Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1927, p. 6

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7 eliaid i i tl lllowlntf trauit lllrtl o mlriu sl uaatli sod uvuitwm maphied ualigmimanlltimpiillil h at vt jo 10v 11 lti v m llurhuntin cnffy hmiuli hnwi mi tuiitflititr of mr charltn p nl tlm lutn mru ilum- iiilf of lunlph lo hov kdwurd a 1 minimi of toronto won ut mm 1 it liiiiii mill tlm into mi 1 r mii m 1 nithhmn of loronto died wiihon- in nana fwi jo nil iuop- diii apill 20 1027 ilolwnt wilmon mr in litn olut youi iliavu at milton on i rlduy april 22 10j7 lori a luck widow of tlio intft wift iwwn lit htr luth- year mti3waui al milton on tumidity april 2 il 107 llob rt mtowurt poul- iitiiiitor ho avail luwbunri of mur- uunti i uuniu in bin tfth your waudiij uddonly mi thuraday avrll 21 1dj7 ut tho wttllbioy hos pital loronlo plnronon murtftirol llhilklo btlovud wlfft o vii1 n rwlrtttl fa arton jfta nfl tjiuiihpay apuii as itw brief local news acton and district will 1 u quonr i lift uuniu win dim uiiil i unpaid or foi thin county will piout nutuxltn pi rtinni tlwlnelrtrb thit brooctnittt iwiti upi iim on may ilm roporlod that itnnumu luivo illrcmly linon buuy in llullnn county utronmu 1 h uulhoil- tltii urn hnwnvi r not iilmlnlnu utift n 1 on ml u i of luwhrraklnit rbihor- nmn lit xi liny dhy mow it lu litutptl ibui nv iui actim tijiortti nrn nn tin hut fur piom cutlini gmrthl in gloyrvilu n y 1 torn tlio mornlnit humid of cllov oruvlllo n y wu iikmi thn follow hi if item mr ami mm llohort lltltlor of 13 hov- ntli avi inn unit mr unit mm i ilnrt if 0 llovinth avenue imttutiilnml ut two lunchtonu ovor tlio wookeml in honor of mr and air wlllliini ltulltn from ontnrln culiud who wi ro ri cenllj inurritd uml urn vlultlnu horn mr lluthrlu u noplww uf tlio houbi u lid iiuulcililiit 0060 fir in milton plant a worlouh urn occurred ut tho milton promod hi irk comnanyh nlnnt vmit of milton luut wotlnofchluy aftomooii u hfn tlm cruvher and wlotusu mln wovojoniiilotuly ilnhtroyn1 tint orluli of tho tlio ik unknown tho total lunu 1m 130 000 oovtiroil y limuriiiicd t ll covorwl all nfforth to lot thn 1rtmo unilor control failed ami wltliln half an hour thn hliih worn in rulaw tho oruuhur und hltm will ho rohullt hootl au tklbhlhlu an ewpmlv fi who it ilirvtiy ilimkitui of hamil ton wax driving fcaitt on this toronto ifamluon illtclivuy laut thurwdn nlicht ho trloil to nami a truck tfolni tlm humtt illrootlon two mlloh ooj1 of oukvllla ami cut in too noon wreck ing uiw front wlivilti hint uuuvt lift cur no dninuko of utiy account wiim dona to the truck when ilnnklnu want into oakvlllu with tho etir chluf kurr armittea him on a dhurft of blntf tntoxlcntcd wlilln ilrlvtnc tho nxt niornlnif jift waa fined 2fl lor bfllnif tlrunk lo for rocklcua ilrlvlutf utid iuld k13 cotu in all 63 00 after upomllnar unluht in tho oolln an interesting iianqui71 at know youno papua quld pr- dtatin to ftattriho prmidcnl a pom by mibb anilrin l lin ii jlu i nmcthik or lh youiik pffillnm tulmuf nt 01uk-ott-rii- thlm utuuoi wan luld on momlly f vt nlnif a lonttt iuimtnu itito now yturu ttr memlnujhlj uml utlondunr ro- miiltuil in a vlotory for thw wldo known mi tho ununrfu uuikr tho l ndu tdilp of mhoi aiiiki muodonuld 1 lio lofiluff uliln j tin itoundu umlir tin ltah mi i of minn lvilutm iitxl kiiiulty nrovldt il a hmiiueti with tliv iiroffraiiinio following tho whoui nvflnhvk viih i woiuli r- ful uuetohu unit mru win hull mi non- wim r of thu rurrmhmnt romnilttvo aiwl miku 1olutitr au limvimr of tin nrotrrnmuin oommlttiif worn oon- ura lulu toil tho following coutilhiitml uhly to tlm proiinimum protiurird all mm mar jurju 1 orhoa taeimru v uumloy john niool t nlool w ilurton tjnvnuu jijoohrlb miuaod tt orr xf qrliidill mm iaqu uml mru win hull ttur following ufotlllxirm of thn wln- nllitf nldw woro tinoxnontodly rnllnd uihin for varlouu mtimtn hov a tftttwarr xttttun j hurtijr icraulrr o llydbr j ma odo ii ir a 11 j donam uon a mundutu a coopor it liavld no n and mac htowart mluuuu an muoiloniild 12 hohlihon neighborhood ncwb dan nock duhn j ho iiiinuiil liuuluiioi niiiotlni of tlm llinfiini uhurii wmui n luullliihi wmi ftrlt thn thiinti or mm