fihwh6imfflra i ulilh umiin and death hi t nor tlratiiwntf hac mtiuaa n dmtlm 3bcj u crj 5w ibc- txr ili mr po married iidii man-wllklilt- at llroalwul t ii ri lo unit huirli 1 arhu- jif on ihmluv auill 1037 i lit it v or 1 inlll lliui vim i fiiucu xiiy tluuichtki f me an mm ahnil munl wrjshl i irpmuli tit wlllluirt lluftrtut wnml mm or mrn ijinibtth iluiy- tiiiili of arlim died iluuland t mormti clly on hun- lay a ril u iuk7 mriialo tou jtf xr unit mm ixivl 1 iinwlin1 morlitn nn i tlwt tr mm watlaco iunby aclim toltarfajj at llii lohut nt imr liuihtrr mrji tbn- luhiiulon orlvi c huik ot uatunlay ainil 5 tlost mri culimatt widow of tliu laujawii n1 avion jii lnr j3rl yur icijp jvctott jfr fais thumidax awui 14 1037 brief local news 0mj1 iviiiny to i hot cmii llunu to- morrow ilumlay will b kiuitur uundny iloadn aliout acfon ard in niloitllil neighborhood news nasoabaweya tar lkinil c wliunolvil lujurlo to iiim tnuil what ho ml rrotii iiim vukii iri 41 thrii u lluir luttt llllllli l itly nixivnt to in ublu to ntuili lioinii in niuiimiuuwuyit frrnii t j kioim jio il win ro licj avail wli fluid tuuawuia th aflflllont hqckwoqu 3ckwq yn tm iiny jui i jlllilltufti ittut tlllll ll llll itoumh iii 1 i illtu j 11k iln wijih ulonv with tin on in t union mid niotiilo iom rt 1 undid r toou tlioli pu ly th- ivnmun w itny v nhif ilr w l hi o i nlllil wlim lit immliinii ll ill i 1h t miilu till i in hill 111 llltl i hultlntf littii 1 dtldlin i ho nirulur itwiotlnif ot th dunlin i ttirnry jucloly waii hula ut tiio homo or mr an 1 ir i vsii ijrwki n on i rlduy v nliur an cxcflllrnt i ro- l iu in in i wnu runitulii d rmifilhtlnu or rihiitliitfii hoioj itcllutlon i ilucttu iiml inulnimcntiil tiumhtrn afler tit nu- vruimn iuim i wui jiorvid mid ttio dvohiiu wi i niii nt in i uiinh and dunn itiji tliiif li iwh a ipflf f hnrlmnltflm- inj wlathcr llmntl la now down to 10a per ifwif all ovrlnwit wvlllnjftnn county itoc aktrll st council will lujuomhur touiifililit council ntd o monday next u ell neimces i ctturcti httandotl lr held uunduy s 8 no 10 un t illowjnif in the flrtiool report fur murch ot j h no 10 1 rln jr iv ilononi ituliw bwacuhiim r llnsnl aiy iawiduluy lvtaliir 411111 jiulllkll ilr- iiifu ailurim aontor jr kit ho no i ilfurolil molnt yrtt iuutkathlpoii kiroj utewtirt itiiu- bpii vack calrt hr ii ilonoru itoy 1 outur wra mnloliorn pithu kranlc uwurk hnmrr ucitlmild iljimltfun irfm md il on mcuottuld jutwulo ultoaf vcrnu j on lor hull colo arcluo mcdonuld nunaoll jolinnton ahiicnt tar enn ur inaro cxnmfim wllhclmlni miicmllliut teaolier oannockburn mm soma lutudcr fftm oft with ahant wme eooh on with m puff kjtchmsr itftord mr t il mooritid o urmwtiton will build u now klolur ihtn ut omtoicu 111 a if a iow nior brawtrim ioj 0or llcwkitie who in kolttlf to make tho ktroui txitr for may 1ct quell u ham aa outbak of scoyldt ftvvr and rhlldoa under fourteen urc iirohlblnsi from attcttdlnir tbitre- th mmflbtri of acton pall flr httte cn dolnir eod work in tdnje atwl loxiuni a ctlaa of pivuawvct w riig your u w vmn v omj juuu order for m juxmu r g joliqat tl nocretkjllia mmkix j goodfellaw tmd e yotwau hav hta holding irvdtte- luile tnrvlcj itj th old ttomlnlon iiotl thd fuiml couij of tttvki rhb villas a of elara tnjj oy erlakr th ltuf round 11m 14 paid 4ss00 per month for lh umitr 4nd 110 00 per bvontlt tor tba winter kxtviudv ajl6fiiionj ajno btntf kpdo in xha staxinout slock stora at thaooraar if 1uu toiuiirstiia prior to mr talbot takluff poion tho 1111 itwepnona co offlclfthi havd bo hcie orain and taken kneajurutib3 of u hurroiuuuutim of 4k- pol at tba eornr of mill and main streets which now irfaud in the roadway bat uft ajpun tutd the pout ih atlll in tho voadway coplfd of ut acton holul cax- atl th owclal organ bnglaitd tlnlioil llenftvoioncm couucll hu lntrratlnjf inojitnly truiftiudti hnvj best rfcud ui tbltf ontco ah a- rvlntf itlvlnc vlaw of ih acton ifoapiui ih khown um u fronuiioloco another important thing to w tttibr la that all who buy mlnliuf atoki do not noomutarlly beonx htll- llonaircs and ovu if you acquire nouaii woruilfm wuaro ortirlejite to to pajmtr a liouae kood wall paper tdmi hmitm und in mora rashl abu oodaklonally on harri of bualnoarf tnn who at i nipt to cohomlo hy cuttlnir down or cuttltnf off tholr ad vhlanie aitproitriatloki and it always arva a a reminder of the old fablo about tho froif who ularvej to dbitli willie iilttlnif with 1ia iiiouth oihn wltlnjf for lrovldno to mnd aloaa a ny sa cltlstin w4to idad in tin nrlahborhood of llllfm hall whtr aoton cltiaeiw iland hav thoir wkly praetlco ovolvod iht following eouplut thti otbr ovuiilnu when ho aut ljt6ti- lo to ttwli rfortn a tootdr who tooted tho flute trlod tq teoch two yovnzilfrd to toot mdld tlia two to th tootor in it hardor to toot or the tutor to tutor tho tooter to toot wtfuuur mootlnu of tho llun- ntwuburn wuiwnn initltulfl was lulil 1vlduy wvonliiif ut tho hmnu ol mm mccullouili tlmre wan a uplim did uttftndunco of hourly on hundred mrii i 1i limliiuy occupied th chitlr in thtf ubtwjnco of tli preuldont tho itrokramino oonuutd of munlc nonu and rocltatlunu anjja dobato iteaolv fid that tlia towimhin school hoard should be paid ai th prounnj wywtem of section liiiuulljotud h wh do eld in favor of uie ncudtlvo tim hcst timtlnif will bo hold ut tho homo of mr 3 ii zjndhity oiuttumwlaj artrrnoon april 18 ullh xiillrnianliirli wnll tin 1flnrlotkoa lirn r iiy 1llii or din liliiiiii on ot tlif lilhu who wdm till jilin wed to ho linril of lienrlntf und inpaiidlhtf in a liouu utiirtu i th uildklion y hlnulnu aulij umtf hym with a uood dull f rfit afur tlm iiiiuil phlliiiliuirhu of iniiltuti nitit hu h it dutlt hy ti or tin iilimbim cau mil ttiilrh inorrlnn nt nu w ii mi a ooliplo of rhoril it u tvhlili vnu miinif wltti ij mih u uooit proummnui t l lownjl whldi wan nivd hy nil diittrhy miimi o mi l6iuil ami 1 ilnlu f ttrltarloil hy liny iiiuihy iinlo hy mihu hliortruod of tho qqii lohpltul ouolh dunclnu by m ulllroo of aiiolnh hqio by mr itawlnujh duntt hy judainii it it ilondrfon und x monnbb dmirtt by mlw ltlllcoo nolo hy o mori chofuu ty tho rnidltiii tho p imlutii for tha hvanlnu wort ii o it murtlu and mrw a idol it nit rinl ciiioer lpioiumi with tint uluuluu 0t tho nutlai a anthiu thr urtlxtm tukliiu luri woio in mil y biioon i niul tho momln m of tho iilhtltut liav bi u invilrd to rtipiuit thoir play itrn joiuw aittortaltui tlm iiiiilltut thlm w k i n friiun day nvoiilmr ut lihu mulw tiia jwouy toi lau conjri lie id pri purntory im rvilom luut i rlduy i v n- intfn and on hundu m make apptntmcnbi early fur marcebf fc ui ifolldny thtt beautv 1atllon jeids phonsntwr mill rarraidit tn o ohhftvcd jho unrvli prwmlvi th pnitli look for lilt uyiniiutliy of cbrui ucl ry lm itov i 1- uuj ct t11k grctlslock school eanlreiort of s a lio 8 crlr inamcti at clven in order of murlt sr iv lulu mccutchqon lv jolinuton gordon llle miry mc cab joseph kcuvntcll calvin altitun jrdv lattnlo attkn ileaaio tor ijii vlsn isoxoii iimcj mxhaxn twfli mrwn t-vollnr- jlumtwrt w marjorl mocalff itobrt auuh john lorulll loemiotli mcdonald jnt4c ajlii i jiib mann jiiu hurt launon mccutchon marlon lrftdle kui maud iv cordon mcjvowp jan altkon lla west ulancho maw and grant allan doukios mcdonald lorno slon- ivomotionii from fr to i oordon mc ko nujta altkeo ilaawaau j ulaneho maw grant allan m gray oacher police cocbt news wallaoo aiirwood of muton wno charuod by ohlef chapman on tues day befaro iviiioa mairjutrato mooro wltli being found livtoxioutad