Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1927, p. 3

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2ftj arton 3ftw brj0 thulthuay may ix it 17 the man who loveq a oardem tli wlio luveu ii gurduu will it vor bruk hlu uurt will in v r linvi jl harden nor xtutiil fitml mm mparl oh if vilj lllvl u gltrdltt n love monf trutf tin- i vi 1 a uirh frit iij or book can i ii i ve for youl j ho null wluj loves u gurdeti dempuir run m er kw- 1i titan wliu iovcm a harden and in li it tijrlve mint grow jiu ii tinvt i 1 inu thewn treusurrs ijion und contentment true the iiiah wi loveu a garden i hope that he tf you mury carolyn pavles pealee discusses indolence aum r down the road something i b uocti sitting by tho rouduld might huv wen a nmi it migh hn beenttululii mrjiyne lrw muleb xeuslee to the corner of the poreb una jwintwi urmii ubjnt mr leu shaded hlu eym with m gnarled imnd wcjljip demanded un a t ro- longed vlsw what u it und what ul it anyway 1 who do you epoe that 1 nellln down mnrj asked mr myne and how oong do you uilnk hasj been there una how ihuch jimrw 1 i tltth culutin on stayinr mr xnwiblmt n the matter moment of profound thought berora in khlwrriml it fjther lay cobb or 0e auop he aald at lssk there wlnt any otlwr toon in town lay nougb und shlrhms noub to be eettln there any nvt length of tlm if you pin mo wifht down- to which onn of em t la ul say cobb aleop aint o sprawl nough ui boar it down thfre frum till place urn hot us today i dont hllova mr hyao as milch of a grin as hi naturally stm feature- per mitted fvo hoard a lot about aglop bln laky neno j knova hra to th town ha admltud uud ivo noticed cobb viuay louldnt hdu lcwhm h it noiir neighbor or mint txj you rly rockoh it a luijblo tor al lot to ha laifirtt cobbr well aula ilr ivaalm cftuou- ly cobby laity ti6b4h in ull eon- wolnca but ha dont ih to havi thn tame for u local that aliwi- trtt thtty va told htorutf ubout lilm hm te yrara imatthara- muit qga- trutfcjn botno oxjpj flemlnioctlnctd 1887 1kt7 kull tltrtt ycftr ynm ant ton jmv itamiuil ft licit nrut my feu illil tu tho llilit when in tho mldut of mothcra pain t uhh t livr u wolcomo alaht n thn deaooa aakd mr xvaalta runilndted a tnonteal wj jia- aaia thoughtfully l bapj tomtupbrabouronoim hw irhf null tun for our jiittumuhjp a ah iii in for our monuiiy pay far whut we ilia receive ol school aaahrwwwooiforwlhtin duy lloqulrlnjr rrtueh of tender car of lovo mi infinite to hlobw that nho aid eunrd ao patlontly ami in hir dally mra eiprona hut ntroiihth did coioo um day jiflua itewardlnu thuu tier tohdfir care ana trrowth in body and in mind yliuu brlncltiu chthr whbh ulio did uharo her wlbdotti and her lovw did luard ana aufely aulile tltroutfh iluyu of youth implantlna fullh in whik watt bfbt with mtronir rnrl for hont truth how much of oliantfo thin world haa ah tilno boyhood haiuy day wa knew when needs we ro4uullyu spiled itefore the old kavtf jilaco to now vor homeupun yarn tli droa auooued the tallow candlo irflve uu light the holldayu wore vary few auu mo were a supreme dellght- pat chrlutmhm aril hie glad new year tiia half of flalurday as wall the qiimn birthday tha heat ofall hnill l i i itlvnr cralt snd paaaea aouuwrly in that larser ktrwam untlj it f ai he iluke ontario at irt credit whut n slrnatn thla ujwd to imv for troutl the splendid catohos wu lined to cut u through ituthorfordh down tbruual timlths und lit tin old tmll i botween itower avnun all 1 iw itihihl liouae under thn ntpw uloni whlnd tivrrlutia blufbsmllli sl i hit i the california hfuw ntnhl manti hiiq fmlli nj trout wam cmukht by the wsrv lad who know liiiw jut with thelruirt liuoo cjivtty xrllii for the bla sikeejileil beauths under the lraiuiy f1e koine of tlto fluesl triiut i v trtt wirif ruult in this wuy lylne t ful lotieth in tint lirum ji u hu a umt alonir thn lauk llnrn were tlix dlckitfcu a mt r ly p seeing all and seeing nothing lo ildo in a arrimtj thn iuf miijiu in ulltio tl tlult 1im u i uilntirihws ul 1 itiv i ro urt was sattln stretched out bn the vorcb when there was a little br stlr- honeyauckls txvds him