Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1927, p. 1

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iiimii lirwimmittt tf k itl wkt s i ifty iecoud year na 4i thursday morning mati i2 f27 acton ontakio canada thursday morning may 12 1027 single copies piw cento eljurrly rrutrrb 3tuirb alljurrtj if tfttttta acton mmjlr rv ii e 2lmmrmrt d a lirsonugu willow mtrl lino u nt riio vim subject in our vii jniiry work in china aiuf d fuiif 3 10 i ti tliltliutl srhool session 7 no p id tim fustoi subjncti llir wnyrjt if trtiwxtctibtjr 1 ruyor und 1 rnliui sorvloo onthur inv at 7 30 p m all uervlne will im hm in tha school htnnr fro it thla ilila until fiirllur nolle- uu the work of rttiioyjit ini mi i rdcc-rutlna- tlm church audi torluii bus inumoricf d jlrtnfaywrlart knox church actq mlrtlstarrray a c buwiri w a uimh- wuow htrt 10 oq tt m sunday 4iumj1 mid bible clauses uth n mthn minlw subject contrnmuni hm1 lvofaajdon 7 id p m- firth addrau in serin on immortality im there tt second chancer htraugeri leaving aillr wltli the ueht ru will lift called upon by tb pa tor big centennial may sale celebrating guclplis one hundred years of progress and macdonaldt fortysevenscanrof servicer many weeks have been spent in planning to make this event worthy of the occasion the market 110 been search cd for 6utof the ordinary values livery department in this dig store is taking part in the celebration a irch feast of savings awaits every one who comci to guelph tins weck- wallpaper draperies moor cov waflh floods tiilkawuul pabilu suiplffl glotm hosiery under weai- mens clothing and jfurnbihlngj boys wear chil drens coau and dressestwomens coals llnut dressed a whole big storeful of economies to make thin cclebra lion a memorable occasion v ad example we quote the wonderful coat savings sojitli cjjurrfj acton ftor wni j baxter it 00 u nt morning worship tur- in n overflowing hlveru 3 00 p m flumtuy school teaaon pi ter nt penlecoat 7 00 p m evening service tr- woii wltneaalncfqrtb ior 1 ti am wulcomk monday b flo jt m b y p u th ninetini 1m 1i charga of the midow- vlew mission 11 y p tj of guelph umolaqauhcd- srtmll advertisements j 1 uinbupn work wanted woman wants work afternoon apply box 17 fiik3 1mw8s ojtfic13 for sale millet see 00 per hualtsl q a burnt plinno lttu uhx us apply aoton tojlent ono saraffc blc onouth for two nil ton doura for naoli oronoin nooainb jutnh fltnwil dnessuakimg tladltia and clilldron ril v aftrmentu of all klndo prlc koimin able apply v t miaa tiundicn 404 i urtjrt titrfv for ale iar nulia roiiuhcut liftue qp churclt hliswt woninlnsr 14 rpflpl a upldiillil livhtm4nt j a hmitii tu phorto 105 atto kr balb ctoouo wheat ami no 1 marguu dtrttot fraiuutlia wt- prim rhrbt alo ilrnf tttxj ojiu w ii 1miownb a co uratiiploji 33trs norvttl 4itr pob ale htopf liaiitfai oh main 8trl aoton tl r omu tunc wut und uichla jiloly ultuutfd lurgfi lot ltoralrt foi iulok biili eay torniu j a hm1th txlephoiiv 105 aoton coal oil btove for bale kloruiflu automatic oil iitow for uixv in fcood onnditloii comptotd wlul uvfii at 1 ikirtcaln 1 taltcil at oncn api ly oeo diua oowr awttu for bale a nlci rootd rouhcat liouu on akmau btifu cellar woodahtkl ulc ly riocorptnd luiricuiti for quick uau nliikmt lmiidut pkalon ty tfttom 3 a smith tliphono 100 acton ttte mower beautv parlor sbdmpon hair ut luli tnluw moroal wutr and vlnser wv mot oh troatmonu tioalp and vticu trfattitwiitu ctoiied wdndnyartr- mlttl a1a kkajt litiw avftiuu and pvdhou utrml plwna 4w 4a it cottaoe foh bale- utrutiiu cottage hi lie vlllaifo of kv rton flwm cardan and smalt fruit otalil uti 1 hflit bauiie vor rukthur infurmatlun apply to uvxhlmy tovkliu 316 wnolwluh ul oulpli or hoy jiiniluy l il no 3 abton honi itrff kiln 462 continual un iud ru wonderland rntoav mav u swudaliw bt ry by ollv llltfn jrtuty mtarrlntf i11u ucjntvtt if iniald ciliniii a i ion juyoi and xuai mortu comply hhity hi h curtuoti kou in icy kyuj oo miiiiw it u p ui 1 run to un jttr baturoav uav 14 sminn ut saii wltli un till tur cutt com idy hi nt mou vyx ijowa yuesbay wav v wddinir biljt c inthly dii4itib mtftrtinif itny lit in i irlrtiui cuuptur i of tl ii ir c mynlvry c mdy i r dliful itrl lirojiiu fomth rh