ii ktinrtuny on in lay ami ii id omum foi thn yrxir wtrn uh i lud tti fillouu li t nldint mm h it ijmluty litt vu pruulilmit miu 1 lciitudy j ml vli o piomldout mm d llliuuitl he primiiyjinfiuuur mru w will y tho niutillnu- uuiiiilly in id in um will he in id on 1 rlday aluy co al tin homo of mm moihinni on tlitj hluhuay lunn mm llhhmi i 1c jllcht iiaanvcirj mucuouunll an intoroutliiu ftaturn of the eveni incu liropnodlnirs wau thn proiwiilii hon of a bonuilful baxkot of r4dtiimh to tho rotlrluif 1rwalilent mm m ii moow tho following poom wrltton by mian 1 andaman einraulnit thu irtnirftointlon of tlm yountf pooplo guild for tho lutrvlcou of tho pro u id nnl wau rduil my mno stewart dear mm mooro jiioh lmu a uardcii in hlu hrart th haiti and oh ho liuiny heiirtu a family mukc tto tuony plots a family kardou form and iwir with truutftu iwal for two full ymw t your luitulu und hourt huvo laliorod nlnir nautdit hut cholcaht hood ami iilntitlnu watch fully in oll propurod to makoairnrrienluli plnd or lohtf hut lino an dui1lih 1 ho liui i nn iitluir or tho dublin tirniy hocloty took plucu on 1 rl- ihiy ovinlnir april 2 j at tho hi n f mr iinilmru j a llhu k a aood piowil iihiii nhltirndjuijoytil tho rfi1jut iirojtrnimo provldod couulut- lui tit roiidiiiifm imitriniiputfiui no jo rurltutlonu and clinrim u aftor lha pruiiruiumi lumli wu ucrvod and tcnnino uud duuclnu wun t ujoyud by all mi iv jtoll of ldmoiitolt albert i vluiti d frltmdn hero laut wook thn dublin urolith or tho wo mo n a luutltuto i1d thlr april nn otluu at tho homo tt mm j lluddlrk woduoudny iiftornoon april jo quito a nutnhor of r worn itronout 7 tm n kutii with vru llnickci prnsldcmt l the chair a cfimiuo wait tlvon to tho litmary ttoclnty to llnlnh puylnu fm tlio piano which thoy put in dublin uihool hint march after tin inuu part of tho mooting tho junior mom burn put on a prutcrammo woll worth while tjio next mcotlnij will ho held at tho homo of mru john x hobortnon dilumquin i ho ix ji of thu furmim of thlu dlililft hlu ihtiiuly ilnuhod tholr main in dlnw w wilt omo to otii mi lirbboi htiiml mi muiiidii f loid and lilii bt ido y if mluw uvit vri fonm r tnki hri at id hoid uocllon no 1 inifuluur at coyno u corrnhu tho hmuhu ijiiatti ily hurra nn ntal tu iviciiu of hit irouiby united chun h clitult will bu in id on flunday may 1 ilu followu anhurovo al 1100 11 in nihil diuimiuln at s 00 p in at ilmnby at 7 00 p m thiiua uorvloon will ho oonduiitnil by tho pautoi tho itiv mi kitrhlnif of hoinby mr t 1 mt hulii of thin plaro but foitmrly of alton vlultfd ut thn homo of hhi unrlo and auutmi and mra john jloyd of ilullluufail and alio mi and mm john v ltnlii rtion of dublin nuur aliiui a few duyu atfu mm j linn j mcumrh and hor 11 lu ll r mnf jamrn 1 onl 1ioth uf tnr fllli litn hi i vhiltid ut tho hointi of thol brotbir mr miuiau andomon of rirlton w ontario enh xeora cotta tin fo wan a uphuulhl turiioul ut tho luulitur- iiorvlco ho 10 a follow ntuiutit ft oin icuujc collouc toronto viry ably conducted tho iw rvlco uittiliitod liy mr wifddflllr jr of toronto tho choir acquitted thomholvni wnll fur- nliihliic mniroprlntn anthinni which klhtlfy lt u m chuuh court at 1lio tiliiuinl mtutlmc of th jjorrid of lulilli iitioti of tjjn unltfid f hurt h of fiiuiid 1 hi j to iiuit lilduy tho follnwiiik iinolulloi wan p in liy a uiianlmoiiu iilmidlnic voti hint wo tho miuilxin l tlm hoard lunliritton nfttift untttrt cnurchviiif caiiadu nolo with pli uiiiiro that tlm chnlnnin of thu ilouid mr ii p moot of alton ontiitlo huii ulvoii fifty yiiilit of iiorvlrit 1111 a mtiwniuipt kdltoi iitnl now that ho huii niliul fiain lutlvn jtitiriiamutln work plan on laiord our n t omiltloii of tlio wmth of hi work mi an odltor und utui a und 1 xl 1 1 1 mi out ixoiii unit many yiinit of happy totlrid lift await him linowlnr au v nirthat fc liln voluntary woivho f nliurtli und mtafi will c nitlnui td ho nlvi n fi m ly in fornn rly wednesday half holiday comnicnnlnawodnmiday max t tho tlarhiiof aatnn wlllclona iholr ioiiui ltlvi placoii of buul- ntiuit n woduonday aftornoou and ovonlnir at 1j 30 octork und cikutlnuo until qltoboi 1 specials jor this weekend flooroil clollmin iy 2 ynrd widths oil