sost it jsst brusharf his nom nd started it to itchin ua bad it made tha tears come into his yn but ho was so lasy he wouldn t tur hi headlart ha-woujal- hoftveinrft a hand to scratch ms ttoaer h jfaot there and waited tot the wind to either ulf down or ahlft- th daaooh offered no comment and caleb went on and they ud to aay ha declared serlouely that ha dldn t yaww ilka other folks held lot his lower jaw drop down and yawn as longs hs felt ilka il and then mtherri hfet his jaw back whera it heonael hed tha top of his head drop down meet hhi jaw all such things they uaed to tell about him and y some of em was so i a know the deacon drew a ion weath when csjefi had dnished and ear a moment he rubbed the itollabad bead of bis otlum cane weh be said slowly as if whrh uw the kmvbabjuues in hi koltxl mebbe they mhxht hoi all of vm ben true but tot myself im ready blleva vary one of eni and more mans got tp ha buy and abbftloas that ii pform the way that critter a do in today i had to ro down to tha store this afternoon the deacon w on and wbdx uot down uira where you see aieop there lis was usettin there in ths brhin sun that was bot nouh to try fat out of a rock- tbere was 1 ood putofi at shade ttv foot ths further aide of blm and i ssked falm why in tunket he didnt move over tberw he kind of slanted his head up and looked at tha tree and then abook his head no she m kucm hlj uy her where i be he says if t wot ovw her id only have to btove aaln pretty soon when the aliadder ehlrt ed and taint so oojt aettln there more acabtr- ulow ions r you lottlo on eottln there if its a fair aueatlon wett she i dknow iot how long but im ftoln to wait till dr white aoes ty hes ko to itrewoy today and i want ta ase hint we i says you tnhlhts well pick up and ico home tar the doctora ww moren two iioursao be atari- 9 early and went the hack road to ee uto itolllns younjf one lie aln t contlns baot till ulahl nuther aaya kellup demanded mr hyt impressively do you reckon he f a bdove then when t told him lliatt well he didnt tie jel atv- another look up at the tre and then at the hi oedhr jeet beyon1 and settled down aolldirn vrt wel s he i aint aver one to bcredye waltln and i juees ml wait and as tor tnovln s be that cdars main to cast a uhadder riht lurd wbara i be by the middle of uie afler- ihkn i lokiil 1 ii jant beep my set tip and walt for that t dont car u boot how bitf a aosy yo tell me about ahtops be in lasy oonciuded mr ilyne with conviction f can bmlove em all lifter wlist 1 jtee of hlni thlu kuornln i a alexih with runners nature bent a ball of yarn idd ullhf ainnllli leotttor cover ii would for a time the bat defy the eralu with c radio then was cut tha sliaavas were mndo with rake ofwqoil and surely bjiuml by sturdy lianas tlwn for u time in stook it stood the brass was cut with trusty scythe and tor a 11ms in swath would lie anal often turned with fork of steel that it would thus tlm aonnor tin ana thus perhaps ns welcome food qpyr cattle an 1 for horses too and also for tho ohsep whose wool was freely us for jrarmcnu bw tje faithful o with wooden bow was often used in dally toi to move a load from phico to place and with the plow to turn tho aoil the ilabbflth was a day of rcit am to uio chunch tlfblr way tlteyd wend and oft for many miles had come dtudraus over to attend no uertnon short in minutes few would satlufy their ml ml or heart hut for an hour or fyaybo two r they patiently dl 1 do their port trullt nlrur down hrouch the lxrry bukhi u hi jlnunle cumurou farm to tbf point whir the utreiim entirs lilry lkc thu thrt wtfm tlordons cri k as everylmmly railed it tlfty or suty yer so h rlwea 1 1 hf rourth line just emve the kjfuewltirt and krln trees road the beat iml of wutercreeiuu in the eouniry is at is nourtc uinl through the auklln hwu khumr pi ice it has always htii a fa rtjort wtlwirietifnavynilifm tuntent uprluif corrective this stream inlanders down ihrouab ths benny and mc- donuld puc j uulll it reaches cedar criek tanit wher the wurrvrt fumlly silent slsly yi r of their real kirf lirtar comliiif from klngui in lit v rhrauhlre