Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1927, p. 5

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attajisd ibig artou jtryrjejag tjlljimday apjuli 3h jojt a cjaitoen helper tlioiou 11 funny little bedroom in n i driii i of our yut i it ih link mil dump iinl liiwiitii and i knowthe iwd la liujfl ihin ny lllll utulflii hilr ill tpu i iiu wlnhr time uwnj luting hut tdi jtnowy weutluu- uoi lug nut the uultui f uivy lint when onro uk dn its sprlngtlmt ili will ieivo his dirk nboli anl hop up to work his hurdeut i hi my friend old mlhttr tout aly u ijlophenuol tub sunday school lesson for 8undav my 1 ywentv years ago front i iu a yd kre pioee af tliurdsy my j 1m7 v jututl in in now r ipldly tiuuhlnut upwur i ml rt ft cli mliiif c m mini owl yeuter- day l1o lug 1m at it hditht mis riioinah jrtut him sol i tu john wulki r tho house on main trot mxt to char t th ouimtlows will present tlit whit i oak taveril a temperunoe t ilramn at their coiict rt next thur miuy hoove hwuekhumer juts uonn into tho curpnteilng buslrroti and in gugod jii rebuilding mr jturun rciilikonco on woluw htrm t a rnr nf v rv lion turn ins shipped here on mouday this wlli i robably be tin ut of the sauson a programme varlod und interest ing wus given by tho tt mber of thu vh orla mission band on tum- duy wvutung in knox church there uvru solo duetts uuiirloltes dia logues aim out too numerous to nwn- tlon contributed hy yuungeferu of kindergarten- ago nnd older member tjitf flnul numb wu o tableau y uim the light of tho world hov mr wilson was chairman tho jhulvcmdry of thu sunday hchool oj tho mouiodiut church wan hold on fcluuduy nnd monday llev q v ujjrkijr ujo pastor delivered two very practical addresses on sun day thit school occupied tiro choir nl eovu an 1 a very lafco platform th annual conoert on monday venlntf wan hi charo of mius amy l doty of london and wan a liwrkad nuc- otutiu quo jimidrod and fl achol- am took part tim acton culjtfmv band and ac ton lodro of oddfollowa have arranrod for an oxaurlott to nttfttra falu for juno 2 tho- far in ft sc v married j mnitrf thn xid flibril riioii t loliri iarl tuio iuonlhurk 1j kj 1t 10 71 iukm 2ji 1 i omdii tnuit hliil hint think ti hw klaniah tbkn hor lt h fill i r 10 13 davotlotiul itmtdliitf john a 34 3b r th tht xplmlnd murk 14 k3 ii wan ftm duy ofthii ciucltlulun jim hud- lmn tirrt- 1 lu thri ifurdfiu of oktlmetutinc ut itlxiut iiildnltflit hi h 1 boon ub joott i to uti liifortiuil axutiiliiutlun by anniih th v lilcti prlt wm johi ih 13 34 tho ll prtot culuphuw tilsh prlial about 111 tu 3c a i winlnluw i f annan all th rhlof prlootm nd tit ldrx uitl tin hi hbo it win u bolharlliir f h hunhtlrln but uhmtrnblol unit turn- luatml in un illegal wuy c4 retr liad folluwod hhn afar drtoime w fctlfjia hoadlotiif tumr- uvqwlilcb had dachivvd ivn if 1 tntlat din vhh ttltio yet will i till i tho iilid whfcli hud vuflnntly druwn th mwurd in lily dtfoniw john 10 irtir wua druwn by ourl- omlty m 4ntor wan alttui with it trouu of woldlru ami horvuntm ku titer j about the ilrw in thu open court ymmmailiimviiwt pioneer industry flourifihes in quebee otur in jmuh oom- dont know what about and walked mmtaayrmttyit teyrvjowiiaon b w lr noblo of toronto to nwlllr dauichur of arch mcpher- man of acton hohlfltl iminy fli 1l uaiti you are talklii away fld alalti ha wm uocuued murk mayn that tho uatna inald followed hlirt up mutthow und luke do not acre with mark 70 1eter u uocond dflnlal wtih more vohmtmt in a faw mlnutou bowovr hqwoj a0uod asuln kiln tlniv wcaum of hlu clahlaeaii dlulocl john tolls uw