clotlii iiru in jijreut dlinnnd for bedrooms mid kitchen floor easy to keep clean and yc jood wenr whtn you jet yotif oil cloth at jlih tore you see jut what you wnnt we cut and match pattern our prices arc the lowest i yard wide nt tile yards wide risc 2 yardn wide nt 115 rdiort tlitli nt 10e fuiuira yard curtain materials showing a large range panels ifr 75c 98c 1t kacli siiic panels at 3 2i0 kacli cuititin scfimn for bedroonu at 18c 20c nut 2fc yard curtain nets nt 2 tie nndjloc yawl tho trocu aro buildlntf out do jour siirhikbuylnjtln acton all natupo lit buuy turning ovr u jiew 1cil thin lb canadian lort wook april u to 30 danobttu utum aro uyaln uhlnlns on fho diamond i boon bo on louu in food in many liomou tho fumilca tho houwo nhortuij rohl6m tffltu mors nahduu ovary day oa kv 111 outid toronto will adopt duyllifht uuvhitf on my 1 tuluo uoemu to b tho favorlla uolnr for motor caru thlu your tlnv unaw uhovol wu catlod into eommluulon uualn on sulurduy if your lubol tolu you itu nmuwul tuno wbii bo clad to hear from you tho hum mado idiort work of tha iinqwfallh 011 halurday und sunday t crank oftuu uotu tiihrurit uulnu whim th uelfu tarter fallu to work ryou can lirlnc w lyour ulraw hat blit ilonc iw hatdv with tho d v ovv nfllaon c hauro havlmttliaroai dallinafad qbitfjary jumizsx taatitcglfc r w turw tho jat wouk in all aorta fifrniw mr d 1l untuay in liavln tho root of bin reulduco on park avonua reiililnulod bixciicvirti rmirirrtrtjblniciriicfif a r jlr xlox loon now bunttalow on frderlok stroot mr clnui allan in nroallntr anow uaraco at tho ronldonco of mr l xjtho on ajno stnjot mm a mctuvluh lu havlno a 11w cniont walk oonutruoted loadlnp from tli atroot to hor rou donee on mill btroeu tho car pouter oro buuy flttlna uy th now hardware afore of w d talbot to cot it ready for occupying tlllm wook v asltohomuft now declare thai uoru lu dry which may bo otto reouon for thn claliu that tho llattpt l ut mdvanco uf ouru tho audi torn ropartu aro now jnlnud and rtiudy tor dlutrlbutlon clrk ifurmor will aladly uupply any ttitoiuiyor willi a copy a funny uluht lu to uen a man bit ii that lxcyllntfr air from hlu iourcylltodar uocondhauilor which only hlttlmr on throo iie j 11 mackouku lu rctliik 31a w utorajro blnu und nqlonluy tho weltfh ucalou at hlu ooal and lumbar yarda on church strwl tho snow alonnu of saturday and sunday ami tho oold weather ac company j nir tliom mado an appear onoo of a rotuni of winter luut to bo outofdoorul bo still 1 ho urooi whtd unbroutliod air ii- ihnltuhlo oloait with soft sweet uoent of happy growhiif thlnu llio ralllno at the ereok on main tfjlrimtt lu lu a daniferoua oondltlon lldpaliji uhould bo mado inuneillatulv imfore podoutrianu uru injurod while opera 1 1 off a circular saw taut wook w a kdwardu of noluou townnhlp had hln loft hand cautfht by tlio fiuw tho wrtutwau cut to um bono toronto cant ovorerowd her utrtkit curu any mom pretty aoou there wont be any difference- botweon city und country there ii bft- no crowdlnir uomo careful driver wjitlcoilldnt ehulueor hlu vehlclo into tha driveway of tha united church uhodu broke off theiurffo pout that hau utood at tho entrance for yoaru any hour in april uudden you rty uoo until ltrht hanslnfi jowolu hltfh on a leafy tree a wind nmomr tho tlowem haht nuuny feuthoir robin by a- rutflod pool talking all together april weather harold wlloa liau juut inutullod a new ivleldnlro leu rroum cimtaln- er uyutom for kaoplnff hlu 11 lock of leu cteam at tho proper tompruturo by fcleetrlclty without tho uuo of loo the iww outllt huu nx container there a alwtfyji uumo fly in the idntmvrtt tumnikllna a local cynic a uiun juut nicely gotu tho unaw ahov6l und furunca toolu out of night wlatn uturlnu- him in tho faco lu u kunlon und a luwn that noodu cut tliitf cliatrmaii uf v duration pouiluunt nwv wnt yoututduy ullhjtflnnoztcl ttsi iolm ilrrabnu o lfaihor widow of ih lutn john chluholm ipauaad away at hc rraldcilcttjd uq ur pon hlmi im no hour andi- and now the went riowb red and mliudovu fall alouu tho pa tlm your feet no oft huvi trod with wlnuoino oaca ilcuvo prunlnc- knlfrt and trow nqrvtfwrr rirhryittirrnmr wlotwlulde fecbodl dlutrlct very aucconuful amateur