Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1927, p. 4

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tit ik iiouk ok f m in artoti 3faei llrraa vvralllta f ofilarlo worn i if at i in lf wm uiilui riaf uill uct act ui ourii ttm bacflplutai trk ik jm vtr vcar is sdvabci lvaasa u rltaiu t umu 1 141 lu unlet in i unltd titalaa tl oil to wl tcli tnil4tttptbntt tra tu la indical i cki in tur uui faalotklnz tbe-fmbt- adveuti infi uatkt uu11 ajvcim mtitla i t tin or lias tgiu wsbuia lo era jiiaerlwih i j cots txr to udi tubw qucilt lawflun coatact tuapuy advtia kacula iw in mrl wofiitnf annum il caala per inch 3ci titeitun afvcwiataata adtn iut ncicc ticilut will l uirtuj ttll wfaw umi chvftaoj alcoftllably mvcsteaiut and ritor t i ei 1ionks- kdjiorlal ami ilui bapldence sweden has initiated methods of forest culture that are well worthy of consider tiort by our provin cta1 authorities moro than half o sweden is re tained permanently for f 6 rest growth in square miles swoderi is about half the size of quebec the forestry board of sweden in 108 restocked seventy thousand acres by artificial planing about seventyone miltioir trees mostly scotch pine and spruce in addition to enormous quantities of seed wore distributed to eleven thousand landowner practically all of swedens private forests are rhan aged by boards of conservation commissioners acting through trained foresters the public re spotjsibility for the maintenance of the countrys f 6 rest wealth has long been accepted the insistence upon scientific cutting and restocking is carried out by tlu public administration with the passing of years the potltitialities of forest weojui are becom ing increasingly apparent the preservation of our forests is a matter f national concern and ton much care cannot be exercised in protectingthe trod from butchers and devouring fires yubebbonnedibcabrs la it inf ii ml cim ful srudlnii of i i r r i i ml tl rti ncyjgnluona-xoiicattlig- pedjan l jjjursdavmornlngaprilrilj tdz the recent session of the legislature made change in tho act governing the licensing of hawk ers and pedlars townships may now pass by laws requiring a township instead of a county license to sell in the municipality thi act- vm pg ul editorial were not alwmya alone city people sometimes have ajtendency to make fuvi of tlie people whlivo in the small towns and rural communities and the city press is continually ttftcine jibes at the ru rallies and their actions in the city when they go on a visit but are vs any jiceior than lots of these big towtt people wts hayo our ownfuhwith ibeir greenness when they come to til rural communities uttiightar home in int ernes i bcopio fldkapini the license may e lower in the case of person who have resided in the municipality for at least oria yer but it shall not be less than 10 00 for residents and 15 for non residents nr the case of a person travelling on foot carrying a pack or basket or otherwise carrying gdods for sale or to take orders for goods to be delivered afterwards- the regula tjortdoes rtotapply torthc nursery stoclc medical and scientific books sewing machines milk bread or ice produced in ontario in all cases where the enactment is effective the licensee is re quired to carry his license with him and to exhibit it to any person to whom he is offering goods for sale if requested failure to show this renders him liable to a penalty of not less than 5qqor not yrtore than 25 00 any pcrsorthot holding a license but carrying on a business as a hawker or pedlar is liabj to the amount of the license fee and in ad dition a fine of si 0 00 i ml in f oil ntmoriti il tubi ri ilurjn piitlllltf opera 1 rim it t i only xjotu twutftll but ttbax lully uasentlsl if ihti hintnlmwin r turn from lb nj i io in btotf jt is xr4mdy rtriutmt- that tbc iitajrty tllikuitexj ujltlou biuthk tb iwiimio iltkiirbhttliiaf f ti t ml i ml y ruin itlir the ri hllttllf xt tlirtifmtlvnm in tlm tulnr htforfl 1 innlltia thrlm pioro- iacn rt nmviiljjillliuti uouuot iu lion ihuurm tlh rioi to it rmrk ubli ilaiirim lutir cutllha- tl a i run tbn httxvf nvit h butt 1 rook iiml rvkiiuvw ui tub rj dutt urn utt tyu or uh lur tb ittwrlbist till uhawlne blank curl ittul fiiiytlilimif hbowlnif brown lie uuloiim on tilt aiufac or rt itn klml jin dijitfih- lutw mllajbt i- vrti ilurlnif cut ful uradltttf rrnl tuiumi 1 uotatom will luw by un nntloa 1 i hero fore iiiiichm tint kreatml care m titkcii thu alitiit will m il vuan tlui roiuiilvtlon nf ju lletoua