ljwi tnoi yiirtt iry 11 iry writ ttl i mik n i tuy whil iilllan llll 1l l groby a son tweed coals at s79s savlngl of at least thrc dol lars all smartly tailored and fully lined sizes frtm 1 to 40 youll be surprised how good for just 7 os coals al 14 95 1976 and j2435 savings of 5 00 to 7 50 in these three groups tweeds andtwillsbeth tail orcd and dressy types all sizes from 13 to 44 10 to 20 per cent reductions on all 3250toj69 jchubnrisairour high grade exclusive garments down to the same lowprice levels as garments specially purchased for this bvcnf mothers day was fittingly observed appropriau services in churches howerfl in evidence everywhere very ilttlnaly ob- u lio church luul mi ilmr ljuy tiorvrd in iiihi1hi yunifuy in tlui ltptlul church a olilhlron- olifilc iml in tin milium ut th iiiorijl liitf m rvlcti lautor ii ixtnr h mtrutod wum iuliuoil x trluutt ut motifr 4ml iiim icxl wuti f hind ut i rov 31 3 hin ilhlr i rnlhtt jiji un i fall hr blk ac tlinivnnliik t rvlc mr ktmu kuipii att kltchnr uuxg t rfn lijirltoiii hoio at uio iioanlnr orvlci in th unit 1 chliroli lrtt itry ifr zfmtiittriilun imd u mptiuul mothi i u riy tniuioic for thu otinurj a t ion ihu atulijoct ytitt thn nmo ami tho nnllm and wtj lwitd dm 3 klhca 4 v th lxt ineluded fai th celebrauon thtw iooff coatupt57 05 15 off coats up to 12 05 20clolliatsp-ti-ia7slof- hlik- frocks at 1093 14 95 1975 jrdlatjettpcsflntljcotet tea izes 1g to 44 new dis tinctive and nothing short amazingtnvaiitc hats at 249450495 a great big style garden fuh of happy surprises ingd worth coming after- a long way d e macdonald bros ltd daily doling tl3p p m ew wdnday fit 12 moon ond bturdy at 00 p tn w a orp iiiiur tko nholr rondnril uikalil lltr prluto to ua occawlnti mill mlm itut i ofhiwiii rkiilfir1 tt rtliw mirano aolo at thin utfvlce tin hnptlaimul 4 nrliiny wan purfarnxd for two cldldrn in uio ovonlntf a yvlro of auna wiin hold thn oonurftfatlon itnnif the vumiy crouby hymrw holon wui civ ti by mhm4m hftrtlt rmrli ttn 1 ruth a jlnon and cbolrmaiitof old tho cjiajr riiivrhl upoclal r- u0it numborw and aploudl 1 nntliemi at knox church a mothr choir oiuupliwl tho choir arallry at thn hiurnlntf uorviot an 1 1j in th alntf- intf anil ifnva akithitmh tho xuiv mr htwnrt iid- for- hlaaubject the toilly mothnr and lilu text wan round in prov si ho dwiit wltktltn womnn h hifludnoo and that of tlto oiwlly motlmr iio dlvldml women into throo cluuimti th women who witrii evil in ufa in opn oplotlo nil murl and noelitl rulcm tlioimvlvllc- ra jwlwufullyvn btitrjuofln llf foront and thouo who wtru doflnlttly lllilfftd up with chrlata cln1om ii want on ioahow that the bulunc of jtbwor wan wllh thouttor claim to uno 4hlr innuynoo nvor tlia two othor oitupm rj floral iiocornth in nil thfl tlrwflvwiljiftffabniujlod bvo acton and district ublfo befool muieal conuat a nmuloal conpotltl in for thn puplla tt arton public rrhoi i will lit hl 1 nu tho tivtint of kmplri diy mon 11v may s in tho town hull at 8 u c ell dlmtrlhlltlon of prlxru ulvnlt by tho piuirhtrn tt the l m for work dono in nrhool will tnuo plnro utaio rllvr collnntlon an old tim conert tin uidio aid of churchill hdv uminttd mi j ttmit raiicot r r mobrtuy vhlkuf uiy u nt lyiit ooloclf flu protrnnunn will im mup pll hy thfr mniahoinm inluti all and the ailmlimlon prlco im 36c iu mi r uiid do not mluh thlu oh tlntn avent purht oakvlli akthuunc jllacan in thu town council on mon day nvniilncr bml ucooptm tho only 1 1 specials for this week 1 tin bakers co- ni coanut vi ifepttc ll ket cocoanut for dried peaches per tb corn syrup 5s for z tins corn for 2 tins peas for 20c 29c 27c 27c 2 tins tomatoes for granulated sugar 10 lbs for dc iuk jelly pow ders 5giaclcets for bensons corn starch 2 packers for 27c 70c 25c 23c choice black tea cq- per lb r 0fc headquarters for frath frails and vegetable buy them here and get the beat chin red white sto x w jones 1hone 26 acton ont this weeks candy specials fruit rock atonic t hi iiff now uegulrly ilta lb for pin awrud cboooutdii reaulur 4bc auit 60 r l ltd maruhcbiiit citoooui clirjrjfa roauhtr 0 c 4o i0k crkam ho varm w4ttiar i mry tlr lv owm pailora aro raady to iwrvi you with ouo dhiwu wf ttnptlnx iv crajq dtfb g omw damvr