ontcrtuln- niont lu tho play tho itoud to tho tlty weilnouday ovonliiff prll so in thu local hall tho ulorywuu that of a city ullckor throuirh an accldont bolng throvn on tho haupitallty of u farm widow with a pratty daughter flo trftii to marry htr in ordlir to othlu father a niunaytlirouah hor uliohao a dream acted out in ncu two and three which uhow him in hla j r toloni him rofunntr him tho next mornlnir and raturnu to bur country doctpr ouuuiu mttouubuvoutbo attuwu jiroenajc kov mil with blue icuauoulntf townuhtp on titcrtduy vt laut week uftorll uniforms lllneuu in hor tctli year 0htwau a llfelonif and ucllua suembex of tho xjuitatl- m411 than m intuitu hartley lu walkluir head au inch lilihur printt harrluaii of tho hoard wuu houorod with a til in by 11 correspond wuu no more no etducallon iruund will ida now imotltnau telta tho truth a lino which wuu limit luntly left in u unwhiiapor form mado tit account of a football camo road cvlly acaduiuy dt fnutod conf ord murtl tltjiool by a ncoro of 5 to 0 li iard ctlturou battle ut now jondon laturduy ajiybody who huu uotn or liuurd a foothill kjjiio knowu how tru ilutt uucount lu juut ajf it h tun da proubyurlan church of brtlh north amorlca ut manaewood doooaucd lu survived by throo soau and four dtiufthtovu william chluholm of actonj t jv cliluholm of hiiqueulnff to wuu hip norman cjiiuholitf on tho liomeitcad kuqueulng townulilp mra rv stark kuiiuehlnirtowniihlp urn i h whuon kaaueulnir ibwnuhlp llrn c uoblmiofii kmiuaulnir town- ihlp and mini viola chluholm at homo tho funeral took place thum- day afternoon to uvoruroon comatory milton t mrs william itbws in tho aorly moinlntf of april 33 thoro pauued away in milton one of the idonoom when mm william ilewu died in hor elahtywourth year hho was liorn in wlntorton lnclantl in 1849 and came to canada with hi parontu tho late mr and mru joaoph tock in u valllnu voauol when uho wau nlno yeara of ago thoy wont to milton in 18113 in 1898 uho wan married to william bowh who pre- dooood hor 30 yoafu ugo tho lu survived by four sous and one daugh ter uamuol it and mlu margaret of mlltan waller of nw woutmhihtor b c livod and harry qf dtovohitoko iv c ant flvo eramcilljrdu lifer eldoflt noil john w dlud 13 yosra hcp huo wau a ufolonar and acttye moinbai of tho mothodiut churcli lufor at tauls unliotl church nhe hore am tiny bcdi flaw imvtcdtnioiiotu clin ooliir the 1inwi of itnuelmiardb beklde oldfavbloned bloa p lonjr ttiro jicrt bloom 8 went with caroaaou demure coaxm to iu just poultd erect and there a pale jlty rone hecaum you know its hidden worth and pralnod its pallid liuo dxtfltlna only in tlio miracle blushed as a thinjr of fflory horc a utranire now plant was nlvon nurture thoro a atom twisted by wanton wind a lay ven you heeded not tho flerco sun 11 hurn- itijr klsa nor heard tho insistent tho roin but kardonorwlso fonrotful nooianr iuuajiaw tho dnath occurrod at his joulilenoo 200 wontwurth fltroot north hamil ton ivlday moiulntf of itobort m uli aw doccum04l who wau in hla sovontyoiffhth year wuu born in nuwuuirawcya hf sorvid hlu tlmo au a bluckuiulth with tho lato whhaui h loplui nuo if when tha acton ploiv company wau vatabltuhed in acton in 1s74 wwuu wniracod- na bno of the hlaokmultliu and romnlnod in ac ton until that company wont into liquida tion several yonru latir mr itam- hliaw was one of the ntechunka who convtructtid tfio htophoimon ono- handleil jdow mnnufucttmul by acton plow company which was exhibited at tha centennial inhibition in phil adelphia in i670 and which was awarded first priro with niajlal and diploma xir ram a haw removed in milton from acton wlvero ho wasri- ifuged in blncksmlthlpi and carriage hulldlnir until plxtoen yearu ago when wi nt to hamilton he waa well known throuuhout ilulton county and 1 hlfcflily eg loomed ho was a faithful number of the methodist liurch und hold official positions in 10 milton lire biluudlt lla was 1 oinbor of thn i q o 1 also th t f ami was a staunch liberal iio is uurvivrnt by hlu widow a daunli- mru m j munro of hamilton uonu ititbert und iyank a of los angeles cul and a sister mm thomas wuluhford uf toronto form orly of acton ialf wrought in tho gardon moc