ullnir lbia lu ut 111 m other- tiu ttipre ant ninny lntuitiul abtirtrtio tit a miii uu blark liihjrt huih nrtd biwnntf vr intriiiul ucroai wblch m itily ba okaorvc 1 aft of tbtf tubr 1 h ljjxlr i7 clrtuiuntimr ii mhoulil lwkiilmtlne tbnn ttmdttlon- b plmitfil tou mry f ii diet i w mbl rulata ura- ijimif in aiilniuu known to bo ill united unit uf hi ft rlor- tyu or ithitit icralu luuvmt i from badlj atmuttei flilaf um kiat tn ir iieniiol ror tbrlr nrtorfalt rifn wli xiflt wo imnr with their mouths open at very trivial occurrences a week or so ago wc were in the city on king strcetttghhg 6t aoutffxcltlciepfaono men were removing a small pole from the street a crow j kad7mad editorials inm rcroi you can t 6kjmct to wall all your markatablo utojk nd lcok th conai t r yovih owirjilttntlritf without tmylnjf tb pimlty am lrtni an h t vlteti itlatttml iuin an eye tliat 1 all worne jnoplo tliltitf lu ttoaoasary to ourf kuitufactory return tliti inwm of iintiird cannot h illhiiutotl a ttinn can imrvmtt only what lio plant- it only rofully imtlootntl send lu unm for liululuihbjrejtuuijiicroli wiumont tltnn roniiwnaiato for tbn labor pnd ed j k lucluirdmhi dominion kit- ivorlmntal iarm prejhoion n d oems op thoudht wlioii a nn im ojmh it to curm lanlty it u l brutlunlty ii oitmd i i him y ur i of i id in untl ally a nroii wh i rm hu 11m ojluuul hon of ohrmlunlty to tliut in hlu tut- turn un 1 h fo whloll jealim i aitxm tu trf- bukn tind iltwdroy uoimti uttll wuuvr may im kuild it l milw axtithy j r colrltluf iiu vnxtt of lie of corlollmiky wukt hi ot ulintil mild rolldlllallv h oohalati 1 111 tilt word ilruillionlntii wiin tlm umflilnir rrltif ion jlujalani tbn hoi lrtf rahalon cltrutluflliy i bt dm rnllty of wliat hnithtiiaiiu aoucltl tat un i ju ixilaou hutnd tor lutlmrll ii who khaji intro inert into ittibll arfulra thfl- rlnoll iti of uliiltlvd cbrlatlmtlty will rvoliitlonlko th world ivnitl n chhatlutilty i not u theory or mrr ultttl ni but ufa not u pblloaopby of lif but uf and u llvliitf proobma coirlf how much hcm in lauifhtor tin inhr ky wutrwlth d6clpbr th whol nvaii curly i tjih amtdt nt muactm in 1lf im foi n niaii itr iut rutly tor bu otwrtun my wlion it com ft iluruclj opiortunlty la rari utid a wu man will mvr ipt it ifo by ilayartl ty jor wllufj inhtffctifrnl we loo iced them over and most of them werent from the back woods that same day at the corner of yonge and queen streets a crowd was gathered it looked as if nothiagshortof bank robbery had occurred but upon inquiry we found out that the city had installed a pew traffic signal at this corner and the busy city people were watching it work and almost hampering the police on duty there had been one further up at yonge ond bloor streets jn operation for some time yes we sometimes gape at city things but when we turn around there are usually dozens of city gapers with us why worry about location of liquor stored trom reading the papers front all 6vcr the pro vince a live topic that seems to be on th mind in numbers of towns is will there be a liquor store located within their town limits after govern- in en t appointing a strong man adtf a commis sion with full authority to handle the situation there is yet that tendency of wanting to dictate the policy and location of the government control there docs not seem to be that secure feeling that the measure is going to be made satisfactory to all the people tit any one community alone let alone the province at large but those who have gdne to the trouble to insist on their demands and put them before the commission have secured little or no satisfaction walkerton sent the mayor of the town to interview the commission but outside of proclaim ing to the world how badly walkerton wants a liquor store or how really dry they have been in wtlkerton he accomplished little or no good by his tnpand according to reports got no satisfac tion in the matter it is quite apparent that them is no use getting excited over the question at the present if we are going to have one of the things wo will have to put up with the evil until the people get so sick of jt they wdl vote to stop it if w dont get one we can consider ourselves lucky there is no use worrying about it now when we are in formed of the intention of the commission it will be time enough to let them know what we think of their decision am new at thergame r whether it is because they want to uplift the standard or possibly because they wanrthe moneyrbtttrl havcrhad trttumbcy of