tltat he wait ldbiilttd by otio of thoua vho haw him flichtlng in oethimimano 71 ii irttfan to cum and to hwar 111m violent tenjr eotnptt- ly carrlwd him away luko 13 1 b3v th llound rf u rooutor crowlntf recalls to- jftr jau warulilk aad wb4tl tho lord looked at fetor iii ouclnc brought litin to tho rlbiatlon of what h had riuno lbdn yhem cockurnebd it was durlnjf thti lafct tjuppr judaw had ttono out into the darknerin oti bit errand of evil tar dledpk felt iht hy wrrt jitobxhtiuokn bythe xmujryftymt an atril shower alivon them the cup of wine tllln tb dlclplca that theie thin reprv- jhulumvhpyuutkuutrultattumiisuar uj bj qftdlutfbuntt uio flmt thl ii that nancy did wan tp ult down and havo a ood cry to havtt thn llrvt pretty kowii sfio had had in thr ytars ruined by an april nhow- fr tho first tlnio hlio vrorfl it x uofimod too cruol it alio had bn earelonij lu any way ho would not have minded so kany but there wore no alicnx of a iihower whenjihe trt- vdfnr church or ovn whon ah utart- ed for jiomt it overtook hr at uie one aholtrifian placo whero alia hud to chuiuta cam no uha could not blame hrclfthat was what mado it ohpoclally cruel although nanoy chin ahowd no ulirntf of squiametui ouulde when ahe net herolf to think thine out it mutt havo bden uguare innlde for nho had a imblt of refusing to be downed by dlpaiiter tho iiuuutlon bofuro tho court nbe declared hottllnir the deceptive chin in the palm of ono hand and looking hard at the pathetic little town with ttu ruin nplumhou la what are we kolnir to doibout itt dyolnif u ton doubtful the chancu aro avn that sit would look worao than it dou now bkill t wawr it ae it u to mr kirk muulcalc or wear my old bloutia an 1 uklrt or utay at home taylutf ft 1 nno lu nhlrkiuir and therefore- not pdmiltted an april ydwn or un old rlouna which comtume will lie the hihii nmbarruomlnif to the hoiiteu i voto for tho april if own cuue dlu iiiluhiwl and court adj lurnnd llowivcr valiant a decision may be it lu uomotlmou a illffurint matter to cinvy it out anl nancy flrut half hour at tint muslcalo waii vary tnli muble then in thu joy of thu music uh forgot nil about the mlsory though victory lu thu ilrat bktllo 1a t lif vl lory it daea not by any menu prwvj that thbro wu ba n more bottlu hut nuncy wuu a traod ilkht er und ho gradually uho learnod to you can try salada green tea write salads toronto for frse uninplo spread i toj v clvildreij c olnsojvs golden time tables nadun nationalflailways at acton y oolna w an hun day only s 29 fi jl etunduy only nit 3u ton yosp i 3 3t p m 17p u uisp m- canaoian national clecthlo railwavs wuieund hatty mtly i radly loally daily dully fwlly dally djly dally dally dally dally dally dally i dlly iwily 7 cc nm oeh am 11 b6 mm eaetbound bkk dm t 66 p tan s tt pmtt 4 ts mm 7 ataa 11 37 am 1 37 ptel 1 37 ptoi g37 pst 7 37 p to- p st p m toronto terminal kmi 8trt and 8t clair avrtu 1 relwht dallvi by hpialaj xprm rrelijil riulkht plokd up at any ad- 1iamw in toniilo eiutd heavy with horror ofeeu had been speaking of snlna away and lua word had made them nick at heart thja maalei hjddliitrlbutdigl a -t- the broken bread and had paieed of thr ahtpmont nro doattnwl trr ono day nyiaewafl uurprlaod by call from mre rk nancy mrklrk said 1 v come to auk u favorfbf you will you come with u on ouj- yellowntotia trip a- a companion for ethel t but how why aw you asking- me nancy utammerad mr kirk umlled i hope you won t think mo person al but it llhcau of your little spot td frock und tho way you wor 1u i reason thut a tclrl who will tako a thlnif like that with