itcotlund then it tajkem u further meaiulcrlnif oourse weet- ward throuah tho tiraham und allan aicdoiuild farm now mr youiuas and then turns uicslii throu tho w tea t i ul 1 1 nu ii ii m then continues easterly until it ulao reaches the itlver credil throulli clarrljffns and mann s au4 mocut- loughs over to mlckell s und ucroas to iihi famous jones bjscf one of the utstlons of tho underground high way of the noted jonaa band of htorae thieves of sixty years ofco there wils great rl ailing at this point years ago alid occnalonally a fin speckled beauty is still caught by tho patient fisherman from here the creek runs down through the undiuiy plates und tot to fit wort town and oeoraelown uttd korvul and finally to jjtka on and korvel ahct finally to luke on tario through huttohvllle and kldor- another doted stream of this local ity is tho one which ruos with a deep cool tool in mrj rtasll johnston a foym on the second line its coiirse la al ways welerlyit vune through an drew murrays pasture furtn across the first line to the crawaons traces through jim gambles under the rail way and no 7 ulgbwayta comr of john browns and thence under the town line into nasaagaweya and on to the arabd lliver bear tie dlue flprlns- klnauy it rcacla oalt and krantforj and with ts trlbutarleit emhtles lnf xv inrl r h 7 sirimrrfl mv kastwleajref w- w alattyyeararthm most successful fishermen who have ullwoy ir utnl iko ul your fellow ikiu- lu bvtumo tonvllk longur worth hvlnif lithiiulasm tut in rvjxxu guslnu dully ilrit j dlntf thulr puporn with neir lit r urn mi ij glances jle 1 strulglit kihmiii amiiiulo glrlm pi t ring envl iimly wliji lurkluulur yen nt oiin aikillierw hw ry wauu it conning tlm huts of urtleleu thiy lull ud in liurcbujh mow utul thfn ptrhui u i tuat that in jvi slain of well ullblnll i heliin- hut bow oft novyou look uri oin llluitihu l from within by the divine spark of joyoiiem uj i what lu tho tnulurr clilrdy this i bt lurkltltf lulerivst in the voulltiu uf hllhllteiim or liollai keeping r shop plug- or trvoii pleasuring too muii of uu have ullownl ounulvs to hi come nlso inrurloiih in rcirurd to thn entire wirlil ijxiut uu 1 he woolu an 1 jiiiiik hid m ii mil woim n be iyensftiul un mktli uiuymbul otf- frm iiu by our own ilulliuim 4r ci pluci m y notice that uiitd on tho other n of lio ear iiiu noic is i remie 1 ajtuliimt the wlmlow pane hlu i hi at ecmtatlcolly oti thd kcut his bubbllnif voice keut up u continual joyful 6omnn ut on the ohjeets that iuihm imifore hint for him the very cateti liars on tlie tona are drnjrona and tha snull in the putlf waru a ttf llljih 1 threaded for the season in he umiiuliur luirurtci traversed its hanke of bite years are aheevwiurrbertindtor varmcr the wellknown core creek also joins this stream neat- ittuo hprlhg pajfbrafter a short ninitts so 5t meander njf is remarkable that all thcoq ulreams which rise near acton havo been noted for trout through all tho 1 hot looking roll ynoublc 8evua i years tby lfovrumenl forhade polygamy antona the indians an order that was not 11 geeuis im plicitly obeyed quumuih karher chief of cotnanfiliaa told tha oacantjt tea on indian uifalrs that huthy of hlg tribe bad uhtw than iaa wife the tuunmlttve directed him um uu the offenders tlult this ujmdlllon affalcs muat rttaae thai the extra wives ntuet be sent home in ihelr parents at a later teelon5xkr tlgilln uesred lwfor1 the oommltte u you till your bucks i but thay must luivo but oiui wife iarkrrr veu me toll um reejuikiul tho india ld they gi t rid of thu extra wi vsr ves all tone unucrej thn chief uut uriod d ooiuinllueinati i aiii told that you yourself have ulx wlvrs bes me uot ul uald iurker now that will not do l yuii havf got to gil ild of tho itrii wives you lu hut k home an i lull ihrin to leave h ml ihoiu to their panmis t ii thni to lu hi mo jtou lull uuil vetmdctl wrkr in worship of their fathers hod who td each hoart was very dear ami in a paraphrase or pualm with volcoe earnest sweet and clear no inetrument was then in use to lead them lu tholr songs of praise but a prooontor cltnaetr wax that ho