solici tations wanting to write my editorials for me the never seen a horse ply a vlultor to ibo iitlo of arran bolnit keen dluclplo of ixiiak walton wad a urn n cine to havo n rood day u apart iltilnc told that tlm horf1y woull wilt rita ftllritoa admirably for a ttalt hn addrhd lilmu1f to tlm highland aorvant aaylnc i ny vny tlrl uin you rt mo somo horaotilour the lusa loaknd utupld and he ra 4mutw hla auction finding that uh did not comprvhtmd him he- cxclalm- edv why sir auryo u na ulr wanuft now a ahlplce moaro rcadynfor any town with a blank to fill in and are on very timely subjects and the cost is only trivial forach week in fact some of them offer to let me try out a couple on the public for a week and see how they work the first one i consigned promptly to the w b but when two or three more came ajong i decided i couidnvanswerhcntrcnwouhfwrite in these columns and tell all these patent editorial opinion experts that for the present time i would attend to this duty myself and select and write what i pleased for these columns and when i change my mind or become tired i will insert an advertise ment headed help wanted in the unclassified section until such an advertisement appears it is only a waste of postage and an accummulation for the waste paper basket to continue these solicits turns nvr tin inlorsatw of childhood ami youth am the inukttatm of nmuulrid junou uatity children many cant no chll- drwti no follolty iiovm obtlnci in th mothor of muccahh tuid la wddd tn safety achylua a god all mroy wrt god un jual yount announcing tlic opening of a new plumling tin- smithing and electric wiring shojiu actoil i mr w r lnshlirook will open a plumbing tuisinillilnc nutl elbclrlc wiring sliorftn the store occupied hy w d tolbot on muln street on or about may i youu patronatfe souciteo business directot w r lashbrook for onty twentyne cents 1 will 4im1 youjy mh1i mi jid w silveklnekeyking tag u cliaca tljuatratttott aluiripxl with your naiin itl ajdr iknt jelayi xwite tci dayi suriy your ky r worth twnly on cartt ammg amun pohkk me0icau uk j a mcniven phyloln omr una iumlii avmiili un 1 icitflli nd thirgmon qiioc onrnor utr t boi l hon fl dr e j nelson i iu dioiirok bt acton ontario legal m worteubohg stfjet ottxwa o rr n w ifio rctfly 1ut w jump over a vw- johhnv knew ba iunttual ifyou cannot always be right you can always be punctual of all the virtues none is so popular as punctuality of all human traits the most un popular is habitual tardiness should someone take exception to such an application of the expression human j raits let it be said that few in number are the religiously punctual the man has not lived who has not been late true there are many who observe the strictest rules of punctuality but the great mass of men women and children are more of tern late than on time- or early this is doubly significant because it is conceded by alt that it in as easy to be early as to be late and inuch more satisfying some measure of the value placed by civilization otppunctuality is offered by the stress placed on it in schools from the first to the last yeurs of training by industry commerce and jiuii uess by all military orgamznttons bytndividuala and in every phust of human life where there is any attempt at system and in fact wherever two or mord people are m contact nothing no irritates us as being compelled to wait for a delayed trairt or a person who is late for an appointment wags and wits have since tinie ltn memo rial reckoned women us the uioit flagrant violator of this rule of etiquette husbands mild sweethearts cftnbeat prove the truth or fallacy of this but the world well knows it bj a fault coinniotj to all in our social intercourse wi are irritaud iy tardmes mainly because we lack the virtue of patlctice but whn we are thus piqued it i u good time to pander- on the position of the employer who suffers material loss through the tardi- iilss of employees and on the necessity of schoo discipline and factory and office time clocks qshawa kc former what in educatiai in the course of an article recently henry ford had the following to say among other things wc are in favor of what might be called utilitarian education although not at all itr favor of what passes for utilitarian education we believe that first of ajl a man should be able to earn his own living and that any education that does not so fit him is useless second we believe that true educa tion will turn a mans mind toward work and not away from it and will enable him to think not only how to earn a better living for himself but also for those about him what often passes for a utilitari an education is only a scrappy training in a great number of wholly useless odds and ends if you train a chnsjroetpcct that things will drop easilj into his lap upon his slightest whine if you train the mind to regard life as a benevolent system of providence if you tram a boy to look for favors from others instead of looking to his own powers to create or command what ha needs then already the sed3 of dependence are sown the niiud and will are warpedj and life is crippled emphasis is laid on this particular phase of weakness because it is so common unintentionally a rather soft teach ing concerning providence has fostered it ikditokial notes the work on the band stand aid ticket ojtices t the new park entrance might will be proceeded with now the stucco coating andvnainting of building wilt add materially to thisjmposing en trance that little weed the dandelion will not likely be so sought after this may as the stuff with a guaranteed kick will be available wonder if thoe chaps who made the good stuff we heard of will still continue well wait and see sorely contractors can erect houses of the type demanded in acfouto alleviate the shortage semi detached houses of a type where each half would rent for 1 per month would prove a good invest mett and meet the demand we need a score of thein at onc agues mcphall m p seems to have stirred up a hornets nest in her letter to the school board henry pord and wm wrlgley get a lot of froc jmb ilclty in much the same way by doing unusual things that dont amount to an awful lot but cost them more money thaif i twill a goes there ws a total enrolment of 150550 pupils in public and high schools of the province of alberta- during jd2ti an increase over ft25 of 2730 at tendance ar rural schools shows improvement the demand for secondary education is on the increase and the percentage of pupils continuing through the high schools is higher than formerly thirteen hundred students aitended the university of albert last ycjrl jt whom 89 were men and 405 were women i tlioy wcro dlaeiualnir tho nortel american indian in a rural school when tho teacher naked if anyon could tell wal the imdora ware called chtfa announced ivlrutlit little slcl ut the huad of ihft eland corrocl anawowd the poacher nd now can any one toll nuv what ilia women are culled t wa a moip f nt at allanae- ihen a small hoy a hand warn mtn waving it loft eaaer to reply well johnny aultad tho teacher 3jlachufa h ha proudly amiounoad tdtlrldlei canadian life inbuhance in ii rocantly nubllathad article on ilf inuurwncn in ctixadu r 11 mac aufoy irnijeiit of on of the iflrx catindlan ufa- insurancn comnatila auto that ti jr crtldltt ufa lnuur ntmm in canada wblah atood at ui irt 196 exclad i mo in 1s3c can ada ha aya maintain lier jioal tlnn hm tht bant ufo inaurlnff country in th wtioltt world with thji excep tion of hn unitj qtatea wliero the pr caidta limuranca in altout jggo thl inoreawa in canada last yoar oontlnura mr slacaiilay ta duo to a vurlaty or caiimo k auccaalon of fairly trood wheat cru and fooj phcm- in waatnrn cmmdai imve un btdjy hd wfavoltinrinndno i hu i i ff lir iulkinlnar of mlnlnf nctlylty thi minomnii dauauopnient nt tho pulp and wipr trad in which canada la ttw th hral nation of t world fcgji thvntrprtalihown ifi imrtumtinti th wat6rpowra and oonvartlne hini to larfcft lndua trial uctora in inoreaaltiif in dividual proaparlty with its inevitable reaction upon evory birancli of buml- hafd tho prealdent of a snulh am erican ilepuhlle ta tamo of hla friends a twrrluto bluwuiaa been dealt bur preatlse to think that we who prided outuclvea on being the moat up to dale republic in tho world should huve our record shattered by u mkre knelluli commercial traveller ln what way the auditors aaljed wjiy exclaimed the priddnt we ve bad one revolution a month for years past ami be sayii tin can sail us a machine tlmtcnn produce 2 6o0 rovnlutlnns a mlnuto an imfioegidility customer ileros somothliisr in my chlcltcn saud waiter that looks u lood deal uk foatherat- t waltcr dat calm t bo ikuuwe ih customer why nott wnlur icaue cnlvos don liab no fatlivrs gum- dipping builds extra miles the fvejhmm prooeae of gssivdsppia a miol tlsksoaht uaportanl of ua kxaauoy fa ooofaaamtaonst la octfaaoamsctfl kc4kwky i th tajrfrtv4flrat katw1 ytdlutd witi i fcaur ia bawilosa umi kako amlnactlvw t- tm 