in u public placo in tli tomttt of milton u ploailcd uullty rt hinc a acond olfouco a penalty of lcbo und oontri of 9 to won impoaod rnaut bniode uf milton will utund hu trial bafom poller mauutiiito air today uu th charge of aelllntf llauur at tlia couft moiiai ullton w iiiu and suphau ualpln of gleftwillimu hav imi1 aummoued to altpuir unforo matutrute moore at auttwuuam on buturday on tlui cluinra of ualnif inultliia and abuuivo lanjeuaifo to albert illxif obpr1nge beautiful wprins day are v surely approclatod by our induatrioua cltlkens ubo aro now busy with the rufcb of uprlns work and from ltron pacta uoudinc otmiratlonn will b in xuu wwlntf 1 thin looallty by ota tond of thhi wk if fanneia ore favored with brlaht ktunny wilir our country wtudu aro now fairly ttood and many of our local motor- 1 utk aro enjoying a fow dolijthtful outlna many farm wilea hava iumn tho fuaturo in thla locality thin uprlnif a very aucoeaaful auction oalv t uurplua stock wax hold on vuiuday of ldat week hy mr itoy illntlle at his farm and hlgi price a wiim paid by the farmer for choloo fratth milk cow and young cattlo mr kimtrwon maud of tlm townlllio has rente 1 ida farm to ula neighbor mr mccalc and held a largo clearing auction nalo monday whloli wati lartfe ly attended by local faroiaru i tom reporta mr rank uack o the hoond lino haw rnted larua farm nar milton and will tulro lm modlata poh6twlon a laruo nuinbai of our gition at tended tho dellichtful concert hold in kvortun llal th upndld projirunnna belnc in choree of tho young uidieu from coulnttby it wan a very jolly affair the sap ucateon 1 noarly omlod for thhi year and ueveral jolly uuitnrlnc off partfe will bo the fouturo thoao lovely moonlight ovenluuu mr tutduru timlth mocutoheon of drumlw motorvd up during tho weok- ond and vluitod wlui mr and mrs john mccutclteon townllno mm d laiuiclan siont lout woo holidaying with frlendu in quolpli mr qbu itouartmon has engaged mr harold fluntor of kvorton for tho aummer mr camron altlcena iimh awcured u position wltli lr hugh itod of the third una inuniaii labio 1 1 it uirt or miittt or th piumlmita of tho ooitifr uutlon wjih uutd for fho unit tlnlo job nut on iliwot of ulnttfop wis horn over tlio utok und nluo 1ml piimimore of toronto vtio wnu ut homo over sumuvj h h iloyco fh having u uumnior house onactod on hlu promluou a local play hj local people for local purpoaoo nuxtvxrdnoudny ovan inr april 30 a numlter of filrmn of vnrlnun nlhcb aro ii del with j a hnilth ftoo him if you want u iarm unclassified small advertisements for easter travel hlfi c mirnulti hidloi conrh m havf fin btmonto thrri tlmum dilly 00 m m 220 p w fl e0 p m i i olm i ill iqrcllknnit hjuall oltn mid loniion j 10 10 a m mhd 3 10 p in aililfllti il ii nim to kll- ciil nlill only 8 10 m anriow toachlinit limited i m liifoiiniiuon vhrtiu wllm htor you will need additional meats for easter actoiii custi carry and savo butcher shop offer good vultics in chajca smoked mcatsand milk pcd veal aho choice beef nnd rark at tho usual o prices choice dairy butteic and vuesh eggs ofcrie lamb easter footw outfit tin whole family from our new sprulk stock prldca iiil lowest all slc fov till ngel harrisons oontinosd fronrrinon agewt wanted ajoiltii men nnilwonion iiell iviuiho and ialco ci can em ivery home of nee garage autotut our pronpectn good commlunlon 1 xclnatvo torrltorv r a lni iiviil s co dept c aloicandrla ont ttwbdna pon coal bcaled tondcra addrenued to the pur cltanlng acnt dcpjirtmont of public work ottawa will tin received at ilia ofitco until 12 o chick noon tydy april 20 1b27 for tlm nupply xif cotil for utauomiuloifjlultdlnes 4iirouchout thojrovlnce of ontario including the cuynf ottawa vorn of tnndr willi auoclnciitlonii and conditions