hor head up will meet blir tblttft in the name spirit und i want lsthel to catch some of the spirit oh nanuy crlnd and i came so near not wearing itt uul mrs kirk only lughod an oil of merit dr thomas 12c luotrla oh 1 not iv jumble of tiudlcln ul sul tanei thrown together and pushod by udvertulus but the result of the cartful lnveetlbatum of the htalhu ualltlbe of certain ollu as ap plld to thu human body it u a raro coiuuiiiuuon uud u won and kept public favor from tho first a trial uf it will carry conviction to any who duubt it luiwvr to rupalr und heal pmeci9elv a f minor who liad bin elected a viiuitilwc of the school hoard visited tie vlllugb school aiul utstad the in tellluohco of the class by his quo tlon ill tlrt inaulry wau now boys j can uny ana of you tell mo what tine thins u aftor a momaut u sllehae a small boy lu thu back seat row and repjhid uuj what ye fled mu the otlior da for haudlii yr horael the oil of powii-r- it is not claimed for pr rhomas electric oh that it will rbmidy ev ry 111 hut ita uaos uru un vurlouu that it may be looked u an a unural luiln klllar it huu achieve 1 thut fcrtattip fur itself and its i xcullonco is known to jl who huve tfslfd itu virtue uud learne i by expi rlonc natuwbfl wav sjiturw ixiituiihii tlio piiilojiher ulwam rus to iniikw ii iptinaattun j-ui- itiulunot if uni vyu lu lout lis ulifht of thu ouiui bucoine stronuvr and if a neisin xw da in on tar ttiti oaruis q iiu uthur car nwii inure acute 1 allh said 1 at an 1 i biuvt youre rlvlit for 1 vi notice 1 thut wljn a man huu one ug uliortui lie otliir hi ulway lonirr wu cause infant of sh uhr mtther li mliyih f will iuui frolfuliifm and rob ep tliw urut noui- rav worm kkllr tho ulumoch lutjutlue und isstora healtlifulneao rortlim x beemed dark mystery then said jeuus this night all of you will stumble and full lit your fidelity to me ah may stumble amlfari peter but i nover will volemii truth i tell you replied jus that this very riuht before the cock crow you will thr times dlnowit me uven if i must die with you declared peter i will neveri dis own you matt fl 3136 wey mouth s translation never in his life had the stormy old fisherman felt tnar sure of hlmsolf lid was cer tain that bo would not waver tho trouble with peter waa that uko many of u today he still was too loundent ho stilt htid to learn the humiliating truth of his own utter weakuea the uuddeu collapse when ho left the upper room at tho close of the lasl supir peter was still filled with his lofty resolution ho ac companled jeutis to aethsomano and undertook to watch whlo trie mustttr prayed dut nerv exhaustion cot the better of him und tho itold watch man soon fall fast alap in spite of all jeans warnings heo matt 3648 ho awoko with alarm however wlun judan came leading party who had come to arrcit jwsu leter matuip desperate ntfoit pull hliumilf lottether recalling his bravo resolve and drew his swonl in frantic defense of his master hut when jesus hade him sheath tho sword a 1 dlooouraired his valorous attempt poter u couratfa vunlshod and ho rim with the otlur dlaclplos slo mntu 2a 47 ch and john ih 1 11 a llttlo wter wo freo hlin drawn by curiosity following at a distance then slipping into ths courtyard of the high priests houae nhd lulling with the underlines who were tfroup od about ilia bonfire huddonly he is oonfrontd by some who acctlso him of being oum of the naravene fol lower itrantlcally he denies any cunheotlonwltli jeaus then oe denies knowing anything about kum his denial becoming more omphalic a hie accusers persist in their acousa- uons until in