0 tl m aaf laajuja ikaatanau jf akwit u ukai juyja aaaaa juytt munraaaa fet ju laamt twfcv im- ajj usl uinaa u tk- uitu xj tar4 toatkarfaa irmcatav fwatoa caah vhwml tla uabm uf tkia sikuila una ja jo-r- waib ii salaay kkaj ma4l tv- firalaa jw a hu lotajatj- khaua tkaad atirl fws mbrs tjajty tlaaaa last lla tall u tj tla- bilw frm bmum tjut kk qauav dtaaptaaa yatfaa laaava fcasf wav km eaus aw yval ii a ataaj ya wsawf sl us touy hrtkueatomk tluaf a ktutuueu cox or camaua ummo most mile3 kec ooulah ftrtstow aata badlda tax oaalyoarwj ta smtonaw tr bupttllad in anton by highway qamaot voissjio lmioiitf 1si james avmon hardwar more ibumt it younq strket oaracie and mplment shop c k inurkor fhon 14 expensive repaitta in order to stluiulate hla trado tin vlllatr blacksmith hunjr out a slcn that read whatever it la i can 1 iwlrtt oirthtt hiomfne oi april iools day tho town was- elbowed hi way thtoullt tho usual crowd that was colleclrnl round tlm door and handed the blacksmith the parts of a brokon iamichlmnay id like you to put this together for me an soon as you cn john he said wlnklns toward the crowd the smith took the rjd bits of class exjuhlnlnjf them crfully while the idlers looked on with considerable ohlusemenl then bo went into thj room in the rear of the shop step- i intf across the ajiey to the grocery store whleli was ut of slxht of ih crounl ite boutrht a ten cent lamp clumney exactly like tho broken- ofafl how everyone laughed when he step- ped out of hla little room a moment later and put the whole chimney into the astonished wajf handii with the dry remark i ii havo to choree half a dollar for that job bond interest when your iniefteat coupons become due o wben yoq receive cheques for interest ott registered bonda depomtkeiir5ra ingt account in the bank of montreal ite money you receive on your investment in bonds will then earn interest for you acton brandi 1 b shorey mna rank of montreal estamishfid 1817 j whiii used cars used cars used cars clearing out of used cars atheduced prices ford touring from 50 up tudor from 125 up coupes from 195 up hoadnunt liht ddlverloi all at sacrifice prbw coma in ami see uieui small pay aunt down balance weekly and monthly paynujila wo are deternilned- to clear tlieoi out to inake room for the new lined we are now selling we have aluo a feu almost new cars at very attractive prices chevrolels aiwf eaien all doaed eanf h a coxe chrysler hudsonessex cars ihonk 66 mainstkeet iciionn no 2- j o i harold nash rarmr m bhrrjlr solicitor nolari fubtlej cuivaviicsr eto pehhvmaki block aoto otfb uonicy u nt on moulaxab ilfturw 9 i in til jiuj luturiliiyh 12 00 o clock dental dr j m bell d d s l d dntlt lienor arniluato at toronto tjnlvtj ity tho intent nnwltlmtlo ued dsglrod onlco at rest lonco comor nt nnd frederick ettreotn dr j h johnsof d d s ldj denial tluracon olcc over hank of nova tlotls telfpiione it miscellaneous pranpis nunan btttlblttjar account books of allltfnds mad ord prlollcals of ury dasexir ilea eaully bound hulioar nsauj and prohiptly jon wyndiiam strt ooiph ovtr wlutam star twanty yfaw expriiia -t- ewramit axjto axbaccwet insurance ask about our new plan aut insurance sj eclal features trjlcklin dovusr avsnus insurancs of all kinds monsy to losn collections wa handle colloctlona only 38 years exju r enco spcalts for e ltuolf aeaurlnc eindency and r- p liability p kblty aiken cojultctohs orsngsvilts and owin sound itof tundard uank of monuments a mark f 1 acton e monument works j nicol jjin 8l acton i shamppi uuh nil babuls v jiiiljl tie pubuc health ii citizcno arc comply with thl pudllc health act notict is liorohy uivnn tliat all iv nlgif actio un roiiulro forthw j i cu un their t olluru trains yar- i ic styiu watir cloimtu outbuilding und otlmr ronituna mid uiimvo lik from all dirt nmnur mil ollior si j stanch wliluli miiy omlanuur tlio pi llo health and t havo thu sumo co nlatod by tho ninth day of may nt 61 which day tho flanltary iiiapoo will conimaiico iv ijoncru1 inapootx and furthor tuu nutico that h hs lutot p hlbluuji hft kf pljur of lioua imuw in icth or mm und tho hi of n- voinuwi xcopt in pnm ut least 70 f from uny iwolllpjr iiouhl mil 50 f fiom any itlrui t ir lunr with ho kept eh ur fi in nil h i wl t rtularly ilahwil w ba utrl tly foio i all iltlsonu uiu uriiiutly i a kio to luou tin ir rt nilaipu c iybt intly oli und th truuirlily iulnfuti i akijmahon ilivo of fho munloliut anion ahrlj u luit

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