1 thi llomk or ilirjkrtan3frb0 lr wlcttj lowrt wil1u ol ontario ttu mill acta 0illtt tim ulliu u ulltodkl to ootc la 111 united uto tint dt in vhtfh kuwrptioft tr pu j wjtd td hm fcddrfj uul mnu la twtttf una wtuun w fin i iaarlit had g ccd4m te ihw to cb tuhm quoi insertion contract tllaplay kdu ncata w s orhch tuf kwtn ur j ccwta ir inch caclt iohrlno adn mcifiti tklctka wit barii moults y a ok lh uilov nj proprietor keep clear of qwuoiy ykijtl uouv- v ihowil bh 1 hn uimleuce the wiwlon of the board ol trade lending itscit to bo the intermediary to put cohingwood in tlio list of liquor dispensing ccrutrcs is to say the least debatcable jt js not a question of a shopor do shop instead it iar simply the advisability of u business organisation composed o members with all shades of opinion stopping boy on d its bounds and entering jl iled already overcrowded with con tention and controvcrsary at the best the mainten ance of interest n a board of trade is far from easy and the taking up of matters foreign to its customary and recognized programme will not tend tq lessen the difficulties that he in the path of success colli ngwoorj bulletin neighborhood news oakvillr mini normal court to be extended year from the ontario department of education comes the announcement that the normal school course for teachers is to be lengthened to two years the present course is atycir one the change will take effect in the fall of this- your pull details of the departments plans will bo published in he annual educational ptriphlor jpremfcr ferguson as minister in charge of the department has had in mind for some time ft is understood on arrange ment that will placeontroa normal sch6ol course on a par with tho two year course obtaining in other provinces of tho dominion tentative plans provide that prospective t shall upder th n i miw mlnotii jluliiif ihltuit avenue ih ijliil tilde illy 1 in tin iluititltoii juritl ii- l itiil mint iiul ii uuwknk of fori nto villi h roovcrillf fttlf il mlilolla ttouh la it vulloi at i injun hut if mr ktwiint unit it a wilali of hamilton uttmi ltd tho futiuml at willi iiu tuki wiiloh to k jibioo on tuality ut oak villi xjntoil iiiiiomr tlitn whlmiiiva tontly willed foi luialiul hi aviiva itybwkaon will won avimui nil mr onlebu- kouim mill coul kwiiv commwiiu uttvvl nouiblo rltiliurv in th hualnoui ectlin at hit town will tuk nliao tho heur fuhim unouh tlu uotlon 1m a wllklnwm tofootlonr it liuylnir tli viiriftty hluro ulmout illrfrntjy opttvult hjr irij nt locution mi wjiklhmin ih tiiulnut i omhcmalati tin uuy i nw tuum hliltililri rturnnt i mt wtnk rronti tha hftutli jimuhia- tlio uloiuro it hrmlth tint iant rlty ut vruti mcllvooii t clinton uj vmtttitf ut tho iiuiidiof in i- wn conn 01101- w m mcllvooii on clturcli hlrttet biivu lum mtufnoit rrom i trlji to houtli cniolhm rolnir byway wirutlitir lu warm lluwll l tul tlii mituonn of onkvlllu will hold a biiwiunt oluu to tlu jniblit in th tltpld on wi illiumluy tvn nu lluvt ton j u murtln onlniin ilut r ot atrrjoultimt wil b ilu 1 1 cukcr of flttiliif tti intuitimtiliif ern r m it it auuiiii kiiit tunuy hiumi ion ni ikim miu ii lbiilhtili tturii1 ho hie lift i muollltllf ll ll w wi lml with fiioiiix in rohiiin mi 1 li uiihiiiiii liuw l ii 4i urty un irm utljoliiliiif ohirlnic li 1m mmy couki mi mill all ibox huii lum mil i utin iom t c tjni liii vimii i wltli ni n 1m 1k i i on butiiiiy mi i urrt u u mlinlill itl lltllw m ii ml mr it katvlx imnt jllllliy wltll lohiilt frlrn in wi urn 1 1 rry to roikirt uii ml jnuii hmiltru u iilm 111 wo trunt m limy niiiku hjtt ily ru iviry ml himl mih j xaiititxly mtd two ronw viol ic ut i cjt itll umi uuihi tir ml ijiniii r rluo vultol vltlt mr nnrl ur k moimiiifilt unit otlii v rittiul on ftgmluy llffriuiuy u tow rrleuli