attached can vo obtain ed from g w dawson purclirialnr ajtoiil do par truant of public works ottuwa and it- winter co ftl victoria street toronto ont tcudoni will not im oonnld4 rhl unleas itmidn on ti forms supplied by the department and in uooordanco willi doiu1 tmontnl pec lflciuloiw and conditions 4 tho right to demand from tho sue ceimful tondorei a dcpoalt not exceed ing 10 per cent of tlm amount of the tender to oecuro tho proper fulfilment nf the contract is reaervod ijy order h u o i1iuln acoretary deilartmont of public works ottawa april ft jbs7 42 2 houses cheap for quick bale 7 roomed holme flectrto llghtn an 1 fixture hard nnd nort wkr ni u furnace nt nni win low und d mini lanci lot hltiuitinn hiot in town lluut nil x too 00 shi ill depoill rr ii ingnhw c mtinit hird nnd fioft iittr ehctric flxturos good lot fliwlmnn cooi dint tat j1200 00 411 00 catili j y pric- triimtrroono to trza no utij intt iluj nfnnieo7o iidminc in priftu thvfo proper tlii junt iiuld vou hv alio money knjth judumant lt us 0t tojlh abk kerrs real estate he knows announcing the opening of a new plumbing tin- smithing and electric wiring shop in acton mr k 11 ijuslilirook will open n plumbing tinsmitlilng nrnl electric wfrmc shop m hie store occupied by w d talbot 6itmn1n street on or about may i youu patkonagk soucited w r lashbrooic miixsthect the publicbfalth terra cotta loume school the following is tlm report of lome school for tho month of march tor iv llarlwiru uuthrlfl m vrn 31utrayjuld4chruttakiata- vh jr iv tlialma orarf 14 marry murray lt laura jolmston 71 jr hi ktta hwackwmer douglas outhrlo hr ii gmoe grah jr w llobort aurrtlt hubert ihc jl jr i ileatrlca gran rosa swack lismr ham dnuy irlmar ruby mapheruon vra m hurst teacher motor coach service pom eaycr thavellehb anjteni of luteroitt to tbow going out of town for tcuhur is contained lit tba announcement of ths commence knnt of a dully motor coach tbcrvloe whloli la bin offte 1 by tho awow coach i inisu i lmlted coinnicullnn tiiurday april llj motor i o icln s oiwtuti tl 1y thin ooniiiauy luavo for xoronto throe tliiiiu dlly ut 0 0 a in 20 v m and to li in and for points wit at hi 10 a ni 3 10 p in un i 8 10 p m h j kerrtlit of qale9 tnurday april 14 j ualdyln aton clniirliiif aale uf liorwa cows rias etc haturday april 1 mus mllnn aotwu iiiiht of houliold mttvola haturdav a ril is mrs wni taylor acton kala of household f- fots haturday april o mlog hnlntyre young utroat acton sale of household jrct tmo l format the aaored cantata in kttmc oittrcb on good wlday wobah ikt owk rmrr wvloeom- mr joseph kanon 1ms gold bit farm on the flfth lne to mr hon j young of union mr koison hold a ulourlng aale qn wednemday and n tends moving tdiorfly to his brothers farm on the tenth line mr f c thompson is itusy ship ping stone from his new ouui ry the tenth llnt iix has struck a vury valuable nuarry of stone mr chas ulmpklns who has been in the hospital at ouelph for some time with a frartmvl nrnii lias ra junii holm much improved stjiing will soon ho the gonorul order of the duy it in mmorod that mr ii logan has sold his brick plant hoii wo are sorry to learn thatmr john mckally is iii at nrusont wo hopa soon lo hear of his complete rocov- f mr il j blrlngmr who upent a tew days with his coufln mr welliagtou lltringsr of milton has returned mr u triii or had tlie puasure of vtultlng tli old iiidlun burylaictfoundm whfefo koiim indian skelvtous and various in dian iellcu werii plougliuil uj aouii yru ago mr htrlngur plukij u old indian roll cm hundreds of years of age which inuko a vary in terriuhg oollaotioii wo ate plfijbdd to noti that among tho wiio took u promhunt pail in tlid v v o batiijuut ut atlon iiuiit- ly wcrv ujms wilinu hutittr and mr jack iuowlutf ot