t ay rrt yvowrt elthr- in bulk or brick harold wiles acton connor electric washer sale k coimrieiicmg to day we will hold a demonstration saldtor of limited time of the famous connor electric washer during this sale valuable premiums will be given with every washer purchased they include wash tub benui rinse tub electric ihni clothes basket ironing board drainer clothes horte ant a 0 piece dinner m free to the flrut ten customers qoiqq ill and see this washer in tha various styles aruljjavp daemon it rated easy torui of paypionf arranged vmtfn our adv for announcement at tha faint bemonatnuon coming w d talbot new stortscomer of mill and main street 1hone 76 ttlna fik thou aplondld nervlc in honor of motbo on the htmot and ovnrywhovo tho jlo ufocwua4iitvliottopay 1 nifftict to tho piothra of tin land or tlwor tnomory at lailrvlow ci nmtery niothoim piom w hannfl hjt iuntiycltudiia and thoito from out of town who bad uravoa of dear oiuu there took ocoaklon to vlalt thla uacrod npot and dopoit nawirii on the trravoa not only were mother gra ro- motrtwroir svzxtummitt luiora ur to jnothera roclvd attntlon lvolton choral society concert euo4tp lion ally kin prooramma qlvon by thorn ak coneort hr lt wadnootjay evotilno tbo aotou community qiao club proaontod their cond flno musical truit wbitti thuy nrruhatd t r lh mlltoil choral hqcluty to camw to acton and put on a pro ram me at tlielr enncort luat wwniluduy ovtilnjr ihr choral society eatunrlainl about- flfty momborai and tlny certainly pro- vl lad a y iwoarammtf of vory blah eallbro tint- fotlowlnn chorun nuiiibfro woro glvon by the choir ood uuvo tho klnir coata now let um muko tho wolkhv ulnr from robin j loo uatton a creation hymn ueothovoii b lriro hondo n flypby clioruj from tlw bohani- 1un olrl llalfa b olovo w unwl lo tion iondonderry air silver hrlil- al choruh irom tho itoss muldou cown a lsvenlnff and moriilnar oakoley b nljrht iivoly nlcht h rtfor plnajo trtntihouiwr now tbo lxiy la over fcvry uumbor way well rendered and wuu approclatml hy tha audlanctt mr c stuart i lately tbo conductor bad the koeloty woll tnilnod and tho vuhouh partm blondod to mulco tl bar- monluua roudorlnif of thoso nils tiolcc tlons mru o w maokanulo wan the akltful aocoiatiuinlbt 1 wo aololwta that aooomiuinlftd tlu booloty gave axoollont nuuibra mjrti iartrlduo in her una tioprono voloo tuuitf ural o day by fiundormoii and wan voclforouitly oncorud tim uudlanco wuu knucb dlaappolntod tliat her otbur yolo number which wan on irokmiiinw bad to ba omit tod itov mi hurbut ifavo that flne tnor aolo o bole mlo a number which wau wall uultd to hhi voloa and waa appr4oiitd thoaie two tbon iravo a couple of dutta lp which tlmy aplward y ad- vimlajre ob that wo two wr maylnir and nourout and rrat tmioan iolu bona a piano duott by mlaaoa dowar and campbell wan exceptionally wll done thoy ueitiotod tlint tlno tmmbor ii trovutor and tha audience in no uuqrntn orwii vptvmja their qjt irpiatipn of tii rtmdttlou thn to irvldo varlty and add a touth of fun to thla hlahclaai pro bra mm ilirt uotob an ontartaluer now to un aoton audience waa oil hand ii4u choice of number a wan exolltmt and did tuit ilwtraot any from tb hlkb k ut n dard of the other iuiuh uml dt thoy provided th balatlcti tu muko tha evinjna irniait tntari tlw 1rvwwciuun of the coat of ani af aetu fciufml which ha a local intairoot of butury httuulia i to it wuu an vnt which w oonald rd bt dtlt with in a mtpumto artuid which will ivtt fiaiud in another column at tint tqb of tho imrformaueathtt olub waw iytrtuiiil to lulu h byth anton iinlety uml u wicul half hour upiiit uvr tbo too cup milton bit well fl proud of their choral ttocuty abd actou appreolmtt 1 their upundl 1 onc rt her i nassagawkya council tau caltotor wm mophnii hoitlnna ouulpuvto hi hlth atirnintu wriro uukad uu followu ut the hitmailnn of thu nuiuiuaawoyu towniihlp council on xoiiduy uuy 2 janioa morley 1 urlul of j aprlii8mlbi lvl klouy ouriaklpa nt halt u vhlt prluttpir atul ad ytiltu jouinjf lliflltal for con- buuipiiva uira uf kutb- lnn vouuk 11 wj liortd and uh u aocauub 461 s mi win udlbalu owln to hi jtutth ilt in bla rj nation ua ti oollikitor which wiur ataltld with iiart by lb council thu