inut hi tlu hohx or ml m m mucmiiiuii r i- ii r i noon tnt uti 1 it i limwtiit fttro- wul to luruunl mrn cuhhnui wh itunul to miirlhmi ttiu w k rut twndliitf tbw wliller thorn mimu corotu oiiih in ihio bourn from tinonjo mt tuturliy tivvnlna wt un i wau not u niimi iifi ilu r h ir pii huh lay it wau foutnl tint lin oiktfit tiott fot- uiuit tulltltif wuw iwcm uiuy hlie u now coiivilturltiif nlctly ailvoonto saf sr driving for everybody vuuiliu ami- thursday morning april 21 1027 editorial- burlington scheme taker one ycrirs training after which thc uu of irricuituio au niu toiui will be supplied with an interim certificate allowing them ko teach for two or three years thoy will then return to normal- for their second year during which period their instruction will bo based on their interim teaching experience it is understood that the now twoyear course may beretrojiciive in the sense of requiring teachers who aro now teaching on tho strength of tho prevailing o ney earcourse certi ficate to return to normal school at an appropriate tfmc and complete the secondy geohqetown won r wli it ifu ikrconit of our ifortlmiltural hoclftyt mlm4 minion mcknv of xvttnoy iiowi il toronto ujwmt huiidity tit lum linfnn i- tbe tourist liiduutry public opinion is gradually beiug awakened to the fact thnt the tourist industry directly contributes to the prosperity of the country and incidently brings capital into contact with investment opportunities afforded by required development of agriculture mines forests and manufactures erich succeeding year indicates tho increase in popularity of ontario as tbcplay groundjof nftcth americajind s proving perpetual source ofrcvenua based upon statistics obtained at various ports of customs entry a w campbell t d6mimoncdinmissjoner of-th-high- ways estimates that the gross revenue received front foreign travel lost year is slightly over 200000000 the tourist trade touches mor or less every part of the province and towns and villages are waking up to tho importance of attracting and encouraging isitorsnyaccor4ingtohem everycourtesy fur nislung cheerfully information about the country t resources acc roads etc a great many places have provided camping grounds which tounsts are invited to use norwood register accidents and compeniuttjon in march the workmens compensation board awarded a total of 407818 24 which included 101- 83083 for medical aid this brings the total bene fits during tlje first quarter of 1027 up to 1521- 500 70 as compared with i3s03o5 05 for the first three months of 1020 tho increase in tho number of acciden iilujein part to improved business cjhoff ly t aajoynrcadenjsxjltype that-wcrc-zorm- erty not reported are now being reported to tho board jhjoxaljlujujiecdlarfidrntt reporudto ty bummnrnolil won two first jiruou at tho hamilton dojc wliow luiit ikht with iiih doif itln mr xobn j itimlf who hau been vlhltfnic hw puronlb mr mid urn john ifontor onlnrlo dtroot hint rojuined to jur homo in nw yarkrclty on april 0 tin tnntli utinlvarlnry ol llio but tlu of viiny hi itffl u wrqath inory ot tho fqllnii hvrrthwiia jtiadwr 1 n tho cnnotiom iyn imjoii- tl imigoa clrttptoi i o ft m ilru arthur laiicuutoi poet nulwon 11 kf tu tliut ulio iiilav u white liondu 1 robin in tlit yur i ut bor la mo on tudulay mornlnir tlilu ih tlio hiit of ltw kind roiwrtptl in wiln illntrlot anil iw livry yncotinioii on mundxiy mofjilntf two automo- bllom oolhilml in front at tho iwiut oirlo and worn noniowluit ilahiujfou tito driver or ono of lbo cam in un nftort ut avoid thd oolllon titruck a powar hnu iout lumoitt outtlntr it in two jfortuntuvlytio onrf wux injured mluu mmntit jt w it of toronri mpnnt it 1 1 w lyu lint wtok wilji lior iiiiitai mn iluntei ix ionif uttonduj mount ilhml i oiili x k a m