a frenzy with lior- rlhlo cuceeu ho shrieks hi denlau so that they ure heard throushout the bulldliia a shameful speotclel j most beyond bellofl neverthelean it is a real representation of tho frailty and waverlnk of human nature thi lteallaullon as peter utterly beside himself with fear and rage was shouting hi profane denials heard a roour crow and at the aamo lustuit iw saw jeeus looking ut him jesus was probably in the main hall of the high trlest s palace a sort of foyer whleli opened directly onto the courtyard where peur was htrolghtway thjre rusned over peter the realisation of what ho inid done in a tetupet of hysterical weeping he turned und rushed blindly through the gatewuy of the courtyard and out into the night bo io times oonsolence ukeps and a man forgets the noblu purposes und hlli tesolvcs which he lias nuidti and wauderw almost un consciously into sin than comes tho uwful awakeiilugl- illssid aro they tfho with the uwukenlng experlfincp also repentaueeu fet study and duaualoh tiaoo tho order of event trom the last uuppr to tlio cruclrlxlon how many trial or hearing did jasui liuvet who w6w annas and cala- plias dsorlbe piiter u conduct lot uomo member of tho class look thu probable construction of culuphuu i uluce and nitpjaln to the clans whure jesus was und where peter was how was peter identifi ed wluit made pouvdeny his iordt what brought him to lilmselft what would you say was pitt rs gnat full lugt daily headlnge for neut wtk monday muy 1 john so 1 10 tuesday muy s john 31 1 14 wvduduy muy 4 john 31 1591 thursduy may 6 1 cor is 110 vrlduy may 6 juiuo m ie 40 tuturday may 7 acu 1 114 huu u y may 81 peir 1 312 upper lrti belled sap bintt pourerf l to mow a very popular dehosey upper riaht relrvtitatehjoyind w taste of the dalloaey lower hlefti qatherlno sp from the tree pail lower rjahtl tapping the trees in mldwlnur i mtra sltrns of nrin about 7b montreal lathoappcrtmnciftjf tarcu oonelgnmenttt of maplnsuknraaelnir throucb their bands for local distri bution and outnldii lihit inont homo point out west in the main the are to former resident of quebec who hgcflnlo liomoslck fnr thin canadian delicacy and aend nn orior through their friends in the east the maple sugar industry la one that has been carried on in quebec for many yen re tlio syrup and sugar liuulonil hipt province liuvo cutabllidi ed a reputation for purity adulter atlng th syrup with cane nui ar it u practlui that la strictly iruurdod agalast 01d time maple sugar hoca aro totill held all over the province with tho meltlnc of tlio enow nnd tho drat run nlng of the aap in tho treeu ut ground the end of march ind th rot two works of april while the product in ono of hie masu useful appertnlntng to thu forming industry since it brinam in much needed money at a tlmo when that commodity is scarce j a good example of a typwal prenelt canadian maple syrup farm is tho one ncjii2iihi ip- a knowl- toyt qiii whlilt lunilxir nhont 1 400 ure tnppad irrmld wlnteryttiorrxotravorth woodu oa uoawahoejf and cammonco the work the treea aro tappul at ttnnmow ltnarohinriraltinrthicebr four feetcrom tlte ground by gatli ering time the ana are high above thftgrnuru jjirgotrooalako iwooqna and bmall ones one can while the trecn are never tapped n the same plncea an in former yonrn tho metliod of uipplnr la to hung the cann on uio taps and allow tlio imp to drip into them and nil cam nro properly protected 00 that no un uanltary and fore 1 1 n uubulanoes can oollnot in- thom 1 he- nuceo ofany aeauan dlpendn lartejy on tlio uihijjior tlio bout aeiuiona nro tiooo wlon