council adjmrnvt to twiu aa u cuurt of uviui on afaty si at 1 ti duck john marshall cirk purchuiin of thn town iiinhuliinoal it hieu not mean thm thn iuopu um bultitf to louo tho m4rvlcua of thin vtry nv nlcnt ennvoyanen to lioui lla1 li tho rltlcu tho pur elm u r wuu h i ituxhmll who in bin tun ur promluad to luivii thd umbulauca roudy at nil tlmttf for uuo thij prlco otfortnl for thfr tuitnc wtla ii vo hundred lolbira inputy qteovti moat and councillor ahdantoii fiitborod thu motion ta tlla ttoae of tbo nhibuluncc un i tbflro wm no dlaiiiontluif voice oabvlllo htnr karouu eu4tut oh school lt the lontf trnifsfjo niaook ulfl mtbf wm irf thn hoard of kducrthoit at kuriuunn tho cholco of a kite for tho now iiiul tlchool van concluded ut tkmrd mimtlnif luat woob wlmn a vol 4i of a to it wun dochlol iroot thn uchnbl on tlm mctavlab alto tbojrn wjmmhllrm ip to c iii 1bontifiborbood of 1 6 000 n4 b- u coon cc son archltpcts of toronto havo boon rvijuoalod to appear boforo tiin itonrd at the noxt meotlntf for jhe final rcvlulon and adoption oy tbo plapm coirtractii will then bo award ml immediately- and it bi oxpoctod t rady form wlt j j by 10 60 loo tho luy hcuuta wilt oouduot niolal incatlna tud exhibit thulr work an that all cltlntf may uit u bottor undirtaidliia of thai movvitiutit ut th litwitln ul tb tuwu 1 l itiiurehly wvwuiugt mim ethar m tulf b mlu- icmtb r m hell who died i now yinrk april stwhoimiclrllummk waa ajiapt in titowarttown ami ooorko- town lonoiouuly rotmmborod hor xalatlvcatbarolulwirwlm wl-hnrt- li jlell nicer toronto rocelvod is 00 mrw iciion m thompuou ulster qooraotown is coo muriel thomp uon ooorsctown nleco 1 oto mra clara n jwprpby jiriimuton alalor lbsoo mlaa lcvolyn morpby urmnp ton nfeco i 100 and mrs qextrud arnold acton niece 0c0 ml nail loavou an ontate of glf bb0 hor will waa niad for probate in tlin surroffate urt at vow york mlau i- islo dclff iu nnniod an oxocutrlx mow addition to factory bina built work liafl booiwomniepcixl on tbo now uiujtlon to tbo mauon knlltlnif company s mlll tho now addition will bo auo btory 4flh but will bo built to ucoommoduto iuyeo mora ktotiia if nocouuary it will bo u build lot qx3 foot uttd tbo wullu will bo of rtotwto match tha otlior uoctlan o tho mill tho contraotora hop t havo tbo now socuon ready for oc cupancy in n few woeka to euabkt th company to euro for tho evnr incroaa inir dmunl for their fooda aoton p inflftfld forpuuto in having vor ox liandliiut induutrloa locntod bora an i the miiaon knlttlua cm pony la to bo 9trritpiim uihjk the itilwliicau tlmy have dovolopod in so abort a time maiono vuit bratkran n toronto tbo mauon ic lodcoq of acton krlri and q cor re town woro tho buck la of wotllnuton todjro in toronto at tbo now york tomplo laut friday evon 1h they attaudod in laruo nuhilwrai from thtmo towns and hud a mont onjoyublo evoulnf a pumalng tea of tbo ovonlnff waa tha proaontu- tlon by major grant on bobalf of tbo throe lodicea of a beautiful oluna lunaheon uorvlco to w llro he math of wellington lodjfc a dixfrtto tam iiibara from the tbroo lodaeu me- emplltltkl the ilrat dogma on a can didate and woro blsbly compliment id in their work followlmr tho work in ho lihbxo room an elaborate banquet wnu served in tho upaclouu jwinquct roam of tbo lodco ball tbo upoakor of tbi ovonlna wau chief of dotoa tlveii wm outbrle who la also dir ector of ceromotiloa in wolllnston iodire ho cavo a vary liitorutlnjr addroua on iviliclna toronto tbo iut oftown vultoraflld nqlurrtv homo until the small jioum of the momlrnr but thoy are unanlmoua in their ucutru tlons that the trip wau oil worth the iffort and tbon nemo mada praanulion to mluiohry nur a moait im primal vo service wau iiald t niverdala lvubytoriati cburclt toronto on thursday ovenliib when mlu4 luabal mocpinioll wuu deulniatod for hfirvko ua u mltulonary nurae to tho hhlltf hold india kollowluir tha mtittlna ajiart of tbo missionary vlect mru j a- muckoiixlu uml mru w p hmlth rormorly uf acton in tbo nama of tho w m tl of itiverdnl church pruuted her with a banduoma alauier rutf uluu mocminoll wua ulo tb reclpunf ttfi ultle in hindu tbo prowentutlon uilna made by mra w m- hftohtter who convyl rtlnsa from tbo ontarlu ilovliiclal