toronto on lucuday ovoiilnir v icavatlon work iium jnott com nmnced for tho foundation of tho new tiobliyti rlan mutuw on imitti trt mm jobn artiutroittr who lu taklnif troatinunt at tho womitii iowjllal roronlo 1 1 roffreioliilf f ivorably afr clin b i wutmoii who hau hben ii iiilh i to lila 1 c 1 fpr m mn tlmn with a un hunch w ik rvtnow i to onljji jjuiujvltn j fnrtccatikhintoiiaruaiidny rtpv ti ullklft wuu uifl ttjwmkftr nt tho unl ihirvlro of tljo itmtw dtutvh ii oiioluu at norfolk trol chun h n tuoh iny ot nine april 18 and hr iiiui c iiinciito i to ci o inct tlm tfi rvloit united cliovch milton on oooit 1 rtiliiy a u 00 a in mohhiii k v xliirractoukli j ii ualhicn fl iciru pcoren jord it r ulcklo w lawijon and j xj wiowp- boh attended tho masonic banquet tumlerc 1 to most wornldpful john a itowlund at forohfo hwt tunitdrty nlirlit liorjti v au outlaw thp investigation ot the customs commission has brought the facts home again that the liquor traffic is nothing more or less than an outlaw business that will not pay its share of the taxes of tho country and evades and holds in contempt the laws of the land not only this but they openly admit that they have contributed to election campaign funds to gam their ends and create a market tor their wet goods and while it hasnt been cleared up yet who received the money people with an atom of grey matter can he given credit for making their own conclusions gooderham worts brewery offic ials arc quite candid about tho fact that they paid out 25000 in the last ontario election for campaign funds we were trying to get the people of ontario to vote wet rather than dry stated mr nash of that brewery a brewery also admits that they had a snake fund this was for paying policemen to keep their eyes and mouths shut on certain occasions we wonder how the police liked the namegiven them by the breweries but there is oaa consolation the federal government says they will prosecute in every case where wrong doing is located and it is to be hoped thar rcrganujttions will be allow ed to make it asy for this outlaw business to simply continue under other colors- let the hammer fall heavily let it smash it all to pieces that we may see the ihside of the whole despicable business prohibition la he united stated in a recent poll made hurriedly before appearing be the judiciary com thojunitcdstates senate m connection with the prohibition hearings a leading citizen says letters were addressed to thj presidents of state disrict county and large city christian endeavor unions everywhere m the united states the 533 replies received were divided as follows tive hundred and thirty one voted against tho legalising at light wines and beers only seven voted for mich legalization fiyundredajidjhjxtyi tvavofcd agalhstlhtepearof ptshibitlon only six voted for such repeal five hundred and twetity- nine voted that prohibition had bettered conditions financially socially and morally you will bciirter estcd to know that u cojiyof the letter addressed to these young people was sent jto the manager and owners of 605 general merchandising atores located m forty eight states these mauagerowntrt reside in their communities and are representative of tho best busmen life or the country within tat days replies wire received from of these gentlemen a remarkably high percentage five hundred and forty six voted against the legalizing of light vine and beers only thirty nine voted for sich legaliza tioti tive hundred and seventy seven voted against the repeal of prohibition only eight voted for such repeal five hundred and sixtythree voted that prohibition had bettered condition hnanclally yocially atid morally vou will havo observed that the replies of the young people jnd of these business men are almost identical