uion are nlglit rrooto with t now ntlu on tho graiin i which thnnn during the day tho maple- trenu attain a clrgumfer- flhcclinomo caw a of ton to twelva fenh tho nwttiotiwhenth8 sat lu lathered u to brlnn it to n shack in tlio woods arid ball it until all tho water ayaporatea nnd pure mapla syrup- in loft thu maple woods lrj the jaatem townhhhm wwiumt ofrhenwivlmft beautiful night at uuiplo suearlng ipna wilmbnf wnntrn twtl opportunity ycovly to go out into the woods and oat tho fresh made uucar on uteao suaorliig portion momoer 111 cans with fresh snow dn top of the snow they 1 laco tlio boiling maple sugar when the sugar- qoola thoy ivb n mout exqulslto delicacy tlio industry 1a mill in its infant stage when tho couadlnn cjovern- ment anally makes it a penal offence jill overtho dominion o adpitcrfttw nmpln augur thus protoctlnu tho farmer thouaanila of nere will be broucht into t rofltajjle ritploltotlon vndniimohjr ofciottara wliraoerue to thn farmer on bo anyone has taste i tho puro sugar and en poet ally on he slot or lui 1 reduction a llfutlmo habit la formed that lu unlluo ever to bo broken matt one talent iheto is at i wist one woman in thoua days qt trtiusltlon in the status of tier six who has 110 wish to undriuhia uia bujwui k of iiutu a superiority the vuw york tiuu descrlbmlier tut a new 1 nglund firmer wife one day us one hurrlej from churn to olitk from lnk to abed und book ihu ultuhuu stove she will asked if she want 1 to vote ni 1 certainly dontl she rplod i say if thr uue hltu tbluu thut the men folks oau do alone tor good umw sake let em do ltl farms for sale w have a lro list of farm in the vlolnlty of aoloh ranging in else from 14 to coo a ores and be pleased te have yeu look evec our list before buying ae we fiav seme bargain for quick sale j7 a smith acton v ontario i4ti wbshtir gladweboiijr aperfecilojsrf thlf if itltfltte wub 4 prrtc o yattiflttt lxiii to scurry irouuj mj f mooj to build fire si lb touch 0 match to it nj y you hiv s hot fir vr ciirflrr g cc eftjo 4tblfl r- cc atatapflrr ikalmruajuu okafloittiruiffmafli tawu x way appear mnn ly u tyttobraphioaljuiijjio but if tjvax tlio phonotia vul ted of tlio iviirli clpuabot tlinio rroufej at leiurs talt on meanmif wltioltjoiulor tlicm quito eleav to the jmkuno lnliuliltonta ol chest crflold inlot bouthamptan lulund anil other territory upproaoliinft luul witlna tlio ajcuo ciroln to uia natwc m tho dutriat of koewatln and bortlerjiiftlu wwitiun shorea 0 iliuuon hay tlieso phonfitlfl sound- would tell them that tl ey w re were lining auhlreuuhl by their father tlia kl lnh ivleat la ominrwarus mgy arufcno turquotu ol tho omor oi th ghluua of mary iinmaoulate and apostollo vtrjaat of hinuon bav thoiio phonotlo trouria form part 0 tlio muuiaao in yllablo charootira biiowii abnvo ttlilch in tho written jansniligo iiiulomtoad by tho kluuo and indian pooph id uio northern parts ottljo dominion tho mraaago wau broadcaat bv mpr turtrjuitil from cnlto tha ottawn stutuin of tho ciuioilion natloiial luuway 16ulo lportment und btmnc traiuunlltoil in uw eskimo tongua was tho tint aacaslaaon wliioh that luujuago had been luted in 11 liroudoast at thu soma lime um tvtjaui sjmiko in ivonoh thfn hi ijiuluh uo tliat all llsteiiereiri might understand wluit was tuuig said neiuittr cskltno bar indian pasaahgod a wtlttoa an- guaee bcora tho mdvoat ol tho whito man tj though tha indiana had 0 pleuim ianguao which la ratjier tlutorent a whito man inveotod a written language flrat used by tho crofts thrt adopted by uiaionfljlod of various ra luxtoua boliofa until today