for thtmi the tunc mliht raise and thus lu earuostiiess and faith they gained new utr ngth to do thslr best and an ciulnplo set to youth that all in truth mllht safely re dut now the hinds are groat ly changed a spirit of unrest jh here a rush to gain and ut ami hold of aod or man to have no fear tod oft to seek a gplnuh end no thought of others joy or pain despulnu law or cood udvlce intent on something- now to gain still there is much of hoilemty of kindness an 1 of loving thought with hope that yet the right shall rule and ut of darkiioaa light be brought ingtlealde was settled and have been ashed over through all tha intervening yearn and from evvry one of ihem sine j the first of may this year good catches of trout have been secured by perittca fuhertnen i wish 1 could manage to have other early morn in trump along- thi banks of any one or them again i think there would be a j rout dinner ut our bouse that day but my time for that beloved sport is over aml my rod and re untj ereel he rusting un used 1h tho old siorcrooft of th home it is his utirtlmmed belief tluit works the happy mlruch s hut wo refuse even to let those guse wko would hit down now like a uood hoy and i mi qulel anyu tha ehll i m mother and fucea him uhout ho that bis happy questioning- eyes tie ho id only thn dis contented fureu about hi ill have wm not lime to tierome in tereuted in something outside qf busl- neas and peaeure7 must wo allow life thus to upln us dlxxlly along out of thn nursery through the urhotil- room into tha workahop fuulpg eviwylhlng into one rushlnjr streak urjtil our vttry joys die of fnvrt cod forbid that the boy across the aisled twisting tuimislly on the uont with ym flllod with tears of exas- lsdon should wer htjdonio recon ciled to tho enforced dulliieaa a hlu life kin iit rltbt in demanding a joyouu eutfer nnthuulastlo outlook on tho worll and its affairs for that is his heaven horn heritage ila birth right lu entailed and so long ns hd remains his father chill it is not rudely to lie snatcht those who nro themselves unitoiuuas ed of the spirit of adventure or tho joy or life i r- cantankcnous uncle jake uncle jkrywiixcm or meters of uuubury lie was as deaf pout w hem lie wanted to be ul nn tintnrf ptnv ml leo fm tt c klf one of his neighbors came into his yard one day and said undo jako id llko to borrow your wagon this morning mlno is having a spring rlk hd en ulthnuui not a man ih f oil 1 by u tlltlloult prot ii 1 one onto that uiiordiiis ik i lu in the iftmlmveuci jurum i u piisujt l hltn gorely the i ny in which hn mot it i chiilli llii ii nil jmii i- wrd twrfh uihiklhig tin muiinii i ul llnrehlestu ion appmrhll i m in irnlni ut linn huiiu ii hi n wllh j oh inn oiiiten iiiki hejgi ii f r nn hiturvh w with mm i ii allhoui it uoinowhut mystl ii d by llmon u ulnngit manni r tltu 1 1 ly gl ully grnnli il hlu ri um ml lliidi i no clieutiiulatie m must your hiiiliuud lu dlniurhed ibm n lugun wujh hey wiro ul uu 1j hli lhj t h r know noihlmc u nil about the mufhr it ii only u trlflij ihut has bun worrying iii n button hail come off mid 1 have to ut w 11 on again i liiivi bout lit thn nee lie ud thr lid hut ii t nte sow it on f r you in terrupt d m iu whin i wundor hud pen uteadlly growlntr n no k ild ihneii bantu i hould really rather o lh it tnyst if what d i viiuwbdi of p fheit lb inly tiukt i mho uuii etiuld not litifebhliiiii wh hi put ihnil huvi loniiultid hi r upon ihrlr weighty af fair i only wonted in uuu you to thread the nitiwlte again and again i havo trf d it nn 1 dm thrum ulbiply wont gi in i shall have lo admit ihut it lu nn art i could never bollve so dif ficult- hmlllnir ira un helped him out jf hlu illlucully a wecik hl hli iukfiir having in- ihrendlnr his neetlli luhaiih have to trouble yon again for your uorvlcts hwen unswered in his mout serious manner you see lp needle lu thrt utr now utid i toolc very good care that the thread shoul i ue longr enough to last jjp whole old roeg in ncw places rat la a great danger to the airship mid the ncroptane tho mech- ixm is no delicate that one rat board can do xerlouu nilhotiiflf