ping drought with dews of kindliness an lug- storm with smiling fuco uplifted ltglit pplng of ill of alb- ourg trt- wlilrli witit jvftiittity il tlio rpu doctor miikifu 11 ooittovcr anil tu played hi btylo y n mcnucbern 1 nk fr reemantind jtarr oree iro vldcd the laughu of tin ovonlnfl uud prank lrcimnn played tho part of tho rubo to perfection mri mclgnchbrn t gave a truo portrayal of j mother a bltlon and love ploranco i outer w mclntyro ulayed tho partu of the tow and l sinter in crlmo and wore veiy liuo lo life for an affoctod dngllsh detactlvo drucc ieltch was well placed tuuh roa- h r an a crabbed and poovlah father and ilitthwlndlohurfit as ladlen maid were also good tho hall was packed and a number were turned nwuy thn procetdn foi tin uchool wcio very gratifying mru d a ituusull au coach and mrs a flo hoi accompanist uluo tho ost prlngo oichoittru mro 1 rocmiim monnrii ictrr 1 rot man and mclntyro kreutly iiunliitod in tho productlqn alidad conhldorubly to tho sorvlci mr ooorgn coulter who upont haulm with bin parontu here hati rn- turnoti homo mr iti j htrlngor iiiwiut kiiotor vul lorpnto friends mm m h ml t is upending 11 few dayu with mru is stringer and family a numliar of thd frlondo and iillgh- bori uatherod nt tho homo of mr and mm j kiuion on thhruday evtmlntr and gave them n pleasant surprise prior to thtilr removal to tho tenth urtf thoy woro tho roclpjentm of mint jaluabln prowont tary upoochus wire glvon by mr iz lownnond mr hunter and mr j a mckay tho remainder of thli ovnn- jng wuu upont in dancing and u ioolai way mr vincent bottom who jipant knitter with tnrru cotta frlnlldu lluil returned homo mm a- burueuji who upont lnutor with hor parents 111 lindsay haat0i turntd homo tho hnlton brick company has re hirmed oporatlonn hero again seodlngls nuw tbo jonoril order of tlio day a number of ourewrprbdni peel hwhinton watch spoeislut acton ont 1 inn watrh and clock ho- pulrii of nil di nqrlpllennat upec- ial riuluccd ratm riohimo tacklg foh may 2 fyeu carefully 1 xamlnod by dr barnartl lttglntorod oplo metrltirrbviery thuruduy specials in grocery dept 0 rolls toilet paper for 5 lbs cookinj onions for dut set onion per lb 25c 25c 15c corn syrup 5 lb pni tomatoes lnr 2 for cnmpbclls soupi 2 for 33c 25c 25c me inhumrphnmi fililtorm cotta boy of itoglna writes an old notnialntanen here and wudu fbcwil lu uitturru ctilxitrtli mr mnllu rjyin informs ua that ho in clerk of tho court in ilegina which ijpultlon ho linn held for oyer twent mitrn and in live more yearn ho will receive a ptnuiou uf f7j 00 per month for llfo hockwood cd en mills not evory eoed finds lodgment in the noil to which it is directed countlrnu blooms jtauo glowing faces iky ward on n strand beyond tlio garden but t thooo mont dcir- being familiar wo havo plucked n tow our red dent qnoa for rti bo token lovo and pray you carry thfm agalnut jou iiear au now your footsteps lenvu tin garden path and palou tho last r d dimmer in the west that in thur llfelei por should it ho forms an ohsenco uweet will llnaer mi day wo know yur footntcps to the crant haunt wlioreln your noul hau inlioiu will go aiding with counsel uu 1 ct the doner miv and loving tho llowiru- that blocmied biuiuso of you signed on hahalf oftlio j mnmbors of tho oulld lsajikl awdicuson pouce court news h uu oiuturblnp mud unnpaury lio tuiuiiiiily and unlawful wojli of ausdlng up miiilptm ut ijul tiujlljay cwlth a uuluy tlv ton tiiuk nihtiliju jiontlnuutiulyfor lonn lurloilu by an m of the oulruthir who luld ibn pavouii ut lu at ton lust full wis dluupprovid by nunrboru of iltliu1111 a pollto iuurl ctiho may follow tiver pbd tmatlor aliuslna bey ykn home tfrnd loekliarl upfldr nlcliol town dilu uj who dluappoankl roiii hlu uanw a witk ago wau taken back jidnie on ua turd ay night iy hlu iuiiither tilw lad miu a arrf roiu gvroitut wiirth- wau utiiylnic wltrt rlfuin at 4 avvuue auk- inm to wtuni 11 11 stall il on th furd lht jit hud bonii unublo to llnl thl rployuiont iio utoppt d in at ton on monday morning of lust wt uk on hlu way to toronto and hud breakfast j i the hohm of mi unhurt wullam wimih the duulplhn of the lad wuu publuh in liiullikd pukus lust iult mr wnnh imiii llutly got