m w anotbor illblo aultubly lu- uulbaid wua tho klft of tha council unacutlve vv m h un i wau pr wilil hy mru a it mauurrlch ha- crtury for india iu tbo council mru j a illltv president a toronto prtubyterlul and miu dajitel htrach an actluu 1icuidntt of the council icnoculivo ulao wlubail mluu mocon- noll uoduptcid lit beli ilf if tin ir oi btunlauttlun oanulo to ot nw yrlal jlert daiiu who wuw convlctud of tnuiiuluuuhter tbruush tho nab aj dlutri but ion if polu n ultobol ut mil ton avuufea an 1 sentenced to i four ycara imprluanmout by juutlco ito haa bad bla oonviattun ut uuldo an 1 it new trlul ordered by n ju lament hundttil down by tho klrbl dlvbilon court ou uobilay in my o in ion tiiltbwr under the rilmlmit c ue um at common i iw tu it unlawful to iwitubl ulcolud willr tut h i mbrht w un aiifructhm of 1ruvltickil lvulalutlott it tu tint unlawful lit tba mnun of that utauwfulnnuu whloh u it ui iiary ttuinvm in lulvrtiilultih wbelb uu act umountu tu mati- w iujjibtur ifiiiurkx chuf jutlct mu lock lb u written opiutm voir lug- tin judtfiiitml if thu wrt llvlluiil court o anut 1 uold ii i id dt llvr d to two prouw for 1mviuu purpouxa ujco hoi wbb b he nwuiv hu imiuvbj to bu li ruin ah bub ut which uubwiuehtly provtd to lu woo t alcohol mil thv ford iiolwoiioua tp purclumru dlkl un i thai muuiw 1 wau in lie tod ilttica of uuiaaakluabter actons celebration of diamond jubilee pine organizauon meeunjr held ljul week and liana ure now well under way a very ro prone ntullva aatberlna- of rltlxmiu wip ii4ld in tho town hull itut tburalny vnlna at tbo mnotlna calkml by tho coiinoll to arraiilu for acton u reb brutlon of tha dominion dkuuutul jubuva nutabari of hi llo wn sjir4ua4htit hi 1 wll hmrlnrd bthuuiufctlc tq tnlkir ac ton a cehwii- tlon conl to none thn orinlutlon plan woro miklol lei aftir tbo nueu that provi 1 ua mile coniul when aclon cijlcbrittwl br own jul lio thno or four ycura tut und tho fouowlna iirern aum commit acton and district 4 mdrcorallttu churclt auditorium tim work of renovatltil an i red- uoratlnc- of tbo uudltorlum vt th- united church wuu r immenccd tlilii vfnijk a hnw i nlllntf im now bolntc put irj an i tbo worunihji oim hiihy nt thilr contruul dprlnif thruo allra tlonu tho antvlcrjj tf ih church will b- heal iii thn hchool itoom chulrmun ho- hacrwtary of ifixecutlvo j c mat- tlu we n i flnanu committee ic if hurrlaon chulrmun i ijhnruy w k- graham 1ubliolty comtiilluioo a di1u clutlrtiuiu il j karr charlou ayinoi viator jtumlny mru a maaon mra 1 it hhorty mrw jci llndaay w x t40bot 12 j huuuiird muulcal commltleo v flalt chair man u upellvoifd almc mnntt mlua lottu uuuou a it aanow mr i lax tar ltov biiwyw mra minnie it moore llafreubmonf ciimmllt j m mc donald chairman j mo arthur j dobbb mru ii u wllaon mru ja symou mru v b ilinnloy mru a mummiio j pocoratlon dotninlttoo a t iloatdmoro chairman c w wlluon jt it kennedy n ii qarjlop a kan- nawln j p an- t0rm4in mm r m mcdonald mru dr nelgon mm a ii illdhop mlu maratiorilo hymon himru committee iu m mcdonald chairman frank mclntouh j ii mc- comb tho mocbrlo v j lylo m ilcxbuiald dr g j nelwin b amublalf ilulwsp jouiui uln un c chairman r itov hnntarman ltv athr mcjitoavy ylov huwyor ilov luxter a ilannawln j il konuody thou qlbjianujwajiineil wmfroi coliv tbo kitecptlvo will bo comprltuul of tbo chairman and uocratary ami tho chalrmhh of wxcli camwiiftwr mualan at atj6phe tfft joa pllv liirph will coiuluct a ulvrn comiiunrtmr thla thnkdav liuinillia hw ka titer mi candllub rctor f h rufrlokj cbuicli tor onto will lia in chllitru of thai urvlcou in thw m irnlntf warvlcod will bo hhlif- at tlvo unl lht o clock ntij in ii avert bib at i 10 iiv fa the r m itr ivy win an lu l in tbomo upoclal mcitlnum mr baturned frotti hoepltal aloif near of nauuairawnya uncrmr otbor lnjurl win n caught in tbo belt of u mawltia outfit ubout mabt waoku nice wmu mile to raturn from tho houpftal pit monday tho injury tj itlu fg lu h turlouit ono mini about ihrii wot um nijfo it wuu found nr ary to break and reuot tba ilmli liver plutnwau inufirtod und tho j u rixl lour la now mnklnjf fa von droctwu toward recovery womn ihhtlit mtina the reaulur monthly iritlnt of thn acton hruncb of tba women u