up the bills did you ever see anyoiteusetheir local newspaperinthat if they opened it up there were several looking over their shoulder to see what vasm the paper the paper is always taken to the home it is always read by every member of the family who caw read and yet there are sonde otherwise intelligent merchants who imagine they get better results out of the bills they issue to litter the streets than they do out of their newspa advertising- theyreallyniihtin know better winchester press our amy imvi ktuhtd to ilny uclomcd uuelc bottom lluntai lutvd hudd thulr mtlmtranc on ovoruiowtt atrrtk mr tur tturnej homo lot wk aflv aitohdlhif th wltttf with rullv in mouth carolina mimw may tltomiwon linn return fit hohw ufter nimmlnir a oouplo of onthirwlhtvuiivjrlhwintbv mraulujmll uurlok of tlntmliih onl itf apodlntf la doulivo at wmktt with hr frlnj mra v c ahtbony mmjot craht und ml lawaon at- umld th tut ulvn by id motttsf and mrii out ut amxib hltaol lavt uatuiliy mm joi- wllliatam una tlaujchtiv hrun arrive luima ut wufrpm wlnnlixtf whar kh nht maivral wnba vialilnir her luimnta tnl jacle jtrmatronaf wnt i thi wrattvfn iloanltal toronto taut wotk for treatment ixet hiany friend wuh hr hiiwdy ivaitarmuon to health thai ml jon tlanj of tho trtlfd church rave a plndll jtrokrumnid tft 1hlr oahcrt en monday vwilac tbaiy wait awkl atteqilani maatft lulc jorrititoit youuxt hum y aultnrnil mi ut in i1 hi in o l ill it luttiiklo t i tttt ty m trntrttf j a am if r buaal ut tllt lionin of hi r follm joliu iallt wllluiw htti t uu iuoh1 tiry of jthmiiiu vi ii ml willi ml icdm aumt n t v t lit- wrrkytntl jj 11 mrltahi or l ifth- cliukh lukuohituc who uiidvi witt m hon in til loroiito oilfrul i low llllll oil uttlll iliy u fu0lrl tu lltr t tv ilmtf uiiluf ititi rllv wllhifil a hkoiiit iluaxlil rw p wiui llttw baati axiluualv iii fill kmt two hiilitlitf u riiftfd to hv uoiivlauauillt waly kilty collmrmt mlfffl who liua iweit nurloukly 111 rc lit unt inoiilli ullh tmituiiuntl t niirfrhl ii ililltlf nhim hlali0 litat wiokitnl mr clitirln it wiviy f town ut trtitlml hit iiruitloori lntmllit i um i ttljmr lull ut llm jiiyil timiiuuslil hot i iiimiiihoii luat wauk lrmnt- uiu mr a j tuuiry uly 1 ml mm tltn hull ut rohni nr tlio m ifjlil hull wit a tin mifhi of h h ttaoht mfftllf liat ihiifhtny ulult wlun mr und mlic j w moritmim korr- htrtvl aittiituhti in coiimih tiutratuil ut tin 36tlt iihlilvurajiy of tliolr w1dlntf ltitilid by u htluiiif wral wliul llrt wblli hroku out iii it iillu of rulln ttd tli a on thf lifoiivrty of wllllulii ma tr hi bill wllnotl mlat tfihitbriillly ilattkirad it fiiinii luirn u tliiwt whl it thi y wur lpil un 1 othvt iiaibv i ulld u th nrfmiiri i mtltltf uihih s tin lliiu humi miy iluhidtii wan din tho riuw of hit riiv m utiuti twn 1iut rr ilmualn hint in whtxhv akd him iiuimm vllkit n ail addro attat k d ijlmolfy lllil vita frianda ho hd alidad til liaat oalliauk tllrf blaal vof rftt w4- nt him itandil of tli ctil clay x wum uakd on day by a lolaawxiury wlial ditornlnutlpt ux bloitj to ulit tli tld ml w teyw4 tlilai liraaa y mm dnli m ro rimidw loidln f t liayuli y lu a mm rwaii 4 hill mad do hr ii unt tl mwitiiit rwid i ut whan ah u tif town wld ar i ml f uraln thy jh t buy ut hit thi hi calhoun wild h nuiil illd yo itnim in byt tut f i- xwjicril aittjr a ohktfbikul olvgw a ruhral ravlvdj wiim in fill blunt and tit mliw wiij rnlnrtlriif thw uol jo lotilrlluttf wtirotlaly 1 ik win tx tjiwdw dtiiij co y6ti nil bialhtnl ha ahoutd dlva hlirt it hirilon of all you hmm llv hlhi a au a i i lit ll rtfl- ut tuwdl aoiifnl ylld a i railrna mambar if til lulsaallon ivwtdmi by mi d ol ty to iu luwil olvfthhrt in hv iflo ii twfiiluthi