injuuih will hlof mtphiiiton who tndiuv ortd to lot ale him but ho hu l oiitly niadrf hi way lo im on to by jbt tluio betwci n chief mclhoruon 1 truitlc oillcer tiiouishd numbtru lulllluiiit inotorluts aio having couit uxiiorlenceu thaun duyu churgus liuvi litn n luld ftn speeding turning to tho kft iiiuuud uf thu light at tho mill and main btruut intoruomlmr falling to como to a stop at utup h using 100 nun k iu and tranuforring murlioni frtim tinw vuhlilt for wh tin y wire lmrchused o another vihlcte mwtlve ohurgiii huvo b laid during il un k and it lu them mu mtifo lo collow ijy witurtl uvuiilng luih in ut in upn jiji i t valy ami jrovlm i il con- htublo oiv jj aunt d willi ja si an 1 warrant proiuld 0 lu of junius hhiplutrd oh lb ji ihj1vi ddtrimil to stmirtli fur lliguiir f hay lug imiii roporttd that hhivphud wu 1 doing tjulln a bimliiiuu in lllli it ibiuo tin it as thiy drnvo into till op herd u plato tlilj mi t churuu kolu rtu unj unothor man driving out they urtur- t d tin men out uf tin tr c ir ami au thiy jiioi did to man h thuli ltobi ilu wuti oliiitt vtsl to tin iiw a bottln ovui the fiiut olllm r iwt us sum id tin liottb ind ii wuu round to ontiilii motiiishim intt 1 roguti d as to whuro ho got tin lliiuor itobiitu told tho oillate hn had n lui t d it f nvtii hluphfrt uiul had uld him iu foi whin was put on oath ut tho court i luum 11 1 mllum on monday ha 1 mun ut r thu 1 oi it fro phtdlvllli lhrt uvldunne moiiiu wuu t uuluhlve idhup- idiiwl fjui and tostu for th in jul ubrtu touts for llouul hi f1 g ind i lined 0 ui purcua the boturllfjlil wtddiny a quiet wedding was solnmnlxi d at tho home of tho brldo a sister mr and mrs q hurdle lin township on april a when mabel jannatt young er dauuhtcr of mr a ijghtlo wan united in marriage to mr wlljiam iutler tho ilov a it hall officii t- tho brldo wtiu llvea in ma rr la no by tier futber and uho wopl u gown of beuded mauvo georgette hbo was ttnndod by tho groom u hlsti r mru au do m las mr john i igbtlo at ted as hi ut man ami mru hull played tho wlildlng man h after a dainty lunmiton tho hapi coupli left amid uhowiru of conflttl and good wish 111 from uliiiuetown foi a horn ytiioon in llort rjvllli n on tin it return they will reside on tlio grooms farm tlfth lino urlu lounuhlp quslphs city traasursr paaasa away cili jostph orr host trxuiiurir for thu pant dlid ut hlu honil 05 quidph on llituimuy tiuiue 11s u distinct uhut and to titlicnu douplt hlu ciiului tondltlon in luil the cjuulphu tight en paluhy htr his pasnlng to hlu family tho fact that i wlii kuoun ltuiio unuutiu i tin dutltu of city tij ii idlug duvld hi rough ulnto that tiiiu ho lllkd tho position wllb ffiout rrtdlt bringing to iii a tank inllnlto pa i mi and t infill attuitlon i liu tlo 1 1 nn i wiu 7 loiint of agi being bom in lllffoid lu 1h0o ii wi nt to turlph twontyfour ytaru uuo un ilianagu nf tin cutiullu pin nit ii it toipjiaiji rtvjng ibut lb ui tit uttr ilji ujyhij f jlu uty n lllud ii hid lun mtmllllid willi tviry n tlon uf ufa hi lh city fn wuu 1 uniulf fnt- waytrlwv jiu 4 t a a m hiving uitluid 1rum ijc 1 ft 1 ih u lib h wau hlu iimhih u i 1 jl was a tblitytlilrd lhnio mm and u past mustt r of thu liiitgtj uf pi rfertlon and tho unun froljf gild tut th ludgiu fur njiniy s uluo a hirnihi r of tlm hiipium i uiun 11 of thu ant tint an i uiottbth itlltj of thn do- million of cjinadi imiirvjvlnu him uro jilu wllow whom ho width d lu tlta hh tuu1lau1slrh mm 11 m au- luulu of uiumlnu out and mi ll c jl ihntou of im onto uml iwt uonu it 11 woiu uf uluudou as lubllu out und it c lou 1 omnto the f uiun ul wau htdd ou unevy uitoruoon thn women s inntuuto jnet at mra v colon home on wtilmaday aprl 0 after tho uuual roullno of buul it nu wau unpoiicd of mru jus burden avo un interesting nkctch of uomu of tho early ploncirn who sctued in icra mnuii near i den mills misu mnrfihall contributed a marry rinding with a good nifirar iijion all bounowlvta who antlclpmo company ah nproi ctintttit wan will patronized mri gil btrtuon winning tho pi lac for a work apron and mnu cujvurt for a funcj uuo an exchange uf jlowcr un du and bulbs uiiu j ivcn with the roll t ill of membciu i ho uulttd church laid tin li an nuul