this was one of the flrat serious efforts made to secure a statement from re preventative young people thmelvcacoicerniug a vital mailer that many of their elder have discussed in a manner little jihort of slanderous against thei- own children that these ydung presidents are re presentative of americas youth will not be disputed when i tell you that they r the elected leaders of a movement wbiih enroll more than two million young americans vermont issue the board last month was 5507 including 31 fa tali ties- la the first quarter of 1027 there were 10121 accidents reported or 1709 more than in the same period in 1020 frftalities in the first quarter of 1027 were 87 and 82 m the first three months of 1026 speaking ofthescfigurei is aorloy general manager industrial atcident prevcntnwi associa tions said that cases of blood poisoning in a number of instances had resulted fatally indicating that first aid equipment was not up to the mark in some plants or that it was not being used by injured workers bead it right many jnoro people than one would suspect who can tell their letters and pronounce words cannot read there appears to be a growing tendency to merely glance at a sentence- or paragraph and assume some meaning that is not there at all in any strict construction of the intended meaning perhaps it is not all the readers fault perhaps too little skill is developed in plainly stating ideaa perhaps news papers are getting too slovenly in their requirements aa to english but discounting the situation in this wise as much as one will the evidence almost daily coming to attention in one way or another is thnt people have all too scant notion of what they read people have frequently come to the writer bringing clippings with them and saying why did your paper say thus and so about me or nry interests exam ination of the offending statement will usually show that it is perfectly harmless and more often than not complimentary rather than otherwise yet the readerhas somehow gained a wholly perverted notion of the statement only this week we had a vary m- dignantyoungiuan come in arid ask us to retract statement we had never made we produced a copy of the paper containing the articlo of which he complained and wnen ha read jt he said it wasnt what the neighbors had told him was in the article at all and theltcm was perfectly satisfactory to him be sum you read everything correctly and doubly sure that you have the right meaning jefore you repeat it tedtroroinsrotes the tourist season has already started and it is about tune that the accommodations at our tourhft camping grounds were being put into shape and the signs directing tourists to it were erected the commit plans for actons celebration of the dominions diamond jubilee to wake a celebration worh while it will take months of planning and work why not make tlnj start at once tmy ontario department of education has issued a ycry attractive booklet for use in the schools on emjjire daynd commemorating canadas diamond jfubuee of confederation the little volume is re plete in its programme for empire day and its synopsis of outstanding events in connection with the dominion the british columbia lumber industry broke all records in 1026 with a timber out of 2000000000 feet exclusive of material used for fuel and farming purposes an increase of 117 per cent over tho previous year water borne exports out of the pro- vince were 720 000000 feet or 130 000 000 feet more than in the preceding year canada is evidently going to be very fittingly represented by the type of home that will be occupi ed by the canadian o mm hw loner to theuittiejj states there seems to be quite an argument in some quarters oveif the purchase price and s5o00o0 is a lot of money to spend for place to live