dljs place dsu thlr tvacbc mw ty u irgei of jtoroiito au scqultud uimtis v ry orrdltably with thwlr oxcalunf solua another item worthy uf nun- ll in was th term colli and bramp ton oroheatra who htr nwently m- alsa mated mrs w j kutlwico and 4aaljy liavo be i confined to tbelr rooms durlug the llt wk with la grtpp wd hop woou to hear of tbelr oom- plria roovry mr h kuwood who for roaqy yars haa bn a faithful eraphiyva ut th lulton brick oo he ainft his paaluonrtiera and is removing to toronto abortl y th nv mr waddau of uajuna- tl paeh a very jkootrpufel ermon lq th united chuxcb oitflttal day avaaliur tbtrowaa lore tura ul i citizens jkhe requested tq comply with the public health act notice is horoby uivotl that all resi dents of acton are required forthwith to clean thoir cellars drains yurd pig alien wattr closets t outbulldlngu und other proinuns nnd remove there from ull turt manure nnd other suhi stances which may endungvi tho pub lie health and to have tho unmo com putcd by the ninth dny of uuy next on whlcli dny tlia sanitary inupnctur will commence a ceneral innpoction and further tnkc notice tlint bo sic tlon of the pufldlc health act pro hi hi ting tho kaolin of liogii bftwoon tio istiiof uuy aiii the ictli of fy vemlter oxcept in pens nt least 70 fum from any dwelling houtw ami 10 font from any atroot 6r lane with rlooirs kopt clear from nil standing wuter and reuulurly cloanaej will ho ut hetty on forced ajlcltlxonu aro cur neatly ikiphmted to keep ttitlr promhipa conutuntly char and thorouirhly iusinfcled auoh mahon heave of the 3junljlpallti aolon a 14 1p3t ill monuments mark every grave acton monument works j nicol main t acton specials for easter week i vests at 1 125 s2d0 and ab1- blqoiiiera nt si 25 1 vt und yiaf t slips at zt 22 ladirv hllk glbvkft lndics silk glovt4 with cuff ur 1 25 nnd 1 so holkilloop silk ihwi3 holeproof silk mosc 1 00 i25 mid siv new siock coit9irra corseletteo ot 00 25 sl and s3 00 coi1set3 at iieducki 1iuce tills is a d si a corset in 51213 21 to 21 good value u at 1 25 special at 98c c specials in grocery dept health bran per packaftc post bran ttaka 20c 27c wute qover syrup m h for 1d quaker corn makes j for 27c chrk pork md f beans medium size jljc soaps p g pearl o white comfort 5 for zdc granulated sugar 1 1 for 100 7 lt for 50e 3 for 2se mclean co acton ont good meat good meats ave always tempting and appetizing when properly cut and displayed and pattersons is the shop in town whereparticulprppre is takerutohavo themcitaeerveti you right price ijj always considered but quality never suffers on account of lower prices at pattersons we invite you in to make yoitr own selection from ttmrnt our cftoicelshowing w j patterson purveyor of meat thai ore served eufifai well wel weil here we are ilerewe after months of hard work hammerinc ai bread price to get bread at the same price as our surrounding towns and at list with our nevereivetip boliey acton at bsi wqi buy bread for ih same pricct ay ouv other towtw we are fctllt vorkin ta tapke acton a fairprieed tfewn qoautv fibst and always our moitco independent grocer 1he stoke that ueads tti qualty and prices look evangelistic services aro now being held in tho ilulldlng rorniorly known as dominion hotel n main btt aolon buhviccb conducrkp hv jos goodfellow tium e touzeau nightly at 8 p ta 3xcppi baturday sundays at 1 p n- subjects paid wivant nnd i uturo aorta wily of salvation come and hear drlno uibl bring krltnd seed potatoes i van sale 3rlnco lulwurd islpnd whiite cobblers oovarauiout lushcted giade a 00 lbs por bag whou jlpilwotfkl now in cold sloragi t p iwlers cunudlun co huinlliofi prick 2 w per uaq moue to actoiiijujuy j- to b uocommirik jeky club haui hmlum 1 jbuy a home in a6ton wo have about id