if if bites through woodwork nr tears the fabric of tho winga it may cuuhb the vessel to collapse there in a remarkablo story largo nrroubineliiai during thowar ifnu fly in if over mountainous cpuntry n tho weulcrn front pilot and ob orver were much dlsturlied at dla overlng traceu of a rat on board but they had no mofcnn of capturing it they thounlit of jandlng but the hi m vn hours one night recently and lct ln cnuv brodcastin- dimnc orchestra when they wr phvjlaaiuitthaoalaiirown viceregal party visits school catv xbt uk exrtllency vurount wo vv tingdon and ljuly wlihnrloo ar rived at ramsay opt recently jt was for the putpoec of inspect m the cana- vieoount and lxuly wilbngdon ex- aroused raid mr mcnoily that night dosaea fof childrccuiuul adults had been yound mtamhvrd time that thin oerurrnd but 4eatwirhirdrrthtiocrrthnvn inlf in vancouver where pacific time relgna and uiey called 10jo pm ie logofthn prevlsnu 6veuing the rocoptlon has iteen verhletl and a it mckwnn i roc tor or ihullo conadlan national railways statmr thnt the occasion la the flrat on which canadian broadcasting station baa covered thn jong distance from coast to coast jonathan swift the dean swift so well known to fame dearly loved jak and constantly infllated them fin his frletfdn and servants fiometlmen they were kindly enough and somo umosauiljihjkav imh zliiflii 1 an maiwlntf example f the fnrttmr vlnrl l its mostly knd 1 see that irene has a w dre yes aht tttudi it rixm tttl u pods well it m odd wtiare it amis ftillesldfiv remlnlscelncoh cel tulnly take us tack to ths early days with the early customs und the early methods of doing things on week days and on bun days those in t fronting res cull me back to my own boy hood days every verse has much nf interest to m anl i eujoy the mem orles wljicli cluuler about them uut i am reminded by the numrous lads j have met wllh fluhlng vodu on their shoulders that iitgh aide left out un ttluhirlmlit verse uhout the boye love for hahtng in tho cuirly days i have cumo to the coiiolushm that i was not a flaliermun like lio uvrags boy of to day and of tha days whep the country wus new when tha april frahet und tho sprlug rains of may emtio ytiar by year think i was always a real boy in the matter of ashing until my rheu matism knocked out ipur my old llmua and rubbed did of the great pleasure ramping the brooks uid at reams luirabouteu- j fifliik v bawi over thiju oil aiid have limti at the aouroe of most of ihtiu i wonder if thu tutys of to day know wheri tha aton jtvu rlsaa and where tho cutrrldg stream had lu beginning and where tho water of tha illue spring iwunclj of the grand itlver conies frumt thuuo huvosiach been fuvprlo ach ing grounds for jn wji tho aclpn crk rlwes on thi tblrj line cut thtt curiur of tho old timothy wurdleys pluct wlikh now ikiloiigu to harllt lavidoii then it runs lulu he tiout ioni proimiiy f- tin rlrsl brooku und aiippllis their nurury mid loiujulltig ponds it tin it runs town llirouuh tho i iirm r of mr mir itrt ttwllxtru ftii m tin n thruughtlui wtiijli width of mr young u plure and ihtin it r a i in i corporillon 1ntul aiid by u short hip urnms town lots uiwhr hutu hlruet laldge thidulh n k utid uu lu salry iake vhre it ujn uim out uitl coveta eighty tight tin u it thu ulrium isronviy e1 to ileurdmorwu tuuiierh u thtuugb oondulla thsti r rms ths tajnn ry crek uud puuu on down to otdly vurtleii uil um ihubo ujui lb n ii hit w trthiwil tin ii u rms uu wi m 1 ham h u lillle below leorgijlowu utid iaatly bacotues a tilbulaiy of th hi9 diary mow many of tha boys utid ulrl wtio began tha year fully determined to keep a diary have persevered to tho preettnt time not all of then it a safe to say too many would bo able even now o match tha xprlettc of an old correspoudenl in journal- keeping ma in many other things is easy to run well for ji season i lately earn across a utile diary which was started no matter how long ago by a boy of ten yurs on thd firat day of the year ha wrote jan 1 aw going to beep a faith ful record toe this year lapa says it will bo inlereautuf tar mo to rsud when i