kadi ttiut druggist tells easy way to end bladder weakness haaaanf tnmpls4 maanatrvatnant ndomunfup night m ui immttt-r- what yor utt uy 1 t hug yiii hava un ittia it litw ilnttiiy madlafna y hvf trld without aooaaa if y u fi w victim f iliad uf wk-a- h4 ivathral frrllntiiti uuinti daya it tt ithum ilmioyaff and hltflitm t sfiurn ti wiu ahiild ley tha amaina vahw t lit uoillhwirlla imtatakh at it mad f rt til u mm t ttniiu ua- fa arolly ia1 id th imbur lvt rmifu fir frnmrl tm yr ktlta talim r- rtlmilirly daafonid th wlflfy rltv thx win and muf of burtilna itrall rwl trrltnlh n itak utitw llluitdr waknfa und fjtlfna ul-nial-i- ut4 1 jaalif iir klvfc arid mum 1141 ly all ovwh du illata ort a iruaranlf ft munfjf tfh if ntt oatjadad if y6u od ii madklna if ihlatind try uhataimu todnyl bminesb directory dr i a jflcniven phyalaan n4 turaan jtribt and iloftfdanca corner b xv amt- and aatn tttrtit uumniuaiuknt tln limy liuvo lnjromn lliljfd uirouab atiituni out oomhunltoii luseord marl i he composition and use marl or li all u a niiturulty-ocaurr- intr ilttjuialt cohulatlnlf faimntlally- of wtflmttata of lima mlxal with varylnw jioioutiti of cljiy aaiul or othir inart mattrht lcilta of marltinrounit in to inly nil tha rovlhota of canada ofxnu i inu ith a rule in imjm tvoitl a faw incbea to itavarul faot on bid ink tt lmlliniim und freiumtly ovarluld by- dnt ur muok mrl la an imnort- ant and valuable miurea of lima for tho km jrtiutniont unni marla arm aim out pure oavbon nto of lime othem ara mora or ian imimro from ui nrenhura of clayaajhil orranlo matter otc au already not and thane at coura am di aerloulturally a mar contalnlnft trajii 10 to- ho per cent of carbonate of ii mo may ba conitdftrd of good avcruiro quoljty usually nw fduntt maru aro soft sav the baby chicks wt thni mronr aluly toduetw ucclavlmc luiilctawilhrrallahalocalttfood ltcotmtjumx urt u chuavust in tb ml iklri by rajta tka vaora chick yod aavaandnw mora than pay o all tb prattaabyhlckpootiyotium aafe yew jaaw lbrs o ncti front pmrr roooco or cawada ltd tthlcwfbod xtlcmmu am leoal harotd wash faftmer m a lrwaiac tntof matarv itublia a mtrrvman block actom oht kcwky r fnt ok uouraxaka llttb am in 1 p m uatiiflav 13 00 talook dfnyal drt j m bell d d s td3 ddhtt jroi- omjiiai r tirnnln r oio bv w dc talbot acton omt and panly in 0hutncojrelup- on of jir lid ilr jlrtfcu nurliw aluwiukjajiiy mll hluoo lr- aosasaa3gs3ggg im larotilnrnriyidwlll aow iw down io courm which auy abln la return bamo- town council mat on tuaaday t-yjn- ine utul attar haarlna a c jtarkor and c tiaraaht water ntnalon and mr chvmr tftfcsualph v atrct imrrtm adjourned to mt on tuesday april lsherald bufllinorron welcome to u tourfcu motorists from tho united states coming to canada may now get an extension of 60 days to their 30 day free entry permit according to a recent order passed by the canadian department of cus toms any tourist coming to canada by motor car who decides after the expiration of the 30 day free entry permit for 4he car given at the canadian boundary poiul that he or she woud like to amy longer may be given twqjrftcrtalopor 30 daya each the car owner to get tins extension makes applica tion to any canadian collector of customs in any city town or boundary point in canada hud on pro duction of a certificate 3knf4 by au executive officer of a recognized canadian auramobile association will have the first permit endorsed for a 30 day extension an additional certificate similar to thd first must be submitted to obtain a further exten sion of 30 daysi should a tourist wish to stay up to six months jtbond must be deposited with a canadi an customs officer tho decision of the