inutl- tuu wiu bm nt the hlifttn of mluu ii wallace- on friday afternoon may 8 aftar thd uaual huslneuu miotlna thn following protcramino wau srijoytd by all iliiidlmj buiya man by uri ikju a paper oo idalu by mra clnrrldujo mra lert bavlduon road a tom our mother tho moetlnu- olpujf by all tdniiiiiliotju4vtbrtli ikc hindu lunch waa tbon uerv- il after which n social hour waa aiwht by all 6h suit f oph air school mluu hacbt1 cor of 133 dublin fittcfil mr act an nd mr troal 1ilu abaenoo tho named on uio committee will tiot uu cltalrman isvery oommlttea iu now at work plannlna for tbf part of the pro jramiiidanil jletalli wllbjaiamouno ea tut uiey develop at thb mootlnv it wau planno i to have actlvuleu the thre daya a utroot dance on tbo nev main street pavement and uie onrlc lal opening uf ua now entrance at prouhct park aro amutiu the niaturau hikikon of and u vary tlttlnff com muulty uervlce iu planned for sunday evening in addition tiioro will bo buf luoicramme of sports musical proaramme and all aortat of njont acton will colobrato and will volpbrata wll police couftf news mem tut tie en railway track to btop train and socu a ride another lot of uiotorlstu who dlit rotfurded the hlffbway tralric act contributed auma ranelpar from 13 00 10 00 each to acton municipal treasury when convicted hy mania trato moore durlnir tbo wook four qooraetown ludu each 17 yearn uce woro brouaht lioforo iollco mojtlutrato moora on saturday far violating the by law of tliat town far buldlnir tbo dlscbarglns tlrocrackera on tho btrocta and annoylna cltlxona they waro tlnod 4 00 each fur their unlawful uctu gt antra town a by law permit tho salo of ilrocrackeru in the towh but forbldu stllnir tliom off in uny public place two rtabtonta df milton woro fined 14 00 ami coat eacli by maju train mooao for omttlna tbo cnuoptu of scpllo tank lhmlltoni ctmtuery lilul tliuraday clmrlom hnnry swain of colllna wood a uallorc went to port colborna to ship baforo the mast ilia ser vices wro pot in demand and ho started to walk back homo aealn ho had reacbad a point in nelson town- ship near aali when footsore una wary ho concluded to try for a ride on a train trolna north from hamll ton to thb end bo placed two rail way tloa acrouii that truck tiiletidlnz to jump the train when it stopped to liavo the obstruction removed ills achoma worked tba enjrlnogr fallo1 to soo the tloa until almost upon them the etiulno struck tboni uml ono waa ulioved underneath foriun- atoly no sarloua damaao waa douo swain not hlu rid to geprctqwu whom chief jarksop awaited tillil d bleed bim under arrest ami lodged him in tho oollai nokt day be camo before illce muiclatrato voorn cliartfad with tbo criminal offenro of placlpj ohslructloiis on railway tracks by c it coiislnbla i ulterton of allan dau tho prisoner pjoudod tfullty he wuu iwntencod to tbroo months in tho ontario ltafarmatory wltli further lu- ileurmlnato aantonco of nlnu months u conducted outjbf doors very spec lal attention is felven to the boa 1th of the children und physical training oocuplcu a in mo placo in tbo currl oul church meatlno at hatpolar on tuooilay tlio presbyterlal and prealtytery of cuelpb district hold combined m patina 1 st andrew u iroubyterlan cbrcji at heupeler tjioa two hmltou mot tlret jn com blned sedition for tho opening mcer cisju hv a c qtpwart thn moder atpi- of ourljih dint riot conveyed fcrootlnaa of tha presbytery to tho 1rtjsbyterlal two uf tba special fea tures of tbo aoauiaiih were addroaaan by itov jr w mcnamani of tor on to and miss edith sinclair of tor onto about twenty luriloa of knox church acton attended this annual presbyter lal iiieotlntf of tbo w m b ilev a c stewart and mr alex mc donabk ropreaentallva oblor attend ed tho presbytery mootlnc at wondorlahd en friday stella dallas tbo feature plctura to bo shown at wonderland on fri day vonnir tells uie story of a woman a heart is the lonii through which tlio lovo llfo of evry woman la x rayo i it la a photographic rj cltal of sacrifice that will tuar at tho tloiia of itvory mother overy father every ilauahtor for there la n stella in ovary community tho story read by mllllona u follnwail in detail lid tli4 characters are mudo toutand out in liobl