am a man i suppose it will it u a beautiful day ibo bright and sunny mad a two buded kulfo new years gift went skating wltb cjiarloy lyons fell and lo broko my head cliarley tried to cut ft pigeons wttu on tho ice an i sklnuia his nosa uwfupy went t entertainment in tha evening no gooj went 10 bed jan- s up at halfpost sjy jod hali halls tar breakfast 1 hat them went to achool jot kept- iii for llot knowing grammar isoh went caastlnjr with tho boys on mount how- doln hill oreat run flprolrwd my leg struck curbstone and took awful header in a- snow bank no more to day jan j moet tho kama as yester day ouly it was arithmetic instead ojtjrramimu isksan that i gat kept in for jflad quarrel wllh jlmmle lane und uluill nover spaak to him again jan 4 made up wllh jim iane lie hud bag of chocolate drops wo traded knives night utuumtn und came out about even- too tired to write more juu llahilng traded back with jim lane nud hs gave uie lead itettcll lu boou to bd jan t lip at six- dnowlng bjepy jan 7 nothing to write jan s i ulnt going to kp thti diary any mora it don t pay tho record nds here you ii have to apeak louder re joined unclo jake i don t hear very well und i dont ilka to lend my wagon anyhow tho old man was an expert maknr of axhelves mn occupation in which there ie more art than tho unjnstruct ed would suppose and theso handles lio left at tho village utore to bo sold uu commission one snowy day us uncle jkc came stumping up lljr stops of tho atoro another old fellow who was known as undo horace remarked to tho men lounging about the stovo ill treat tho crowd it i don t make unple jakb ugreo on tha first thing i say t dm when he conos in iipn o ash undo lloracol callpd jut uje sofekoeptr that never tjappi ncd ic and it isn t like ly to hut uncle ilnrarc merely grinned audolikotl up one of undo jake a ax hvlvou the door opened und in csme uncle juke jakcnald uncle horace running his fingers uu and down tho amooti uood this lu a mighty good ax handle vo it aln l replied ujiclo jake once i can maka good handles but that one jouvo got lu the kind people want they dont know no lu atari and uncle horuce treated the com pahy to ourdfncu crackers und checuo a frcc2couti bald n bald bended man to a waitress bold bvci hero jnung woman my cocoas cald she scornfully answered i cant help that if the blamed things chilly put on your haj1 flit kills moths and their larvae diantpaafic achool car which has created so much ducuseirat since its inaugura tion bat september walter mcnvliy the teachef who has been in charge of the car vines it was used tar the thirpoae met their exccllencsa mtui told them of the mode of teaching employed how the ciasaea wcro conducted and of tlie deep- interest taken by the chihlrgn la thai new departure in aiaeemutauag edti- catsjn throughout section whch hitherto has itfccrt pactually unaerved by achocjs so gxaat was the intcretd prciaciltlicir delight at the opjiortunity of inspecting the acliool car and her ladyship cftiicctally made a point of chatting with tlie children who con fimcil tluirtrachcfs clllm as jp the cars popularity lady willintlou waa highly plcaaed with her experience and handed tho chocolates ouo presenting- her own and j hi licceljcticy rngraphs to bo placdl in the car himing the childretl uood bvv she matle a point nf oaking mr mcnnuy to giva his echohtrs a half itohday ui re- membrattcer of tho vtstt and this was of course done lord will in fjdoit oil icavitlgr remwtod that it was quite evi lent tliat tiia cam dian iaciiic italiway was taking prrat interest in tha welfare of the children along tlio moro remote ci r lines he complimented botkthe company nntf the cjnlnrla minuter of education uu thd great educational werk they wttw purauintc in that district mr mcnally prcacntad than 1 jcellwicm witi b book of photograiibe of tlw school car and tho chimcp it serves at a variety of poluta on the 125 mile of tracks alone which ittnovcsj the deans leogon one when the dean wan travelling in ireland ho fuuad himself oblige i to stay- hewl eh it r u waysldo inn in the morning whan his servant brought