canadian tkparlmciiltff- customs to grant a do day free entry of motor cars to- tourists is made in order to provide a convenience to the increasing number of american visitors to the dominion a veieiail newattajk man paetf c w young publisher of the cornwall prc holder passed away at his home in that town last wednesday after a long inuest mr young was one of the best known newspaper men in canada he was a talented writer an extensive traveller and was a canadian commissioner at the worlds fair at chicago mr youujjwas for many years a tatm- ber of the canadian press association vnun officer he was a son of the igte jamea young and was born at georgetown bout etfebty yra ago young trect alioii was named for mr youngs father who owned the land and had the subdivision east of the canadian national railway tracks surveyed into a subdivision seventy years ago canadvh tajtabu property the total value of taxable property in the dominion was 733178535 in 1025 as against d 028012 640 in 1110 an increase of 103772886 according to a reoent report of the canadian govern ment bureau of statistics personal property which ib taxed in certain provinces only increased from 52939710 in 1010 tp 5fl452434 irf 1025 income which i also taxed m certain provinces only increaf- cd from 103 260441 to 1o4u52407 property which is exempt from taxation howe4 an aaactacj value of 811035 904 m 1010 and incfeaa4 to tr 345031825 in 102 where canada leadfl during the last two years canadian agricuture mining fishing manufacture and transportation hava been experiencing a fundamental prosperity which indicates an insistent worldt demand for thi varied products of canadian industries that i country with a population of less than 10 000000 people should have exported 1271000000 worth of goods in 1027 and 26ft0000gp worth m 1026 im plies a tremendous productivity per capita canada is now the leader in the production of newsprint asbestos nickel cobalt and salmon and produces the worlds largcstvx portable wheat surplus sinca canada also stands tecond m the number of tele phones in use and in the prodaetioq of automobile and lumber third in goldand silver production seventh w steel production and tenth lu that of coal it as evident that tho prevailing prosperity is due to a healthy condition in many industries rather than to a temporary expansion in some single line editorial notes the popular way to stop investigation into transactions which companies do not want investi gated seems to be to lose the books or records but it isnt working very w and transgressors will have to invent a new one the burlington gazette last week started on its 20th year or publication the gaxettc has always cared well for burlingtons best interests and under editor harris has prospered may each birthday 6ce ft continue to flourish would it be possible that this conscience mouey that is being sent the government at ottawa is from those who have been tcalfymg before thecostons enquiry commission some of the witnesses seem to have httle conscience when giving their evidence newspapers throughout the country appreciate the pasting of the bill reducing tha uewspaper postage rate from ij cents tu i cent the general public have had the advantage of twocent letter postage restored and the newspapers now appreci ate their innings an locrease of one dollar a year in a post oltfce box rent means about onethird of a cent for every day in the year the post office is open it would ukd only the saving of three gallons of gasoline in a pleasure jaunt to pay the extra rent and who would stand in a postofllce line up on thrce succes sive days to make a ccht chcsley enterprise just who should make the first