relief by suoh eminent soroon artlsta na hello bennett in thw title role ilonald col man aw slepban dallau alloa joyoo aa helen morrl- aoii ijjis moran tho uiimophlhtlcatod child wonder aa laurel jean her pholt as tho ftoaby im douglaa falrlmnks jr hi chard qrovesnor rockwood poucb villagk mketng tka hydra apdaunt sbowe a balahoe of 3as for april ho police village trustees mot in tlm town hull on ii y j at 8 p m prtuenl italiort thatcher in the chair tint minutes of tho provlous niootlnb were read and approve 1 ua road tlio f how hi it tt cio un to were i hsh e i fur payment police villarjo account w kills tit a ulna alum street uiut i 0 so street lurbuutfua april 70 00 hydra accounts il hawut onviipeu i 11 iv i c of outurlo u irch iiuw olint 3s4 00 to 00 nt 00 lyiw s u hoici salary on ar tbo teiidir f w ounl cepte 1 for drawing itruvol at 4otr pr lard dellvanul the kecretui y wuw instructs d t wrttti thy dputy mlnutcr or ilh wayu und request that apiiruacbuu h m ulti to inkermuu strt et north un south of ainu strt when tlje blgh way la bng built on mo i lun of messrs t smith a requisition wuu sent to tbo fownublp cuunul uuklutfhut tb sum f tj 000 00 be rulad by uvatlon on the rat ahl proporty lu tba vllbia far tho ui ktvp of the vllktue during tho year 1bj7 lurru i tb hydro reit fir april show injr u cr lit palaii4t of tlbftss was u- opted the hireling adiurud at 9 f i m s tb ituyce humtalry virtnrta parjttiw urfclmortofoi to the foreat school is a highly swcuillit omn air uchool for under prlvllietd and delica children tin irr intani7ot tfia lliwril ut iloattjr and hoard of kducntloh the forout sdmol bi in ojwration during wontbu4f urn yeaf anflalirorr the communitys social side of life s ieriiotuil itragraphd of interest to readers in town and country of urlinshy vlsllod mr c ii harrlnon lu lu montreal in a lumino trip r mrs alice mcpiinmon vlalld tor- nlo frlepda thlu week mr fuh cooper huu lautn a position lu a drug aloro in gait v mr bob rt soott wau homo front ultcboner for tbo wy k vtld mra j a mowutwnt tlio week end with frlondu in toronto fitwyrrr ilaj week with irlonda in jinmlltoii mr knhnrt w stewart was horn from grlmuhy over tlui wikond ilov an i mru a c wtewart visited ut oakvllle and toronto luat weak a ilalph visltml friend j in and vicinity during- tho wk- nrnurd fubrlclous of mon- wua i u acton over the week- mr and mru j m mootv of aoortotown wro in aoton on sun day f mr and- mfca malbourna oyorboll snt the wokond with friends in bhtntford mra trunk hliellvolel bug gone a ouolpli hospital for treatment ami an operation mr and mrs el q black und doris or toronto paid acton friends a brief vlalt oh thursday mr and mra jtoy wanahrouk of jwuta mr j m mcdonald attended th jtousloii of the safety convention at jfaronto thla w mru john orapt left luat w t to spend a few months in scotland vult- 1t o htnift fnlkw muun and aa younjj gl club qsva con64rt in milton tbo aoton community qloo club pal their return visit to milton on tuesday ovonlng and woro firooted by a full house and royally rooelvod the mil ton audience volood appreciation uf their cborusas mr frank icnapp barltop balolat iteevo utiwin and bis son ckrsro in their aanaphono duett und the entertainer mr will atkln son they aoemod aluo to onjoy tho ightiiloce orcbautra that accom panied the club and played at intor- muslan and prbn to the programme a number of tlio acton lvlondu of tho ci life club wnt to milton tu enjoy the conoert at tb cloiut of tba concert tba milton choral society op to rial nod tb vlkit or to u bnunuot in lcnox church school boonl tbo club is loud in their praise of the splendid reception they rocelvaj in milton drunken uoleribj vuit oualpb hd 8tay karl potter or hamilton qeorge overland and a win delaney of orangovllle aro wlshhib thoy hndn t struck guelph while on u little motor jaunt sunday night about four o clotk monday morning they suered un in ratio course down quebec yifaet uc rdlhg tq countable mogretfor bumiufj into another oat in 1 ware tlnally ecortil to tho pmfca- htutlon by ctyiauhloa tevens un i mogr gor thy upitautt 1 lb court monday morning 1 ottur frankly ndmutt d having bftm intoxlcutod wbllo drlv im a uir uu i wuu romptly uaiilijio id