him his boots ho saw that they had- not bn cleaned he naked why j thought sir au you were going to ride that they would aoonbo dirty again obl hlsmftsler vjrywalt obeyed and in the meantime the dean co and see to tho horses tli man ordered ths landlord net to give him any breakfast when the man re turned his mauler told him to bring the horse round out sir remonstrated tho innn i have not yot had my breakfast oh that is no matter replied the dean cheerfully wa will start on our journey for it is certain tliat if you were te have your breakfast you would soon bo hungry again and ho took him breakfast loss away w o may suppose that he never nghln waleeted to clean his maulcra bootx when on jouriwy yhc tltjas ifi had eaten plan saved v 8iieer pluck the juv jcwuiph i twlojfcll ror nearly fifty ysurs lusor of thoauylun hill congregatloiui church in hart frd uiw uirte yuais of a ryloa lu the civil wurjis chaplain of tho 7tst new york ifexlllieul in tu course uf hla aervlfi mr wjllptli u nyporl uiuatf wrw uf cuurwa blm flli varied one of tlipln of u wrio cynile nature hug bedn rioertlly made pghhc by tlie nt w york hun after a certain flili i the uurgtum told the chaplain tlmt utn mmr mw uua oulto beyiul hope the uhuji hi in haneil ovir tlm dying snldur well my d4 ar fi llow in lit li lu a volle of det p intillon you ur v ry badly woundtj uu 1 if you hav lythliig lu nay or uu word that juu int aelit to your family t w thu wmr ftlluw underhluojf iy liiel ie coat kwki i hi breathed pain fully in those gloomy days or iiilii prices anxious heads or families aro carer ly uooklng helpful hints fur keelng down cjxpuiiupu au containing such a huggohtlnn tho following utoxy of a ifonnand and anno of tin uultan s realm toh in hooter dona id mm jen kfus itehlpd tuvklsh iaittlccu is hniiefujly offered it la said there was once a man who so dearly loved hla evening uwal tlutt ovary day while hn workm ho aid nothing hut plan what it should be at tho thought uf tho viands hlu mouth would water ana ho would re jolco over tho food that wau coming one day it occurred to hint that ho got moro enjoyment from the loitg an ticipation fhan from tlie brief realisa tion and then tho thought canto to him why not huvo the anticipation without spending the money that the dinner had bet n coating t bo tried tho plan i shall have klliobu and fine pilaff to night howuull auutiro iilnibcif ull day and after that wire cako fcnl yogurt he woull lick hlu iimi in happy mi tlclpatlun while lin worked and when night came he would eat a simple itisul of ollwa und bread a ild remark tla as if 1 bad euton tho plan worke 1 mt well that in uie course of yoars he aavid inoniy enough to bull i a nuuauo which he jlollod the tis au ifjlhad eaten moaque oes riot strain tin rbai lain full then nud took it uul you uufcitr wau the fullil it pot ketlmio lu that who c ply iters is a lu tl liar hill lu wliat yiu wsntr yea what hhull i do wllh it t rhtn bt kohlh r ina whuiur you that i dun t did- and ho did not u motor coach line proves great convenience tak psftaenuera whsrs they wgnt heart of toronto th in tor c iacti servlco now being optrntyd ly uu arrow ctath llntu llptlli i along iho routo from fuindoit toniuttj serving tho intcrvanhig tawjis iff ul maryu htrutford ci1 it ems cjuuli h acton ctorutowu un t ilrulnplon is prnvlng vi i y m pillar wll iruvlliiv lh uii u ihm d 1uk0 tilt of i wirh that lu mvlng l hi utile mid whlc i uro iijijljijii with vcit luuhiu du for cpiuffirt an huftty thu c oesulblllty of tin ruuto lu of viry grtut tiuvuduntf the toronto leriulnul luht in lbs iiujiit uf th down town rtlm of tin city lrlius its iu ii uth within tuuy ucciuu to uu lr down mth a uud no iniki umuceuury lii inuk uu o i tm onto mitt lam i hlu ttllinlual 1u wvlllugtoii mretti of thd he eltyu ulu i von ul i w iltlug r oi hug ciinvwiluucu this service it lu tli ull y from yi u buhlueuu right i lo wjlboul on iiuiuvii uaiu i lug 1 1 c hanging t s wiimii in thu lattur illy it witii un i jiit n bit k frum ut uim tu ut uliiu prlia i n tooif ut i wllh uy inaklug uuo of pthmlbbf to go prui hiimo or place it f