it la la rctiefal dsa this wruton languajca hut bona plottiroaouely tetmot illrqh bark talking due to ilia uao of bark ami burnt btlok id thd early ugt of its developtnent tho byllabla chrtbra ar tha invitlon of jilbc rvans an kagliehman who landed in canada hi 1823 bon of a sea e apt aid who had vcinsmod long afloat owing to thn noimiloonio wars young lyaiia reoelvwl ahinnger uolioohnp than usual during whioh tima ho displayed a remarknhlai aptitude for history and longuagfta after hht ornvojum cotuula lrlmlla obtained einplnymcpt oa a anllool teaehr and in oourso of time nerved ut vuriotui tilarm in ontario am ultluiaujy ulvaneod to misaionary uorvioau uiamothwlutchuroh mr lvaiui eflotwmtarau many language dluieultue wltm ida work led him among tho tdunigtnea and la ant to work to dovlsa a hibahs of cstuliludiink ooratnunioatian on a moro gunaral aoala than thui itosbibla all phepared vuu ro husband m bo all rlht now said tlio doctor rubbing his hands with evident ucir sitluficiu n what yer rauiit di mundod the weeping wlfw you told me iu would not livo u fortnight well i ni uolng to cure hlin after all uald tho doctor huroly yob ro glad to hour uuoh uticxpucuy nvwul the old uomun wrlnkli 1 lir browu put mu in u lit of jiu l uli sail ivo bin aid nolit all lilu clotlne tu heli lay for hiu funoroll thehlad of thfe cla88 jamc8 jamas siiell cloth sal 1 the tmcli juniuu hopje lutloutly is your coat ni pi 1 rlthfcru old imilt mil tliu 1 11 know th villihl the ujj astktna overcunie d irltlu ovr authniu hiu umuiidly t 11110 d d krllogg s asllipu itimuly it 1 vd thu mi ut 1 ijtlvi lltuulntc hi victim of usthmutlctl 1 un lit wn left ru nitu 1 r in tl v 1 1 who i ivi trio i it f nil 1 i tlmonlal wlil i lu ivi s no rmm f uht thu bo in u rtjil nut i uit it to day fioni uuj lwului a wioc policy when u hlch s ilnrlcd uxucutlve loft thu o in ploy of ou mateliuu i lold store uoiuo ono iiakod mr uhleld the prowl dent of the firm wbut ho was tfolng 1o lo hire another oltlco buy ha tuild pro noting all along tho una and filling in tho vucunoy ut tho tiot torn wus hiu policy um hu found tltut it holptd to ut 11 fils biiulnoss prosper nuu un 1 inuralo of tho utaff high a rcal loss an oil uly wuu tellhitr her gland clilldun id ut somutrouble tu heat known lint tilth uiuu f uhuh tin dilef jltrltutci f h r ilm inn u 4 it- t it winslinul 11 n uwit tllij if it 1 1 11 the beit a1 tit tui ild hi ii i ly inn it i 1 1 i i to hi 11 i ulr man i stomach troubles are due to acidity telia of pleassnt home treatment to drlnn qwift neliof bo cnllrl ejlumurh tr ul lon-lndl- m utloii dyupi 1 el 1 gis u mm in etc urt lu prubablu nlno cyu u nut of ten midulci of ti mu h nil in- th at nuiuh aourlng tho f 1 iti lining the f nu itlou 1 t u iu an 1 i 1 llnu ucl 1 in llututluu luu dlutinla tin t in ich and ciiuhui full 1 iipn uulvc i uinlrig ftalthr hi nuf vtllu th ii ucld dcuculo i ruiurutluu willi tl ui- ugh haul 1 milk a in th r ul 1 iillowu uuff r fi 111 the r uuuli 11 i culi ably ij til lu tin attulu of wuiin iluiw 111i1 iltlu nirt will i tuiit i iful nirt k ti tl f 1 1 ii tin t ll i tu 1 bt takeji ti ti iu nif tl ir four llluuiutoil mui m ula ut uul i 1 a littli win r after iiitlnir nil iron jo 1 llly iu m r w nn ih hi ut un till listi pi the taln utbtuna utility un t hi if u 1 m ill it f mi ilt j pt lilt v dliilculiy i uliu live 1 1 i t 11 ll in li i 111 nulul ulgiuluilts i m iji ula m uiln h- t lb ul i it ilm 1 u nu juiy li in i un inlly uue keeps tlio 111 ilil 1 i 11 1 uul una- it hi ul 1 of artl thats the way the menfolk talk when the oh wood stove hoi been