but then you would hardly expect canada to be repre sen ted by a tenement house up an alley thursday eventnr imt l- jrymttf cjlrtll hkarn wuu lukitulunnfy iii ho wuu rrtd into bin ontoe ud or poart nutumonml tho clerk wum romovnd ia4u4vrwheriwrximati5iirtlhrir monday returning to bin dutlo that day uo in bettor but not foollnr juat up to tho mark yot about 41 on sunday ovonlntr tiro broko out at the rouldanoo of mr john wwiit brant stroai and wah quickly extlniculihiod hy tho flro brlfcado bofuro any hftrloutf dmiiaio wrtw d t boyfrrenmondodrto tho cjiipho prompt ly that thoy did not noer uj utfir tlio chomicnl equipment or turn on tha water but put out tho bluxo with a taw pulla of wutor qurotta milton mra john joynt lucknow lo vtatt- ing- bor dauclitlir lru a mulaon court straol john brandon toronto vluitad id elutor mra jrfljlk davlu durlnjr the week end mm j m mnckenilo who haa boon qulto 111 la jcovorlntr wo nro ulad loport jlartlt y stewart nllht operator at tho ci it horo linn boon trankforrod to quit mfua dorlii utivm uurnottf training at tho olok children n hospital tor onto wpflnt tho wojt i ml at tho fliomft of tier trranilmoilioi mm wm bewa mr artljur nowell of watordowu favored tho lie former with a cull on monday uftornoan ho and his sou charlie and mr prowimn wore on a motor trip to aoton and flookwood jitniok ir iiuomor who wm found dead on monday of last wook in hlo room in hamilton wan about 3ft yearn u0 htallon ajront at tho cpu jiore tnovluif from hero to wlmchain nelhon mccoy of trafalgar town uhln had bin arm brokon while ro pairliitf a culvert on tho mlddls road in trafalgar townaitl lluifli ivoser idackumltli at hornby ww ulioelntf a aplritod liorflo wbon tho animal becunto unruly and kicked ilin broaklnlf three of tjla rlba and ilu loir qcfllke ailunu a farmer of nion ttownmhlp wuu badly injured when a ram utuoolted lilm uo miitninod a liroken loir autfored other injurloa ii aluertuon trafalnartj town miip clerk la aenln ahlo to attend oftlclal dutleu followlnc a ovoro oohl that tlueatotiod pnoumonla all co m rti it tee jiave boon- appoint ed for miltons throe day colouration of canada a diamond jubiloo hoflin- nlntr juno so tr camoron warren of toronto motored to town inst uuuday and called to turn mm wm down an old friend who no rgrot to aay in oon- flned to her room jyjt flnrrqflajliuehfl utrals j wilson who- rooently umlnrwont a acrloua oiiormlon in tho hoapltal ban roturnod homo and in njuklne eviod projjroan towardg rocov- ory lloformw mr harry iww of itovulaloki it c i on hla way to milton to via it lila mother mra xym uowu wjiu hau boon seriously ut for uoino tlmo champion- thetmexpestrumnk tn the wohud hvitli tlio exception of water tea h the cheapest mtil mou widely con nitmed rliik in the wor d aai drink it la ifood whan made from ffood tea but lu u terrible lusapiiolntment if cbcap tea la used o whm i uiii 1 1 e i k- ini uwtcnoftthet wd ul i ii tngtr-h- rmlvw rtochefoucnuld tallc to the car owner 0 today and aee how many of them nre depending on the safety features of flreatoric gumdippcj balloons i for firestone engineers have designed andbuilfc tlicsc big tires with full appreciation of their responsibility for the safety and coir fort f that big onny vho use the motor car with fbrestont balloons tlicre is no skidding slipping or sliding the tread is broad on sclcntlfi colly designed to hold the road on oily boulevard slushy higjiwoy or frown rutted places you will be delighted in tlu way the trend scema to iron o6t the road beneath you giving freedom from jolts or jor the firestone jroceaa of gurofcippmg adds so much atrengthand flexibility to these tires that you get much more mileage and ore relieved of annoying tire- troubles- tho firestone penler will not only see thdt you