tu hut stamina bkxjcmj mfty autd cooxfewiw lhals ww gtsnldijpnr tlsa- xaitral brooeaev nreai to fan- toosi tres curcodapplnc feoes to tta vcty iwmjrt csf enrery ccsrd thesr- oushjy aturkabw auosl ivnpffjty xattma evy illw vith kruuxar jusiivcd creeuw vocsapotxy aaufvly ausd cccsmf cart m um duy- id hjftj duycxat asarvice at tbsr largest trtickf lo auxl tacxicaus flwuei ue tddfl of tars on kt hmckfuitt oj caurs taf jasaodraraul of mhocuahtrtjtf vhjf wsalosjwu uwougltout tlw cotan ry yoorf tir oa vrill ix knay ftwuuy lcmvtl hy kasittujf thai kkcatrcaat ywrcalaum dcsauw qtaq wouf cou- wrui txmaw vottgjierfta irc sd iuat kiawr yucbtttonm yfif fa hobbxic co tar cawajda pmrrci oaisfiif kksllalt ju05f muje3 rer yiret one rireetones are suenhed in acionhy hiohwav qahaok a milaac phone i hi james bvuon hanlwur juite vlnuift 4 vounq uynety oarage and implement shop l h i aikur i huno ttl hulks foft piqhyins fires 1 keep cool and act quickly 2 malt tttur plans in advance na tu what you wetild da in case of fire 3 have one or more hand tire ex ttnguuhers wltbln easy re ich h he sure that every one in tho house knows whore they arc und how to usit tham e olve tha alarm promptly by call lna jlr unless in a crow led room a in a crowded room give tho alarm quietly and keep the people calm if you send a telephone alarm call tho operator- an 1 nay i wl ih to report a fire and be sure to jrive the address always keep your head grown in the best gardens in the orient blended by rrien trained in the nmm fits good test packed in the bet packet yet found for tea aluminum this great healing oil must banish eczema and skin troubles or your money hack thata the plan on which emerald ou is sold by e j hassan and all good drtitfrriauj iki up your mini to diy you rolng tt rtm- your okln a roul chnnco lo gel will lnuvii proliabty item hti u lot of ithir iitopi luminc d that tin only him to uuo utin un ointintnt i r zulvo of hum ytt voi j ood but in imijorltj of cm a th i ntlcliy ihm nlm ly clou tlio porcii and tin imltton primarily rt nt tlnii the innn go to 1 j ilnoiiurd or any oilier tttod druggbt to d ly and lt an orljt inrt btttl of moon u i mtntl i oil tho very flmt ui plii ttlon will give liu rtllcf and u fciv nil rt tro itmontu wsil thoioujhly ctit vinci you that by lie ut mm frtthfiilly to it for a uharf w hll y out akin troublon ill bo n llilni of uio i nut on t tvp rt it uinglo liottln to di it ajl it tint but t no boltlo wo know ulll i how yfiu licyond nil qursulon th it u ln tlit dlscovtrod una um to rmturl jour ukln to perfect in iltlt itememlm r tli it uoonov pmrram oil i i i 1 1 in powi rful peno tro ting ntl j i ou tint donn not ntaln or i t i n my n ild urt and that it ntuut i ivl oinputo u itlnfaotlon or your ipoi v elm rfully refunded 0bb3iw the objects of service clubs in practically all towns and communities there arc now service clubs of various kinds which while perhups devoting a great part of- their ciilrgice to specific lines of endeavor nevertheless have one outstanding predominating chnractens tic common to ull that is the establishing between man and man whether competitor or not wlietlier rich or poor whether of high or low degree in the community n spnit of cooperation good will and mutual helpfulnebb it is be com ing daily more evident that much more can be uteoinplishcd and much better conditions ctublibhed if men will work in harmony if they will help und support each other if they will o conduct tieir affuic as to be reasonably fan to nil with whom they muy have business dealings the principle enn bst he exemplified so far as biistncs and professional men arcconpcrtied by exieiidiuj to e ielt ether in any community uch business putrimiij c as we niuj have to hand out rather than to extend such fuvora to thoe from distant towns or citioi givt to your home business houses all the patronugc you possibly tun when in need of printed muitor of any kind consult the acton free press luuut d by tho canadian i lib n h ijirn viuu i it 1 nt 313 m tuning chuinb ru 1 i rto wwwmwjwjwanrkwwksk

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