mcotlng retently and in overj dop irtment liroinnii hiut ri ported their ixpiiiucii h ivu bten luavy dui inu the pant har in tho pu relume and r ntting of the ehurch atuo lu ihijiim and bulldlnr tho uludu fioni thu form li itotkwood muhodliit lhureh tin 1 havo almost met all exptnnui and feul tlm eoinlui ye ir will bu kuu ntli nil on ititlr coni ie utlonu on sunday even inji un will tiuiitulni d 1 on thuiidio night the ho irdi htivwirdi or idui mllbi arltell und lhenezn jut t in 1di 11 mills hui with- a full nit iidunii of numlx hn a p mniah on uplcd thn ehi thn work of tin 1i11111 1 wau jim un and commltfees appnlnud for iitl tlgloun nnif financial welfare of ei congregation the throo churgou 1 working together in harmony and all ri port nut lu factory prpgreai a deli gallon of tho w m h mi t in eonvintlon in trinity chinch ouolpli un tumduy april 2g mm hey a marsh iu rroin ouiiph omrii lluupiuil baby null mtiih aru h hnprovfng upd will soon ijo homo mr kohirt wuuun h died at hit homo lu nausiiguwoya on tumduy iiftcrnoon ivltb he mimosa on kiturdiiy apill 10 tin re jhih 1 i rtyuiiy at hlu fluu farm homo her lot conn 11 ilou j i rln mr weah y jciiuop a iiuul highly sti 1 mill faruiti if hit t mniiiilt in hlu cst 1 1 yt 11 ur lent p uiib man led 7 n 11 u iim i ml 1 lit 1 ilia daughter of the lute mr and mis ueo lnullt lot u eon euulon 1 lrln after uieusod 11 uurrlagt hlu fat in 1 mr lliimplui ntlitd from furminu and tlm oiini pit net up liouaeki ejilni 011 the 111 hoim which wuu soon tnlargod from 100 to 10 in n u tlnru wuu ihiid ii thin union llvo uonu and out ightei lime of thu boyn an at nt out altinllnu tolligt in toi o uud tun lp lllih hehoi l it 1 en urt ilu ilauihtei mm willi un aimioii livis mar ilu old hoiiu ut lb n lu wld iw and f unllj ul 1 loliru tho loan of an ufft 1 tlomiti iiubuid und ratlin thiiouit allvu n mu il aunt mm hi 1 r of aithin a mtliir hi 1 dv ud jtiinop of 1u into ul thru ulntt 1 all 1 hid many iivimiut mr a iktllid uiil m in of public 1 many junu ho aiul sut 1 1 lary 11 hi ui iv count uh 1 an 1 s mvrth un nil nntih i sphlt ul hi nuhlp nnipiilhy 1 r many fiundu 1 tin ir uud hinav only but 11 and irfilia 1 llhlu 1 ptnuli imv of liln 1 ttnviihip mill 11 pu ilovt bif 1 wuu 11 t th idlnl ti hlif elmiili ii suro for piry ial iniru hince church pub n im linl ijin u irlifri jrmnur 1 f mb tpittj iim th 1k fmi- l on vvtilth iibj oil iuf waif ry tiiiliy alltiiub i hnvlnu wiu luld in 111 tin dm lny uu ijituna i mtlhodlut thuitli by kin runlly 1 a lot ittv mi rtiiuuiall mu llmal trlbuhu wdu miiiitiniuu iim bojutllii huvtial frlomlu fiilu dluluni pit tu at tinded tho fuiuial jho pall biom win moon 1 uip biyni ri al v it ut biruou jim l pi mm 0 win n loullu uud uuleohi wlulilrt laut flunduy morning ut the united march a cantata wan uwen by tht holr enlitlod tho itulora daughter and theeburch was well illlod sunday evening tho pvcuilytorlnn ngrcgation dlnpenucd with their rvlco and went to eden mills an 1 joined wlfih tho congregation thoro the outing wau in joyed by all and the scrwco very much nppreclalpd do le the liialomont woather oarllor in tho ovonlng a largo number woro tnint uud bov l k qonaellne dla- urrio wan llntonod to with olooo at- lonllon tho mejiibcni of pahdey memorial church ouolph aro pultlng on a play tho path acrona tho hill undar th3 auuplceu of tho womon u aiuoclutlon of tho united church in tho town hall air adam shultx of branlfjird iiw nt tho coknd wltli hla sister mist f cameron mr j a mralcar vinltcd with mr- and mm a l squires in qcorretown ovi r suntlu t- johnnton iluwat of blmcoi au homu ovtr suntla i coorte torram o returnid to toi onto on monday aft rnoon st hoe rt opened monday niornin- uftti a brief hlldiy und the teachern are bat 1c at thoh dutioi for anotbei in iii tho continuation uchool did not rt open till tin afternoon au mluu t doui i is leturnod ul noon hi an cuiton joined the ttoyul umk uiun hint wi ek mr john mutrle la havliu alter ation in bin at abb for uuiugi pur poiiij and john hlce wait buuy mon lay puttluh in u cmient llnnr mi unrs mewllllamn and thatchtr an niukliij pi 1 pamtlonn for building 1 itloun ihlh api intr a nuiiibt r fiom lit ru iitliiidul the teutliini tl i it