ilomou now on our liut and would invito you to look them over before tho spring ilt mum if you wish wo can iirrnnie tirms for you why j ijeiahliowyou how pi i an i ont lit hy owning your rwii house x a smith telephone jos acton great bargains for easter shoppers kaoter ih hero and no are we if you want to rave come to us and teach your dollar to have more fentfl these spec lab nre with a reason and our store with a reputation come in and bs convinced the more we sell the ma we nell for bargains f qr mci mens waterproof raincoat gootj value reg 8 05 for 5 95 mens dress pants lateststyle regular 3 05 for 2l mens guaranteed tnplestitcfied work pants pair li5 mens guaranteed carjiarlt overalls black and blue rogular 2 0 for 185 menr cottoqadc fork pantfj regular 1 05 for ji5 mens spring caps 85e mens work shirts in grey blue and navy regular 14h 79fi mens dress shirts good value rogttur 1 50 for qfld mens morlno shirts and drawers regular 1 00 por garment for 6j mens white jrlandrorchiefa 6 for 2s r allans strong braces regular 50c for 35c mens garter tegular 4sc for 10c mens all wool socka gobd value regular 50c for 30c mens fine socks regular 75c for 49c specials for the ladies ladies spring hats all hand made and of the latest styles from 149 up ladies rem silk drosses 195 and up ladies houscdresses regular 1 25 for 89c ladies gloves good value at 1 00 pair for 69c ladies silk striped vests and bloomers 39c ladies broadcloth bloomers sand tan mauve peach mserhlue regular 125 for woe ladies pottoq stockings per pair ladils silk titockinps regular 05c for laiiis tricolette blouses regular 2q5 for unny monday soap ftl 6 bars for zitjc rjew cheese per lb 23c old cheese per lb 31c tomatoes 2 tins for peas 2 tins for corn 2 tins for friday nd saturday only white beans 3 lbs for jelly powders 3 for shredded wheat 2 for 25c 25c 25c only 25c 22c 22c new laid eggs h no i firsts dozen buc w crad our ej0 ltbby b pork and beans 2 tins for matches 3 for corn starch 3 for 25c 25c 25c bee hive syrup 5 lb iin 38c 2 lb tins 18c clark s tumato soup o 2 for jc parnells bread per lonf 10c for tjie boys a good position our gimpliftad uaonhaiml nj tuau- tyuwhllnifoourtraln you at bom in tsn wtk tur a rood poalum bymtam unrn- l luppliad uook- h fr idvnuon thliwr irlivn wrlttna dominion oohool talbr j umllfd terttflto ontaria sporting goods iluiballri and ituui sortltallx and ilau pudlilltf llodu tdjllie ullte hejoki und all sorld of tackle spulal vulilei lk uaunauu oplonu trlxit attends every liurtdiiy mko your uppolutmeiil or call h w hinton iii 8tr acl ont ii ttoysf slronk hloomcrs regplor 1 4p- for boyv hroacloti hloueeg jfroin uoyg caps boys cotton stocktnga per pair boys bolts boys overalls for the girls girls spring hats from girls riairtielette lahtle dresses from girls bilk stripe shirts and bloomers gills cotton stockings girls reefer coats regular s3 os for girls skirts from i kc 2se 39c itt 08c bbc ip 43c 19 73a 79c uu 98c ui 29c 25c 295 o98e 6rolic closed all day friday phon ui your ordar w dlivr aftr school onll am da saturdhy w pay hioll ptc for outur nntl egg the acton produce grocery co c k browne prop ihouc 1gd independent grocer 3nly two weeks more of talbots remcrvas sale youll have to hurry if you wuntln scuro your spriuj hardware at the bargain prices prevailing c 29c 9e 98c and something for the babies raines white silk and wool stockings regular 45c for babies silk shoes per pair i babies quilts or carriage povcrs regular 1 go for take advantage of tjhs opiolttunity maple leaf economy store will pv aclii pppof winder cafa get your job printing at the free press sale closes wednes april 27th it will pay yu to help uu mow ud the iturgaliu again 1 lay in your huppllcn malnptrerf wr p talbot phoiw 7 ra tf t- skl