move to organize for actons celebration on jqly i of the diamond jubilee of tho dominion seems to be the only point that is holding up the plans possibly the council or chamber of commerce could take the initiative and start the movement like all community affairs in acton it would receive the loyal support of all citizens when oaco urted ur itativ danlke has moved into fila new txratnlo nrttt thocryjftttt theatre ur and mr prank ucullbm and hatnllytthvea honia on sunday from ibroa niantba holiday in california ur and ilrtf j t linker hava ij- turnnd hom from rochester wliero they hav bct aiittdlnir tha iaat owrat months ifajar la r lids vealenvd the com- mautl of tho ii ur 11ns tor company llulton itlriva and canl karl of mlluhujina trtkrti rnrnnnd mr k j corwlii ha oold 110 foot frotitafca on the highway tho property mr a- k truman to ur d wul uvuit of hamilton v v mir a son 1uiv ftxchanxad ur john itivadlhtada property laeuat jtrei for ur john lumlon u farm nvur aptuahy iir and urn headhoatl will move on to tha farm early twxt week ilf rusoel c bniale and hlu bride of potrolt ulch who were married at detroit on fviday laat iipent part bf thfclr honrymoon at hla homo her rfrturnliur to- detroit on tuesday on saturday evening hut a car driven- by arthur mroeman ut memo was a truck by a- white bur bun near mamlltan and tha eoupa badly ibunaxed krtunutely ilr fnuauan nacapad injury many rumora huva haan afloat dur- las tha iwist week in rasard to tba aalii of certain propartua and tha jioaidble orwllon of uvral new build tna in town tho oagetto haa ln- vtlratel thea retiorta but tho ktarica ara denial qaktt milton baveral townapoopla altouded the skatlns carnival in toron laat krridy nlabl uiud ctnmttu of tho public school btarc apwit th wck end wlui ber- parenu at ayr ulaa uaolcenxie of toronto siwnt tho week end at the homo of bar brth- ur jm mrtnkansja ttia ubu caiuplmdl who hftv been on a twp through california and klarlda liavo rihumil honv tho hall at tha agricultural grounda u blnjrahlh2led luxulbllfcr will ba kuj to know thi tha frama buudlny on ualu strt formarly ooaupled by u ix itakrr jrrller udvrtlaa to b hold on haturday faiuil to hud a purobaiwr about m meinbora of ht clair lodm a y a u went to hamil ton on tuooday of lout week to attoud a rweeptlou ictvon to tha oruud uaater mlwi iwonu aleicauder profeaaloiuil school nun for ullton oakvilu and truralour has tendered ber rljma tlon ua aucli llefarmar tim many frlendu of auditor wilto iif jthl imaiwllljaluthflciuuji pioti in conxratulaumr hliu vor tlu tlrat tllii aloe ha voa bud up by lllna laat uy 1i wa out ytarday and way at the poal oiflc may hlu lmprovokitait continue mr and ur cbsrte dawson of hamilton announce tha anxatfiiiient of uivlr uot ibiutfhur clara ttvtflyn ur udward crosu jounjfent wtt of ilr and urn i- croah of ullton tho marrugu lo tuka place at ut uarka church lumllton qt 3 30 p april 3d that whrauouth of wvfiil tuyljir ot toronto wlu eucuped from tho hal ton county jail bora on wednesday waroli if whlhi wait lux to ha trait u- fnrj to imrfbiuoulh jvnluhtury at ultuotlon to cva so hioutbn for bur blary la uartlltijr tht m11lv uji tho eoid oonvlot is lit ill at larne ha in ballaved to ba in toronto wh-or- hla larntm vjd cliamplaa doo cur yftkk bheakast and dimmer uv meeting trains uarnaavllh ulun uc so itover uyearuu apdnlel owuaj by wed iiaad railway w janitor hero in ono dog wboa 4iaata- navar itau to fd i air 0t imut ix ywrw itovur liay met the ji and wat lmud tralha twloa a day und ot bla tortrhouai atuuk bonsa and ollfr tld uiu frop thf din lux car cook tlijii iolui imnvllad iuhibr of tha caulua taiuuy u tha entr of at- traotlon to trahaoontfiiantvl