have these better tires but he will give you the better service that goeawlth these tires ask him to cull and explain details mauitron ontario most milks per doltar tiret6tte firestone bttjups the only gumpip tires firetitoneti are supplied in acion by business medical dr j a mcniven r phyalein apl 8urgon oqlo uudjbiltlmiw cmi avonuo nd litgin hlrnnt 1ionm uu dhu j nllson imtonmicjc atb lgoal j hone no 33 i i harold nash farmer barnaur 8ollalt6f noury piiw convey ticf mi pltnttvuah oloclcactonri montjcv tfjflnt on moifpoa hourd30 til to c p u butunltiy 12 00 o clock dr j m bell dds dnut t go lty the latent i dealrei oftfco nt runlilimco corner ot and rrwlorlck atreoi dr j h johnson d d s t dtntal 6uraon ofrtcn or hank of nova i tblupiionh miscellaneous highway garage a molbaac pi on 1m main ol jas symon stonw pdon 49 hi s- young si gmi implroitnt shop c e parker phvhr 94- youna 81 t tflnifob printing at thetree press talbots removal sale ends on wednesday april 27th read the bill again you will find it tlu most prolluble npriitg reading you can do lo go over that llit of specials and sort up youc hardware ncdu for fame time to come we couldnt offer such prices if it were not for the iake of removing to- larger premises lay in your supplies in thfr new quarter a the store will be eloafed on thursday and friday april 28 and 29 and wo will greet you in the new quarters on saturday we are trying to make- it the last word in a hardware store we will be enabled to carry a larger stock and show our goods to better advantage take advantage of the low prices at old store this week meet us in the new quarters next week w7d7 talbot phone 76 mill street franclfe nunan bookbinder account liooha ot all kind i order xnirlodlottla of every fiat tlon carefully bound ruling nl and ikromptly douo wyndhfiti utroot quwuih ovw wluiama btor jeuu auctioneer and beat briad twnly ycam lffixirlnc uwyqimisaijau v with hlo auto and accident insurance ask about our now plan aal insurance ejnaclnl fwlturem a el nicklin bewir avhu acu inaumrie ef all klttda mony to loan economy i comfort j rrtue bwbuot mba um 11m ikl ual uimiub iukla u tumiira ullroa udr u wj kadukar ill luaj tj lirfkajilj rrth- twu unluduiii ac ojlftjuf uj ac u lutwr w imtwmfui ml 4j ihumiu clrvt tol ll ftl uurt uluxiul wkkb ik wmf of it mwt tumiluul cuvnjt iuiuu ah tint yuttwiil in ahwutilly kj ruces un unl uf vbl uuviulat otbtf w tl u uu ow ixk uu 1lv u1 bmuiuui qwvtu1 lw uuuioiullus nkw lowut ricks uawuw wiim rail tjwlm tuifurf 611 00 tun ui 00 cuuim 1m00 ckuudt laoo i4tubu s-i- mj to uiui ckwu 40ttt ululiy ki ctiifu i 00 crieiti collections wo iiandlo colic ctlona onla 3d yoar oxporloncn apook tm itauilf oaaurlns ofiiclcncy and l luulllty coluictonfl otjhbvili nd own soiin nf standard tuiik of 4 monutoen mark evexyjgrave i acton monument wor j nicol main st acl tlie public heal evrolet history s v kiag georgotowh w precious acton citizcnb art ncqueote comply with the pubi hlalth act nutlet la herby irlwuri lhnt ol until or acton wro n iiilicl fnr- lo ckuii tlieii cullirif lraliw i ilu utva wuttr oloiwtii ugtbutft un t older iumluiut uiul iinuvifi from alt dirt nmnuro nil i otht atancca whloli tnuy endanger im hi iioalth and to liavo tliu mun7 liuted by the ninth duy of ilu on which day tlio uunltuxy ip will cuiiinu nro a nunc raj lnutij jintl fmilivr tuki notlau thjit n tluiviiljjio iuhlln idulth aj 111111111 tho kort ititf of huiru 1 lut lit of may und urn ltttu 5 vmnlw r ex s 1 1 hi in na at 1 mtf fniiu any dwolllnir liouua ui i b irt 111 mil btroot ir lum wltlj bcit ilriir from all atuu llnic wajf ugiilirly liiuiiui will li htrii hoiiip i all tltluuua unt 1 urn atly r0 otph tltalr mvtnlriiu mutunlt mid mmrouirmy djulnf tti i aio i uah htmvu of tho muni aolou alrll 14 13j7 i r