iirullon in ouelpli on satuiday tihh uimiiii hhhaiduon lu upending a couplt of week j in 1 oronto 1 vimjand tho rtgujur montjill meeting of tho womens institute will be held thuruduy veiling apill 28 at the home of mm thou wlngrovo mihu iiui lion of hie victorian order nu rut a will bo present and delivor ui utldreus au jodleii invllpd to hi prcusnt aw it lu hi tilth night meet- illl buy a home ww4iftwrfibni now mf4 to look thhm tyer hnforo tho lip ring il em umb tf yhu wluli wo can urrantro tonna for you why parrett timuakowyouhow you can bunt lit by owning your own house j a smith telephone 105 aclon thompsons seedless raisins 2 lbs for 25c mcle go mux street acton ont figlax natubl s way i oh suji1x nioliip phom constipation 2c anil cqjcoiuu ftt drugi intn spring footwear outfit the whole family frflin our new spnnp stock prices the lowest all sizes for nil npes harrisons juttons ah7afrysave butchersbop toe markistlace of good values if your appetite lu lugglni durini the spring woather you will llnd tempting culn ut our ehop conjpure our prlcea and tho quality and jou will bo convinced 1poiik loins per lb 27c to 30a bonton butts per lb 23o smoked cotta go llolln lb s9o smoked ham lb 32o tu 35o beef round itouut of boof lb 18 hindu bnant 1go to 170 iot itoast 6f boof lb 1ba beat larti ymx wuu 15c choicc dairy duttcr and cggb oru1e lamb staon wort bnby icks at too much to iow by lick of cqre anttproper feed white duirrhoea and other chick c1im-p- navntml liy feeding irattu uuhy chick i ood it ftaves millions and luuurca healthy fiatgmwinu cliicls and eorlyloyhig ikillcta hiiy tlio bct babig cjhlckfood joij fey jjfjm 1i vv cdlilja oold dy w d taldot acton ont houses cheap u for quick 6alc 7 i until liouat llintrji 1 lb to and ixtiinu hojd and uofl yatt r m w furniit i iitt mn wlnduwii ond dooii in g lot hi lii at in n beat if town xiu ui 11 bimul hmuil dn pnii it hum alow loomn hud and nuft wuti i i hi li ui lllttmix it od bit tony hopu omi tllulrltjt ll00u luo ou imh wantnl 4 houuiii i ingiiik in pilot rioii jd0ll to 1ciiii why lent buy nnv bifuo thu uhiuioo in prleib rimo utir- tku jail uu vou havo the monoy and tho qood judgmunt lst us ost todthr a0k kerrs real estate hc knowo to go out of town to shop when you can have more by thoppnik nt the mnptc lent economy store come in und be convinced here are sonic of our specials menu combination owralhi rtlular j jj foi i f24g mtnli pimniin u 71 suit in and brim i 11 nn ut for mm ti woilt shirin ncululj 1 10 spic men it pi ik cnpn for faetorj w u j fin menu cuiivjiii clloven j pair for mum cottun ixicku pi r pilr wc imvc a iarjre variety of the iitftit filylow of lnihtm hatb priceg from 111 up sec our stock before you ruy your new lint i tllllarly fl j5 li r 19c 70c 25w 25c i 10b lutlleu snti en prlnen i sllpii rel illarty oce upoelnl for u 11 l fur ludleu crept nil ht ownn rtjiilirly f 1 00 for lndlon bilk stocklngu ptr pair llttlo doya bultu from llojs all wool jtrueyii rei ul irly 1 2g for children a play suits for inch cllrlu mddlin rendblt i oil in und cuffs r linij uu panel curtains nrolir 3 00 fur oqc 70c 10o p to v10 05c w 66o ulurly 1 7g for 1j0 105 75o the maple leaf economy store mill streel acton opposite windsor cafo ncw at mill and main streets we ve moved to our new quarters at the earner of mill und minn strtlts we believe wc have the hntst huidwure stoie in the vicinity of aeton and we want oit to conn in and insptct it w us on saturday h our new stan wp talbot coriuir of mill uivd vivlii slruobi acton oulurlu choice meats always at pattersons pull lfniu of tht very choiclit of inuit wc iilwuyti itnvc the cuts you wont and can supply your muy incil in the lino of mota prime lioasis or bl tf ciipicr cuts or pork sclec1 pieces op veal i1ne roasts or lamb nacon and curld meats good homemade sausage n in fact there is hardly o cut of meat that yuu could kire that you will not lind at our eountera bought right kept nglt cut right und sold ught the meats ynu buy at pattersons are the beat that you can procure watch our window for friday and saturday specials w- j patterson lurvoyor of meulm unit arc served itiitlit v

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