travellara wbfik tha train atfpa ut llariieavlll llvr la evur4 by th fact that tho train top in tho avaullia und moru inx and 1 kuowai th hour ut ar- klval la vaal lntnf it la a hund- lita- ordar ut tint cbfa o havd itovm a dtitnor o- biakfaat rody at uaruage viu t powder which easily ihirmlt of uniform dutrlbutlo of tha land itr la ueldom that th air dld mafhftl will rotiulrti any preliminary cruuhlne it therefore eonatttutea vary cheap und daulrablo aouroo of lime an not infrequently mart may be had for tho coat of dluelna and haul- i rift indurated marl ia a hard rocklike material with attimi yeoinhed atrue tura it oooura by dopoaltlon from the waters of atreajna arul aprinjpt- which carbonate of lime lar- diolta of thin material occur tn many of valleya of llrltlab columbia ind are oomioacd aim out entirely of pure aarbonato of lime a certain amount of eruuhlnc in iioceaaary bforo thhf tyiw of mnrl can lie uaed aatbifactarhy no a soil dresalnjr uarl may ho usfd on baavy clay and hiiht aandy lqama and la eapaobil- ly valuable for ho former as a bup ofll it rorrin nldltv nt- aurneiai furnlnhfib an element for plant nutrluon and promo tea nitrifi cation and hence aaalata in rendering available th noil u htoro of inort hltro ken vui advantage ahould bo taken of thlfl aheap and satisfactory aourco of lime oapoclally wharo tha deiumlts occur in tho neighborhood of thi fa rtti tfi qood quality marl may lie known by el vine a brisk ekorveaconco on the ad dltlon of a few dropn of atronff vlnoaj or weak acid neforo escplolunff a- deposit f mar an analysla of tho material may bo dealrahlo and tlibi may bo obtained by submitting a repiyaentauvo aamplo to the division of chomlutery ilicparl- mental barm ottawa young street garage and implement shop with tha opanlner of th u6orinx aaon w or haw ptpaj to take cure ot your rmulrmnta in uotor ncarlta oaaalln both iltxli orddft and ordinary tt motor uachln and 8pavatdr01ir and qraua vreg m yhi1fl -rlra- fw icjfimi- i m- ratforfi for iav und radloa w fcuh rry a fall una of vartn implemnhta tiuibla kjulpmant and the fauoua deloval crzxt separator and uukera uuo the bisfcekum vail barlb inurnatlanal harvtwiter crwam separatara traetom ttireahara power machinery of all aorta unurnatlonal uotor trucka of yxyinj capaltuav from si ton to tons dan t frst w hava a oreoolnx nack jo take earat it your eft b we alao tmtndlfi coai oh tfajtw vandna fpll una nf ttra and tobea cohrteou tretmelttiisncarrul workman- ahtp labour aim at h timaa rz i ii i i bwlsrierpaitkjm phones younff btrvoi aeux tuaia u rit aniibtlo uad if 04u t rallnnce cornar of tnj wdarik fit rm a dr j h johnson dds lda tntf surgaon oflje over hank of nva fatlo texjepionkt 4t misctlaweoua was he verdant iho horo of tho followlns talo may liavo been as ruatlo as ho uoomod or bo juuy have boon a moral phlloao pb or or poaalbly a mere invenuan of ionvo innenloua nowapaimv man upon that point tho reader may juds for hlmsfllf au to the instruct i vo nature of tho qhocdota thero can liardly bo two ophilona ayid wa bladly reprint it for tha aako of 1l8 sound autleal jcunon thoxa waro thlrtean men of ua bold- lne uowjl seatu in u fourth avonua car tho other day whllo four women who could irt iret seata wero luuislnsf the alrnpa when a man at tha front end of tha car who had baen buay with tha oonunta of hla crtp kuddanty robo and aakd brie of tho women to accept his aeat- in reply to bur uinnka he aald not at all madam not at all iro oarry i dldn t offer it before hops you will ovouso nw ma am she bowod in tho aillrmatlvo and ho said am not a new yorker maam no t don t live hero you suapacted aa much i preaumer slio looked up durloualy