replaced by a beautiful perfection oil stove fine for them no more wood to chop and carry j but it brtnea joy to the women too for it menu far less hard work no ashes to v you cjtl at lug no backbreakuifj dftidjitry meals can uttu lt or utjiui be cooked in no lime no waiting no worry lesi jipt washing for the perfec tion 1 1 cs clean amokcteag odorless heal sctc new model nncea 9x0 to jl 7000 distnliuted in canada by tiil sm rr miital products co ocihau uurrlio uontseal toaonto w1nmipcq kduomtoh vawcouiti calta1y best j if you mrt m uttu bthjuj ljuj s infun btalt i hi rr hj ll fall mt yt a t n thuoiluri out perfection oil cook stoves dnd ovens a m p products ake handled in acton by james symon w r e blair hardware plumbing shop j cadesky op tohonto eyesight specialist will nn at a t nnownd dnuo atonn acton monday may 2nd anyone surfortnt from icya- atroln defoctlve vision or h adscho should not miss the opportunity of consulting this syoslght specialist appoint manta may be mado with mr a ilrown pruggtst conbultation ltitldb of hoe tloure 0 a m till 4pm ren f or ieoctzeal castoria imotttto caslona is esptally prepared to relieve infants in amis mul children all nc of cunstipallon wind colic to sweeten stomach puuilncy diarrhea lteguhte bowels aldsintheassuinlationof rood proniotinf cliterf illness rrid mmiral sleep without opi ites to uvi 1 1 limljlioiis alays lixk lor the aiuiuturc o wv cjxu irovrn iliruli 1 fjrh lurkjuf lliysicmis everywhere re it farmers accessory-shop- m oux a in bare tliunks to our tnany ou toilers tat their patience and patronage during tho paut soon on we are anxious to rnd r bttter sorvleo th a year and trust we may liavu tho nam 00- o pei at ion a in the past we bop our good huvo proven for themselvea merits they dauorvo and in future will stand up to tho tost wo truat you will avail yourselvesof the privil ege of dlsrussliu s our needs and we wl 1 endeavor t lntoreut you in what wo hnvo tu offer- wo hnvo some acond hand spring eoods of ril value cockshutl lyost wood loudei water and mtablo ulpmnt aranlford nnd chloaco wlndmllla peerless wire 1 enci llopalrs for ail makes of machinery coqrtaey and hirvlcc j w uanunnnerr phone 1otv3 aoton ont savage optical service kmbodloa tho mout efllclont and advanced me tho is of lio 1 xamlnulloud lyamo fitting and op ileal lluuluobu m thode our ono thou i lit nnd aim has boon to oonutuntly lint rove our iiervlcc to bo nu near perfection no is humanly posdlblo when your ly a aro 1 xamln- o 1 by huvago you receive the uaiiurtinco that you aro uohlg to bo satisfied a d savage optometrist a mftt optician illgiht at tho ppat ofilcs bavugo llulldlng dualph savage company j ff jewellers china silverware i low tir wymlltam st plana 571 guelph hie old and imlable gruiilt mid marble works wo aro manufaoturaru said dlraot import or of ail kinds of monumental and ijeadston work wo soil dlraot to our cuhtomorq at wliajasalo prloa thus having our ous topi are 40 per cat wu havti tlio best appllauoaa and th only uiechunlca in the dominion who cud opbiutu pnaumatlo tools properly we can kivu refurencas from hundred of our oustoinors in toronto and other 1 laoas whuna others liavo to hav law units in order to collect wa have tho larlsat and hst a took of q raill to in tho tximlidon or more thou any uira deulars lu tho wtutt w aro lgltl- mats doaluru and employ no agailta and do not oiuoy or pat puntotur by aendlng- uul hniorunt agents aollolt- ilik ordarswe employ only mucluuiloa anil defy douipntltlau hamilton sons oublph ont

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