to seven duyw in thb wliuty fail by maglstrato witt 110 0u tid oosta were tlio mieu luetol out to tho uthir two wliu maintain i they wonyi t drunk but tba police maintained otherwise y knaa vauriq eopue vlalt jaorotown on monday veiling tho young poplog lulld of kid cirurcb acjou vlsltod tho louny poopb of uuo churclt georgetown and provl b l a pnigruintue that was gtmilly upprecl- uld by tbelt oeortlown fi lends tho fullowliig look- pa tt un tlm pvofammo an i uaeh uyulfted hritswlf and bl- sslf tu u vary or 611 table iimminr muiwu j oir m orr u orr j an- iltrsoii m mac donald a huit j morton miasru u utawart a4k a orr w llprton u ulrknaaa t mochrla inlpesting remarks wt ro mudo by major giant aud llv j a- macftun guigtuwu and buv a c stewart at ton iliu austu w s rved with rvrrsshuteilta in tlu i oi itubl und bountiful manner for whit h georgetown lu not ml an in leiusllng feature wau tbt rosuntutu n t f u cake with sovurul an l to lbiat tho birthday uf mi a jack wlio wuu taken graatly by aururtso i mr wm mcdoattf of silverado visited bin daughter mm itev a oi stewart lout week cra norrla 4tf mi hon haa bn- vlsltlna her daughter mra 1arjt t mteble church street mr und mra choa moltim of toronto siwnt the wekeiul at tbo homo of mra ltobert oaxvln mr und mra if nlcklln and mury o guelph visited t tba liar- ental homo on mother jpwy mr and mra joe kannedy stnt a couple of duya luat oekr lu toronta with bla sister mratfr wllaon mr thompson mlaa walters and mrs ulchurd gully of toronto spent tho woknd with aoton friends muu mniy clurrltlge lu in gupb hoaj ital for un oiiemtlon for tuna la she is making suitable recovery ilr und mru f j browning of toronto visited at tho home of br father mr george dulu thlu week mr and mra karl brown of kit obeiier visited bis parrnts mr and mrs a h drown over tbo week end mr and mra geo kdwarda and mru btuthnm and mr and mra wwi mcarthur visited frlondu at clojrk- aon mra j m warren mlaa barbara warren and mr vrad warren of tor- ohto visited aoton frleuda on satur day mr and mrs cecil iiualon of de troit mich vlsltod at lb bom of mr and mru s wltlon ovr thn weak ond mr arthur kelloy of detroit hponl tho week end at the homo of mr j kennedy on route to bla own home at smith a fall mr qoorgo jtodglns rooelvad tb sad peutf on monday of the death of ms brother will loan hodglna ut lenny soak v ir gpoight i and mra c i viultad mrs janut mr and mrs toronto and mr moore of dundaa moors on sunday mrt john clarke sr apd m john clarke jr and the mlaa a clarke of toronto made a brief vbl acton on sunday mra annotto ba rnea and mr ai mra john mouoop and son all of to onto silent the week end at tlio bon of mr lb h wansbrougb tbo many frltuda or mlaa jeas mowat who la in toronto goner hospital for treatment will ba plea ed to know aba la progressing fa voi ably mibh isabella an torson is in guelph goviaral hospital for treatment a i 01 ie ration was porformail un satur day und sbo mkklng favorable pro grosa iu ii macklln prsldnt and atmeial mauagar of tbo manltob i fraa prwu and mr harry tiltuii niade tuu lak pmmu u pleasant call i saturday morning mr john warren mrs stono mr m warrtn un i mlaa iluruaxa wrt n of toronto mutorod to actou on lueaday unl attended tbo funeral of tho luto mru titos kennedy mr unl mru ii p mot m spent a day or bo lust wook with llov dr all i mia t albert moore prior to tlmlr leaving for a three months trip to gnat ltrl tain und tho continent mlua dorbi sparrow wont to ui oontral hospital odelph on monday for an operation for appondicitla tito operation was performed on tuesday unuher coinlitlon is reported aa aftt- isfatilory mr und mrs b knapp of kitchen er und mlsai muud dougluu tuul mr frank knapp woro week end visitors ut tba homo or mr a lid mru c it uuupp ciurcb htroel mra kupp wul remain foi u vlalt of a week or h member tb publlo me ting in tbo uttiumfj ut tha buy saouteuivo- niwut thla tburaday evening a maatiug of thu 1 la ton prohi bition union will b bell in st paul church school boom milton on mon day muy h ut 3 p m full reporti f ttiut uunilulgii uud other liupiirt ut t uainuss will occupy tbo attulttlon of tbw dttlegifclo vij iwijiwji itm

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