but dldn t raply anil ba jtlancd around tha cor ami contltiuud 1411 what you folk call provincial you know u va out in a- country town wo are hayaooda out there and liave iwtio wayw for liuhanee you wufd oao twolve man oooupylntf btsia 4oabhmoaj had to atattd up luaulur country atyle that la but we can t help it twalva of ua looked full at him and sought to bulldo hint into ul lonco but it dldnt work we vo cot tt few profauloival loaf era of cojjraa but i can t remombar when one of them kept hla aunt und tlil la wl u lady to a land- twelvo mon comfortahly ulttlne down und throe woman lurchlnff u round ua they banc tho utrupal it lu now york you know anil nut at ull iiuacr to juu but muitt loufoaa i do not know what in confiuufoj i droppi 1 n the cai anl was follow d by eleviii othem seed clkanihq plants an abumico of eftlcknt seed cleaning nmchlnery ut oonvenlont volnte ha hud a dcprouulnir erfoot on the pro ductluii uf retf littered iwiim uraln in canada to ovurcuma thla hindranco tho ciiisml dlvulmi of the fcoctwrlmen tal sarnie bun irlven ctoae stu ly to vurloua typos of cluaa ritf nuiudnun and eatabuuhad itolti at tlj central 1 urn and at tbo urunch vnriiu olaan pluiktu uf tho luat tjpea theao planta ur belntf untd not only for tin- uicuntiiu tif the wied biitwn on thn murine but ibiy urk pluced ut thi dlu poaal at ftii man fur a foo uuivlcbint tu oovflf thn ooiit or op4 railau thlu burvtoa laat year ut tho central farm t ottuwa uniuunlud lu the cleaning and grudhifcr of uiortithati 000 bualieu nd in tha ottuwa dlati lot tut hrutlfyllis lu tli uoik dona by thei tuaohluwm that a number if tha friii try have eatal llutiml for tlfiitkalv 4 und tbalr iiebihboiboodrf ad clean hia plant a of wlmhar typo tuauwl by the dlrvotoi of 1ublltlly dotitluuin dpartuient uf aurleulturv otuw4 notice water and light accounts now payable only at public ut1ut1es office commencing with this months billing all accounts for services of hydro and waterworks are payable at the office of tho public utilities commission only these bil cankot hawbepftidattjiebanksr9bcforc acton public utilities commission ofnco houra 9 30 n m to p m dally satunuya- and frldoy tfivenlnico i to v p w 130 to 13j0 c c get your job printing at the free press francis nunan jufcaubc boafc at all kind miul to bfjf pladldb of vinf tutj tlon earfull ixmnar iiallaa my wyhdtuuu strae yowil ovw wluum sear oat twonly yaw fegpartanea ijst oull irojtcnty wrr he acton ontario auto and accident ins aak alout our ww plan auto inaurane special features a c nicklin b6w04- avenue aeten inauranea l all kind msny to lean collections wo handla oolleottonh only 31 yfcara experlenca apooks for itoolf aaaurlna elilclency and liability ke1xy ahoin couecrons oranoevlll and own souttj itef standard nank of canada monuments vtjaui now until april 1 w will offer opeelal attractive price oh all orjors placed- 1or monumenta our usual good workmanship on all work and a rood oaloctlan of old country oranlto to chooaa trom alao inioriptlona put an acton monument worka j nicol main bl actio shaw schoos toronto irulu younir itoopln fur and aid thwui to uaouro jood uuuiiipiuj pool tlotiu butler any tlmo no vacu- tloiui itrn calendar write w it wiaw ufiflhttrar 46 lllot r ht wuat toronto l bargains in houses lor quick gale 7 itoomod ilouue now furnace latrla uslitu wutnr utonn wjn ilnwi und dooiu situation the bant quick aalo uoq 1700 down fvamu ilouae comfortable t room a eood lot 1 fltio uniull iiuy- ment tjrtiat bargain 1 ijial lot laknvlew avanue t40d for tiulck aal vou have th money we hava tha rropt4i let ue 0t toolhav ask kerrs real estate hh knows

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